Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, April 23, 1909, Image 10

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irof. Pickering; of Haryard Takee
Xaeue with Dr. Lowell aa to Danger.
rrofecsor Wllllnm II. Plckr-rlng ot
Ihe llnrvnrd astronomical olmerratory,
vsrerla tint the chaiicca of a collision
tetwwn the Rim and eotue dark body,
S recvntly described by Br. PerclTal
Lowell, are txnott,
Dr. Lowell Is glrtnji aeries of lec
f'nrn at the MaechuetU Institute 6f
1jochnolos,T. In concluding tha flrat of
tjiese he graphically described a poaal
fcle end of the world. Ie pictured apaca
si fairly awannlng with 4r atara
which were a menace to the aolar aya
tern. Contact with one of these dark
Stara would disrupt the aolar ayatem,
destroy the sun and tha earth and form
4evr nebulae. Professor rickerlng ad
talta that stub dark atsra eilat, but
folds that to represent tbem aa fairly
rarinhiR In space Is Incorrect.
"Hie chance of a collision," Bald Pro
fessor Pickering. "Is about one In 100.
00,000 rnlifd to 1h hundredth mil
lionth power, which even to one only
eliKhtly acquainted with mathematics
means that such a collision is highly
"A more possible dunger, but never
theless a hlKhly Improbable one, is
that the solar Vat1"! In its Journey
through space may coma close enough to
noiuc such dark body aa to cause a dis
turbance In the orbital motion of plan
ets and perhaps carry aome of them,
the earth Included, into apace. The
entire diinger la so remote, however,
that there need be no popular appre
beiisiou about It."
riar Ball.
There Is at leant one comfort. Haa
Vail is not affected by the tariff. Atlau
ta Journal.
With the base ball season at hand even
the consumer can forget to fret over the
new tariff. Augusta Chronicle.
;, .When inauguration day is changed look
apt for bane hall opening day. It won't
4o to let them conflict. -ClerelnAd l-end-r.
In the spring the ball fan' fancy light
V tnrua to faith and hope, while the
Sporting writer fussM with the ilny'a
Supply of done. Toledo Illaile.
With a square deal from thu umpire
there is no reason why the home team
should not win a lot of games during the
coming summer -Detroit New.
Let ua not win the pennant more than
two or three years now, but give the
Hher clubs encouragement so as to make
, tie race more interesting. Indianapolis
The New Jersey man who has gom- In
Vane over base -bull would appear to be
hat Uudyard Kipling mi-dil call the
season's foreloper. Cleveland Plain
If all of the cities that are expecting
0 take a base ball pennant this season
Should be successful, what a boom it
Sauld give to the bunting factories.
aytoa News.
Crasr Hali Warpath.
Perhaps Crasy Snake was simply prac
ticing for some Wild Wert attraction.
.Washington Post.
Cracy Snake seems to have crawled
lato bis hole and pulled the hole in after
him. Cleveland Plain I"ealer.
Perhaps Crazy Snake's uprising, if
. thoroughly investigated. Could be attrib
uted to the poor quality ot whisky ob
tainable in a prohibition Stat. Toledo
When the trouble lu Oklahoma Is over
St will be interesting to read Chief Oraay
snake's story in the Sunday newspapers
n "Does a College Education Pay?"
lirooklyn Kagle.
Wraattla with tha Tart.
Perhaps Congress would mak bettat
Vregreas with the tariff bill if it put a
duty on talk. Cleveland Leadsr.
Those modest statesman who are will
ing to admit that they can tell what they
know about th tariff In flre-minute
speeches will at least gain rpnt for
fceoesty. Washington Times.
' The- new tariff bill increases th duty
a lemons. Will that curtail th free
dom with wtiich the average Oongreea
bands that apeclcs of fruit to its constit
uents? Cleveland Plain Denier.
Railroad companies are mak lug a hart
fight to get more pay for carryiag th
Fifteen thousand marine workers con
acted with the I .a lie Hps mens anion,
ar making preparations fur a strike.
The companies operating tha Iron fur
tnt in toe lieuich valley have decided
t red tics w of furnace men 10 per
The North Dakota pauitentiary an
aborUiea want lower shipping rates aa
be nip from -Manila and Yucatan to Kis
. Juan.
