s- iM.-ri!iiwi i nnnnM m 4' u THE ; BEST REMEDY For Women-Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound the Change of Life and sntlered from tieauaches. norvoim prostration, and hemorrhages. "Lydiii E. rir.fc. ham's Vegetable Co?niouu(lmademe el and strong, bo that lean do all bit housework, and at tend to tlio store and post-ollice, and I feel muchyounger than 1 really am. ham's Vegetable Compound is tho most successful remedy for all kinds of ruuinic iiuuuics, nnu x it'ci Trias 1 can never praise it enough." Mrs. Lizzijb Holland, Noah, Ky. TheChangoof Lifdisthemostcritical period of a woman's existence, and neglect of health at this timo invites disease and pain. Womenevery where shouldremember that there is no ot her remedy known to medicine that will unsuccessfully carry women through this trying period as LiVdia R. Pinkhtm'a Vofrot nWn rnm pound, made from native- roots and terbs. Pn OA ronva tl- 1 women from the worst forms of femala I Ills inflammation, ulceration, dis-' placements, fibroid tumors, irrofmhiri-1 ties, periodic pains, backache, and nervous prostration. If you would like special advice about your case writ a a. confiden tial letter to Mrs. Iinkl mm. n ft liynn, Mass. Her advico is free and always helpful tu Positively cured by these lurtlo i'llls. They Rfeo rcliova Dis tress Irom Dvnu'DsIa. Ia- Ulgestioa aca i Hearty EatlBS. A perfect tt C3y lor Dtzzlnesfl, NauEea, Drowsiness, Ead Tasto In tli9 3!outli, Coated Tonrie. Taia In the Siae, TOKl'ID LZVm. TUo rcEilate tto Eowcis. Purely Ycscta'ole. SMALL PILL tv!Mi nne. E SMALL FR'CE. Cenuba Mi'st Gear Fac-Simila Sisr.aturo REFUSE SU3STITUTES. taking liquid physic or big or little Enlls, that which makes you worse nsteadof curing. Cathartics don't cure they irritate and weaken the bowels. CASCAKETS make the bowels strong, tone the muscles so they crawl and work when they do this they are healthy, producing rip-ht results. M - o CASCARKTS toe a bo for a wrrk's treatuieut. AH druggists. Lig);rst seller ia the world. Million boxes a mouth. 63 c!s. a (u; Per Sailer's catalog pao ir-j. CXTT! Larsrest growers of sed oats, whr-jit. buru v. lA apeltz.corn. potHtoes, pra'K-s -iiti cIuv.ts ;inl K , raim seus in itto wurit . iiitf ciialc-L.- fi r V- send IOO in stumps and rcn-ivc sainpl ,t liiilion Dollar Gi yn-lnine 10 tons of h.iy r peritcre. oats, spelt,, bar ley, t-tc, easily woi tl ft IO.OO of anv man's m.nu-i. tr u-i n u i ,t t. I and catalog fiee. Or, send 14c and we a. id a fc' byyou. SA'-ZER StrFnen Pnt (M I a rwc. M This Tratlc-mark Eliminates All Unccriaiuly in tiie port base of p. lint Iii;itei'i:il.. It is an al.wolutc mm gu ir.iiitoc ot pur. itv aii'l cuulity. I r y on r own protect ion, see 'mm my thai it is n:i the siiie of e-.- ki -g ot h hitv lead you buy. Wo . : . ? -,; ' " . - ' .V 1 , t- SS0I1 ICARTER'SI y we 11 j PILI.S. CARTER'S 13 PILLS. ASoutli Da kotaMoi ley Maker IMPROVEMENTS: ' A seven-room house with good cistern. Ram 68x82, holdB 150 tons hoy, L'O head of horses and 100 head of cattle. (Jranary. 5,000 bu. capacity. Tool house. Two prood wells. Ona windmill, pump and tank. East half fenced in two parts, west half all under one fence. Fine grove of young trees on three sides of the house. It can't be beaten in the United States for a- money-maker. The following crops per acre were raised on the above place last season: Durum wheut uverused :!5 bu., which at 90c brought $22 50 per acre. Itar ley averaged 27 lu., nt 55c or $14.85 per acre. Itlue Stem wheat averaged IS bu. at $1.06, or $19. OS per uere. Klax averaged 1C '4 bu. at $1.55. or $25.64 per acre. Oats averaged .15 bu. at 46c, or $16.10 per acre. Only 240 acres under cultivation, balance virgin eod. Wliat tlio other fellow can do you ran do. If this is too large, come up and let me fit you with a smaller farm. ROSS E. PARKS, Lily. South Dakota A HEART-BREAKING COUGH u oVeJ?u! to tu!5et and despsirieg to hear. Why threaten the health el your iuna and the prsca oi your Uasily when you cm oLlsio immediate ichcf (root I'uo't Cute ) Keaaikalle remia UIow the isl cloae. Taken rrguiarly it looUies and Leali (lie Incetated tissue, loosens the closing pl.Ugn and t4s tlie couK. f'leasaal to the tatle and free iiom opisies. CKildri.