Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, April 16, 1909, Image 7

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    & 0 B3 A ' E??y
For Catarrh of the Throat or Two
Years' Standing.
I was afflicted fop two years with
Catarrh of the throat. At first it was
very slight, but overy cold I took mads
it worse.
"I followed your directions and in a
vary short time I began to improve. I
took one bottle and am how taking
my second. I can safely say that my
throat and head are cleared from ca
tarrh at the present time, but I still
continue to take my usual dose for a
spring tonic, and I find there is noth
ing better." Mrs. W. Pray, 2G0
Twelfth St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
Positively cured by
these Little rills.
They also relieve Dis
tress from Dyspepsia, In
digestion and Too Hearty
Eating. A perfect rem
edy for Dizziness, Kaoaea.
Drowsiness, Bad Taste
la the Maata, Coated
Tongue, Fain tn the Bide,
regulate too Bowels. Purely Vegetable
Genuine Musi Bear
Fac-Simils Signature
Jnst the Opposite.
The motorist came out of the garage
all bedecked In bearskin and goggles.
"I'm out for a fast splu," tie re
marked as he pulled on his gloves.
"They say n speed of 70 miles an hour
Is a tonle for the nerves when they are
run down."
"I haven't noticed It," said the
tranger who was passing.
That's queer. And you own a car?"
"No, I'm a pedestrian." '
t want every chronic rhrumntte to throw
awny all medicines, nil liniments, all
plasters, and give MUNYON'S 1UJKUMA
TISM REMEDY a trlaL No matter what
your doctor may say, do matter what
your friends may say, no matter how
f rcjudleed too may be against nil ndver
lnd remedies, po at once to your dnte-
51st and get a bottle of the KIIHTJMA
IBM IlEMKDy. If It falls to Rive satls
aetton.I will refund yonr money. Munyoa
- Remember this remedy contains no sal
icylic a'rt, no opium cocaine, morphine or
other harmful drugs. It Is put tip under
ut guarantee of the Pure Food and Drug
for aale by all drngjlcta. Price. 25c,
nia Birds on Small WIuks.
In the attempt to discover some uni
versal law of bird flight, scientists
have disclosed concerning a number of
species a most puzzling paradox, per
haps the most mysterious of the
enigmas that the subject presents. It
Is that In a number of birds and in
sects the size of the wings decreases
In proportion to the Increase In size of
the body of the flying creature. The
Australian crane, for Instance, weighs
over 300 times more than the sparrow,
but In, proportion has only one-seventh
the wing area of the smaller bird.
' This curious fact Is equally striking
If we compare birds with Insects. If
Uie gnat were Increased In size until It
was as large as the Australian crane
and If the whips of the Insect were en
larged to maintain the proportion they
now bear to Its body, they would be
about 150 times larger than the crane's.
It requires 3.02 square feet of wing
area per pound to llont the bank
swallow, but to sustain the tawny vul
ture, a monstrous bird In comparison,
requires only .08 of a square foot of
wing surface per pound of body. The
albatross, weighing eighteen pounds,
has a spread of 11 feet C Inches, while,
the trumpeter swan, weighing twenty
eight pounds, has a spread of wing of
only 8 feet. The stork weighs eight
times more than the pigeon, but In pro
portion has ouly half as much wing
Where the Trouble Was.
"CXd chap, why don't you make up your
mind to marry and settle down?"
"You chump, it takes two minds to do
that, and I haven't quite rot Freda's
mind made up yet." !bieago Tribune.
Proper Food Put Him Rl(ht.
The food experience of a physician
In bis own case when worn and weak
from sickness and when needing nour
ishment the worst way Is valuable:
"An attack of grip, so severe It came
near making an end of me, left my
stomach in such condition I could not
retain any ordinary food. I knew of
course that I must have foixl nourish
ment or I could never recover.
"I begun to take four teaspoon fills of
Oiajic-Nuts and cream three times a
day and for two weeks this was almost
my only food ; It tasted so delicious
that I enjoyed It Immensely and my
stomach handled It perfectly from the
first mouthful. It was so nourishing
I was quickly built back to normal
health and strength.
