Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, December 18, 1908, Image 7

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0 '
car aa Dlelafeetaat.
Frof. Thriibert, f the rasteur Iastl
V ( at rarts, hat demonstrated recent
' V that burning; mijar develops formle
cetylene-hydrogen, one of the most
powerful antiseptic gases known. FIts
krams of sugar ("7.1(1 grains) were
turned under a glass boll holding 10
(uarts. I After the vapor had cooled
kadi II of typhus, tuberculosis, cholera,
mall-pox, etc.. were placed In the bell
lu open glass tubes, and wltbin half aa
bour all the microbes wore dead.
If sugar Is burned In a closed vessel
containing put rifled meat or the con
tents of rut ten ergs, the offensive odor
disappears at out e. The popular faith
In the (llslnfeitlu qualities of burned
ugar appears, therefore, well founded.
Th Jfiunr OmmuC.
Mrs. Humphry Ward, during her
Amerlcau visit, condemned, at a ladles'
luncheon In New York; the marriage
Wherein a woman weds a degraded
'.an in order to uplift him.
"A painter whom I know visited one
day the studio of a dissipated and
' raltei worthless friend," she said.
" 'I am going to he married, said the
worthless one. "Miss Blank, you know
her. She's a sweet girl, and too good
for me.'
" 'Don't let that worry you,' said the
other, dryly. 'You will soon drag her
flown to your level.' "
I '
for tht alg-nature of B. W. GROVB. Used the
World over to Cur a Cold la One Day. 25c.
Millionaire Who Help (ha Poor.
Pedro Al vara do, the young man of
Parral, Mexico, who became fabulously
wealthy about tor. years ago, when the
Palmillo mine developed a stbre of gold,
has Just distributed a fortune equiva
lent to about $2,000,000 In American
money to the poor of his country. It
la said he supplied more than 3,000 poverty-stricken
'families with clothes,
food, rent, medicines and other necessi
ties. This is only one of a half dozen
instances in which he has distributed
fortunes in charity. His wealth Is es
timated anywhere from $100,000,000 to
$200,000,000, and fifteen years ago he
was a miner. He has built fifty church
es and more than 100 schools within
the last eight years.
cY buy Furs & Hides. Write for catalog 103
N. W. Hid & Fur Co.. Minneapolis, Minn.
Th Hub.
Ostend Pa, what do they mean when
they say "Money is easy" in Wall
Pa They mean that It la easy, my
son, because they have Just gotten It
from easy people.
Ostend Then w hy can't we get ItT
Pa Because those that have a ho!
ob It are not easy.
A men da tor jr.
Bonis Yes, I always rewrite my poem
before I send ttiem to a publisher.
Xaggus You mean, I presume, before
you send them to the next publisher.
Mr. WInslow's Soothing Syrup for child
ren teething, soften the gums, reduce In
flammation, allays pain, cures wind colic
toe a bottle.
Zeal for Lou ruing In Ireland.
An Irish question, hitherto unno
ticed, has become pressing. A great
library to which students, teachers and
the general public can have access Is
an almost indispensable feature among
the Institutions of a capital city con
taining, as Dublin will do, two univer
sities. But as things are, no such li
brary will be available in Dublin.
The staff and tbe reading-room ac
commodation of Trinity College, Dub
lin, are both severely tried by the
needs of tbe university alone, and
there is practically no room for outsid
ers. Then there is the National Li
brary of Ireland, which, considering its
alender resources, has don splendid
work, but it has only $3,250 a year to
buy books, and its available space la
sometimes so crowded that one may see
readers perched on ladders around tbe
reading-room or two sharing a single
chair circumstances which certainly
testify to a remarkable teal for learn
ing In modem Ireland. The average
dally attendance Is between 650 and
Tolstoy's Opinion of Kins'.
In a recent letter Tolstoy says : "The
sovereigns now living, instigators of
violence and massacres of all kinds, are
so far below the moral standard of tbe
majority that they cannot even Inspire
disgust. They are but unfortunates,
who deserve to be pitied. We should
aelther allow our indignation to rise
against those creatures, who are void
of the most sacred feeliug of humanity,
aor should wo combat them."
