Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, November 13, 1908, Image 5

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Dangerous coughs. Extremely
perilous coughs. Coughs chat
rasp and tear the throat and
lungs. Coughs that shake the
whole body. You need a regu
lar medicine, a doctor's medi
cine, for such a cough. Ask
your doctor about Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral.
, V publlah our formula
Wa banish alcohol
from our oiadlolnao
Wl urg jrou to
onault your
Any eood doctor will tell vou thit medi
cine lihe Ayer's Cherry Pectoral cannot
qo us Dcst work- ir the bowels are con
stipated. Ask your doctor if he knows
anything better than Ayer's Pills for cor
recting this sluggishness of the liver.
Mad. by tht J. o. Ajar Oo Lcw.U. Xa..
Winter Tourist R attest
Daily low excursion rates af
ter November 20th to South
ern and Cuban resorts. Daily
now in effect to Southern Cal
ifornia. Lower yet, home
seekers' excursion rates, first
and third Tuesdays, to the
South and Southwest.
Corn Showi Omaha
December 9 to 19. Visit this
interesting exposition of N the
best corn products and their
use. Attractive program with
moving pictures, electrical il
luminations, sensational prizes
. for the best exhibits. Con
sult the agent or local papers!
Ssours avn Irrigated Farm
Wc conduct you on the first
and third Tuesdays of each
month to the Big Horn Ba
sin and Yellowstone Valley,
assisting you in taking up
government irrigated lands
with a never-failing water sup
ply under government irriga
tion plants. Only one-tenth
- payment down. No charge
for services.
Write D Clem Dearer, general agt,
Lanuseekers' Information Barean,
Omaha, or
W. E. Snethen. Ticket Agent
"batOTA. OUT, SEB.'
L. W. Wakelby, G P A, Omaha, Neb
If it does, you should
try Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain
Pills. Why not do so.
They will relieve the
pain in just a few min
utes. Ask your druggist'
There are 45,000 druggists
in the TJ. S. Ask any of
them. A package of 25
doses costs 25 cents. One
tablet usually stops a
headache. They relieve
pain without leaving any
disagreeable after-effects
isn't that what you
want I
"My bob Frank Snyder aaa used
. Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills (or a, lone
time. Ha nerer had anything to
help him ao much (or headache. A.
year ago ha cams home, and I was
' down sick with such a dreadful nerr
eua headache. He gave me one of
the Anti-Pain Pills, and after while
I took another and waa entirely re
lieved. I always keep them In the
. house now, and gave many away to
others Buffering with headache."
Powell, South Dakota
Your druggist sella Dr. Miles' Anti
Pain PIMc, and we authorize him to
return the price of first package (only)
If It fails to benefit you.
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind
Physician and Suireon.
Calls promptly attended
County Coroner
"l X? Untmrnn
-tJ "- ' j j
jai&auu, iicuia
flM n. for sale at the Herald
office-! eeat. per hundred.
R R Time Table
Sioui City, Crystal Lake tt Homer
6 am
6 86am
8 30am
10 30am
?2 am
3 15pm
4 15pm
6 15pm
8 pm
Saturday and Sunday nights '10 45
i only
C, St. P., M.ft O.
Trains leave Dakota City at the fol
loving time :
5:55 pm. ......Omaha. 7:04 an.
10:00 am umaha ......o.ia pn
8 :37 pm Norfolk 8 :18 an
8:41 am Norfolk 5.32 pn
7 :28 am... ...Newcastle 9:38 an
2:08 pm "' 6:58 pn
5 :55 urn Omaha 7 :04 an
8:37 Norfolk 1.5:3'.
C B ft Q
No. 85 Looal Freight" 7:15 an
11 Passenger, Omhba
andLincoln 12:47p
No 88 Local Freight 2:25 pm
IB Local Passenger"., or 7 pn.
Aatlv e Hail ATnnnt Hnndav.
mj ' r -
Local Ifems
Friday, November 13, 1908
Having a good stock of hardware
and tinware on hand, we ask you to
call and see us. Schnever Bros.
