Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, December 18, 1908, Image 5

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    75o Discount on all Furniture
Now is Your CRcxncc to Buy
that new article of Furniture
jxt a Birf SsivitMi 4 a
Because we are giving a Xmas Discount of 25, which means a wonderful Big Saving.
Re&d the Following and see what this.
Big Discount Ne&ns: '
SIDEBOARDS, Regular Price $25.00. Special Price, $1075
DINING ROOM CHAIRS, Regular Price $2.00 Special Price, $ 1.50
DINING ROOM TABLES. Regular Price $10.00 Special Price, $ 7. SO
CUPBOARDS, Regular Price $8.00
PARLOR SUITS, Regular Price.' $25.00
606-608 Fourth Street ..
Special Price,
Special Price,
Special Price, $ G.OO
Special Price, $1075
Sioux City, Iowa
Large Boned
Poland China Stock Pigs
For Ssle
M Waters.
Hubbard, Neb
I HSred - Sow - Ssle
February 22, '09
40 Head of Tops In the Herd
JI. FJ r d y k. e
i a.
Hubb&rd, Netbrsvslcak.
Wasvter KjicirsiomLS
Lrow SLsJteo
Winter Tourist Rates : Daily reduced rate excursions to
California, Old Mexico,' Southern and Cuban Resorts.
Homeseekers Excursions : First and third Tuesdays of
each month to many points west, south and southwest.
Personally Conducted Excursions to Florida by Su
perintendent Public Instruction of Nebraska, Mr. J. L. McBrien,
leaving Lincoln and Omaha December 19th. Write G. W. Bon
nell, C. P. A., Lincoln, for itinerary.
Government Irrigated Homesteads in the Big Horn Ba
tin and Yellowstone Valley : One of the last chances to secure
good farms from the government at low prices. Go with Mr.
u. v-iem ueaver on tne next personally con
ducted excursion. He will help you secure
one of these farms. No charge for his serv
ices. Excursion first and third Tuesdays.
W. E. Snethen, Ticket Agt, Dakota City, Neb.
L. W. Wakelby, Q P A, Omaha, Neb
5 Gray's Fool HHall j
R Time Table
Restaurant in Connection
First-class Pool and Billiard Tables.
Cigars and Soft Drinks of All Kinds.
Meals Served at All Hours.
Everything New, Neat and Up-to-date.
C. M. GRAY, Proprietor.
Dakota City, Nebr.
10,000 prizes for children
TEN THOUSAND children will win prizes in the
great "Liberty Bell" drawing contest in the next month
or two. Any child in this town ought to try; it doesn't
cost anything, and you get a beautiful souvenir, even if you
aren't among the fortunate ten thousand.
The ereat shoe house of Selz "the largest makers of pood shoes In
the world" are backing us in this contest, so you know it will be done right.
For Selz does everything right Selz is the only manufacturer who absolutely
guarantees every shoe with his name on it; that's the reason we sell Selz shoes.
Children can't find a better shoe at a reasonable price than the "Liberty
Bell' shoej it's made of genuine leather, uncheapened by the usual frauds in
children s shoes.
That's the reason they wear so long; and they fit comfortably: look dressy,
too. That s why they're "the most famous children's shoes in America.'1
Guaranteed aboei (or womea tad children, too.
I Carl Anderson
Sioux City, Crystal Lake ft Homer
6 am
7 15am
9 30am
11 15am
1 15pm
3 15pm
5 30pm
7 15pm
6 86am
8 30am
10 30am
J2 am
2 15pm
4 30pm
6 15pm
8 pm
Saturday and Sunday nights 11
C, St. P., M. ft O.
