Dakota County Herald Official Paper of the County JOBN H. 1CAM, PUBUSnilt. Subscription rrice. $1.00 Fer Year. A weekly newspaper published at Dakota City, Nebraska. Fermiosion has been granted for tbe ransmission of thic paper through the tnaiis as second-class matter. Telephone No. 43. Items of Interest from our Exchanges f E 0XM SO iMO .: W3 3t0ii Allen News: Rev J L rkillips, of South 8ionx City arrived last . venlng to assist with the revival meetings now in progress. Albaton items in Sloan, Iowa, Star: Mrs Horace liakkae and son, Leonard, left the latter part of the week for their home at Homer, Nebr, after a week's visit at this place. Lyons Mirror: Robert Rymill and Earl IUsdul returned from Ilomcr Sunday .. .John Nunn, post tiador at the Wionebago agency, was hero Mon day, lie worked for us on our farm near Ilomcr nearly a quarter of a century ago. Lyons Sun : George Blessing, the Dnroo hog breeder at Horner bus been finishing up some of his thoroughbred stock aud placing it on the Sioux City market. Iu every instance he has top ped the market by from ten to flftenn cents. Decatur Herald: JW Olbrey and two sons, Qlen and Harry, and Mrs Harry, took tho early train Monday morning for Council Bluffs, where Olen will submit to a critical opera tion which his many friends hope will be successful HartiDgton Newt: Chas Schrempp returned Saturday evening from a short visit with friends at Jackson .... Miss Maggie Baird returned to her school work at Tarkio, Missouri, last Saturday after a week's visit here with her parents. Sergeant Bluff items in Sloan, Iowa, Star: Myrtle Bates and Ed Hoover, of Dakota City, visited relatives of the former here last week.... John Mur phy and Mrs Chas Murphy were guests of the for iter's sinter at South Sioux City, New Years day. Potion Leader: Will Beardsbear, of Homer, is visiting at the M B Dewitt home northwest of town... .Mr and Mrs W F Mikesell returned home Fri day evening, being entertained at New Yrars' dinner at the home of Mrs Julia Mikesell of South Sioux City. Pender Repnbllo: W W Pounds went to Hubbard Saturday morning to see his son Charles and wife. ....J D Claussen, D Blankmyer. RO Snhr and II Q Heyne went to Dakota City Saturday night to attend the in stallation of tho , fiicers of the Sons of Herman lodge at that place. Oakdale items in Ponca Journal: Mrs Clyde Ooodoll, Harry Springer, Henry and Charley Barnes, Ray Chase and Earl MoAfee went to Wayne Monday to attend school .... Miss Rena Springer went to Sioux City Sat urday to spend a few days with ber cousin, Mrs Benton. .. .Mrs E Ilitiz has just received the sad news of the death of her father at Nacora last week. Sioux City Journal, 12th: When Miss Lillian E Teter opened her gro cery store at 2322 North Roulevurd yesterday morning she discovered that during the night it had been visited by burglars who had broken in through a back window. The men evidently were iu search of cash, because as far as she could learu they did not get away with any of the stock. They rmafihed the till and took some small change that had been left in it, Emerson Enterprise: Mrs Chas Rockwell is spending the week with relatives in Homer.... The Ribekab Lodge has purchased a floe new piano of Carl Schriever. . . .Frank Davey left Thursday for Jackson, lie is suffer ing from a sevcro attack of rheuma tism... Arthur and Charles Smith of Hubbard spent the latter part of Inst wrek with their cousin Hurry McEn taffur. . . .Mr and Mrs J Paul, of Pa ciflo Orove, California, who have been visiting for the past week, at the home of George Demme and with other Em erson friends, departed for their home Monday. Ponca Journal: Miss Anna SheiMey was at Dakota City Monday ... .Miss Hazlegrove of Dakota City visited over Sunday at the E J Berry home.... John Wendte and wife left for Bloom field the first of the week where they will make their future home. . . . Allert