: PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT. Tke fUwlBf prososa suaantaaaBt k eoaatltntloa af Ik Btata of JTe awasara, m haraiaafta fertb La foil, U nbmltt to lb laotore of tka KU t Itbrukt, to Totod upoa at ta a-aasrai alaotloa to be kald Tuasday, vssasef rd, A. X. ltoai A JOINT RESOLUTION to amend 8ns tlon two (2), four (4), We (6). (Is (6) and thirteen (II) of Article tlx It) of the Constitution of the State of Ne braska, relating to Judicial Powers. e it BaaoWed by the IfUlatnre of tbt tata of JTebraekai 8ectlon 1. Amendment prepoved. That Eectlon two (2) of Artlola sis ( Of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska be amended to read aa follows: Section 1. (Baprema court jadres; Jarlsdlotloa.) The Supreme Court shall consist of aeven (T) judges; and a ma jority of all elected and qualified judges hall be necessary to constitute a Quorum or pronounce a decision. The Supreme Court shall bare jurisdiction In All cases relating: to the revenue, civil cases In which the state Is a party, mandamus, quo warranto, habeas corpus, and such appellate Jurisdiction as may be provided by law. Section i. (Amendment proposed.) That Section four (4) at Article six 6 of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska tt amended to read as follows: Section 4. (Rupreme court, lodges, lection, term, residence.) The Judges of the Supreme Court shall be elected by the electors of the state at large; and their terms of office, except ad hereinafter provided, shall be six years. And said Bupreme Court Judgea shall during their term of office reside at the place where the court is holden. Section S. (Amendment proposed.) That Section five () of Article six (6) of the Constitution of the Stat of Nebraska ba amended to read as follows: Section 5. (Supreme oonrt, Judges, election, term; chief Justice.) That at the general election to be held In the atate of Nebraska In the year ltot, art each six years thereafter, there shall be elected three (S) Judges of the Supremo Court, who shall hold their office for the period of six years; that at the general lection to be held In the atate of Ne braska in the year 111. and each six years thereafter, there shall be elected three (3) Judges of the Supreme Court, who shall hold their office for the period of six years; and at the general election to be held In the state of Nebraska In the year 113, and each six year there after, there shall be elected a Chief Jus tice of the Supreme Court, who shall hold his office for the period of six years. Provided that the membsr of the Supreme Court whose term of office ex- Jires In January, 1914, shall be Chief usttce of the Supreme Court during that time until the expiration of his term of office. And, provided further, that upon the adoption of these amendments by the lectors of the State, the Governor shall. Immediately upon issuing his proclama tion declaring said amendments adopted, appoint four (4) Judges of the Supreme Court, two (2) of whom shall be ap pointed to hold said office until their successors shall be elected at the general lection In 1909, and have qualified; and the other two (2) ahall hold their office until their successors shall be elected at the eeneral election held In 1911, and hav nllAllflpft. Section 4. (Amendment proposed.) That Rrtinn six (St of Article six (6) of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska, be amended to read aa rouowa: Section . (Okie justice.) The Chief Justice shall serve as auch during all the term for which he waa elected. He shall preside at all terms of the Supreme Court, and In his absence the Judges present shall select one of their number to preside temporarily. Section 5. (Amendment proposed.) That Bectlon thirteen (13) of Article six (6) of the Constitution of Nebraska be amended : to read as follows: Section 13. (Judg-ea, salaries.) That Judges of the Supreme Court shall each receive a salary of $4,600, and the Judges of the District Court shall each receive a salary of 33,000 per annum, payable quarterly. Approved April 3, 1907. t fien C. Junltln. Secretary of State, of' the State of Nebraska, do hereby -rtifv that the foreeoinK proposed Amendment to the Constitution of the State of Nebraska is a true and correct conv of the orlelnal