-n eojcy taking k. 1' or throat end lung ''"imw msttet how iar advanced. PISOS CURS IS INCOMPARABLE I r ' tv Shining lirrr, Stranger Vou little boys scorn to like that old gentli'man L1ttli Boy Yes. lie furnishes us with much amusement. Stranger But lie seems In su.h a cress humor. Little Boy Ten, hut lie la thr- only Id gentleman In this part or 'own that wears n tall silk lial during the snowball season. The recipe for Worcsteriilrp sauce, which hat made en Knelish linn wealthy and famous, was the secret in nn uld t-!n- tli.sh family for (touerations. A hutlci sold it for a small amount. IT BECAME SERIOUS. A Case Tkat Developed Alnrmlng Mathlns Campbell, 21S E. Nebraska St.. Ul.ilr. Xebr., Rays: "For yon re I hud been suffering spoils of pain In he Duck end loins, dis ordered urine, pain In passing, bad odor. t. iVtvfY ,C' Tlie lc:,st niove Y " Ik' A hurt mo' an,i 1 coui.i Vt'NAv not turn in bed without help. I took f '':! a friend's ndvloe j"t tiNs. nd used Moan's IMils. The disappeared ViW trouble entirelv nnil lm n.tt returned." Sold by all denlors. 50 cents a box. l';tcr-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. X. Less thnn 1 per cent of the public hai orensiou to moke use of the world' ca bles. The Grip of Spring. . Durins the last twenty years mntiT of onr citizens have been attacked in" the oi'img monrns py Rrip. Nome Kit had se rious or slight attacks every year or two. All know it to be a dnnt;rJus disease. If Lano's Pleasant Tablets (which are sold at . cents a box by rirngsists and deal ers) are taken when tho fii-Rt symptoms are felt, there is hardly a clinnce of the malady retting a foothold. If you can not get them near home, tend 17, cents to Orator F. Woodward, Le Uoy, N. Y. Sam- yiv iretr. The removal of factories has cut the population of Brockton, Muss., nearly 20, tX'O iu ten venrs. A 2.-.0.000 Bushel ICIevntor. The John A. Sailer Seed Co., Box C, La Crosse, Wis., by all odds the larg est farm, grass, clover, potato and veg etable .Seed Growers in America, If not the world, have just broken ground for a unique seed elevator with storaga and cleaning capacity of more than a Quarter of a million bushels. This great firm Is sending out Clover Seed testing !',).53 per cent pure, a rec ord Justly to be proud of. If you haven't Sulzer's Catalog, look up their advertisement and write for It to-day. A California company has secured 100 pounds of aus puddy rice from Bengal aud will try to raii-e the grain. PILES CURED IX TO 14 DAYS PAZO OINTMENT ts guaranted to cure any on? of ItcblEK, Blind, Weeding or Protrud ing Piles In tt to 14 days or money refunded. 60c. Every year th. school children of Swe den plaut about (! l.'l.iKhi trees. A Domestic Eye Hoiucdy Componnded by Kxptrlenced Physicians. Onfonns to Pnr" l''ood and Dross Wins friends Wherever Used. Ask Drug gists for Murine IJye Heinedy. Try Murine la Your IOycs. You Will Like Murine. Fell for It. "Lottie," asked Will, "what is that piece of music the orchestra ia playlnj?" "It's the overture to 'William Tell!'" she answered, looking at bim out o the corner of her eye. In a tremulous yet ardent whisper Wil liam thereupon told her what she had been waiting so long to bear. Chicago Tribune. Ills Statesmanlike View. Trusty Henchman Then you believe la a primary law, do you, colonel? Political .Magnate Emphatically, yeel It ia the easiest nf all games to beat. Jfiliiifrl . Mi I . "Mm. si ' lT noEox-rLYixa in india, A Srt WMch Is the Hetnll of Life on I he lliu 'lops. We of tln west. ltli our freedom end opporlunltles for sport nrleld nnl afloat, eonyiveliend bot di.uly bow much of Hie fjorlal Hi,, of inr east i sK'iit in the In use tops. Tl Is Is especially Mitiruorlsile of li i' eopie nf India ' be re tl:,. r of 1 l.nlis )ei:s:tl,le owing to the vi lb d Hie i f tiie women, and slme for ilnw hap'.ess cre.iturea no ouiiiii; ui'i.er U. r!;;ld conditions of pnprlel.v Is n rare "vent, mul nti oc casion of t.io in n b picnp and ceremony. to be ri!iy i.vuble, they take the nlr on