Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, June 19, 1908, Image 7

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T " 1 M'tl'w,af'jaig I
1 ,i&J?ihK!rl
The bock is the mainspring of
woman's organism. It quickly calls
attention to trouble by aching. It
tells, with other symptoms, such as '
nervousness, headache, pains in the
loins, weight in the lower part of
the body, that a woman's feminine
organism needs immediate attention.
In suoh cases the one sure remedy
which speedily removes the cause,
and restores the feminine organism
to a heathy, normal condition is
vegetable: compound
Mrs. Will Young, of 6 Columbia
Ave., Rockland, Me., says :
I was troubled for along time with
dreadful backaches and a pain in my
side, and was miserable in every way.
il doctored until I was discouraged and
thought I would never get well. I read
what Lydia E. I'lnkham's Vegetable
Compound had done for others and
decided to try it ; after taking three
bottles I can truly say that I never fuat
bo well in my life."
' Mrs. Augustus Lyon, of East Earl,
Pa., writes to Mrs. llnkham
"I had very severe backaches, and
jpressinglown pains. i could not sleep,
and bad no appetite. Lydia E. Pink,
'ham's Vogetable Compound cured me
and made me feel like a new woman."
i For thfrty years Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound, made
from roots and herbs, has been the
L .1 .l . I. . k. m.tn ilia
and has ositivel' cured thousands of
women who have been troubled with
displacements, inflammation, ulcera
tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities,
periodic pains, backache, that bearing-down
feeling, flatulency, indiges
tion,dizzihess.or nervous prostration.
Weatera Wo ma a la PS err York Ioae
S.OOO From tier Baatle.
The Inst article ef woman's wearing
apparel which bas done duty as a
bank hns failed. In tne course of
years feminine InjrennltT hns devised
many ways of carrying money with
more of less snfety, but It remained
for a western woman to use a bustlo
for a bank, as the following adver
tisement In a New tork paper re
Tea led :
LOST $3,000 by a self-supporting
woninn; a liberal reward will be paid.
TROTH. 14S V. 40th st.
The $3,000 of the advertisement wai
sowed securely by Mrs. Troth, ol
Denver. Into a little pad stuffed with
curled hnlr. which, with the modern
woman In her close fitting tailor suit
is the only thing in the way of a
bnstle worn. How or when the
money dlKiicared no one knows. It
was the savings of years. When the
owner discovered thnt there was a
little rip lu the top of the pud she In
vestigated and found the money was
gone. That Is all she knows about it
Mrs. Troth, who is a young woman,
went to New York three, months age
to perfect herself In tailoring that she
might return to Denver aial be fully
fitted to open a millinery and dress
making establishment The money
which she was afraid to trust to a
bank, was her capital with which she
Intended to go Into business.
The Neceaaary Shook.
A-college professor 'had been .serious
ly ill of n fever for several weeks,
!wt the fever had left him at last, and
he lay In a stupor, utterly exhausted.
'This Is the really critical period,
the attending physician said to the
watchers, In an undertone. "If he has
suiliclent vitality to carry him through
this and I am strongly disposed to
hope he has lie will recover. At pres
ent there Is nothing we enn db but be
patient and give nature a chance,
watching In the meantime for an op
jKtrtunlty to awaken his Interest In
what is going on about him."
One of the attendants, who happen
ed to be standing near the window look
ing at the rosy sunset, remarked to
the doctor:
"See what a lurid sky" there is."
The sick man opened his eyes and
turned his head In the direction ludl
en tod.
"Lurid!" he exclaimed, In a tone of
disgust. "If you will consult your dic
tionary, madam, you will find tha
lurid moans gloomy, ghastly, dismal."
"He will recover!" announced tb
doctor, triunmhnntlv.
Keeps the breath, teeth, mouth and body
antlseptically clean aad free from un
1 healthy germ-life and disagreeable odors,
which water, soap and tooth preparations
alone cannct do. A
i germicidal, disin
! footing nod deodor
izing toilel requisite
of exceptional ex
cellence and econ
' omy. Invaluable
for inflamed eyes,
, throat and nasal and
uterine catarrh. At
drug and toilet
I stores, SO cents, or
by mail postpaid.