Tha Aliuneaota Menats, by a narrow
margin, passed the bill compelling tha
aal of many vegetables by weight Is-
lead of uiMsuie.
Th Commercial Cliili, the leading
baaiaesa organisation of Kanaa City,
has decided to raise XVXUsn to re-elab
I lab a freight boat line between Kama
City and St. Loin.
Ia an eudaavor to persuade J. J. Hill
ta extend the (heat Northaru road from
Huron to Chamberlain, H. D., a delega
Horn of btuiiieaa iiii-n fnmi the two cities
visited Pit. Paul and waa Hoveled for two
hours wi!4i Mr. Hill, but reosived littl
United M'aiea Senator Dixou, of Moa
Cans, baa declared puaitirely that the
aflatliead Indian reaervatioa would be
peaed for aettleuieiit I lie latter part of
July or the tiral of Aiifitat, Ibis year.
That portion of th reservation to be
Bude available for settlement comprise
pproiiinalely S.mi.iSMJ acre.
A Southern Alberta laud company hss
let th contract for a big irrigation ditch
a their properly near Medicine Mat, Al
berta. The contract Is for sver mil
hou dollars. The work call fur a ditch
forty-live miles iu length, to irrigate
400,000 acre ot land beginning at llow
Th Iendim importer nt Amerin
meat bave decided to teat tb legality tt
toe raculationa of the local guverninent
hoard, which glve th loc.il heslth ofli
car abkotut aiithoi-ity to coudeuiu meat
Tbef aiake the allegation that some ofti-ea-
bave f.n If uitaj neat wklHi really
Has good.
sttudayschool REcrriiociTT on
Draft of th Study Coursa for 1912
Is Mad by Great Britain.
America' oH!tloi as the "mother
country" of Ilie Sunday school censed
with the ending of the niinunl meeting
of tha Intermit lonnl Sunday School
Asflocln'lon Executive Committee In
Chlcngo. Heretofore It has been the
policy of the American section of the
association to dictate the con rue of
religions study for classes nil over the
world. A draft of the course for 1012,
presented, had liecn arranged by' the
Executive Committee of Great ltrltaln
and will Imv promulgated by authority
of the English nod ion nlone. A scheme
of reciprocity bus thus Ix-on launched,
the Amerlcmi mid Engllxh committees
directing the courses of study In alter
nate years.
The uniform study course for 1!M1,
the last under America's supreme dic
tatorship, Is now announced In full.
It will be historical In tone and will
cover the old testament from the death
of .Solomon to the close of the testa
ment, with n complete historical study
of the prophets. The course for 1012,
beginning a new study cycle of six
years, will dwell upon the life of
Christ, using the synoptic gosiwMs of
Matthew, Mark nnd Luke.
United States, Great Britain and
Germany Ar Facing Deficit.
Three of 'the great powers, the t'nlt
ed States, Croat ltrltaln and Ccrmnny.
are nlioiit to wrestle with the deficit
question. The Ilrltlsh liberals estimate
the gap between revenues nnd expen
ditures which parliament must make
good l.y new taxation us $."0,000,000,
while the conservatives, after the mnn
ner of opposition, put It at $70,000,000.
The (tcrmaii government wants $US,
(KK).(KK) more, revenue nt once, and here
in the Culled Slates we know that
when the books are closed nt the end
of the current lineal year there will be
a deficit or more than $100.Ooo.iso.
Congress keeps right on ns If there
were no such tiling ns Inadequate reve
nues. In nil three countries big military
and naval appropriations! are largely
responsible for hf excess of expendi
tures, though In neither Crent ltrltaln
nor Cerninny Is the proportion of the
taxpayers' money devoted to fleets, m.u
alons and armies aa great as our own.
United Slates District Attorney Will-
lam M. Wheelan of Wisconsin has re
signed otllce to biro me Wisconsin .attor
ney for the Chicago and Northweatern
It is reported that Cov. Smith, of the
Philippines, will resign his executive po
sition and sail rr Kau Francisco May lo,
to resume the prnctce of law which he
abandoned wlieu the Spanish-American
war bexau.