Trains leave Dakota City at the folio-ring
time :
5:55 pm Omaha....... 8:02 am
10:04 am Umaha . .....o:l3pm
3 :37 pm ..Norfolk 8 :28 am
9:48am Norfolk .....:6.32pm
7:42 am Newcastle. . . 9 :33 am
2:08 pm .5:C5pm
1 2 : 1 3 pm Omaha 2 :30 am
3:37 Norfolk 8:28
C B ft Q
No. 85 Local Freight 7:15 am
1 11 " Passenger, Omaha
and Lincoln 1 2 :47 pm
No. 86 Local Freight 2 :25 pm
10 Local Passenger . . 6 :07 pm
daily. daily except Sunday.
xlave Elmers make your abstracts.
The county Jill is empty once again.
Dr J E Pewalt and wife, of Sioux
City, Sundayed with friends in this
place. ;
The schools will be dismissed Fri
day of this week for a two weeks' va
cation. Swan Olsen is here from Alta, Iowa,
looking after his farm interests south
of town.
Robert Hansen leaves this week for
Schnyler, Neb, to spend Christmas
with "friends."
Mrs C L Culler came down from
Wayne yesterday to visit her mother, j
Mrs Wm Adair.
J F Lcedom had his arm dislocated
at the shoulder Friday, while shoeing
fractious horse.
Nuts of all kinds for
this year. Guaranteed
Local Items
Friday, December 18, 1908
Having a good stock of hardware
and tinware on band, we ask yon to
oall and see us. Sohriever Bros.
Bernard Boals lost a valuable horse
last Saturday .
Mrs Wm Nead, of South Sioux City.
visited friends here Tuesday.
Mrs W B Orr returned borne Mon
day from a visit with her daughter at
Cigars of all kinds, if you want your
hubby to have a box. From 12 to 100
in a box. At Van de Zedde.
Prof JoBiassen went to Omaha last
Friday evening to see the sights at
the National Corn show, returning on
Qeorge Shcibley came down from
Douglas, N D, last Friday and will
visit friends here a few weeks before
going to Kansas to spend the winter.
Anyone wishing anything in the
bakery line for Phrist mas will pleas
give me twenty-four hours notioe and I
can get you anything you want. Van
de Zedde s.
Abstracts of Title
A $10,000 Surety Bond
Guarantees the acouracy of every
Abstract I make
Successor to
Dakota County Abstract Co;
Bonded Abstracter
The infant baby Lorn to J O Thomp
son and wife November 30, died Mon
day afternoon of bronchitis. The lit
tle one was lunl to rest in the Dakota
City cemetery Tuesday forenoon.
Anyone wishing fine Xmas candies
can get them at Van de Zedde's. lie
has candy for the young and old, fur
the little and big, for rich and poor.
lie has it in prioes to suit all who
George Burnett jr got a swat iu the
eye with a snowball last Friday that
came near oausing him the loss of the
the sight cf his eye. A Sioux City
occnlist is oaring for it and will bring
it ont all right.
The new bank and drug store build
ing is being finished as fast as work
men can push it to completion. The
plate glass fronts are now in and
Painter Niemeyer is touchisg up the
interior. The building throughout is
putting on a very neat appearance.
Aftei January 1st the postage rate
on letters between tne uuited btates
and Germany will be reduced to two
conts for each half ounce or fraction
thereof . One by one the leading coun
tries 01 tne universal postal union are
making similar agreements with the
United States.
Carl Matz and family arrived here
lant week from Hiebert, Col, where
they went the past summer to locate
on a claim. They will spend the win
ter here and return to Colorado in the
spring. Tbey say the balance of the
Dakota county people who are located
there are doing nicely and making
good money.
About 150 railroad men met at Bas
erson last week, being employes, on
the Uliloago, bt faul, Minneapolis
Omaha road, and orgaanized to raise a
fund to build a hospital for injnred
railroad men. It is proposed to set
aside one per cent of each man's wages
to provide for this fund. Prominent
officials" of the road were present
tnougn men are being injured by th
railroads to keep a hospital busy all
the time.
Atnas grown
to be A No 1.
Van de Zedde,
Tom Ream was down from Elk
Point, the first of the week, visiting at
home a few days.
Why is it that Van sell so much
Breun coffee? Because it is the best
to be had for the money.
