Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, November 06, 1908, Image 5

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1 1
Cure Your
Why? Because itts annoying,
uuiidy. And mostly, because
it almost' invariably leads to
blJness. Cure it, and save
your hair. Get more, too, at
t!:c same time. All easily done
with Ayer's Hair Vigor, new
improved formula. Stop this
form ion of dandruff I
r- rn ihe rninr of ifte hair.
rormula with sack bonk
Show It to yottr
it ilk him about It,
than no aa ha aaya
Aver's Hair Vieor will certiinlv
;. ; work, because, first of all, it Je
siiio germs which are the original
"' dandruff. Havine riven this aid.
n:n:ir; completes the cure. The scalp is
re m .r.J to a perfectly healthy condition.
:-bT the J. C.AyerCo.. Lowsu,
Winter Tourist Revto
Daily low excursion rates af
ter November 20th to South
ern and Cuban resorts. Daily
now in effect to Southern Cal
ifornia. Iyower yet, home
seekers' excursion rates, first
and third Tuesdays, to the
South and Southwest.
Corn Show, Omaka
December 9 to 19. Visit this
interesting exposition of the
best corn products and their
use. Attractive program with
moving pictures, electrical il
luminations, sensational prizes
for the best exhibits. Con
sult the agent or local papers.
Soura an Irrigated Farm
We conduct you on the first
and third Tuesdays of each
month to 'the Big Horn Ba
sin and Yellowstone Valley,
assisting you in taking up
government irrigated lands
with a never-failing water sup
ply under government irriga
tion plants. Only, one-tenth
payment down. ..No charge
for services.
Write D Clem Deafer, general agt,
Lanaseekers' Information Bcreau,
Omaha, or
E. Snethen. Ticket Agent
L. W. Wakklbt, O P A, Omaha, Neb
If it does, you should
try Dr. Miles Anti-Pain
Pills. "Why not do so.
'They will relieve the
pain in just a few- min
utcs. Ask your, druggist
There are 45,000 druggists
in the U. S. Ask any of
ihein. A, package of 25
doses costs 25 cents. One
. tablet usually stops a
headache. They relieve
. pain without leaving any
disagreeable after-effects
isn't tliat what you
"My son Frank Snyder haa used
Dr. Mllea" Anti-Pain Pills for a Ion
time. He never had anything- to
him ao much for headache.
year ago he came borne, ana I
down sick with such a dreadful nerv
oui headactio. lie cave me one of
the Anti-Pain Pills, and after while
I took another - and was entirely re
lieved. I always keep them la the
house now, and crave many away to
-others surferine with headache."
Powell, South Dakota.
Your druggist sells Dr. Miles' Antl
Paln Pills, and we authorise him to
return the price of first package (only)
if it fails to benefit you.
Miles Medical Co.. Elkhart, Ind
"liysician and Sarpeon.
Calls promptly attended
I City Hotel
Mrs T J Kncpper, Prop
I ( 4.r
.1)0 per
First class board, and nioe,
clean rooms and beds.
cockt Her be
T!v titvv
R R Time Table
8ioua City, Crystal Lake ft Homer
6 am 6 36am
7 15am 8 80am
9 80am 10 30am
11 15am ?9 am
1 15pm 2 15pm
3 15pm '. 4 15pm
5 30pm 6 15pm
7 15pm 8 pm
Baturday and Sunday nights '10 45
c.,st. p., M.ao.
Trains leare Dakota City at the fol
loving time :
5:65 vmi Omaha 7:04 am
10:00 am Omaha 5:13 pm
8 :37 pm Norfolk 8 :18 am
8:41 am Norfolk 5.32 pm
7 :28 am Newcastle 9 :?3 am
2:08 pm "' 5:58 pm
5 :55 cm Omaha 7 :04 am
3:87 Norfolk 6:82
No. 85 Local Freight' 7:15 am
11 " Passenger, Omana
andLineoln' 12:47 pm
No 86 Local Freight 2 :25 pm
10 Local rassenger'.. 6:i 7 pm
fail HailT ATnnnt SnndST.