In a Chicago interview William J. Ilrv-
an said that the fact that Nebraskn had
adopted the Oregon plan for electing Sen
ators had no connection with the candi
dacy of any one. He had urged its adop
tion, but did not know yet whether h
would be a candidate for the Senate or
not. He said; "In many ways It is at
tractive. It is Hie posit inu to which I
aspired when n boy, hut I had rather do
the work that has fallen to me as a pri
vate cili.eu dim a to hold any office, even
that of Senator." At the same time at
tention has been drawn to t lie new cam
paign begun throiiKh Mryau'a paper, the
Commoner, whleh Is sending urgent let
ters signed by Hryan's brother, Charles
W., to persons willing to undertake the
work of organising loc.nl clubs. Each
letter contains several jmsters headed,
"Mr. Bryan's Plans," and naming the vi
tal issues, ns the tariff, postal savings
baiika, Imperialism, State rights, primary
laws inheritance tax, Initiative and ref
erendum and recall commission form ot
government for cities, regulation of rail
roads and other corporations, popflar
election of Senators ami income tax.
A big drought wax heralded in nineteen
of the twmty-seven cnuntiea of Michi
gan where local option elections were
held the other day, and (Ha) saloons, to
gether 'with teu breweries, were voted
out of existence. On the same day, one
more county in Kentucky joined the dry
column, Itoyil, making the total of ninety-six
prohibition counties in the State
famed for its distilleries. The rural sec
tion of loug Island, New York, voted to
license the saloons for (be next two years.
The Alabama Supreme Court has upheld
tha State prohibition law, unnniuiously.
this being the second decision in favor of
the State-wide law. lis enforcement will
now he begun vigorously. Jov. Slialh-n-herger
bus sinned the "diiylight auloou
bill," under which the ssle of liquor will
be forbid except between 7 A, m. and 8
u. m., after July It. Two mors counties
voted wet iu Indiana, Cass and Hlaek
ford, but by a close majority, and the
drvs claiming faa. Otlicial vot to de
cide. Republican supremacy in th Clileaao
City Council will continue aa a reaalt
ot the recent election iu that city. Tlie
Democrats Increased their number of
Keats from twenty-Mix to twenty iiiiifc.
Th Massachusetts I-exislature, in
joint session, had a hot HkIiI over the
choice of a sueceaaor to Treasurer Cha
pio, who had heeit made aavings bank
commissioner. Senator Su vena was the
choice, notwithstanding the fact that It
was iMiiuted out that the conatitution di
rects that the choice must be "from th
people at large." The seating of Htevens
is to be contested in the courts.
Several of the prominent Socialiala
bave made replies to the ltoosevelt at
tack in the Outlook on their political
fiii'.h, tlitae generally apiieariug in the
Socialist palters. Hut one, that by Joseph
Medill Patterson, the wealthy Chicago-
an, apeared 111 the Chicago Record
Herald of recent date. As to th charge
that Koclallxla preach free love. Putter-
son replies : "They do In this ena :
That they believe woiiiau should m et-o
nomically Independent, ua that when the
tint come for her to marry aha may
give herself to the man she loves, not aell
herself in married prntlitution la tb aui'
tor with th a;iot 'money."
: Work of Uongress
Sliortly after the Senate met Thurs
day It itL'lecd to it resolution of the
House of Kepicseiilatlves nsklng that
the tn i IfT bill be returned to that body
so It inltflit be amended to place nixtn
the free list the products of. ns well ns
crude mid refined petroleum. The bill
was soon returned to the Senate with
this amendment Inserted. The Presi
dent's message for n revision of the
Philippine tariff so that the principle
of protection might be applied to the
Industries, of those Islands, and at the
same time lu view of practical free
trade with the furled States, sitflicient
revenue inlL'bt be provided, was laid
before the Semite and referred to the
committee on the Philippines. Senator
P.iilley introduced an iniiendiiieiit plac
ing n fax of .'! per cent on Incomes of
over fr.HH niit'imlty. which, he said,
would provide a revenue of from SSiiO,-
fHS),fs:(io to $ho.hmuxm annually. The
House was in session but ten niimiles.
The principal business transacted wis
the reception nnd reference to commit
tee of a message from the President
transmitting the proposed tariff revis
ion law r the Philippine Islands. At
12:10 p. in., adjournment was tak"r
nit II Monday.