enrolled and en- o-rnl hill, as paused by the Thirtieth session of the legislature of the State ol Nebraska, as appears from said original bill on file in this office, and that said proposed amendment Is submitted to the qualified votera of the state of Nebraska for their adoption or rejection at the general election to ba held on Tuesday, the 3d day of November, A. D. 1908. In testimony whereof. I have hereunto aet my hand and affixed the Great Seal of the State of Nebraska. Done at LJn coin, thla 15th dny of July. In the yea? if nnr Txtrd One Thousand Nine Hundred and Eight, and of the Independence of the United States the One Hundred and Thirty-third, and of this State the Forty- econd. uwi. u. JUflMn, (Seal) . Secretary of State R R Time Table Sioux City, Crystal Lake ft Homer 'illiiiinpiiil September Excursion Go Now! LKAVX DAKOTA CUT 6 im 7 15am 9 85am 11 15am LRATB stoux cut 6 85am 8 80am 10 30am 15pm pm 15pm 15pm !2 2 4 am 15pm 15pm 6 15pm 8 pm C.St. P., M.ftO. Trains leave Dakota City at the fol lowing time : lOBTH BOUND. . SOUTH BOUND. 7:02pm Omaha 5:58 am 10:00 am Omaha 6:13 pm 8 :37 pm Norfolk 8 :18 am 8:41am Norfolk 5. 32 pm 7 : 28 am Newcastle 9:33 am 2:08 pm 5:58 pm SUNDAY TRAINS. 7:02 pm Omaha 7:04 am 3:37 Norfolk 5:32 C B ft Q WEST No. 85 Local Freight 7:15 am 11 " Passenger, Omaha amlLincolnV 12:47 pm EAST No. 86 Local Freight 2 :25 pm 1 0 Loc al Passen ger . . 6 :U7 pm daily. daily except Sunday. Local Items Friday, Sept. n, 1908 Having a good stock of hardware and tinware on hand, we ask you to call and see us. Schriever Bros. Visit tHa Old Horn Low rate excursions to east ern cities and resorts. North ern Michigan, Canada and New England, daily until September 30th. To tha Wast Attractive low excursion rates to the Pacific coast, Yellow stone Park, Utah, Colorado, Big Horn Mountains and the Black Hills. Low Colonist R.atss During September and Octo ber to Puget Sound, Califor nia and hundreds of interme diate points. Iri-laffetsd Homsstsads Kady for lmmedUts Sttlemefit at Garlane and Powell, Wyo. l'ersonally conducted excur sions to these lands the first and third Tuesdays of each ' month. Government engin eer at Powell shows the land Also deeded and Carey act lands. Write D Clem Weaver, general agt, Lmioseekera' Information licieau, Oru lb, for new folder. It's free, Write a brief description of your proposed trip, ami let us advise you ' how to make it the best way at the ' leustcnst. V. K. Sncthen. Ticket Agent DAtOTA CITV, NEB. L. W. WakeleV, OTA, Omaha, Neb Have Eimers make your abstracts. Subscribe for The Herald $1 per year. Bob Hanson was here from Homer the first of the week seeing his old friends. Why is it that Yan sell so much Breun coffee? Because it is the best to be had for the money. Helen Orr left Wednesday for Sioux Falls, S D, where she will resume her studies at AH Saint's school. Mrs Florenoe Rood, formerly Flor ence Eastoott, came down from Can ton, S D, Tuesday for a week's visit with old friends here. Qibson Dunn, father of Mrs Ed Frederick,' came down from Canton, S D, Monday to visit his daughter and take .n the fair a few days . - Mrs Catharine Hirschback, left Sat urday for hor home in Cincinnati, O, after a couple of months visit here with her son, George Hirschback. Parties wishing ice cream of the very best and purest, call on Van de Zedde. He will get it on short notice. He sells it by the dish, pint, quart, gullon or carload. Misses Edna and Lulu Durland, of Plainview, Nebr, spent several days with friends here the past week. Ihe former taught in the Dakota City schools last year, and both have posi- ions in the Sioux City schools now. - The new health-ray lens is superior in that it transmits all the chemical rays with the light rays. The inventor claims for it clearer vision and the health of the eye preserved. W 0 Eckhart, Lioeased Optometrist. A new five-foot cement walk was built along the east side of the Schmied store this week. The I O O F lodge pays for part of it in order to save moving their stairway landing whioh projects onto the street. Bernie Biermann, the 3-three-year- old boy of Mr and Mrs Henry Bier mann, of Brushy Bend, died on Sun day of pneumonia. The funeral was held Monday afternoon and was con ducted by Rev Karpenstein, of