y Sidcache, Headache, and a Worn-oot Feeling May all come from Constipation. i Lane's Family I Medicine (called also Lane's Tea) is a herb Tonic-Laxative and will cure constipation and the ills that come from it. It is a great blood medicine and one of the best for all stomach, kidney and bowel T' complaints. All druggists, and 50 cts. Local Items Ilaring a good stock of hardware and tinware on hand, wc ask you to oull and see us. Schrierer Bros. f f urn ii A Combs was here from Iloruer KjT 1'uesday on business. Judge R E Evans transacted business at Wayne Monday. legal Hanker Ed T Kearney, of Jackson, was a business visitor here Tuesday. George Garter of Omaha, was a vis itor at the M O Ayres home Tuesday. Attorney Kingsbary of Ponca was looking after legal matters here Mon day. Mrs M E Bokoskie, of Newcastle, stopped off here last Friday for a visit with friends. Mrs John Foltz departed Saturday for her old Lome in Michigan for a I month's visit with relatives. 1 Mrs Louis Cooley came down from Wakefield last week for a visit with relatives, returning home Thursday. Lawrence Jay, salesman for the Baum Iron company of Omaha, visited old friends here Monday, between trains. D O Sayre, a section foreman on tlie Great Northern, located at Perkins, Iowa, visited here Sunday with his brother, G W. j Any cash customer who spends a dollar at Van de Z-ride's, sugar except ed can get their choice of any glass , dish on the center table. Mona and Phyllis Nordyke, daugh ters of Eugene Nordyke and wife of Sioux City, visited Tuesday night at the Mrs Mollie Broyhill home. Chris Kohlmeier and family and H F Kohlmeier sr, came np from Craig, Nelr. Saturday and visited at the ! Geo Kohlmeier home until Monday. Rev Von Hagen will preach Sunday morning from the subject, "The Good Shepherd," and the evening subject will be, "A Conference to be Avoided." Carl Sund and Julins Lischke, two prosperous farmers on route 1, were in last Friday and added their names to The Herald's list of readers, and will get all the news while it is news Paul McAllister came down from Burbank, S D, Tuesday to visit a few days with his parent. Panl Las made good since going to South Dakota, which h'e says is the "only state in the union ," Ed Bodenbender orders The Herald sent to his address at Venango, Nebr, near the Colorado line, where he has taken up a claim and will grow up with the country. Ed is one of Dako ta county's energetic boys and will aurely meet with suocess. Bruno Visoio, an Italian who has lipsn working ou the BurliDgtou sec tion, was taken in custody by Sheriff Knpkwfill Tuosdav on complaint of his brother. Pasnuale Viscio, charging him with insanilv. Later he was turned loose upon requost of his brother. Services at the Methodist Epifcopa church every Sunday as follows: Preaohing, 11am; Sunday so'jool, 10 am! Class meeting 12 m: Epworth League, 6 -.30 p m; Preaohing, 7:30p Hi. Preaoh in Grace church every Sunday at 2 :30 p m. Yon are cordially invited to any and all these services Ludwig Schmidt, of Clalena, 111, and Olivia House, of Nebraska City, Nh. were nrranted a license to marry Thursday. In the absence of Judge Stinson. Oeorce Wilkins. oleik of the district conrt. administered to their want in issuins the license, but whn thev asked him to perform the cere mnnv h hlnshinslv ref oned them to Rev W S Oberholtzer, who performed the ceremony . A recent order of the Postmaster General, in reference to mailing circu lars and other mail matter which is prepaid and unaddressed. or which is addressed to box and route number prohibits the delivery of such matter by rural delivery carriers. It r-quires that all matter for delivery by. rura carriers shall be individually addressed to natrons as well as post paid, and will not permit the delivery of any matter which is dijaddressed or which is addressed merely to box and route numbers. BlXfc BEE'S SEEDS SUCCEED t V SPECIAL OFFER: mi. . h.iu New Bulnru Atrial' mako you our iriu:n;i.lcutuuier. vj Pr?7e f oilectlon "-ft J ntl.'.iiit;"'.lll',nl"Ji0-"'.bb??l.T.t'1 0 i ' W l" rf 4-H"'rt limn. ia vannm m " Write loajMentlonthls P?cf-n TsEN D lo " C ENT5 Kn'.rn tkk?d4 pscklnt Mid nem'v lhl yo'us-." 