AmendeS, The editor wan divnmlns; In hit "dm" when the door opened nnd rntlier tern-visa k1 woman entered, without apology, soys a writer In the BalUtuott Sun. "Will you kindly explnln," ahe' be ptn, grimly, throating a uewHpoper dipping under the ertltor'B nose, "why your reviewer refer to my recent book na a "History of Femnle Suffrage by new Illsterlosl Writer?"' "Quite npardonaWe." said the ed itor, gravity. "Of course the word Phould be polled with n 'y. " BED-BOUND FOR MOUTHS. Conaaltatlon. Mm. Enoa Shearer, Yew and Wnali tngton street", Centralla, Wash., nays: For years I wa weak and run down, could not sleep, my limbs swelled and the ecrttlnna were troublesome. ; pains were Intense. I was :J m w "or rour X 1 j roontnR- Three doo R'7S;,vf; tors sakl there was no cure for me, and I was r'ven up to die. Helng urged, I Used Doan's Kidney 1111s. Soon I was better and In a few weeks was about the house, well and strong again." Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co.. Buffalo, N. Y. Itrv?iilawcl Hint HI Oner. Among the many rebuffs received by solicitors for charity funds, de scribed In the following story from the New York Tribune Illustrates a gentle wit which must have pleased almost as much as a generous contribution : A clergvniau In a small Western town entered the odice of the local paper, and said to the editor: "I am soliciting aid for a gentleman of refinement and intelligence- who Is In dire need of a little ready money, but who Is far too proud to make his Bufferings known." "Why," exclaimed the editor, push ing back hia chair, "I'm the only man In the Tillage -who answers that de scription. What is the gentleman's name?" , "I regret," said the minister, "that I am not at liberty to disclose It." "Why, it must be 1," said the edi tor. "It is I! It Is I, surely! Heaven prosper you, parson, In your good work !" Ttto Little Slip. Admission slips to the hospitals are pretty likely to bo matter-of-fact rec 'ords and more or less tragic, but occa sionally, the New York Sun reports, a bit of unconscious humor is found in them. A slip at Gouverneur recently report ed that a driver of a hansom hud re 'celved his Injuries by "falling off a perch," and the man's name was llird. Another Gouverneur slip announceJ that the patient was hurt by "falling off water wagon" a fall. It might be added, which is always dangerous. Urn I Knllshtenment. "Pop, wbat is a chiropodist?" "One of these ieople who tell your character from your handwriting. That's right. Tommy; always ask pa ; anything you want to know." Balti more American. WIDOWS'""' NEW LAW obtains mvuinvu fcr john w. morris. Food Products' Vienna Sausage You've never tasted the bet sausage until you've eaten Libby's Ylexma Saasase. It's asausage product of high food value. Made different. Cook ed different. Tastes different and is different tlaan other sausage. Libby's Vienna Sausage, like all of the Libby Food Products: is ccrefully prepared and cooked in Libby's Great White Kifchen. It can be quickly served for any meal at any time: It is pleas ing, not over-flavored and has that satisfying taste: Try it. Llbby, McNeill I Libby, Chicago. re " III At w 41 HJIV ii t mm r i a c -w j S0KETHI2TG F02 E7EKY20DT The Indians tf the I'nlted States own about $.'15.(!h).(hh). When a heavy fall' of snow occurs In Valder., Alaska, the lire department is culled nut to clear the sidewalks. Wind women are uow employed ns operators of private telephone swlth boards and for taking dictation on shorthand typewriters. Popular Me chanics. Maxim Gorky has written a new drama which is about to be published In a St. Petersburg nmguzluo previous to a singe production. It-is entitled "The Lowest of the Low," ami is a tragedy of graft. , j According to the Novoe Vrcmya of fct. Petersburg, a Norwegian fisherman j has fitted up a telephone npimratus 1 on his boat which enables him to hear the fish approaching and even to make a guess at their number. Compensation being refused for a cut linger, nn Ilford (Eng.) domestic ser vant left her situation and wrote to her mistress as follows: "Madam , the tut is worst. Tim doctor says I have cut the spinal cord of my little linger. If you do not immediately send me 3 shilllugs a week, I shall Insult my solicitor." Study