la 102O. "Prisoner," inlil the ninirlstrsts sa tercly, "you nre rtiarced with bplnf a nillUonairu. How did you linppt-n to fait?" "Your honor,"' r'fjiotidd the .- bllnjf mnn nt tlio bar, "In a moment of Weakness I Hindi1 n Imok on the rmes." "You'ro not Incurable," rrjittued tlis tnneis-trate, nim at Iic-ntt wns not' tn kind. "(!o and reform by playing ths book of aoine other fellow. Dismissed." riillndeliihln T-ndffer. Sfli h Burna ffJ 't " ""m'"L' How many American women in lonely homes to-day long for this blessing to come into their lives, and to be able to utter these words, but because of some organic derange ment this happiness is denied them. Every woman interested in this subject should know that prepara tion for healthy maternity is accomplished by the uso of LYDIA PI Mi HAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND Mrs. Moggie Gilmer, of West Union, S. C.,writes to Mrs. Pinkham : "I was frreatly run-down in health from a weakness peculiar to my sex, when Lydia li. IMukham' s Vegetable Compound was recommended to me. It not only restored me to perfect health, tut to my delight I am a mother." " Mrs. Josephine IIall,of Bardstown, Ky., writes : " I was a very great sufferer from female troubles, and my physician failed to help me. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound not only restored me to perfect health, but I am now a proud mother." FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for female ills, and has posit ively cured thousands of women who have been troubled with displacements, inflammation, ulcera tion, fibroid tumors,1 irregularities, periodic pains, backache, that bearing-down feeling, ilatulency, indiges tion, dizziness or nervous prostration, Why don't you try it ? ' Mrs. Pinkham Invites all sick women to write her for advice. Sho has guided thousands to Uealth. Address, Lynn, Muss. W. L. Ttongla mnVM and Mil more men's )3.oo anil shoes than ana- other manufacturer in the world, be cause they hold their shape, tit better, and wear longer than auy other make. Short It All Price, for tverv HemW of Hi Family, Men, Coy;, Woman, Mittei i Children W.t.Dowlu tt.00 u S6.00 out Sg (how nwl a quailed at my pric. W. L. Doaglai 02.00 aaa ta.00 tliM. arc tti. belt La lh woila Ff Color ICyrteta Vtnit J?!Mtf uWtMtfy. Take No S,tllU"lc. W. L. Iuuk-1M nama anl piim is fthmiiil on bottom, Sold CTfiywhrie. Shoe nimJ.'l from (acuiry ta any part ul li worlj. ';,tit:. (run. W. L. Dill 01 AS. 157 yoirk St., DrocMsn. Msat. "Havlm: varan vnnr wonil.rfnl "Cssearetn" fr karaa saoutba and cared r atoinata aatarrn and dyneisia. I turns a word of pral.a l ! to 4acsrftta"for their wonderful eninrHttilinn. 1 hST taken numerous i.ther ao-rallrd reaiedieo at viluoii avail and I On.l that CaacareU rellar -u fc ealisrs 1 la Vataa void In s reir " Jaaass McUuus. 108 Marc.r Si., Jareey CUy, N. t. r Ulokan. Wnak-n or Ui-ji.ti. Mi lio klVi. rT-wTl ot4 In bnlk. The Knnnn tblk .tamped C C 5. luraatetil to cr or your iuooy bck. Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or N.Y. 991 miUL SUE, TEN KllilOl BOXES TQILET ANTISEPTIC Keep the breath, teeth, mouth and body antiseptically clean and free from un healthy germ-life and disagreeable odors, which water, soap and tooth preparations alone cannot do. A germicidal, disin fecting and deodor izing toilet requisite oi exceptional ex cellence and econ omy. Invaluable lor inflamed eyes, throat and nasal and uterine catarrh. At drug and toilet tores, SO cents, or by mail postpaid. Large Trial Sample thIIpaxtoV i Cukes w .TLr eaLLeu, . I hfl CourU byrup. Tau Good. JIm In time. Sold by dru)fi dyspepsia ffifyf) BeT For ft sL jtJ The Sowela . Nfchw CAjlQv CATHARTIC aj v piii mm Tho 1'iniKi. Tin dust Ins and polishing' of Ihe plnno. wliellipr It bo u new nml vnhtalilc bnby grand or the luunlilo nml more ijrizy