Tbi tariff debate was opened iu the
Kenale .Monday when Senator Aldrlch
reviewed at length tin pending meas
ure whleh had been rep-nteil from the
roiiimlttee on finance. tic received
practically no Interrupt lop I hroiigboiit
his renin i t s. w hich w ere listened to,
not only by every Senator, but by
Sie.iUer Ciitiuon and members of the
House of Representatives, who visited
I lie chamber for that purpose. Senator
Daniel, the senior minority member of
the committee on finance, followed Sen
ator Abll b li and laid down tin general
line of opposition that will be made to
Hie pending measure by the Democrats.
lie also received careful attention. The
House received the report of the con
ference committee on the census 1t.
hut on account of the absence of a
quorum failed to act iivn It. After
being In session for only five minutes,
lie House adjourned until Thursday.
Auree Alcohol la lolaon.
Thai alcohol can not be considered
is a food: tlial its us even moderately
decreases the ellicieney of muscles, n (Tec Is
the gin ads seriously, and wrecks the ner
vous system, caiisini; ill health ami in
sanity, was the iinniiimous opinion of
the meetiiiK of the American Association
for the Study ami Cure of Inebriety an.!
Alcoholism, in session st Washington,
D. C. One member even went so far as
to assert that alcohol is dangerous ns a
medicine, as all its effects are not yet
known to science. Another said that 00
per cent of the tuberculin' patients treat
ed willi alcohol died, while only 20 per
cent of the cases not treated In this way
were rutal. 1 lie use or alcoholic bever
ages was called n common cause of de
generation and disease among the ne
groes and illiterate classes lu the South.
A New York physician asserted that the
psychic treatment of the inebriate was
eeognined as the most successful.
Child Man (irowlna at Last.
.Harry Needleman, tile 27-yenr-old man
who for hick of a thyroid gland had not
developed ill Iwidy or mind beyond the
state of a small boy, and who waa oper-
led on in a New York hospital in Eeb-
uury, lias just been returned to ma
home, well started on the road to man
hood at last. In the one mouth since the
operation he has gained inches in
height and hns shown many signs of fl
menial awakening also. The treatment
cnusisted of a dose three times a dnv of
powder made of the thyroid gland of
sheep. It is supposed to be slowly but
surely supplying the missing organ at the
top of I he hoy's windpipe. A peculiarity
of the treatment is that he must contin
ue to take the thyroid as long ns he live'
r lie will again slop growing.
A tax claim for I per cent, wdth It centi
interel, which had been due since 1S75,
was paid to New York City by a Ix)iig
Island real estate mini.
A ' twenty-four hours' general strike
May 1 is urged iu a proclamation Issued
In Paris, France, by the central commit
tee of the united unions of that city.
Thirty steel machines have been In
iiiueii in tlie new department of me
chaiiicotlierapy at the Yaudcrhilt clinic
of the College of Physicians and Sur
gcons in New York. The machine will
lessen me period ot coiivnieseeme ,;., er
A fellow passenger of ex-President
Roosevelt from Naples iii Mombasa will
be Richard Tjader. a noted naturalist.
who will hunt in the same country as the
President for specimens for the American
Museum of Natural History In New
Chief ("inker of tlie New Yoik fire de
partment wants sobliifs who have been
honorably discharged from the fnited
States arniy to enter tlie lire department
MaJ. tietf. Leoaurd Wood is co-operating
with Mr. Croker in an effort to obtain
these men
The IrilKleea of the I'e.ibodv education
fund have decided to give $1.XXI,(MK out
right to the Peiitwdy College for Teach
ers, alhhatcil with the I Diversity of Ten
nessee at .asliville. The money ia lo b
used for preparing teachers for the South
ern Si a lea.
"Ileware of aoft drinks!" ia the warning
Issued by Dr. Harvey W. Wiley, govern-
mcnl food exs-rt. He aaya many mien
ai'iiiks on I it i ii luneine and other drugs.
It is announced that Jacob 11. Scht(f
lias given the famous I taxot collect ion of
water color of Old lestanieut paimiiir
which cost him i:i7.KHi, to th Chicago
pumic intra ry.
lluve ilelglans and four men from
oil.. ..... . .
v...-. ....... ....n ii, jutijje nie eav
ubnillted for the prize of S.'i.USl offered
uy rviiig i.eopom lor nie nest ilewcr lit on
I'he Proaress of Aerial XivLnlni.
and the Best Mean lo Kucouraue It.