Large Trial Sample
People Tell Each Other Abont Good
Twelve years ago few people In th
world knew of such a preparation as
Powder for the Feet. To-day after th
genuine merit of Allen's Foot-Ease hat
been told year after year by one gratified
person to another, there are millions win
would as soon go without a dentifrice at
without Allen's Foot-Base. It is a clean
If, wholesome, healing, antiseptic powdei
to be shaken into the shoes, which hat
given rest and comfort to tired and aching
feet in all parts of the world. It curet
while vou walk. Over 3U.OUU testimon
iuls of cures of smarting, swollen, per
spiring feet. It prevents friction and
wear of the stockings and will save in
your stocking bill ten times Its cost eacn
year. Imitations pay the dealer a largei
profit, otherwise, you would never be ol
tared a substitute when you ask tor Al
Ion's Foot-Base, the original powder foi
the feet. Imitations are not advertised
because they are not - permanent. Fot
every genuine article there are many Imi
tatioBH. The imitator has no reputation
to sustain the advertiser has. It stand
to reason that the advertised article il
the best, otherwise the public would not
buy it and the advertising could not be
continued. When you ask for an articl
advertised in this paper, see that yoigel
it. uetuse imitations.
What Settler Can Secure In
I 160 Aera Craia-Growina Land FREE,
SO to 40 Ba.heU Whaat to tha Acre.
40 to W0 BushaU Oat to th Acr.
' 3$ to 50 Bubals UrWy to th Acr.
Timber far Fencing and Cuildiae FREE,
y0 VV with Low Taxation.
SpUndid Railroad Facilities and Low Rate.
I School and Church ConvnnianU
- 5,U.'4?T Markets for all Production,
, 9? Clin nd Perfect Health.
CkaacMfor Profitable Investments.
' Soma of thelchoiceat Kraln-produclng lands la
Saskatchewan and Alberta may now be acquired
In these most healthful and prosperoui sections
.' under tha
Revised Homestead Regulations
by which entry may be made by proxy (on certain
conditions), by the father, mother, son, daughter,
brother oralster o( Intending homi-meader.
Batry fee In each case Is f 10.00. For pamphlet.
Last Beat West." particulars as to rates, routes,
boat time to so and where to locate, bdd'v to
,W. D. Scott, Superintendent of Immigration,
Ottawa, Canada, or E. T. Ho'mes, Jackson
Bt.,St. Paul, Minn, and J. M MacLachln, Ho,
Ii6, Watertown. bo. Dakota Authorized tovcru
asent Agents
I J leu sal what ira saw this admtlMment.
IAa to (Iklaboma,
"Speaking of tornadoes," observed the
boarder with the hish forehead, "if t lie
'one that visited Oklahoma the other day
'bad happened along a few months sootier
j there would have been a provision in the
fitate constitution abolishing tornadoes.
That's about the only thing they over-
t'nrle Sam V unt Klylnic Machine
Tho United States government is ad
vertising for bids for hPavUir-than-ai
flying machines. Acceptable machines
must be able to carry two persons of
a combined weight of 3TiO pounds be
sides fuel sutlicient for a continuous
flight of 125 miles. The must also be
able to make at least 40 miles an hour.
They must be able to start from any
oieu field nud land lu like surround
lugs without damage.
Thri-e Va.
Confidential Friend One of your eon
rtituents. the editor of the Plunk ville na-
:to. pi'inted a statement last week that
?-ou give away in charity every year ten
times the amount of your senatorial sal
ir. Anything In it?
Senator I.otsmun O, yes ; I reckon
1 11 have to give him a postoffice.
juaiv hip. "a m lllllllirmm
AT AlfaTaV HA alTa. ffl HI PI M ITf
From Chicago
SUP.1MER 1908
Double Track
TORONTO, ONT., and Return (alter July 1st, $13.60) - - - -$13X0
MONTREAL, QUE., and Return 20.03
QUEBEC, .QUE., and Return 24.C0
ROYAL MUSKOKA, ONT., and Return Hlghhnd. ol Ontario) - 17.95
NORWAY POINT, ONT., and Reiuro (New Hotel "Wain." Lake ol Bays) 17.95
NIAGARA FALLS and Return (during June only) 16.00
BOSTON, MASS., and Return 25J5
PORTLAND, ME., and Return 27.35
OLD ORCHARD, ME., and Return 27.75
Alas to abont one hundr d other favorably situated places in Canada and New Knslwid.
Tickatofrn sal daily June 1st to September 30th. 1'Os. Good thirty days from date of eale.