upriKlit, hIihuIiI never be left to the mali, hut alunild bn rtoiie by tlu dntiKhter of tho Iiohpc herself. It hIioiiM he ilolii- with a fliie elieotie elotii or linen eloth, or better ptlll, with an ehl hI Ik hnmlkercltief. Thfre slioulJ lx neltlier neii 111 nor hem In the dust eloth, uh any liu'iii.illty or lia nines In apt to wrnteli (hi! piano inllsli. Cloudy spot are liesl removed by Itoiirlii); a few drops of benzine on tin; dust eloth, and then rubbing very lluht ly Mini In the Hume direetlon" till they tllsiipponr. TVe earved U't;s should be dustetl with n soft briifdi, as should also the raek ulid other ornamental trtni- IlllllKH. To restore the whiteness of the keys wash lightly and most carefully so no moisture gets Into the Instrument or be tween the kejs, with a teaspoonful of hydro suier oxide dissolved in a pint of wafer. The piano should never stand close against a wall ; if practicable even the upright should stand fully out in the room. The direct rays of the sun upon it, dampness and drafts all should be carefully avoided. The piano should be entirely opened once a month and ex amined for moths, which are apt to es tablish themselves inside the felting and so ruin the instrument. Ifonlth and II entity Hints. Lack of sufliclent sleep soon shows In one's appearance. ' . Buttermilk Is very piod for reniov lug freckles or sunburn. Sleeping with the month open will spoil the shaiie of the lips. A good, brisk walk before breakfast each morning is very benclicinl. Eight hours' sleep out; of the twenty four Is required for building up the body. When n cut will not heal, saturate a piece of absorbent cotton with coal oil and bind on. Apply arnica to a bruise if the skin is unbroken. If broken, wash the bruise and apply vaseline. I'or the teeth nothing is better than five drops of lemon Juice in a glass of water. It will remove the tartar and sweeten the breath. Sprains should be treated as quickly as possible with hot water, after which the part affected .should be rubbed with liniuieiit. " i A hot bath up to the neck may save Iho life of a child in convulsions if given at once. If you have no ther mometer at hand, test the heat of the water with the elbow. The woman who wears the stillly boned high collar or the high ruvho must pay special attention to the care of the skin, else when she dons a low necked gown her everyday neckwear will show a tell-tale marking. Iloul'a For Stylo. What not to do If one would be stylish Includes the following precau tions: It Is not wearing what other people wear, whether It nults you or not: It Is not wearing Incongruous or un suitable costumes just because they are the rage. It is not belilg overdressed or conspic uous or always skirting the latest nov elty. It is not wearing clothes that cost a small fortune. Taste and a knowledge o what suits you outweigh dollars when it comes to style. It is selecting things that are becom ing and Individual, seeing that they arc always kept in Imuiaculiite condition and currying oneself so as to show them to the best advantage. 1 II lull ltll-llillK. The new plaitlngs and frills at the top of boned stocks are growing higher than ever. There seems no limit to what can bo done in the height of the collar and the size of the hat. Very few faces can stand as much niching as the fashion prescribes, but inese are me very races unit will we ir it. While the small, plaited frill Is pret ty. the extra large one Is not. Keinein- ber always to have, the stock very high if you wear one of these Tiic-hings. Nothing is uglier than the tight stock that Is an inch too low, with the plan Ing Unit droops over Its bilges. The Uluaay Stare. It Is to he hoped that, for the mo ment, at least, we are getting away from tilt' odious fashion of decorating our persons with dead bodies, eyes and claws complete, the death agony lioing the