New York ofliciuls believe they have
unearthed a new ayaieai of siniiKiilinjr by
means of "sleeper" trunks which ara l.ft
unclaimed for indefinite periods on piera
of ocean liuers.
Theodore Koosevelt is the only Vie
President a bust of whom does not oc
cupy a niche iu the Senate chamber. Mr.
Itoosevell'a bust, however, aoon ia t b
placed in the chamber.
President P.liol of Harvard Cnlverlt
has wired lo ('ambrldge, Miikh., from At
lanta. ia deu.viiig thai lie showed in hia
aM-eches a lack of appreciation of eitl
ii'iih spruiiK from Irish and oilier foreisn
locka. In hla meNkUKc he couiineiida tha
Irish tor ilieir advancement.
Managers for Minneapolis Concerns
See No Relief in Sight at
Argentina'a Crop Short Mexico Hat
Famine Flour $1.30 Higher
than Last Year.
Wise In the price of flour until the
mills In America are selling spring
wheat flour at 7 a barrel, or $I.H0
more than a year ago, is brought to
light as one of the effects of the pres
ent conditio:! of t'ae wheat market nnd
the country's supply of tin cereal. Ac
cording to the Chicago Daily News,
managers of tin Washburn-Crosby
Company, the Plllsbury-Washbiirn Com
pany and the Northwestern Consoli
dated Milling Company, which operate
what are declared the largest mills In
the fnlted States, and practically fix
the price of flour, say there Is no re
lief In sight from present conditions.
and every Indication Is that the price
of Hour will continue to soar and may
go to 10 a barrel. The list In the
wholesale millers' price Is beb'g fol
lowed by a rise iu tlie price to brokers
nnd consumers and will result in ma
terially affecting the price of bread and
bakery goods. The price of rye flour
and other breadstufTs has also been In
creased, the rise in the price of rye
Hour per barrel being about 'M cents in
less than a month.
The managers of Hit milling compa
nies deny that there is any combination
to Increase prices or to control the
business. They Insist that the rise In
(he price of flour Is duo to the scarcity
of wheat hud breadstuff, in Kurope
and other countries, to the Insufficient
supply in the fnlted States in tlie light
of the demands which are now being
made aud to the general wheat situa
tion. The price for wheat will la stiff nil
through the summer, tlie millers de
clare. The f nited States bus grown a
larger crop than n year ago, but the
world's supply Is short. There Is n
wheat, flour and bread famine lu Mexi
co, the price of Argentine wheat Is
$1.25 per bushel and of Winnipeg or
Canadian wheat about $1.27. The ship
ments from Argentina are short nnd
Argentina has lxen shipping principal
ly lo Liverpool. This Increased the Liv
erpool demand for American ship
It requires five bushels of wheat to
make a barrel. Taken at $1.20 per
bushel the wheat in each barrel of flour
costs Itl..". Add to that 40 cents for
sacks or wood basins, 20 cents for
freight, 15 cents for delivery, 5 cents
for storage and 25 cents for selling
nnd carrying accounts. That will make
the cost price of flour $7.50, from
which deduct -10 cents for "off-nils" or
the bran and other products saved from
the w heat, which makes the price $7.10.
And iu some instances the freight, de
livery, storage ami other expenses are
higher than those given, it would not
be surprising in the light of present
existing conditions and In the face of
the outlook for tin future that flour
vouhl go to $10 per barrel.
Nevada Court Deniea Decree Asked
for by Actress Against Spouse.
One of the most Important legal du-
cesloiis ever written iu n District Court
of the Slate of Nevada was banded
down mid filed Monday in the second
Judicial District Court iu Iteno by
Judge Y. II. A. Pike, w hen, lu an elub-
orato opinion on the marriage and di
vorce law of Nevada, he announced big
refusal to entertain Jurisdiction of the
celebrated proceeding begun lust July
by Virginia Hunted Sotheru for di
vorce from II. Sot hern.
Judge Pike's decision. It Is conceded,
settles beyond quest Ion the fact thai
Mrs. Sol le'in cannot secure u dlvorc
from her husband unless either she ot
her husband comes to tlie State and
tukes up such u residence there ill
proves conclusively u Isma tide inten
tion to remain there. The particular
point sclllcil Is that on complaint (lied
by it mm-resident plaliitlfT with proc
ess served mi a non-resident defendant,
who hupis-iis to be temporarily In th
Stale, no Jurisdiction Is secured for th
purposes of allowing a divorce decree.
