i 0 10 )ympsj fios fXlixirtfS Gnua : Cleanses tlie System Effect ually, Dispels Colds anAllettil- aches duo to Constipation; A x- 11 ( w naturally, ac :ls truly as i u uaxanve. I3est for!rnVttrnpn and Child rpn-ybunjnncl Old. w jet its I Wejicial Effects Alwovs huy the Genuine uklch jiasTne uil name qj" the Com- CALIFORNIA Ha Syrup Co. ' by fim it i manufacturVii, printed on the frard f rvory pnekoS'. SOLD WALL LEADINQ DRUGGISTS, one size only, regular price 50f-botlle. With Kather'e Mnnlo t Brag don, tbe composer, was working in his Byniphonie poem when the. baby's lusty cry was beard from the nursery. Brsgden bore It manfully for Ave min utes, espetlus baby's mother to coma jlo the rescue. Then be opened the door and shouted ulalrs: i "What Is the matter? Harry, are you teasing tho baby?".s i "Xo, papa." ; "You must be doing something to make him cry."" , "Xo, pupa truly! All Ethel and I Id was to try to sing him to sleep with your" lullaby." A TERRIBLE C0ITDITI03I. .Tort tired by Sharp Tvrlaire, Shoot Ins Palna aad IHlne. Hiram Center, 51S South Oak street. loke City. Mluu., says: "I was so bnd with kidney trouble that 1 could not strnlRhten up after stooping without sharp pains shooting through my buck. : I hnd dizzy epulis, was nervous and my eye sight allotted. The kidney secretions 1 j V ' flV were irregular and! too frequent. I was lu a torrihle enndl. tlon, but Doan's Kidney I'lJla have cured me and I have enjoyed perfect health since." Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Fostcr-Mllburn Co., IJuffalo, N. Y. IfnxUy Ubera. The church was packed, even the .aisles, lined with chairs. Just befoi'O the benediction the thoughtful clergyman, who loved order as he did the Gospel, thus admonished his hearers: "Iu passltig out, please re main seated uutll the ushers have removed the chairs from the aisles." ' .Lippineott's. CASTORS A For Infants and CMlirea. T!i9 Kind Yea Kcvs Always BsugM Bears the Signature of Mixed Dp. j The chairman was addressing a meeting at a teacher's congress. "My .friends," ho said, "the seBoolwark Is the bulhouse of civilization; that la to pay " Here he became slightly ekill ;d. 'The bulhouse Is the school war k of civ" The audience smiled. "The warkhouse is the bulschool of I mean, of course, the schoolbul is (the honsewark " The smile was by this time a broad grin. ' "The scowschool " ' ne was now Retting wild. So were his hearers. He moped his brow, gritted his teeth, aud made a fresh effort. i "The scboolhouse, ray friends " I A sight of relief went up. Ah! Now he bad got his feet under him once jtuore. He gassed suavely round. Tho light of triumphant self-confidence was enthroned upon his brow. "Is the wil bark " , And that was nil. A Look Ahead. Ttie safe aud eane Fourth of July had come. "But bow are the boys observing the day?" askoil Hie forcinier, wlio had just landed. "I dnn't sco utiy about." "The boys?" said tlic native. "Tilt Inst of Vm, nir, were oil killed off one year ago to-day, and the bow crop' hasn't come on yet." Marveling at the ehanses times bnd brought about, the stranjor followed the orowd to tbe ball park, where the real celebratigj wa in progress. HEALTH AND INCOME. lluih Kept In on Sclrntlflc Food. Good sturdy health helps oue a lot to make money. ' With the loss of health one's Income Is liable to shrink, if not entirely dwin dle away. ' Wnen-a young lady-has, to make her owu living, good heulth is her best as set. "I am alone In tho world," writuu a Chicago girl, "dependent ou my owu efforts for my living. I am a clerk, aud about two years ago through closo application to work and a boarding house diet, I became ft nervous Inva lid, and got ho bad off It was almost Impossible for me to stay In the office a half day at a time. "A friend eiiKscsted to me the Idea of trying Orape-Nuts, which I did, taking this food a large part of at least two meals a day. To-day I am free from brain-tire, dyspasia and all tbe ills of an over worked and improperly nourished brain and body. To Grape-Nuta I owe the recover of my health, and the ability to retain my position and income." There's a Reason." Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mleh. Read "Tbe Road to Well yUle," la pkgs. Ever read the above letter? A new m appears from time to time. They are genuine, tre, mu4 full of fcumaa Interest. The Happy Saadar. "If there Is oue thing above othora fc-hlch the American woman of to-day, who successfully managee ao com pi ax an organism as the homo, needs to In sist upon It Is that aho have some quiet time In order to rest hor overwrought nerves,"; says a writer tn narper'a Bazar. ("The problem of securing Utla rest Is hers. I hare socurod some In my home this way: I do my own work, with tho help of a student, bo that, with the reputation outside of being a 'good committee womnn, and the ambition at homo of running my household upon scientific principles, my nerves are usually at high tension. Each morning . brings the usual com motion of butcher and grocer at the door, telephone calls nnd husband and children to be startcd off to tholr re spective tasks In good humor, and then the usual round of morning du ties and dinner to prepare. But when Sunday comes I He J11. I have my cocoa and rolls tn bed, the student pre pares the dinner, and I emerge In time to accompany my husband o church end rested enough for the long Sunday afternoon with lilm and the children,. "The children look forward all week to this day, which they call 'happy Sundhy.' My experience has told me that If I arise nnd go through the mu ni routine in the morning I become too tired to make Sunday a happy day for the others in the afternoon. So this plan I have found works very woll in our family, and Is satisfactory to all thoso most concerned." ' Cleaning Flower Vomi. Glass flower Tases are apt to become much stained in time, especially If such flowere as mignonette and forgot-me-nots are left in them for a few days without changing the water. To re mow the stains few methods are bet ter than that of placing a baudful of used tea. leaves nt the bottom of the vase," with a little vinegar, and with tho hand placed across tho top, shak- leg it until tbe marks have disappear ed. If 'not completely eliminated, this should be repented, while in addition a rag wound around a stick and .pushed Into the crevices will effectually re move tho most obstinate stains. Xobbp Linen Suit, And ivow for tho genuine summer frocks. For the majority of thoso lin en is the chosen fabric and some ex ceedingly stylish suits ure being inado from this material. For example, our cut illustrates a charming model in pale blue linen with tucked yoke and Stock of dotted Swiss outlined by a band of t-mbroidery Insertion. The Tindorsleeves are ruffles of lluen with a couple of tucks just above the hem of each. Statue to Women. In the streets of London there are only five statues to women. Four of these are of Queens and the fifth is Mrs. Slddons', whose statue as the tragi? muse Is in Taddlngton Green. In the matter of memorial tablets women fare no better, as out of fully 100 affixed to houses where celebrated people dwelt only four have women's names upon them. These commemorate Fanny Burney (Mine. O'ArUay), Joanna Balllle, Elizabeth Barrett Browning and Mrs. Slddons. To Antaaa Children. novel way to entertain children on J rainy day Is to give them pictures cut rout some magazine or book which mm -..mm Ifejjyj AjlJ iiM - have been sliced up. Tbe children usu ally And great Interest In putting theee together, and when they become expert a prize may be given to the one who 1 soonest able to pasta his picture on a piece of plain paper. Toys of tide kind are sold In moat stores, It Is true, but when