Local Items
Friday, November 6, 1908
Having a good stock of hardware
and tinware on hand, we ask yon to
call and see ns. Sohrierer Bros.
Subscribe for Thk Hkbai $1 per
Mr It L Broyhill was a visitor at
Homer Tuesday.
Frank Haase was home from Emer
son over Sunday
George Wilkins wits np from Homer
Tuesday and Wednesday.
Mrs D H Eager has been confined
to her room the past week.
J F Leedom returned home Mon
day from a trip to Gregory, 8 D.
O L Goodsell came np from Omaha
Friday to attend to business matters.
Miss Lnoy Ewald, of Sioux City,
visited at the Wm Lorens home this
Earl Sides, who has been on the sick
list for the past few weeks, is some
Mrs Tom Debian, of, Sioux City,
visited Friday and Saturday at the R
L Broyhill home.
Why is it that Van sell so much
Breun crffee? Because it is the best
to be had for the money.
Miss Jennie DcLodk wss here from
S'ou. City Wednesday and spent the
day at the H E Evaus home.
Mrs Lettie lux uas closed out tier
millinery business at Wakefield, and
will remove to this; place to reside.
Albert Schumacher was home from
his work as railway mail clerk this
week. He is now located at Hawar
den, Iowa.
Mrs E Woodward arrived here Wed
nesday from Roney N D, for a visit
with old friends, and also to look alter
her property interests.
A fine little daughter arrived at the
home of W E Snetben and wife Mon
day. Mr Snetben is sgent for the
Burlington at this place.
Harold D Witoell, of Marcus, Iowa,
and Mrs Ethel L Duncan, of Marshall
town. Iowa, were happily mairied by
Judge Stinson Saturday evening.
The Woodward bouse in the east
part of town, sold tins week to
Panl Kinkle, who will move ins family
into it as soon as be can fit it np tor
Work on the new bank and, drug
store building is progressing nicely.
The outside walls are nearly finished
and the building is puttiug on a very
ueHt iSjipeorance,
Mrs Bessie Bowers, sister of DM
Nt-iswanger, died at ber borne in Mar
shallville, Ohio, on Thursday of last,
week, of tuberculosis of the bowels
Sho was buried Sunday.
Mrs Oeorse Kohlmeier and Miss
Louise Kohlmeier. visited at Wake
field with the Henry Kohlueier part of
last week and this. George went out
Sunday morning, returning Monday.
Barney , Gribble returned Monday
from Humeston, Iowa, where he went
iu company with Mrs Geo Barnett and
two cuildien. Mrs Barnett remained
to visit relatives and old friends for a
week or two.
Regular preacingnext Sunday morn
ing at Salem at 11:00 o clock. Sun
day school 'at 10:00. Preaching at
Dakota (Jity in tne eveciog ai 1 .an.
Christian endeavor at 6:30. Suuday
school at 9:45 a m.
Now is the time for fall photos.
fine erade photos in all Bizea for about
half what others atk.. bee us first.
Dk Luxe bTUDio
405, 4th st, Sioux City.
Next to 5 and lOo store.
Miss Mamie Clapp came up from
Omaha Saturday evening, where stie
had been for two weeks visiting at thu
... Tir T L." I ! . 1
homeofMrsJ K Junes. She vihitei
at the John ti Ream borne over night
and went to her home below Homer
Frank and Clyde Gribble spen
Saturday night here at the George
Barnett hnme, while en route to tliei
homes the former ,at Yale, and the
latter at Goodwin. S D. They had
been to their old home at Humeston
Iowa, to atteud the funeral obsequiea
of their sister, Mrs Fiauk Garten, who
was buried last Thursday
Having moved onn block north of
our old location on Broadway, we are
now looated in the Henry Wood bouse
reoenly vacated by Wra Lteuox. W
have not sold out nor moved away, but
we are there with the goods Haw
lambs Remedies the best there is
We solicit your patronage and than
those that have favored ua in the past
S U Mooke, The lUwleigh Man.
HaveEimers make your abstracts.
Cbas Bartowent to Wakefield, Mon
day for a few days visit.