t!i r .;..;'. I he r(o.s i." t'..clr mud houses are built !a. M i.in ill tiilmr nd surround i"! by a parapet of n-asmia ble height, whleu Is S' n t iied by pots of flowers or bj e'.veplng j. hints I invariably jas- linnc. triireil arotird n slight wooden trellis. T;i:m is the pl.ie of recreation for i he younger children and the wom en f,'!k of the household. Moreover the men nad youths of ouch family are at I'l'ston;.',) to sin ml i;ulte us much of t lu ll- Caie i 'i 11. civ 'ts the women, but never slioi'ld a man from imotber fam ily l!:lri!ili' upon the prescmv of the Wolilcli. From l!;is (iistoui have tlevelopotl two li:tciv;:il-ig siioris, both of which are (h-irnMerhific of tlie peculiar de laih il l i !" of tlie caste-ridden Jieople. These rre plueoii-Ilylng nnd kite-flying, whh li i;ie inilulgeil in by grown-ups ns well ns by children, nnd which have In tlie course of e.iturle.4 gnlhered unto theiusehi : niir-h of the (Mgnlty of a s iciee. It i ou'te a i or.unoii sl-'ht In tile lavgor ciil s apd towns to see the clear eiiin-Iless skies full of pigeons wlu-elleg i;i Hoi ks, or of gaudily paint ed kites soaring at the Invisible end of colored thread. rigc' ii-tlvlvg Is rot without Its ele ment of hazard ui.d excitement nnd Ifl n form of public gaming. The wealthier men often keep large lbs k of valuable birds on tiie roofs ot their houses, with ;i professional "llyer' to care for them. They breed pedigreed birds of great value and around the leg of each Is the owner's private mark on a brass ring thai Jingles at each step of the bird. These Hooks are numerous, as there are ipiile a large number of pigeon fanciers in each city. SHORT METER SERMONS. J r.ariiinir the ( rmvn, Only be who is willing to bear the rrovs Is worthy to wear the crown. Kev. Ceo. A. Il.'ciiier, Episcopalian, Omaha. Need of tl:c Dnj-. The greatest need of the day is the ia'gest hospitality toward Jesus Christ Bishop E. H. Hughes, Metiiodisl Episcopalian, San Francisco. rroneueN to Mn. Moi fill man has a jiroiieness to bra tlhhness m il tdn, itlbeit that . he is I child of (Jed. Dr. J. (i. Scauriniiu, Cm. .rega'i loyalist, Ithaca, X. Y. K.iieetmif-3. One ot th" principal elements ol faith that makes for health as well a character Is the mood of expectancy. Rev. 1'. 1'. Winner. Congregatloiiallst; Minneapolis. Illshrnt Deal. Wo cannot afford to tiilnlc wronq thoughts or to do wrong deeds. Le our blghist Ideals be, to be ''Sodlike ni.il C'.u-isllike. ltev. C. C. Buckner, Dl.scip'e, Aurora. Tic Wnriii'a Orebpntrs, Ever;' instrument of civilization 1$ beii.g ntt'.na'd to heaven's keynote o broti'eily love and gradually formlilg a grztul world orchestra. I'.ev. W. At 'iijior. Christian, New Orleans. Church mul Slutc. The church much convert the slate, No church may govern the slate. And eny church that proposes to be sov ereign over our republic Is a foe to American liberty. Rev. Ir. Bergen, Presbyterian, 1 ul. tuple. Over All. Wc are just recovering from an over 3fc" of evolution and Immanence. (Sod lP not simply in ail and through all, 3nt also and especially, so far as inan'e consciousness is concerned, over nil. Ilev. C. II. Beale, Congregatlonalist, Mllwtnikee. Su perslil Ion. The human race Is only slowly emerging from iinhnnHsm. And one ot the relics of Its animalism which clinge to the race is its supers! it Ii hi. Re ligion now, ns ever. Is very largely su perstition. Rev. Win. T. Brown, Till tin Inn. Suit Lake City. Social Ref.iriil. The church ns organized religion, it she is to be faithful to her exalted mission, must continually reinforce the ranks of social reformers; religion must supply the motive power for so cial reform. Rev. W. M. Brundage, Cully Church, Brooklyn. '(unlit)'. Not 'tuuntlly. I rc'-ogiii.e the pressure of nioderr, life and the limitation on our time and strength, lint it Is quality and not quantity that counts, not how much, but how j.'enuine, Is the test of the i hiirch's service and power. Rev. F. . Ilimley, Baptist, l'rovldeu (. Itltllf lilc'a A fieri. I want to say a word about the of fist of rldieult' upon many men mid women. Ridicule has killed more men