Subscribe for The Herald
-$1 per
John V Pearson was here from Pon-
on business Saturday.
Judge R E ' Evans went to Lincoln
uesday on legal business.
John Dewitt and little daughter
Opal, are down with typhoid fever.
Mrs Hariett W aid en aDd grandson,
Kenneth Walden, returned to Wake
field, Tuesday.
Mrs Belle Heald, of Ponca. visited
her sister, Mrs Sam Bonton, a couple
f days the past week.
The Masouio lodge will hold a ape
ial meeting Saturday evening for
work in the first degree.
Whvie'it that Van sell so much
treun o fine? Because it is the best
9 be had for the money.
Mrs George Stone came down from
er home at Coleridge, Wednesday for
fHW duys visit with her sister, Mrs
torge Pranger.
J'83 Mansfield came in from Rock
onntv, this state Wednesday, to see
father, M S Manefleld, of Horner,
ho is seriously ill.
T T Lindsay left Monday for his old
home at Franklin, Pa, to look
fter some business matters. He will
be absent a month or more.
The Misses Winters, Dorpat and
Riiide. nurses from the German Lnth
eran hospital of Sioux City, in company
with Miss Clara Stands, spent bumiay
with Miss Louisa Kohlmeier.
Arthur Forbes returned Wednesday
from a couple of weeks' visit with his
brother, Don Forbes, near Uallagh,
Nebr. His unole, Geo W Maxwell,
who has a 640-acre claim there, accom
panied him home.
Now is the time for fall photos.
flue grade photos in all sizes for about
half what others aik. See us nrst.
De Lcxe Studio
405, 4th st, Sioux City.
N xt to 5 and lOo store.
Eugeno Becker, who has been in the
en ploy 01 Herman l.ooat lor some
lime past, died suddenly last Baiur-
day while in the field husking corn .
His death was due to a Hemorrhage 01
the luDga.
Miss Mamie Clapp came up? from
Omaha Saturday evening, where she
had been for two weeks visiting at the
homeofMrsJ K Jones. She visited
at the John tl Ream home over night
and went to her home below Homer
J adore and Mrs D C Rtinson, Mr
and Mrs S A Stmson, Mr ard Mrs
D M Neiswanger and Mrs Belle Wynn
all wnt to Lyons. Nebr, lursday
to attend the silver edding anniver-
sary ol mr ann jura J u iuc.u.uuey.
... ... - , , r,,. I
Mrs E ' Woodward returned to her
home at Roney N D, Tuesday. She
disponed of their dwelling house in
this place to Paul runnel. I ue also
di posed of some of the household
goods which were stored nere. tne bal
ance being shipped to ibeir iNortu vn
kota home.
John O MoCoil, who was sent to the
mmntT uoor farm a oonpie oi weeKB
sko, Buffering nun a bad case oi nron
ouiiis. died last Friday . He gave his
home as Angola, I, and bis age b'J
vears. 14 r Hawver, oi j season, came
down Saturday and toon cuarge oi me
remains removing them to Jackson
for intermt nt.
Frank and Clyde Gribble spent
Saturday night here t the George
Harnett lmtne, while enroute to meir
home the former at Yale, and the
latter at Goodwin. 8 D. They had
been to their old home at Hnmexton,
Iowa, to attend (he funeral obsequies
of their sister, Mrs Frank Garteu, who
was buried last Thursday.
Till Manfield was released from the
custody of the sheriff Saturday. He
had been sentenced bv the district
i idee to pav a fine of $100 and cnxts
of prosecution, for selling liquor witu
out a license, lie made ntllilavlt that
he had no property with which fo pay
either the fine or costs, consenuntty
he was released after being held since
September 28th.
Having moved one block north of
our old location on Broadway, we are
now located in the Henry Wood house
I reoenlv vaoated bv Wm
Lenox. We
,. r.tld nnt nor moved awav. but
l, ..... ;!. rrrurl tl T? t
. l, Remedies the beet there is.