POSTAL CARDS 20 Beautiful Illus
trated Souvenir Curds that cell at for
8c and Be eurh, all for 10c, by mail pre
paid. Wanted, old books of all kind.
niiiKHzlni-H and music. L. C DKAV
(South Omaha, Neb. ' '
Stop Coughing; I
Nothia breaks down ifaa healla a
quicaJr ud pgaUrely a a peniaal
oush. If rem have ouh no
M suaatioa ow. Ye can isKn
k quietly wife PtSO'S CUKE.
Famoua foe half century at ikm
salable rested? for cousha, ccUa,
tinawaaaa. tuoadjtit. aahma aaa
liadted ailmanta. Fiee fa duUna,
Al U etruists', 2S eta.
'They say that C'holly lias lost hla
mind." "Is that so? Docs he know
it?" Itostou Courier.
"Papa, why do brides wear long
veils?" "To conceal their satisfaction,
I presume, my son." Smart Set
Jlmmlo My ma's gone down town to
pay some Mils. Tonimle Pooh! Tha
nmn comes to the house to collect ours.
Fond Mother Bobby, denr, you've
forgotten your toothbrush. Bobby But
I thought I was going on n vacation.
Madge What Is the object of hazing
in college? Marjorie I guess it's to
teach the boys brutality for use In the
football games. Puck,
Psniith I'd invite you home to din
ner with me, but we have no cook.
Kjones And I'd Invite you home with
me, but we have one. Cleveland Lead
er. She I believe there are times when
every man deceives his wife. lie Sure.
How else could he ever get her to mar
ry him in the first place? Philadclphln
"Fine looking old gentleman." VYes,
but he was never known to give a man
his word that he didn't break it." 'Vis
honest, eh?" "Nope, stutters." Hous
ton Post.
"Yes, this room is dark, damp, and
positively uninhabitable. It is supplied
for your wife's mother, if she has ouo."
"She has. I'll take tno flat." Boston
Miss Woodby So Mr. Smart really
said he considered me very witty eh?
Miss Knox Not exactly; he said he
had to laugh every time lie met you.
Green I hear your wife is an au
thoress. Does she write for money?
Breen I never receive a letter from
her thnt she writes for anything else.
Town Topics.
"He's an old newspaper man."
"About how old?" "Well, he can re
member when they only issued extras
when something happened." Louisville
"Kitty," said her niotli,v. rehuklngly,
"you must sit still when you are at the
table." "I can't, mamma." protested
the little girl. "I'm a fldetarlan."
Chicago Tribune.
"I wish to purchase a hat for my
self," she whispered softly. "Merry
Widow?" asked the cheery salesman.
"No, doleful wife," was the pathetic re
joinder. Brooklyn Life.
Mrs. Smythe I wonder why the
judgo deferred the sentence until to
morrow? Mrs. Whyte Oh, 1 suppose
he wanted to talk the case over with
his wife. Brooklyn Life,
"So Algernon is rcoing to devote him
self to poetry?" "Yes, but only after
u season in the bank. I don't want the
poor boy to die without even knowing
what money feels like." Life.
Fastboy Really, dear, you shouldn't
wait Bupir for me this way when I'm
detained nt tho olhee. Mrs. Fastboy
Supper, you idiot! The matd Just laid
tho table for breakfast. Puck.
He Nothing could ever come between
us, could it, dear? She I tau't think
of a single thing, unless I should hap
pen to become engaged to some other
man before we get married. Stray
"What did Howard do when he found
they were going to arrest the owners of
motors, aud uot the chauffeurs, in all
cases of exceeding the speed limit?"
"He put every car he owns in his wife's
name." Brooklyn Lifts. .
"I suppose, Bridget," said Miss Wood
by to the new maid, "you think it
strange that one who plays the piano
so perfectly as I do should practice so
much." "Yis, nium," replied0 Bridget,
"slmre, if 'twas me, I'd give up in dis
gust." Philadelphia Press.