Mrs Fred Wasmund went to Emer
son Wednesday to visit her daughter
Minnie, who is working there.
Geo J Boncher and Frank Modlin
were down from South jux City Sat
urday evening to attenu .odge.
Nut, egg and range hard coal, also
11 kinds of soft coal in any quantity
you may desire, at the Edwards &
Bradford Lumber Co.
Wanted An agent for that territo
ry. We pay highest cash weekly.
For terms write the Hawks Nursery
Co, Wauwatosa, Wis.
Attorney Paul Pizey, who was taken
to a Sioux City hospital last week to
be operated on for an uloer of. the
stomach, is recovering nicely from the
effects of the eperation .
Invitations are out for the marriage
of James M King, of Homer, and Miss
Mayme Knox, of Ponoa, which will
take place December 30th, at the home
of the bride's sister, Mrs J R Pomeroy.
All kinds of coal, feed and hay for
sale at reasonable prioes.
Fields & Slauohteb Co.
Tbeo E Bliven, Manager,
Dakota City, Neb.
Ed Waldman and family went to
Boone, Iowa, last week to spend the
holidays with relatives and friends.
Julius Quintal will look after the Bur
lington section during Mr Wrldman's
Coroner B F Sawyers was down
from Jackson the first of the week,
and while here purchased the big
driving team of J H Baker that was
advertised in The Herald. The price
paid was 1400.
Little Wilfred Einkel was taken to
St Joseph's hospital, Sioux City, last
Friday where he was operated upon
for appendicitis. He stood the opera
tion bravely and is getting along fine
at this writing.
This is the gift season. A pair of
new spectacles or eyeglasses would be
a splendid Christmas present. We
can fit you in any style, best grade of
goods, and at reasonable priee. W O
Eckhart, Licensed Optometrist.
Greatest photograph offer ever made.
This week we are giving any cabinet
we make (up to $10.00 values) for
$3.00 per doaen. Work guaranteed.
Dx Luxe Studio. 405, 4th st, Sioux
City. Next to 5 and lOo store. Open
all day Sundays.
Regular preaching at Salem next
Sunday morning at 11:00 o'clock.
Sunday school at 10:00. Preaohing
at Emmanuel church, Dakota City at
8:00 pm. Sunday school at 9:45 a m.
Christian Endeavor at 6:30. A cor
dial weleome to all.
The Herald is again prepared' to
furnish its readers with a clubbing
rate with the New Idea magazine of
only $1.30 for the two. The New Idea
is a woman's magazine, and has been
enlarged and improved until it now
equals the best fashion magazines.
Services at the Methodist Episcopal
church every Sunday as follows:
Preaching, 11a m ; Sunday sohool, 10
am! Class meeting 12 m; Epworth
League, 6 .30 p m; Preaohing, 7:30p
m. Preach in Grace church, every
Sunday at 2 :30 pm, Yon are cordially
invited to any and all these services .
A Great Sale of Pianos
A list that is the biggest that has
ever been compiled, otmiprising fine
pianos, has jnst been issued by Lyon
& llealy. This lint contains th
names of the hundreds of fine, new pi
anes and slightly-used pianos being
offered at a foroed sale owing to re
building operations by Lyon & Healy
Full and trustworthy particulars of
each instrument are given, so that the
buyer may jndge for himself whether
or not the piano is a bargain.
The figures anoted are phenomenal
ly low. Lyon & Healy are makings
determined -effort to close out all these
great stocks of instruments within the
next 80 days, and the prioes have been
reduced with this object in view.
Bend for a copy of this list. If von
uo not wish to pay all cash for a piano,
you can arraDge for monthly payments
Address Lyon & Healy. 10 Adams
street, Chicago.
Lyons & Healy exhibit the largest
most varied stock of pianos in the
world over 1,000 instruments.
