-Public Sale! I will Offer for Salo at my Farm Two Miles West of Deikotci City, Nebraska. o rv Thursday, Jan. 7, 1909 The Following List of Property: Fifteen Head of Mules and Horses. Two Milch Cows. Four Dozen Chickens. Farm Machinery of all Kinds. Wagons, Buggies and Sleds. Work and Buggy Harnesses. Stove Wood and Lumber. Cream Separator. Household Goods, and all Other Personal Property. Sale commences promptly at 10 o'clock a. m. HLoJbert K. ILa,psley II. O. Dorn, Auctioneer Ha.rry H Adair, Clerk Large Boned Poland China Stock Pigs For Scxle M. Waters, Hubbardt Neb. I red - Sow Sedta February 22, '09 2 40 Head of Tops in the Herd I I A B. Kfordykc j R R Time Table Sioui City, Crystal Lake ft Homer Wiivter ETicirsioiriLS Low I&tea ? Winter Tourist Rates : Daily reduced rate excursions to California, Old Mexico, Southern and Cuban Resorts. Homeseekers Excursions: First and third Tuesdays of each month to many points west, south and southwest. Personally Conducted Excursions to Florida by Su perintendent Public Instruction of Nebraska, Mr. J. L. McBrien, leaving Lincoln and Omaha December 19th. Write G. W. Bon nell, C. P. A., Lincoln, for itinerary. Government Irrigated Homesteads in the Big Honr Ba sin and Yellowstone Valley : One of the last chances to secure good farms from the government at low prices. Go with Mr. D. Clem Deaver on the next personally con ducted excursion. He will help you secure one of these farms. No charge for his serv ices. Excursion first and third Tuesdays. W. E. Snethen. Ticket Agt, Dakota City, Neb. L. W. Wakkley, Q P A, Omabii, Neb lips j ray's FW1 Mall j I I Restaurant in Conned ion First-class Pool and Billiard Tables. ' Cigars and Soft Drinks of All Kinds. Meals Served at All Hours. Everything New, Neat and Up-to-date. LF.AYE DAIOTAOllI 6 em 7 15am 0 30am 11 15am 1 15pm 3 15pm ft 30pm 7 15pm LKATC BtOCXOIIX 6 85am 8 80am 10 30am 12 am 3 15pm 4 80pm 6 15pm 8 pm Saturday and Sauday nighU '11 only C, St. P., M. ft O. Traini leare Dakota City at the fol lowing time : fORTH BOUND. SOTJTH BOUND. 5:55 pm. . ....Omaha.... .8:02 am 10:04 am...... Omaha ......5:18 pm 3:37 pm Norfolk....... 8:28 am 9:48 am Norfolk 5.32 pm 7 :42 am. . . . . .Newcastle. . ... B :38 am 2:08 pm "' .......6:56 pm SUNDAY TBAIN8. 12:13 pm Omaha 2:30 am 3:37 Norfolk 8:28 C Bft Q WEST No. 85 Local Freight 7:15 am 11 " passenger, Omaha and Lincoln .12:47 pm EAST So. 86 Local Freight 3 :25 pm 10 Local Passenger.. 6 :07 pm fl a i 1 . AHm .ia.nl RnnillT. Local Items Friday, January x, 1909 Haring a good stock of hardware and tinware on hand we ask yon to call and see us. Schnerer Bros. was Henry Franoiuoo, of Jackson, here on business Monday. George Wilkins was an orer Sunday visitor with friends as Ponoa. , Ed Larson helped invoice theE & B Lumber yard at Jackson last week. Ed Waldmau and family are home from a visit with relatives at Boone, Iowa, For sale Single harness and buggy, at my farm south of Salem churches. Wm Armour. Mrs O J O'Connor, of Homer, was a guest at the Neiswanger home here Sunday night. Qeorge Carter and family of Omaha were over Suuday visitors here at the M O Ayres home. Cigars of all kinds, if you want your hubby to have a box. From 12 to 100 in a box. At Van de Zedde. George Lillie left Monday for his home at Maxbass, N D. Mrs Lillie and children will remain for a longer visit. Mieses Bertha and Belle Hamilton, teachers at Lead, 8 D, came home last Thursday evening to spend their holi dav vacation. I C. M. QUAY, Proprietor. Dakota City, Nebr. i We Thank You for your patronage during the past year and hope by courteous treatment and honest dealing to merit a continuance of it. We expect