St. Lareaoa Hirer trip can be included at somewhat hl.her (area. Longer limit ticket at
bit hariaraa are alao on aale. Liberal stoo-orer arTaoaementa,
Full particular can be obtained by writing
GEO. W. VAtX, Atslstant General Passenger and Ticket Aent
13 S Adams Street. Chloafo
f " "allaxripaffltf
or rf tf MflT(0
-or. tu r?ft
The) Croiva.
Faithful friends of the white nun,
fomradufl of the pioneer and the soldier
In battle with the Slou and tb Chey
enne, the Crow, or Absnrake, nre now
passing from the face of the earth al
most forgotten. The tribe Inhabits a
splendid reservation in southern Mon
tana, and the whites are striving to
open it for settlement, which causes
protest from the Crows a protest
which will go unheeded. Gratitude for
past favors done should protect the
Absaroke to-day, but when did the
white man show gratitude to the Indian
who owned good lands?
The Crow, according to some eth
nologists, are of the Shoshoul race,
while others classify them as a branch
of the Dakota. They are probably a
mixture of the two races, crystallized
into a compact tribe by the exigencies
of war and the pressure of powerful
enemies. It Is doubtful If they ever
numbered more than 4.500 souls that
was an estimate placed on them by
Catlln seventy years ago and they now
total about 1,700. The decrease among
them has been greater In time of peace
than when Uiey were nt war. In 1SS4
they numbered 3,220; this number fell
to 2,4."0 In 1SS8, and hns now shrunk to
about 1,720. Consumption Is mnlnly re
sponsible for the ImmeJise death rate of
the tribe.
The Crows are of great stature, and
proud, yet courteous bearing. As war
riors, they ranked high among the
tribes, and, for their small number, did
splendid fighting against the Slous,
Cheyenne and Blackfoot. Their Mon
tana hunting rangeVns one of the rich
est 1p the country, and tho Absnrake
managed to hold it despite tho ceaseless
attnoks of far more numerous -faea.
Fnm the first arrival of the wh'te
man, the Crow nation was the new
comer's friend. The Crow warriors
fought In countless battles with the
prairie terrors, and It was a Crow who
alone escaped from the slaughter of the
Custer massacre.
Of late years the Absarake have tak
en great Interest In farming, stock rais
ing and irrigation. They are fast ac
quiring civilization, but are dying so
rapidly that only a few of them will be
left In another generation.
length of those on French flyers. Thla
consists In different models of dm or
two rertjcnl cloth-covered frame.
"At the rear, balancing the machine
and as near the center as possible, are
two propeller. Ilelow tho frame work
and toward tlfb rear Is a skid, similar
to the runners of sleds. This is used
for landing and differs In this par
ticular from the French machines.
which are equipped with wheels. For
a portion of twelve feet at each end
the tipper and lower frame work Is
provided with a aurface of strong cot
ton cloth.
'In the center of the machine at the
bottom Is a small double-wheel truck,
which, running on a monorail. Is used
while the machine Is acquiring speed
enough to leave the ground. The
monorail Is easily movable In any direction.
"The Wright machine weighs about
800 pounds, and In addition to Its own
weight, Including a four-cylinder mo
tor of between twenty-five and thirty
horsepower, devised and mado try the
Wright brothers, the machine can carry
two men and fuel enough to drive the
machine 800 miles. It can carry
enough fuel with one man aboard to
travel 500 miles."
Wright Drothera Alrahtp la D
acribed by Builder.
What purports to be a complete de
scription of the Wright brothers' suc
cessful aeroplane has been given out
The description was taken from draw
ings and descriptions filed with the
French patent office when application
was made for patents which the
French government Issued last Janu
To the partial description of the in
vention given by tho Wrights them
selves, but one new fact is ndvnnced,
the plan by which the aviator is en
abled to maintain the euqlllbrlum of
the aeroplane despite sudden and varl
abled to maintain the equilibrium of
by menns of building the main planes
In three sections, tho center one of
which Is rigid while the other winga
are so pivoted that a turn of a wheel
at the operator's hand causes one
wing to lift slightly while the other Is
correspondingly depressed, thereby In
creasing the angle of resistance in one
wing and decreasing it In the other
the effect of which Is to return the ma
chine to an even keel. '
Prevention of a rotary movement be
ing given to the machine by tho action
of the air currents on the wings Is
effected by a "finh-taH" rudder that Is
set at the rear of the machine and is
connected by cables with a similar
rudder on the front of the machine.
' ' -N
.MhUllc picture shows the first
Wright "glider," built In lt0O. Top
picture, the second glider, 1001. Lower
picture, the third glider, 1002-3, tho
first one to contain an engine.