Bohhy I've been an awful good boy
Since I started goin' to Sunday school,
haven't I? Mother Yes, dear, you've
been very good. Indeed. Bobby And
you don't distrust me any more, do
you? Mother No, dear. Bobby Then,
why do you continue to hide the pie?
Harper's Weekly.
"When you have an automobile,"
said Mr. Chuggins enthusiastically,
'you deiH'iid on your own intelligence
entirely. Now it's altogether different
when you drive a horse." "Yes," an
swered tho unassuming man, "that's
one reason why I think niayho a horse
is safer." Washington Star.
Willie And so you quarreled? Char
leyYes. she sent back all my pres
ents. And what do you suppose I did?
Willie Can't guess. Charley I sent
her half a dozen boxes of face powder,
with a note explaining that I'd taken
about that much home on my coat since
I'd knowh her. The Gossip.
"Your family seem to enjoy going to
Europe." "Yes," answered Mr. Ctim
rox. "Mother and the girls have ob
served that I am weak on getting the
value of foreign money. Things are
ordered and paid for before I have time
to make uny Intelligent Inquiries as to
the expense." Washington Star.
"If you don't marry me," he said,
desperately, "I shall kill myself." "And
write n note telling all about it?"
queried the maid. "Yes." "And hold
my photograph in your other hand?"
"1 had thought about it." "Well, jiiHt
wait a minute," she said, "and I'll
borrow pit's pistol for you. My! but
won't it be romantic?" Stray Stories.
Woman Student In Alaace.
A telegram from Strassburg statea
.hat tho government of Alsace-Lorraine
has laid before the authorities of
Strassburg Culvers! ty a scheme for ad
mitting women to study there. This
scheme was discussed by tho senate of
tbe university and was accepted in
It is therefore probable that women
will be admitted to matriculate at tha
beginning of the winter session. Ber
liner Anzelger.
Everyone should like hla kin, but
everyone does not
The- SenaltlT Woman,
Womau's whole character is formed
fy the endurance of necessary evils,
ays a clever woman writer In Black
and White. The little girl's wishes and
predilections are set aside from earliest
youth in favor of her brother's. It Is
he who decides the games, who makes
her field, or bowl, or run j who, if they
play horses, drives the team ; who has
most money, most presents, moat au
dacity and most liberty. When they
grow older, It Is he who has the best
masters, the finest education, for whom
all Is done, on whom the family pride
and triumph center, and who scolds his
sister for a milksop if she cries when
he pinches her. Tho mother sets aside
her happiness for her children; it is
she who wheedles the paterfamilias out
of the necessary money for IhmiIs and
socks, hats and rlblmus, who dresses
the girls at the cost of her own toilette,
and saves up her pin money to Increase
the sailor boy's allowance. If she Is
sensitive she conceals the fact, Imposes
violence on her. nones and bears as
best Phe can the noise ami uproar that
must never disturb father.
The uneducated woman has often the
quickest perception, the finest tact, the
most vivid sensibility ; she will feel,
without speaklng,.she understands your
Inmost thoughts, ilie Is en rapport with
you spiritually, she' knows without
being told. The supremely human
woman, she who Is most nllve, most
herself, Is also the most sensitive. Who
does not know at least one sweet soul
to whom everybody turns when in dilll-
rulty, who receives the love confidences
of tho boy, the whispered worries if
the woman, the diplomatic, political
and social annoyances of tho man,
women who aro accused of petticoat
government, but to whoso exquisite tact
and unselfishness sensitiveness and del
icacy aro due the reunion of families,
tha blndlng-up of broken hearts, tha
forgiveness of sins and tho bright hopes
f Joy hereafter?
When Forced to Heat.
When one has a restlug tluio forced
upon her, Js the psychological moment
to got busy with tho hair. Kvery wom
an knows tho benefits of tonic treat
ments, but every woman knows equally
well what a sight sho Is during tho pro
cess. Therefore, Instead of temoanlng
when the baby gets the measles or
Ruth and Boh como down with chicken
pox, shutting you in the house, Improve
tbe opportunity to strengthen your
locks. Ton can even resort to crude
petroleum without afflicting callers.