to move into our new building, one block west, this month Krumwiede Pharmacy Dakota City, Nebr. Prescriptions carefully compounded. Miss Jessie France, who was visiting over Christmas with Mrs Q E Yon Hageu, returned to her home in Oma ha Sunday Afternoon. John Young and family came up from Lyons last Thursday, and went over on the island to spend Christmas at the Carl Young home. Miss Belle Orr, a teacher in the Elk Poict, S D school spent ber holiday vacation at the home of her uncle, Alfred Seymour, north of town. We have juBt received a copy of Gleanings in Bee Culture, published at Medina, Ohio, which contains a fund of information for those interest ed in bee keeping. Wm S Baughman on Wednesday moved a summer kitchen from bis premises here to a lot at Crystal lake, where he will fit it up for a summer onttage, and if the weather should get too warm he will move out there right away. MaxKnick.of Wisner, Nebr, who formerly worked here in the August Moeller s tloon, was here the past week visiting friends. This is his first visit here since he was injured in the gns ex plosion thatdestroyed the Henry Krum weide home about a year ago. "You can remove rust stains from a white dress completely by soAking the resn in pie-platit juice, secured bv hoiling the pie plant in a quantity of water," says Woman's. Home Compan ion for Jaouary. "It makes the dress jiink at flint, but this comes out at the first washing, anil t tie stains will be ffectually removed. To our nianv friends and patrons who so liberally patronized us during the past, year, we wish to tender a hearty "Thank You, and a wihIi for another year of prosperity and happi ness. Your wants will be better look ed after the coming year than ever before, as we will soon be located in our own buildiug, a block west, where we will have cote room and be better equipped to handle our ever increasing trade. Again we!say, Thank You. J VandeZeddo, The MBA lodge of this place will hold their annual installation services on Thursday, Jannarv 7, 1909. The following program will be given after the installation: Instrumental Solo, Sadie Fifcher. Addepss, 11 E Evans. Solo, Mis Mell Hennaed. Recitation, Harold Uribble. Iieadiug, Owen Rockwell. Duet, Mr and Mrs Guy Hides. Recitation, Lloyd linden bangh. Address, J P Rockwell. Holo, S A Ktiuson . M 11 A Journal, iu 11 Giilb!e lno, uuy and Jabie bides and M J ForeHhoe. A Normal Training class will b conducted at the. Emerson high school under I lie direction of the btate Dw nnrtment, beginning Monday, Jan 8 1909. Tim ork is especially intend- ed lor uioBS win uesire or lumuu vu teach. The work successfully done iu the Normal class will b accredited oil teacher's certificates. Only those who have completed tenth grade, or the equivalent, are eligible Those inter ested should make application to the Superintendent at Emersov at once that he may provide for them and get their applications in to the department in time to be approved. He will be glad to provide boarding places at very reasonable rates for any request ing him to do so. Chas Maxwell came hoce from Chi cago to spend the holidays. Clifford Jndd and wife spent Christ mas at the M M Ream home. A boy arrived at the Fred Leedom horn at Dallas, S D. December 23rd. Bsssie Robertson earn home from Emerson to spend the heliday vaca tion. J II Baker was here from Allen, Monday, winding up his business affairs. Lonis Larson and wife dined with Mrs Larson's relatives at Riverside last Friday. A baby girl was born on December 23rd to G-aig L Spencer and wife, at Seattle, Wash. Philo MoAfee, of Tigeon e reck pre' oinot, was a visitor at the Dr Stinson home Saturday. Mrs George