OurNew IHarVigor Ayer's Hair Vigor was good, the test that was made. But Ayer's Hair Vigor, new im proved formula, is better. It is the one great specific for fall ing hair. Anew preparation in every way. New bottle. New contents. Ask your druggist to show it to you, "the new kind." Dm not change the color of the hair. Formul with Moh bottlt ft Bbow it to your iters doctor Ask htm ftbont It, thn do a ho sayi As we now make our new Hair Vigor it tines t.c-t have the slightest effect upon tlie color of the hair. You may use it fr;el nt.d for onv length of time with out fenr of changing the color. Stops fiiill'- hiir. Cures dandruff. v n" by tha J. C. Aytr Co.. Low.ll. Mui LOW RATE SUMMER TOURS To tKat Paetflo Coast Daily low round trips rates to Port land, Seattle, Tacoma, San Fran cisco, Los Angeles and San Diego, slightly higher to include both Cali fornia and Puget Sound , One whole business day saved by onr new, schedule to the, Pacific northwest. Chtoao n4 Entrn Ruorti Republican convention tickets on sale June 12 to 1G. Daily low excursion rates to Cana da, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Massachusetts and New York tour ist resorts ; also low excursion rttes to tourist resorts in Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont. ' An, Amtrloan Tour for Mabra.ak.0i TaewoKara And their friends. Excursion will leave Lincoln, 4:30 pm June 27. Will spend three or four days at N E A convention in Cleveland ; tbence to Buffalo, Niagara Falls, " Toronto, St Lawrence river by steamer through Thousand Islands and over the Rapids, Montreal, Boston, Alba ny, dawn the Hudson to New York, thence Philadelphia, Washington and Pittsburg. Ask the agent for an itineary and full information or write the undersigned. To Celorado mrvd Rocky Mouivtawlna Daily low rates to Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, Black Hills and Yellow stone Park. Democratic convention at Denver in July. BomMtkrt' R.attea First and third Tuesdays to the west, including the famous Big Horn Basin and Yellowstone Valley, where large tracts of rich irrigated lands are being opened for settle ment by the government and by private companies. Write D Clem Deaver, Burlington Landseekers In formation Bureau, Omaha; excellent business openings in new growing towns. Wrlt9 a brief description of your proposed trip, and let us advise you how to make it the best way at the least cost. N A S McLean, Ticket Agent DAT. OTA CITr, NEB, L. W. Wakkley, G P A, Omaha, Neb X Undertaker County Coroner Jm J?t SllWyCI Tackson, .Nebraska WMJEQ 1MKIKMA1 ION Farm or BusinssQ- fnr Bala. Mot nartliMilnr about location. Wish to hear Irom owner only who will se',1 direct to buver. Give price. description and htato when posaesaloa can be hutl. Address, L DAXBYSH1RE, Box MM RocWir. N. T. BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE Track Mark ihX.;k:r''J?& Design ''r'vVtv' .Copyright Ac. Anrnnn e .ni"i nkctr-h nd dencriptlon roiij m 1 klf irj. Hrw.m f.ur oiiituxii free whoihor u , inn "i ' rtl nlilr tinicntflWo. tommunlr. ' , ,i...f f..iiii.iftl..l. rtAWnBMMi on I'MPiiie , Mi-' -i'!" t Hwni..-v lor .i.Hiii'iiiir patents, r. ::'. iu it mi niiili Mn. in a Co. reculv gci-Kttf ic KMlcait. x 1 i.-i'i til'i.'rx wpcHt. I nmest rtr ',imi ' ''" t' le'il'C'i Vnirniil. finnn. f.i ' ! .';.., th. L toiabaU newn.ttiHlern. i ll u .(.. w Ml iui Cliff rir, iu iu. l Co.'-'-Ncw York . ... " .. iv. trTW c't.. Washliuiiuii. 1. C. Weak Kidneys Weak KlflnPT Kervei. The Kidneys, like tbelHeart, mil the pth. mreir coin w wmi n"i"i Ptomach. find their weakneM. not In the onran Itself, but In the nerves that control aud g-mde and strengthen them. Dr. Shoou'i Restorative u medicine specmailly preiiarea to roaiu vueao cotitrollmg nervet. 