Separate the hair Into strands and ap
ply tonics nightly without fear of flat
tening; rub in vaseline often, and let
the hair hang for ventilation.
t Thought.
It Is very Important to cultivate busi
nesslike habits. An eminent friend of
mine assured mo uot long ago that
When he thought over tho many cases
he had known of men, even of good
ability and hiph character, who had
been unsuccessful In life, by far the
most frequent cause of failure was that
they were dilatory, unpunctual, unable
to work cordially with others, obatluate
In small things, and, In fact, what we
call unbusinesslike. Lord Avebury.
Women in Kthnoluarir,
The recent Investigation of Dr. C. G.
Sellgman among tho Veddas of Ceylon,
aud the grcut Importance of tha aid
whlch Dr. Sellgman's wlfo was able to
give him, led Mr. A. C. lladdon to point
out the desirability of women of a
scientific turn of mind Interesting them
selves In work of this kind. But for
the presence of his wife Dr. Sellgman
would have been unable to secure many
of the facts which he has accumulated.
The Veddas, who live in caves, are ex
tremely averse to having white men
visit their families, tut Mrs. Sellgman
was warmly welcomed among them,
and among other things sho collected
records of the songs of the women and
girls. They took the greatest delight
In the phonograph, and hearing their
songs and lullabies repeated by the in
strument. To Prevent Ilnatlna.
It Is better to use wooden pegs In
br.th rooms or kitchens where damp
towels or cloths are apt to bo hung,
otherwise the linen may rust from the
lion. If iron hooks are already In place
and It Is not convenient to change them,
give them a coat of white enamel paint.
It prevents danger of rusting and is
much less unsightly ngalnst the paper.
If tbe linen has already boon rusted
it may ho removed by rubbing with
lemon Juice and salt.
Ilnnlah h Feather lied.
Do you still sleep on feather beds?
You do, because mother gave them to
you for n part of your wedding "set
out." Discard them. They are not
sanitary, because they allow tho body
to sink down so deep that the air can-
not circulate about it, and that Is not
"for good henltu. Tho bed should be
set out a littlo from the walls, so there
will bo n freo circulation of air all
around it And the mattress should
not be too soft, If you would sleep com
fortably. Tho covers should jo light
and not heavy and soggy. Heavy cov
ers absorb perspiration and are not
as warm as light ones, provided tho
latter are made of the right kind of
material. I believe that many cases of
tuberculosis can be traced to feather
beds and heavy covers.
Many of the new skirts are crossed
In the front.
The neck outline of bodices is likely
to grow higher.
Sleeves are all long, so long gloves
are worn only in tho evening.
Little neck pieces, composed of fur
bands and ruflles, are the thing Just
Tailored suits grow longer, tighter
and plainer, with button trimming
much In evidence.
Opossum fur Is the latest cry in Paris
for coat collars, cuffs, revers, linings
aud waistcoats. v
Tha automobile la responsible for tbe
array of loug coats with which furriers
are provided.
A feature of empire and direct olra
evening gowns Is a fringe placed exact
ly on the edge of tbe bein.
A new combination la brown and
1 ir
vT rto
gray, 'but theao must have something In
common and must not clash.
In slippers the tendency Is toward
lower cuts and trimmings of rosettes
and cut steel or rhinestone buckles.
tine of the prettiest novelties In shirt
waists Is an almost Infinitesimal Valen
ciennes Insertion in the yokes.
Though dlrtvtolre styles still govern,
they are much softened and tied
down by strong forecasts of the early
Tho long mosquefalre and leg-o'-mut-ton
sleeves are the iiiost Important
characteristics of the newest fashion In
shirt waists.
Watch an Mr Ladr'a Glove.
t ' r .r "ii If Yr.v,ii
Miniature of modern timepieces
reaches its nemo In a watch worn on
the glove, which has gained vogue
among fashionable women In Paris. It
Is carried on tho third finger of the
left hand and the effect Is shown In
the picture.
Avoid Tnklnar told.
