HaVitual Constipation ay be pcrmaivhlyr overcome by proper personal efforts vIMne assistance of theon$ Truly Qcnejicil laxative temt dy, Syrup of tigs ono kl'uW fSfana, irucn. nbicft oneiojorm regular abitfc daily 50 that Assistance la ne turc may be gradually diSponscivdH wn ho toner deeded astKe Ustef remedies, wicn rcauired, arc to assist txatare and not to fUipjJantthc hatur ionS, v Kiel tnuot depend uWi tnatcly upon proper nouriflltment, proper efortji,awdrit livinl generally. Joget Wa beneficial effects, always buy th genuine ' A manufactured by U California Fig Syeup Co. oniy SOLD BY ALU LEADINC DRUGCISTj one sue :e only. rguir pmc &0f rr Bottle As well as for the preserva tion and purification of the skin no other skin soap so pure, so sweet, so speedily effective as Cuticura. For, eczemas, rashes, inflamma tions, chafings, sunburn; wind irritations, bites and stings of insects, lameness and soreness incidental to outdoor sports, for the care ' of the hair and scalp, for 'sanative, antiseptic cleans ing, as well as for all the purposes of the toilet, bath and nursery, Cuticura Soap and Cuticura are unrivaled. Guaranteed absolutely pure, and may be used from the hour of birth. thrMwrt S woM. ItaaotaT too, T. CfeirtaMwuM Sa.; Parti, Ro 6m la Pix: Avcra lu. R 1'nM 1 Co.. ftjdiwr; lni. S7k. Paul, Ho Km lira 0J Jmwi. Wjuf, L4.. Tokio: Homul. tttlm. IImtovi ?. AMw, Imii, LU , 1 . Towa, w.;J A Mlff Drw (em. Ore., awla Prep.. Iwah mm mn Mwwm umwif Mil mm mm mm I tTO-MGHT avfr" SHI ill mil pi I.I I II Mt-Wc""-'' Hi II ill i' ii""1 I I'oorly mia Aumrittn Soldiers. I The oflicers serving under Francis Joseph are the worst paid of any In (Europe. The fledgling who enters tha service as a second lieutenant gets $350 !i year. After he works for seven .rears this stipend is Increased to $420. a. captain of the second class gets $500, t colonel $1,500 and a major general (2,375. In order to guard against the lotnestlc privations of which Ameri can officers complain, the Austrian gov ernment forbids marriage to men hold ing Its military commissions unlets they or their prospective wives have pri vate incomes. In the United States a second lieu tenant fresh from West Point or the -auks gets $1,400 a year If unmounted, $1,500 if mounted. First lieutenants begin at $1,500 and $1,000, captains at $1,800 and $2,000, majors at $2,500, lieutenant colonels at $3,000, colonels at $3,500, and each grade attains a 40 per cent maximum Increase inside of twenty years. Mrs. Wlnalow ssuttilog Syrup for Child reu teething, aofieua itie gauia. raauee In fiainniatlon, alliti puln. euro wlud Mile, toe a battte. &at Ilia SIim MIxeal. "Aye, fellow citizen:" thundered tU fiery orator, shaking hi hairy fist at tk zenith ; "peace and prosperity will cme attain to our beloved land when with firm purpose we rise in our might and crush the trust microbe " "Microbe!" interrupted a spectacled man with an eriuaive forehead. "I beg pardon, but did you not refer to it a few moments ago aa a boa constrictor?" A husky bouncer fired the rude person bodily out of the hall, and the eloquent orator resumed his speech. Chicago Trib une. PX VIW DM Mi .mu Kihih Mr. ? T "T m'lr tmrt kr Bt Ilmi'i OrMl if.,,. S?T' ." M ymmm 111 WUU. V. a. a. HUKl, LI., Ki Axck um4, riill,klt, r. lufnrmallnn. "Why is it," Baked the Intelligent for elgner, "that your stateiimen generally consider the vie pretridency an affica t be shunned instead of ought?" "Moat of 'em would like it wall aaauga if they could get it without aeeaing t want it," explained the native; "but ta make a try for vice president and rt left, why, that hurt a man if ha wants to run for Congress, or the Legialatura, or something of that sort afterward, jn know." 11 U Feeallarity, Masle 'Dick wants me to marry hi a next week. Graxeila Then yeu'd better let aim bar his way, dear. II always CDASgej l mind ia about tea day. , BIMSHES te ? j Legal Information I The United Status Circuit Court tot Ohio In Wall Paper Company T. Lou! Volght & Sons Company, 143 Federal reporter, IK1, denies