'V . VTo docur the luaneys aiuue, Is rut , well. U a watt of tune, and oi oiouey a II tout lek arhc or U weak, II the nrins graldt. or is dark and strong. II you have symptoms ol Bright or other distressing or dangerous kiu. ney disease, try l(r. Shoop's KnHtorutlvea month- Tablets or Ll'iuid and sue what It cud and will do tor you. ijrvigglitt recommend and tell A ill M lMi 4 PS" Snoop H rh 1 w iosi R R Time Table Sioux City, Crystal Lake ft Homer LEAVE LIAYK I DAKOTA Ct IT MOUXCITT 7:30 am 8:20 am 9 :30a m.. 10:80a m 11:15a m.. Il:b0 a m 1:15 pm 2:00 pm 3:00 p to 4:15 p m 5:15 pm 5:50 pm Special trips for parties of 15 or more. C, St. P., M.4 0, Trains leave Dakota City at the fol lowing time : WORTH BODKD. BOOTH BOI7HU. 7 : 02 cm Omiha 7 :04 am 10 :00 am Omaha 5:13 pm '3 :37 pm norioi .o ;io m 8:41 am Norfolk ......5.32pm 7 -28 am Newcastle 0 :33 am 2:08 pm C:25pm BUNDAT TRAINS. 7 :02 pm Omaha 7 am 3:37 Norfolk 5:32 C B & Q WEST No. 85 Local Freight 7:15am 11 Passenger, Omaha and Lincoln" 12:47 pm E ART No." 86 Local Freigbt 2 :25 pm 10 Local Passenger.. 6 :D7 pm daily. daily eioept Sunday. Local Items Friday, June 26, 1908. Subscribe for The Herald $1 per year. James Oliver and "wife are occupy ing the Mrs Oeyer house. ! Old papers for sale at the Herald office 5 cents per hundred. Miss Leota Quintal visited with rel atives in Jackson over Sunday. Miss Effie Englen was an over Sun day visitor with friends at Wakefield. Mary Easton is assisting E J Smith as stenographer at Winnebago this week. Walter Smith of Homer, chaparoned a fishing party to Crystal lake last Thursday. Mrs W P Warner and daughter, Kathrynf Omaha, were passengers to Sioux City Tuesday. Judge It E Evans went to Lincoln Tuesday, where he had legal business before the supreme court. Sylvia Dewitt visited several days last week with frisnds near Jefferson, S D, returning home Saturday. Ed J Easton returned home from Omaha Monday, having finished his work as juryman inthe federal court. Frank Chown and wife and son, Ernest, and John Green and wife, of Sioux City, visited with relatives here last Sunday. Mrs Etta M Spencer and daughters are spending the week at Crystal lake, and are occupying one of Henry W Woods' cottages. J J Elmers launched his new gaso line boat in Crystal lake Sunday. A bottle of pop was broken in honor of the auspicious occasion . Sumner Niebuhr came over from Anrelia, Iowa, Monday, and the last of the week will leave for Pueblo, where he has a claim to look after. Oil has been discover near Crofton, Nebr, in Knox county in the locality known as "Devil's Nest." This will be the means of making use of a tract of land that has not been of much use so far. 1 The wind of Monday night did con siderable damage about town by blow ing off limbs and breaking dowu trees. Tim jrnlH lasted a few hours, anil was followed by a heavy downpour toward morning. D M Neiswanger left Saturday even- inff noRoniDauied by his wife, for Mar- shallville. Ohio, in response to a tele gram stating that Mr Neiswanger's sister, Mrs Bess Bowers, was serious' ly ill and not expected to live. A full account of the republican con vention and the comination of WU I Tail Bl WilllCBpo Hjipenreu iu im weeks' Herald on the hrst page somo tinner mat no outer couuiv i (( you. "The Herald tor news wueu 11 IS news," only $1,00 per year. narry Hill and Tom Roho came down from Allen Monday to begin the eroction of a cottage at Crystal lake, A party of nine Allenites have formed a partnership aud purchased a plot of ground of Henry Wood and will erect the cottage for their individual use. August WilkinrandL E Priest wore in town Saturday, enroute home from Rock county, where Mr Priest and Mr Wilkins son Ed, each filed on a 640 acre homestead. They spent a few days with S A Brown and M H Mans field who are located on claims there and are doing nicely. Ed Wilkins re mained there to look after his claim. The Model restaurnt chaugpd hands on Tuesday of this ' week, Mrs Elnie Pnwll lmrchasinK the interest and good will of T J- Knepper and wife, who have conducted the plooe for the past two