and women than pols.ui. Many a man bent upon reform i n true upbuild ing of character has boon swayed by a sneer or by laughter when Just a lit tle prissui f a helping hand would have saved him. Rev. A. 1". Wedge, Bajllst, Jewell. Mass. The llciliiiilu'a llt'il. An Interesting patient nt the med ical mission at Haifa, l'uicston, Is al luded to in the annual rciiort of the S. I'. C. K. Itr. Coles writes; "1 luring the year we bavo had many patients from very desolate perls nf Afia. One van a lieilnuin who had never been Inside of a Iioiim' wlih -.wailows and had never seen a bei!.:ea,. lie wauled to sleep under ti.e bed. tearing to fall off if he tried to si ii in II. saying; 'I can't stay awul.c all nl.-lir holding on to this bank. Ri sh'i s It v. Id not ke p till I' It was a -prli,g m utrt h." GREAT CIVIC NEED. I'haS nf Ulfrpillmr MiILImm f II .H pro einenl Work. AMint 's needed along the line of Inv piovement work, a phase too often overlooked. Is to educate nnd develop taste in the child regarding civic beau tifying. W hen the grow ing generation Is Interested In civic improvement the results need not be feared. The pres ent weakness lies In the fact that but few are Interested, and the vast, inu Jority are lnditTcrent through Ignor ance. Could the Ilrst principles of this grand work be taught to hoIum! chil dren as a body the work of beautify ing In the future would prove a simple and easy task. Had tlie children of the past generation been educated In improve. in nt work there would lie no nisil now of maintaining a constant, never ending light for slreet trees nnd other features of the work without which beaulifnl cities cannot be hud. In dealing with the subject nt school It is not iiece-'a:-y to delve into detail, but the pupils should be instructed in the fuml.r.iK'iilals. This interest cannot be created by the '.dulling process, whh h Is the weak ness of the present day common schools, but should be developed in tho child, so that be can penvive, appre ciate and discover beauty and excel lence and the best means to such ends. The curriculum of the common school has not been of late years Hiilllclently chang;'(l to meet the demands of the present day development in regard to public improvement, and when reach ing matuiv years or upon leaving school this phase of life Is to him a closed Ixiok. School training should nlm to impart somewhat of culture and taste, especially during; the later years of attendance, and this la turn would be transferred to the homo and publio works, so that there would soon be an army i f protestants against slov"U.y municipal housekeeping that would prove equally potent in public life with the improved methods and conditions brought about at home. t ''in a Knbker-liid Jones lose control of bis auto? Rocker -Entirely ; his chauf fei:d won't let him use it at all. New York Sun. ' She (indignantly) You had no busi ness to kiss me! lie But It wasn't business; It was pleasure. Detroit News-Tribune. "Do you believe iu the superhuman?" "I used to, but I don't any More." "WhyV" "I married him." Chicago Record-Herald. "Flee!" cried the girl. "You mean fly," corrected the lover. "Never mind what insect 1 mean," she replied. "Just git! Pa's coinin'." "There goes the most talked about man in the community." ' You surprise me. Who talks about him." "lie does." Chicago Tribune. She Yes, I admit I am very fond of dress. lie Huh! Then I should think you would wear more of It. I'hiladelphla press. Knleker What is the secret of suc cess? Boi ker Be the fellow your wifo could have marriitl if it hadn't been for you. New York Sun. 1 1 Int HuV does she manage to keep her looks? Her Keep her looks? Why, She can't get rid of 'cm. or she wouid, I suppose. Cleveland Reader. "What caused tlie separation?" "Oil, ho thought as much of himself as she thought of herself and as llttlo of her as sho did of bim." Life. Malsle I'll only marry a man whoso fortune lias at least six ciphers in it. Mortou Then I've got a cinch. Mino is all ciphers. Milwaukee News. Scott I suppose you are saving up something for a rainy day. Mott I try to, but my wife mistakes every bargain ,salo for a shower. Boston Transcript. Colonel What do army regulations make the first requisite in order that a man may be burled with military honors? 