Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, October 23, 1908, Image 5

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Vk fflllawlmtf proposed asswsdsiaat
os.liruun ot ss iuh oi
brsjfcs, m aerslaafMr fort la fall,
la anbmitMA to tha sJsctom of ta
f Rthtutt, to bo vote apoa at
(m itq to bo hold Tassaay, X
asanas tra, A. P. HOC!
tions twil). four (4), five i), l ()
and thirteen 111) of Article sit l) of
tha Constitution of the State of Ne
braska, rrlatlnc to Judicial Powers,
fte It Beaolved by tha Laglalatar of the
tat of Ksbraskai
Section 1. Amendment propoteft. Thai
faction two (1 of Artlolo six (t) of the
Constitution of the State of Kebraska
be amended to read aa follows:
Section I. (Supreme eoartl JfH
farlediotloa.) The Supreme Court shall
onsist of seven (T) Judges; and a ma
jority of all elected and qualified jodaes
hall , be necessary to constitute a
Suorura or pronounce a decision, Tne
upreme Court shall have Jurisdiction In
all caaea relating to the revenue, civil
eases In which the state la a party,
mandamus, quo warranto, habeas" corpus,
and such appellate jurisdiction aa may
be provided
Section 2. (Amendment proposed.) Tnai
Section four (4) of Article six ) of the
Constitution of the State of Nebraska be
amended to rend as lollows:
Section 4. (Supreme eonrt, Indfee.
lection, term, residence.) The judges of
tha Supreme Court shall bo elected by
the electors of the state at large; and
their terma of office, except as hereinafter
provided, shall be alx years. And said
Supreme Court Judges shsll during- their
term of office reside at tha place where
the eourt Is holilen. ...
Section t. (Amendment proposed.) Thai
Sllnn 1m ht nf ArMr'la nil ft) Of the
Constitution of the State of Nebraska be
amended to read as rouows:
Section . (Snpremo eonrt, Jndg-ea,
taction, term chief jnstloe.) That at
the general election to be held In the
state of Nebraska In th year 190, ay
each six years thereafter, there shall be
elected three (S) Judges of the Supreme
Court, who shall hold their office for the
period of six years; that at the general
uinii in ha held In the state of Ne-
krmba In tha vear 1911. and each alx
rears thereafter, there shall be elected
three IS) judges of the Supreme Court,
who shall hold their office for the period
f six years; and at the general election
t ha. held In the atste of Nebraska in
the yenr 1913. and each six year there
after, there shall be elected a Chief Jus-
iiu nf the Knnrrma Court, who shall
bold his office for the period of six
years. Provided that the memb'r of the
Bupreme Court whose term of office ex
pires In January, 1914, shall be Chief
Justice of the Supreme Court during that
time until the explrntlon of his term or
ffice. And, provided further, that upon
, the adoption of these amendments by the
lectors of the State, the Governor shall.
Immediately upon Issuing his proclama
tion rieclarlnr said amendments aaoptca,
appoint four (4) Judges of the Supreme
r., tmn nf whom shall be ap
pointed ta hold aald office until their
successors shall be elected at the general
' election In 1909, and have qualified; and
the other two (2) shall hold their office
antll their successors shall be elected at
the general election held In 1911, and
have qualified. . I
Section 4. (Amendment proposed.) That
Section six () of Article six () of, the
Constitution of the State of Nebraska, be
amended to read as follows:
Section . (Chief Justice.) The Chief
Justice shall serve as such during all the
teriri for which he was elected. Me ahall
preside at all terms of the Supreme
Court, and In his absence tha Judges
present shall select one of their number
to preside temporarily. -
Section 6. (Amendment proposed.) That
ectlon thirteen (13) of Article six ) of
She Constitution of Nebraska be amended
to read aa follows: ,
Section II. (Judges, salaries.) That
luflce of the Supreme Court shall each
receive a salary of 24.600. and the Judges
C the District Court shall each receive
a salary of JJ.000 per annum, payable
quarterly. .
Approved April 8, 1907. ......
I Geo. C. Junkln, Secretary of State,
mt tha State of Nebraska, do hereby
R R Time Table
Sioux City, Crystal fcsks Homer
6 am
7 15am
9 30am
11 15am
1 15pm
3 15pm
5 30pm
7 15pm
6 85am
8 80am
10 30am
?2 - am
2 15pm
. 4 15pm
8 15pm
8 pm
Saturday and Sunday tights lO 45
C St. P., M.A O.