' We solicit, vour patronage and thank
th that have favored ns1 in the past.
B H Moobx, The Rawleigb. Man.
Rave Elmers make your abstracts.
Anton Wilke and Wm Wallwey were
down from Emerson Monday.
Subscribe for the Herald, the best
paper in the county, tl a year
Mr Joe Liristrom, wife and baby,
ere over from Sioux City Monday,
Miss Conneally, of Lyons, Nebr,
viited with Miss Agnes Wilson the
past week.
When you want the finest candies
70 to Van de Zedde', he keeps nothing
but the best.
Mrs Will Broyhill, of Homer, visited
t the tt L Broyhill home texa "on
day and Tuesday.
Orved Parks, of Carmen. Ill, grand
ton of Mrs Harriett Ayres, is here on
vihit with relatives. -'
Trof W V Steuteville, of South
Sioux City, spent Sunday with his old
chum, Geo Kohlmeier,
Judge Stinson on Monday married
Dennis Pnrdy and Mrs Lura Whit
more, both of ttionx Uity.
Mrs Lettie Rix and Mies Tillie Hoi-
tengreen came down fom Wakefield
Sunday, returning Monday.
Fred 8tanard went to Homer Mon
day to install a heating plant in the
new O'Connor bank building.
J W Crossley and Minnie Mowrey,
both of Emerson, were united in mar
riage Monday by Judge Stinson,
Mrs Kate Hewitt, of Neligh, Neb,
held a school of instruction in the O E
S lodge here yesterday afternoon.
It you want any groceries of any
Rind, go to Van de Zedde's. He will
not be undersold. He carries nothing
but the best.
Nut, egg and range hard coal, also
)1 kinds of soft coal in any quantity
ou may desire, at the Edwards &
Bradford Lumber Co.
Wanted An agent for that territo
ry. We pay highest cash weekly.
For terma write the Hawks Nursery
Co, Wauwatosa, Wis.
Mrs Belle Unthank returned to her
home at Grinnell, la, Tuesday, after
pending a month here with her broth
er, ueo r woods, ana lamny.
Mrs Elsie Powell has moved from
the Barney Gribble house into the City
Hotel and T J Knepper and family
have moved to the house vacated by
Mrs Powell.
You may need some eye help to enjoy
the longer evenings in reading. We
can fit you in any style of spectacles or
eyeglasses you want. W C Eekhart,
Licensed Optometrist.
A union Thanksgiving service frill
he held this year in the Lutheran
church, Rev Von Haeen of the M E
chnrch preaching the sermon. Pro
gram will be announoed later.
All kinds of coal, feed and hay for
sale at reasonable prices.
Fields & Slaughter Co.
The E Blivem, Manager.
Dakota City, Neb.
At the Lutheran parsonage on Fii-
day, November 6th, Olaf Norem and
Mrs Ernestine Herbert were joined lu
marriage. They came from Worth
ington, Minn, where they expeot to
make their future home.
We are doing business at the old
stand. Always lead in low prices.
We make all sizes . See our 82 50 p?
dozen cabinets. Others gets $5 00.
Koet Studio,
304 Douglas Kt, Sioux City.
C C Frura and wife, of Homer, went
to Omaha last Saturday to witness the
football game between the Nebraska
University and the Ames, Iowa, teams,
in which Pteorassa won. ineir Bon
plays left tackle for Nebraska.
The following number of votes were
oast by the different precincts of Da
kota county, at tne recent election:
Dakota, 263; Covington. 318 ; Omadi,
287; Emerson, 157; Hubbard, 166;
Summit, 1-29; Pigeon Creek, BO; Hi
John's, 156. The total vote was 1545.
The Herald is again prepared tc
furnish its readers with a dubbins
rate with the New Idea magazine of
only $1 30 for the two. The New Idea
is a woman's magazine, and has been
enlargrd and improved until it now
equals the best fashion magazines.
Wm L Jackson and Francis Tabnr,
both from Sioux City, were joined in
wedlock by Judge Stinson on Monday
The groom was married by County
Jiiilira Eim)rs at South Sionx City
October 16, 1900, the bride being Miss
t n i . rr' . .