of weather charts is now gen eral in the elementary schools of Han over and Schloswig-llolsteln with the object of making their value in agri culture better known. These charts are supplied by telegraph and post to all schools lu Germany, but systematic In struction on meteorology is only gradu ally being Introduced. Jean de, the famous tenor, has severed his connuttlon with the Paris Opera-house. Do Keszko was ambitious for years to have a voice In the management of the opera-house, and was finally taken in, but after six months, with the title of singing di rector, during which time his advice was ignored and no authority given him, he resigned in disgust In some parts of Australia the horse is shod with leather, instead of iron, the feet receiving better Bupport ; but this novelty is employed only In regions where the ground is permanently cov ered with' grass or fine sand. Though the leather shoe Is more expensive than the iron shoe the higher price Is re paid by the superior advantages. . It is not impossible the iiuiovatlon will soon extend to every country where the na ture of the soil permits it to be used. British Australian. It is a disgrace- and a shame that In a city like Los Angeles, populated by .100.000 educated Americans, the very name of the town they live In and are proud of and have helped to make should bo wlfe-bealen at their daily bauds. Even If late, it is time now to make a crusade for the ' official pro nunciation which will be followed by every self-respecting person with the fear of God and tlio love of California before his eyes. And that's easy to set and easy to get: Loce Ang-el-ess. Out West. The announcement that the Hay- ward's Health Horticultural Society was prepared to pay a penny for every queen ' wasp brought to the summer show has caused the secretary to be in undated with wasps from all parts of England. Some of the senders have re quested that the. money they consider due them should be forwarded by re turn post. The . secretary, however, wishes it to be understood by senders that only persons living within the radius of the show will be paid for their wasps. London Standard. " It is curious," remarked the grocer on the corner, "that there is no fruit iu the world which people are such poor Judges of. as cantaloupes, and what la more curious is that they do their besl to spoil them after they buy them. The first thing a woman does with a canta loupe is to stick it into the ice box. .uv, cantaloupes, like most of oui fruit, are picked a trifle green, and when they come from the grocer's they should be put out iu the sun for a whole day, turning them over every few hours, a id then putting them into the ice boi at night." New York Sun. While some children were recently feeding the swans at the lake a pigeoi alighted quite close to thein and oiw of the boys attempted to capture It, bul it Hew off over the lake toward a swan and apparently was aliout to settle or its hack. Instead of which It closed its wings quite naturally and dropixnl into the water close In front of the swan and eonimeuced to struggle. The swan went to assist it, put its head undei the water and lifted the drowning pigeon into the air. The latter ther made almost a circuit of the lake, event ually resting on the Island. Londou Field. ' "l-'lne old .Spanish emeralds" is a phrase which means something quite different from what it seems to Imply. There never was an emerald mined In Spain,' but after the conquest of Peru the eonquerois brought some grwit quantities of loot, of which emeralds formed an Important part. In this way the finest emeralds came Into a possession of old Spanish families and as very few had been seen In Europe previously to that time, all the best stones soon hern me classed as fine old Spanish emeralds. To-day the expres sion still applies to the best emerald of any source. A letter written by Count Grzymala, who was an ardent admirer of Chopin, has Just been made public Iu London by Eduard Zehlenrust. In it the last moments of. Chopin are thus referred to: "A few hours liefore he died hi asked Mine. Potoka to sing some melo dies by Rossini and Bellini, and this she did with sobs In her voice. Listen ing to her voice he passed away." Speaking of the funeral the writer says: "Mozart's requiem and his own funeral march were performed with the assistance of Lablnche, Vlardot and the concert society. It was charac teristic of the times that the artisti should have usked i!.