1'rlvato Mat-shorty Death, yer honor ! Blobbs -Tightwad claims that when charity is needed be Is alwuys tho first to put bis hand In his pocket Klnbbs Yes, and bo keeps it there. Philadelphia Record. Willie Don't tiie bluellsh go about in schools, mother? Mother Yes, dear; why? Willie -oh. nothing; only I wan Just wondering what the school does il some fisherman happens to catch the teacher. Creditor- Say. I sent you my bill n month ago. Editor -Yes, but you wrote across the back of it: "Please call and settle." We make It a rule to pay no attention to manuscript! written on both sides. The country parson was condoling with the bereft widow. "Alas!" lie con. tinned. "I cannot tell you how pained I was to learn that your husband had gone to heaven. We were bosom friends, hut we shall never meel again." "Now where did I lay tny rat, I won der?'' fretted Mrs. Trousseau. "Your, er-rat?" Mild her hm-baiid. "Do you mean that ilnfl'y thing you put on your head';" "(if course!'' 'Tin sure I don't know, my dear; but why cull It a rat'.' Rabbit would bo better it would sound more like real inire,"- l.ipplncot t's. I'ul.lo. Help:- The man was clearly in great ill Iross. Help: Hi Iji!" In agoi:i,e. tones the cry was r pealei!. But. abii! be lived In the suluirln and wanted a a hi for general liousework. so ilie icip in nil the ern ployinent ollices irea'id bim with calnj scorn nnd thus was l.e left to his fatei New York Times. And sometimes a poet fools people by wearing li s hair sliort. s X7IIAT WIFE SAYS "GOES," Bat It Sumrllinra I lld for the 1'nlntlnir. When n property-owner knows noth ing r.boiif paint It is bad for the prop ri'v -owner, and bad for the painter. It Would not be so If the property-owner would alwnja hire a skilled painter ml then really leave everything to h'm. But the honseow nor so often fools hiH.self on one or tlie other of these thing!. The skilled painter In every commu nity has some of the most Incompetent Cooiji-'t iters that ever vexed a coi'.sel dr.l his workman or contractor, and the llicoiupeli uls get Jobs generally by w orking i heap. In the next place, when I'.ie skilhil painter la hired, they do not leave evervlbieg to bim, as so tin ny pi o ;erty-ow ners boast they do. They Interfere most Ignoran'.ly and most fatally. They Insist sometimes on using paint materials without inves tigating whether they are good or not. Or pcihnps they Insist on the painter's hurry lug the work. ' I'm ml going to have this painter's n: s ! round my house a mouth." the .vl'e says, and what wife says goes at t'.'e cost of a lot of wasted painting inor..v. if the painter stays away a few days to allow the paint to thoroughly dry the owner says; "That painter's nog lecling this work -guess he's side truck ing i.'.u for Jones' work. I won't stand It." What chance dis's n painter have to do good work for a iniin who is con I i -i 1 1 : 1 1 ! v nagging at him and otherwise handicapping hhu (without meaning it, of coiirsei? A poor Job is tho Inevita ble result of such Interference. Toor painting costs (lie houseowner money--don't forget that. It might pay you to get the practical paint book, painting specifications and instrument for detecting paint adulterants, which National Read Co. are ottering under (lie title of House Owner's Painting Otttllt No. -111. Address National Lend Co., 11102 Trinity Bldg., New York City. This company does not make paint (they leave that to the painter to do), but they make pure white lead ("Dutch Boy Painter" trademark kind), nnd they can tell you how to save niot.ey by securing durable painting. Some of tho saloons In Liverpool dls piny the sign: "f-adies can not be served without their hats on." A Simple nnd Safe Remedy for a cough nr Throat Trouble is Brown's Pronchir Troches. They possess real merit. In boxes - cents. Samples mailed free. John I. Brown & Son, Boston, Mass. After dropping a nickel In the slot of a new machine, a brush cleans and pol ishes ptitrons' shoes. Onlr Oaa -'DROMO dl'IMSK" That Is LAXATIVE BKOMO QPINIXK. Loos fur the signature of K. W. OUOVK. I'sed tba World over to Curs a Cold to Ona Day. 23c Postal development in China has com pelled a revision iu the spelling of Cliiuese city names. WESTERIT CANADA'S CROP YIELD FOR 1003 WAS SPLENDID. Aincrlenns Treated Lnraelr and Mend Uni-U tintlafuctorr Kepurta. The census branch of the Department of Agriculture. Ottawa, Canada, has completed Its returns of the showing of Western-Canada's grain yield for UKIS. ... . V , . .i """ U1C "l'"u "niM'B tcry iiucr.