Wayne. The remains were laid at real in the Taylor cemetery. A deal was closed Saturday in whioh M O Ayres gets possession of the cor- er lot 50x55 feet now occupied Dy me Model restaurant. Hnry Krum wiede, who formerly owned the lot, retains pos session of the building and will move it to the lot south of Wm P Warner's law oflioe. t Mr Ayres will erect a brick building to be used for his bank. Rev Oberholtzor writes from Bristol, Ind, that he and his family expect to arrive home about Thursday (jester day,) and for us to aunoupce. that there will be preaching Sunday at saiem at 11 o'clock, and at Dakota laty in toe eveniDg at 8 o'clock. They were de tained a week longer than they had m- tniideii to stav. owing to the illness of Mrs Oberholtzer, who suffered an Lillian Ream ia visiting at Winne bago. George H Haase, of Emerson, was an over Sunday visitor at his old home here. Qua Bartlea was over from Law ton, Iowa, Thursday, on business and to visit relatives and old friends. Mary Easton went to Winnebago Sunday and on Monday began teach ing a term of sohool near that plaoe . David R McCulIough of Sonth Sioux City and Anna 11 Coulter of Randolph were joined In marriage in Sioux City Tuesday. If you want any groceries of any kind, go to Van de Zedde's. He will not be undersold. He carries nothing but the best. Nut, egg and range hard coal, also all kinds of soft coal iu any quantity you may desire, at the Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co. Chos L Berry and Lulu II Parker, both of Sioux City, came over Sunday and had the nuptial knot tied good and tight by Judge Stinson. Mrs Theodore Bliven and children visited last week with friends at Salix, Iowa. Theodore went over Saturday and returned Monday with the folks. There will be no services in the St John German Lutheran church at Salem before September 20th, Rev Koolen being in attendance at synod in Illinois. Professors W H Patohen and W L Best, pricipal and assistant in our schools last year, arrived here Satur day from Peru, Nebr, for a short visit with friends. If you want any Schram -fruit jars, you will find them at Yan de Zedde's; you had better come quick, as thev are going fast. Sealed automatically, and are guaranteed. Saturday and Sunday, Sept 19 and 20 the M E church will celebrate the golden jubilee of its organization in this place. See next week's issue for complete program of the occasion . Anyone finding a brown suit jacket, whioh was lost Thursday of last week between the Bedenbender farm and Jackson will be liberally -rewarded by notifying us or leaving the same at The Herald office. 1 All kinds of coal, feed and hay for sale at reasonable prices. Fields & Slaughter Co. The oE Bliven, Manager. Dakota City, Neb. Barney Brady and Lottie McMur- ray, of Sioux City, were married at South Sioux City Monday, the 31st, by Rev G F Mead. This wedding was kept quiet a week, at the request of the contractingparties. Services at the Methodist Episcopal church every Sunday as follows: Preaching, 11 a m; Sunday sohool, 10 am! Class meeting 12 m; Epworth League, 6 :30 p m; Preaching, 7:30 p m. Preach in Grace church every Sunday at 2 :30 p m. You are cordially invited to any and all these services. On account of the golden jubilee to be held in the Dakota City M E church bept 19-20. There will be no service at Grace church on that date. Will not the friends kindly govern them selves accordingly and remember that Sunday Sept, 13th will be the last preaching service there this conference year.- Tickling or dry Coughs will quickly loosen when using Dr Sboop'a Cough Remedy . And it is so thorougly harm less, that Dr Shoop tells mothers to use nothing else, even for very young ba bies. The wholesome green leaves and tender stems of a lung healing mount ainous shrub give the curative proper ties to Dr Shoop's Cough Remedy It calms the oough, and heals the sensi tive bronohial membranes. No opium, no oloroform, nothing harsh nsed to in jure or suppress. Demand Dr Shoop's. Acsept no other. Sold by all dealers. Oraoe Wasser and baby left Wed nesday for her old home at Home, Kas, to reside. Quite a number of ont of town peo ple were in attendance at the Mell C Jay fuieral Wednesday. Rev W 0 Eokhart went to Homer Sunday and filled Rev EH Combs' pulpit