the right of tho wall paper trust to recover from a wall paper denier for goods bought by the dealer from various members of the wall paper combine. Connecticut lias a law giving any railroad company which, acting tinder authority of the laws of tho State, shall have acquired more than three-fourths (f tbe capital stock of any other rail road, and which cannot agree with tho holders of the outstanding stock for he purchnse of the same, tho right to inve such stock appraised and surren dered to it on payment of the appraised value. The validity of this statute ia upheld by the Supreme Court of the United States' In Oflleld v. New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad Company, 27 Supreme Court Reporter, V2. As sustaining authority Is cited the case of Long Island Water Supply Co. v. Brooklyn, 110 U. S. 685, 17 Su preme Court Reporter, 718. The distinction! between the rights of a parent and a stranger to Induce a wife to leave her husband Is pointed out by the Supreme , Judicial Court of Massachusetts In Mutter v. Knlbbs, 79 Northeastern Reporter, 702. A stran ger may disprove any Intent on his part to cause a separation In advising a wife to leave her husband, nnd show that his advice was honestly given. But tho rights of a parent are much greater, lie may give his daughter such advice and bring such motives of persuasion to bear on her ns he fairly nnd honestly considers to be called for by her best Interests, ami Is not liable to the daugh ter's husband in damages for her de sertion resulting therefrom unless he has been actuated by malice or 111 will. An Ingenious marriage contract not to be performed until the death of the young lady's mother, presumably to avoid any disagreeable Interference by the mother-in-law with the connubial bliss of the wedded pair, Is revealed In the case of Bailey v. Brown, 88 Taclflc Reporter, 513. Judge McLaughlin, of the California Court of Appeals, who filed a concurring opinion In the case, intimates that a brench of such con tract did not constitute a cause of ac tion, lie asked the question, "How could a contract to marry exist when the promisor might never be under an obligation to marry tho promisee, and vice versa?"' and continued: "If this good mother should live to a very ripe old age, as mothers sometimes do,' no human could tell what might happen. Either of the parties might be waiting for the other, harp in hand, beyond this vale of tears, or both might pine away and die before this promise of future connubial bliss could ripen Into a car.se of action enforceable in earthly courts." WOMEN IN OFFICIAL LIFE. tleaalta of Election in Bohemia aad Norn rjr Swedlah Policewomen. The progress of yomen In official life in Europe Is slow, but It cannot be doubted that progress Is being made. Within the last few weeks women ap peared for the first time as candidates for election to the Bohemian Diet. It had been demonstrated as a logical proposition that If they fulfilled the other requirements their sex was no bar to their election. . j So far their candidacy stands merely aa a demonstration. Two women re ceived votes of some Importance. One, Marie Jumore, who ran in the district of Hopenmouth, had 144 votes, while the man who won had 502. In Prague the social democrats made a woman, Miss Macheva, their candidate. She polled about 20 per cent of the total vote. Tho woman suffragists . of Norway were disappointed at the outcome of the local election in CbrlBtlana. In all the other parts of the country, they elected Important delegations to the commercial councils. In the capital only five women were chosen in a total of eighty-four city councillors. There Is an active agitation going on all over the country to bring the women and men voters of Christiana to a differ ent frame of mind. Of advances made where the suffrage was not involved, the appointment of throe women policemen in Stockholm Is an Instance. Tbe authorities have ' determined to experiment with them. They aro to have salaries of 1,600 kronen, or about $300 a year, to begin with. England also has Just named her I first woman school physician. She Is Miss Sophy B. Jackson, M. D., and she li:i8 been "appointed In the borough of Craydon. Where Total Ecllpaea aura Ilwt, It is a fact well known to astrono mers that the average number of total and partial eclipses in any one year Is four; that the maximum Is seven and the minimum two. Where only two occur they are always both of the sun.' There are a great many more eclipses of tho sun In tho course of a year or a hundred years than there are of the moon. This fact, notwithstanding, however, London, the metropolis of the world, seems to be a place where such obstructions to the sun's light seldom occur. Staving It Off. "lie has beeu drunk for three weeks without a let-up." "Yes, he knows his wife is waiting to hand him a lecture as soon as he la sober enough to listen to It." Houston Post. Looked Good to liar. Marla Your friend, Mr. Wood, ap pears to have excellent taste. Sue Yes, Indeed. He usually calls on me In a motor car,' and that, yon know, It becoming to any man. Kansas City Times. Tbe very nicest girl in tbe world U the one the boys are the most afraid f. The most natural man la a play If I the TUlaln. 1 sJmAJ? JJeJeJ Opinions of WOMAN AND HEa DIVORCE. IIP. wHtktuK nf nur ilirorce law I well I shown by the action of a Mluncsota Judge, B I who, on granting a woman her fifth divorce, I , , , . I ... . .. ...AHM ...I. 11. It'iuuut? ui'r ru-r tu iiiuiiji niim, im couched bis decision In severe terms, and one bearing them might think they meant something. As a matter of fact, they were so much wind. The woman can bonrd a train and In a few minutes be outside of Minnesota, where marriage for her is perfectly legal. , Illinois has a divorce law which forbids persons di vorced from contracting another alliance within one year, or from returning to the State within that time to live In matrimony with a persou married outside of the State. But the law has uo practical effect. This state of affairs will continue so long as there Is no uniform divorce law In all the States. So far as di vorce laws are concerned, the Stntes are so many various nations, each having Jurisdiction within Its own territory, but nowhere else. The Slates should appoint commissions to bold a meet ing, agree upon a uniform divorce law and recommend It to legislatures. When every State has the same divorce law as every other our divorce scandals will cease. Steps to that end should be taken without loss of time, for, as Cardinal Logue and other observers have truly Bald, di vorce is the one great menace to tho nation's safety. Chicago Journal. DANGEROUS EXHIBITIONS. HE time has come for I regarding certain public exhibitions that I I are becoming Increasingly popular those S. I vt-.AM ttm lupfnpmn u ph. 1. 1 a II.. illl. . u . ..... , . ..v ...... . ..... .v . . , 1 by deliberately risking his life. The interest to the onlookers in these performances arises from the fact that life for a moment bangs by a hair. Agility, muscularity, beauty of, movement have become secondary, whether the feat la "looping the loop," riding the bicycle round and round the sloping sides of a huge bnsket with no bottom to it, or taking chances In a cuge with some wild "beast. It ia one and the same appeal to something within us that craves unhealthy excitement. t It la true that the "gladiator" In these days does gen erally escape with his life, but the quality of the amuse ment demanded proves us akin to tors whose one Idea of a good l.ollday was a batch of Christians and plenty of wild beasts. Nothing grows so quickly by what it feeds on as this demand for excitement, and It Is well understood by tho caterers to the public taste that the "shocker" of to-day Is the platitude of to-morrow. For a season we could hardly believe in "looping the loop," but the dish rap Idly grew Insipid, and tabasco had to be added, so the loop was looped In a motor car, then In a motor car with a piece of the track removed, and so on. The "thumbs down" of the ancients Is represented to day by the girl who stop's chewing, gum long enough to "He started In to explain," said the girl with the lop-sided pompadour to her friend with the genuine coral neck lace. "I told him It was after hours and he'd better close up. 