()0 fraiics for this last tribute to Chopiu. One would hat thought that pride would have kept them from selling (heir gifts OD such Hit occasion." n - a . What has heroine of dpple? the "seedless" Thirty lowheaded apple Miough for an acre. trees are A inoney-nia'j.liig fouihliintbui Is the row and the sow. Give the latter warm t-klni milk. One of the best medicines In the world for delicate women or men Is work In the orchard. Itake any leaf and twig and other rubbish from the ground beneath the grape vines and burn thcin. Ikui't wait. Bordeaux mixture Is only goenl wlic.i .in the tree. It doesn't rmoitnt to much on the shelf of the drug store or In our minds. . Dairying Is a ready money business, nnd no other branch of live stock keep ing can compare with it for enriching the farm. Five hundred dollars Invested In an orchard will bring better returns than f.",0O0 Invested In the stock of freak fruit companies. For strawberries plow under a crop )f cow peas and then add from l.-iH) to l.flOO pounds of ground bono and COO pouuds of potash per acre- Pastures would, last longer and pro luce more feed If stock were taken )ff occasionally, and the grass given w opportunity to get a fresh start The late, wet season has been pretty hard on young chicks and they will, therefore, require careful attention all lummer to bring them through in good condition. Three common faults In butter mak ing are over-ripe cream, over-churning md over-working. The tlrst means itrong butter, the second and third loft butter. Dairying implies a prosperous com munity of wide-awake, up-to-date far mers. All not belonging to latter class had better think twice before enter ing the field. A Missouri fanner with fifteen feet of beard has recently been photograph ed. Thirty years ago he made n waer that If n certain man was not elected be would never tc.fcch a razor to his face and he lost One New York dairyman sells his niilk for seven cents per quart the fear round, and with good Jersey and Uolsteln cows his herd produces on an iverago of $15 worth of milk per mouth. It requires 85 pounds out of every 100 pouuds to pay expenses. To separate butter from the butter milk I get a yard of cheesecloth, wet It is cold water and spread over the top of a 'crock. I then pour the but termilk nnd butter Into the cloth from he churn. Taking it up by the corners md working it back and forth easily I im soon able to drain out all of the nittermilk and have the butter ready :o put Into a crock and salt. Frofit oa -llog-a. The cost of feed will largely deter Mine the profit of hog-ralsing, nnd the f-cd got from pasture is the cheapest. ye will ste.nd much frost at each end tf winter and will greatly lengthen the? pasture season. If sowed early enough to get a good start before cold weather, bur clover or hairy vetch Slight be preferable, since either would be more nitrogenous and build up the fed meat after the mnnner of wheat Iran. Progressive Farmer. Animal Thvlr On a Dnrtori. "When you see pigs wallowing in the mud, or birds taking a dust bath, you should marvel." said a nature stu dent, "for these creatures are then loctorlng themselves they are getting rid of parasites. "When a dog loses ills appetite, lie toes straight off and eats 'dog grass.' 1'his brings lilm round at once. Cats, .n like circumstances, go to 'cat grass.' Sows and sheep take certain medicinal aerhs. "Monkeys have been known to dress wounds with leaves. Latrellll cut off an ant's antennae, and other ants fame and covered the hurt parts with a healing fluid secreted in their mouths. It is even said that birds have been known to set'thelr own br. ken legs. "Certainly animals know all about fever. Fever-stricken, they bathe In cold water till the temperature, falls again to normal. And an animal with a limb almost severed heroically com pletes the amputation with its teeth." New Orleans Tlmcs-I lemocrat ' PlnnttiiK Trren fur I'oata. The rapid denuding of our forests and the consequent scarcity of timber for ull purposes, especially the cheaper kinds In the rough for farm