0miiba tw0 ' -
Services at the Methodist Episcopal
church every Sunday as follows
Preaching, 11am; 8unday school, 10
am! ClaBB meeting 12 m; bpwortu
League, 6:80 p m; Preaohing, 7 :30 p
iu. Preach in Urace church every
Sunday at 2 :30 pm. You are cordially
invited to any and all these services
J J Imhoff, a resident of this oounty
in the 50's, and later a prominent hotel
and business man at Lincoln this state,
dittd at the home of his son, C H Im
hoff. at Beading, Pa, otf Monday, the
9th inst, of heart failure. Many of
the old timers will remember Joe 1m-
heff when Omadi was the metropolis of
the west.
Henry Kohlmeier writes The Herald
from Wakefield that Arthur Larson,
forn erly ascitttant in the Edwards &
Bradford lumber yard in this place
and a brother of Edgar Larson, the
eenial assistant here now, waa mar
ried at Wayne, on I uesday to Miss
Lena Hampton, of Martin City, Mo,
by Rev Ringen. A bounteous wedding
supper was served the newly married
couple at the home of Mr and Airs U J
Pickett, at Wakefield. The Herald
ioin witn Ariuur s many menus nere
in extending congratulations,
Bill Roche, of Ilinghamton, New
York, bad a bill-board ; lull also ha l a
t oard bill. The board bill bored liil),
o that Bill sold the bill-board to py
l is board bill. So after Kill sold his
1 ill-baard to pay his board bill, the
l oard bill no longer bored Bill. In
line with 'he tile of Bill's board bill
aud Bill's bill-board, it might be men
tioned, that if Bill's bill-board bored
Bill, as much as Bill's hoard bill bored
Bill, wbv not board Bill with a board
from the bill-board, and throw Bill's
board bill and bill's bill-board overboard.
M O Ayres ia having t aew shingh
roof pot on his residence.
Miss Edith Berryman arrived here
Thursday from Creighton, Neb,
J Jr Leeaom and wife visited at
Winnebago Saturday and Sunday.
Mrs John F Sides and son, Earl, are
coin tied to their home with aiokness.
Mrs Maud Bookhart wait te Law-
ton, Iowa, last Friday to see her eon
who is qnuit ill.
The btiok work on the new Ayres-
Krumwiede building will be about
completed this week. '
Harry Foye visited bis parents in
Sioux City the past week. He is now
located at Lewiston, Idaho.
George Quintal who has been at
Elk Point for the past month looking
after bis farm interests, returned home
Thursday of last week.
Wm Armour, of Sioux City, was in
town on business a short time Friday,
being en route home from a viait with
his son W J Armour, at Allen,
Mrs Hiram Gray departed Sunday
for her home at Denhoff, N D, after
spending several, months here at the
homo of her parents, J W Hazelsrove
and wife.
Regular preacingnext Sunday morn
ing at Salem at 11:00 o'clock. Sun
day school at 10:00. Preaching at
Dakota City in the afternoon at 8.00.
Christian endeavor at 8 30. Sunday
school at 0:45 a m. District Sunday
school ounvention Saturday forenoon
and afternoon. All are invited.
Enforce the Law.
Dear Mr Editor, with your permis
There are just a few things I desire
to mention, wl.ich are of the gravest
importance to the good of the general
public and the welfare of our beauti
ful little cily.
The first is the faot that there is a
aw ou the statue books of this state
assessing a heavy fine to any pool-room
or billiard hall keeper or owner, who
permits minora under (18) eighteen
years of age to be in his place of busi
ness and parents are hereby notified
that they have the proper method of
proot edare in such eases against any
person or persous violating said law.
beoond, there is also on the statue
books of this state a law prohibiting
the sale of tobacco in any form to any
minor under (18) eighteen years of age,
or giving to any suoh minor either di
rectly or indirectly or allowing any such
minor to help himself and this applies
to cigarette materials as well as tobao
coand oigars in ny form whatever.
heavy penaltv is attached to any
violation of this act by any individual
corporation or maufactnrer.