uslug them It 1 necessary to put tbe same pictures together, while if they are taken at random from a magaxluo or book, there may lie In finite variety in the game. WOMEN DELEGATES AT DZ27VE3. MIS. BSADrOBD. VIS. BATWAID. There were two women delegates to tho Denver conveutlon, Mrs. Mary C C. Bradford, of Denver, and Mrs. Har ry 3 j Hay ward, of Utah. Mrs. Brad ford has been Democratic candidate for State Superintendent of Rchoole, and has, been a member of the Demo cratic State Central Committee.. Mrs. Hayward Is president of the Woman's Democratic Club of 8alt Lake City. She Is a member of a pioneer Morntoa family. To IltTt White Handa. If tho skin Is naturally white very littlo care Is required to preserve it, says the Family Doctor. A good soap aided by a pinch or two of oatmeal, may bo used for a ttioroiuh cleansing VABIETY OF TUCKED BLOUSES. of the hands twice a day, and if need ful to still further clea-nse them warm water not hot wlll do the accessary work. Once a week they should be nibbed all over with a slice of lemon. If these exquisitely white hands are Inclined to chap, camphor ice may be applied at night and white gloves wora to increase the softening effect. Holes should always bo cut in the palms of the gloves to allow ventilation. For distressingly red hands equal parts of glycerin, lemon Sulee and rosewater may be applied nightly under gloves. Dally applications of lemon' juice- are sure to produce a whitening effect Tight sleeves and tight finger rings are a frequent source of red hands, and the only remedy for this Is to remove tho irritating cause. The New 1'Iaee Card. ' Vegetables and flowers form a favor ite place card for summer luncheon and dinner. These may be easily made at home if ono has an idea of coloring. Tho design Is first sketched on brlstgl board, then cut out and the petals are padded with cotton or wool. Over these padded sections tlntd crepe paper Is stretched nnd the edgos pasted to the cardboard. The leaves and stems are covered with a wash of green and a touch of water color will improve the petal. The small rectangular' bit of card; board for the writing is left underr ated. Brides of every type are constantly sketched for bridesmaids' luncheons. A white satin bIImht with tho toe tilled wl'h orange blossoms makes an other pretty detslgn for such a lunch eon. Paper dolls are used extensively In holding the place card. Fagoting, which for a while retired from modish garments, has been revived aad now is found ou some of the very smartest blouse models. One of the very prettiest models for the sleeve of an evening dress Is cut straight and even and bo loose that the outer edge Is tuckri up almost to the shoulder. Iu Paris tbe smartest little coats for children are made of pongee, fhey are cut on kimono Hues aud the sleeves are bur -y : ; k' --u iA s . - 'nt m m i 'ni rti ,. .'I'.VW, ,'l-,Jli,i.i,.jii, three-narter length. (- Afl the edges ane areHaped with embroider silk to matcb tbe roegee. The ecallop is first run, thea padd4 and lastly embroid ered la buttonhole etlUh; the work is just ai simple aa that done upon lln gvrle. Tasaela are very mweh usud whc ever a flare for tbeaa caa be found. The heavy and the ftae laces are fash ionable la etmiblnatte for trimming both gowns and separate blouwes. Tbe rage for a koetorroWre of arti ficial flowere seeus now almost as well established as the waletoeat Itself. Among the most wora aowera are the purple ry aad tbe gardenia. Buttons are ue4 ot aty where they are needed bnt wbef they are not needed on the new gown. For the tailored suite there are fabric-covered buttons end, the braUl buttons. Gold band are decidedly more chic than ribbon ones for the hair, and come In single, double, triple and even quad ruple forma. These oxxmblned with tor toise shell or amter are extremely hand some. Consistent with tt rmssloa