The Fair and Bazaar given by the
Ladies' Aid society of the M E church
last Friday evening was quite largely
attended, and everything was disposed
f ut good figures, many taking ad
vantage of the opportunity to lay in a
supply of holiday gifts. The supper j
was an enjoyable feature of the every
ing. y
Clay Howard came home Sunday
from his claim in Rook oounty, wbre
e went a few weeks ago to ereM a
house en his claim. He brought If ome
few samples of vegetables rauad in
the neighborhood of his claim i that
weere good enough for anybody, tmong
them being an onion nearly II large
as a football.
Glints from the Sloan, Iowa, Star,
Love seldom outlives faith.
iteiorms wnicu are permanent are
of slow growth. .
Merit is a matter of effort, cot of ao
The qnality of the pie deoends uton
tne digestion of tbe eater.
The snow which makes snort for the
nunter is not appreciated by the rab
A pretty stocking encourages the
pettiooat to flirt with everv passing
, mm w
The man (or woman) who alwavs
speaks his mind has frequent oause for
Flattery is food and drink and rai
ment (particularly raiment) to a vain
Happiness is mostly a matter of
temperament, not of condition or sur
A financier is a man who derives the
greatest income from the smallest in
vestment. The woman whe flirts is a better
member of sooiety than the woman who
gossips about her.
Knowledge of a subject cannot be
guaged by the volume of noise employ
ed in discussing it.
You can ussually tell a henpecked
husband by the way he blusters when
"out with the boys." '
A heart to heart talk is a good thing
sometimes ; a heart to heart thought
is a better thing always.
About the happiest marriages
we have known were those in which
husband and wife allowed each other
much latitude of conscience and eon
duct. Nebraska During igog
During the week of Deoember 21 to
28 inclusive. The Lincoln State Jour
nal will accept $3 from mail subscrib
ers for the whole year of 1909, without
Sunday, or $4 with Sunday . The reg
ular price is $4 and $5. This cut
prioe is good only during this Bargain
Week, and all you have to do is to
mail your remittance to the State Jour
nal, Lincoln, Nebr, and the paper will
be mailed to your address commencing
January 1, 1909, and oontinue until
January 1, 1910, when it will be stop
ped unless you pay for it another year.
All subscriptions are payable in ad
vance, consequently no unpaid bills,
and this saving together with cutting
out solicitors' salaries, hotel bills and
railroad expenses make it possible to
give you this out-prioe. The Journal
is the paper you will want to read dur
ing the legislature beoause its right
here in Linooln and with its great
corps of trained newspaper men will
be able to give you tbe most thorough
and reliable legislative news. Its un
controlled by party bosses or selfish
ambition to bold or get a job for its
proprietor. Its not afraid to print all
the news all the time about all things.
Its a clean home paper, no liquor or
unclean medical ads appear in its col
urns. Its huniness is profitable enough
to give its owners legitimate returns
without making alliances with any in
terests opposed to the public welfare.
Every publfo matter is treated impar
tially, unselfishly and entirely from
the standpoint of the people's interest.
One years' reading will convince you
that the State Journal is truly Nebras
ka's greatest newspaper. Remember,
this special rate is only made during
this one week of Deoember 21 to 28 to
get new subscriber and regular price
of $4 and $5 will be charged thereaf
ter. Why not test the Jonrnal this one
year and see if its publishers are really
conducting their newspaper upon such
high standards?
The Holidays
arc nearing
and we have just received a new assortment of
Perfumes, Purses, BriisRee and
Combs, Ymas Goods, Santa Claus
Snow, Ceindles, Etc.
We also expect an assortment of Bay
Fancy Box Candy in a few days.
These are only a few suggestions of the many
useful and beautiful Jgifts to be found here at the most
reasonable prices.
Krumwiede Pharmacy
Prescriptions a Specialty.
Dakota City, Neb.
Taken up as an estray at my farm
one mile north of Dakota City, Nebr,
November 26, 1908, one red 'and white
heifer, past two years old, branded
on left hip with letter "T," slit in left
ear. Owner is hereby notified to call
and prove property, pay all charges
nd take said animal away.
