Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, January 01, 1909, Image 4

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    Dakota County Herald
HnbRcrlption Price. $1.00 Per Year.
A weekly newnpaper published at
Dakota City, Nebraska.
Permission bu been granted for the
ransmission of this paper through the
main m second -clans matter.
Telephone No. 43.
The Nebraaka Experiment Station
haa iust iswuea Bulletin No 108. This
bulletin ia a report of the experimental
work curried on with milking machine
in the University dairy dariDg the laat
Iwo Tears, together with a complete
discussion of the factor that influence
milking by machinery. This bulletin
is not sent out to the general mailing
list, bat rosy be aecured free of cost by
rnaidt-nta of Nebraaka l)T writing to
the Agrioaltutai Experiment Station,
Linooln, Nebr.
H lnrvirs r4 I nfaraet
from our Exchanges
Fender Timea: Jobn Hevereon waa
ia Omaha yesterday.... Mis Lon
Ilirach waa np to Sioux City Sunday.
Deeatur Herald: MnH Y Olhrey
and Misa Dillie Busae returned from
Council bluffa where they hare been
visiting relatirea.
Thurston itema In Pender Timea:
Miss Helen Queen was a passenger to
Walthill Monday norning, from which
place h goes to Decatur to spend the
houdaya under the parental roof.
Mineola, Io, Timea: Fred Voss waa
in Mineola from Emerson, Neb, a few
daya last week.... John Hansen of
Emerson, Neb. waa visiting in Miueoia
a fw daya last week with bia numer
ous, friends.
Ponca Journal : Mattie Wendte ia
home f rem South Sioux City, Neb, for
the vacation .... Etta liauer of Dakota
City is spending tho holidays at home.
..John Pearson. aod aon. Evan, were
at Dakota City last Friday afternoon.
Lyons Mirror: Mrs Caafield Phillips
waa a Sioux City paaaenger Tuesday.
....John Nixon Jr, of Homer, who is
attending the State University at Lin
eoln, a nephew of Mrs M M Warper,
topped off here on his way home
Thutaday and Friday.
bioux Uity journal, autn : H Maher
has reoeived word that a son reoently
waa born to Mr and Mra Loyola Maher.
of liutte, Montana. Loyola Maher
formerly waa connected witu the Iowa
Telephoue oompauy in Sioux City. He
is now wire chief for the Automatic
company at Butte.
Pender Bepublio: Word reached
here from Walter Niebuhr, formerly of
tbis place, thut Mr Niebuhr ia now en
gage.l in the real estate business with
the Western Land and Looating eom
pany, Denver, Colo. Mr Niebuhr is
also a member of the First Regiment
band of the National Uuard of Col
the knot which tied the young couple
for life waa being spliced, ' James Oet-
tius, the stepfather, wsssoonriug Oma
ha to Und trace of them. The young
couple quietly left their homes on Fri
day morn ng and after meeting at an
agreed trystiog plsoe came to Bionx
City, only to learn that they could not
be united on aconuntof not having the
necessary lioenae. The absence of the
young woman was discovered late in
the afternoon and, believing that she
had clopod with King, MrUettina hur
ried to Sioux City to prevent tho cere
mony. He called at police headquar
ters to secure the aid of the officers,
but no traoe of the pair could be found.
He left yesterday morning for Omaha,
believing the two had gone in that di
rection. In the meantime King and
Miss Houghton were hurrying to Dako
ta City. At the conclusion of the cer
emony thoy returned to Sioux City,
and a half hour later they started for
home to receive the blessing of their
Emerson Enterprise: Nellie and
Agnes jierwin ana Mary iiyan art
home for the vaoation from the Auade
lujr Jackson.... F F Haaae met Wo
Maber formerly of Emerson, in Sioux
Oity one day this week. Mr Maher ia
in poor health and was preparing to
leave for California. . . .Mr and Mra J
K Paul of Pacifio Grove, Oal, are vis.
iting relatives in this vioinity. They
have been in Sioux for aeveral weeks
but Mr and Mra George U Damme ex
pect them ia Emerson for Christmas
....Pat Sweeney, of Sweeney, 8 D,
visited at the home of his brother, Wm
Sweeney and other Emerson friends
laat week returning home Saturday.
The Emerson frieuds of Mr Sweeaey
will be pleased to learn that he ia pros
periug in that atate.