-i .og reining, in me tnree provinces or Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta which comprise what may be known as Central Canada, there was a total wheat yield of about 107,000,000 bush els, worth to the farmers nbout $So, tMKi.OCO; in addition to this tho oai, barley and tlax crops were worth an other $:i."),(M)0,000. U tters have recent ly been received from many of tho set tiers froid the United States. From these, that of Rev. Oscar L. King lias been selected. He lives in tho vicinity of Edmonton, Alberta, and what he says will be of Interest to those who contemplate moving to Central Can ada. Every line of the letters is Inter esting. Those who wish for further particulars as to how to secure lionie steuds and pre-emptions, should write any Canadiau Government agent. Mr. King says : I am well satisfied with Alberta. This country offers excellent opportuni ties for anyone to make a g'sid home for himself and family if be Is willing to put up with u few bard knocks for tho first two or three years. But it is worth a few hard knocks to get n 100 acre farm of rich productive laud with no mortgage on it. This province Is well titled for grains, stock raising und dairying. ", have found the cllmato generally healthful, more healthful than Michigan, and although the ther mometer sometimes drops to 40 de grees below zero in winter, yet we do not seem to feel that temperature any more than we did 5 or 10 degrees be low zero In Michigan. We like the winters. The Government takes great Interest in the education of the people and quickly aids the settlers in establishing schools where they aro called for. The schools though graded differently than those In tho States are etllclent nnd ad vancing. Our great drawback has been the limited und Inadequate railway fa cilities, but new roads are being rapid ly built and many more are projected through various parts of the province. The new policy of the Alberta Govern ment to construct a great many branch lines throughout the province will greatly help all parts of the country. If those uew settlers who have to go back a considerable distance from ex isting railroads and towns to lind free homesteads will but locale along the 11 if a projected railroad they will In two or three years be near both town and railroad. When I Ilrst came to llils country three and a half years ago the homestead I look up was "" miles from a railroad town, now there Is a railroad L'o miles north, iinolher L'o miles soiiih and a third Is thing built through my neighborhood. I think I he prairie counliy or coun try tiiat Is par'ly prairie offers much Is'litr opportunities than the prairie por'.loiis. S. C. N. I' . o. I i I'JOil. PVTVAM FADELESS DYES Cslsr awrc ts(i4t krisbfef ant tulcr rolort lias say slbsr ars. ts Itc ssctsse tst.ra all tlssra. last ivt la tots wsiei aeiie. ib.. ... . - k4 if ....m a., u oi.... ... Ma t. WotfioT vv a c b.i ii'n J:5"S CUTICURA CURED . HIM. Reaema Came on I.es anil Ankjea ( anniilnn C Met of follee Could Not Wear Shoes llrcans of Daat cnllnsr and llrlilne. "I have been successfully cured of lry eczema. I was inspecting the re noval of iiiulous wood from the edge nf a river and was constantly in the lost from the weeds. At night I leaused my limbs, but felt a prickly ensatlon. I paid no attention to It for two years, tint I noticed n scum n my legs like fish scales. I did not uttetiil to It until It came to 1k too itchy aud sore nnd began getting two running sores. My ankles were all sore ind scabby nnd I could not wear fdioes. I had to use carpet and