months. The patrons of the restaurant will reciive the same court eous treatmeut from Mrs Powell tbat has lieen aocorded them in the psst. Judge A A Welch held a suhhioh of district court here Monday, wlien a decision was rendered jn the Mo Namara divorce case. Mrs Mary Mc Numara was granted a divorce as prayed, aho the custody 1 of the four childron, and $3000 itlimony and $150 every three months for tli maiute nance of the children. The pteal bond was fixed at $12 000. N. it her Mr McNamara nor bis . attorney v. as nrpHont at tbe timstue decision was rendered. In the elocution content at the Methodist church Sunday night (iie following named parties will have a part: Misses Ethel Stroug, Mary Uirsche. Mabel iiouton, Mvrtle Hon I ton aud Majorie Spencer. This in t r I for everybody, and everybody is most I ,i;aH initd to attend. The beat speaker according to the opinion of the udtres will be awarded aawver meoai The following nameJ tnuivi iuais nave een selected as judges: u J liouoher, Wm Armour wu over ftom Sioux City Wednesday. C R Kate, of Wayne, visited friends in this vicinity over Sunday. Tb annual school electiom will be held on Monday, June 29th. Goody, Gopdy, Goody, where, at Van's. A big box for 5 cents. Mrs Geo McBeath was np from Homer Monday night, enroute to Sioux City. You will never gel nervous if you drink Breun's coffee. VandeZedde sells it. J J Eimers and family, of South Sioux City, returned home Saturday from their western trip, Porle Stinson arrived home Monday from a three weeks' visit with hor sis ter, Mrs Geo Lillie, at Maxbass, N D. Frank E Donnelly, of Wynot, and Mabelle Borx, of Sioux City, were joined in marriage last Friday by Jndge Stinson. The members of the Ladies Aid society of tho M E church picnicked at Crystal lake Thursday, the guests of Mrs E M Spencer. H A McCormick, editor of the Wy not Tribune, was down Saturday after noon giving his deposition in the South Sioux City school bond case. Mr O W Von Hagen, of Sleepy Eye, Minn, dropped in on his brother the Rev G E Von Hagen and family Sat urday evening and remained over Sunday. Lost On Sunday, June 21, between Dakota City and Jackson, a light col ored summer jacket. A reasonable reward will be paid for its return, by Mrs J P Rockwell . All kinds of coal, feed and hay for sale at reasonable prices. Fields & Slaughter Co. TheoEBliven, Manager. Dakota City, Neb. Preston Foltz of this place, was married on Monday to Myrtle Moore, of Sioux City, by D C Stinson. The newly married oouplj have taken up their residence in the Mrs Eva Orr house east of the M E ohurch. The new "Handy Shur-on" Rimless Eye Glasses are Belt adjusting and sure to stay in place. We can fit yon, and want you pleased with the best. W C Eckhart, Licensed Optometrist. For houseoleaning time, see what 35 cents will buy at Van's a ten cent paokage of Dutch cleanser, a bar of hand soap, a bar of tar soap, a soour ingbar. Fifty cents worth, all for 35 cents, at Van de Zedde's. Captain Doolit tie's Dakota City ball tossers the "Weary Billies, went to Jackson Sunday for their first game of the season and got the short end of a 10 to 6 game. This is net so bait, considering the fact that the team has had scarcely any practice. The Henry Ley family, of Wayne, who were the first to erect a summer cottage at. Crystal lake, have dis pensed with the services of their spotted Arabian team that did service between the lake and town, and are now driving a handsome Buick touring car. Services at the Methodist Episcopal church every Sunday as follows Preaching, 11a m; Sunday bojooI, 10 ami Class meeting 12 m; ipworln League, 6:30 p m; i'reacbing, 7 :dU p tn. Treaeu in tiraoe cliurcn every Sunday at 2 :30 p m. Yon are cordially invited to any and all these services Try the new photo studio for your cabinet photos. Our aim is to make as fine A photo as can be Jmode for the money. We guarantee all our work for satisfaction and