only thing left to, the imagination, says a humane woman. I remember distinctly a few months ago being com pletely put out of countenance for a whole hour by the glassy and somewhat Ironic atare of a large parrot oa the hat of a lady sitting Immediately lx fore nie. There was something so per sonal in It as to make It nn unpleasant recollection. To Ma Wall Paper. If n?w wall paper can not be put on this autumn anil the old piicr has been spattered with grease in the din ing room .mix powdered pijie clay with water until it looks Jke cream, put this on the spots and let it remain until the next day. Take a stiff brush to get It off, and If thin Is not success ful try a knife. Thick crusts of very stale bread rubbed downward will re move many other kinds of stain nml soil. Ned I Hrapoaislbllltr. The worst iiossihlo life for a woman la one without responsibility. House keeping la not popular save with the humble classes, and the Idleness of boarding ia the source of foolish 4e- sires, which would have found no root In n real homo. WIMi a day llllcd with wholesome lasks and an evening In the society of the man for whom the woman tut loose from the pleasant ns soclationa of her girlhood, no reason able woman can find fault. , In Rplte of the rage for big hats, there are still many small ones. Those are generally draped three-corner or oval turbans. . Very charming are the new direc toire hats flat to the last extreme of flatness and perked down it bit in front and provided with ties which nr carclej1y knotted und Ingeniously planed to tho hair nt the left or right Plde. Announcing i:nt ati-mcal. A clever hostess announced the forth coming nuptials of a young daughter in the following manner: The table win beautifully decorated with a bank of white roses and asparagus ferns In the center, while suspended from the chan- TWO STRIKING. PrnmcnnilltiK (jicwit. In this instance one of the many new striped cloths was used In building a gown of unusual smartness. The long plain skirt has a front seam with striM-s running bias and corsage and rovers and cut on the cross. An entre dcux of Irish lace at collar base to gether with passaiiieiitcrie hands, silk tassels and buttons furnish a pretty finish. The belt Is satin and the design of sleeves Is entirely now. tidier was n bisque Cupid carrying a small silver dart. He was seemingly watching the effect of his silver dirt that pierced two tiny hearts imbedded in the bank of roses, containing the names of the two young people, like wise the date .of the forthcoming imp tlals. "The best yet," ' exclaimed an enthusiastic guest, "for it is simple, pretty and nothing overdone about it." Wonilrfnl Woman. In spite of what folks say, a wom an's negative Is sometimes positive: Girls' pink faces charm some men; others are captured by their green backs. Women find f dillicult to make a lasting Impression on a soft man. Many girls obtain their first light upon kissing In the dark. A woman may not be able to sharpen a pencil, but just think of her skill In bringing a man to the point. When ,11 girl gets a fellow on the string, she usually expects him to tie a true lovers' knot. , The efforts of women to make them selves beautiful are vain, attempts even when successful. Itostnn Transcript. That Stitch In Time. Kemcuiber the truth of the old say ing, "A stitch In time saves nine' and mend any worn places or torn parts in all garments before sending them to the laundry, and the time added to the life of the garments will more than repay you. What is only a small hole In a garment before it Is sent to the laundry oftentimes will be tt falr-sl.ed rent when it returns. ; Tho Man Thai Wlna. Throughout bis life he was a man of luck a uiau of success. And why? r.ccause he bad an eye to see his op portunities, tho heart to prompt to well-timed action, the nerve to consum