Trains leave Dakota City. at the fol
lowing time:
5:58 pm...... .Omaha 7:C4 am
10:00 am Omaha 5:18 pm
8:37 pm Norfolk 8:18 am
8:41am Norfolk 6.82 pm
7 :28 aui .Newcastle 9 :33 am
l!08pm .......5:58 pm
5-55 pm Omaha 7 :04 am
8:37.. Norfolk 5:82
No. 85 local Freight' ......7:15am
11 " Passenger, Omsba
and Lincoln" 12:47 pm
No 80 Local Freight 2:25 pm
10 Local Passenger' . . 6 :' 7 pm
daily. daily eicept Sunday.
Local Items
Friday, October 23, 1908
Haying a good stock of hardware
and tinware on hand, we ask you to
call and see us. Schrtever Bros.
Have Eimers make your abstracts.
Subscribe for The Herald $1 per
John E Miles is back from a trip
into North Dakota.
A daughter was born to Hal O
Blacketer and wife Monday.
Miss Laura Kribbler, of Sioux City,
was a guest at the O M Gray home
Mifis Elizabeth Kreamer went to
Walthill Thursday where she will do
. Mrs Wm Shambaugh. of Rioux City,
rimtitA several davs with old friends
here this week. '
Why it that Vau sell so much
Breun crffee? Because it is the bes'
to be had for the money.
Mrs Esther Harden and daughters.
Mrs Ada Sherman and Mrs E A . Os
born, ere Homer visitors Sunday.
Roland Orr brought a grain sack to
this office tbat was found in his com
patch Monday. The party who lost it
The Hotald fur All. tb - when
it IS Haws. "
0 t& Haase was here over Sunday
Tisitiog at home,
John Dew Hi has been seriously ill
for the past week. .
Old papers for sale at the Herald
office 5 cents per hundred.
Alex Nixon of Homer, wss a busi
ness visitor here Wednesday,
Ben Hall returned home Sunday from
a several weeks' stay iu North Dakota.
Frank Fueston wss down from Pon-
ea several davs this week visiting with
his folks.
D M NiswnRer was called to Chi
cago Monday by the serious illness of
hit sister, .
When you want tuo finest candies
go to Van de Zedde', he keeps nothing
but the best.
A dancing party was held at the new
home of Mr and Mrs Krumweide Wed
nesday evening.
US Marshal WP Warner was np
from Omaha Thursday attending to
business matters.
If you want any groceries of sny
kind, go to Van de Zedde's. He will
not be undersold. He carries nothing
but the best.
Albert Shortley and family departed
Thursday for their borne at Seattle,
Wash, after spending a month with
relatives here.
Nut. eRR and range hard conl, also
11 kinds of soft coal in any quantity
tou may desire, at the Edwards &
Bradford Lumber Co.
Malml and Oretchen Clnpp of
Homer vinited friends here Saturday
while enronte to Omaha on a couple
of weeks' visit with Mrs Sarah Jones,
Clyde Crego hns laid aside his razor
in the Poolittl barln r shop and is
now wielding a husking peg in Wm
Chenej's 80 bushels to the acre corn
fitdd . -
House to rent Ioquira at Ths Her
ald office.
Subscribe for tha Herald, the bost
paper in the county, fl a year.
Miss Louise Kohlmeier returned Sat
nrday from a Sionx City hospital where
she recently underwent an operation.
Geo T Woods will begin the erection
of an addition to the house on his farm
now occupied by Chris Paulson. You
know what that means.
- You may need some eye help to enjoy
the longer evenings in reading. We
can fit you in any style of spectaclesor
eyeglasses you want. V (J Eckhart,
Licensed Optometrist.
All kinds of coal, feed and hay for
sale at reasonable prices.
Fields & Slaughter Co.
ThecE JJlivkh, Manager.
Dakota City, Neb.
John Ream, son of Chas n Ream, of
this plnoe, was arrested Monday on a
oliargo of seduction by the sheriff of
Union county, S D, where young Ream
has been fir the past year. He secnr
ed his release Tuesday on a writ of
habes corpus.