In hl weather every ono Is Inclined
to bo careless about the amount of
clothing they wear. The tingle In the
air Is exhilarating, but no matter how
much It is enjoyed one should not neg
lect to have tho feet well protected
from the dampness of the ground and
tt add a wrap over the shoulders. It
i not necessary to wear clothes as
heavy as required In the winter mouths,
lut no one should go with aa light
clothing a they wore In June. If one
is properly protected, nil walking la
beneficial, and one ah out d take thla ex
ert iso whenever sho has tho opportu
idty; but If proper precaution is not
taken neuralgia, rheumatism or cold
frequently sots In, which does not leave
ono all winter.
To Clean Spot from Wall 1'uprr.
Tho ispots Hint find thmiHolvca on
wall pnpor more frorniontly in buimiimt
than nt any other time can bo quickly
ami easily removed by 11111 k 1 1 a stiff
dough of ffruhnm flour and boiling
water. Knead tho dough thoroughly
and break into email i1mth. Ah t-uch
ploeo 1 used it should bo doubled in
on itaelf so thero is n clean surface at
each rub. When 0110 piece is Moiled
throw it away and take a froxh one.
Always rub the paper lu ono direction
and do not go over tho Name Mirfaoo
To Pat a Nail ta a Wall.
Where a wall is so soft and loose
that a nail driven Into it for u picture
or n bracelet will not lioar tho weight
of tho latter, it may bo easily rviflcdlcd.
Mix a littlo plaster of purls In a tea
cup with sonic water. Scoop out a small
hole in tho wall with a screw driver,
All it with the plaster, and then Insert
the nail gently. It will set quite hard
lu a minute or so, and the nail will
then bo perfectly secure.
I'reveat Daiupnea lo Bed.
To prevent a bed which is left unused:
for a week or so becoming damp, lay
a blanket on top of the other riot lies
when tho boil is ninde. Take thla
blanket oft before using, and you will
find tbe bed quite safe to use.
A small lump of camphor gum in tht
body of the lamp will greatly improve,
tbe light aud make tho flume clear"!
and brighter. Some say that occasion
ally a few drops of vinegar will glvf
the auuit result.
Karl 7 Lama and Wleha.
It would be hazardous to conjecture
what tha first wick consisted of, but
when wa come to consider th , Iron
lamp, or "enisle," we know that the
wick commonly used was the pith of
the rush, which was gathered and
partially stripped of Its outer green
covering, cut Into proper lengths, dried
and tied up Into bundles ready for use.
The Iron lamp was hammered out of
one piece of Iron In a stone mold. This
was usually done by the blacksmith,
and the molds are still to bo seen In
museums, In the hands of private col
lectors and no doubt at some of the
country blacksmiths' shops. They are
of one uniform shape, with some slight
varieties. The lamp consists of two
cups, one suspended above and Inside
the other. The suspender Is ao fixed
and notched as to enable the upper
cup, which holds the oil and wick, to
be shifted to keep the oil constantly In
contact with the wick. The lower cup
catches the drip of the oil, which can
be easily replaced In the npier cup by
lifting it off until the oil Is poured Into
It. The upper cup has sometimes a
movable lid ChamlM'rs' .1-Mirnal.
An F.:i;;lis',i judge expressed his horror
! the other lny when a witness sniil he had
iinrngeii r..s :n:i, our. if was a new
verb to his lion ir. n:vl h didn't like It.
After Inflammatory Ithrumatlam,
Ilnlr Caine Ont, Skin Peeled, anil
Bed Sure Developed Unlr Call
eara Proteil Sncrraaful.
"About four years ago I had a very
aevere attack of Inflammatory rheuma
tism. My skin peeled, and the high
fever played havoc with my hair
which came out In bunetves. I also ha,
three largo bed sores on my back. 1
did not gain very rapidly, and my np
KtIte was very poor. I tried many
'sure cures' but they were of little
help, and until I tried Cutlcura Be
solvent I had had no real relief. Then
my complexion cleared and soon I felt
better. The bed Bores went very soon
arter a few applications of Cutlcura
Ointment, and wheu I used Cutlcura
Soap and Ointment for my hair It be
gan to regain Its former glossy appear
ance. Mrs. La vina J. Henderson, 138
Broad St., Stamford,' Conn., March 0
and 12, 1907."