felt ullppers for weeks. I got a cake of the Cutl Hira Soap and some Cntbaira Olut meat In less than ten days I could put on my boots and la loss than three weeks I was free from the confounded itching, ('apt. (Jeorge P. Bliss. Chief )f Police, Morris, Manitoba, March 'JO, UK7. nnd Sept. 24, 1!08." Potter Drug & Chem. Corn., Sole Props, of Cutleura Remedies, Bostou. It I bn til Jester, about the terrific magazine ex- "Hear plosion?" "No. How about It? happen?" "Next March. Happened look." Chicago Tribune. When did It to the Out- What m Woman. Will Not Do. There is nothing a woman would not do to regain her lost beauty. She ought to be fully ns zealous in pre serving her good looks. Tho herb drink called Lane's Fninlly Medicine or En no's 'Pea is the most elliclcnt aid in preserving a beautiful skin, nnd will do wore than anything else to restore the roses to faded cheeks. At all drug gists' and dealers', 2."ic. Telephones are to be introduced into the Turkish empire yad operated by the government. Vrs. Wlnslow's Kuotblnn Syrup for i-hlia-rrn teething, sefteus the trams, reduces In tlsmuiHtlen. allays palu, cures wind colic. Sie a bottle. China has just completed Its first school t forestry. Btite or Onto, Titt or Toi.t.no, I Lucas County. ( " Frank J. t'heney tnnkes osth thnt he Is senior partner of the firm nf F. J. Cliener & Co.. (loin business In the Clly of Toledo. County anil Kt.ste aforesaid, snd thnt (mid firm will pay the sum ot ONK Ul'MMtKIl DDI. L.AHS for each and every ce of Ca tarrh that cannot be rant hy the nic of Hall s Catarrh Cure. FItAXK J. CHUNKY. Sworn to before m and pubarrllwd In my Jresence, this Oln day of December, A. U. 8S. (SEAL.) A. W Or.EASHV. Notart rriu.ie. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is talien iHternally, and acts directly on the Mood and mmoiis surface of tho system. Bend for testimo nials free. F. .T. CHESTY A CO., Toledo, O. Ptobl hr all Druggists, 75e. Take Hall's Family I '1 11a for constipation. A burglar arrested in I,ondoii the other night remarked regretfully : "I knew the time when I could do twenty houses ia two hours. But 1 am genius old." You will respond very quickly to the Garfield Tea treatment, for this Natural laxative corrects constipation, purities the blood, and benefits the entire tysloiu. Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Iceland liave sivt'ii tho uiuuicijial franchise to women. Rheumatism, Neuralgia and Sore T,-V;0!,,rWilil- BOt "J"!?"? 'with Hunihns i?.ard Oil, tho best of a, PPmodies for the relief of all pain. Taklnr all her possessions Into consid eration, there are six colored p-rsons to every white in the British empire. 753' WTion ton yssrt sfi wo first ofro-ed to" the world SaiaorV nation rinli.e S.rAb"':er.f...Wr "b".l;.wondiea IMHMfr Now nil UoubtYoiiS r Jfaf 1 inr tr a ne.,, i .... . i.. p AWk.alover.ud sra..r. tho pareal w. ,f. W. .r. th. Isr. ..Z'"'?" W. - : ,r .V 1" TUI .-.- li.-ra iu. awrnral, nuool, a .1 i.rn i i vaiaia tans whv m h... . k . tortUiee rill, . I . . ,.. -. -1 'T r?:. B11 l'ou I tr. aatd 4a ad w.ij , aan, Una od auvsnj. Tough S. . " .r. .oT.V ...rroTooe'Vu'snVle. ZS?J" Trr ear paefcatw sorlloat vofotablo sosdt pootpaid for 1)0. a. .. WOftTH 910.00 OFaNV MAN'S sonnon.' I fit Vaaa-v and high-grado workmanship are what make Mayer Work Shoes last longe r than any other kind. Farmers, miners, lumbermen, mechanics and all classes of nuisuicu i-au uouote me wear out OI MAYER WORK SHOES They are honestly made solid through mm uiruuKii. i iiey aro -putlton Honor. 1 heir strength and wearing; qualities cannot be equalled. To be sure you ure uc'ttinu the genuine, look for tho Mayer Trade Mark on the sole. Your dealer will supply you; if I'R .f-.' If VOll Wilt send no I,a r, i ..... nof Inuullc Mayer Work Slioca, we will send you free, post paid, m beuuiiftil picture of (.eoryo Wa.lmiglon, size lanitl. C We ub o make ilonorhilt Shoes. Lesdiinj Lady Shoos. fl Manba Wsihlllimiil Cnmlon si...... v. r..... i .. V Shoes und Spot ml Merit .School Shoes. F. MAYER BOOT & SHOE CO. ft 1 1 11 a I u I. i.' vara --. . . . ( ?urr 4 u,:e t'e-do e i revt olive, no e.ia'ler bow horses at any aat I leinieaor rtpoed. 