for skimpy skirts an petoa bonnets and other things dlreeroliw and empire, the heellees slipper anklet straps that cross and recreaa to Jrm demanded by the rarlslenae. Lace Inserts In erftftvaa and silk lace mitts farther reeo4 the vogue of the early nraeteento-eofafy styles and before long it Is peeeieU that every woman will look exactly a though she had tripped frcm th pjM of a Kate Grrenawy beeh, Wlee woven wet do not have too many clothes take car to provide them selves with a separate white skirt to ac company fancy blouses. One of the most serviceable materlala far thl purpose Is white popllnette, a skirt of which cut in many gores Bts rrfetly otxn.it the feet where It sbosld be finished with a deep and obvious hem, punctuated 1 ' I MM";5' vre S-1 with a braid row at seatavehe or horcules Health and Beaatr Illnto. Lack of sufficient sleep Boon shows in one's appearance. Buttermilk is very good for removing freckles or sunburn. Sleeping wMh the month open will spoil the shape of te lips. Eight boors' sleep out of every twenty-fowr hi required for building up the body. A seintloD that sometimes will Did the. hair la rnrlmf la half a pint cf strong tea, dlaselvisg tn It eleven grains of carbonate ef potash. The hair Is wet with this while drcsauig, laid In waves and held so while dry ing. Blaek aad White. The ever popular black and white combinations are as fashionable a ever and the model from which thr above sketch was made was black Xeapolitun, the brim rolling as indi cated and crowu' trimmed with two upstanding rows of plaited white lace. Below this wes a pretty and artistic trimming of white pearl beads aud on left side falling over brim was a black breast with soft, feathery ends. Rnara That Creep. To keep an art square or Ingrain rug smoothly on the floor, place under it on eld car set a trifle smaller then the rug. Tack tbe corners of the un der one to the floor, If desired; the upper en will cling to It and keep Its place much better than if laid on the We floor. elflah Indeed. Huh I Insured my life to-day, Kate. Wlie And not mine, toot Isn't that just like a man, never thinking of any one but himself ? Boston Trunscrlpt. Vet-'.- "STUNQ" 121 A LAND VOAU A Knnaan lloutlit lriKrfy High Vp on n MeiU'.m Mountain. Tho vivid pruhpivtus writer hod lauded tuiot'.iiT vliiiui, miys the Kat sua City Slur, l.u iil -nlally Henry 1L Knle, u l.'il'iui'i' who lives lu-ur Ablleua, Kns., win.ni'vir iiiiiii tiailc "sight ua Been" or buy aryllilug until he.lUd looked at It uii! r a magnifying gJdhs, mi matter what the project vs says. Some time a'o Mr. Kngie read a proe l vt;iy ,'ont lining Ueuutiful Illustrations :.i.d vivid lietviiptioiiH of land In the i.iiiB (J.hvIh Teru.l tract In the terri w.ry e( Tipiv nnd the republic, of Mex l.'o. Thou, thi'oug'.i 4li; ageucy of a i .il.iiilRutoii to,n;i.ii y, he purchaeed nu, 1'iiyl:: !tU In cash and gir ing'hU I'.oiva lor the 'Vest of $500, jfe iurc:iaM price. Mr. K: ;.!.! returned the other' day iron' a tr., to Mexli-o, wlieic, he viewed I ,s pi:i(:.ii.o. This morning ho brought i f-.ut l;i t:i- circuit iiuitt against the uml company t'r the recovery of his ?M In cai-:i nnd Ills notes. In liiM petition ti the court - Mr. !-?i;gle k.i.vh that this dewrlptlon of the i;i!ul was giM'ii to liiiu by the land com I'.i'.i.v : 'I'l'v soil Is ii rich, deep loam, easy tu I'lililvate. eiiiialile of producing al- i. iont any piMduet known to the agri cultural world. The best evidence to ;itMve tin! U-rtllity of the soil is the ii. Miii.mt tr.iwth of blue stem grass, :wii or timotcct hlg!i. with which this whole tract ki covered. It will grow I lie following : "Coffee, vanilla, sugar caue, ba iiaim', pliii'iipplrs, oranges, lemons, limes, grajH' fruit," tigs, gooseberries, ai moiuls, sU'awlierries, rnspUrrles, blaok Ix'iTlcs. lmv;ilsli walnuts, apricots, piara, p 