Smith, of Hubbard, Neb, fTnittd a few days lust week with his sinter, AHa Smith, in this city. .. .Myrtle Harney retnrnod to school at Jackson convent on Monday afternoon after spending the holidays at bome....Mesdames Lee Seaqenbaugh and Bernard TUhn aie visiting at the home of Ed Miille. at Lorotta, Nebraska, this week.... While at Dakota City Monday we had the pleasure of calling atHhe Herald and Eagle offices and found each of them enjoying a good business. ...E J Berry bad an operation performed at the Samaritan hospital in Sioux City this week. The operation is not con sidered a serious one and Mr Berry will be home shortly. Fred Cornell is looking after the business for him dur ing his absence. Denhoff, N D, Voice: Harry Gray, aooompanied by Mrss Florence Ellis, of Sioux City, Iowa, are visiting at the home of H Gray, north of town. ....Died, at the homeof her daughter, Mrs A A Hendricks at Goodrich. N D, at 3 o'clook on Saturday morning; Deo 20, 1908 Mrs Frances E Gray, after an illness of several months dur- PROGRAM For the Dakota County Farmers' Institute to be Held in the Court House at Dakota City, Nebraska, Friday and Saturday, February 5 and 6, 1909. I FRIDAY MORNING. ij 9 a m Entering of Exhibits. w :w Kitcnen Uarden II. O. Dorn, Fred Herman, F. X. Wallner, J. F. Learner 11:30 The Amount of Stock to be Kept on the Farm...A.. Kramper, Dan Hartnett, Fred Bartels k FRIDAY AFTERNOON j 1 pm Judging Exhibits and Awarding Premiums Jfc 1 :30 Breeding, Feeding and Caring for Dairy Cows & 3 ajj o.in r:.. e r tt ivumuuu ui vrups, x iow ana wny Prof. E. W. Hunt, Syracuse, Nebr. FRIDAY EVENING , 5& 7:30 The Soil the Heritage of Man ......... Mr. Elliott jj? jj 8:30 Agricultural Education ..Prof. Hunt i SATURDAY MORNING 10 Potatoes for Profit O. W. Fisher, Thomas Graham, John Winebrenner, J. F. Learner 11 Sheep for Profit Fred Voss, ift Xs) Fred Bartols. Hprmrin "RWrrmnn V. TT firiKMo h& , , i JW - ' SATURDAY AFTERNOON j 1:30 The Draft Horse. . . .Mr. B. F. Kingbk-y, Hastings trf 2:30 Home Conveniences at Small Expense Miss Lulu Wolford, Pawnee City H 3:30 Adulterated Seeds of Field Crops, with Seed ' Testing Demonstration Mr. F; H. Hillman, with the Department of Pure Seed Investiga tion, Washington, D. C SATURDAY EVENING W 7;30 The Lure of the Town Miss Wolford 8:30 The Light Harness Horse and His Uses..Mr. Kingsley U PREMIUMS WIU, BE AWARDED AS FOLLOWS di Corn 10 Ears First Second Third White $2.00 Yellow 52.00 $jg , Wheat Winter $2.00 Spring $2.00 Oats White. $2.00 ij Butter one pound $2.00 Potatoes one peck ,V Ohio ....$2.00 A Rural $2.00 Other Varieties $2.00 O Au exhibits must be in place before noon, Friday. Other special prizes will be announced next week. Corn I will be judged by the Nebraska score card. O J. F. Leame, Pres. ' Geo. I. Miller, Sec. a $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $ $ s $ $ $ $ $ $ .60 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 5 sf ft ation, acted 40 years, 3 months and 11 days. Frances Elizabeth Gray, nee IfHzlegrove, was born at Dakota City, Net, and was married to Hiram Gray in 1889. To this union four children were born, all of whom survive her: Mrs A A Uendrick, Harry, Charley and Frank, all being well known is this neighborhood. She also loaves two sisters and two brothers, Mrs C F Westcott, of Sioux City, Iowa, Miss Georgia Hazelgrove, of Dakota City, Neb, and William and John Hazel grove, who reside south of town. The subject of this sketch was an active church woman, a kind and loving mother, and she was always ready to render assistance to her Leighbors in time of sickness and trouble. . The funeral services were held at Goolrich.J on Monday morning at 11 o'clock at the Methodist church, llev Spicker officiating, after which tbe remains were taken to the Goodrich cemetery and laid to their final rest. The sym pathy of the entire community is ex tended to the