Eohlmeier went to Wakefield to spend Xmas at the Henry Kohlmeier home. George and Frank Ilaasecame down from Emerson to spend Christmas at the parental home. Why is it that Tan sell so much Breunooffeef Becauco it is the best to be had for the money. Scott Duncan eame home Saturday from a week's visit at the Chas Hall home near Jefferson, S D . E W Nordyke and family-of Sioux City helped eat Turkey at the Mrs Uollie Broyhul home mas day. George Chnreh, of - Meadow Grove, Nebr, spent Sunday last at the J Van deZedde home, the guest of Miss Ruby. Gretohen Bullock went tn Crofton to attend a house party this week at the home of her friend, Lenora Renoh. Guy Ward and Maud Getty, both of Sioux City were joined in marriage on Thursday of last week by Judge Stin son. One of the twin girls born December 23rd to Alex Frye and wife, who live northeast of Jackson, died shortly after birth. A baby boy was born to Frank O Lean and wife, of Sioux City, on Sat urday. Mrs Lean was formerly Miss Tot Orr. Paul Piiey has so far recoved from the effects of an operation for stomach trouble as to be able to leave the hos pital Wednesday. Robert Cheney and wife left Monday, for their home on the ranch near Les lie. S D. They will stop a few . days at Norfolk enroute. Nut, egg and range hard coal, also 11 kinds of soft coal in any quantity you may desire, at the Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co. Steve Joyce was taken to the hos pital Tuesday to uudergo an operation for an ulcer of the stomach. His con dition is quite serious. v Wanted An agent for that territo ry. We pay highest cash weekly. For terms write the Hawks Nursery Co, Wauwatosa, Wis. Have Elmers make jour abstracts. Subscribe for Tbi Herald $1 per year. Wm Armour was over Monday look ing after his farm interests. Geo W Rockwell, of Homer, was i business visitor here Monday. Floyd Leslie, of Winnebago, spent several days with friends here last week. Minnie Wasmnnd eame down from Emerson last Sunday and spent the day with her parents. S E Cobb has sold his Emerson En terprise to his foreman, Levi McEn tafier, a Dakota county boy, who has n. at .1 A nA In 4 1. 4 . I m.ur (WU IU IUD .'I IUUUK KUaiUtMIV. 'Mr Cobb eipects to dispose of his other interests at Emerson and try a ohange of climate for his health. f Frank W King and Bertha M Hough ton, of Bronson, Iowa, were married at South Sioux City last Saturday. Rev Phillips performedthe ceremony. Read Robert L Lapsley's sale adver tisement in this issue of the Herald. Ha is selling off everything preparato ry to moving to California to reside. Marriage licenses were issued Men day by Jndge Stinson to Louis P Bea oom and Miss Anna Albenesius, and Niokolas Andresen and Mary Hansen. All the local oaipenters available have been at work the past week on the Ayres-Krumwiede building, in an effort to finish it while the "weather losts." The six-months-eld baby of A A Adams and wife, of South Sioux City, died Saturday of last week and was bnried Monday in the cemetery at this place. Mrs Henry Will man and her son John, mother and brother cf Mrs Geo Kohlmeier, arrived here from Jerioo Springs, Mo, Wednesday night for a few days' visit. All kinds of ooal, feed and hay for sale at reasonable prices. Fields & Slauohtib Co. Theo E Blivkn, Manager. Dakota City, Neb. Little Wilfred Kinkle was brought borax from the hospital last Friday, where he was operated on for appendi citis two weeks before. He is recover ing nicely. This is the gift season. A pair of new spectacles or eyeglasses would be splendid New Year a prosent. We cun fit you in any style, best grade of goods, and at reasonable price. W C Eckhurt, Licensed