Sioux City Journal, 29th : The f u
Demi of Mra Susan G Pearson waa held
yesterday afternoon at the Methodist
Episcopal church at South Sioux City,
aiid waa attended by a large number of
friends and relatives . Iuturment was
in Floyd cemetery... .The condition of
OrilU lluckathorn, the South Sioux
Oity girl who for the past few weeks
has been ooutiued to her home, has
suddenly taken a change lor the worse
and ber ooudiuoa is pronounced critic
al. Peritonitis, following the eating
of solid foods, haa caused a new set
back. Miss Hackathorn's physician
was foroed to spend Sunday night und
last night at her bedside, and a stren
none fight is being made to bring her
safely past the critical period of this
complication. 11 er condition now is
declared to be worse than immediately
after 6he waa tmt taken sick.
Salix items in Sloan, Star: A pretty
home wedding occurred at the home of
Mr and Mrs Jtsxe Sands, in Hln, last
Saturday evening, when- Mis Cora
VanCleve and Mr Elmer Merrit, both
of Homer, Nebr, were united in mar
riage bv Rev A Bishop, pastor of the
M E church. The reason the ceremo
ny waa performed here waa that it
might be witnessed by the bride's
grandmother, who is seventy-eight
years of age and much too old to trav
el. The weddiug party arrived here
on the 6:30 pm train from Sioux City,
returning on toe next train aud driving
home fro si Bloux IJity alter supper.
The bride ia a daughter of Mr and Mrs
Phil VaaCieve and is well known to
many of our people. The groom ia a
prosperous young farmer residing near
Homer. The1 young couple have the
oonirratulatioua of a large circle oi
i 1
Sioux City Journal, 27th: Foiled in
their efforts to be married on Christ
mas day end foroed to take extraordi
nary precautioua because ttiey were
pursued by the irate stepfather of the
would be bride. Frank King, 26 years
old, apd Mis Ruth Houghton, 15 years
old, who live on adjoining farms four
milns Kt of Sioux City, made their
way to Dakota City, Nebr, yesterday
iaoring and after aecnriug a lianas
were married by a clergyman, While
Mesdamea Wilsey and Loedom drove
to Sioux City Thursday.
Mrs John Howard was a south
bound passenger Wednesday.
If there is any of our patrons that
have Han'ord cr.am cans on baud,
please Driog them in so that we oan
send them in and have them repaired
for future uie. Carl Anderson.
Nickolaa Andresen waa married on
Wednesday to Mary Hansen, daughter
of John Hansen, of Emerson preoinet,
Hupt Mary V Uuinn visited onr
aohoola the last day before Christmas
and remained for the exercises given
by the primary room .
Jobn Young, a former resident of
this place visited here Monday.
George Rockwell and Joe Morris
returned to their school duties at the
Wayne college Monday evening after!
spending a week at home.
Duok ooats, and sheep lined coats,
for winter Wear, at Carl Anderson's.
Carrie Hansen come home last week
from the Peru normal sohool to spend
the holidays.
Mr Ogburn, living south of town,
has employed a aawmill outfit and ex
pects to have about 100,000 feet of
lumber sawed on his plaoe.
The Daniah Brotherhood had their
Christmas tree Saturday night and all
had au enjoyable time. It was not
until the morning hours that they
turned their thoughts toward home.
Briug ua your produoe butter, eggs.
eto, we pay the highest market price
Carl Anderson.
Mary Easton waa a visitor at the
Wm Gonrtz home a couple of days this
Hans Nelson transacted business at
the county Seat Tuesday.
A few of the Danish families around
here went to Hioux City last Saturday
evening to enjoy the Christmas exer
cises given there by the Danish Broth
erhood. V
Miss Atlie Smith came down from
Ponca to spend the holiday at home.
We still have a little springling of
Xma candy and nuts that we are going
to close out. Mixed nut will go at
10c per pound while they last. Carl
Freeman Rockwell and Max Nelson
were down to Dakota City on business
Dan Hartnett transacted busineaa at
the county capital Tuesday.
Mrs George Timlin entertained a
few familiea at Xmas dinner.
We oan sell you the finest kind of
apples, in bushel boxes, at $1.75 per
box. Carl Anderson.