bereaved family. Sioux City Journal, 11th: Under the supervision of game wardens, bass, pike, catfish, orappies and bullheads are being taken out of Silver lake, Ne braska, across the Miisouri from Sioux City, and transferred to Crystal lake, near by. Silver lake gradually is going dry, and if the fish were to be left during the cold weather they would be destroyed. During tho fall the lake grew up to rushes. These have been burned off, and the willows about the lake cut. All of the game fish are being sent to Crystal lake. The carp and bnffalo and "undesira bles" are given a way or thrown into the Missouri. While this small lake is being depleted of nsn many persons with a Friday sppetito congregate. They get all the fish they desire. It i said that bass weighing as much as five pounds have been seined. The fish get into Silver lake in the spring during the high water. . .' .Another chapter has beon added to the famous McNatnars-MoAUister legal squabble by William C McNamara's filing in the diutrict court of Dakota county, Neb, notice of a suit against Mr and Mrs J J McAllister for $10,000 for the alien iatiou of bis wife's affections. Mrs Mary MoAllister-McNamaru is u djuehter of the two delendants. The action came as a surprise to Mr and Mrs McAllister and their attorneys, and will be vigorously opposed iu tbe courts. The domestic troubles of tbe MoNamaras have been in the courts several years. Folllowiug tbe last triul of the case, Mrs McNumara was granted $3,000 alimony and McNa mara, in addition, was ordered to pay her $150 quarterly for the education of the children. The case was tried in Dakota City. The decision has been appealed to the supremo court of the state by tbe attorneys for McNamara on the groTTnd that the alimony is excessive. CORRESPONDENCE S HUBBARD. The annual ice harvest is on here. Rep D O Heffernun came up from Lincoln today to look af:er some bus iness matters. Frank Melmn was a visitor hero last week. German socks for winter wear, at Carl Anderson's . Jack Dugcran was anassencrer to the couuty seat Thursday, Dan nartnett has been hanlins ice to tbe Jaok Dnggan saloon the past week. A L Anderson attended a ml a mil on the bottom lust week. We have some blanki-ta tlmt wa nra not going to carry over, and they will go at Dargains. t;ari Anderson. J C Stadincr weut to Ponca Satur day. Arthur Anderson assisted Mr flnh- loigh to move the first of the week. Nels Anderson is now eoru for tal.lv settled iu his new dwellinar. after a whole lot of trouble such as waiting for workmen, then the fire aoci.tpnt . Nels says "better late than never." though. Henrv Caiu will soon ha "..t. lmmi," agaio on the old farm. Oor fur Coats are Coin or in lia olnnoi! out, and now is your chance to got one cueap. uuri Andeieon . Mrs Geo Timlin SDent Hnnd tiiulit. at the home of her parents. Several families from Goml down to do shonoinar at the Curl An. derson store Saturduy. Mrs Tim Howard continues ntmnf the same, not much imnrntpmsnk i. ing noticed in her health. Chas Dodee was a Sioux Citv ivihj. enger Tuesday. Shirts, hose and suspenders at bar gain prices, at Carl Anderson's. J N Miller went to the citv W1 UAH- day morniug to biing his wife home from the hospital. The Methodists will hnM elmrnli servioos here next Sunday at 2 p m. The dance here Friday evening was a great success. Robert Mundv is makins Drenara- tious to ro onto the farm, anil Mli 1st will find him a busv farmer. Ona thing sure, he will be no afternoon farmer. Evert thine eood in ah right prices. Carl Anderson . Fr Moore, of Newoastln. day sveuing with Fr English. Frank and James Hogan, John Wat. era. and Wm Taller H Jackson and tcok tbe train to Emr. son Sunday to attend th K G banquet. Corn shelling is going on in dead earnest all around hers. Ohria Ru. mussea shelled Tuesday, Ueaeoms Wednesday, and Roy Wilsey Thurs day. The work on the Lutheran church was