Mrs Robert L Cheney arrived here
Monday from Leslie, S D, and will
visit at the Wm Cheney home here for
a few weeks, and- also with relatives
atJiorfolk, Nebr. Her husbaad will
also be here in a week or so and will
accompany her home.
The Herald is again prepared to
furnish its readers with a olubbine
rate with the New Idea magazine of
only 11 30 for the two. The New Idea
is a woman's magaaine, and has been
enlarged and improved until it now
equals the best fashion magazines. .
Services at the Methodist Episcopal
church every Sunday as, follows:
Preaching, 11a m ; Sunday so'jool, 10
am! Class meetiug 12 m; Epworih
League, 6 .80 p m; Preaching, 7:30p
m. Preuch in Grace church every
Munday at 2 :'j0 p m. You are conliall y
invited to any and all these services.
Actual Operation f Postal Saving
Banks In Philippines.
Patronize Home Industries buy your meats of
Proprietor of
J City KIggvw- Mcxclliot
Fresh and Salt Meats always on hand . Catb paid for hides. .
Tears' Experiment Indicates
, ths Plan ts Successful.
Agent foi Seymour's White. Laundry.
Laundry basket goes Tuesdays and comes back Saturdays
certify that the foregoing proposeo , oan j,avo jf Dy. paying lor tnis nonce,
menu run 1 1 m ma w v . . . . -- - -
finite of Nebraska la a true and correct
oopjr of the original enrolled m W;
kin nn!,f hv the Thirtieth
Session of tU legislature of the State ol
Nehraska. aa appears from said original
kill on file In this office, and that said
coposed amendment is submitted to the
Sualified voters of the state of Nebraska
for their adoption or rejection at the
n-eneral election to b held on Tuesday,
She 3d day of November, A. D. 1908.
In testimony whereof. I have hereunto
set mv hand and affixed the Great Beal
t the State of Nebraska. Done at L.in
oln, this 15th day of July, In the year
mt our lrfird One Thousand Nine Hundred
and ElKht. and of the Independence of
he TTnlted States the One Hundred and
Ttilrty-thlre. and f this State the Forty
second. GEO. C. JUNK1N.
(el) Secretary f Btat.
Ii?t.. I.
a:411illlllf till
Winter in
Go irk Oetober
. while the . low colonist rfcs
are in effect. Daily through
thurist sleepers via Denver,
scenic Colorado and Salt Lake.
Go ahead of the rush at Ihe
end of the month.
Homa scatters R&tss
First and third Tuesdays each
month to the far west, north
west and southwest. These
make very low rate winter
Mell A Sohmied and wife and Miss
Ida Bodenbender returned Saturday
from Devenport, Iowa, where they at
tended the M B A supreme convention.
Swan Peterson returned Satnrdaj
to hia home at Alta, Iowa. While here
he leased Lis farm southwest of town
to U P Matthews for a term of three
Georgia Niebuhr is home from her
school in Thurslou county ior a aii
weeka' vacation, which is given iu
order for her scholars to assist in
gatheiing the bumper corn orop.
Judne W P Norris, of Wayne spok
to a fair sized audience in the oonrt
house here last Friday evening. Hi"
talk was mainly on the Philippine situ
ation, and even the democrats wer
pleased with his address.
Ren-nlar nreachine at Salem nex
Sunday at 11:00 o'clock. Sunday
sohool at 10:00. Preaohing at Dakota
City iu the evening at 7 :30. Cbri-tiau
Kmleavor at 6:30 Sunday soboi lat
9-45. am ' Holv Communion at both
Qh irohes Sunday, November 1st.
Robert LaDslev returned home Wed
nendav morning from Dixon, 8 D,
tin had len to vuit his son
TTnwnril. and incidentally to take a
hand in the Trirp county land lottery
u tin that a man who sets in on the
Ant HvniiRiir d will eet a claim worth
Mr McGnire. of Lincoln. Nebr, will
1h Mt the court house, iu Dakota City
Thursday veninK Oct, 29tti, to dis
fMlUB HAM nf th leadiuff issues of this
eamDuiorn. Do not fail to hear thi
elociuen'. wittv and forceful speaker
No collections. Free for all. Laities
tspeciully iuvited.