mate a perfect work. And no tyrant passion dragged him back ; no enthus iasm, no foibles Incumbered his way. Charlotte IJronte. t'sea of a Hot Iron. To remove sblny spots from black woolen garments pluce the garment, whether cwtt. trousers or dress, on au 1 ironlng boaid. Wring a cloth from water, spread carefully over- tho gar ment, then pass n hot tlatlrou back and forth just above the wet cloth a closely as you can without touching It. The nap will rise and the shine dis appear. If you suspect that there are moths in your enrMts. try to locate their hid ing places. Wring a coarse cloth out of clean water and spread It smooth on the spot In the carpet where you think the moths are. Iron tho wet cloth with a hot Iron. The steam will kill the moths and eggs , Dn Vol 1 iMnrlild, To n degree svusltlvencss Is a gsd quality and oi:e to be cherished, l'.ut every fine quality has Its defects, and the defect of undue sensitiveness is morbidness. I Never torture yourself by wondering If on this or the other occasion you made yourself nptiear ridiculous. If you wivte a foolish letter, let It go at that. If yon made a silly speech, be comfort eil people will not reinemlier It long. If there was a clever thing you might have said and did not, remind yourself that there are more days to come and there will bo other chances. Home Chat. linn to Pino Your I'lllotv at Nlnhi. Von ha" probably locn iiceestouied to shH'p since your childhood on n pall COSTUMES. Vlalllntf CnMume. s. .Satins are to retain their prestige and manufacturer-are launching sev eral new varieties of tills popular fab ric. Satin IHrectoiro, inarvolously soft and supple, Is one of tlie l)(.st of these varieties mi the sal In thcine ami is par ticularly designed to meet the de mands of the clinging: IMivctoire mod els. This modish costume has a prin cess skirt of prune color cloth with sat lu sacqtie coat drawn slightly across front. of pillows lying broadwise to your head. Sometimes you cannot sleep, however.. Just try lying ' on them placed longwise, so that the lower ends will touch your armpits. You will find the amount of repose you get Is double what you derive from them when placed In (he ordinary fashion, which really leaves nothing for the base of Ha' neck to rest upon A properly con slrucliil pillow should rest the head, neck and shoulders. The one most In vogue rcsls only the head. I'iii'h ! ( Ti I nn. lCxpensive china can be saved mui-li wear If round pieces of felt are placed between each plate. They should be cut a little larger than tho 1h it tmii of the plate. One yard of felt (two yards wide) will 111:1 hi forty-one circles. Can ton ilannel Is less cNpeiislve, and can be used in place of fell, but It frays at the edges ami looks untidy. I'ieccs of felt pasted on the Imttom of ornaments which an- to stand on a polished surface prevent scratching. The small cuttings left over from the plate circles can be uxid for smaller articles. The Jaalicmrnt of Women. I have been beloved by the foui women whose love was of the most comfort to nie my mother, my sister, my wife arid my daughter. I have had fho better part, and It will not be taken from me, for I often fancy that tho Judgments which will be passed iiui us in the Valley of Jehoshaphat will be neither more nor less than those of women, countersigned by tho Almighty. Krnest llehaii. (looil Itemed y for KreeLli-s. Ordinary buttermilk Is one of the best cosmetics at tills time of year. The lactic add In the milk has a most Irf'iictlclal effect on the skin and causes fading of the little stains duo to de composition of tho secretion of me skin which are commonly called freckles. ooil lor Indlaeallun. The Juice of an orange In a cup of hot water, taken before breakfast, is healthful and good for Indigestion und t-oust'patiou. NEW DISTRICTS AND NEW BAU WAYS. Western