1 Ll( unl, y ; en co tue luiiiiiie, a Is on the blood a i.i.iinl-; epel tlie imisouuus K' mm Iiom iho tiejv. Cutes Bist.inuer IXal, and si...-. .J- , i ; ' ii '" !" ii; i uiuo v. i.arge' i si-iana nve aloes rented, ii i le '"'J'1"1 ""it huir.au bi iiikbtna isa tu.e Kiduev remedy. 60c ana i a boti.e; M and I0 .-, doxen. Cut n ib out. Keep it. M.ow to you: druit li,t' .! !" : I f"r you. l'ree booklet, "Diattiutor, Causes aud Cttfosj pecl.ll SjeiltH Wlllllcd. Spsta McrJical Co. u.::.1. Gashcii, hi, U.S.A. '-.a. 1 rnt every chronic rhrnmatto to throir art t all medicine, ml liniments, all plasters, rnd rive MCNlOVH KflKUMA. Tl:M III: MIC l V a trlaL .No nutter what your doctor may acy, no maidr what your friends amy asy, no mstter huw I'repidlced too lesy bo against 'all adror tlBd remedies, ro nt one to tair flti Flt and e-t a bottlo of tho fcllKUMf. I ISM ItF.MIlliT. K It fulls to glrV Kills, fsrtlon.l will refnrd yonr nmnoy. Maoyos Hene-inhcr this remedy contains no sal Wile n. 'd. no opium, cocslno, pmrpbln nr other harmful drill's. It Is put tip vnrtef It" guarantee of tlie Pure Food and lru aNet. w For eate tr all droc slsta. Trice. 25. JUST DOUBLE 320 ACRES Ir.sfscd of 160 ACRES As further Inducement to settlement of the IVlu at KaisiHir lands of Western Canada, the ( iinudian Uurisminrnt Ux lncre.tril tha area th.it may be taken by a homesti ader to.'iO acrt li'Ofneand Ian to he purchased at.0il per acra, Th-' lauds are in the Erain-raiing- area, where tnlvr.l larniinv Is iki carried on Kith uuquali&4 ata'ccMi. A railway wilt shortly be butlt tn Hudson brtneini; the world's markets a thousand milee nearer thiwi whe.il field. whru xhixils and churches aro convenient, climate esoellent, rail wayKclumi to all settleuirnu and locil asarkete' food. "It ikojIJ lahm Hint to animitatm t4 rsesitf'ons that a cisif fo thm armmt em sure jinff to thm North of as mnfoldmj at marry turn. " Correspondence o( a National t.l 1 1 or. v.ho visited Wntern Canada lav Ausust, l'tos. Lands may alo be purchased fmm Railway and L"d I nmi'in.'es at LOW PRICES AND ON EASY TERMS. Foe pamphlets maps and Information as to low Hallway Kates avply to V. II. Sett, Superintendent ol Iinrplcrsttoa,' Ottawa, Canada, or K. T. Holmes, J.ickioa St., St. l'anl, Minn, and J. M. MacLachlan, Hot lit Wnlertown, S. liakuta. Autliotucd Uovara nient Atjents. i risess as; ohers rou ss this ad -srtlsneat. The Ties son I Jifaka and Sell Mors Man's S3. 00 1 & $3.60 Bhooa 1'aaa Any Other Manufacturer Is beriisis t ft" ths w(vrr tha bastflt of tha aaeit oompUta orf uatl.a ef trataad sxpwtt oaa ssIuaS ' aho.mikara la tba oouatry. Th aiiiartiun of tba laolliarf for OSes port sf tlio olos. Slot avarr (iatll of tha maklas la ovarv Saportparat, la looked oftar by tha halt ahcam.Kra ts tha ibeo loduitry. If X cools ibow yo-i haw cirarnltr W. 1. l:antlaa hca aro maila. you would thas nntfnrtUrid orhv tin v halt thats atiapa, fit otttor, saSwasr lougar Uiaa any othu suJio. My Method of JanninqthtSatet ntakt them Afsre Flexible and Lohsr Wearing than any etasA. Mh.tes for Krepjr Men-tier f the family, Uitt. lloyo, Wuiiivn,!! laoto and Children. . V'r slf hy tlioo dealers evryviiera. PHIITIIM I seiniins wHIioiu VV. L. Don UHUI1UIV 1 namo and.prteo sismiivd sn bottoin. East Color Xyolak, Vaod tzclsalvoly. CaUl.f sudlaS ftst. . W. U DUUdUS, U7 Sssrk St., BracahM, Mats. PILES' llHC IP CURED 'tin erift sand H Ki CROHil PIW ULA CO- Dept. D3, Mlnuctjpali, Mloa a - 1 - . " ' "'" w "iiuts rno a'm nf Auiorln o'u .kT ----..low, hum fUVW, BHli , . 10 Amsrlca. nnerot laa tnos . vonolahloa srown. Our ..l. V,. T' . - . .. . , - 'r Ur' Spoils, thararaal a'Hl l.tl.l...nd ao.si . botoVs by yoa. f!o O If WORK SHOES stock, heavy soles, solid coun. lll.U..i.ll Mlu "!V", '-. ;'r'l'l''"'J"o'1 w i , urn i V 'H ' ""'CJ '"'V ''1 ' Jig -1 , 't - r-,ijVVrtW'J-''-l---V. ' v - ''MvViv I V SslTaaT -lt-v, Medium, JMavmiaoVat Ua-d -, 1 a V Ibaaatf, I ters. ilouhlo leiithor trWU arl-allKls. a Art am a win MM not, write to nf a .I....!-- .1 jg k' are and "'.' J"i vmic. j. .u...r nrih tfnir- - Mr--jr V