Regular mating of the Masonic
lodge Saturday evening.
Henry Niebuhr was np from Winne
bago over Wednesday sight.
Mrs George Franger spent several
dsys in Omsha the past week.
C B Higman, of Sioux City, was a
business visitor here Thursday,
Subscribe for the Herald, the best
paper in the county. $1 a year. '
Mrs O L Culler came down frem
Wayne Tuesday to visit her mother.
A 10-pound boy was burn to C D
Reed and wife of this place on Mon
0 C Frnm and John L Nixon, of
Homer, were business visitors ' here
Galen Hatheway, of Magnet, Nebr,
has succeeded J H Baker as salesman
for the Watkin's remedies.
John Dewitt, who has been confined
td the house for the past few weeks,
was able to be out Saturday.
Ed Larson went to Wakefield las
Thursday to attend the funeral of an
uncle. He returned Sunday.
A marriage license was issued Tues
day to Albert T Chase, of Wakefield,
and Mary E llodgins, of Vista.
Orville E DeHtrty and Miss Delia
Dicky, both of Sioux City, were mar
ried by Judge Stinson Thursday.
Mrs Jna Clements departed Thurs
day for Otis, Col, to join her husband
who is holding down a claim there. '
If you want any grooeries of any
kind, go to Van de Zedde'a. He will
not be undersold. He carries nothing
but the best. ,
Nat, egg and range hard coal, also
all kinds of soft coal in any quantity
you may desire, at tne Edwards &
Bradford Lumber Co.
Wanted An agent for that territo
ry. We pay highest cash weekly.
For terms write the Hawks Nursery
Co, Wauwatosa, Wis.
You may need some eye help to enjoy
the longer evenings in reading. We
can fit you in any style of spectacles or
eyeglasses you want. W (J Eckhart,
Lioensed Optometrist. v
The board of commissioners ordered
the removal of the wire fenoe from
around the court house square and
gave the job to Gus Bergir, giving
him the material for doing the work.
All kinds of coal, feed and hay for
sale at reasonable pi ices.
Fields & Slacohtkb Co.
TbkoE Bliyen, Manager.
Dakota City, Neb.
We are doing business at the old
stand. Always lead in low prices.
We make all sizes . See our $2 50 per
dozen cabinets. Others gets $5 00.
Kozy Studio,
304 Douglas St, Sioux City.
The Herald is again prepared to
furnish its readeis with a clubbing
rate with the New Idea magazine of
only 11 30 for the two. The New Idea
is a woman s magazine, and has been
enlargrd and improved until it now
equals the best fashion magazines.
Services at the Methodist Episcopal
church every Sunday as follows:
Preaching, 11 a m ; Sunday school, 10
m! Class meeting 12 m; Epworth
League, 6:30 p m; Preaching, 7 :80 p
n. Preach in Graoe church every
Sunday at 2:30 p m. You are cordially
invited to any and all these services .
One of the rare cases of a woman s
heart remaining true to her first love
was demonstrated in the marriage of
A. Enos, of Sioux City, Iowa, and Mrs.
Nettie Enos, of White River Junction,
Vermont. In 1893 they first met. He
was the manager of a grocery store,
she a singer in the First Methodist
choir, file promised himself to win
the fair grey eyed miss. Six years af
ter they were married. Two years
later he, like -other men have done
before, drifted away from his wife
and mother of his- boy. Seven months
reo he wrote a letter to this noble lit
tle woman away back in the Green
mountains, and a few days later the
answer came. The first two word3,
-ear Papa," and he knew he had won
again. She could not come then. A
wait that seemed like years to him.
At last, with their son she came. Judge
Stinson on Monday did the rest, and
no.v .ney are happy.
The following Is the order of pro
gram announced for the third annual
convention of the northeast district of
the Dakota County Sunday School as
sociation, to be held In Emmanual
ititheran church, at Dakota City, on
Saturday, November 14, 1908:
. Forenoon Session.
10:00 Opening song; opening pray
er, Rev. w. 8. Oberholzer; greetings,
Miss Elizabeth Haase: president's ad-
ress, J. F. Wlnebrenner.