C'naaria AIToMt tletter Con dltlnna n river for Settlement. To the lidltor Sir: Doubtless many of your readers will be pleased to have some word from the grain fields of Western Canad;i. where such a large number of Americans have made their home during iho past few years. It is pleasing to bo able to report that gen erally the wheat yield has been good ; It will average about twenty bushels to the acre. There will be many cases whore the yield will go thirty live bushels to the acre, and others where fifty bushels to the acre lias been re corded. The oat and barley crop has been splendid. The prices of all grains will bring to the farmers a magnifi cent return for their lalsirs. An In stance has beeu brought to my notice of farmer In the I'lnchcr Creek (southern Alberta) district, where winter wheat Is grown, who made a net profit of flD-Wi nn aero, or little less than the selling price of his laud. Thirty, forty and fifty bushels yields are recorded there. The lieauty about tho lands In Western Canada Is that they are so well adapted to grain-raising, while the luxuriant gVasss that grow everywhere In nbundauoe makes the best possible food for fattening cattle or for those used for dairying purposes. The ' new homestead regulations which went Into force September, liMiS, attracted thousands of new set tlers. It Is now jHisslblo to secure 1G0 acres In addition to the KM) acres as a free grant, by paying $!1 an acre for It. Particulars .as to how to do this and as to the railway rates can be se cured from the Canadian Government agents. '"The development throughout West ern Canada during tho next ton years will probably exceed that of any other country In the world's history," Is not the statement of an optimistic Cana dian from tbo banks of the Saskatche wan, but of Mr. Leslie M. Shaw, of New York, ex-Seeretary of the United States Treasury, under tho late Presl-, dent McKlnley and President Roose velt, and considered one of the ablest financiers of the United States. "Our railway companies sold a good deal of their land nt from three to five dollars an acre, and now the owncrs are sell ing the same laud at from fifty to seventy-five dollars, and buying more up In Canada nt from ten to fifteen." The editor of the Montleello (Iowa) Express ninde a trip through Western Canada last August, and was greiUly Impressed. lie says: "One cimnot cross Western Canada to the moun tains without being .Impress! witli Its Immensity of territory und its future prospects. Whore I expected to xflnd frontier villages there were substan tially built vlties and towns with ev ery modern convenience. It was for merly supposed that tho climate was too severe for It to be thought of as nn agricultural country, but Its wheat raising possibilities have been amply tested. We drew from Ontario many of our best farmers and most progres sive citizens. Now the Americans are emigrating In greater numbers to West ern Canada. Seventy-live per cent of the settlors In that good country lo cuted southeast of Moose Jaw and Ke glna aru Americans. Canada Is well pleased with them nnd Is ready, to welcome thousands more." Pruhnlily I.iii m!. "Mr. Il.'iiikiusoii," said tin; nintlipr of the young woman to the yonlli whom she suspected ut an ambition to l'rvo:ni a member of lh" fuinily, "have you ever been baptized V" "Once, I t Li ink." he answered, hesitat ingly. 