'It don't make ho' difference to me, one way or an other, I says. 'You'll find the way out over there at the door by the lounge.M says. "Did he go?" asked the girl with the genuine cora) necklace. "Not right then," replied the girl with tbe lop-sided pompadour. "lie says, You wait till I tell you suthinV 'It don't make no difTrunce what you tell me,' I says, 'I know all I want to know. If you've got anything on your mind you go and talk It Into the phonograph and send me the record. I'll put It on our machine the next time I have com p'ny to entertain.. But I'd advise you, not to waste any good breath,' I says. Ton needn't be afraid but what I've got the right of it If I haven't it don't cut no ice. You can go out with her all you're a mind to.' "'I don't want to go with her,' he says. " 'You'd ought to I says. 'It would be a klniess. She ain't got nobody else and I guess she thinks you're bet ter than nothing. She ain't got any too much sense.'" "I guess that held him for a while," said the girl with the genuine coral necklace. "If I was a feller and any body gave me a line of talk like that I'd let her see how my coat hung In the back." "He said t-lte had a heap more sense than to get mad about notbln' tit a'l. That's all right,' I says. 'I ain't got no objections. Didn't I say you could go with her all you pleased? I don't care how much you go with her. If she's got so much sense maybe It would be a good thing for you. I ain't got anything against her. She'd be all right If she wiped the powder off her nose after she put It on. I know I ain't got any sense, but what do you care? Don't you never let a little thing like that worry you. Maybe you think I wouldn't have known about It If you hadn't told me. If you like red hair you keep right on going with her. I guess I'll be able to keep up. You needn't think you've got any call to feel bad. There's lots of boys like red hair; only hers Is more what I'd call sandy.' " "'Go right on with your knockin',' he says. 'As soon as you get through I've got suthln to tell you. To begin with,' he says, 'I ain't struck on red hair any more than you are, or sandy hair, either. In the sccont place, I wasn't goln' out with her. She was goln' tbe same way I was and that's all there was to It. We wasn't with each other more than five minutes. She'll tell you tbe same thing If you ask her.' " 'I guess she'd tell me 'most any thing,' I says. 'What would I want to ask her for? I don't care whether you was with her five minutes or all the eveulu'. It don't nurse the least difT runce to me. I guess you'd better go see her now ; she may be wlshln' you was there. Don't lose any time. Good-Lr.' Jtee2 Great Papers on Important Subjects. remark Indifferently to her escort, "Well, ain't he got the nerve I" as the trainer enters his den of beasts still wearing the bandages left from his last encounter. If these things must be, let ns at least spare the little children. They need the placid quiet of their childhood, with Its simple pleasures, Just as they need bread and milk. Bad taste as well as good grows by what It feeds on, and your child does not really need to have Chris tians butchered for his holiday any more than ho need curried lobster and champagne. Youth's Companion. ' IP THE FLEET COULD BE PAWNED. UK a note of warnlnc those far-off ances-1 " 'Do you want me to go? ho says. " 'I certainly do,' I says. 