1 V lr f-Il-fllvO, licnutllul J I'Ul't llool., , I U. Uu U lUal v.rili ft Km.1i, rULli.au. yh. H. V. B-cLbee. M uW&t$L f is uj v.: t i fth laitt I f lnvil T.AftliA Tdlnrnitil ki YVitinal.a. go Wednesday. Dave Butcher spent Sunday with relatives at Emerson, Dr J A Marondp, Emerson, transact ed business here Monday. John Welker was a business visitor here from Homer Thursday. Eugene Nordyke, of Sioux City, was here on business Wednesday. M Mitohell was down from St Johns precinct on business yeaterda;. Thos Baird was up from Omadi pre cinct Tuesday transacting business. Rudolph 8chopke. of near Emerson, was a business visitor here Monday. Fred Kipper of Homer, transacted business at the court house Thursday. Carl Ream was here from Homer Monday and Tuesday, visiting rela tives. Wm Ronton left Thursday for Ray mond, S D. to spend the summer with his children. C L Culler and wife were down from Wayne Thursday visiting at the Mrs Wm Adair home. Mads Hansen was in from his farm in Hubbard precinct Thursday, at tending to hufineBS matters. The high school base ball team will go to Homer tomorrow to show the boys there how to play ball. Ed Larson is hack from Newcastle, where he went to relieve the manager of the E & B lumber yard for a week. About a dozen sports went to Sioux City Wednesday night to see "Farmer Burns" thtcw the Austrian, Delivuk. Mrs Ida Stallborries, sister of Jim Clark, returned to her home at West Point Saturday, after a week's visit here. I The Whipple Humane horse collar The only collar to fit any horse For snle by Edwards & Bradford Lumber company. Harry H Foltz announces iu the Herald that he is prepared to do cement work of all kinds. You had better fig are with him. Mrs Lizzie Meyer, formerly Mrs Lizzie E Bigg, arrived here from Gordon, Wis, Thursday for a visit t the J P Rockwell home. I have added a fine new line of over alls and jackets to my stock of mer chandise tliivt will be sold cheaper than t any store in Sioux City. Van de Zedde. Rev Von Hagen left Tuesday morn- ng for Norfolk, Nebr, to be in attend- nee at the annual district meeting. He expects to be away until Friday. A display of fine glassware, that looks as nice almost as any cut glass, and sold dirt, cheap; your choice on the center table for only 10 cent", at Van de Zedde's. The ofliners elee'ed by the Salem Lutherau congregation on Easter Sun- av will be installed next Sunday, namely. B M Boals, trustee; I W Fish er, elder, and Guy Sides, deacon. Regular preaching at Salem next Sunday morning at 11:00 o'clock. Sunday school at 10:00. Preaching t Emmanuel church, Dakota City at 8:00 pm. Sunday school at 9:45 a m. All those who are indebted to me ill please call and settle their ac counts between now and April 1st, or the same will be placed in the hands of a collector. Respectfully. J Van- de Zedde. - Your opinion about what you see is determined partly by how you see. Very few people have normal vision. Only perfectly fitted glasses will give both relief and normal sight. W U Eokhart, Licensed Optometrist. Scott Kookwell writes from Akron, Colo, near which place his claim is located, that he is now working on the new court house which is being built in Akron, and between times is making some improvements on his farm. The Kozy Studio is making special low prices during the spring months. Cabinets $ 150 up; also 24 small Pho tos 25c, 12 postals GOo. We lead in low prices. All work guaranteed. K.ozv Studio, 304 Douglas street, Sioux City, Io. I have now, with my new stock, a fine assortment of queensware, and anyone who wants auything in that line can get it as cheap or cheaper than they can buy it in Sioux City. Try me and see. ' Van de Zedde. The Geo G Blessing sale of Diuoe Jersey sows which was billed for last Saturday at Homer, was postponed to Saturday, May 1, on account of bad weather. Remember the date aud don't fail to attend this sale if you arb in the market for something tine. Have you seen our latest production in photos? We are now making some of the finest photos made anywhere for the money and prices very low. For groups, wedding or baby photos, see us first, and save money. D Li'xe Studio, Next to 5 and 10c store, 4(j 4th, Sioux City, Iowa. 