'aulies. tinples, plums, dates, corn, rice, rye, wheat, bailey, hroomcorn, tobacco, cotton, liiv.mc. onions, melous aud all vi'etaMen, Ineludlug clover und a'falfa. "The annual profits on these prod ucts range from ?1()0 to fT.OO aad JeOO nn acre. The laud Is easy or accettt to the markets. A railroad has been surveyed through the laud and eon Btnictlou has iM'gnu.'' After n visit to what he really be lieved to Ik? a tailey of the Nile, Mr. Kn.le gave this (!efrTptl6n of the land: "It is on top of a mountain and ifl T.tX'.O feet alwve mu level. The land Is barren of vegetation and, beceuso of the high altitude, nothing except pine trees will grow there. The land Is wholly lmiccifnilile niul It takes ten days, with the aid of a burro or a mule, to make a round trip to the nearest railroad." jj AS OTHERS HEAR TJS. "Yes, it's readable enough," said Mrs, Trayne, passing over a new novel to the member of the book club whose turn followed hers. "But it exasper ated me so much I couldn't enjoy it Ad Knglishmun wrote it, and he's taken an American girl for his heroine. He means her for a lady breery and a bit unconventional, but educated and re fined and oue minute she 'cal'lates like a down-easier, and tbe next -reck-onu' like a Southerner, nnd she spices her conversation with slang of all aorta, from the cowboy variety to' that of the Bowery nnd the college. To cap the climax, she begins every other sentence with 'Say!'". Mrs. Grayson laughed. "I should think it would be too absurd to be vex atious," she remarked. "Perhaps that's the way to look at it," agreed Mrs. vFrayne. "Only I don't like to think that that's their Idea of us. Of course some well-bred girls do use slang but not such slang nor so much slang. And whoever heard an American of education or breeding who addrebsed everybody with 'Say l" " "It can't be usual," agreed her hear er. She added, cautiously, "But there may be some Americans who ought to know better nnd yet do it. Ws don't always potieo vf)at we hear among ourselves. The first time I visited Lon don a popular play was running, of which the hero's favorite phrase, and tho catchword of the piece, was 'Why, certainly !' John and I agreed that 'Why, certainly !' was neither an Amer icanism nor even a common phrase la America, und we had never heard any one ue It habitually. Well, I can as sure you that we began to, IX we hadn't before. It seemed aa if every Ameri can we met for the rest of onr trip couldn't agree with ua in any othe form thuu 'Why, certainly !'" "But 'Why, ccrtaluly!' doesn't Bound like 'Say!' It Un't nearly as common and aggressive," protested Mrs. Frayne. "I'm sure no nice American girl " There was u rush of swift feet on the stairs, and tho door flew open. A bright-faced young girl called eagerly from the threshold : "tay, mother, can 1 go driving with P.csh? She's l.tre with her horse. All right yes got my wrapsso long!" Flio was gotic. again with a rush, and the door below banged thunderously. "The tliliii,'' clrls do pick up at) school !" murmured Mrs. Fraynfj flushed nnd apologetic. "Such lan gunge as they Vever would hear at home. P. ut you know how It Is; you mmt have been through the same talus with Isabel." "Why, certainly!" Mrs. Grayson agreed, consolingly. Youth's Compan ion. II jr In (err ure. The magistrate looked severely at tht small red lai cd ninn who had bees summoned before lilm, and who re-tunti-d his (,'ae without flinching. ".So you Licked your landlord down stairs?" said the mnclHtrate. "Did you Imagine that was within the rights of a tenant?" "I'll bring my lnse In and show II to you," said the little man, growing still redder, "and I'll wager you'll agree with me that anything they've forgot ten to prohibit lu that lease I had a right to d tin- very first chance I got." When a woman goes into a dry goods store, and Is pleased with every thing shown her, it Is a sign that she has no Intention of buying. But If Khe find fault with everythlugj she Intends to buy that clay. . raole Allen. "Tliey sayr" remarked Uncle 'Ally", 6 park's "tint ike corporations are not gning to onotrtUute anything to the cam paige funds this year. Then we wen'l have as suck campaign oratory aa nemal There is ao low without aoaui gala." Chicago Tribune. CTJTTCUBLA CURED TOUR. Sent hern Wnm SanVred with Itea- . lash aentaac Raah Three 1. 