Third there is also on the statue
books of this state a law prohibiting
the carrying en of any ordinary busi
ness on the salbeth day commonly
called Sunday.
These are all state laws and they
may not be nullified or set aside by
any local authorities or interested indi
viduals to suit their fancy or their
Now it appears to me that if the
citizens of our little city really desire
to be law abiding citizens that, two or
three things will be very apparent here
iu the rear future.
1st. Our beys will not be seen on oar
streets or anywhere else for that mat
ter, sucking a pipe, oigar, or cigarette,
from the fact tbat our merchants no
longer supply the same to them or
knowingly permit them to be supplied.
And parents who object to the nse of
the filthy weed by their boys have a
proi er method of proceed ure in suoh
casts made and provided for.
2nd. Our citizens who really desiro
to be law abiding citizens, and that
our little city should be a law abiding
city, will do all their shopping snd
trading on Saturday, and by so doing
remove the oaly excuse some mer
chants have for keeping their place of
business open on Sunday contrary to
And if these merchants still persist
in violation oi tueseiaws, men it piaiu
ly and painfully becomes the duty of
every good citizen to unite in an
effort to compell them to be law abid
The writer most respectfully asks
that all good citizens who beliuve in
the obedience of law and the good
name of our fair little city to unite in
this most lauable effort and bring thia
most desired condition topass with
out any hard feeling or any unto ard
circumstances on the -part of any citi
zen '
Yours for a good clean wholesome
law-abidiug oity.
Aileen Stinson is absent from school
thin week. i
The 2nd and 3rd Wades are finish
iug their Indian posters this week.
Msrjorie Connealy, of Decatur, Neb,
is visiting the various rooms this week.
The 9th grade have been holdina
extra aeeion after four o clock tue
past week
The first program of the grammar
school literary was rendered Friday
The Botanv class have analiaed
fourteen flowers and have begun test
and experiments.
Mrs Von llagen and Mary Hiersoh
visited in Mia Wilsons room a few
moments Friday.
Mrs Van d Zedde and Ruby Vn
de Zntltle wore vietnrs in the grammar
room Friday afternoon.
Tue current evnnts given by the high
school room very Monday morning
are proving very helpful as well as in
teresting. Foroe members of the United States
History class took a second examina
tion Wednesday afternoon. The ob
ject is to raise their grades obtained in
the regular examinations.
The second section of the literary
sochtyvpf the Dakota City high school
of which Mabel ftouton is president,
rendered a very interesting program
last Friday. Much more interest is
being shown in each succeeding pro
gram. Another program will be given
next Friday Nov 20.
Great Live Stock 1-xposltloa At
Thia is something in which all agri
cultural communities should be inter
ested. .The present Exposition to be
held from November 28th to December
10th will far excel all others in attrac
tions and for this occasion the North
Western Line will make rate frem Da
kota City to Chicago and return $16.00.
Tickets will be sold November 29th
and 30th, December 1st. 2nd, 7th and
8th with return limit until December
12th. 1908. For tiokets and informs
tien, call on George H Pranger, Agent,
Dakota City, Nebr.
The Rev Trl R Hicks Almanac.
For 1909, ready Nov 15, 1908, best
ever sent out, beautiful covers in ool
ors, fine portrait oi Prof lucks in ool
ors, all the old features and several
new ones in the book. The best astro
nomioal year book and the only one
containing the orinal "Llioks Weather
rorecasta, 1st mail 35o, on news
stands 30o. One copy free with Word
and works, the best $1 Monthly in
America. Disoonnts on almanses in
quantities. Agents 'wanted. Word
and Works Pub Co. 2201 Locust
Street, 8t Louis Mo. Every citizen
owes it to himself, to hie fellows and
to Prof Dicks to possess the "Hicks"
forecasts the only reliable.
Notice to Watkla's Customers.
Having sold my business to Mr
Galen Hatheway, all aoeonnts are pa;
able to him. J H Baker.