Optometrist. John Bubb has been hero the past week having Home work done at the Leedom blacksmi h sliop 111 tue way of peifecting a wagon brake that he has patented and is getting re.nl y to put on the market. Mr Jiubb and family are uow residing at South Sioux City . Services at the Methodist Episcopal church every Sunday as follows: Preaching, 11a m ; Sunday sohool, 10 am! Class meeting 12 ni; Epworth League, 6 '.SO p m ; Preuchiug, 7 :30 p m. rreacn in uraoe cburcli every Sunday at 2 :30 p in. You are cordially invited to any and-nll these services. All persons interested in the coming session of the r armers Iusti'tite to be held in February, are requested to meet at the court house in Dakota City on HaturJay, January 0, 19f 9, at 2 oclock p m, to arrange a program and make otuer necessary preparations for the Institute. Jacob F Learner, Pres ident. Bert Kroesen, who for the past two years h is had charge of the printing department of the Kearney reform Hchool, has purchased the plant of the Houth Sioux City Record and will take chargo of the paper the coming week. Mr Kroeseu was employed on the paper for several Tears and is thoroughly ac quainted with the business and the patrons of the Reourd. J J Eimers, who retires from the newspaper field, will devote his entire time to the ab stract business, and will have his maiu offijo in the Wm P Warner building east of the court house. Death of firs Hiram Qray - The sad news was telegraphed from Goodrich. N D, to John W llaslegrove last Saturday, December 2G, 1908, that Mrs Uiram Gray had died that morn ing at the home of her daughter, Mrs A Hendrix, of cancer of the stomach, from which disease she had been a sufferer for several years. Francis E Haelegrove was born in Dakota county, Nebr, September 15, 18C3; was married September 27. 1882. to Hiram Gray. She made this coun ty ber home until about six years ago when the family moved to Denhoff, N D, and lived on a homestead, and proved up during the past year. A sorrowing husband and four chil dren are left to mourn her departure. The children are Mrs Nellie Hendrix, Uarry, unerley and Frank Gray. Uuring Her long residence here the deceased was prominent in social life, and was an active ehuroh worker. She was a member of the Modern Brotherhood of America lodge, in which she carried a policy of $1,000. The funeral was held from her home iu Denhoff, N D, the date and place of burial was not leared up to the hour of going to press. The many Dakota county friends of the family, where the deceased was born, grew to womanhood, attended school and mingled in society, deeply sympathise with them in the loss of a noble wife and loving mother who has gone to that better world where suffer ing and sorrow are no more. District Court Dates. The terms of court for the year 1909, for the counties of the Eighth Judicial iistrict of Nebr ska are as follows: (lumlnn Feb I, Hept IS Dakota Feb 15, ttept 7 Ktanton March 1. Dot IN O.lnr March IB, NovH lxon March 9V, Nov Thumton April 11, Oct 4 The first day of each term is set for bearing applications for citizenship. E8TRAY NOTICE Taken up as an est ray at my farm one mile north of Dakota City, Nebr, November 26, 1908, one fed and white heifer, past two years old, branded on left hip with letter "T," slit in left ear. Owner is hereby notified to call and prove property, pay all charges and take said animal away. Ghab Bbyaitt. Neatly i.ooo Pianos at a bargain Lyon & Healy, of Chicago, known everywhere as the world's largest music house, are doing a remarkable thing. They are rebuilding their great establishment and offering an enormous stock of pianos to make room for