'You cau't go any too quick to please me. Give her my love,' I says, 'and tell her If she'd wear an ottermobeel veil all the time her ears wouldn't show so much.' " "And did he go?" asked the girl with the genuine coral necklace. "No," replied the girl with the lop sided pompadour. "He stayed. I guess Maggie made a great tale about not bin', but I gave him to understand that It didn't make me Jealous anyway. I told him, says I, 'Whether It's straight or not,' I says, 'It don't make one particle of dlff'runce to me.'" Chicago Dully Newav, i PAINS IN MISSING LEG. One-Learg-ed Man Say Ue Una Rhenntatlam, His right leg had been recently am putated, leaving only a stump, aud one of his friends, with rather Ill-judged levity, remarked: "Well, anyway, you won't be bothered now with corns on your right foot." "No," replied the maimed one, "but do yon know, I am bothered a great deal with what feels like rheumatism In my right knee and the toes of my right foot" He spoke so seriously that everybody looked at him In surprise. "Ob, you need not look at me that way," continued the one-legged man, "tbe right leg and all that belongs to it Is gone; nevertheless, all tbe nerves and cords, veins and arteries which once com ected with It still exist as far down as .he end of the stump and have not yet got out of the habit of work ing. They seem not to have discovered that the leg Is gone, and go through their old motions and emotions Just as If the limb was still attaehed to me. Sometimes I feel cramps or twitches In tbe toes of my right foot, or rheumatic like drawings In my right knee, so plainly that I have to look down to convince myself that tho leg Is really off. At times I can feel the wbolo leg throb and ache. "It Is now three months since my leg was amputated and tbe stump Is as suming the shape It will finally have, the swelling Is going down and the scum, where the wound was sewed up. Is pressing outward. This affects the sensatory nerves, causing what is known as pain. Tho nerves, unused to the new conditions, telegraph tho sen sations to the bra In in the only terms to which they have been accustomed. A nerve down there In the stump gives the signal to the brain. That particu lar signal ued to mean 'cramps la tbe toes,' and the brain so translates It Then there comes another signal which used to mean 'rheumatism In the knee,' and as rheumatism In the knee the brain gives out the news. "Ultimately, the doctor says, the nerves will become accustomed to tho new conditions and Invent a new cipher code for communication with the brain, or else tbe brain will learn to translate the old signals differently. But mean time, and for some time yet I shall feel all tbe aches and pains In tbe leg I have not got that I could possibly feel In the one they have left me. There, by George, I fult a pain Just then as If there was a corn hurting sae on the little toe of my right foot!" New York Press. A man usually deserves aa much as be will ttaad. 5 180.000.000 IiivchIihI In the wnrshtna M I which visited San Francisco harbor would B I Irrlgutc .0,000.000 acres of arid land, and mm I K l , t. ........ .. u lit., rum ill l .. t . yniwut? iiuHit s iir i-vr,iiir niiiiiiirs, iiir iu each futility fifty acres of laud. That amount of money would build a railroad front the Atlantic to the Pacific, and such a road, owned by the people, would squeeze every drop of water out of the railroads of the country. That amount of money, properly spent, would go far toward relieving the people of the tremendous monopoly burden now resting on their backs. That amount of money would build from sixty to 100 great electric power plants for the people, and free them from a monop oly that Is now skinning them. Instead of building moro warships, Isn't it time to call a halt? With tens of thousands of our citizens begging for an opportunity to cam a living, Isn't It time to call a halt on this wicked waste of money and energy? If we are going more and more Into the warship just ness, let us be honest and pull down our churched. If wo are to glorify war, let us quit glorifying the Prince of Peace. Let us quit being hypocrites. San Francisco Star. CONDUCT Off A JUDGE. CDOE JESSE HOLDOM, Chief Justice of the Appellate Court, Illinois, declared be fore the State Bar Association that a Judge, "like a bishop, should be the husband of only one wife," be wary of affinities, avoid the life of the roisterer, not