in the Lutheran church , , Hasel Leslie came up from Arling ton, Nebr, last Friday and remained nntil Sunday, returning home over the Burlington. Wanted An agent for that territo ry. We pay highest cash weekly. For terms write the Hawks Nursery Co, Wauwatosa, Wis. Henry L Morris and Emma J Erik son, both of Sioux City, came over on the Foye oar Monday afternoon and were joined in marriage by Judge Stin son. Moilie Broyhill and to children and her mother, Mrs Mary E Nordyke, who spent last week visiting with rel atives in Allen, returned home last Saturday evening. Henry Krumwiede has begun the erection of a new dwelling on the site of the one destroyed by fire, resulting from an aoetylene gas explosion last December. It will be considerable larger than the old one was. Pink Pain Tablets Dr Shoop's stop headache, womanly pains, any pain, anywhere, in 20 minutes sure, formula on the 25o box. Ask yonr druggist or doctor about this formula it's fine. Sold by all dealers. A clever, popular candy cold cure tablet called ;Preventics is being dispensed by druggists everywhere. In a few hours, Preventics are said to break any cold completely. And Preventics, being so safe and tooth some are very fine for children. No quinine, no laxative, nothing harsh nor siokening. Box of 48 25c. Sold by all dealers. Following is a list of the petit jurors selected for the fall term of district court which convenes here on the 28th day of September: W A Guernsey, Henry Gloe, Frank Covell, O W Oar lock, Carl Matz, J P Kramper, Henry Thompson O A Anderson, Uus Lester, Robeit McBride, John Jenkins, T J Currv, John Green, W II George, Chris Mogensen, W McAfee, W S Orr, Geo Johnson, E II Gribble, M Bea con), Herman Nelson, A Alloway, M H3ffernan and John Hiukin. Con Deloughery, of St John's pre cinct, who was arrested a couple of weeks ago on a charge of attempting to assault Mrs Alvin Breisch. who with her husband lives neighboring the Deloughery place, was given a hearing in Judge Stinson's court Saturday and was sentenced to pay a fine of $25 and costs, amounting in all to nearly $100. The testimony was quite racy and in teresting to the crowd of spectators who filled the court room. Deloughery was highly pleased to get out of the muddle so easily. -' Drive rheumatism but of the blood with Dr Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy, and see how quickly pain will depart. Rub-on's never did reach the real dis ease, Rheumatism isj't in the skin. It's deep down it's" constitutional Getting rid of the pain is after all, what counts. That is why Dr Shoop's Rhenmatio Remedy Roes by word of mouth from one to another. And herein lies the popularity of this reme dy. It is wioning defenders every where. Tablets or liquid. Sold by all dealers. For Sale. I offer the D 0 Dibble farm for sale at $100 00 per acre. It is one of the beBt farm in the county, with first-class improvements, good orchard, good, fenecs, first-class growing crops, and farm is in first-class condition. Pos session will be given March 1, 1909 Located two miles southwest of Dakota City, Nebr. S A Heikeb. Auction Sale! at tack of malarial fever The Dakota City schools opened Monday with a fairly good attendance. The new corps at teachers are : princi pal, J S Josiassen ; assistant principal, Miss Anna James; grammar room, Miss Myrtle Roberts; intermediate room, fllus .ua uauer; seoouu yn- marv. Miss Acnes Wilson; first prima- rv. Miss Mae Tavlor. The schools started out with promising prospects, and with the able list of teachers we look for a very successful sohool year. Saturday was another good day for matrimonial ventures, when Judge Stinson united two Sioux City couples iu the holv bonds of wedlock. Roy Parker and Irene Wnalit. and Liina A Gray and Ann Miles were the happy couples. The latter couple is the one which caused a big sensation iu biouz Citv recentlv when it was announced that the srirl hod e'oped with her in leuded. She was later located at the J 8 Ennis home iu South Riou City A wadding was the culmination of the affa'r. naving disposed of my Drug Store Business in this place, I will sell at Public Sale, on Tuesday, September 22, '08 All My Household Goods Consisting of JFrnittaXe ?Ht!L Inclxidind Cxit JJLP1JKA5& Glass and Chines