"Irape-Nuts Is of great value si
food to sustain life during serious at
tacks in which the stomach Is so de
ranged it cannot digest and assimilate
other foods.
"I am convinced that were (Jrape
Nuts more widely used by physicians,
it would save many lives that ar
otherwise lost from lack of nourish
Absolutely the most perfect food In
the world. Trial of (Irape-Nuts 10
days proven. "There's a Iteason."
Look In pkg. for the little book. "The
Itoud to Wellvllle."
Ever read the above letter? A
new one appears from time to time.
They aro genuine, true, and full of
bumaa Interest.
f Karuse fur NaKalua.
Nobody blames a wife for upholding
her self -respect nnd resenting Insult,
ht:t there I !lt;le sympathy f r one
who deliberately driver n iiir.u to thvds
of rudeness ninl violence. NM';;:r.-.; nrd
Indu'encc In !:u! tem;'ir l':ie Indcll
Me mark on t!io face of n wo:uan. on
lur voiie and on her elmriieter. They
fhrivel up whatever s-.'cWnc-s nature
lias put Into Iter d!r.;i v.il I . i rs 1 i:in!;e
!u r v.nlovcly. co;i In t'u cycr- of i.-e
who feel hi doty lxi it'll I give her
affection. It Is n:in li it" 1 to null'
tain sili'U'O und"r )c;. inn. but
there is always the o;c.i ihor .f is
cape, you know. A ,:.i;toI d . s not
thrive when fed Inm m:e -Me only,
nnd what should bo luporiant to ev
ery woman with pretenses to retire
ment Is the undispulcl vn'irty of
Mekrrlnr. rMueatlor- rtn.i r.-f?t vi:i,it
art) siipiMscd to lift us so far ubove
vulgarity that even the hems of our
skirts are unstained.
Car of the Face.
liinplcH and blackheads are very of
ten tho result of a superficial cleans
ing of the face. Hot wuter opens the
pores and soap cleanses them. For
this reason they should both be used
every day. Before going to bed tho
face should be washed thoroughly.
This should lie followed by an appli
cation of cold cream rubbed thorough
ly Into the skin. What remains on the
skin should be rubbed off with u soft
cloth. In the morning a thorough
rinsing with cold water should follow
the bath In warm not hot water.
Marry American Wives.
Quite a uumber of foreign diplomats
have American wives, among theui be
ing Ha ron Honcheur, M. Jusseraud, Don
de Meudonca, Dr. Guzman and others.
Mmo, Jusserand was Miss Kllza ltlch
ards, daughter of the late American
banker, George T. Richards, but she
whs born In I'aris. The Duchess d'Ar
iiih was formerly Miss Virginia I.owery
of New York, Baroness Moueheiir was
Miss Clayton, daughter of Powell Clay
ton. the simple l ite.
A class of some forty young ladles,
mid winter graduatm of u Chicago high
school, appeared at the commencement
exerclsca arrayed In costumes prepared
by their owu hands. The material fur
their gowns purchased "hi lump'' cot
tho wearers l.:is each. Among the
class were daughters of the rich and
poor, all dressed ullke, both tastily and
becomingly. Here was no room for
envy or pride nor occasion for poor
families to sacrifice necessary coin
ferU to procure a graduating costume
lii ii MgmL
f r the daughter In order that she
might compare favorably with her
wealthy asoclatrs. The plan Is well
worthy of Imitation. Rardolph News.
Medical Matins.
Knsy money t.ce appendix.
Time waits for no prescription.
The path of physic leads but to the
No operation Is without dishonor,
except In Its own clinic.
Now behold three things: doctoring.
iiMi'flng and nature; but the greatest
oi thee U nature.
Where there's a pill there's a pay.
Shred the Ka;a;shrlla.
Kggshells put Into coffee without
crushing nfter the beverage Is made
don't clear It thoroughly. Wash the
eggshell cnrefully before breaking the
egg. In making the coffee shred the
shell tine with the fingers and mix
with the grounds before pouring on
the water. The result Is a clear, de
licious looking, cup with the use of
eveu a smnll part of the shell.
Hedut'lnK Flesh.