MrsGEVn Hsgen and children
Wknf.ofl RnpAMi Mncrs7.inA rA
Found a pocket book, containing qires the services of a man in Dakota
money antl Iilioiograpns. w-n" ran Xhr. tn look after niiiirinff aub
have same by calling at Model ResUu- Bcriptions and to seoure new methods
rati t, proving property and paying for nnBaany effective; position perms
this notice. nent ; prefer one with exp rienoe, but
Wm Wolf and It Von Tolliinger, ed- would consider any applicant with
itorsof The Medium, a school paper good natural qualifications; salary
published at South Sioux City, were $1 BO per day, with commission option
here Wednesday in the interests of the Address, with references, R C Peacock,
n-w unification, which is a neatlv Roosn 102, Success Magazine Bldg,
gotten np paper.
Don't forget that the lafliea oi me f(mmomim4mmK
Salem congregation will serve an oys- MrM .eunoL notes i
ter supper this coming Friday evening $ SCHOOL NOTES J
at the church; Everybody oordially edited THf imioh class
invited. Ptooeeds for furnisl ing a Readers and spellers were received
room in the new hospital in Tabitha I for tUH gtu grade which they have be-
Home, liincoln, Pie or I gun studying now.
Ham Nelson went to Lincoln Monday Wm L Wolfe and R Von Toliingor,
. . i i : I i -, , i toil. .1 ;
Mvnmntr to attena tne annum nsiuu meuintrs vi iun iuiu kiiiuo iu mo
of I O O F grand lodge, hs a represeut-l 8onth Sioux City High school and
from the. lortce at this tice. editors or - iue meuinin, visuea our
Miss Ida Bodenbenuer went on Tnts- high school room Wednesday.
day to represent the Rebekah lodge at I The Botany class has analized the
the assembly, which meets the same prts Mains fapple blossoms), whioh
are very rare specimens for October
Verna Broybill has been absent from
ine and place.
DrC H Maxwell was cnllpd to Chi
cago Monday evening by the serious
llneB of Mrs Wm Timet, sister oi nire
f axwell. Her conditiou grew worse
nd on Thursday her mother, Mrs
Margaret Ashford, and brother George
Ashfoid. and sister Mrs Maxwell, left
'or bicago to be at her bedside. . ,
At the civil servioe examination held
here last Saturday to rill the vacancy
n the route out of Ho tli Hionx iit
nansed by the resiguatmn ,of Jaooi.
'hane, tber were sevtn applicants
hat took the examination, namely:
Roy Pilgrim, Cort L Chnrch, II W
M-e ker. Eddy R terly, Jerry F De-
Forest, Justin S Bacon and William A
Gordon. '
The party who took the contract to
husk ont the corn fields for some of th
Hnlj-m farmers onk French leave list
Piiday, leaving hia men and bord bill
unpaid. He oolleo'ed most of he
-aoney that wa coming for work that
had been done and even borrowed some
rora the men before taking his depart
ure. It is claimed he cleaned up about
2U0 in the shor time be was here.
Bev J Zimmerman, an old time resi
lent of this conniv. died at th iiome
school on acoount of sickness.
Esther Olsen has been absent from
school on account of a severe-cold.
Lyle Olsen re-entered sohool Mon
day after two weeks' absence.
Mary Hiersche returned from Lu
verne. Minn, where she visited a few
daya with her mother.
Miss Roberts received a maple leaf
measnrinir about fifteen inches in
width. It was sent from Seattle,
WaHhington, by Miss Pearl Boddy, who
formerly was a teacher here.
. Clyde Mathews entered the prelimi
nary grade Monday.
Flret Publication Oct 4w
In the county court of Dakota eounty
NebraHka. .
In the matter of the estate of Otto Hii
Notice hereby aiven, that the creditors
nf t in. mhi. i a.i-mvMrd will meet the aUiiilnlH
trntorof -alii estate, before me, county Judae
of Dakota county. NebraHka, at the county
court room in said county, on the lath day
nf irnhniRrv. 1WMI. on the 18th day of March,
low. and on the lth day of April, lttotf, ut
nmviirk ik. in. nii'h day for the purpoMO of
DreHontlnit tlielr claims for exainlnatlon
adjuxtmHiit and allowance, htx nioiiin
are allowed for creditors to present thel
..i..i,..m a ..i nn. nr Inr thu hI mill Istrntrl
to settle ld estate, rrom tne om i my oi
Tns only posts I ssvlnfs bank sys
ttm tn cp"-atloa under ths Amtrlcao
0k Is that' la ths Philippines, where.
sfter two years of experiment, the
Institution has been declared a treat
success In th report f ths Philip-
pin commission. Just published, the
postal savings bank Is discussed brief
ly, to part as follows t
"Tb postal savlncs bank was first
opened tn Mantis on Oct 1. 19O0.