Allaplared Confidence.
"I beg your pardoo," sold the man at
the front door, "but does a does a man
of the name of Suoodln live In this build
ing?" "Yes, sir," answered the man of th
bouse. "My name is Snoodle." ,
"Then I've lost," said the other, turn
ing away. "I bet a follow $5 that nobody
who had that nnme would acknowledge
It." Chicago Tribune.
riLKS CTjnEO lit 0 TO 14 DAYS
PAZO OINTMENT I fuaraataad te euraany
cnt of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Pratnia
In File In tt to 14 day or monty refund!
Krror ol lllxtory,
Nero explained.
"I was .fiddling, all right, while Itom
was burning," he said, "but I was doing It
from a good motive. I wanted to arouse
the Inmates of the palace and drive them
safely out of doors without their suspect
ing th&t anything worse than the music
was going on." But the historians of th
day, who had It In for Nero, anyhow, re
fused to correct the mistaken impression
tbat bad gone abroad. Chicago Tribune.
Deafness Cannot be Cured
by local application, aa they cannot reach
the dlarased portion of tbe ear. There I
only one wa.r to cur drafneu, and that 1
bj constitutional rrmedlp. Deafneaa I
caused bj an Inflamed condition of tbe mu
cous lining of the Kustarhlan Tub. When
this tulxj la Inflamed, you bar a rumbling
oiind or Imperfect hearing, and when It Is
entirely closed, Deafnea 1 tbe result, and
unless tbe Inflammation can be taken out
and tht ttitie restored to It normal condi
tion, hearing will be destroyed forever ! nlna
cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh,
which Is nothing; but an Inflamed condition
of the mucous surfaces.
We will al-e One Hundred Dollar for any
ease of Deafness (caused by Catarrh) that
cannot he cured by Hall's Catarrh Cur.
Bend for clrculnrs, free.
K. .1. C1IKNRY k CO., Toledo, O.
Bold bv PruKKlsts, 7c.
Tak Hull's Family 1'llls for constipation.
Not HI Fault.
Tom I thought you were oa the
water wagon.
Dick I was. But high places always
make me dizzy, and I fell off. Detroit
Free Press.
- For Infants and Children,
Tho Kind You Have Always Bought
Dears tha
l?i lTh'!wh u i'i.0.9 T""re money for yon to ahlp Raw Fur. and mba to o. than t
aull al linu.o V. rite t,,r Pn.-o Mt. Market lloport, r4hl,pin Thk.. and eU.ut our
b.'.u .....i "''" '"-'""l"'
. h'.iim.
Why take
castor oil?
dose of salts" means violence, grips, gripes, gases,
soreness, irritation, and leaves your stomach and bowels
weak and burnt out. Might just as well take concen
trated lye. Then there's castor oil, disgusting, nauseat
ing truck that your stomach refuses unless you disguise
the taste. Fool your own stomach, eh? Don't ever
believe that anything offensive to your taste or smell is
going to do you real good. Nature makes certain
things repulsive, so you will not take them. Force
yourself to nauseous doses, and you ruin your digestion,
weaken your bowels, destroy your health.
On the other hand see what a delightful,
palatable, perfect modern laxative, liver
regulator and bowel tonic you find in
Best for th Bowel. All
druggists, lac, sjc, oc.
Never sold in bulk. The
genuins tablet (tamp a
CC C. Guaranteed to cure or your money
ajnpi ana oooBief ire, aaoriaa
blerUug ktuedy Co., Chisag ar Mw Vara.
Aaetoat Bxaaapta,
Ctssar tore op the blank telegraph for as
ea wklch fa had started te write aotns-
Taking another sheet, be wreta tha
words, "Venl, vldl, vie!," signed It, an
handed It to th operator.
"I was about to make tt, 'W have
beaten 'era to a franjle,' " he said, "bnt
that would set everybody to asking what
the deuce a.fraitle I and th other la
shorter, anyway."