Whatever else fashion hints there N
not the slightest rumor that tt eli Is
to be stylish In the near future. There
fore women who are not thin are keep
ing up all kinds of methods to niakr
theni so. Live on noodles Is the cry.
Consequently this diet Is strictly kept
by women who are willing to tac rifle.'
anything to be thin. The Infest rem
edy, however. Is to drink camomile te.i
without sugar, an hour after eating.
This Is said to cure the most rebellions
case, and turn one of barrel-shaped
proportions Into sylphlike lines.
r Shoe S Ira.
The new fabric shoo Is one of the
most attractive of the new footwear.
They are shown hi all the poptilur
shades of cravenettcd cloth, with the
lowers of the same color but. satin
striped. No more luxurious shoe co lid
Is) Imagined. The while shoes are '.o
be of linen, canvas mid kid, and many
will be very high boots, although the
white-beaded tie will be popular.
Suede In all colors still holds its own
One dainty house slipper In delicate
colors has set at one side u Switch
ing little bow of a matching chiffon.
Two Marks of lleaulr.
iteaullful eyes and brows are, In one
sense, a special gift of nature. Many
a plain woman la redeemed by fin
eyes; many a pretty face spoiled by
red rimmed, dull, lusterless eyes. But
at the same time a great deal may be
done to make even unpromising eyes
clear and nttri.cMve,N to render eyes
which are only nassably pretty really
TtMpies are still large, broad henvy
Strings are being worn on hats, and
tied under the chlu.
Newest hats are being extensively
trimmed on the right side.
UnurtVaux will have little use In the
hats planned for spring.
To dean wings, wipe off the dust
and then sponge with alcohol.
Toques of straw are being trimmed
with fancy rims and feathers.
Flowers dipped Into paint or gaso
line dyes usually come out like new.
(lasollne cleans ribbons and velvet,
or a good cleaning fluid may be used.
A little fan-shnped plaiting of real
lace is a great help to the satin and
fur hats.
If they are worth It, the petals may
be touched with a small camel's hair
Black chip should be wiped off with
a soft old silk handkerchief, " then
rubbed lightly with pure olive oil.
Follow the application with a good
pressing on the wrong side, in the
case of the ribbon, and steaming for
the velvet.
Soiled white chiffon hats may be
cleaned by using equal parts of French
chalk, magnesia, and powdered soap.
Cover with the mixture, leave on
twenty-four hours, and when brushed
off the soiled spots will usually come,
I lion Heln Otiraelvea.
How few people there are who evet
consider that an acquired manner can
be as unbecoming as an Ill-chosen
frock. Those who nre forever recom
mending womankind to cultivate "Indi
viduality" must be responsible for Rn
Immense number of misguided women
who nre wearing the wrong kind of
manner with painful complacency. The
entire sex ought to lie cautioned against
dabbling In individualities, and young
girls, especially, should bo protected
strictly from every temptation to part
with what little real personality they
already possess. -. -u .
A Spring rlnk.
When ' the lasBltude of spring get
Into your bones try drinking sassafras
ten. This Is an old, old remedy be
loved of our grandmothers and like
many another good home nostrum la
till to the good. It purines the blood,
nets ns a tonic and makes life worth
living, after nil. To make the tea buy
5 cents' worth of the root at the drug
gists, pour a quart of boiling water
over ns much as will go In the palm
of the hand, let It steep until cold,
drain nnd drink a small cupful moan
ing nnd evening.
To Keep Vonnar.
It Is every woman's duty to keej
young looking as long hs possible, but
unfortunately she does uot always
know the best way to live up to that
AtAl worry, hurry and getting
Ix-am self-control. Anger Is a rap
id wiiukle-brlnger.
Ilo temperate. Moderation does not
only refer to the stomach. Overdoing
In any way makes for preniHiure age.
Love the open air. Fresh air Is not
a fad. It is a necessity if one would
keep young.
Get plenty of sleep. Nothing lines
the face like nights of wakefulness.
Keep mentally alert. An intellect
ual back number adds years to her
seeming age. Nothing makes for
youth like a young mind save perhaps
n young heart.