Undertaker County Coroner Tenns Schmied started in to attend sohool in Sioux City again this year. Miss Lena Bauchman, of Adel, Io, spent the past woek at the MoElphree home. Richard Bougona was kioked by ft horse end seriously injured the first of the week, Chris Palson has rented the Geo T Woods farm and will till the soil on his own book another year. Mrs Lettie Rix came down from Wakefield Wednesday to visit rela tives a few days and see the fair. Miss Elizabeth Haase went to Hardy Nebr, Monday to attend ft convention of the W. H & F M society, which was in session there this week. Mrs Anna Albeoesius and children are visiting at the home of Mr and Mrs A J Kramper. Mrs Albonesius is a sister of Mr Kramper. Mrs R L Broybill and daughter, Gretchen Bullock, attended the 25th wedding anniversary of C E Howard and wife in Sioux City Saturday afternoon. The Fremont excursion train which was billed to stop here in order to meet the business men and exchange oourtesiea Wedaesday afternoon, met with rather alight reocption, aa nearly everyone in town was at the Jay funer al or at the fair. Frank Modlin, whose maohine shop in Sionx City was gutted by fire last Thnrsday night, was here Wednesday doing some work on the Foye car. He said he would start np again aa soon as a bulding could be fitted for his work which will fee In the course of a week. Misses Belle and Birdie Hamilton went to Lead, S D, last week, where they have positions in the public schools. Miss Blanche aoooompanied them for a visit with her sister, Mrs Dr Johnson, who resides at Lead. Miss Ruth Hamilton also took her departure, going to Crawford, this shite, to teach in the sohools there. A deal was closed Wednesday by which Henry Krumweide comes in pos session of the Leslie drug store. Mr Krumweide has seoured the services of Arch Easton, a registered pharmacist, and will replenish the stock and en deavor to keep everything that is re quired in an up-to-date pharmacy. See his adv in another column of The Herald. J M Oliver and wife loft Wednes day for Los Angeles, Cal, to take np their residence there if the surround- iugs suit them. They spent ft few months here with Mrs Oliver's son. W S Baugbmau, while enroute from their former home in Indiana. Mrs L A Bryant, mother of Mrs Oli ver and Chas Bryant of this plaoe, ao; compacted them west . A reception will will be given Satur day, Sept 19, at 3 o'clock, at the home of Mr and Mr R E Evans. This reocp tion is given by the M E Sunday school in honor of Mrs Mary Pizey, who has taught the infant department of the Methodist Sunday sohool for over forty vears; When the old churou burned all the records were destroyed and this unfortauate affair is making it very difficult for the committee to get a com plete list of all her former pupils. Therefore if anybody who has been a member of her class at any time and has not received an invitation, you are herebv most cordially invited to be present at this reception. Passed Away. Mell 0 Jay, formerly a resident of this plaoe and well known to many Herald readers, died Monday after noon at the state hospital in Lincoln, after a lingering affliction both physical and mental. His remains were biought to Dakota City Tuesday even- ins and the funeral was held Wednes day from the Methodist cburoh. Rev G E Yon Bagen conducting the servl oes. The attendance of relatives and friends who were present at the last rites was large. The deceased lived in Dakota county for about twen ty j eats and during most of that time was a prominent member of the legal profession,. He was born in Wapello county, Iowa, flftv-two years ago last March, and waa married to Laura T Tracy, at Richland, I in that state, in 1878. To this union six children were born, all of whom excepting the young est who died in infancy survive the father and reside with their mother in Sioux City. Two brothers are also left, Marcel Jay, of Kansas City, Mo, and W H Jay, of Lincoln, this state. Muchly Married. Dakota County Herald, the 4th: Married, at the M E parsonage on Monday by Rev Von liagon, Raymond Larisou and Miss Sadie Miller, hot h of Pieroe, Nebraska . These hap py young people expect to go to house- keeoinK at once in rieroe. Sioux City Journal, 3rd: ltnymond Larison and Miss Sadie Miller, of