not to fade. Our pries are very low. liriug this ad vertisement and we will make you six teen cabinet photos for the price of a dozen. Cabinets $ 2,00 and up. De Luxe Studio, next to 5 and 10c store, Sioux City. Epworth League free sooial at the home of Mr and Mrs R E Evans Friday evening. Let every Epworthian yonrg and old come and bring S'nie friend with them ond every friend of the lengue do likewise. ' A good time is assured to all. so come and enjoy jonrst'lf and at. the same time muke it pleasant and enjoyable for others. To stop any pain, anywhere, in 20 mimites. simnlv take just one of Dr Shoop'tr Pink Pain Tablet'. Tain means cougestiou Blood pressuro that is all. Dr SLoop's Headache or Pink Pain Tablets will quickly coax blood pressure away from pain centers, After tlmt ig (fone Headache, nenrH, iA j)ainfui periods wi:h women t illBUu(i ul , 20 Tablets 25o. Sold by all dealers. The well knnwn Grand Islan 1 Busi ness aud Noimal college of Grand Island, Nebr, husjust announced that 250 more young men and 250 more young women will be admitted to tho College this year and that no payment whatever will bo required for school expenses until the pupils have time to graduate. They will then be placed in positions iu banks and business offices aud allowed to pay the college a small amount monthly until the bill is aettled. This certainly is a grand opportunity and those who are interetit ed should write for their circulars. This college has been established twenty years and is oue of the biggest and most substantial schools of its class iu the United States. If oue feels dull and spiritless, in the spiing or early summer, they call it spring feve . Uut mere is no lever iiMiaUv it is the after effect or our winter habits, I he nerves lire ni'islly at fault. Tired, worn-out neives leave us languid, lift-lens, and without spirit ... . .... A t 1T- or aiiilU'lou. A lew unm-n u am Shoop's Restorative will absolutely tuij quickly change all of tht He depiesdug svraptoins. The llottorative of conrsn won't bring you back to full healh in day or two, but it will do enough iu 48 hours to aatiafv vou that th remedy in reuching the "tired spot". Drug riata everywhere are adviMng its tine an a spleudid and promp general tonin It gives more vim and more spirit to theanoonful than any other known nerve or consitutional tonio. It sharp ens a failing appetite, aids digestion frees slnggixh livers and ki luys, aud biings new life, strength and ambition : Tent it a few days and be convinced Ilave Eimers mske your abstracts. Mrs A D Cole, of Cody, Nebr, visit ed old friends here this week. Mrs Harry Hill came down from Allen yesterday to visit over Sunday. A baby girl was born to A A Adams and wife at South Sioux City the 12th Inst. " Mrs Gertrude Best Homer Thursday and night. . Miss Dot Stahl. of visited at the Melt A rarue up remained Madison, Schmied from over SD, home this week. Don't fail to read onr exchange items, as they are all strictly news items and are not run as "lillin". Ole Ncswiok and Vera Craighead, both of Sioux City, were marriod by Judge Stinson oa Monday. Grctchen Bullock went to Blair, Nebr Tuesday evening to visit at the Rev J G Shiok home for a few days. Wanted An agent for that territo ry. We pay highest cash weekly, Fof terms write tho Hawks Nursery Co, Wauwatosa, Wis. Marriage licenses were issued on Saturday last to John McTsggurt and Bessie Thacker, and Wm lligglns and Eunice K Sayre, all of this county. The gang of telephone linemen which has been working in this vicini ty the past mouth rebuilding the lines, went to Wayne the first of the week. The board of commissioners were in session yesterday as a board of equal ization. The assessed valuation of Omndi precinct was lowered 12 per cent. Rev G E Von ifagen is to bo the speaker at a union temperance rally at South Sioux Uity, bunday evening, in his absence Jndgo Evnns will have chargo of the