Don't let youroelf n't sluggish and
Indifferent. Here Is where the bene
fit of massage, physical culture and a
vital interest In life comes In.
The Wife's llutf.
Mrs. Harriet Johnston Wood, a New
York lawyer and woman suffragist,
nays that any married woman who
docs not mill to her husband's comfort
In bis home should support hersif.
She bus no right to expect her hus
band to supjiort Iter if she Is not giv
Ing him an equlvulrut.
The llreara.
When your cup of happiness is full,
I tell yon what to do;
Ix'hvc a little In the holloin for
The one that follows you.
I r JI 11W1 N l 111 A J
This fancy linen depends largely upon
Ihe button hole and eyelet finish for novelty
It's a trimming that will be used a great
deal tliis season. A distinctive feature in
the accompanying sketc h is the plain ovel
skirt I ashed together w ith ribbon ; showing
flat pleats underneath.
for the stsnature of K. W. UltOVB. I ssd th
World aver te Curs a Cold la One Day. 23c.
Prince Pierre's Point.
Wit illumines one of the dueling
Stories In Monsieur Konzler-Dorclere'a
recent book. "Stir Ix Fro."
Prince I'ierre ltonnparte. aud
French gentleman. Monsieur de In Va
lette, fought with pistols.
Monsieur de la Valette fired tlrst aud
missed. The prince fired, hit Do la Va
lette Just above the belt, but did not
wound him. owing to a five-frnnc piece
in his waistcoat pocket, against which
the bullet was flattened.
".Sir," said I'riuce Bonaparte to bl
adversary, holding out his hand, "let us
make friends, aud allow me to con
gratulate you on the foresight with
which you have invested your money,
lleredll j-.
The Doctor I have heard that the
parents of Luck hire didn't get along very
well together, and separated soon after
be wns horn.
The Professor Yes ; that It why he
has bis father's aggressive nose and bis
mother's retreating chin.
Pa Yon Feel I.Ike This t
' Does your bend ache or simply feel
heavy and uncomfortable? Does your
back ache? Does your side ache? Do
you feel fagged out? The tonic laxative
herb tea known ns Lane's Family Medi
cine will clear your head, remove the
pnlu In side or back and restore your
strength. - Nothing else is so good for
the stomach and bowels'. At druggists'
and dealers', 2iie.
Slug 47 How do yon spell-
Old Fashioned Proofreader Any way
you please. All rules of spelling havf
been abolished.
Btatb or Ohio, City or Totrso, l 81
Lucas Coumtt. I
Prank J. Cheney makes oath that he la
senior partuer of the Arm of K. J. Cheney
Co., doln bimlnesa In the City of Toledo,
County and State aforesaid, and (hit cald
firm will pay the sum of ON12 llb'NDHKl)
IiOI.LAKS for each and "very case of Ca
tarrh that cannot be cured by the ue of
Hall s Catarrh Cure. Kit ANK J. C11KNEY.
Sworn to before me and subsrrllwd In my
presence, this 6th day of lJecember, A. t).
(Skal) A. W. nt.KASOV,
Notary 1i:si.ic.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally,
and acts directly oa the blood and mucous
surfaces of ths system. Mend for UaMiuo
Dials free.
K. J. ('HENRY CO., Toledo, O.
Hold bv all Dr'uretsK 75c.
Take Hall's Kaiuily l'tlls for constipation.
Six or seven millions is etitiuinted to ba
the number of rubber tret's in the Malay
Pile Cuar Fart: Wonderful Pile
Remedy sent free to sufferers by ad
dressing Ken Company, Dept. 153, Mln
neapolls, Minn.
The tip of the tongue is the most sensi
tive part of tho human body; the tips of
the fingers come ucxt, and third the skin
of the lips.
PAZO OINTMENT Is (uarant'ea te eurt sn
ease of Itching, Bttad, Bleeding or f rotrud
Ini Piles In 0 to 14 days or uiou.j refuaded.
The Uovernuient 1'iireuu of Plunt In
dustry fin (Ik that ground granite makes
excellent fertilizer.
refill's Er Sulve for 2.1e.