The effect of I lie decision w ill b
revolutionary. There are at least twen
ty-five actions which are withheld
awaiting I he outcome (f t ti If Investiga
tion, ii ml it Is probable that the seek
ers will eh her return to the Kast ot
settle down lo the former custom ol
waiting six months, which custom wai
religiously followed until the original'
ity of Mrs. Sol hern's counsel devised
a plan that up to now promised hope.
Boaahl for I I l with Aart Maa'a
Harleil Hoard ua l(.
While diguing a post hole in an a ban
doned lot Lfiiugiou, Ky workmen found
a brass kettle contaiuiiij; tiS.rss) in gold
and silvir that nppai'ciilly hud been bur
ied for half u century. The lot former
ly hetinuii-d to .1. 1'. Hewitt, an ajjed man,
who died cverul ears a no. Tlie lot waa
sold nl ciiiiuii'.ssioiiers' sale a short whilt
ago for 11U.
Writer Tell uf Helnv llruaaetl al
Hail tr'l-MKi-laco ami Tala (o Sea
After drifting for wicks iu the PuciQc
Ocean, a mciijje purporliiin to tell ot
the plight of Itosaliue Uockavn, a Uen
ver girl, who was drugged at San Frau'
cisco and carried out lo seu by a man
waa washed up on the water front at
Oakland, t'al. The paper wai contain
ed in a hot lie which i lit girl threw from
the cabin Hrlhole of her prison ship,
trusting I lint her appeul would reach
aome one who would inform her relutiv
and bring alsiut her release.
t . !Mf . ..
Hi.ir r
Secretary Wilson Predicta Patten'a
Corner Will "Go to Smash."
James Wilson, Secretary of Agricul
ture, said in answer to Juiues A. Put
ten's charges that the figures of the
Departiu cut of
Agriculture con
eeniing the wheat
supply were inut'
curnte nnd un
trustworthy : "Our
figures are cor
rect. That fellow
iu Chicago is en
gaged In u scheme
to rob the con
s u in e r aud to
iiiuke money."
a ec. wiijson. If Mr. Patten is
correct there Is a serious shortage lu
wheat in America. If Secretary Wil
son la cororect there Is no shortage nt
nil, but only an artificial famine en
gendered by Mr. Putten for siKculutlve
purposes. Also, If Secretary Wilson is
correct. Mr. Patten's deal will go lo
smash soon.
The Secretary of Agriculture insists
that the government's report to the ef
fect that there were 14.3,000,000 bush
els of reserve wheat In tlie fu niters'
hands on March 1 was strictly correct
and that he knows where the whent Is.
We do not get our information from
postmasters !' exclaimed Seeretnry
Wilson angrily when the Tntten state
ment was shown him. "We get It from
farmers who nre reliable, conscientious
men. Wo bave been perfecting our sys
tem fur gathering information for the
lust twelve years, nnd It Is ns correct
and thorough us it is possible to get.
To corner the wheat market success
fully nowadays you have to keep buy
ing and buying ami buying, finally
the time comes when you enn't buy
any more, nnd then the lunasli conies."
tana Car Tliroouh llllaallnic Smoke
to Toil of (iiilham Hulldlnn;.
fire iu tlie F.inpire ltuihling at 1! road
way uud llleeker street. New York, en
trapped loO girls working on one of the
upper floors. Tlie dense smoke was car
ried quickly up the elevator shaft, which
was open and at tlie bottom of which
was Tony Sariuo,. the elevator boy, and
his car. He knew nothing of the tire un
til aroused by the acreauis from the girls
on tlie tenth floor, who were imprisoned
by tlie smoke which tilled the elevator
shaft and the stairs. Sari no shot his car
through the smoke lo the top of the sht.ft
and bravely made more than a half doz
en trips lo the street level, bringing many
of the girls lo safety. Others of the girls
were brave enough to ib'M-eml by the lire
esca pes.
Jaaller Kiimrralri l.aili Who Killed
Father ta Save Themael vea.