contest at the Methodist church here Sunday evening. Preparation are under way for the celebration of the fiftieth jubilee of the organization of the Methodist church in this town and the Methodist people are planning for a big time 011 this occasion. X uller announcements later. y Miss Edith Berryman resigned her position as stenographer in Judge Evans law ofhoe last week aud on Thursday evening left for llutka, Nebr, near which plaoo she has filed on a 640 acre claim, and will hereafter devote her attention to farm life. Albert House, of Spencer, Neb, ar rived here Wednesday and will spend a week with relatives the Hilemans, and fixing up his lot in the cemetery. He expects to purchase several oars of stock cattle at the Sioux City yards while here, for shipment to Spencer. A bum giviug the name of "John Doe" was arrested Thursday by Mar shal Jos Fuestoti on a charge of being drunk and disorderly. Ilo was fined $10 and cost by Justice of tho Peace J J Eimers, and stands committed until said flue and costs are paid. We will bt glad to see you call aud have some photos made. We are not particular what kind you have, as we make stamps, postal cards, cabiuets, and 40 other sizes. I believe you know we ore always tho lowest in prices. Call Sunday or any other duy. Kozv. Stupio, 304 Douglas St, Sioux City. After July 1st, all telephone calls will Tie answered by numbers only. For instance, iu calling for a certain party, either in tewn or on a rural line, ask for tho number given in tle book oppnt-ito the party's name wanted. The new May telephone books are now issued call and get one. ' Neb Clark Antomatiu Telephone Co, J McElvhkee, Manager. Weak women should try Dr Shoop's Night Cure. These soothing, healing, nntiseptio suppositories go direct to the scat of these weaknesses. My "Book No 4 fur Women contains' many valuable hints lo women, and it is free. Ask Dr Slump, Rneiue. Wis, to mnil it. Ask the doctor in strictest confidence, any ''questions you wish answered. Dr Shoop's Night Cure is sold by nil dealers. Piles aro easily and quickly checked with Dr Shoop's magic ointment. To prove it I will mail a small trial box as a conviuo;ng test. Simply address Dr Shoop, Racine, Wis. I surely would not send it free unless I was certaiu that Dr Shoop's magio oint ment would stand the test. Remem ber it is made expre.-sly and alone for swollen painful, bleeding or itching piles, either, external or intermit. Largo jar 60c. Sold by all dealers.,' An editor in a neighboring town (of course no one else would be thoughtful enough or take the time) got rid of his neighbor's chickens, which infesed his Harden, in the following manner! He h ad some small cards printed l'l his own office with this legend upon it: Keen vour d chickens at home. nd signed his name, lo ttiesq cards he tied a thread and to the thread he fastened a grain of corn. A dozen or two of these notices were distributed over the garden ond back yard and when the chickens made their dully visit the corn was immediately ewu lowed. The card board Wangling around in front of tlie chickens fright ored them and they ran hom'j where the owner noticed thur condition, enp tured them and read the notice. It 18 said that the editor now bus garden stuff almost large enough to ext. and the chickens bother no more- ' Au Indian bv the name of "Vat eis was taken into cuatody Thursday on a charge of stealing a horso from (eo W AHhford. of Homer Xhe fellow took the borne from iu front of the Ho curity Ktuts Bank at Homer Thur i'iiv and was hiking along towurd ikota ltv when he whs overhauled by Louis Ooodsell, who started in pur s dt us soon as the bores was iuihhoii When Goodsell overtook him the Iu dinn was riding unother horst. aud lending the Asnford horso, but turned it loose when ordered to stop. Good sell proceeded to take tho Indian am horse to Dakota City," when tl red mun put up a fight, but was q';iclf lj subdued and