15 YEARS OP SUFFERING. Doming, Pnlnfnl Sores on l.i'B' Toi-toreil Ilnr and Mb lit I rtetl Mar Itemrillr to. 5io A villi Ceroil by t ntlciiru. "After an attack of ' rheumatism, running sores broke out on my hus band's legs, from below the knees to tho ankles. There are no words to tell all the discomforts and great suffer ing he had to endure ul,;lit mid day. lie used every kind of remedy and three physicians treated him. njie after the other, without any good results what ever. One day 1 ordered some Cutleura Soap, Cutleura Ointment, and Cutleura ltesolvent. lie began to use them and la three weeks all the ores were dried up. Tho burning fire slopped, and the pains became ben ruble. After three months ho was quite well. I can prove this testimonial nt any time. Mrs. V. V. Albert, rpler I'rcni hvllle, Me., July 21, 1U07." Slac . I i t:. mucus. Incpiiriiu I'! - You've given up boop? How ill, I von ever s iniaion up eiiou;;li forhluyle und sidf-denial to do that'.' Ibnlger I pa hi ..a hi-di priced doctor $jr to tell nie what wjik Hie matter with nie, and I hat w.w In .-.ile pi-.-scription. I!y Cciee, I poulda'l cITord to wns! all K.nt inoii cy ! Tim YnrlnMu 1'einltiliie. Iora lat the pai i v ) - Io'ipI "', you mustn't n.imimolie me. yna know. I ieo'"i -ey-- -WJiy, dear, 1 haven't been nio:i.rMil;.iii'i .von. Dora Well, why huveu't yu, you tupid thing? 8. C. N. U. No. 451908. PUTNAM Calar nan oait krlfbler tss latlar raiari Ikas aa) isiavtkl ariiktal nais iiart. illt Ui Ira Recalled Tbem rtlstlacttf. "What were your sematiotia when tt tntomohi'f struck tht tree and threw you out? I prrame, though, you didn't bar time to think." "O, yes, I did. I distinctly remember thinking, as I flew tlironjli the sir, 'Gee! What a rennir bill I'll have to foot I" Beware of Ointments (or Catarrh that Contain Mercury, merriirr will surely 1rtroy the aetue of smell and 'completely (lernnre the whole y tent when enteritis: It thro'iifh the murons iirfnees. Sueh artlelea shonlit never he med except nn prescriptions from rep-unhle physMmis, is the ilsmnne ther will ilo Is leri fold to the soiwl von pnllly ilerlve from them, ll.ill's Csn"rh Cure, nnnnfar tared ly K. I. I'lietiey & Co.. Toledo, ()., con tains uo merrury. and Is taken Intern.illy, sell nn directly upon the blood and mncou sm fares of the system. In buying Hull's t'atsrrli I'nre he sure yon get the a-emilne. It Is taken Internnlly and made In Toledo, Ohio, by K. J. Cheney Co. Testimonials free. Sold br nrinrclMs. Prlee. 78c. per bottle. Take Hill's K:imlly Pills for constipation. Origin of tha Coolness. Esmeralda I don't care much for auto mobile riiliiijf. , Gwendolen I suppose not: the chauf feur can't munnKc the machine with one hand. la a rineh, 1'aa Allen's Foot-Kaae. A powder to shske Into yonr shoea. tt rests tha feet. Cures Corns, Kuntons, Swollen, Pore, Hot, Callous. Acblnir. Sweet Inn fet and Inerowlnpr Nails. Allen's Koot-Iae makes new or tlirht ahoea easy. Sold by all DniKSlats snd Shoe Stores. 2!W. Snmple Dialled KltKK. Addraaa All to 8. Olmitad. U Hoy, N. X. Mistaken Idea. rhysician My dear fellow, you should practice deep breathing. Caller Crent snakes, doctor, I dot I" work In a coal mine. WE inl.1, fit' 9 AM Tit A PS CM RAP A buy Kurs& Hides. Wriie for catalog 1i)j N. W. Hide & I'ur Co, Minneapolis, Minn. The fifth 'wrddiiiff anniversary is (In "wooden" wedding: the tenth, "tin;" fif teenth, "crystal ;" twenty-fifth, "silver;" thirtieth, "pearl;" fiftieth, "golden;" evnty-fil'th. "diamond." Mrs. H'lnslow's Hoot hi nit "yrup for child ren teething, sufleus the ruins, rednres In flammation, alloya psln, cures wind colic. 25c a bottle. Prospective Hoslness. "I'll take your damage cane." snhl the lawyer, helping to his feet the man Just hit by an automobile, "Thnnk. you," replied tho vIcM-n. "I'm not much hurt, but I rccipuixeil that measly chauffeur. He nmy have n case fur ym h tcr." rhlladclph'.t loilaer. CI ssjsi1 isyaumsui i i ii naaaiasi.i ai ji n sum mm im nunssamisin up ilia sii sii i -I'm if ' in i is sti'-i "ViT 1 1 ia -1 ititamnnfM ill1 ' "'''" kiiti ifci'ai u n fmiml I'll' I mr m ALCOHOL 3 PER cv.N-e AVcgelaWe Prrparailnn for As s!rallaiin5i!tcFoo(faniIRcduta ling lite Suimodis aMikwTibof OSS Promolcs Ditiestionkf M ness and RestXontalns ncHhtr ,-JV;, Opium.Morprilnc norMiBcral. Not Narcotic. jilx.Sr.mi e Maw Seri' (ImlkJ Sl.tjrr riirtryreiiZara". ':l Aneyfecl Romcdv for ConsHju Hon . Sour SloraacltStarrhota Worms .Convulsions jcvtrisn ncss aiidLoss opSeeep. lutSimne Signature or . Exact Copy of Wrapper. P isna IJlCTimai .Tr -, pa rrernwasrg awi sfcMamaaa.ia iaaaasiaaiaiiiiii n in n "Wl ti Is I nn w J' ; .' - for it Kit OKNll. 