'SATURDAY S8iturd&k.y Butter, per lb. ...... 23c Salt, per Barrel. . ..$150 One-Fifth off on all I lose for this date only Sekturday, Mtxy 1st 'Joe Cookies. . ..l(jc per lb. 3 pkgs Pancake Flour, ,25c Catsup and Chilli Sauce 3 Bottles for 25c Golden Egg Macaroni 5c per pkge All Laces up to rc a yard, at J5c S. A. Stinson Dakota City. Nebraska Sunday School Convention The fifth annual convention oi the Dakota County Sunday soliools was hld in the M E church beginning Wednesday afternoon at 2 o clock. The opening praise and prayer serv ice of twenty minutes was conducted by RevGlenney, and President Kryger of South Sioux City took the chair and gave greetings. Miss Margaret E Brown and Paul Dietrick, state offloers. were present and gave several floe ad dresses. Miss Brown gave an instruct ive talk to a large class of children who came from tho publio school and followed with an address to the con vention on the jubject of the "Elment ary Hour." Rev O E Von nagen conducted the song service on Wednesday evening. Miss Brown delivered a most earnest and effeotive address on the snbjeot "What is in Thine Hand?" The great responsibilities that rests upon all Sun day school workers were clearly and forcibly set forth . Thursday morning the secretary, Miis Elizabeth S Haaae, made a very comprehensive and complete report showing general progress has been made in the work. Officers aad teachers in Dakota coun ty, 117. Scholars, 485. Home Department, 63. Cradle Roll, 137. Paul Dietrick addressed the conven tion on "Dow to Enlist All in Sunday School Work." Some very interesting facts were given in this speech that showed the great good doue in every community where the ohurch and Sun Jay school is at work. Thursday afternoon conferences were held both for elementary and adult workers. The former conducted by Miss Brown and the latter by Mr Diet riok. Miss Elizabeth S n.iase of Dakota City, Mrs E O Tucker of Hubbard, and Mrs Kline of South Sioux City, were elected to the state Sunday school convention to be held at Kearney, June 15, 16 and 17. Rev Bray addressed the convention on the subject of "The Pastors Depart ment," and Rev Glenney, "The Pastor and his Sunday School Teacher." The next subject was "Teacher Training", at which ' Rev Oberholtzer presided. Remarks were made by Miss Brown upon "The First Course Outlined by the State Sunday 8chool Convention :" Paul Dietrick, "The Ad vanced Teaoher Training Course," aud Miss Haase upon "The Work Already Done in Dakota County." At one time fifty-four persons in tho county were studying this course and to the present time seven have graduated. Rev J L Philips addressed tho con vention upon "Adult Work and Organ ized Classes." ' Thursday evening Mr Dietrick Rave a very interesting address upon "Ten Reasons why Men are not in the Sun day School." The sesond speaker was Rev Stevens, pastor of the First Baptist chnrch of Sioux City, who gave a most instruct ive temperance talk, illustrating in a most vivid way by using diffeient lengths of paper showing how much more is spent for liquor each year than for the Bnppert of all religious woik. In closing an earnest plea was made to all to aid in the overthrow of this awful human curse. Officers were elected as follows : President, L. Kryger, Sioux. Vice President, . O. Tiicki-r. Ilublun'd. Secretary-Treasurer, KlUnbetb H. House, Dakota. 1. Bupt. Teaeher Training. Hurt Kroesen, Sioux. 3. Kupt. Home jK piu Uneot, Mary Renliur. er, Waterbury. 3. Snpt. Elementary Department, Mri.G. L. I.lvermore, Slnux. 4. Supt. Temperance Department, Rev. O. K. Von Hasten, Dakota, fi. Supt. Adult Class Department, J. Wlnebrenner, Sioux. . Supt. Pastor's Department. Rev. . ti. Phillips, Homer. 