Hugh Mundy spent Christmas at
home, returning to Martiuaburg Mou
Mra A L Anderson went to Pender
Tuesday morning for an extended visit
with her daughter.
Minnie and Axel Rasmussen went to
Iowa Tuesday for au extended visit
with friends.
A few more families have signed for
telephone wet of town. It will not
be long before we'll find a telephone
ia every home.
Fur mittens and heavy gloves, at
Carl Anderson's
George Johnson will erect a new
dwelling in the spring, lie is one of
our most prosperous farmers.
Another dance was held at the L J
Wilsey homo Tuesday evening.
Our German socks are just the thing
for winter wear. Carl Anderson.
The Lutheran charoh is progressing
slowly .
The carpenters will commence work
again after New Years on the Hans
Anderson dwelling.
A winter cap is what yon now need,
and we have a variety. Carl Ander
Art Nordyke and family visited over
night last Friday at the home of Art'a
sister. Mrs Mollie Broyhill, at Dakota
Chris Mogffenson and family, of
Goodwin, attended the Danish Broth
erhood Christmas festivities here.
Carmel Hartnett came down Wed
neaday for a visit with friends and
Odds and ends of dress shirts at
bargain price, at Carl Andrson's.
Millie Anderson is expected to be
able to return to her home New Year's
day, whiob is good news to all.
Jebanna Mundy is on the sick list.
Nis Andresen and son were among
the Sionx Cityana Monday.
We have some long corduroy ooats
that we are going to close ont at a bar
gain. Carl Anderson.
J N Miller went to Sionx City Wed
nesday to bring home his wife who baa
been at the hospital for several weeks
taking treatment for rheumatism, from
which she has been a sufferer for some
time. He informed us that she had
been greatly benefitted during her Btay
Happy New Year.
Emery Learner was a Sioux City
visitor Monday evening.
Mr and Mrs George Aistrope and.
daughters, of Wakefield, visited frienda
and relatives here the fore part of the
Audrey Allaway of Homer ate Xmas
dinner at the Altemns home.
M Joseph Foreshoe and Mae Altemns
took in the Orpheum Tuesday night.
Miss Delia Long, of Wakefield, was
a guest of Mary Heikes from Friday
until Tuesday.
Curtis Bliven and wife of Sioux City,
spent several days this week with rela
tives here.
Archie D Joyce, of Orchard, Nebr,
came down Saturday to be at the bed
aide of his father.
Dr Frank Hope and Miss James, of
Sioux City, called On friends here Sun
Harry Sidos is, the possessor of a fine
new buggy.
Howard Lapsley, of Dixon. 8 D, is
here on a visit with his parents and
will remain until their departure for
Ward Joyce, of Grindstone, S D,
here owing to the serious illness of his
Invitations are out for a social gath
ering at the Unas Ustmeyer home on
next Friday evening.
The Salem English and German
Lutheran ohujches each held Xmas
exeroisea on Christmas eve, which waa
thoroughly enjoyed by both young and
Blanche Heikes is confined to her
bed with a bad oaae of la grippe.
Freddie Bier man and lady friend at
tended the danoe at Ponca Xmas
Albert Heikes and wife and Irwin
Fisher and wife were reminded of their
twenty-fifth wedding anniveraary by
their many friends last Monday even
ing who gathered at the home of Mr
and Mra Heikes making the evening a
most pleasant one socially. Shortly
before midnight Iter UberboltZer pre
sented some beautiful pieoes in silver
ware to Mr and Mrs Fisher and M
and Mra Heikes in
many friends, after v.
supper was served.
behalf of their
bich a bountiful
Dakota County Schools j
List of Schools of the County, Hiving Name of the t
Director and Teacher, also Postoffice Address 1
of Each.
Director's address iinine ait teacher, unless otherwise stilted.
W. I.. Uosi..
W. A. Heikes
K.I MorKiui, Daktta.
fun ik I in vi' y
O. A. Harls-r
T. tlroshy
Km nk Hcetiey..
It. W. Ilorh
N. K. Smith
.loliu lUirouni ,,
U. A. t'oiiant
S. A. Mason
1ii Armour
duo. o. Warner
.loli ii Hayes
Karl Ijikcii
K. H. IO Will
Ilols'rt Voss
Ot'oriiH Hit rut' a
Man Nelson
Mlka Mltl'lii'll
Hoy Armour
Kit Mela
John W. Twuhltf
I . II. lionderson
Win. Uoert. Hubbard..