require ments, renders the planting of forest trees of great importance. There are few farms, especially on prairies, that have not several small pieces of that are not easy of cultivation, which a little time and work will fit for the planting of trees, which should be set In rows about 4 feet apart, and culti vated as com. Seedling trees can bo purchased from the larger nurseries at from $.1 to $5 per thousand, which Is cheaper tluin the labor required to dig them In the timber lands If they could 1 gotten for nothing. It is a good plan to cut off the entire top of the young tree when setting out.' This will give a good, strong, straight growth or the trunk of the future trie. A little pruning during the Hrsf nnd seiviid summers will start the trees with good, clean trunks, uud after thU but little care will lie needed. A small plat of bind, if properly handled, will In a few years furnish nn abundance of fire wood and iHmts and imles that are nee- ssary for fences. The value of a con utit supply of timber on the farm ran hardly be overestimated. Posts can lie grown In groves much cheaper than In line hedges. Hedge fence are not to be recommended, ex ecpt III special cases, for the reason that the labor required to keep a hedge fence In good shape would care for a largo grove. "A tall hedge may some times be of great value for a wlud hrriik. and for such purposes their nso should not bet discouraged, though a grove will usually furnish better pro tection to cultivated fields and farm buildings. The varieties best adapted lo Western prairie countries are black locust, catalpa and eottonwood, suc ceeded by soft maple, mulberry nnd white nsh. the last-named being of somewhat slower growth than the oth ers, but much more valuable for nianj purposes. Tho Apple Orchard. Select a high, well-drained site, pro tected If jxisslhlc from the strong pre vailing winds, and prepare the land deeply and thoroughly. When transplanting, cut back all torn or Injured roots to fresh, sound wood; avoid exMsure of the roots to the sun or drying winds, dig tho holes largo enough to admit the roots with out crumping; cover wth moist, mel low surface soli and tramp firmly. Set the trees far enough apart to allow for full development. This will depend largely uiwn the locality and soli. Observe the dlstauco required for full grown apple trees in your neighborhood. Form the head of the tree at what ever height you think best. In north ern sections where trees nre liable to sunscnld, low heads with trunks not over ten feet high nre best. Trune the lower branches up to the desired height, and leave three or four main branches to form a well-balanced top. Prune regularly every spring, thin ning out ns much of the new wood ns may be necessary to prevent the top becoming too dense. Careful annual pruning avoids tho necessity of cat ting out large limbs when the trees get older. Do not allow adjoining crops to en croach upon the trees. To Insure good growth, It Is best to give clean, thor ough cultivation from early spring till about midsummer, after which the trees should mature their wood for winter. A cover crop of some kind, such ns rape clover and hairy vetch, sown" after the last cultivation In midsum mer, is valuable for root protection In winter, and to enrich the soil when It Is plowed under next spring. The fertility of the soil about the trees may be most economically main tained by the judicious use of the le guminous clover crops and occasional applications of unleached wood ashes spread evenly over the ground as far out ns tho roots extend. Guard against girdling of mice by banking earth against the trunks In the fall, wrapping the trunks with building paper or tramping the snow firmly around the truuks from time to time nfter the first heavy snow-fall. Watch out for borers on the trunks near the ground every summer, and dig them out ns soon as they are fonnd to be pt work. Protect the trees against the rav ages of Insects on tho foliage by spray lug, or by removing the Insects by band until the trees set too large for such a method. Ontario Bulletin. Same Station. The Cook riaze, ma'am, Ol want t' give yez notice. Ol'ra goin to be mar ried nlxt month. Mrs. Suburbs Well, Jane, I'll be sor ry to lost you, but I hope