A horizontal rudder U also fixed to the
front of the machine.
Orville Wright's description of the
machine Is quoted as follows :
"Approximately It consists of a box
like frame 40 .feet wide, 7 feet long and
IVi f't deep, made of spruce and ash.
At tho center and top front Is a front
rudder, a feature which the Wrights
introduced and which has proved su
perior to the old method of a rea
"In the center, to the rear. Is the tall
of the machine, approximately twelve
.'ect ft length, iesi than one-third tha
Women Wear Overall.
n 7hj
A woauin can wear overalls any old
time In the State of Arkansas and not
vlolato any of the laws, providing that
she does not attempt to disguise her
self as a man.
This, according to a Littlo Kock dis
patch, Is the gist of a decision handed
down by Attorney General Klrby, at
the behest of woman Inquirers. Klrby,
It Is said, admitted In his opinion that
the wearing of overalls by women
might be desirable at times, but hoped
that It may not become a general pre
vailing style.
But there Is a lot bf uneasiness all
over Arkyinsas, from the hotel rotundas
of tho cities to the front porches of
cross-road stores. For It Is feared
that, In view of the decision, "wom
en's rights'" leagues may bo started
and the members urged to weiir over
alls If they care to.
Food Abundance) In Virginia In the
Seventeenth Century.
Few countries of the world have
possessed so abundant and varied a
supply of food as Virginia during the
seventeenth century.' This party ex
plains, writes r. A. Bruce In "Social
Century," the hospitable disposition of
the people even In those early times.
The herds of cattle, which ran almost
wild, afforded an lnexhaustflile supply
of milk, butter, chocse, veiiiV and beef.
Deer were shot In such numbers that
people" cared little for venison. So
abtaidant were chickens that they were
not Included in the Inventories of per
sonal estates. No planter was bo bad-
Jy off that he could not have a fowl
on his table at dinner.
' Vast flocks of wild ducks and geese
frequented the - rivers and bays and
were looked on as the loast expensive
portion of the food which the Virgin
ians had to procure. Fish of the most
delicate and nourishing varieties were
caught with hook or net. Oysters and
shellfish could be scraped up by fiie
bushel from the bottom of the nearest
Inlet or tidal stream.
Apples, peaches, plums and figs grew
In abundance. Not only were grapes
cultivated, but excellent varieties grew
wild , through the forest Such an
abundance of wild strawberries could
be gathered that no attempt was made
to raise the domestic berry.
The watermelon flourished, and In
hominy, the roasting ear and corn poio
the Virginians possessed articles of
food of great excellence, which were
entirely unknown to the people of the
old world. There was produced on
every plantation an extraordinary
quantity of walnuts, chestnuts, hazel
nuts and hickory nuts. Honey was
obtainable In abundance, both from
domestic hives and from hollow trees
In the forest.
Peculiar to Terra Haute.
There Is Just one city In this coun
try where new guests lu the two lead
ing hotels drink water Just for the
fun of It. That is Terro Haute, Ind.,
says the New York Sun.
It is tho Joy of the life of the In
Itlated to Invite an unsuspecting visitor
to the hotel to eat. There is always an
expectant look on the fuee of tho host
iih the guest settles himself, and the
host who does not get his looked-for
laugh Is rare.
As the guest settles himself sudden
ly there descends by his ear down to
ward the table like a shot a stream of
water. Mont people Jump, according to
their Jumping abilities.
The stream always safely hits the
drluklng glass, and us the guest rallies
and looks up for tho source of the
stream there is a grinning colored gen
tleinun holding high something like a
Hiiiull tea kettle with a pretty long
spout. The higher the guest Jumps tho
more gratified this person looks.
Almost everybody will drink two
glasses of water and signal for a third
Just to be sure tho knight of tho tea
kettle can hit that glass. Where th
custom originated nobody seems to
know, but Terre Haute always refers
to It with something like pride.
For the colored gentleman who Is
th smartest one of the bunch at the
trick threo fiet Is nothing to tire a
stream from tho "water can," as it Is
styled. He will Juggle it first close,
then further away, uud gradually fur
ther und then down again without
spilling a drop. Ioctors don't have to
advise water drinking to ieoplo In
those hotels.
A wall flower by any other nam
would wither J up! the tame.