Cautioning the reporters to suppress all
mention of the incident, be turned away
and strode haoghtily into kla tent. Chi
cago Tribune.
J When your .Yatch Stops
I You cannot sake It g by shaking It.
w nen tne tiowaJs aro
Constipated you can
wtr uisturo tuem with
T cathartics but, like
not be alilo to do
their allotted work
until they aro put
Into projcr condi
tion to do it.
One cannot mend
A delicate pieco cf
mechanism by vio
lent methods. a:nl
no machine mado by man is as fmo
as tha human body.
The uso of pills, salts, castor-otl
and strong cathartic medicines is
tho violent method. Tho uso of
4 I, VW A.-. I - I .
l Lane's Family
X T 3!
is the method ndnnted hv intelli.
g?nt people.
J Headache, backache, indigestion,
4 constipation, skin diseases all are
benefited immediately by the use
Z of thi9 medicine.
4 urufcjTiKts aell it at 95c and oc.
W. L. Pone-la ma,: ana lta mora
nan' H.ao and en.ftO ahoe than any
othar manufacturer In tho world. bo
canaa they hold their ahap. fit better,
and wear lonjer than any other nwka.
Rkaei it 111 Prices, far Evary Mtmkar ef th
family, Has, Boyi, Woirun, MitaMa Children
W L Donrtu a aai ts.M Cut M Maaat
ts faUl a aar prl. W. L. DmIu ,Vi aa
r i'aka Sm f ulxtJtute. VV. 1,. Doup'H
nam ana pries ta lumpwl m bottom. Sola
arvrywhtr. bhoaa matlMl from taolory t any
Mrtot the world. Catalfwue fret.
W. U POU0LAS, IS? Spark St.. Bracktes. Maia.
45 lo 50
Bushels of
Wheat per Acre
have been grown on Farm Lands In
Much less would be satisfactory.
The general average Is above 20 bushel!
"AlNire loud In their prnisrs of the
treat crops ana tiiat wonderful country."
Extract Irom cnrrespunilfnce National
Editorial Association ol August, not.
Ills now possibl to secure a Homestead 01
tte acres Ire and another too acres at Ituo pet
Hundreds hsr paid the cost of their farms HI
purchased) snd then had a balance ol from $10.01
to f 12.00 pr acr from on crop.
Wheat, Barley, Oals, Flax-all do well. MUte
Farming is a -reat success and Dairying is highly
Eicellent Climate, splendid School anal
Churches, hallways brine most every district
within easy reash of market. 1
Railway and Land Companies har land lot
sale at low prices and on esay term.
MLat Beat West" PaaaphUta
snd maps sent free. For thes and Inlormatic
a lo how to aecur lowest Railway Rata apply I
W. D. Scott, Superintendent of Imnala-ration,
Ottawa, Canada, or E. T. Holmes. 315 Jacksoa
St., St. Paul, Minn, and J. M. MacLacklaa, Boa
rib Watertown, bo. Dakota. Authorised Ueecan
aieirt Agents,
rises ear whan ma aaw tkla adTarilessaaaa.
A Oertala Oura for rTer!eBet
Constipation, .."
fMeiuai-k Trouble, TeatMni
plrVr, nil Desire?
V ersa. Thar Break np Cold
Mothsr Ory, Worm. fbarBre
NuraslnOhild- In M boura. At ail In
ra'iHona, Sample ro.ll.d rilSK
N.wforkOlt,. A. 8. OLMSTED. I
ITuijllnU, Mot.
It Xrldnaa,
L Key. N T.
wauVn Dr.MartePsPrepirtilin
WUMLIl Tha Ktaadar RaaMr. (Al nruaalaM)
Hrwl far keek "Milkrhr Waiaea."
FKKNCle DUUU CO., w. alM !., Jf . T. Clay
8. C. N. U. No. 611908.
r"r..J. T..nr ,..,..,,. ,V Hi.l Un lata
0 i.r iMitll. Hhtpf.Mtf
piw. AMciwa wm., Vf,u
I.ffirwa w 3
and Castor dDSl!
sickening salts or repulsive
"Goes through you like a