10:30 Primary work, -Mrs. Geo. F.
..Ivermore. ,
11 :00--"EchoeB from the State Con
vention," Miss Mary Heikes.
11:30 Silent hour, L. Kryger.
Afternoon Session.
2:00 Song service led by Miss Anna
Ilartlett. HusIncsH session (reports of
delegates, etc.)
:i:00 "ClasB Organization," Rev
i-o. Hray. (1) Round table, conduct
ed by Mrs. C. K. Kline. (2) Class song
by the "Charity Circle" of the South
Sioux City M. K. Sunday school.
4:00 "The Pastor's Place in the
Sunday School," Rev. J. L. Phillips.
4:30 "How to Observe World's
Temperance Sunday In the Sunday
School," Rev. G. E.. Von IlugMi. Clos
ing prayer, Rev. M. Koolen.
.1 : 00 Adjourment.
Every Sunday school Is entitled to
one delegate for every ten or its mem
bership. It every school have Its
full delegation.
Real Estate Transfers
Fniiii'ls A Patterson and wife to J A
fiiirclity, lots 2 and 21 In lilock '19,
Covington, 8rd filing, wd
Hugh S Neighbor to Fred Herman.
', nJi im1-. and h'j el4 ne1. m ),
section 2S-2D-9. wd
D O'Hanlon and wife to Fields A
Slaughter Co, swH '4 section 8-2N-9.
D J Htelnerto Ilah Miller, lot 12 In
block, Central South Sioux City, wd..
He I ma Moll tor to Wm Kahl, lot 12 III
block 9, north addition to Kinemon,
M I. Kohltltt and wife to Judd (Melt,
lot I and i In block 1, O'Connor's 2nd
addition to Homer, qcd
Commissioners' Proceedings.
Dakota City, Nebr, Oot. 81, '08
Board of county commissioners met
pnrinantu adjournment. Present, Ed
Morgan, chairman; Jehn Sierk and
Fred Blame.
Bond of J M Woodcock for county
surveyor approved by the board.
It having been called to the atten
tion of the county board that tbere re
mains in the hands of the oonnty treas
urer fuad known as "school district
No 11, 1896 protest", which amount to
the aim of 1125 26, and that there has
been no addition to said fund si nee
1897, and no effort has been made by
the parti paying aaid money under
protest to recover theame, and, time
for recovery having long since elapsed,
it is the order of this boaid that the
oouut; treasurer be, and he is, hereby
instructed to transfer said fund to the
general fond of school district No 11.
Comes now J A Foye and shows the
board of oonnty v commissions that
there is only about 3 acres not in the
lake on lot 4, and 5 acres on lot 3 of
section 13 township 88, range 48, and
the board now orders the county treas
urer to accept the taxea of the same at
a valuation ef $50 on lot 4, and fCO on
lot 3, for the years 1903-1904 1005 and
1907 The county derk is aiso order
to correct the 1905 tax list at the above
valuation. .The county treasurer is
ordered to occept $15 on each of the
following lots in full payment of same,
balance to be strioken, lot 3, blook
13, lot 23, block 13, lot 11, blook 14,
lot 15, block 5, Central 8outh Sioux
City. County treasurer is ordered to
strike the taxes on lot 6 block 142, Da
kota City for the years 1879 to 1890,
inclusive, balance to be paid in full;
also on lot 5, block 142, for the years
1877 to 1890, inclusive, balance to be
paid in full
Report of J P Rockwell, eheriff, ap
proved by the board. Total fees
earned, $112.75.