associate with persons of known evil life, and not seek political preferment whllo still a wearer of the ermine. Because all this Is elementary Information, the Judicial attributes mentioned being generally accepted, several Chicago Judges have hastened to deny that the shoe fitted i them, and there is general Indignation that the distin guished Jurist Indulged In such broad strictures without being more sieclfle. They feel that If Holdoni hadn't meant to reflect on somebody near at home, ho would not have spoken as he did, although no one will deny that be has laid down a rule of conduct at which no up right, patriotic Judge can cavil. But ajl the same he has stirred up a veritable tempest of protests, which makes one all the more suspect the timeliness of his utterances. Toledo Blade. CAT AND QUAIL CHUMS. Strangle Frledaklp Between UvonnU ed lllrd and Uotncstlo Animal. It Is very unusual for a quail to be come domestic ted, and In the in stance here related, where absolutely no efforts have been made to train the bird, the Incident is still moro un usual. A year ago Mr. Schippung, of Beth lehem, Pa., who Is one of the best sportsmen In that vicinity, whllo out huutlng, winged a quail. Having shot tho bird In season he was entitled to It; but his heart went out to the quail with a broken wing, and Instead of killing It, he took It home and set the fracture, Buys tho Bethlehem Dis patch. . In a few days It was hopping around as lively as could be, free to go where It wanted to. It hnd lost Its "call of the wild," however, and refused to leave the abode of its benefactor. Even though It was not held captive, Mr. Schippung felt uncertain us to the advisability of allowing It to stay around bis yard. So one day he took Fritz, as tho quail was named, up the hillside to a large wheat field. In among the shocks of grain Fritz was placed and Mr. Schlppang started home. He bed returned perhaps half way when he chanced to look around and there, following Hko a trained dog, was the quail. Its broken wing had never healed properly and Its gift of flying was lost to It forever. After this Incident Mr. Schlppang felt that he was Justified In letting the quail enjoy Its liberty around his bouse, as well as elsewhere. One of the bird's favorite stunts Is to perch upon the shoulder of Mr. Schlppang'a daughter, while she goea about her housework, often falling asleep with Its bead nestling against her cheek Tlis only sound the average person has betrd from the quail Is the well-known "bob white"; but this bird at times glvca all the sounds of danger, warn lug, etc., that only he who communes with nature has the privilege of hear lng. The daintiest morsel of food to Fritz Is the common house fly. When ever one of tbe (Schlppang family claps Its hands the quail will appear, for It has learned to know that the clapping Is a signal that It Is to get a fly to eat The quail and the family cat have become Inseparable friends. This friendship has existed from tbe day Frits came to tho Schlppang home, No one thing pleases the cat more than to have tbe quail cuddle up under Its paws In the bright sunshine, and both take a snooze together. For the sake of amusement a mir ror will sometimes be placed before the bird. Overcome with jealousy that another of Its Ilk has dared In vade Its domain, Frits will puff up and fly headlong at the mirror and not cease fighting until tbe looking glass la taken away. Abeto Bhaeta. Asbestos sheets are being Instituted under the mattresses of sleeping can on some of the railways of tbe United States to Shut out the heat from tbe radiators underneath. When the weather la nice, some people spend half their time talking about it flow C'oalil She Knont He was a fragile youth -and didn't dance all tin liimccs. "Let s sit It out," he said to his pret ty partner. On the stairs?" he suggested. Bo they went up and sat down. "Ah!" cried the fragile youth, sud denly, and rose hastily, gnspltig for breath. "Why, Mr. Stackpole, what's tho mat ter?" cried the fair young girl. He could not answer. Ills face was livid, his ryes wore rolling and his whole frame was shaking. "What kind of attack Is it?" she gnsMd. And at this Interrogation his voice returned to hi in. 