resumed Wednesday, the first sines the cold weather set in. Jas Barry, of Jaokson, was a caller hero Wednesday, We want butter and eggs, all you can bring as. Carl Anderson. Pure maple svrup just the thing for cakes, at Carl Anderson's. Henry Cain shipped a oar load of hogs last Friday. The bom of Bert Cobleigh has been having its shsr of tiokners the last week, three being sick at one time. Mr Cobleigh was suffering from ton- sili'is and laprippH end the two oldest girls were quite n k with severe told. Wm Duggan went to Omaha where he. will ikv up tho study of telegra phy. v Now is your time to' get fitted in overshoes while our stock is complete . Carl Anderson. B J Cobleigh moved the firkt of the week up on the John Harty farm, re cently vacated by Sam Thorn. Miss Mitchell has recovered from her illness and is again aide to be about. She was suffering from a se vere attack of tonsilitis, and for awhile it was feared that it might develop into diphtheria. A clean-up on odds and ends puts our winter caps on the bargain list get one before they go. Carl Andeison. Among those from hero who attend ed the Knights of Columbus festivities at Emerson Sunday evening were: George Timlin, Herman Iiouze, Dan Hartnett, FHeene; and two sons Frank and James, Joe, Ed and John Hart Mi tt, John Green, Ella Ueeney, Mary Hartnett, Prof Jennings, Loraine Mur phy, Joe Heeey, Fr English, J Ho gnu, and M Smith. Ernest Hale is here from Montrose, Col, on a visit with bis brother George. IN WF.MORTOK MART HOWARD Uouo, but not fonrotttn, A KClioolnmtH aenr to mo, lh-r prHene! In t lit- aciiool room 1 ntivrr moro Hliall ni-o, 1 fnncjr I can nee her; My ncliooliiinte drcNxt-il In red, Ami yet H don't Metm pontile That Mnry Howard In dead. Thin world ncenn a mystery 1 have often wondered too, Tlmt dentil nhonld rial in poor Mnry, alio wan no kind and true. Parents, brothers nnd HlNtern, ye hnvc The Hympnthy of our nehool. As nil will Hurely pray for her, And keep her irolden rule. Her kind, sweet disposition, Nooneeould help but love. That same sweet smile will welcome us J11 her .Heavenly home alHive. A KC'liOOI.M ATE. NACORA. August Voss and wife were Emerson visitors last Monday. Will Heeney visited in Sioux City last Tuesday and Wednesday. Miss Aiice Demaray returned from Ihlen, Minnesota, last Saturday, re suming her school duties here Monday. Frank Simmons joined tbe Knights 01 uolumbus at Jbrnerson last Sunday Edith Swanson went to Oakland last Monday evening, where , she will stay wun uer grandmotner and attend school. Misses Mae, Nellie and Rose Heenev. also Katie Simmons, attended the o.uiguiB 01 uoiumuus baDquet in A,m erson Sunday evenicg. The most of tbe young people of this place eituer atteuded the danoe iu Hubbard or the masquerade in Emer son last Friday evening. JACKSON. The state solicitor of tbe Salvation Army of Omaha, was here taking sub scriptions, etc. a John Waters returned to Early. Io, Wednesday after a week's visit with his folks here Margaret Boler was an over Sunday guest with friends in Emerson. John n Campbell departed Saturday for Sioux Falls, S D, where he will undergo an operation. Misses Agnes and Nellie Keiwin, students of St Catharines academy were called to Emerson Tuesday on account of the serious illness of John Kerwin's daughter and niece. The suit of Frank Rcollard vs M E Kennelly was called Tuesdsy and was dismissed, there not being Buffioieut evidence. Mrs Michoel Waters of Sioux City, wan an over Sunday guest at the home of D F Waters and wife. Born, to Walter C Mixer and wife, Jan 11, 09, a daughter. N Invitations are out for a dance Fri day evening, Jan 15. M B Hogan, of Bavtlett, Iowa, ar rived here Monday to spend a few days with the home folks. James Flynn departed Saturday for Grand Island to resume his studies at the college. Mr and Mrs E J Mullally and boys, Neil and Joe, and Johj Ryan and wife, saw Mux Rogas