Itelieves tired eyes, quickly stops eye
aches, congested, in fin turd nnd common
sore eyes. All druggists or Howard Itros.,
Buffalo, N. Y.
t rrrmunr lliullteil.
The king of the lmlios, who was on his
travels, had junt uiet Ihe king of the
Cannibal inlands.
"Well," they wiid. as they looked at
each other, "I giievn we won't kins."
Te have more of Health snd more ol
Life, take (iarfieid Tea! This Natural
laxative regulates liver, kidneys, stomaclt
and bowels, corrects const i put ion, puritiei
the blood and eradicates disease.
Hard Hubble.
Gunner He used to be a pessimist
and say the world was a bubble. I un
derstand he has changed his opinion.
(Jtiyer Yes; you si-e, be fell out ol
an airship not long ago.
Mrs. Wlnslow's Hoolblns 8) rap for chlid
reu teething, softens the puma, reduces la
flu munition, allays pslu. cures wind rvUe.
SAe a bottle.
Koihluir Iiolnor.
Floorwalker--4'uu I do anything for
you. madam?
Mrs. Kleptomeyer- No. thiiiiki, I
don t wish to buy. I'm Junt out shop
lifting. Judge.
A Ilosnestl Kr. Itemed?
Com pounded he Kspertenced rbyslilana.
Ouforms 10 I'ore Kood and lrui;s Isai
Wins kileods Vt'tiersver IVed. Ank Drus
(Ists for Murine V.it Itcmedy. Try Murlae
la Your VCjss. You Will I.Ike Murine.
K. ('. N. IT
No. 10 1U0U.
leier SMreseeas sviisier sag "vceiers Ik.a say
mmm m m m. . . mwmm wj a wj
no seed to take chancer.
There Is Hare War ( Ktowls
Oood Paint Material.
There is really no need whatever for
any property owner to take chances In
he selection of his pnUt materials. It
doesn't cost a cent to learn how to be
on the safe side. Certainly every prop-
rty owner has enough at stal'e to And
this out.
A complete painting guide, kuown ns
llouseowner's Painting Outfit No. 4!,
can be had free by writing National
Iad Company. Ifxxi Trinity Pulldlng.
New York. This company Is the largest
maker of pure white lend In the world.
Its Dutch Boy Pnlntcr trademnrk Is
famous as n guarantee of purity and
quality. The outfit Includes a book or
color schemes, for either Interior or
exterior painting, a hook of spoclflea-
tlius. and a simple little Instrument,
with directions for testing the purity
of paint materials.
The Tablle Pays the Freight.
Expressed In terms of value, the
enormous drain for lumber, which uses
up more than half of the entire re
maining Btipply, merely staggers belief.
But put it on your bill as sashes, doors,
blinds, floors, roofs, stnlrway-ralllngs.
ornamental house-tilt lugs, olHce and
store fixtures the thousand and one
items you pay for cither through your
landlord or direct to your builder ; then
add the item for shingles and laths,
which amounts In the aggregate to
otno thirty millions a year; la it d! Ill
cult to Bee why, with an average in
crease of twenty to fifty per cent in
the cost of the raw materials for these
products, your rent and house-building
cost more, by Just so much, than they
did ten, or even five years ago, exclu
sive of lulmr? Success Magazine.
Dlsrharared Drraase Doetnra Coald
Not Core.
Levi P. Brockway, 8. Second Ave.,
Auoka. Minn., says: "After lying for
tu months In a hos-
V-eSNy l1""1 1 was. discharged
ffy.. ns Incurable, and glv
h'-r'?. en only six months to
- J affected, I bad smolh
:j erlng spells and some
T'f.'v'A1 'r Hiiia. full ntinnnBlrm
I got so I couldn't
use my arms, my eye
sight was Impaired
and the kidney secre
tlons were bndly dls
ordered. I wns com
pietely worn out and discouraged when
I began using Donn's Kidney Pills, but
thev went right to the cnuse of the
trouble nnd did their work welt
have been feeling well ever since."
Sold by all dealers. CO cents a box.
Foster-Milbnrn Co., Buffalo. N. Y.
K sport Jndeiaent.