CjTAS Hbtakt.
In deciding a motion for a obange of
venue Judge Graves recently held that
those citizens who do not read newspa
pers are not qualified to make good
urors. It is men who read newspa
per J who are capable " The Herald is
only $1.00vpcr year; and prints all the
news when it is news, flow is the
titie to subsoribe.
Anyone contemplating putting in a
hot water heating plant or a gas light
iug plant in their home, should see O
F Hroyhill betore doing so, and get his
figures. For reference as to sat infla
tion you oan go to J bn F Sides, W S
Baughman, W L Ross, nl U Ay res
and H P Crozier, who have recently
installed hot water plants in their
Hon W F Norris, formerly of Pones
has been appointed to a position in the
department of justice as assistant to
the attorney general taking charge of
the government side of cases prosecu
ted against the, Uuited States in the
court of claims. Judge Norris for
many years has been a judge in the
Philippines, and tbe appointment
comes in tbe way of transfer and pro-
rxOMon, atate journal.
Subscnbe for Thi Herald $1
Stops Hair
Falling ,
Ayer's Hair Vigor, new Im
proved formula, will certainly
stop falling of the hair. Indeed,
we believe it will always do this
unless there is some disturb
ance of the general health.
Then, a constitutional medicine
may be necessary. Consult
your physician about this.
fines not chanre the color of the hair,
formula with aaok bottla
Show It to jroar
Aik klm about II,
tbtodouhl mmf
Patronize Home Industries buy your meats of
Proprietor of
City Klest Msrlkot
Fresh and Salt Meats always on hand . Cash paid for hides.
Agent fot Seymour's White Laundry.
Laondry basket goes Tuesdays and comes back Saturdays
ICity Hotel!
Dakota City, Neb.
Everything Neat and New. Best of Treatment.
Meal Tickets (21 Meals) $3.50 Board and Lodging $4.00
Dakota Citv. Ntm. Xa3,W ZtS 608 l,e,roP0,lt" Blk-
Bonded Abstracter ! Sioux City. Iowal
1 Feed Stenble in Connection
Where you can put up your team and feed it when you
have business in town ' v .
TheStay Saatsfctory"Rajv2
Ctt Our Free Book Pint
You can't afford to
buy rang until you
know all about a
Monarch. Akuator
th book) STATS SJHES
you Inteud tobuy.and
we will aend alao a aet
ot Meaauriog Bpoona,
poatpald. annum
Malleable Iron KanvCo,
Beaver Dam, WlsoonsiH,
C Standing on the oven
door is a very slight test
compared with actual use.
Malleable frames are abso
lutely necessary to bear the
strain. Any range that
will not bear you on its
oven door isn't strong
enough to stand the test
of use. 1
Vaa a.ll.h.a-
a blaaalna-an nana ataaa thratifhairt.
AH slats, different arrangementa for city or country homes, alao for hotels and public inatltutloaa.
bee them and they will prove to you that they save fuel and repairs.
Edwards& Bradford Lbr. Co
Hubbard -
GKO. TIMLIN, Manaeer,
hi reason why Ayer's Hair Vigor sto
illi re !3jr is becau it first destroys
?rn-.i which csuse thin trouble. After
lis is done, nature soon brines sbout s
jll recovery, restoring tue nsir snd
..'.p to s perfectly healthy condition.
Mad by tk J, a Are C., UwilVVilli
Always Hutvfjry
for more business this man Kearney and his Bank.
Getting more right along, too.
For anything in Banking, dene promptly accu
rately courteously and at lowest rates, eall on
"The Bank that ALWAYS treats you RIGHT;"
the Oldest Bank in the county.
Four per cent interest paid on time deposits, and
your money kept SAFE for you. Always plenty
of money on hand for good loans.
As low as the lowest as good as the best (if not
the best.)
Bsxtik. tf DavkotsK County, Javclcaon, Ffstbrsxalcsa.