Ths law provides tar thres classes.
with limitations as to ths amounts
that can be received at any time
It each class. Following the openlnj
t ree Manila efflc. other postal sav
ings bank offices wers opened ta vsrt-
on titles, of dlffsreat cissies, pntll
at ths close ot the ytar 233 bad been
opened ol wtiiCD I wers first, an were I
ecotifl atid 140 were third class
, rilllaa ABtla flrelaa.
"At Orst tbs riltplnos did not to
n? great extent avail themselves of
the opportunity of depositing s portion
ol their receipts In the postal saving
bank.snds great bulk ot the depositor
wtr Americans and ot other nation
alities. As the advantages of this tys
m bav been disseminated through
means ot schools, government bureaus.
privat rgtir? and others, toe pro
portion of Filipinos la continually In
creasing, and gives very good promise
tbat th Filipinos will learn to trust
their money to the car f the govern
ment, and welcome the opportunity.
"The accounts opened up to the
close of the fiscal ytar numbered
2.G78, of which 84? wor closed, lesv.
log 2,329 still open. The , apos 's
reached the total sum of 786.S01.03 pe
sos an average of 10821 pesos. Win
drawals reached tb total amount nf
280,40921 Ncsos, leaving a eet deposit
of 009,403 I pesos at tb end of tb
Oscal year or the first nln months
of the operation of tb postal savings
bank but y oo means tb Orst nhs
months of operation ( the average
number of offices, tb smaller ons
having beei opened from tlm to time
during the year, so that many hi d
not been o) -ned mors than a month r
two at tht ttm these figures weir
Kaaoaragiaa' Sasatl Aeeaaale.
The detce of Issuing postal sav
logs bank -tamps has met wltb aor-s
response. The stamps are simply n
method by which small amounts csn
be deposited without tb eipens r
lssuluc a book, figuring Interest, snJ
opening an account.
"On the whole, th reception accord
ed the postal savings bank baa beet,
gratifying, and gives good promise.
The Investment of th funds is tn the
bands of a uoslal savings bank Invest
ment board, which carries a certain
amount of tbs funds on deposit, and
bns limited power of Investment. The
law nrovldcs tbat 25 per fnt f th
money held on deposit may b loaned
on first-class real eatate, under llmita
tlona carefully drawn to protect the
depositors, and 10 per cent on agrlcu.
tural lands under atlll more rigid llioi
T.ntlmr. in Lincoln. ' O toiler October, lww. This notice will bo pulillHlieU
.......... . Ilnthe DakotaOounty Hernia lor lour wimik
Ssours an Irrigated farm
Trio ho;t r1intipps nf the dav accomDai.ied by Mw Mary Ilierscbe.
ln il,n P!o- TTnrn Tac;in inrl went t Lrverne, Minn, last Saturday
m the lhg Horn liasin ana to lm nt ftt thp B5th wedding an
Yellowstone Valley. Govern- nivpryary of Mrs Von Hageu's parents
ment irrigated lands one-tenth and th 10th we.idiog anniven-ary of
, .j i iir Aonusent eier. All the. childreh
down, remainder prorata m 5Xma0? this unusual and plea,
ten years without interesl. AU ocoaston.
Corporation irrigated lands rjavii.g moved one block north ol
equally cheap and favorable. lour old location on Broadway, we are
A nammmmt nnH mlintr fart Low located in the Uenry Wood houe
- o re0eulv vacated bf Wm Lenox w.
in this region is the never hftye n-it mlli out DOr moved away, l.m
f ail mz water supply. Donot eare there tnu the goods it.
b llicin ,B
voitr natronoee anil man
those that hve favored u in the p.ist
B H Moobe. The ltaaleigh Man.