"I sometimes think," remarked the reg
nlnr natron, "that the'snaro drummer
should be the best musiciun in ths thca
ter orchestra."
"He usually Is," said the drummex.
Time Is the best test. For over fifty
years Hamllna Wiiard Oil has been the
most populnr remedy in tho Uuited States
tor the cure of Rheumatism, Neuralgia
and all pain and inflammation.
Aver linn Catastrophe.
Gwendolen O, Jack, whan you talk
like that you break my heart!
Jack' (In a whisper) I won't do It
any more, dearest. Awftcr this I'll say
ither snd nyther.
Seemed Imminent Scalp Wu Vers
Sealr and Male Came Oat by
llnndfuls Scalp Now Clear and
New Hale Grown by Cutlenra.
"AlKJut two years Bf,o I was troubled
wth my head being scaly. Shortly after
that I bad an attack of typhoid fever
nuci I was out of the hospital possibly
two months when I first noticed the
loss of hair, my scalp being still scaly.
I started to use dandruff cures to no
effect whatever. I bad actually lost
hope cf saving any hair at all. I could
brush it off my coat by the handful. 1
was afraid to comb it Hut after using
two cakes of Cutlcura Sonp and nearly
a box of Cutlcura Ointment, tho change
was surprising. My scalp is now clear
and healthy as could be and my hair
thicker than ever, whereas I had my
mind aiade up to be bald. W. F.
Steese, 6812 Broad St., Pittsburg. Pa.,
May 7 and 21. 1908."
Potter Drug & Chem. Corp., Sole
Props, of Cutlcura Remedies, Boston.
Insulted lllra.
An extremely learned young lady,
while reudlng her book, hud fallen off
a sharp cliff and lay Injured and help
less on the sands below. Finally, In
answer to her cries, she saw the form
of a flHherman advancing cautiously
over tho cliff, with a rope iu his hand,
to her rescue. She cinsped her hands
and exclaimed fervently:
"At last some succor has arrived!"
The fisherman turned and eyed her
indignantly for a moment and thou
yelled down to her:
"It's a sucker I am, la It Well,
you can iay Just whero you are!"
Judge's Library.
For miiiviB
t IrWS) 4
slksr gys. Iu lie satkan tel.rg at) II ken, Ihtf
eeeaias aev si ays, aieese sag sbas IISSat
Cured by Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Com pound
Marlton. N J. I feelthatLTdlaE.
Flnkham's Vegetable Compound ha
"1 given me new life.
I sniicrod for ten
years with serious
female troubles, in
flammaUon, ulcer
atlon, indigestion,
nervousness, and
could not Bleep.
Doctors gave me
up, as they said mj
troubles were
chronic. I was in
despair, and did not
caro whether I lived
or died, when 1 read about Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vesrctablo Compound; so I
began to take it, and am well again and
relieved of all my suffering. '' Mrs.
Geokoe Jobdy, Lot 40, Marlton, KJt-
Lydia E. l'inkham's Vegetable Com
pound, made from native roots and
herbs, contains no narcotics or harm
ful drugs, and to-day holds the record
for the largest number of actual cures
of female diseases we know of, and
thousandsof voluntary tcstimonialsarei
on file in tho rinkhnm laboratory at
Lynn, ilass., from women who have
been cured from almost every form of
female complaints, inflammation, uU
ceratlon, displacements, fibroid tumors,
irregularities, periodic pains, backache,
indigostion and nervous prostration.
Every Buffering woman owes It to her
self to give Lydia E. Ilnkham's Vege
table Compound a trlaL
If you would like special advice
about your ensr "a rite a confiden
tial letter to Mrs. Pinkliam, at
Lynn, Mass. Her auvico is free,
and always helpful.
The Unison I Mp Ice sr-d ".Ml Mora UTen'i S S.OO
6o $3.00 Show Thsx A&y Clhnr Manufacture
Is tacscM t sir. the wnr tb b.a.flt f th. iroiS
complrW r' Dilution of tilled cspoto ul
.hmnArt In th. rocotrr.
TIM clcU.ia of tli. t;i,rl for ri ftrt of th. ,
And trrrditij of th, aaklrft Is ov.nr d,rorti:mt. la
litohad e..r lb, b4 oho.Bi,ii7l In th, Ibo, irtlvnlrf.