Woman's Home Companion at a New
The increase in the price of paper
has beeu a faotor in foroing another
one of our magszines to increase in
price. The Woman's Home Compan
ion, preparing to give its readers a big
er and better magazine, will raise its
price trom 10 cents to 15 cents a copy,
and from $1.80 to $1.25 a year in a few
This advance is in part due to the
increased size and value of the maga
zine, and in part to the increase prioe
of paper, which is affeoting every pub
lisher in the United Htstea.
The following Is the order of pro
gram announced for the third annual
convention of the northeast district of
the Dakota County Sunday School as
sociation, to be held in 'Emmanuel
Lutheran church, at Dakota, City, on
Saturday, November 14, 1008:
Forenoon Session.
10:00 Opening song; opening pray
er. Rev. w. S. Oberholzor: Kreetinars.
MIsb Elizabeth Haase; president's ad
dress, J. F. Wlnebrenner.
10:30 Primary work, Mrs. Geo. F.
11:00 "Echoes from the State Con
vention," Miss Mary Helkes.
11:30 Silent hour, L. Kryger.
Afternoon 8esslon.
2:00 Song service led by Miss Anna
Bartlett. Uuelness session (reports of
delegates, etc.)
3:00 "Class Organization," Rev.
Geo. Bray. (1) Round table, conduct
ed by Mrs. C. E. Kline. (2) Class song
by the "Charity Circle" of the South
Sioux City M. E. Sunday school.
4:00 "The Pastor's Place in the
Sunday School," Rev. J. L. Phillips.
4:30 "How to Observe World's
Temperance Sunday in the Sunday
School," Rev. G. E. Von Hagen. Clos
Ing prayer. Rev. M. Koolen.
5:00 Adjournment.
Every Sunday school is entitled to
one delegate for every ten of its mem
bership. Let every school have Its
full delegation.
Front the Record
M lanes Gertrude Mikesell and Mary
Mlkesell vieited relatives in Ponca from
Frluuy to Tuesday.
The Valentine family has returned
from Oklahoma and again Is occupying
tne family home in Covington.
Mra. A. J. Slnkey. of Cherokee. Ia,.
vlsltlntr at the home of her parents.
Mr. and Airs, frank Church.
Mrs. R. It. Hall arrived here Thurs
day evening from Fort Dodge, Ia.. for
visit with hor son, E. 11: Hall.
Mra. V. 11. Olbbs and Mrs. A. J.
Slnkey were visiting at the homo of
ohn Church In Homer Thursday.
Churli O'Neill arrived hero Thursday
from Kaunas City to visit his mother,
Mrs. 8. K. O'Neill, in Covington.
Mrs. Fred Church and Mrs. Adam
son, of Yankton, H. I)., were visiting
t the homo of F. U, Church Tues
Mrs. E. F. CUnkcnbeard has been
visiting nt the home of her parents
n Woodbine, Iu., for the past two
Mr. and Mrs. A. Harrington, of Bloux
Ci(y, were visiting at the homo of
K. Lieedom Tuesday. Mr. Harring
ton Is thinking of locuting here in the
J. W. DeForest on Saturday received
the news of the death of hla only sis
ter, Mrs. Hello Warren, which occurred
at her homo In Kurnka, Cal., on Oc
tober 25. The cause, of death was heart
failure. ,
The Crystal Lake Distilling company
has a gang of men at work building a
large frame one-story warehouse Just
east of the main building. The cattle
sheds on the west are being built
larger. The sheds will be about 120x
0 feet when remodeled. Work Is also
being rushed preparatory to getting the
plant lt readiness for operation.
S. O. Oasser and family left Tuesday
evening for Tennessee, where they ex
liei't to make their home. The Uasser
family moved to Boutn Mioux city in
1900. Mr. Oasser was at one time town
marshal. They, moved to Bloux City
about two years ago, where they re
sided up to their departure for the
South. A wide circle of frlenda regret
to see them leave.
First publication Nov 136w
Sberift's Sals.