Three ! who killed their father
William Tliomss, to save their own Uvea
nt I Via mar in nip on the Nevada desert,
were exonerated and discharged by a jus
tice of lite peace at Helamar. After beat
ing bis wife, Thomas went to the brush
and prepared lo hung the Isiya. 10, ft and
l.- vears old. when ihe l.'J-year-ohl sou
aeined a gun and killed his father.
Overboard and llaek Again.
A lough pasAage, during which a sea
ninu waa washed overboard and buck
again and the vessel lost a number of
her sails, was reported by Ihe Itritish
schooner Invlitus, which arrived at Port-
laud, Maine, from Turku island with a
cargo of sail.
Aato Owner llraoualle.
That the owner of the automobile may
be held responsible for the act of hia
chauffeur in runuiug down and injuring
pedestrian waa establish! d in the New
York Supreme Court before Justice Fita-
gerald and a jury. j
t.-'V V sx-'- ". A . - ...r.'u
jii .V". 1 XfiDVL. TKC WOJQUf OF
i Niri , v , .- '., rti
r t
if -
"i r.v .
'-7.r ..
Taoori" on1
The, pl-a-ilpk
ct York Fear a Famine Itatea I:
Wheat Corner la Xot Broken.
With flour up 40 cents a barrel aui
the prospects apparently good for a fur
ther rise. New York City is now facinf
the possibility of bread at 7 cents a
loaf. What will appear to hundreds ol
thousands in the poorer quarters like
fntnine rates for this staple bid fair to
be forced as a result of the rtcent rise
in the price of wheat. . The Ghetto of
New York has already felt the effect of
the buoyancy of the Chicago wheat pit.
i-'ix cents a loaf is the price now charg
ed by some bakeries, while the proprie
tors of hundreds of others declare that
they cannot continue selling at 5 cents
much longer, with flour of the better
gtades costing from $7 to $7.20 a bar
rel, against $0.00 to $(.S0 a few dayi
alio. They add, moreover, that with
Hour permanently up to the rates recent
ly quoted even 0 cents would not give
them any sort of a profit.
TralHe on Railway In IflON Increaa
Over Prevloua Veara.
Traffic between the eastern and West
ern coasts of the fnited States by w;ay
of isthmian railways and steamship lines
amounted to practically $."0,000,000 in
value in l'.MKS, a marked increase over
any earlier year, according to figures com
piled by the bureau of statistics of the
department of commerce and labor. The
railway on the Isthmus of Panama, forty
miles in length, is devoted largely to traf
fic growing out of the construction of
the Pa tin ma Canal ; the railway at Te
huantepec, 100 miles in length, although
opened only nt the beginning of 1007,
carried during 1007 and 1008, between
$00,000,000 and $70,000,000 worth of
merchandise between Atlantic and Pacific
ports of the United States.
party of California turf magnate
bus gone to the City of Mexico to open
negotiations for the operation of a race
truck at Tin Juana, Ixwer California,
which is Mexican territory.
Senator Agnew's bill designed to pre-
veut the publication of race tips and bet
ting odds in newspapers was favorably
reported by the Senate codes committee
of the New orlt legislature.
One of the prettiest finishes of the
Suuta Anita season at i.os Angeles came
in the Cnnopiis handicap, when Czar and
lilorio finished so close together that uo
one but the judges could determine which
was the winner.
Kill v Ivlaney, manager of Al Kauf
ninu. has covered the .1,KH iosied bj
Jack .lohnsou. llelaney states that he
hud decided to let Kaufman meet the
negro champion, providing Johuson would
male, a nuW bi t of $l(l,tSM).
With a splendid spurt of fast billiards,
iiiakins an until islied run of 107 points,
Ceori;e !'. Slossoii, ihe New York veter
an, won a came of IH-U in the world's
rliniiiiioiishi) series from Calviu I lemur
st. of Chicago, by a si ore of ."SHI to LUT.
The ti tit. 1 run was nude mostly by cen
ti-r suice iiiirsinit mid was .completed in
Ihirleen minutes.
lluve Deshler, of Cambridge, foiiKht
Packey Mcr'arland, of Chicago, twelve
rounds to a draw at the Koston Armory
Athletic Assochition, nnd on iiiinoiiuce
luent of the decision Mi I'lirluml nssaiill
ed lti'fcrei- .lack Shetliiin and knocked
him down.