you will be happy. I suppose you are going to wed to a man of your own station, and not below it? The Cook Indude Ol am, ma'am. Oi'm goin' t be married to Dlnuis Mc Guire, who lives at Blxby's Station, where me folks live, ma'am. S. Dt-Hpcrnte Homed y. "It says here," began tho lady who could do more talking In one day than six phonographs and five parrots com bined, "that after a balloon has ascend ed to the height of six miles its occu pants dare not open their mouths." "Will you go up, Marie, If I buy a balloon?" asked her husband, desper ately. Spoku from IJ i-rln-e. Mrs. llcnpcck They say that women do all the talking, but I notice lu a wear ding iceremony the man has as much to say as the woman. Mr. Henpeek Yes; but It usually stops right there. Worth Itrudtnv- Two-thirds of tho ftopulatlon of Cal cutta nre males. ' The average depth of English coal mines Is 4HJ feet. The giant bees of Iudlu build combs eighteen feet high. In Calcutta consumption Is enly nlxiut half as fatal among males ns among females. Vancouver Island turned out 4.1.WM, 712 feet of lumber In 1!5, and 40,249.. MM feet in l'.MH. A recent computation covering ths railroad accidents for a period of three mouths shows that the average financial loss attending them is $750. The stinging tree of Australia some what resembles a gigantic nettle. It lias an unpleasant odor, and the natives md uative animals are careful to avoid It. Iron cloth Is made from steel, and has the appearance of horsehair cloth. It Is largely used by tailors ns a ma terial for stiffening the shoulders and collars of coats. Truth and Quality appeal to the Well-Informed In enrwy walk of life and are essentia) to permanent success and creditable standing. Accor-i:i;-.!y, it is not claimed that Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna la the only remedy of known value, but one of many reasons why it b the best of personal and family Iiuti'v" U tho fact that it cleanses, sweet'. and relieves tho internal organs on which it acts without any debilitating nfter nficcU and without having to increase the quantity from time to time. It acts pleasantly and naturally and truly as a laxative, and its component parts nro known to and approved by physicians, as it is free from all objection ohlo ubftanees. To get It- beneficial effects always purc'iae the gonuine manufactured by tho California Fig Syrup Co., only, and for sale by all leading druggists. ;ri Moner'a Worth. A gentleman Interviewed ths latnv dryiuau In regard to lost garments, sa.v3 a writer in Harper's Weekly, with the-followlng result: Laundryman I regret to tell you, sir, that one of your shirts Is lost Customer But here I haTe paid yoa twelru cents for doing it up. Laundryman Qrlto right, sip. Ws laundered It before we lost It Yon Cna Or. Allen's Poot-Baaa FREK Writ to-dnr to Allen 8. Olmsted. I Roy, N. Y., for a FIIEE sample of Allen's Foot Kne, a powder to limit Into your ahoM. It cures tlrrcl, sweating, bot, swollen, ach Im feet. It makes new or tljrht shoes easy. A eertsln cure for Corns and Bunions. Ail DrucgUU and Biio Stores Mil It S&c Chemists say that papers written with the Ink in gcusral dm will b Illegible lo 27 years. Fl T (1 S THW Bmw ft an Nna 9mm I I (9 lra,aatlr rra kf b. tltati ttraal Kwm Ratow. S ff SS ktol totl, aaa twiaia ton. a. a. KXIXK. Vs. mi ana an nfliiitin m II Knew Hlaa. The Jolly, good-natured Qreek who drives his wagon round to the Benhams two or three times a week, to supply them with fruit. Is unknown to them by name, but answers cheerfully to whatever name they call him by, wheth er it be Socrates, Epatnlnondus, Thetul stocles, or any other. "I suppose, LyBlppus," said Mrs. Ben ham to him one day, "you are proud to be a countryman . of the Illustrious Marco Boz7.arls7" 'Who, mem?" responded George for that Is the name by which he is usually known. "Marco Bozzarls. You came from the same country, you know." "Marco what?" "Bozzarls. Don't you remember " "Oh, yeh," said George, his face light ing up. "Ho sell fruit over on other side river. But his name Marco Bot takls. I know Mm." i " Knar- Man with the Bulging Brow IIow dc you get so much satisfaction from watch ing a baseball game? It's no fun to me. Man with the Bulbous Now It's be cause I have a judicial tempera inent. 