1 it til ttO MoT" MnnM fnr rrm tn 1i!r Tjkt liri nn 1 1 F t-i tn nm tl.tatt a vii hi, imiiiti. i rit ii r run . H U : J r ER & ' k t C'W.N 40 tUHM. Ufttllsir twillml hesit Iliiflf .MXA ' 1 MM-i pei rnm, !-. jr l.natilifiil H .tvi o ir Miimlie Halt t"t i iltrvl nimlsi V lrf.m. ti i-r bultl. Shift too 4 uttiuuati.iih3iiitg, Autiurwcit ilrutv DU 111 Mittaaiii.Jtf-W 4 THE You could never hopo to alioo than tho "Leailiir' I .ad ance und fits the foot perfectly front the very first. Besides til bcini; atyllsli and comfortable, wears r.iuch lonirer thuu most mado that It lasts twice as long as the average shoe, and will retain It3 6hape to tho end. Wly buy inferior shoes whan, with the sama tnoncy,you can get iho "LcadiiiB Ladyt" Your dealer will mir"!y you; If rot, write to us. Look for the Mayer Trado Murk on the sole. FREE it you will aepd us the nor nanuie Lisaoinir t-auy anuva, wo win anu jw 11 i' paid, a beaut-hil pirture of Martha Washluatun, aiia lixM. VVa also miJie llonoi bllt Slums, ManhaWa.hington Com furt brutes, V erma uuauiuo MilW 1 OIHMii JiiW l. m a vmn nftftTl MIL WAV kE.IViWlaCON SIN mm FADELESS DYES! iit slsar 4 ya. ta I tt stcsti cslars ill Ifkati. kasaUi-Sta la Vt,tlaak 4 Mu Calait. Ikai o LlixirvfOenna acts foatlyyot prompt ly oc bowels, cleanses tlie system ejjcctually, nssists one noyorcomiti habitual constipation permanently. To get its bene icial effects buy the denmne. Nonu jntturodi California Ji Srciup Co. SOLD BY HADING DRUCOSTl-WMfBanU of Wheat Land in Western Canada WILL MAKE YOU RICH .10 bunhls per acre hae been srown. General Aferaire arentrr than in any other part of tht Con tinent. Under New Herniations it 1 pnasibla t Muren Homestead of I Mi acres Iree, and additional luu acres at 9-1.U0 per acre. "The development of the cmintrr hss made marvellous strides. It ia a revela tion, a rc rd itf conquest by settlement that is remarkable." Kxtrart Irora car nrwnondence ol a Natiunal Kdltor, who visited Cunada in August last The grain crop of I will n't many tarmara fjn.00 to l!5.iie per acre. Uraln-rafciaa. Miami Farming and Dairying are tha principal Indus trie. Climate is excellent: Social Conditions tbo o-M: Railway Advantages iniraunlled: Schauta, churches and markets close at hand. bands mav n!n lie purchased from Railway . and Land Compans-. r'OR "I.A8T HtiMT WHST" pamphlets, maps and information as to hiM to secure limest Railway Nates, apply W. I). Scott, Superintendent ot Immigratiea, Ottawa, Canada, or K. T. Holmes, in Jack-soa SI., SI. rail), Minn, And I. K. Mat Lachlim. bos Hi), W aterlinvn, .So. Dakota Autlioruau t,overu nieitl .Aceuln. l'laaaoaar alivra rnu aae this sdvsnlMment. 'ryu.mThcnipscQ'sEyaWalBf MKMTIcjN T"a FAI'ia waaa warrua ra , PflCM For TafnntB and Children. Tho Kind You Kava Always Bought Bears the Signature In Use For Over Thirty Years THSetruco"iv, rirw voaa rr. n .i i.n , '-nti? -iaUlfr- "vTii"s"sTir o u u a kW ISn i ;.riii c ri, (Mum llitf j bflil ttitmi R A P PER GUIDE fid F'ltlam. 10,000 I rtfl t),a atil.tor atf.r aetll.n I . i.nlrili.,. .Ii L iir a ....... I. . al rnpa, ICUIi I . Vt'fj, IJi'W IHI '("r ,i Ul. UCI U tvaonin ..I'! T" i'it Un ne4 1st CORUnCT SHOE FOR STYLE, EASE AND GOOD WEAR b-.iy a mora stylish or serviceable v." It isrl'-lit uD-to-dato In appear the shoes.. It U so well name of a dealer who demt uoca ana specuu aieiu MM tei ft "V ty la tla aittcf ksrler tksa lay slkar ya. Ttt caa as QMHOti V VC CO.. Qmincr.iUiHmQ W$m ACRES Af J IT - !p1 I if mm 1 V4 ml . ;l JZ 1 i