In Aw uunirr,
As the pUllaittliroplc tourlut porsued
his cmu'ie he saw tu.uiv tilings which
he felt ivvdiHl ayiuivitlu-tic attention.
One dny he ntippud to s-ize at a lar
tuxidcd man, who was tumius a wind
lass which elunwlly hoiked a bu ket
fUUd with sand.
"My friend," s.ild tho philanthropist,
Nhj man jvuis.M to mop his fore
head, "why do you not cover your
head? Tills hot sun Is likely to affect
the brain."
"Brain Is utr sold the man. staring
at Ulm. "D'ye think If I bad any brain
I'd be here h'IMr. thla bucket V
Southern Woman SnOTer Tartar
Without Complaint.
Backed and torn with terrific pain.
nightly annoyed by kidney Irregulari
ties, Mrs. A. 8.
Payne, of H01 Third
Ave. Bo., Coluuibns,
Mins., suffered for
years. She says: "Tlie
pal us in my buck,
sides and kins were
so terrible that I
often smothered a
Boreatu. Every rone
meant agony. My rest
was broken by a trouMcsome weakness
said the secretluus soejud to burn like
acid. I wns in an awful condition and
doctors did uot seem to help. Doan's
KUiney 1UU lcne&tcd me from the first
and soon made me a strong and healthy
For sale by all dealers. 50 cents a
box. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo,
N. Y.
MIM ruuUnuient.
Strangpr In your town thry close th
front doors of the nalcxum on Sunday, and
open the ido doors, do Uuy ? Ian't that
whipping the devil aro'.uwl the afump?
Native Yes. and the whipping doesa t
hurt him a bit. firbcr.
l"i-i 'rrt
i1. i to
On, jv
.r '
" 1
Afc jetaWe reparation CrAs
stmllatlrrg ihc FborfKf Rctfuta
ling (lb? Siomacas aodDowch af
lromotcs DiSesHonfltfttfiirl
ncss and Kcstrontains rcisv
Opium jMarphmc norMiacraL
1UI ilAltl U 1 117.
Walt JEW-
aHaanajalt anmann
Annfecl Remedv fOTCoiRfll
Hon , Sour Storaach.Dlarrrm
Worms jConvulsrons jevms
Facsimile Sijnamrt of
t'lflttfti lWr
. Iron at Wlnda acid SauUI film aaa
p,u,a viNin ntn f Inn tf (K. I Am i. -T I
TIT'S EYE BALVE aoothra and quickly
reiwvas, z.ic. All druggUta or Howard
uroa, nuiiaio, a. i.
. ft t u ,4-.. .IP,
"Wlint is the uutlivr. lif.le boy 7" aM
tie pi'ofifir. "Have yoi the mMsW7"
"Xop" anawcml tJc hoy, "I've got
tb m. They' only c:u of 'cm."
"Tliof !-'.' - "' " ! tlx." profvssor.
FJfifJ Guaranteed under ti r oodn
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
For Infants and Children
The Kind You llavo
Always Bought
the 7. v
h jjK Uso
j' For Over
Thirty Years
Twa saarMi ar. naw rax err.
Mrs. Wlikalow'a HoothUut Byrun for Child-
rou teething, softenn tbo Kuuia, ro dunes In
flaraiuatlKii, allays pain, cures wlud colic.
25c a bottle.
Calenlnled for Illmaelf.
As bvfitted a man of Bdenoe, Lord
Ralvln was courageous In the extreme,
and tliere was a little known story of
him worthy of bolmj placed by tho side
of the famous aruvdotes of Nasmyth,
the inventor of the steam hammer,
who placed his haul undur the mighty
weight to show that It could be made
to come down gently and rensaln Jnst
above his palm.
This story gains point by the fact
that Nasmyth first pbicfd his watch
underneath, and by a little miscalcula
tion it was smashed to plewea.'
Lord Kelvin once told his class that
while an electric shock of 3,000 volts
or so would kill a nun, a voltage of
300,000 would be harmlwss. lie coolly
proceeded - to Illustrate the fact on
himself, but tho studuuts crhtd In hor
hor: "Don't; try It on a dog." Tho
great scientist looked reproachfully at
the class and quietly remarked,
"Didn't I fiffure It out myself?" and
then turned the tremendous current
Into hlmsvlf. Kai Kiis City Star.
c- FOR
know how good it is. Send us 5C for a trial trip, and we will mail
you three Issues of this great magazine, containing three . first-class
complete novels, sixteen strong stories, fifty pages of new humor, and
fifteen remarkable articles. Send to-day. Our current issue is fine.