carpenters, painters, etc Lyon & Healy offer all these pianos on such ex traordinary terms that hundreds will buy now who otherwise might wait till next year. In short, here is a chance to get a much better piano for any sum you have in mind than you could ordi narily obtain. Write today for the list of pianos in this piano sale, whiob is an event en tirely unprecedented in the history of piano-selling. Address Lyon ft Healy, 10 Adams street, Chioago. Four dis tinct plans of easy payments for those who do not wish to pay all cash. ADVERTISED LETTERS Remaining iu the postofilce at Dakota, Neb, for the month ending Deoember 81, 1008. MUs Marie lUii'lntf Hurry Faust Juxprr Huffman Kill Hall MUs Mary Jaim'N Jchso Jack on TW Jensen Parties calling for the above please say "advertised." John II. Keam, l'osuuuster. Martin Lynch 8 M J HtevenH .'hlirlln Holi ill It ll F M Wiley Major Warren Josef UrlMtn i Modlin machine Co. Manufacturers of (Qaoolctio ISniico Also conduct a general Repair Shop OaoIt Experts 208-210 W. Fourth St. SIOUX CITY, IA. Opposite Curtis Sash and Door Co. Patronize Home Industries buy your meats of J Vm LOaiSPJZ, Proprietor of City Klcsxt Msurlkct Fresh and Salt Meats always on hand . Cash paid for hides. Agent foi Seymour's' White Laundry. Laundry basket goes Tuesdays and comes back Saturdays DAKOTA CITY NEBRASKA. ICity s? Hotel I I I I I MRS. ELrSIE POWELL, Proprietor Dakota City, Neb. Everything Neat and New. Best of Treatment. 1 Meal Tickets (21 Meals) $3.50 Board and Lodging $4.00 Feed Ottvble in Connection. Where you can put up your team and feed it when you have business in town 0 I PAUL PIZEY, Dakota Citv. Nib. 1 7K WVPKC Bonded ' Abstracter ALFRED PIZEY J 608 Metropolitan Blk. Sioux City. Iowaj Sidcache, lleadachc, 1 and a Worn-out Feeling May all come from Constipation. Lane's Family Medicine (called also Lane's Tea) i herb Tonic-Laxative and will cure constipation and tlix ills that come from it. It is a rcat blood medicine and one of the best for all Ktomach, kidney and bowel f complaints. All druggists, 25 and 50 cts. uaranlMS lopltat '',5f.i i ' 1 Every 0rl.n.rnil fvt i l. J riutiTb.ui.iii-.itii urthrra Gruwu b.il. PKCIAL OFFER FOR lO CENTS will Mud pontulil uur FAMOUS COLLECTION I pkff. 00 hay T.w.l. .... tk. I !' ITU.... IUtll.ll .... I". I .a H.lMir..).. I.Urv ... 1 . t.rlf rhta . . .IK I pkg rulU.I.. M.rk.t ... IU. AU. li IkruliM lkM Hmmmr m4m , . tl, . l 0 Writ. fciUrl R..4 10 ..nte o k!p piT publ, uni iwhtlf .1.4 fthbjt. "f.Wuu. CollMltvO," to. ti.thrr with our Paw .fid ln.truitM. (iard.n Uutd.. UKCAT NOllTUfr KN hi-I U CO. KM Hum Kt. Kockfura, Mltnola ThelStay SMlsfaKoryT&ng Vw Get OnrFfic Book rirrt You can't afford to buy a nan until you know all about a Monarch. Askuafor tha book. SUII WHEI you Intend tobur. and we wil I aend alao a act ot Maaaurkag Spoona, poatpald. aM MullaibU lYo ltaoa Oa, limitr Uum, Wimmrtn. Q Standing- on the oven door is a very slight test compared with actual use. Malleable frames are abso lutely necessary to bear the strain. Any range that will not bear you on its oven door isn't strong enough to stand the test of use. Tea Ballade - na alaekjna-ail nana made tnreuaheMt. All aiaca. different arrangement, for city or country homea. alao for botcla and public tnatltutlona. oee them and they will prove to you that they save fuel and repairs. Edwards& Bradford Lbr. Co Hubbard - - Nebraska GEO. TIMLIN, Manager, i A Mer To Everybody -Everywhere ry, Wlerry Christmas with a stocking full of presents and pleasure. Yours for good banking, "The Bank that ALWAYS treats you RIGHT;" Btxtvlc. nf Davlcotax. County Jse.ek.aon, Nabrawaki The oldest back in the count. I