The longest trip ever mude by a coll.-ge
base bull lea in will be i-yvcrnl by the
Itrown 1'niversity nine, which has aci-eot
ed an invitation to particiimte in a aeries
of Raines to be held iu Scuttle, Wash., be-
KliiniiiK July 1. It is understood that aix
teams represi ntini! Ihe college of the
Kast Middle West ami 1'jclfic coast will
Uks part ia the series.
ma "
Not a drop
of Alcohol
Doctors prescribe very little, if
any, clcohol these days. They
prefer strong tonics and altera
tives. This is all in keeping
wi;h modern medical science.
It explains vvhy Aycr's Sar
stparillais now made entirely
f. f;)m alcohol. Ask your
Jj,icr. Follow his advice.
V pubiiMh oar formula
W btnlth Alcohol
from our medinioot
Wo ar? 7 on to
oontmit .roar
n nil Wi Mil i an
Jnes there is daily action of the bow
. u, pcisnpous products are absorbed,
jj'isio-i headache, biliousness, nausea,
Iv-re-su. ye wish you would ask your
totior ab :iut correcting your constipation
-v t.i'.ti.-. 5 l ixstive doses of Ayer's Pills.
-..., th j. c. Ayor Co., Lowall, Kaaa.
Ho a Dull Spot
in the May EVERY
That's why it holds the
undoubted supremacy.
Even if you are not a mag
azine reader, try it. There
is an unusual line of fiction
this month.
Read "Grimsden House"
if you like a " thriller."
For sale at Schmied'a News-stand
?liysician and Surgeon.
Calls promptly attended
Cream Separators
aare work of hand
ling and, washing p
pans or crocks.
Skim ail the cream
from the milk. They
are very strong and
durable. Parts are
few, simple, easy to
get at. Have all
conveniences such
as low supply can,
cream pail shelf, and
easy to wash bowl.
cjtamine me ivwi
Model U. S. J
separator at
Carl Anderson's
Hubbard, - - Nebraska
Frets, Raliabla, Purt
(uarantaad lo Plaasa
Kvery Gardener and
Planter itaoulil tet Ilia
unertor menu of Our
Northern Grown tiaailii.
we will tend poatpald our
I aka.eODay T.i . . . !
I S. Frlawn Kadliik ... .
I r"- sIMIria VIrT
1 ha. F.arly Arr.w.hMd 1-aKli.a . l.
t .fcv rull.rl.a Market l.ll.w . . . Ola
4I IS tariallal laala. H.r Saa4a .
kj aa.oo
A'rlta tixlarl Sand 10 eanta trt h.lp r7 rm."l
parkin? and racalva tha atMiva "Famuufl Collrti.n," iu
c.lhrr with our Saw and Inslrurtira O.rdrn l.uida.
804 lne HI. Koekford, Illinois
County Coroner
B. F. Sawyer
Jackson, Nebraska.
MA4j, 60 years
J-!'. ., fEXPERlENCi;
'rhttf iovmoMTf. Ac.
An tor ..nii( a nkelrH and Oeaerietbin n
qtii'-atijr aacariaiii Hir oiMition frr arlietner Mi
inraiitina la prat.ahlf riatriitHMr i' muiilra
:loiialiicllrisiHUilaalUI. HAHOi'.OCK oiiI'-UmX
aen lr.a. liHatt eaenrr for Hci.nnif f-.iia.
I'aienia laiian ibmuali Muuti a i.'i. raoalvt
aarri.il xutaM, wlihout cliaria. lu tha
Scientific Jlnuricam
rniniMHi .if mif ii'iittii idn 1'HiruHl. 1riun, f:t a
THHf: four nuintha, H. tkiu by ll itfMi.or
MUKH & Co.36"-- New York
" a- totl- el t'aMVullHH'HI. D. C,
Hart Labar.
Ok. lady, I do 1ot paach caka,"
hlsted the hungry hobo aa ba notoA
hla ire ay aleevea on the tateport.
"Wall," reulled the housewife wltM
tha rolllsf pin, "auppoa I abould makm
yoc aoma peach cuke. Would yog d
bj workt''
"Would I, tnum? Why, I would tTu
4te kardeat work I erer did la my Ufa."
"AAA what would you dot"
"Why, I'd climb dat tree an ft
noach oaacbew fer da cake.
jl y