Claims allowed:
J P Rockwell, tnklntf Nugent to
Lincoln anil Minn Unrlock to Nor
folk, unci raxh advanced NW IH
Wm blerninnii. wood 1.1 AO
DOHt'nson, postHffu, expense, etc... 8 Mi
J P Rockwell, salary Ill Art
Win Kiermann, salary 40(H)
Kophln Hlermtkiin, boarding prisoners 8 00
J P Hockwell, serving Jury, election
notices, etc. , 41 90
W Li Ross, 8rd qr aulary, making tux
Hat, expense etc THS T5
Ksten ()lHn, digging grave for
Crompton 8 00
ii M Islle, nutse IX)
Perkins Bros ()o, supplies 9 46
J Van de Zeddo, mdae X Oft
John II Roam, board ot health S no
Heth P Harnes, same 8 21V
James Fly nn, same 6 00
O 1 8ml Icy, same. 1 T5
Fred Htannrd, bullirr , 10 00
Harry If Adair, court oosts 04 40
Mary V (iulnn, 8rd qr nalar.v, post-
hkc eto S47 87
B KRawyer, burying (J romp ton 87 AO
North NnhraakaKiucle.prlntlng brief,
Hulll van vs Kosh; cliilin 14 10 60
Ohas Dodge, bridge work T 80
John O Smith, same 11 On
K H Iihr Co, lumber 114 Hi
K S Heatty, bridge building 1108 47
Chris Fry, road work 68 75
Wm HKKln, same 0 00
August Htcke, same 8 00
.U Ii 11 Kant row. same A 00
Win Nlederiimler, same n 00
Pttr Kamfell, snimt 8 00
Henry Wallwey, same . 8 00
Hinry Ml Ike, same 8 00
Wlllln "Wllke, same... .j 4 00
IraThorne, same ..,1 900
John Rhode, same , 8 00
Julius Hoiidersoit, same 8 00
August Voss. same 8 00
Jim Hecney, same , 8 00
Nick Simmons, same a 00
Mat AHMenmacher. saM.e 8 00
Frank Mlmmons, same... 8 00
John Fey. xau.e 8 00
T F Watson, same 8 00
Kd Maurice, same S 00
Chris Hanson, same S 00
Mads Hansen, same a oo
Ijoiile Wallwey. same 8 00
John Niemann, same.. 8 00
will Key, same e (u
Win Bctcke. same S 00
Ole lioxtad, same 8 80
Aug Isenberg, same 8 00
IX) HvftVrnan, same 218 DO
O O Hvnrtnan, same Sit SA
Wo W Teller, same; claim t1M 49 60
Aug Nlggemann. road work. dlst. 19.. .1 7 SO
T W Orilihle. same m Hi
Adolph Hartels.same m if'
I.L Hclks. same 7 00
Uuo W Thompson, unit, dtst 7 24 75
T w ttrlbule, road grauer repairs,
dlst 19 1 V
Art m rinlt. road work, dlst 16 8 00
(lhas Dodge, same 8 00
Harty Ogourn, same o "
Wvorgti Hale, same 8 00
NpIm llmiHpii. Maine 8 00
John 1ouiBoy-, sam 8 00
Ixmis Mogcnsen, same 8 00
lilniHtiaii Krickxen. same 8 00
Peter Johnson, same 8 00
Mi-orge Jkiihoii, same 8 00
Peter Jensen, srme 8 00
John I.ulxihn, sume 8 00
John Ktadinx, name ' 8 00
IOllli Knuilxen, same 8 00
Nuls Andoi'Hon, samu 8 00
George. Johnson, name 8 00
Alliert Sohroeder, same 8 IW
Hans H Ijirnen, same 8 00
Artie Ii Smith, sume 00
Michael Oreeno, sumo 9 00
George Hayes, mime 8 00
ltert KranelKoo, Mine 8 00
M ! Greene, Mime -,. 4 00
Freeman Rockwell, snme 8 00
John O Smith, sume . 76
F 11 Iittiuiiur. same i
Sam Hronnninan, same, dlst 4 24 00
I.011IH I'otlei'Hen. same 87 2ft
Wm Harty, saini', dlst 9; claim f! JJJ
.lumen lloifnn. same: claim tl 0 00
Will hiirtcln, wttme; claim f-'J
Ijhm 1-iirnen. same: claim i.&0 8 00
The following claims were rejected ;
Martin Holmvig, surveying ditch,
4(i 75; J M Lewis, surveying ditch,
Board adjourned to meet November
14, 1908. w L Ross, Clerk.