1 tile DaMee Had ShJn TrenMee. "My baby had a miming sore on his heck aad stsmg that I did for It took effect until I hand Cattc-irn. My face was nearly fell of tetter or some sim ilar sfcia dlewaee. It wold Itch and burn so that I conld hardly stand It Two cafcea of Cntlrara Soap and a box of Catlara Ointment cured me. Two years, after It broke out on my bands and wrist Somottmes I would go nearly era 77, for It Itched so badly. I went back to my old stand by, that had never failed ne one set of Cuti oura Remedies did the work. One set alao cured my undo'a bnby, whose head was a cake of sores, and nnother baby who was in tho same fix. Mrs. 1.111 In Wtlcher. 770 Eleventh St., Chattanooga, Toun., Feb. 16, 1907." e Rare Bird. "I admire that parrot ef yonra," re marked the visitor, riving to take hi de parture. "It's the moat sensible bird I've tea for a long time.". "Why, he haan't uttered a ainle word since you came la," eaid the owner of the parrot. "I kaow It. That's why I admire hlnv" ' wIm a Tnaltrr Ma Say Aboat 20 hlnle Taca Doras. "As I am In the poultry business, I had tea white chicks to wash and pre pare for a show. I used '20 Mule Team Sess for washing tho birds, and 1 can eay from years of experience, washing white bird, never before hare I found a soap or Borax that cleaned my birds 80 fine and easy. I had a great deal of comaaeat en my birds being so white." 3. A. Dinwiddle, New Market. Teas. All dealers, . 1 and ft lb. car tons. Sample and booklet lie. Pacific Const Borax Co., Chicago, 111., The Beat ef Reference. The new servant had presented her references and the mistress read them ver, declares a writer In Answers, wifa a doubtnl eye. I am not qutte sntlstied with your references, Jane," she said. "Nayther am I, muni," responded the stalwart maid, "but they're the best I could get" - 1 To Ladies Only. The wish to be beautiful is predominant in every wom an, and none can say sho docs not care whothor Bhe'la beautiful or not Dr. ,T. Felix Gouraud'a Oriental Cream, or Magical Bcautlflcr elicits a clear, (transparent complexion, free from Tan, Freckles, or Moth Patches. , nnd so clowe ly Imttatlng nature as to defy dotectlou. It has the highest medical testimony as well ss professional celobrltles, and on Its own merits It has become one of the largest and a popular specialty in the trade. Feud. T. Hovkijcs, Sole Pro prietor, 37 Great Jones Street, Mw Tork. For sale by all Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers throughout the United States, Conadas, and Europe. Tbe left-hand running of trains en double track is practiced by two impor tant railways in the United States the Lake Shore aad Michigan Southern rail way aad the Chicago and Northwestern railway. Itrs. W!nlow's Soothing Syrap ror Child- Rn tetthlof, aoftoo tbe Kami, renucea In immetlna, allays pain, euro wind colle. Ua a bottle. It Is said that before his marriage Oustis did have a free and easy ilfe. Ills n)rrlage was of Importance to his country, for ho was the progenitor of several leading families. One would like to know Mrs. Custls version, of the life they had together, which ho 're garded as unworthy to be called "llv liuj" Can Such Tblaa-a lief , "O. Johnny, Johnoy !" sighed Mrt. Lepsllag. "You're so awfully hard on hoes. This Is the second pair I've bought you since we had that eqiiinuptial storm in Man !" , a Baaehall and ralrlulUm. "Jehany, what's a patriot?" "A bey who'd redder miss seeln' d rams dan go hi on a ball knocked over dt fence by de vlullin' team." Louisvlllt Ceurisr-Journal. THE LBESTSRAP mmmm vy- ::' ?. i?.. :..: .,-. 