in "Panama, "at the Grand last Thursday evening. D Mitchell had a load of hogs on the market Tuesday. Riohard Ryan departed Monday for Rochester, Minn. The regular annual meeting for the election of officers of the R N A's took plaoe Thursday afternoon at the M W A ball. Sam Brannaman, James Kennelly and Alfred Demaray marketed corn at the elevator this week. Alice Demaray returned Saturday evening from ber holiday visit with relatives at Ihleu and riptsstone. Minn. Her sister, Jenuie, stopped off enronte home for a week's visit at LeMars, Io. Among the candidates from here who went to Emerson Surday and were initiated in the Kuigbts of Colum- The Cough of Consumption Your doctor will tell you that fresh air and good' food are the real cures for consumption. But often the couch is verv I hard . Hence, wc suggest that you ask your doctor about your taking Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It controls the tick ling, quiets the cough. A I W publisU our (ortuuUs W btniBh Teohol y from our mocUum Wo urgi you to oouBuit your doctor One of Ayer's Piils at bedtime will cause tu increased flow of bile, and produce 1 senile laxttivo effect the day following. Hormuls on each box. Show it to your Joctor. He will understand at a lance. Dose, on pill at bedtime. Md t v U J. C. Ayr Oo., LwU, Vul JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE Big Bek.rg8k.1t1s evre Offered In. F xsrraiti&re Carpets, Curtains, Stoves $20.00 DRESSERS, reduced to $14.95 ail 33 is: S10.00 $25.00 SIDEBOARDS. " $15.00 ROUND DINING ROOM TABLES, reduced to. $10.00 SQUARE $ 1.75 DININGROOM CHAIRS, reduced to.... 75 INGRAIN CARPETS, reduced to $27.50 AXMINSTER RUGS, 9 ft. x 12 ft 12.95 17.95 10.95 7.05 1.45 .59 22.50 Send for catalogue. Mail orders promptly filled. Freight prepaid. ANDERSON FURNITURE GO. THE K5 m (JOG-GOS Fourth Street Sioux City, Iowa BMMWMiHn turn i a .'-- vsv-m 1 - .M-'-: aiummtiMnMima FRITZ.WHEN VYOU BROUGHT THAT ROUND OAK STOVE INTO THEV WOODS YOU, SPOILED MY WINTER NAP How About a Steel Range as substantially and well made as a Round Oak Stove? With what you know about the Round Oak you would naturally think, it a pretty good range, wouldn't you? Well, it is; it is built the Round Oak way and it is named the Round Oak Chief Steel Range. If you wanted a range it wouldn't make much difference what sort you bought if they were all alike, but they are not. There is as much differene in them as there are in the people, who use them. If .you want a Range that will give ou perfect satisfaction, save you fuel every day you use it and is honertly made from best materials by experienced and careful labor; a range that will last you a lifetime and at the same time can be bought for a reasonable price, you want the Chief. Nothing in the country is equal to it for solid, substantial quality. True econo my means to buy the best. You are in vited to call in and see it. Tbe Round Oak Stoves are so well and favorably known in this vicinity that noth ing further need to be said about them. Fred Schriever & Co. Dakota .City, Nebr. S3 bns were William Hartnett, Miubael Boler, nr. James P Hogan,- Eugene Kennelly, Frank Hogan and Thou E O'Connor. Mrs Tom E O'Connor an J children returned from Sheldon, Iowa, Tuesday where thpy ntopped for it viRit rnroute home from Minneapolis. Mr O'Con nor reports his sister, who was serious ly ill at Minneapolis, mncl) improved. Mm M M Hiokey, of Waterbury, or rivod here Monday for a week's visit with Mrs J J McBiide. Bert Page of Omaha is visiting rel atives here and doing some piano tnning . Thos Murphy, of Homer, was an over Sunday visitor with friends in town. ' REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Compiled from the county records by J. J. Kimcra, bonded abstracter of titles. F. Q. Elkins and wife, to H. O. Dorn, lot 14, blk 4, OrlKinal South Sioux City. W. D. . .