HIGH schoul nuns
imm coitcd ev tmi biwior sun j-
. . u' -r
The republican ticket carried Tues
day at school.
Wienie Gray has been absent several
days on account of sickness
The first regular rhetorical program
of the grammar room will be given
Friday, Nov 6.
Two windows were broken Saturday
or Sunday by the football players
The ball will not receive another kick
until the windows are paid for.
Mr Josiassen went to Lincoln Tuea
.lav to attend the annual teaohers
meeting returning Thursday. The
other teachers visited Bchool in Sioux
Liitr. They all reported that their
time was spent very profitable.
Those of the Cth and 7th grades who
were neither absent ner 'ardy: Wil
liam Lorenz jr, Harold Van de Zedde,
Eva Graham, Frank Uiese, Liuverne
Strong, Albert Biermann, Llo'd Don
ton, Edgar Howard, Hugh Graham,
Maria Kosh aid Ruth Gray.
The follow iog were neither absent nor
tardv for the m nth of October: Ethel
Strong, Ms jorie Spencer, Clara Blnme,
Vernon lleikts, George Miller, Walter
Miller. Frank Sides, Myrtle Baugh-
man, Elsie Lisohke, Henry Giese, Har
old Gribble, Gretcben Hanghman, Myr
tie Bouton, Alice Doolittle, Maud Doo-
little and Kathleen Neiawanger.
Whin you want the finest candies
go to Van de Zedde', he keep nothing
bat the best.
S. n.m. I W
II 1119 Ul III to loot
from our Exchanges
Ilartington News: Tod Christopher-
son of Crofton, was a visitor in town
Thnrston Osxette: Albert Nash re
ceived word of the death of his nephew,
Johns Herman last Friday.
Fonca Journal: Tern and Gertie
Beacom, of ' Uubbard, attended the
dance in Ponca Monday night and also
visited at the P McCabe borne
Newcastle) Times: Mr WO Bailey
and daughter Miss Emma, and Mrs
Archie Joyce ' and two children from
Orchard Neb, are here visiting rola
tivea and their many friends.
Lyons Snn: Miss Blanche Warner,
of Avalon, Missonri, visited the War
ner and Smith families In J-iTons over
Sunday, being en route borne from
visit with relatives
on the Rosebud
Pender Repnblio: E J Smith of
Homer was in Pender on business laat
Saturday. .. .Dr W R Ream and wife
were over from Walthill laat Friday
night and remained over night at the
L L Ream home.
Sergeant Bluffs items in Sloan, Io,
Star : Ernest Brassfleld and cousin,
Merul Brasfield, have retured from
several mouths' stay at different west
ern points and are viaiting at the home
of the former s mother, Mrs Gibson
Wynot Tribune: Miss Josephine
Daveyot Jackson is visiting her oonsiu,
Miss Lnoy Jonee this week.... The
Tribune was misninformed when it
stated last week that Vanghu Sweet
went down to Vista, to get acquainted
with the old folks. Instead of that, he
took his best girl dow n to see Ben
Hur. We ar9 always pleased to make
tbese ootreotions.
Newcastle items in Ponca Leader:
Married at the Oatholio church at
V sta, Wednesday morning Oot 21,
1908. Mr Isadora Conway and Miss
Julia Mehan, Father MoCarthy officia
ting. The bride ia the beautiful and
accomplished daughter of Mr and Mrs
Mehan, of Vista, who numbers her
friends by her acquaintances. She has
been a Dakota county sohool ma'am
for some time, but the loss to pedagog
ical world is Mr Conway's gain. The
groom is the son of Mrs Mary Conway,
of Newcastle, and is a prosperous young
farmer who haa grown from childhood
to manhood in this vicinity and haa
hosts of frienlds They will take np
their residence on the old home farm
and will be at borne to their friends
after November first. We wish them a
happy and prosperous journey through
Ponca Leader : Mrs Pat ScoIIard of
Jackson wss in town Wednesday be'
tween trains, .. .Ponca order of the
Eastern Star entertained the Dakota
Citr chapter Tueedav evening at a
big banquet. The Dakota City ladies
arrived on the seven o'clook train and
were met at the station bv m delega
tition of ladies from the Ponca lodge
who escorted them to the lodge room
which had been beautifully prepared
for the occasion. Tbere were about 40
in attendance, some guesta being from
Hartington,v Nebr. and Center Point,
Iowa. Each member of the Dakota
City lodge save a abort but very im
nressire talk on lodge work, after
which a very taiented program was
rendered, consisting of readings, ad
dresses and solos given by members of
Dakota City and Ponca chapters
After the program a sumptuous three-
course banquet was served wbiou waa
thorougly enjoyed and heartily appre
ciatAd by all. In the still qniet hour
of the morning, after baviug spent a
most enjovable time, they dispersed
the Kuesta Initio- entertsited at the
hospitable homes of the Eastern Star
ladies. The Dakota City ladies leit
for their homes Wednesday noon,
voting the Indies of the Ponca chapter
entertainers, never to be surpassed.