1..m. r. .v. iii in nni Him n 111 1 . , , . r . . . . . . i 640 ACRES. Soil black loam. Seven room house. Granary, holds 6.OOO1 bushels. Tool house. Two wella, one windmill, one pump, with tank. Fine, grove of trocs on three Bides of house. Barn the best in Clark ctsunty, size' 68x82, and holds 1D0 tons hay. Four and one tyilf miles from two tons on tho M. & St. L. R. It. Terms, one-half down, balance in 5 years at 6 per cent Price $35 per acre, and tbe mau who buys Is no good If he cannot clear the other half in three years and less If price of wheat stays near tb $1 mark.' And if your eyes are sore looking at your old, wet, Boggy Iowa or Minnesota' farm come up and Bee our crops and get them cured. J ROSS E. PARKS, lily, south Dakota. The Money Hanser. James it Keene, the famous KrV Tork Una Oder, said at a dinner of'tRe recent panic: "The way men hungoxqd after money reminded me of Tom Fer gus, a friend of my 'Frisco days. Tata, ono morning, expected a man te call and pay a bill. While he was waiting for the man, a summons came for blun to go out Before golag, he put thin notice on his door: " 'Have gone for half an bear. WVl bo back soon. Been gone 20 sulnafs already.' A 8URHGAL 'A.jrji J'.w ... I 1 4tU Ik c Si UanmenWaB If there in any ono thin that a woman dreads more than another it is a surgical operation. 1 Wo ran 6tato without fear of a contradiction that there are hoik, dreds, yes, thousands, of opcrationa performed upon women in our hos pitals which aro entirely unneces sary and many have been avoided by LYDIAE.&ttlAM,0 VEGETABLE COMPOUND For proof of this statement read the following letters. Mrs. Barbara Baio, of Kingman,,' Kansas, writes to Mrs. rinkham : " For eight years I suffered from tho most severe form of female trouble and was told that an operation was my only hope of recovery. I wroto Mrs. Piakham for advice, and took Lydia E. Plnkham'a Vegetable Compound, and it liaa saved my life and made me a well woman." Mrs. Arthur R. House, of Church, Road, MoorcStown. N. J:, writes: "I feel it is my duty to let people know what Lydia E. Piukham'a Vege table Compound has done for me. 1 suffered from female troubles, and last March my physician decided that an operation was necessary. My husband objected, and urged me to try Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and to-day I am well and strong." FACTG FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia E. rink ham's Vegetable Compound, madei from roots and herbs, has been the Btandarct remedy for female His. and has posit ively cured thousands of women who havo lieen troubled with,' disiilaeemcnts,inflammation,ulcera-l tion, fibroid tumors, irrtrularitie.s periodic pains, and backache. Mrs. IMnkhnm Invites all Rick! women to write her for advice! ..! BB . a . Rhe ins rcuiacu vnousanas ra health. Address, Lynu, Blass. sr?HT o . tv i n n t VvrTn!n1iaMnlUWj. I B.xr " I'lmiti' SnafUW niiSY fly if!i 1 rn Bnd h-MIa Skll lint' all A II d MnlM shesMnsnnidanl TOILET AEITISEPTID Keen tlie hri-tttti f.tK MAnh a nA L.J. cntlieotioallv clean and tree froni ua.l healthy germ-life and disagreeable odqraj which water, soap and tooth preparations. uiuiio minci ua. j I'.crmiaidal. disin feoting and doodor izinj toilet requisite of exceptional ex cellence and eoon omy. Invaluable for inSamed eyes, throat and nasal and uterine catarrh. "At drug and toilet stores, SO cents, or by moil postpaid. Large Trial Sample ; with "hcalth no scautv" book it rasa THE PAXTOH TOILET CO., mUm WIDOWS'Miwfitw taw o " S. V. i. I?. - Xo, SI 1808. 1 "STfenifS'sEjsWatsf If SOUTH DAKOTA X "Xiv 1 -1 zLr. vT . . A' .S 7 1 i 1 1 w TV i jt,:. 1 1 1 trrj. 1 4 yXff3l Wy aneannBrussgsa,