'What earthly difference does that make!" he growled, "so long as It was one?" Then without n word of ajHtlogy bo strode manfully away. But how was she to know that the particular description of attack was just an ordinary tuck, acrobatically limidlng on Its head? fexcuiKon to Milwaukee. Menaced rate of far and one balf for tha round trip are ottered to men-bunt in tbe W et anil Northwest by I tie Mil waukee AatiociMtbin of Jobber aud Manufacturer. The dnte of ante at all atntioiia distant UK) miles or more from Milwaukee are Auaust l.V-'a inclusive, ticket Rood returuiug until September i lid AUk'Unt iitt September ti iuclusive. ticket good returning until Sepicniber 10. To outuia tuese rates men-niun must ttet from their local agent receipt for one full paid fare to Milwaukee which, when counteraicued by any Mil waukee jobber or manufacturer ami by 11, a Mi-roinr nf the Milwaukee AkxocIu- tion of Jobbers ami Manufacturer will entitle holder to returu ticket for one- half fare. . Milwaukee Jobbers and manufacturer want the patronage of ttp-to-dato biii lten mem They otter beat goods at rijilit prices and believe in ami offer fuir treat ment. The absolute superiority their nmnnfactureH is known throughout the world. Combine business witu pleasure. MilwnnLi.i It one nf the most attrnctive summer resorts In the country. Visit the Wisconsin State Fair, Sept. 4-11. lirina your family with you. Ottlc of the Mil waukee Association of Jobbers and Man ufacturers. 45-40 University liullduitf. corner Masou and Broadway. How the Dirt File at Panama. Lieutenant-Colonel George Geothals, chairman and chief engineer of tbe Isthmian canal commission, told Presi dent Itooserelt late In January that before January 1, 1!U5, the ditch which Is to blswt the vertebrae of the Ameri can continent will be completed and that all will be In renditions for tbe first trip to. make the little pleasure Journey from the Atlantic to the Pa cific, so writes Boy Crandall In the Technical World Magar.lne. Inasmuch as tho colonel Is noted for conservatism and caution, It Is believed that he feels deep down In his own heart that at least n year will bo cut from that esti mate. . SAVED AT THE CB.ISIS. Delay Meant Death fronty Kidney , Trouble. Mrs. Herman Smith, 001 Broad street Athens, Ga., says: "Kidney disease started with slight Irregularity and weakness and devel oped Into dangerous dropsy. I became weak and languid and could do no house work. My back ached terribly. I had bear ing down pains and my limbs bloated to twice their normal size. Doctors did not help and 1 was fast drifting Into tho hopeless stages. I used Doan's Kidney Pills at the criti cal moment and they really saved my life." Sold by all dealers. CO cents a box. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. X. Aaaerta lllmaeft. Wifey (looking at the purchase) That Isn't tbe kind of toweling I told you to get. I wanted something plain and simple. That's too bad. Hubby Loud? Well, It ought to bo loud. It's crash. IT SEEMED INCURABLE. riodr Haw with Enemi Illacharcad from Iloapllal aa llopeleaa Cati on ra Remedies Cared Him. "From the ape of three months until fifteen years old, my son Owen's life was mado Intolerable by eczema In Its worst form. In spite of treatments the disease gradually spread uutll nearly every part of his body was quite raw. Tie used to tear bltnself dreadfully In his sleep and the agony be went through Is quite beyond words. Tbe retrtmental doctor pronounced the case hopeless. We had hlin In hospitals four times and he was pronounced one of the worst caws ever admitted. From each he was discharged as Incurable. We ltept trying remedy after reniPdy, but had gotten almost past hoping for a cure. Six months ago we purchased a set of Cuticura Remedies. The result was truly marvelous, and to-day he Is perfectly cured. Mrs. Lily Hedge, Cain blewell Green, England. Jan. 12. 