$1,000.00 C, St. P., M. & O. R. R., to Minnie Chrlntenson, lots 12, 13 and 14, blk 3, Hub bard, w. n .75 C, St. P., M. & O. R. R.. to R ChrlstenRen. lot 4, blk 5, Hubbard. W. D 25 First publication Jan 1 4w Order of Hearing and Notice on Petition for Settlement of Account. In the district court of Dukotu county, Nebraska. Hnteof Nvbraskn, lakota County ss. To Anna ('. Shull, Mtiry Vuss, nnd Fred Schriever, William Hchrlerer unil Miti Kuer lte Sehrlever. heirs of Kllzabetli Sell never. deceased, anil Fred Hchrlever, KUiirdlmi of (aid Kred Schriever. V llllani Schriever and Mnrituerlte Schriever, and Io all persons Interested in the cslute of William Wink haus. deceuscd. n rendlnuthe petition of (JiiHtnv Renter mm Mary VossprayliiK a Iliuil sett lenient and allowance of their accounts llled In this court on the 11th nnd 2Mli days of Hcce ni ls-r llM. resnectlvely. nnd for their dis charge and an order of distribution. It Is hereby ordered that you, and all persons Interested in said matter, may, nnd do, appear at the couuty court to ho held in nnd for said couuty, on the ttlrd day of Janu ary, A. 1. it), at 10 o'clock n. in., to show cause, If any there le, why tho prayer of the petitioner should not be granted, and that notice of the pendency of said petition and that the hearinii thereof is) iriven to nil fersous interested la said matter hy puh loblnir a cony of this order In tbe iJakota County Herald, a weekly newspaper print ed In suld county, for tour successive week prior to said day of nearlnii. 11. (1. STINHOX, skal County Judge irdL - Sow - Salc I February 22, '9 5 4() Head of Tops' Jn tlie Herd j A. i7 FJ-.o rdy.ke.; I K9sbbak.rd, Nebraskb. J ray's Fool Mali Restaurant in Connection First-class Pool and Billiard Tables. Cigars and Soft Drinks of All Kinds. Meals Served at All Hours. Everything New, Neat and Up-to-date. C. M. GRAY, Proprietor. Dakota City, Nebr. I I i i First publication Jan 1 4w Order of Hearing and Notice on Petition for Settlement of Account In the county court of Dakota county. Nebraska. State of Nebraska. I M I'ounty of liakota. i To Anna Shull, Mary Voss, and Fred Schriever. William Schriever and Murituer- lte Schriever, hetrs of Klliuhctii Schriever, deceased, and Kred Schriever, guardian of said Krtd Schriever, William Hclirlcver and Ma rune rite Schriever, and tu all nersous interested Iu tbe estate of IajuU Wlnkhaus, On reading the petition of Uustav Her- Ber, pray Inti a tlnal settlement aud allow ance of his account filed In this court on the 11th day of lieccnils r, lMM, and for his discharge and an order of dlstrltsitlon. It Is hereby ordered that you, and all per sous Interested in saltl mutter, may, and do. appear at the county court to lie held Iu aim lor wun county, on tne siru uay or January, A. 1. liV. a'. 10 o'clock a. in., to show cause. If any there Is, why the prayer of the pe tloner should not Is' (ranted, and that notice of the pendency of said petition anil that the hearing thereof lie given to all persons Interested In said matter by publishing a copy of tills Order In the Dakota County neraiti, a weekly newspaper prinieu in said county, for four successive weeks prior to sulU day ol hearing. , v. l. ISTIWUOK, 'SFAl.l County Judge. Undertaker County Coroner B. F. Sawyer Jackson, Nebraska W. I. ME BEE AUCTIONEER 4115th St., Sioux City, la Lrive Stock. Farm Sales Do not forget that I will do your work and do it right. Phone far dttea t my expenae, Auto 1810. Charge reasonable. , !)R. C. H. MAXWELL, Thypician and SurgeoD. Calls promptly attended DIKOTA C1TI, NEBBA8IA Subscribe for the Herald, the best ppr in the ooucty. $1 a year. Freth, Rolltbli. Purs SuarantMd to Pitt Krery Gtrdr nrr snd Planter should tot lh SPtciaL orrtR f IO CENTS aP A a I ID a m- . a . . WM)i.r...wUi,' ... 12 U.UIWMk.UM.tSwM . .IU WrlU tnUrl .4 M Mto to Wlp M pvUtM n.''1.'.' rMji.'TiiCzr2; OHMTNOEIUKKM 8KKO T. SB lUme au Huckfurd. Illinois