1 lon't cure n d-'i-n "hicli i(de win. Save the Babies. I NFAHT MORTALITY is something frightful. , We can hardly realize that of J all tho children born in civilized countries, twentytwo per cent, or nearly one-quarter, die before they reach one year; thirtysevea per cent, or more than one-third, before they are five, and one-half before they are fifteen I We do not hesitate to say that a timely use of Oastoria would save a m jority of these precious lives. Neither do we hesitate to Bay iiat many of these infantile deaths are occasioned by the use of narootio preparations. Drops, tinctures and soothing syrups sold for children's complaints contain moro or less opium, cr morphine. They are, in considerable quantities, deadly poisons. In any Quantity they stupefy, retard circulation and lead to congestions, sicbiess, deaths Oastoria operates exactly the reverse, but you must see that it bears the signature of Chas. E. Fletcher. Oastoria causes, tho .blood. to' circulate properly, opens tha ; pores of tho skin and allays fever. Pli it li IBi PjiOorfJl ' 1 " ' i i iTTTTT-n .ALCOHOL 3 PEK riPNn Age(ab!eIVaraf!onfr!j.' ting uie aiomacluaadiJowdsii v.- I Promotes Diiestlonflrefi ness and Restranlahu netiUcri Opiumlarphlae ikTtfaeru aaBSBaawsBBaaN.aesaehaaBSaSBBaMa SCsWasW Jt'ra iaci Apcifcet Itatttd? f ftwflWi lion. Sour Stomadu)avrMa WormsfemulsloTOltarca-1 ncss andLoss orsUZR FtcSmdi Mjnamtpr ' wrw vrrmc w (Guaranteed ujuirUKo&s jJl'.'tnriTrffr.inewa Esact Copy of Wrapper. ass ClTlff Sullrilada. But Just as the citizen wan about to have the man who had sandbagged him arrested, he was opportunely waited on by a committee of the Commercial Club. "We have the welfare of our beauti ful city much at heart," they observed. "I'm glad to bear that!" replied the citizen, cordially. "So have I." The committee cleared their throats. "Of course tho price of real estate la about the main element In the welfare of a city," they went on. "Of course," the citizen assented, be ing something of a booster himself. Here the committee, looking at htm very hard, came to the point "We have the honor to inform you," quoth they, "that real estnte made up into sandbags yields more profit anil by that commands a higher price than real estate in any other form." This naturally ended the matter. The citizen saw the point at once nnd was profuse In his thnuks at being set right, while the committee went on their way rejoicing In the consciousness of a good thing done. Puck. ' The product of the British shipyards amounts to 20 or 2o per cent of the whole. ' ITCHING HUMOR ON BOT. Ilia Uamds Wtrs s Soil Maaa, sal Dlacata Spread All S)-er Bodr Cnr4 In 4 Dajya by Cntlenrn. "One day we noticed that our little boy was all broken out with itching sores. We first noticed It on his little hands, nia hands were not as bad then, and wo didn't think anything serious would result. But the next day we beard of the Cutlcura Remedies being so good for.ltchlnf sores. By this time ths dkseass had. spread all over bis body, and his hands were nothing bnt a solid mass of this itch ing disease. I purchased a box of Cutl cura Soap and om box of Cutlcura Ointment, and that night I took the Cutlcura Soap and lukewarm water and washed him well. Then I dried htm and took the Cutlcura Ointment and anointed him with It I did this very evening and In four nights ha was entirely cured. Krs. Frank Don ahnn, 208 Fremont 8t, Kokomo, InL, Sept M, 1907." Good Jadfmtst. "Tour partner,' remarked the privi leged friend, "seems to be a man of unusually good Judgment" "You bet he Is," replied the self-acknowledged brains of the firm. "Why, he never makes a move without asking my advice 1" Chicago News.' airs. Wluslow's Hoothlnj Byrnp for Child re u teething, softens tho gum, reaueea In flammation, allays pain, cures wind colle. aac a botUo. At On Pell Swoop, "Have you got any of those prepara tions for removing superfluous hair?" asks the man who enters the drug, store with a firm tread and a set coun tenance, "Yea, sir," answers the druggist "Give ma a pint I wont to use it on my head." "But man, you haven't got any su perfluous hair on your head. You're nearly bald now." "I know It And I'vs got to aggra vated and tired watching the confound ed hair leaking