If I eiold tftow vttu 'Jw tinnllf W. L. b.utiu olwos
ar. a,da. fxl n ivid :lin wlencond why tli.r Bold thole
aopo, as bottw, uAtjtr Iongr thu uy otbor sioSo.
My Mrthod of Ttwnlr.gtheSolH mahct thim afore
fmxitilt and lunger Wearing than atiy oihori.
Shop. Cor y.vrry iM.wher f the Knnillv.
M eu, liyn,'WomiH,.t l.oe aul t'lilldren.
r-T ile Sy .lifw rtfUrs rery where.
rnllTIP'J I Hons smulns without IV. I. Dnnslss
UHU I I'Jil I nam sua price .uiiik1 on buttoin.
Fut Color Erlt, Uwd Ezolailvolr. Oitslos asUot ma,
W. U DOUQLAS, U? Soark St., Urockloa, Mass.
This Trade-mark
Eliminates All
in the purchase of
paint materials.
It is an absolute
guarantee ol pur
ity and quality.
For your own
protection, see
that it is on the side of
every keg of white lead
you buy.
1902 Irmly Ivilillns, N, Tort
Dig Crops
In 1908
Another 60,000 Sslllers from thet'allH Slate
32 Herts si lies le tACI SCTIIEI-IM frer
0 .utiles! as4 lot al $3.08 Per t'crs.
A vaat, rich ountry anof a eenfenfeaV
pre.peroao people. " F.xtrnct from oorreMpoad
enceof a Natiunul Editor, whims yiMt to WeatrS
Cauada in August, lAi8, was an ina uratloa,
Mjay have paid the entire nt oi their larnaa
aad had a balsnrenl from $10 UO io$i).00 per acre
as a result ni in crop.
Kprioc Wheat, Winter Whrst, Oats. Bartetv
Flat aud Peas are the principal crips, while the-
ild rrasvs brina to perfection the beat Cattke-
tbat bare ever pern aibl on the Chics so atarks.
Hpl-ndid Climate, Hcbnois arid Churches in ail
localities, rallwaya touch ridot of Ihe settled die
trkts. and pilcee fur produce arn always IM
Lands, rosy sImi be purchased ltMn Kailway aad
L.and Companies. Pur panipUlota, maps aaa la
formation regarding- low railroad rates apply t
W. D. Scott, Superintendent ol Immlgratrea,
Ottawa, Canada, or K. T. Holmes, 31; Jackson
St., St. Paul, Minn, and J. M. MaiLacnlsa, Bos
116 Vt'atertown, bo. Dakota Autborued UoTara
suent Agents.
fleaae My whore yea saw this advertloemoat.
"I have used your valuable Cascarct
nd I find them perfect. Couldn't do
without them. I have used then for .
otne time for indigestion aud biliousness
and am now completely cured. Recom
mend them to everyone. Once tried, yot
will never be without them in th
family." Edward A. Mars, Albany, N.Y.
Ples.snl. Palatable. Potent, Taste Good.
Do Good. Never bickeo.WeaWen or Ulipe.
10c.t5c.5iTc. Never .old in bulk. Tbe gea
ulne tablet .tampedCCC. Uuaraateed (
cure or your money back. K
qallllcled with
fere Eyes, use
1-usUs) ftfi'l M4
KtvD CRutsa rut.
auici f inula cur
BEX COh Beat. 0 5. Mioaeevella Mlna.
tnifwr oisitMPEB. catabbhai
V -r
Cures Ihe sick and acts as a preventive fer others. Liquid g-l'a 00 tbe
longuo. Sale (or breod saares aad all others. Best kidney remedy. Moon la
S bottle, 16 00 the doren. II 00 and liaQO Ibe doiea. Sold by all drn(ists
and turf foods houses, or tent, express paid, by the manufacturers.
SP0HN MEDICAL COMPANY. Chemists. Goshen, lad.
Is t.le walar setler Ik. a gay .Ikcr f ys. T.s ess ere
sUV HUMt 1
V VC CO. Qmincr. Uti,i