John ItiiMh
Nel A ml mon
John Hli'lk
I nines Harden
K. II. Cumin
WS'H. Bonderson
MltTlieo. I'cters
m John K rninper
jthdforuu Teller.. .....
HwIhiiics Hecncy
41 If . H.SloUt.
AM. A. Olnistead
i L.
J. 8. JoKltiMHttii, Iinkotn City.
A mill James,
Myrtle ItolwrU, " "
Kltti Itiiiiur, " "
My Tuylor, ' "
AiriH' Wilson, " '
Uwvndolyii Rockwell, "
tli'h'ii oll, JurkHon.
Sinter M. Hi iii'ttii, "
Sinter M.U'iilliurua. "
Mister M. Hellrlit, "
SiHtur M. Ht'rnurd, "
Sister M, (irtrudu, "
A nun ilnrty, "
Mry Mi'Kennn, Goodwill,
1. .1. JtMiiiltiuit, Hulilwrd.
Ml'll'll IIor.iii, "
Mnry Timlin, "
Ioi'itlnt Murphy, "
( inum Mnrvcy, Homer.
Kva Klnncnr, "
Frank O'Neill, "
W. V. Steulevllle, Hloux.
KttUtertne Uuinn, "
I.lzxln McltltiNuuu, "
Alice O'Neill, "
Kdlth Koutii, "
Alum Ilartlett, "
IdnJeep, "
Miiltlo Wendte, "
Helen Ornimi'r. Dakota.
Mary itolieruou, "
Susie Malloy, Homer.
Nine Miinulre, Hubbard.
Helen KiH-kviell.
Kmiiiu Wllklim. '
Clulie l.iipsli'y, Water bury.
Marie Ooodfellow. "
Anna IMueeii, llubliaril.
Kathertne Mllehell, Jackson.
Gertrude Harty, Ulikottt.
Nora luiittfaii, Sioux.
Helen Hiirty, JitekHou,
Cora Ktim, KinerMon,
Iti'ls'i'i'H Kiiiii, Wntvrbury,
Vletor Mcllouliial. Jiu'kaou.
Carrie Stone, Hulibard.
Susie Knox, Walerbury,
Alice Melady, Sioux.
H. H. Clark, Homer.
Orillo Lake.
Mabel Harvey, "
Kiwe Smith, "
MiHKiunt Murphy, Kmernon.
Wllllnui Teller,
Mamaret Qulnn, l'onca,
Minnie htone, Jni knou.
Alice liemarav, Nm'Oia.
KuthOnlln, KnierHou.
Joint liutriet, Kmorson.
Happy New Year to you all.
Rev Felix MoCartby, of Vista, Nebr.
spent Monday with llev Fr McCarthy
Among the student of the various
colleges who have returned for the
holidays are: Mary Barrv from Madi
son, Wis, Bonny Barry, from Sacred
Heart academy, Lake Foreat, 111,
Frank Riley and Michael Quion, from
Oreigbton University, John Sullivan,
state university at Lincoln.
Mrs J W Ryan and daughter Mar
garet, were Sioux City visitors Wednes
day. Born to Mr and Mrs Alex Frye, Dec
22 '08, twins, girls. One of the little
ones only lived a few hours and was
interred in the Taylor cemetery last
Misses Alice and Jennie Demaray
and brother Harry, attended the dance
in Homer last Friday night
Scott Fnllen arrived here from Te
kamah Thursday evening to spend
Xmas with bis wife and children who
were at the home of ber parents, T B
Jones and wife. They returned home
Mrs Ella Maloney and children were
guests of Mr and Mra Frank Davey for
dinner Christmas.
N J Maun D D 8, of Tekamah, Nebr,
spent Christmas with his sister, Mrs M
Mrs Albert Heath and two children
of Bemidgi, Minn, arrived here last
week to visit her mother, Mrs Mary
Mike Dillon of Sioux City haa rented
T V Brannan's farm and will move his
family here and occupy the house
M Byine occupied but who is this week
oving to Sioux City.