Pieroe, Neb, came to Sioux City yes terday to hear Bryan and incidentally took advantage oi tue opportunity to get married. The ceremony was per formed in the clerk s offloa at the court house yesterday afternoon by Justice of the Peace Ole T Naglestad. Both bride and groom gavo their ages as 18 and produced a certificate from Lari- Kon's mother eivinK her consent to the msrriuKe. The certificate was so kuowledged as genuine by Judge G T Kelley,. county judge of Pierce county, Neb. Patronize Home Industries buy your meats of Wm EafORJSNZ, Proprietor of Fresh and Salt Meats always on hand . Cash paid for hides. Agent foi Seymour's White Laundry. Laundry basket goes Tuesdays and comes back Saturdays DAKOTA CITY' NEBRASKA MRS. ELSIC PtWELL, Proprietor Dakota City, Neb. I i I j Good Rooming House in Connection j i ilodel Restaurant i i Everything Neat and New. Best of Treatment. Meal Tickets (21 Meals) $3.50 Board and Lodging $4.00 I 1 PAUL PIZEY, p Dakota C.tv, Nis. " j laWBf S Bonded : Abstracter ! : I ALFRED PIZEY, 608 Metropolitan Blk. Sioux City. . Iowal TKIa apsxes) la ressrved for JI . Kf d r ril y Ik e Drsedsr ...Duroc Jersey Swiivc.. Hwbbskrdi Nabrtxalttx I I mmmm wmmmm mmmrn am mmmm mmmm etam I vhe Modlin Machine Co. j Manufacturers of Gasolene EtiincG Also conduct a general Repair Shop Oasolsne Emparta 20S-210 W. Fourth St. SIOUX CITY, IA. Opposite Curtis Sash and Door Co. . I 1 I I a I j WHEN a YOV HEAR j a pity when sick oues drug the stomach or stimulate the heart aud kidnevs. That is all wrong I A weak stomach, roc ana weak stomach nerves always. And this is also true of the heart ar.d kidneys, The weak nrrves are iustead crjing 4-.1t for help, linn explaius why Dr Shoop's IteHtorative is promptly helping stomach, heart and kidnc; ailments. The ltestorutive reaches 01. t for the actual cause of these ailirents the failing "inside nerves". Anvwav test the ltestorative K. I? Sawvcrl8 nour, 11 wcn' cure 80 Boon " IlUUi, UUfc JUU WI BUJCIJ ftuan, j , . help iscomiug. Sold by all dealers. Sale will to lieM at my residence in DaJkota. City, Blcbraslca and trill begin promptly at 1:30 II. O. DOUN, Auctioneer Lr, Ma LESLIE, Owner Ktrt publication Nopt aw Order of Hearing on Petition for Ap pointment of Administrator. In tliu county court of Dukolucounty, Nc brHnka, si.,1.- of Nulimxkii. lutkntu County, hh. To w lliflmlim HiiKifi-niMTwr, waller i. HutfUi'iilM-ivcr, Viola HuuKcnlMTUKr, Olio 11. UiiuMil iner, Arthur v. iiutruniH-rnr suiuut'l It. liunKi-MiTtf.T, Mia ri. lluuttcii U-wr Hi.tl l im 1. lluKUciilxTKer, hikI to nil iI'moii liilt'i'HatiMl In the CKtuli) of (Uo lluuiri'iiiirivcr, iiiivi'HHi-ti : . tin rcuUlnif HI" M illion 01 w iiiiimiiiiiiii HiiuKciilieriM-r uritylnu that the a.l nilniNt ra lion of NHliI cntatc U'KianK'd to Wlllli linllia. iiniui'i iM'i-ircr tin fulinlnlHiriiirix. 1L In hereby orlercd I Hal you. and uu nerxoim tiilciexted In Mild matter, may, and do. niitx'iir nt tbecouiily ctoiirl to 1 held In uiul for Mild county . on the 22nd Uuy of Hent A. U. 1'Jiw. lit iu oclock it. in., 10 miow raiihe. ir any umr im, ny mo pruynr o the nelltloner nhould not lm grarueii, ami I hut notice of the nendxiicy of said lietltlo ami that tliu hearlnn thereof tw Klveu to all nerxoiiH Interested III nald matter by put Itnhlntf a cony of thin order Iu the link Oouiity Herald, a weekly ncwuonper print' cd III mild county, for three nucce.xlve week nrlor Ui said day of hearing. V. iluc my hand, anil neal of salil court lilts Ut (lay ol Auguil, A I', ivx. D. . Htinson, krai. Oouiity Judge Of any one wishing a loan, tell him of "The Bank that Always treats you Right," at Jackson; that always has plenty of money for good loans. We try to do everything in Banking, Right, and at least as low as the lowest.' Our service, methods and the general "know how" that comes with more than a score years of successful banking, is at your service. v Can we count on YOUR business? Bank of Dakota 'County JcW-rV.br..w "The Bank that Always treats you Right." "As safe as a Government Bond," the motto here. Write for our Illustrated Catalogue describing our seventy different styles of Harness. A ood Work Harness for $20.00 AND MANY OTHERS AT RIGHT PRICES 411 Paavrl Straat Sioux City, lawaw Sttxrjjes ,Bros. I a I a I a I j