Remaining in the postoffice at Dakota,
Neb, for the month ending October
81, 1908.
Jack I Tittle Mrs Frank Ht.rlcklett
Mrs Wm Hollmnr Koniilcl siiiitn
ii I HiiKCrty Mrs Jennie Stevens
Wm Haniis
Parties calling for the above please
say "advertised.
Joun II, liEAM, Postmaster.
List of letters remaining in the post-
office at Jackson, Neb, for the month
ending October 81, 1908:
HOflarhce Clarence Smith
J White J W Cain
H Klnir 2 Mary Klcnonberaer
Mrs Arthur liauanman
Partiea calling for the above will
please say "advertieed."
M j f lymn, restmasier.
Woman's Hqme Companion
at a Nswl
Tue inorease in the price of paper
haa btteu a (actor in forcing auother
one of our magazines to increase in
price. The Woman's Home Compan
ion, preparing to give its readers a big
er snd better magazine, will raise its
price Iron 10 cents to 15 cents a copy,
and from 1.00 to $1.25 a year iu a few
This advance ia iu part due to the
increased size and ralue of the maga
zine, and in part to the inorease price
of paper, which ia affectiDg t very pub
lisher in the United States.
County Coroner
Ii. F. Sawyer
Jackson, Nebraska
Old papers for sale at the Herald
offloe 5 cents per hundred.
Patronize Home Industries buy
Proprietor of
(Daly Klesi Mcxrlliot
Freeh and Salt Meats always on hand . Cash paid for hides.
- Agent foi Seymour's White Laundry.
Laundry basket goes Tuesdays and comes back Saturdays
IModel Restaurant
j Good Rooming House in Connection I
Everything Neat and New. Best of Treatment.
Meal Tickets (21 Meals) $3.50
Dakota CiTYi'Nia. j 1 tiVs? I'C
vve. WW
Bonded - Abstracter
IBrod Sow - SgJIg
February 22, '09
40 Head of Tops in the Herd .
A dl. FJ r dl y lk g
I Gray'c Fool Eflallt j
First-class Pool and Billiard Tables.
Cigars and Soft Drinks of All Kinds.'
Meals Served at All Hours.
Everything New, Neat and Up-to-date.
C. M. GRAY. Proprietor.
For All the Nowc.
We will all settle down to business. After all it
v matters most to us, that crops and prices are good
(as they certainly are this fall,)
"The Bank that ALWAYS treats you RIGHT,"
at Jackson, wishes some good loans, real estate,
chattels or personal security.
If you hear of any one wishing to borrow, tell ;
them of this gdod bank.
BeVtik. nf DavlcotsK Cotarvty, Jah.ok.aon, Nobrswaksh.
"Always hungry for MORE business."
Write for our Illustrated Catalogue describing our seventy
different styles of Harness.
A good Work Harness for.. '..'.'...$20.00
Sturjjca lSroo
your meats of
WELL,. Proprietor
City, Neb.
Board and Lodging $4.00
608 Metropolitan Blk.
Sioux City. Iowal
in Connection
Dakota City, Nebr.
411 PctKrl Stroot
Blows City lowsa.