"You don't want me to coma to tee yon
any more?" exclaimed the young man,
startled and Indignant.
"No, Mr. Feathertop; not any more."
"Yet you let me kiss you a month ago,
when you had known me only a few
"You foolish fellow," said the pretty
girl. "That kiss was only a a retainer."
Chicago Tribune.
Save The Package Tops
and Soap Wrappers from
Products and Exchange them Free
for Valuable Premiums
40 pag llkistralsd Fr catslerue of 1.000 artJd.
lacal aaaal Waalei. Vrlft 1st Maaey Maktaa Mae
WIDOWS'""!" N (W LAW "
Merry Widow Waltxea. the gro.tfeat arai
steal erase of the age. by mall, prepalC fr
the great cut price nt nly A ceats, Polf
llshar'a price la W rente. Will ra k
soon. Laat chance at 6 crjitu and cataiegtiaaj
u. UI1A, kouiu uiuoim, Mao.
LM um
IU MS mOrnl
K. C. N. V. - - No. 26
A powder to be shaken into the shoes. Tour foet feel swollen,
nervous, hot and get tired easily. II you have aching, smarting
foet, try Allen's Foot-Ease. It rests the feet and makes new or
tight shoes easy ; always uso it to Break in New Shoes. It cures .
swollen, hot, sweating feet, blisters, ingrowing nails and callous
spots. Relieves corns and bunions of all pain and gives Rest
and Comfort. It cures while you walk. We have over thirty
thousand testimonials. Try it to-day. Sold by all Druggists
ftverywhero 25 cents Don t accept any substitute for Allen's
Foot-Ease. Trial package FREE Address, Allen S. Onnsted,
Lo Roy, N. T. European Branch Office, Peterborough, England.
$J ATEJMTMbC' Success brings imitations. Scores of
ww UjTLI m.i M worthless imitations are somotimes
offered fur salo. Insist upon having Allen's Foot-Ease. The
Original powder for the feet. Twelve years before the public.
Annual Bales over two million packages. Do sot accept
epurioup substitutes claimed to be "just as good." Imitations
pay tho deale- a larger profit otherwise you would never be
oflered 9 substitute for Allen's Foot-Ease. Ask for Allen's
Foot-EaHe, and insist upon having it
Remember, Allen 'sFoot-Ease is sold only in 25 cent packages
bearing yellow label with our trade mark and facsimile signature
.:,". rPln.Chr:' VVU.Sev-A
lis Allan a Foot-Eae."
Sold by all Dnigtats everywhere for 2.1 cents. For FREE Trial package, alao Free Sample of the
FOOT-EASE SANITAHY COHN-l'AI). a new invention, address Allen S. Olmated, Le Roy, N. I.
A Friend
in Need
'& kivtft
1 0icXsbS' Vrff.l4.MHM.rJtCUiU0
Cure Constipation
(MICK it) CtNIi fjmnttt
VJ, ' S ..-rj
Six Shots
for lOo
THAT thin, little, 10-cent
'Boa of Cascarets.
When carried constantly in your
Vest Pocket, or in "my Lady's" Purse it will
ward oil ninety per cent of Life's ordinary Ills.
Eat one ofhc six candy tablets contained
in that "Vcst'Pocket Box" whenever you
yuspTt you need one.
It can't hurt you, and is cure Insurance
acainst serious sickness.
When you have Heartburn, Colic, Coated
Tongue, Suspected Breath, Acid-risins-in-throat,
Gas-belching, or an incipient Cold,
take a Cascnret.
Kemerobcx, all these are not merely Dis
comforts, but indications of a serious Caue.
Nip them in tha bud eat a Candy Cas
caret. Casctu-ets don't purge, nor punish the
Stomach lilb uBile-drivinj" Cathartics.
They act "liLo Exercise oa tho Bowel-
Muscles that propel Food,
and that squeeze the
natural Digestive Juices
of the body into Food.
Cascarets ward off, or
cure, the following diseases.
1 ?v
Torpid Liver
Catarrh Hives
Colic Jaundice
Bad Breath Nausea
Diabetes Vertigo
Headache Scrofula
Diarrhoea Womanly
Flatulence Troubles
The Vest Pocket box carried constantly
with you, like your Watch, or Lead Pencils
will insure you against sickness.
But, don't forget that "a Cascaret in tima
is worth nine."
At all Druggists. 10 Cents a box. m