7. Supt. Intermediate Department. Mrs. L. Valentine. Sioux. The Homer M E church invited the convention for next year. Dedication of Trinity Lutheran Church at Hubbard Sunday, April 18, 190'J, will long be remembered as a day of special re ioicinR on the part of those interested in the Lutheran church at that plaoe Ever since the town was founded no protestant church of any kind existed iu Hubbard. Services have been held at various times by different ministers iu the Woodmen hull, but no congre cation was ever organized. At 10 o'clock in the morning the services began, the chureh bekg well filled with hearors. Rev L P Ludden, D D, Lutherau Home MUnion secreta rv, of Lincoln, was present, who con ducted the ceremony of dedication, be ing assisted by Rev's Nuesbanm, of Emerson, Ringer of Wavne, Oberholtz er of Dakota City, aud bimonsen (IJnn lBh) of Sioux City. After the dedication addresses were delivered by Rev W S Oberholtzer, Rev N P Bimonsen, and Dr Ludden, who made the canvas for funds at the close of his address, the forenoon serv ice was then closed and a bounteous luDch was served in the Woodmen hall Again at '2 o'olock the services began, presided over bv Dr Ludden. A a " SPECIALS j i April 2 4-1K Gallon Pail Syrup. . 3 pkges Yeast Foam, 35c lOc I I yon Uim crowded house greeted the speakers, The first address was delivered by Rev N P Simonsen of Sioux City, in the Danish language, followed by Rev C J Ringer of Wayne, and Dr Ludden, ho closed with an appeal for contri butions. The entire cost of the lot, chureh, urnace, pews, bell, organ, and other nruishings will be nearly $2,000, about all of which has been provided for. The choir from Emmanuel Lutheran church, Dakota City, and W F Mike sell from the Lutheran ohurch of Pon ca, rendered much appreciated musical services during the day. Others were present from the Lutheran churches at alem and South Sioux City. Ihe present officers of the congrega tion are: Andrew Hansen, Peter An- ereon, and Mrs B b Oribble, with thers to be elected later to complete oonncil. Next Sundav confirmation services ill be held, at which time the follow ing catechetical class will be received nto the church: Anna, Amelia and Emma Anderson, Myers, Carrie and Mary Hansen, Anns, Jennie and Hen ry Schroeder, Minnie ana Axel Has tnuxseu, Harry and lseruard Uriiibie, Lena Nelson. Albert Hanson, Oeorge oIidhou. Ensrre Hansen. Also others who desire to become members of the hurch will be received. The Sunday chool will be reorganized and sessions held every Sunday hereafter. This congregation has already made pphcation to the. English Lutheran Synod of Nebraska for admission, and will be received in due time. A royal welcome was extended to the visitors, and the members and friends of this congregution deserve credit for their kind hospitality. May much success attend them in the fu ture, is the sincere wish of the Herald NACORA. Lizzie Larson was shopping in Sioux City one day last week. Nellie Heeney is still very sick at her home north of town. P Hagsn, of 8ionx City, visited with relatives here the latter part of last week. Alice Demaray was a passenger to Dakota City last Friday aiternoon. Rose Heeney returned home last Monday morning from Hubbard, where she had been the past week. Dr and Mrs Evans, of Emerson, were calling in this viciuity Monday. A few from here attended the dance iu Emerson last Friday evening. Mike Smith and wife, of Hubbard, vinited near here the middle of the week. SALEM Hteiihen Joyce and wife presented their daughter, Francis, with a fine new piano last week. Horn, to Mr and Mrs l.d Loss on Monday, a daughter. Albert Ileikes shipped a car of hogi and two carsiof fat cuttle to the Sioux City market Ibis week. Little Curtis Bliven was taken sud denly sick with diphtheria while visit ing at the home of his grandparents in kiioux City. His mother is with him, and reports his condition as critical. 