Dennis Casey spent Xmas at the
ome of Mr and J L Ryan, Sioux City,
George Smith spent Friday night
with relatives at Newcastle, Nebr,
Jack McOough was here Saturday
between trains enroute to Wakefield
from Newcastle where he spent Christ
mas with bis folks.
Among the teachers who have been
penumg me noiidays at borne are
Katie Quinn, South Sioux City, Nebr,
Margaret Quinn, Vista, Mary Harty,
Pender, William Teller, Emerson,
Frank B O'Neill, Homer, Victor Mo-
Gonigal, Ponca, Nellie Harty, Vista,
Gertrude Harty, near Dakota City.
Lucy Jones, Wynot, and Mary Clark,
uartington, ttebr.
Tom E O Conner returned from
Minneapolis, ttnnday where be waa
called Thursday evening on aooount of
the aerious illnessof his siater, Sr M
Anthony, he left her somewhat im
Ben Cullen spent Xmas with hi
parents of Hubbard, from there aooom
panted by his cousin) Mary Ryan, he
went to Norfolk, Nebr, where they vis
ited at the D H O'Bryen home until
Monday evening.
William Sundt and wife took their
little boy to the hospital last week, to
undergo an operation for rupture. He
is getting along uioely.
Genevieve nlark who taught the past
year at the Delmonioan Convent, Kan
sas City ia spending the holidays with
father. TJ Clark, of Stillwater
One of the pretty weddings of the
Yuletide season was that of Mrs Anna
Albenesius and Mr Louis P Beacom
which was celebrated at St Patricka
church Wednesday morning, Very
Hev V r McUarthy officiating. Miss
Gertrude Beacom. sister of the groom,
waa maid of honor-while the groom
was attended by William Carpenter
After the oeremony the guests whiob
included the immediate relatives, re
paired to the home of the brides father,
Peter Kramper, where a sumptuous
wedding breakfast was served. They
will make their home on the Peter
Kramper farm near town. They have
the best wishes and hearty oongratula
tions of a host of relatives and friends,
(Reoeived to late for publioationlaat
School closed Thursday for a two
weeks vaoation.
Alioe Demaray will leave Saturday
for Minnesota where she will visit with
relatives at Pipestone and Ihlen, for
about two weeks.
Miss Lizzie Larson, went to Omaha
Thursday evening where she will spend
Christmas with friends.
Frank Simmons ia doing a rushing
business with bis shelter now day.
Tho basket soclul'held at the Heeney
school house lust Saturday evening
proved to bo quite a sucoesa. A large
crowd was iu attendance and the bas
kets brongfit a little over eighteen dol
lars whioh will go toward buying an or
gan for tho school house.
my Winter nap
ta- How AlDOut a Steel Range
as substantially and well made as a Round
Oak Stove? With what you know about
the Roynd Oak you would naturally think
it a pretty good range, wouldn't you?
Well, it is; it is built the Round Oak
way and it is named the Round Oak Chief
Steel Range. If you wanted a range it
wouldn't make much difference what sort
you bought if they were all alike, but they
are not. .There is as much differene in
them as there are in the people, who use
them. If you want a Range that will give
you perfect satisfaction, save you fuel every
day you use it and is honertly made from
best materials by experienced and careful
labor; a range that will last you a lifetime
and at the same time can be bought for a
reasonable price, you want the Chief.
Nothing in the country is equal to it
for solid, substantial quality. True econo
my means to buy the best. You are in
vited to call in and see it.
The Round Oak Stoves are so well and
favorably known in this vicinity that noth
ing further need to be said about them.
Mast V. QriNK, County Superintendent.
Fred Schriever & Co.
Daltotsv City, Nebr.
Warren Kinnear haa just returned
from Winnebago, where he, with Joe
Davis and Lester Miller, have com
pleted a nioe looking story and a half
houae for Henry Lamere.
Lena Wilkins went to Sionx City
Saturday and visited a few days, and
then went to Council Bluffs to visit
Mrs George Ford.
Joe Harris and wife, of Emerson,
came down Saturday for a few days'
visit at George llariis',
Eva Kiunear went to Kadoka, S D,
Sunday and will be a guest at the
Bert Sheldon home for a week.
Cora Midkiff waa a guest at the
Aug Wilkina hmne over Sunday.
The masque ball Christmas night
drew a big crowd and everyone seemed
to enjoy it.
Santa was out in all his glory at thu
Xmsa tree at the MEuburcb. The
little folk enjoyed the treat.