Ida Anderson, a trained muse fron
Sionx I itv, has begun suit sinst t'o
Rioux Uitv. CrTstal L Ue and Home
H ilway company for $1,600 damane
Sim ol ima that whllo "He anil mr
16 h. mkhiI 81 veara. He whs pastor
f the Lutheran chnrch in this place
Or many years, and also served as
nuntv superinten'lant of sohoola in
his county. Ue wsa here only a fw
nonths ssroon a vi-it with bin dangh
er. Mrs C H Bryant.
The Sta e Jnnrnal is trying owlul
mrd to get people to give that daily a
i.il. Its offer n'w is to send tne
inner from date until January 1. 1900,
for onlv 60 oents without Hunday, or
75 cents with. Sunday. The publishers
el sure that an'one who tries lb"
Slate Journal will Htica. However,
liy have adopted an absolute rnle of
topping every aubweriber when lr'a
ermisout. ift ' reis anytning that
hakes a man road it is to subscribe
or h city daily and then have to flht
ith the pnbliahera to get it stoepwd
r piv for som'hing he does" t want,
rhe J n nal's new plan will be popu
ar. .
succenHlvely prior to the lilth duy of Febru
,. r.. 1UU
WltnuHH my hand, and seal of said court
this Otlt day ol ociooer, a. u.
It. (I. Ml'tNSON,
. rKALl Oounty Judge
mnl ,.,r nw Imnie in nnv Remedies the best
. ..... ... ' . f..ii We solicit.
irrigated region without a full
study of the water supply.
Write l) Clem Deaver, geueral agt,
Ijni s'ekers' Iuformatiou Bcieau,
Omilirt, or
W. E. Snethen. Ticket Agent
L. W
Oliver Ki-her were dnvli g lown
Wakklet.OPA, Omaha, Mebhi.ux Uity on-may mu, "nr n
run iuto by a Ihhiq tuti nan u-"
friubtetieil by the Foye cr, and llm
she hustained 1 jmies, which wi'h tn
loss nf time as professional nurse au
money piid for modioli atlentioi
amou 't to fl.&OO.
The executive committee for the
Northeast dintiict of Dakota Comity
HuLday School aaseoiation met Hstur
.lav evenn ir at the tlasse home aim
n,u.la .rrsnuenients fot the annual
ronvenin of the distiiot Sun-la)
anbiMila. The date set for the o -nven
linn Saturday. November 14. and
1 1. a oonven i.m will be held in b
I Lutheran church at Dakota
City The officers are busy arranging
...d aelectinor ta'eot. eip t V
maka iha meetins a success. Further
arrangements will bs auuounced later,
fJJn,' rwayarj?sssja'ij fgftMXi&GQNtBtBBBlBt9BBiK)RB
I Citv Hotel
, T
Mrs T J Knepper, Prop
K4TES y f4 ft0 J)er week
First olasa board, and nice,
clean rooms and beds.
Death of Jacob 11 rlallack.
Jaoi b rl Uallark, a foira-r l ioneer
eai ieut ;f tma county, pHised away
i his bom- iu C il, Allegi.ii o -uuty,
S Y. Oct 'ber U, 1908. Mr H.Hack
tm an only biotlier I Mri A II linker
f bia lai'e, aud ret-ided here for sev-
al .years in the early data. He was
.frond I ieutennt in Co I, Nebr, In-
ibtry, and was well knowu to the old
rMlili lit' here.
The folb wing ol.i'nry notice was
r,.,keii from Ihe Uuba, X. t ree frean,
i Ooiober 10. IU' :
",l II lUliuvk, an old and promt
e t ie-idei t ol Cuba, tli-d at I is home
uEikt Mini stieet yi-t'-rdny aftrr
,oo.. ki3 'iAoVlock. Mr H.IUck hd
lie n 10 iMior lieaiin i t a io-k mun,
nt was ni) toun last Maturday, but
Imd filled rspiilv Hniic tun.
Mrll'lUek was 70 tears of age and
had epeut IIih grentr prt of hia lifu
. .i . ; i i : it.!.
hi uuiia. ne wax in oumiwos iu
villaae for luxnr )era and has taken a
prominent mit in the sfltiraof lliu
ton He is aurvived by bia wife, one
n . V II 1. .1 J I. , .
on t rtui ii tuiiii'i, iu j u 'ukuwi,
Miss Mary tialUck, all of this villKe.