1 Sids Bros had a car of cattle on the Sioux City market Tuesday. Subscribe for the Herald, the bes) paper iu the county, fl a year. It wasn't the name that made the fame of It was the goodness of the crackers that made the fame of the name NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY HIGH SCHOOL NOTES j IO IT to BVTHC SENIOR CL.i Esther Learner was absent two days this week. Miss Antrim and Miss Cburcb of Homer visited the grammar room Fri day. Dewey Hcikes visited the schools Tuesday. Misses Hall, Waters, Keeffe and Harty visited the schools last Wednes day. Harry Broyhill was absent Monday and Tuesday on account of sickness. Miss James returned to her work Wednesday after a ten days visit at home. Mrs Theodore Bliven was a visitor to the second primary Friday p m. All kinds of coal, feed and hay for sale at reasonable prices. Fifldb & Slaughter Co. Thko E Blivkn," Manager. Dakota City, Neb. APPLICATION KOB LlyUOR LICENSE. Notice In hereby Klven that on April V, luutt, J. K. TrlKKM III)'" with the vIIIokh rlrlc of ImkoniCltv. Diikotn eounty. Nelrnnka. hlK application anil petition for ft llcenae to sell mult, 8rliituou ami vlnoim llquorx. mid conduct Miloon In Biild vIIIiikc, durlim the flMciil year iH-ulniiliiBt on the llrBt Tuemliiy In May. H'U. under the Iiiwh of the Htnte ot NehriiHka Him the ordinances oi haki vii liiuu. In a Imlldlnu lucuted on piirtB of loll 14 and lf, In lilock 140. Any and all olijcc- tloim to the irriintliiK of mild license xhimld lie on lllu lt li the vIIIhkc clerk of mild vll liiue on or lieforo the 4th day of May, ltK. .1. K. Tkhmis, Applicant. I"Aur. Vtr.KY, VIllnuK Hlcrk. Hated thin 14th nay of April, A. !., lvou. NOTICE OF APPLICATION EOU llyUOB I.1CENHF. . Notice In hcridiy Klven that on April 12, 1im, 4'arl Krcilrlcknon Itled with the v41 lime dork of Hulilmrd. HiikotA county, N hriLukn. Ilia iLnnlliuiUoll mid Delltlou for llctnno to sell mull, RpliitunUH and vinoim llquorH. mill conduct a hiiIikiii in "Hid vil lage, durlntc the IInchI year hcKinnliiK on Uim llrt TilcHdRT In May. IUOV, under the Ihwb of the BtniH of Ncliraxka and the or diintnce of xnld vIIIhkh, In a ImlldliiK lc- cHtcd on lot H. In block 12. Any and all ol lulloim tn tlm ir mil Mini of KHld llccllH)' ahoiild lk on llle with the vIIIhkm clerk of until vlllait" on or lie fore the ll lny of May, lwiw. Dakl Khk.iikickhon, Applicant. 1). c). IIEKKEKN an. V llliine tuerk. I luted thin 14th day of April. A. !., 1110. Klrnt publication April J iw l'BODATE JiOTICtf TO CBEDITOB8 . In the county rourt of Iiukota county Nttlimiikft. In the matter of the estate of George f.nrti Itimlri. (IcccflHttd. Notice lii hereby Klven, that the creditors .f Dim mild ileceiiNed will meet the execU' trlx of MINI enlitte, licroru me, county JuiIKe of liiikoth Vouiity, Nebraska, at the county court room In wild county, on llie.Mtli liny of .iniv. lunu.oii i he 'ii.it n iniy or AuifiiHi, iww, mid on the mil day of Kcptcmlici'. I WW, at in o'clock a. in. each day for the purpim of nri.uciitliiif their cliilunt for exitiiilnnlloii ml IukI iiK-nt mid Allowance. Hl nionthit urn ullowed for creditors to present their ,-iiiim. from I lie '-"ll li day of March. IV V. Thin notice will lie published iu the liako. ta County lleiuld for lour weeks successive' K nrlnr li IIih '-'I Hi day of July. 1K. Witness my ha, id. and seal of said court. this Will day of March, A. I), lis. . tl. Htinmon. skal County Judife, Subscription Bargains "Che IXcrcvld Bcncl New Idea Magazine $1 30 Sionx City Daily and Sunday Journal & 00 without Sunday 4 to rural route patrons 3 Lincoln Daily News to April 1. 1 Kansas City Weekly Star. .. . 1 !s-l0Wa Homestead 1 U L2)DS Sold only in Moisture Proof Packages Ccmcsit i Sidewalk. Cisterns Calves Estimates furnished. All work guaranteed. I IXtvrry II. Foltz, Specials on Horse Blankets and Lap Robes Strong, Square Wool Blankets $ 1.40 Large, Strong, Square Blankets 1.75 Brown Duck-Lined Storm Blankets .. 1.70 Heavy Plaid Duck-Lined Blankets... 2.00x Heavy, Plain Plush" Lap Robes 2.75 Heavy, Fancy Plush Lap Robes ,..t 4.50 Very Fine Black Fur Robes, Large 8.75 Very Fine Black Fur Robes, Extra Large.. 10. 50 1jL t f N City - Hotel ( THOS. DHBIEN, Proprietor. Meals sxt All Hours 25c and SOc Vi Kit V4 Being newly and neatly furnished throughout, we can offer the best of accommodations to the traveling public. Das.lc.otA. City, NsbrasksL Patronize Home Industry buy your m jats of Proprietor of City Meat Market- Fresh and Salt Meats always on hand Cash paid for Hides and Pelts for Seymour's White Laundry. Basket Tuesdays and comes back Saturdays Agent 201 501 20 DAKOTA CITY 1M i ? rk Dakota City. Nebr. i 411 Psa.rl Strt Sioux City Iwsk -- goes on NEBRASKA 3 a