The new piano that the Doroaa soci
ety purchased anived Thursday and
is a better toue than we expected for
the price. In fact it is a very good
piano and we are proud of it.
Leon Ream and wife, of Pender,
soent Xmas at the Em Smith home.
Mra D L Allen and Benlah Rock
well came down from Sioux City ou
Tueaday and Are guests at the U. A
Monroe home, !
Luther Frieat and family, Walter
Smith and family, Eugene Loom is and
family and Henry Loom is and wife ate
Xmas dinner at the John Welkerhome.
Blanche ar.d Willis .Hughes oame
home Christmas.
Walter Smith went to Emerson to
check np his harness shop there Tues
day, returning Wednesday.
Bertha Monroe of Kalamazoo, Mich,
arrived Thursday to visit her brother,
II A Monroe.
Misses Georgia Mansfield and Goldie
Queen were Sioux City shoppers on
Lee Clement is enjoying a visit from
an aunt and niece of Spokane Wash.
Robert Hansen was a Homer visitor
Ralph Bancroft ate Christmas din
er at home. 1
Earl Rasdal came home Lyons, Neb,
where he has been attending the high
sohool, Wednesday.
Will Brown took in Sioux City Mon
Geo Johnson and daughter, of Plum
creek, Hubbard precinct, was shopping
in Homer Wednesday. ,
George Winch and a lady friend
came Wednesday and aie guests at the
Wm Winch home.
George Waite and wife, of Lyons,
spent Christmas at Mra Waite'a broth
ers home, Alex Nixon and wife.
Joe Maney came hone from South
Dakota Wednesday.
Mary Lake spent the holidays at
Gertie McKinley visited with Miss
Saunders, at Onawa, Iowa, during the
Jay MoEntaffer, wife and daughter
Nellie, apent a week in Denver, a guest
of Mrs McEntaffers' brother, Tom Wil
son and wife.
Louis 8mith of the Iowa-Nebraska
mining and development company, re
turned Monday evening from his first
trip in the southern part of .the state
in the interest of that institution He
viited with his sister, Mary Jastram
and husband, at Franklin while away.
Fred Kipper, was a Soo City visitor
over Tuesday night returning Wednes
day. A very pleasant danoing party was
had at the home of Peter Sorrensen,
Saturday evening, December 26th.
About thirty couple were present.
Mrs Sorrensen served their guests
with a fine supper, as a reminder of
the merry (jhristmas time, which all
Mra Nelson Smith aud little son Ray
mond, are spending several daya this
week, with her pa Newt Crippen up
Fi Idler creek. Nels is chief onok and
dish washer, while his short brother,
Wellington, feeds the pigs and goes
hunting, while Mrs 8 is away.
Ed Magill, of Wisner, dropped in on
bis many friends for Christmas. He
wus a guests ut the Jay MeEntuffer,
Em Harris and Theodore Curtis,
homes while here he returned to Wis
ner, Saturday noou. Come agttiu Ed.
John Mast, living near the German
school house, was on the Homer mar
ket with bogs Tuesday.
Sadie Holsworth, was a gneHt of Mrs
Gertie Shepardson, from Friday until
Sunday, taking in the masquerade
ball and the skating rink.
Ja JriL 1 tm m iuirS
From the Record
Miss Anna Ilartlett will leave Sun
day fur Aberdeen, H. IX, to visit friends.
Vlnnle Hardin, on Walker's Island,
who was suffering from pneumonia, Is
much Improved.
Mr. and Mrs. Ludehoff returned Tues
day from Homer, where they hud been
visiting relatives.
Leonard Winf?ett, of Decatur, visited
at the M. L. Wolfe and S. A. Wlngett
homes Tuesday night.
Professor William Sleutevllle, of the
South Sioux City schools, will spend
t hrlKtmus with his parents in llrown
ville, Neb.
Thomas Framo, grandfather of Mra.