accompanied (Joot'.sell to this place, where he was lodged, iu jail. He will probably bo given hearing today litore Justice of the Peace J J Eimers at South Sioux Ci'y Judge D O Stinson being Jniok and uu Post cards at Van's. Mrs Lucy Oumit left Thursday for Ft Dodge, Iowa, to spend the sum mer. nal Blaoketer and family have rent ed the Sam Stinson honso and have moved in from the country. The W II & F M society of the Da kota City Lutheran ohurch will meet in the church next Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clook. All are welcome, Jas Brown expects to go to Omaha tomorrow (Saturday) to attend the funeral of T T Kinkaid, an old time friend of his, who died Wednesday night. The funeral services will be held Sunday. Wilson MoBoath and wife, of Whit uig, 10 wa, came over Thursday to visit at the Mrs Mary It McBeath home here. Mr McBeath returned home the same day whilo his wife ro mained until tho following day. A letter from Addie Sides, who with his family is now located at Dayton, Wyo, leaves them all in good health and spirits and thoroughly enjoying their western trip. They will spend a month or more at the National Park. Tbe ladies of the M E church will give a 10a luncheon, from 0 to u o'clock, on Wednesday evening, July 1st, at the home of Mrs W L Ross. Icn cream and cake will be served ex tra for lOo. Everybody cordially in vited to come. A bunch of drunk Indians that were making themselves obnoxious at the Burlington depot Wednesday forenoon were crralled by Marshal Jas Fueston and placed in the county "conserva tory," and on Thursday were taken be fore J J Eimers, justice of the peace, who handed them a fine of $10, which with costs amounted to $4.50 more. There were four of them, and they are still holding the fort at the court house. A number of ladies from town and the Salem neighborhood weut to Wake field Wednesday to. help Mrs Har riett Walden celebrate her birthday. Among the number were Mesdamea Mell A Sohroied, Belle Barnett, Alice Sides, Fred Beerman, Harriett Boden bender,Emmett Gribble, Geo Miller, Wm Baughman, J H Gribble, S A Stinson, O II Maxwell, G L Niebuhr. The Sioux City Journal on Tuesday published a fake picture purporting to be that of Mrs Mary McNamara, of this place, who on Monday was granted a divorce from W C MoNamara, who has been in the lime light for the past few years in Sioux City, and who was at one time worth considerable money but has squandered it all in one way or another until now he says that he is not worth a penny. County Clerk W L Ross, Treasurer V J Manning and Sheriff J P Roffk well, who were named in the will of the lato Wm Nixon to appraise and divide the real estato among the heirs, were down to Omadi precinct Tuesday and viewed the land, about $)00 acres, and fixed the values, amounting to about $50,000. They will make their report to County Judge D C Stinson as soon as he recovers from lus illness sufficiently to attend to his 1 office du ties. Chas Bliven, Wm Bierman, Ed Bodenbender aud Geo Miller, who oc oompauied a party of landseekers to the Texas Pauhs-ndle last week, re turned on Wednesday, much pleased with the trip. Chas Bliveu was the only ono of the party to invest in Texas real estate. He purchased a quarter seotion. Mr Bierman says that if be can dispose of his property hero he will invest in Texas land and raise cotton and cigars. I A Wood stop ped off on the return trip at Kansas City to visit friends. Commissioners' Proceedings. Dakota City, Nebr, June 15, 08. Iloa'd of county commissioners in regular session. Present, Morgan, chairman ; John Bier'i nit Ed and Fred Bluiye. The following elaims were allowed: J CiKNKKAI. HJN1I Win Itiel iiiuiiii, Kiiliiiy I Wl J 1' ItM'kwell, anility CI NVr:wlta Clark Automatic Telephone (). nhiiim rent : eliilni 110.50. allowed 8 no fj-nllli Premier Type writer do, type- writer for Judge's ollleo So l 'Hammond A Hluve.ua Co, supplieH.... 