off day by day that I want to remove the rest of It at one sweep and have the agony over." Letters from Prominent Physicians addressed to Chas. H. Fletcher Dr. A. F. rosier, of Bt Louis, Mo., says: "I have prescribed tout Castor! In many cases and havo always found It an efficient and speedy remedy.1 Dr. E. Down, of Philadelphia, Pa, eaya: "I have prescribed your 5n orla In my practice for many iars with great satisfaction to myself and fceneflt to my patients," Dr. Edward rarxlBh, of Brooklyn, K. Y Bays: "I have uaed your Cae torla In my own household with good results, and have advised several patients to use It for Its mild laxative effect and freedom from harm, Dr. J. B. Elliott, of New Torli City, says: "Having during: the past alt years prescribed your C&atorla for Infantile stomach disorders, I most heartily commend its uso. The formula contains nothing deleterious to the most delicate of children." Dr. C. O. Sprague, of Omaha, Neb., says: Tour Castorla la an Ideal medicine for children, and I frequently prescribe it While I do not advo cate the Indiscriminate use of proprietary medicines, yet Castorla la an exception for conditions which arise la the care of children." Dr. J. A. rarker, of Kansas City, 11a, says:- "Tour Castorla holds the esteem of the medical profession In a manner held by no other proprie tary preparation. It Is a sure and reliable medicine for Infants and ehll Urea. In fact. It Is the universal household remedy for infantile ailments." Dr. H. F. Merrill, of Augusta,' Me., says: "Castorla is one of the very finest and most remarkable remedies for Infants and children. In at opinion your Castorla has saved thousands from an early grave. I can fumlfih hundreds of testimonials from this locality as to its efficiency and merits." Dr. Norman IL Oeer, of Cleveland, Ohio, says: "During the last twelv years I have frequently recommended your Castorla as one of the best preparations of the kind, being safe In the hands of parents and Tory ef fective in relieving children's disorders, while the ea&a with which euch a pleasant preparation can be administered ta a great advantage. acnuiru: CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the The Kind Yen Heyq Always Bonghi In Use For Over 30 Years, , VxS asMTaua mumMi tt axiaa stmit, (isw veaa em AN HONEST DOCTOR ADVISED FK-RU-NA. MB, SYLVESTER E. SMITH, Room 818, Otanlte Blook, Bt. Louis, Mo., writes i "Peruna la the best friend a sick man can have. "A few months ago X came here in a wretched condition. Exposure and dampness bad rained my onee robust health. I had Catarrhal affections of tho bronchial tubes, and for a time there was a doubt as to my recovery. "My good honest old doctor advised me to take Penis a, whioh I did and in a short time my health began to im prove very rapidly, the bronchial trouble gradually disappeared, and in threo months my health was fully re stored. "Accept a grateful man's thanks for his restoration to perfect health." Pe-ru-na for tils P attests, A. W. Perrin, M. D. S., feo Halse St., Brooklyn, N. TM says I "I am using your reruns mysolf, and am recommending It to my patients ia all cases of catarrh, and find It to be more than yoa represent Per una can lie had now of all druggists in this sec tion. At the time I began using it, It was unknown." TOSLET ANTISEPTIC Keeps the breath, teeth, mouth and body ntiseptically clean and free Irom un healthy germ-life and disagreeable odors, which water, soap sod tooth preparations aiunc c.innci ao. fjermicidal, disin fectintf and deodnr. izinf toilet requisite of exceptional ex cellence and econ omy. Invaluable ior inflamed eyes, throat and nasal and uterine catarrh. At drug and toilet stores, SO cents, or by mail postpaid. Large Trial Sample WIT :vratc THE PAXTON TOILET CO., Bostoi,Mi. SICK HEADACHE Positively eered by these Little rule. They also reUers Dis tress trota Dyspepsia, In- digestion and Too Bsarsy Bnttag. A pertpos rea ey tor Plnlnees. Kaoaan, DrWBUMSS, Bad Taste in toe Xonta, Ooatea Toag-aa. rain ta tns aula TORPID LIVES. Tatf) regolate tbe Soweis. fureiy Vegetable. SHALL PILL SMALL DOSL SKJU1 PRICE, Genuina Must Baar FSimila Signature SEFUSI SUBSTITUTES. TO-NIGHT s. a N. u. No. SO io. Elgnatmo of sasaaa4C ICAKTtR'Sl i !T- I I PIUS. CARTERS (