J. S. Knnls, died at Sentinel Uluffs, N.
D., on iltcember 12. He left here on
, QJm C.mpriMt II Itrllaat kfcdtab. II FiU. j
fgMm HMnibc.nl ToatatoM. II LuMiou. Mlolu
VIIDI .lid It Uorou.lT SMlllul ruw.r-i
til. II Itrimum HiMUIa M fkaw li.M. ww
rtsMU m ,iwn or fituM won, niunow.
kAwr o
Ibu r.nrkbl nllMtM of Smo. paot-
POI4. looMhor witfc Mr . vol'
MOUtllu! OB4 iMlrMtl MOM VOW.
k. eiui lomKfiti lit i eoarm
WA- aooaroaa, nuaoia
I Specials on Horse Blankets and Lap Robes
btrong, bquare Wool .Blankets $ 1.
Large, Strong, Square Blankets 1
Brown Duck-Lined Storm Blankets. 1
Heavy Plaid Duck-Lined Blankets 2
Heivy, Plain Plush Lap Robes 2.75
Heavy, Fancy Plush Lap Robes 4.50
Very Fine Black Fur Robes, Large 8.75
Very Fine Black Fur Robes, Extra Large. . 1,0.50
Stutrjges Bros
411 Pavrl Sti-t
Sioux City Iatwaa.
Abstracts of Title
A $10,000 Surety Bond
Guarantees the aocuracv of every
Abstract I make
Successor to
Dakota County Abstract Co;
Bonded Abstracter
November 25 and went to that place.
He was 112 years of age and In good
health, but the Journey proved too
much for him.
First publication Jan 1 4w
Order of Hearing and Notice on Petition
for Settlement of Account.
In the dlHtrlct court of Dakota county,
Snteof Nebraska, Dakota (bounty si.
To Anna V. Khiill, Mary Vox. and Fred
Schriever, William Kclirlnver and Muruer
lte Sclirtever. Iielrn of Kllnbelli Nchrlever,
deceased, anil Kreil Nchrlever, ittiiinllaa of
Milil Fred Hchrlever, William Schriever and
Miiruueilte Scliiiever, ami to all persons
Interested In the estate of Vllllani Wink
liaiin. deceased.
On reiulhiu the petition of Gustav Herifer
linn Mary Voss prayiiiK a llniil Hcttleincnt
and allowance of their accounts tiled In this
court on the lllh and I'utli days of Decem
lier ltmh, respectively, and for tlielr dls
clinrne and an oilier of distribution.
it Is hereby orlered that you, and all
persons Interested In said matter, may, and
do, appear at the county court to lie held In
and tor sulci county, on the i.int day of Janu
ary, A. 1. luou, at 10 o'clock a. in., to khow
cause, If any there Ik-, why the prayer of
the petitioner should not lie granted, and
that notice of the pendency of said petition
and that the hcarliiK thereof lie given to all
persons Interested In snltt matter by put
IlshliiR a copy of this order in the Dakota
Homily Herald, a weekly newspaper print
ed In said enmity, for four kuccessive week
prior to said day of hi'iu inn.
II. V. Ktinhon,
hkai. County Juidce.
First publication Jan 1 (w
Order of Hearing and Notice on Petition
for Settlement of Account.
In the county court of Dakota county,
Slate of Nebraska, j .
i iiiiiity of Dakota, t
To Anna '. Sliull. Mary Voss, and Fred
Schriever. William Schriever and Mai jruer
ltt Nchrlever, helm of Klliatietli Kchrlrvrr,
deceased, anil Fred Nchrlever. KUardlaii of
said Fred Nchrlever, William Selirict er anil
Mai iiuerlte Nchrlever. and to all persona
interested In tlieestateof IaiiiIsh Wtiikhiius,
nil rctuliiiK the petition of (iustav ller
eer. praying a final Nettlemeiit and allow-
. mice of bts account llled In thin court on
' the lllh lny of Dccc nilsT, iiih! for hi
1 di-chaiue and an order of distribution.
It Is hereby ordered that you, and all per
nous Interested In said iniitter. may, and do,
appear at the county court to lie la-Id In and
for said county, on the lrd dy or January,
A. D. li"W. at In o'clock a. in., Iu show cause.
If any there U'. why the prayer of the pe
t loner should not Is' II rnn ted. mid that notice
of the pendency of said petition und that
t he liearlntf t hereof Iw irlven to all person
Interested in suid matter by publishing u
copy of (Ills Older In the Dakota County
He ia!d', a weekly newspaper printed In Mild
county, for (our successive week prior to
uld day of In uring. -
D. O. Ktinsow,
meal I'ounly Judge.
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