20 S5 K Jk Jl Lumber Co, indse W 15 erktna Itro Co, aupiilles imu & Bartlett Co supplies HI 15 ophla Illi rntaiin, ltoiirtllnn prisoners U .U utrlek Joiiea. over chaw on tuxes.. 1 TO HOAIl DISTKICT Kl'NP. Wheeler W Couuhtry, road work on road dlHtrlet No 2 10 00 rehie H Coutilitry, same 100 MtulloiiH Leniner, muno 7 60 ArmbrlKltt, Hiimo 8 00 B M HoalM, Mime 13 e (JeorKO ltatea, Hinnn 8 00 red Oulburtann, SHiue. 12 75 M ( 1 t n mi' r. Hiiine M J Koruahoe, ainno, district Noll).... 10 ii5 6 U iuy Hides, KHine i n oo liana lioiinlekHon, aunie, tllst No2... ; A B I.br Co, lumber und liardwure. allowed on district No H 17 I lluy Itoch, road work, allowed on dis trict No6.; Frank K Combs, same, claim ... 80 25 Allowed ou county road fund: ) (i lilermann, roud work HI 55 Henry Hlcrinunn, siiniu 0 AO Bond of John D Thacker. road over- aner disttfet No. 5. approved by the board. Board adjourned to meet July 18, 1908. W L Boss, Clerk. First l'ubllcatlon June B iw. l'UOUATK NOTICE TO CUKDITOUS. In the county court of Imkoto county Vi.liriiHklft. In the mailer oi uio esiniu ui nomcim f i l'l 'omuir. (let'caseil. Notice Is liereoy Hi veil, i mil me i-i.'on.ni s ..f 1 1,.. nl,l ili'i'ellheil will llleel I lie tut till Ills I nitnrof Hit M eMail!. IS'Iute nie, eon n ly jiiiikv of linkotii l otinly. Ni-hi'iisUii, at tlie county court room In stild county, on I lie loth lny .f 1 1.' totter, l'.nw. on the lit h tiny or Novctiilx m. i.iui on t in l"lh iliiv of 1 'tiiimr. I '.. in III o'clock I1.4M. each tiny for Hie purpo-e of i.s,.iit hnf their cliiliits for exiiiiiliiiitiiiii adjust incut mid allowance. Six months ire iillowell for cicilltois to present tin t c In I ins Hinl one year for the in I ml nlst tutor to ill,' nii hi estate, from the Isi cinrv 01 .Inne. IK. Thin notice will lie putiimicu In I he linkotii t'ouuty lleriuci lor lour wcck sitrces-.lvely prior lo the lutli day 01 Octoler I'MIM. Wit nes my hand, and seal of mild court this 1st duy of June, A. I. h. I. C. Ktinmon. Iskai I County JudaTi1 ))R. C. H. MAXWELL, Physician and Surgeon. Calls promptly attended j Fly Time l is Here I I I I We eilso Have sv f xilljg &ipplyq Screen Doors adjSlti Windows, Fly Nets Yours for I Rdwnriis & Rpadfnpd I,nmkrrflfi : , UUIIIUUU VU DlllUWl U JUU1MUUI VVs Geo. Kohlmeipr, Mgr. Patronize Home Industries buy your meats of Wm LOR.ENZ, Proprietor of f City Mcsivt M;Bur.ket Freah and Salt Meats always on hand . Cash paid for hides. Agent foi Seymour's Laundry basket goes Tuesdays DAKOTA CITY- PAUL PIZEY, Dakota Citvi Nii. Bonded : Abstracter Lawyers a J VST REMENB E R. $ Crops grow only in summertime, and require sunlight, heat and water. A bank account, such as YOU -should have, grows ALL the time nights, days, Sundays, winter and summer. Start the dollar you now spend foolishly, .at work in this good bank, and watch it grow and attract other dollars to it. Get one of our small savings banks, deposit everything below a quarter you get, in it, and a dollar a week besides. You'll be surprised at the result. It just simply PILEL UP. lndspsndsnos Comas WltK as. Bemk. Acoount "The Bank that ALWAYS treats you RIGHT" "As safe as a Government Bond." Safety Deposit Boxes, oniy $1.50 per year. "S3 Paris Wo will make quotations on Pari (ireM to compete with Sioux City Prices in any quantityvdegirel 3? ss LESLIE'S DRUG Headquarters for ice: cream soda Daftota City Write for our Illustrated Catalogue describing our seventy , ' different styles of Harness. A tfood Work Harness for $20.00 AND MANY OTHERS AT RIGHT PRICES ; Starves Bros 1 of all dcscrlptlo ns Business i I Dakota City, Neb. White Laundry. and comes back Saturdays NEBRASKA ALFRED PIZEY, 608 Metropolitan Blk. Sioux City. Iowa Jaekaan Nabraakav am Green Nebraska STORE avrl trt X x City, I'owaa, t 411 P 81os "ALL DEALERS" Harry Adair and F A Wood . i For isle by all dealers. able to hear the case tieie. DAKOTA CUT, j - NEBBaSKA , 4--M- 4 m