Arran;njetit for Hie funeral serv
ios had not beeo made when we went
to press last evening".
Our New
Hair Vigor
Aver's Hair Vieor was eood,
the best that was made. But
Aycr's Hair Vigor, new im
nroved formula, is better. It
is the one ereat specific for fall
inghair. A new preparation in
every way. New bottle. New
I contents. Ask your druggist to
show it to you, the new kind.
Doe$ not chance lite color of lit hair.
liodel Restaurant
l MRS. ELSIE PWELL, Proprietor
Dakota City, Neb.
Good Rooming House in Connection
I Everything Neat and New. Best of Treatment. .
I Moal Tickets (21 Meals) $3.50 Board nod Lodging $4.00
Dakota City. Nib.
Bonded : Abstracter,
608 Metropolitan Elk.
Sioux City. Iowa!
Fobrtuary 22f '09
40 Head of Tops In the Herd
A. I. NordyliG
Hubbard, Nobravskav
hc Hlodlin IViachine Co. j
Manufacturers of
Gaoolcno Efirfinca
Also conduct a general Repair Shop ,
Gatoolosto Espsrts
208-210 W. Fourth St. . SIOUX CITY, IA.
Opposite Curtis Sash and Door Co.
formula Ub saoh Uoitlt
SUow It to sour
A.k dim .bout it,
b.n do m ho
s we now make our new Hair vigor
r.cii nnt have the slightest elrect upon
ie co'.or of the hair. You may use it
..1.. tT .nv ipnoth (if time witn
'.c.l l.lia -
i t fear of clian-ing the color. Stops
":iihair. Cures dandruff.
- 1, c. Ajor Co., IwotL Mam.
"You say that you have advo
cated uior radical measures
fipalnst prlvatt mooopollrs than
either I or my party associates
bav beeo willing U undertake.
Jou have. Indeed, advocated
measures that sound mor radi
cal, but they have th prime de
fect that Id praetlc tuey would
not work. I should not lo this
letter to you discuss your aft!
tilde on this question If you did1
not yourself bring It up. but ss
you have brought tt up. I ansver
you thut In uiy Judgment tbe
measures you advocat would b
wholly ituflectlve Id curing
elnglv evil, and so far as they
bad any effect at all. would mere
ly tnrow tbe entire business or
tbe com. try into hopeless aod ot
ter'cotil isluu I put Mr. Tuft's
deeds against your words. 1 ask
tbat vou be Judged ttoib ky th
words you wish remembered. od
by th words'tbat seemingly yoo
nd your party now dealr to
aav fouotten . , . I bold It
entirely natural for aay great
law defying corporation U wish
to you placed la th Treat
dency rUhst than Mr. Taft. Ta tr
plans to put atop to tb abuse
ot these corporations ar wholly
cnlmerical. Theodore Hoove-
LZ :
For All tHc Ncwo.
"The Bank that Always treats you Right" j
at Jackson, Nebraska the bank that treats its customers
"righter" and does more for them than other banks
(Kearney methods and improvements.) t
That does EVERYTHING in banking, up to dately,
at lowest rates, and treats the poor as well as the rich.
That is "Safe as a Government Bond," and "Always
hungry for more business," and wants YOUR business,
aud a little boost from you. Try just once
Is going
will bsv
roods. Philadelphia
OPvniOHT Ac.
..fnM. ,.ii. o.kelrh nnd diwcrlntton m
r:.Mfi Ki muii a . V roiv
r.lultuJi, w'M.ou;iro. lulbe
.Sdaitinc Jlmerican.
If tt Is true that rtoosvlt
t tHk tO ins Slump iirjrun 1
tn toke to ths
kit tiiyun no longf refers to Mr
HoohPH a Lis Imitator, counierpurt
inn ui.dentudy. St, Louis Globe Uetu
ICounty Coroner
'The Bank that ALWAYS treats you RIGHT."
(Then you'll know the above is true.)
-fevv , '---
B. F. Sawyer
Tackdon. Nebraska
Write for our Illustrated Catalogue describing our seventy t
different styles of Harness. X
A good Work Ilai ih-hs for. $20.00
r.at t
Sttxrrfco Bros
411 P.avrl Sir
Blows City Im
; ttmij