Notice la hereby siven that by virtue of an
nrilwr of aHle IkmumiI by Harry H. Adair,
clnrk of the dlHtrlct court In and for Dakota I
county. NehraHka, anil aireeiuu vo me, j. r.
lng iiim to sell thtt praiulnei liurelnnf ler de -
hctIIxm! to HntlHfny a certain Judgment of
H.M'L Wi ll. HIMTIII oi Hm coiiuvy. uoiiimttim-
thfl hrI(1 dlHtrlct court ol nam oounty niiu
mate, obtained at tli February. WW. term
i iiurviif. In favor of West Klclo l.imilxT
Coinptiny, a corporation, and ft mil list F. A.l
b'r..,,. h M. V. Krmich and l. T. Ollmnn I
for the Hum of fifty-seven dollars anil fourl
oi-iiU' tl'7.04), and bin rout taxed at twonly-1
one dollitrs and neventy-nve eenm zi.o . i
have levleil upon tun rolinwiiiK ueacrioea
nroourty. to-wll: loi eleven tin. ami
LWHIVH I III. Ill lIOl'K llliriT-f)llti O.I, III OLf.ll-
ton. hi I iMilnv located In said Dakota county
kiwi Mtntt. of NehrMi-ka..
Anil I wll . on iuiiMir, ma sin nay
lu ,-..nilpr hum. at 10 o'clock a. in. of aai'l
litv. at Mis south front door of tb court
hoiiMt at INta-oia iniy, witnoia counij, ctb
lirvka, proceud toaell at public auction to
tlm bltrliRHt and lieat bidder, for earth, all of
the alovS doncrltied property, or so much
thereof as inuy be necPHaary to aatUfy KHid
onlitr nf null) UHUed by Harry 11. Arliilr
rlxrk ot the dUtrlut court Iu and for iMtkota
county, Nc liraHkU, tne amount uue inereou
In thH auifrvnutu belmi the sum of fifty -
an veil dollars and four cents fMH, and
prior tax coats umounUnu to twentv-one
dollar soil aeveniy-live veuia iii.iui, i
u..,.riilni iioata.
(ilien under my haud this 1HU day
November, A. V. IS.
J. P. ReoawvLL,
Sheriff o! Dakota Uouoty,
Patronize Home Industries buy your meats of
Vnrv kOaENS,
Proprietor of
DHy McxrEsaCt
Fresh and Salt Meats always on hand . Caen paid for hides.
Agent foi Seymour's White Laundry.
Laundry basket goes Tuesdays and comes back Saturdays
MRS. EL8IB PAWELL, Proprietor
Dakota City, Neb.
Everything Neat and New. Best of Treatment.
Meal Tickets (21 Meals) $3.50 Board and Lodging $4.00
Feed Qtenble
Where you can put up, your team and feed it whem you
have business in town
Dakota Citi Nibj. 7 flygfg 608 Metropolis Blk.
Bonded : Abstracter. ; I siouxcity. i0w
I IBrcdl Sow SexIg
February 22, '09
40 Head of Topa In llie Herd
JJ FT d t dl y El g
j Gray'c Fool IHIail j
First-class Pool and Billiard Tables.
Cigars and Soft Dtinks of AH Kinds.
Meals Served at All Hours.
Everything New, Neat and Up-to-date.
C. M. GRAY, Proprietor.
For All the News. '
We will all settle down to business. After all it
matters most to us, that crops and prices are good
(as they certainly are this fall,)
" "The Bank that ALWAYS treats you RIGHT'
at Jackson, wishes some good loans, real estate,
chattels or personal security.
If you hear of any one wishing to borrow, tell
them of this good bank.
Ba,flc ff Davkotav County, Javolcaon, Nabravalasja.
"Always hungry for MORE business."
oi i
Write for our Illustrated Catalogue describing our seventy
different styles of Harness.
A good Work Harness for $20.00
: Sturgca Bros
of I
; MM
In Connection.
in Connection
Dakota City. Nebr.
411 Pski-1 Strt
Sioux City lowea