1D07.- A Toolh I'olat. Dentists' children rarely have Oiled teeth for the reason that they sre taught to use the toothbrush with a clr. cular motion. The brush, as In tho or dinary motion, goes back and forth, but It also goes round ami round. Tluis It finds out all the crannies. Doiitlsts say that the circular motion, applied both to the front and back of tho teeth, will keep them absolutely clean and abHoluteJy clean teeth cannot decay. The teeth should be brushed after each meal aud especially at bedtime. The morning brush before breakfast, which Is tho only one commonly applied, does scarcely any good at all, since the teeth, Immediately after, become clogged with food. TTils woman gays she was naved from an operation by Lydla E. plnkhnm's Vegetable Compound. LenaV. 1 Ienry, of Norristown, Ga. writes to Mrs. l'mkhara : " I suffered nntold misery from fe . male troubles. My doctor said an opera ' tion was the only chance I had, and L dreaded It almost as much as death. " One day I read how other women -had been cured by Lydla E. Pinkham'av Vegetable Compound, and I decided U try it Before I had taken the first bottle I was better, and now I am en tirely cured. "Every woman suffering with any female trouble should take Lydla Ev Pinkham's Vegetable Compound." FACTS FOR SICK WO MEM. For thirty years Lydia E. Pink- from roots and herbs, has been the ( - 1 v1 inmA1 rr fii fnmnla 11a DUlllttaiU ICIUCUJ AW. IVIUOilO lliO ' and has positively cured thousands ot women who have been troubled with tiarlnnomnrf a inflnTnmnt.inn. Illcoffl tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, that tearing-down feeling, flatulency, indices 1 1 ii,ui7.iiies3 ui uer villus jnuatiuiiuu. Why don't you try it ? Mrs. Pinkham Invites all sick: women to write Iter for advice. She lias ruldeu thousands to- health. Address, T.ynn, Mass. ' WIDOWS'"1" n cw law nnweinvo T JOHN W. Mp PENSIONS Waaaiaa-M. 6. 0. Food Products Libby's Swecl Mixed Pickles That firm, crisp quality and delicious flavor is what you get when you insist on Llkbjf's Mixed Pickles at your dealers. They are always the finest and never disappoint. It's the same with Libby s Swest Gherkins and Sweet Midgets. Ask for them. Libby$ Qlives The cultivation of centuries marks the olive groves of Spain as the world's best. . o ILibby'S Olives are imported from the oldest and most famous of these groves. The result is a rare product, delightfuHy appetiz ing. Try one bottle and you'll buy more and never be without them. Libby's Preserves Pure, ripe fruU and pur sugar in equal parts, cooked just right and timed to the second, in Libby's Great White Kitch en, is tha secret of the extreme superiority of Libby's Preserves. 'There's none as good at any pries. Grocers and delicatessen stores carry all of, Libby's f 0Ot Pr- OUCIS. lhey are war' jCJa jit . ,mmm. TOILET ANTISEPTIC Keeps the breath, teeth, mouth ana1 body aotiaeptically clean and free irom ua healthy ferm-life and disagreeable odorsr which water, oap and tooth preparation alone cannot do. A germicidal, dlio fectinf and deodor izing toilet requisite of exceptional ex cellence and eoon oniy. Invaluable for inflamed eye, throat and nasal aud uterine catarrh. At dru and toilet stores, SO cents, or by mail postpaid. Large Trial Sample THE PrXToVflEFc0.rBVs"" w II BN WIMTINO TO ADVBKTISKR. plaaaa aa fmm eaw lbs !, I a (hi saasw SICK UEADAGC10 PeeiUvalf eawfd V Usm LlUls a lite, i Tar alao rle t traaa trot DrS9U, 14 Mfnation and T Uaryr aitifr A parfeaat isbm iljfnr Ttlnlnsa ItsiasseJ Prowian, K4 TaaSS) tn tb Moot, OdaU) ToBswe, Pain l Sa SMa TOtunO LTV EL Tkasj isgalate tt Bowels, furaiy Vfatav J SMALL PILL SHALL DCSL S&2LLFt Ulmt Gcnuins Must Bear Fao-Simile Signatura sewSiSSr tiTUSf tUBtTITCTr. r n Mjmn i mxis" vr v- tu v Jm. II mW HI J w ranted the bestto both Sfa$3k. you and the dealer 1 ' T We?! Writ for frit I iT MtktGpedJkinst UT laaUt aa R V ) yK yrhf,s. VM ifty.'iwwi I 1P Zfi Mi KB jaA L tftr CARTERS fjiWrt CARTERS 8. C K. U. - No, aa ltj '