Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, June 05, 1908, Image 7

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You won't tell your family doctor
the whoie story about your private
illness you are too modest You
Deed not be afraid to tell Mrs. rink
bam, at Lynn, Mass., the things you
could not explain to the doctor. Your
letter Mall Ve held in the strictest con
fidence. From her vast correspond
ence wiih 6ick women during the
past thirty years she may have
gained the very knowledge that Mill
help your case. Such letters as the fol
lowing, from grateful women,- es
tablish beyond a doubt the power of
lydia e-pinkham's
vegetable: compound
to conquer all female . diseases.
Mrs. Isorman It. Barndt, of Allen
town, Pa., writes :
" Ever since I was sixteen years o!
age I had. suffered from an organic de
rangement and female weakness; in
consequence I had dreadful headaches
and was extremely nervous. My physi
cian said I must go through an opera
tion to get well. A friend tola me
about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound, and I took it and wrote you
for advioe, following your directions
carefully, and thanks to you I am to
day a well woman, and I am telling
all my friends of my experience."
For thirty years Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound, made
from roots and herbs, has been the
standard remedy for female ills,
and has positively cured thousands of
women M ho have been troubled with
displacements, inflammation, ulcera
tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities,
periodic pains, backache, that bear-mg-doMTi
feeling, flatulency, indiges
tion,dizzinessir".'rvnTis prostration.
Gloomy Outlook.
Lons Winded Orator (lowering his
voice to an impressive whisper) llave
you ever, O, my friends, allowed your
selves to wonder where you will be and
what you will be doing when another cen
tury shall have rolled around?
Weariod Auditor (in an equally im
pressive whisper) Tcs we'll still be
here, waiting for you to finish your
speech !"
Nothing; In That.
Sentimental Boarder How true it is
that "blessings brighten as they take
their flight !"
Disputatious Ruarder What of it? So
does a skyrocket.
For Preserving:, Purifying
and Beautifying the Skin,
Scalp, Hair, and Hands,
for Sunburn, Heat Rash,
Chafings, and for all the
purposes of the Toilet..
111. II. T"u 4 (V. Sydney: lodla, B K Paul lU
tutu, (tin, Moui Knm firm CxTj Julia Lru
If ; kul(, Ferrma IApUM.1. Murow: T' B a5
r Jf u Co.!. n,r.b,.l. pr.,p, "inLuS.
ear Futirtrm, Cuucura Booklet oo tbe alio.
Ft n e Corn Take.
For a delicate corn enke try one
tmkod In a short-handled frylngpnn and
Dilxcd in a rnther unusunl manner. Tut
jne mid two-thirds cups of corn nicnl,
jne-thlrd cup of flour, onc-qunrtcr cup
jf siignr, one level tonspoon each of salt
nnd soda into a sifter and sift, then
turn bnck nnd sift a second time. Beat
two cjrjrs In a bowl, add or.e clip of sour
milk nnd one cup of sweet milk, heat.
ndd tLo dry nuitcrlals nnd bent nsnln.
Have two rouiulinx tnlilcspoons of but
ter melted in & frying pan. turn In the
hatter nnd ponr one cup of sweet milk
over the top, but do nor stir it in. Set
In the oven to bake hnlf nu hour. The
cake will have n custnrd-like streak all
through It.
The rerferl linked Apple.
When the skinH nre thin nnd of a
deep red color I frequently do not pare
the apples, but at nil times I am care
ful to remove nil the core, esixn-lully
every bit of the lining of the seed een,
and to bake them in granite or enrtjien,
never in tin. as tin gives them an
unpleasant flavor nnd n dingy color.
Fill the core cavities with sugar,
heaped or scant, accofdlnng to the tart
ness of the apples; ndd nlso a few
grains of salt, nnd sulllelent wnter to
cover the apples. Bake In a quick oven
and bnste frequently. The Delineator.
EKST Sabatltatea.
Mnny egg substitutes nre mnde, sonii
from skim iullk, some from mixture of
animal or vegetable fats, albumen,
starch or flour, coloring matter aud a
leavening powder, in addition to tho
mineral waters similar to those found
In the egg. Other egg substitutes nre
little more than starch, colored with
some yellow substance. Of course, such
products can not lie made to replace
fresh eggs, in that they do uot contain
much nitrogenous matter, or fat. Pro
ducts made from them may be very
To Make Touirh Steak Tender.
When meat is high priced it is not
always possible to buy the most ex
pensive cuts. The steak that is not
porterhouse can be improved by treat
ing It as the French chefs prepare their
steaks to make tlieni tender. But three
talilr spoons of olive oil and one nnd
one-half tablesjsoons of vinegar on a
plate and lay the steak in, then set
in the icebox for four hours. Turn
half a dozen times at intervals, then
the meat fs ready to broil.
Chop Sue of Ileef.
Break into a kettle half a package
of spaghetti, cover with salt water nud
boll. When almost tender ndd half n
can of tomatoes. Put butter in frying
pan nud fry in it three large onions,,
sliced, till brown. Add two pounds of
beef run through the machine. When
all is nicely browned ndd the spaghetti
and tomatoes, stir, boll for a few min
utes nud serve hot.
Browned I'otatoea.
Select potatoes of rather small size,
peel and cut into quarters. Throw Into
salted cold water nnd leave them for
half an hour. Take them out nnd dry
them on n clean towel. Have ready In
a deep frying pan or a shallow sauce
pan clean hot fat, boiling hot, and dropi
tin? potatoes Into this. Fry to n light
brown and drain in n colander before
Attractive Service of TomntovH.
Take a large sized plate, garnish
nround edges with lettuce leaves or
pai'hloy, place slices of deep red to
matoes, peeled, nround edge of plate
on the leaves, nnd heap sliced encum
bers in center of dish. The effect Is
Grub a in Gema.
To one teaspoon soda add three pints
of sour milk, two eggs, one teaspoon
salt, one tablespoon fryings, one-half
pint of wheat flour, nnd enough gra
hn in flour to make it thick enough to
drop from spoon. Sugar to sweeten if
Raked Hum.
Wash nnd scrub ham nnd put In a
baking pan two cups water. Bake twen
ty minutes to the pound. Tnke it up
nnd remove the skin. Stick Into the
fat cloves and cover with grated bread
crumbs. Brown lightly in the oven.
Short Suit nenlloiK.
Chewing gum will stop gas leakage in
the illuminating Jets that often esenpt'a
ut the Joints.
Old jelly gets Insipid. It can be intuits
like new by heating. Add a little
water and sugar. t
Cutting onions, turnips and carrots
across the liber makes them more ten
der when cooked.
A weak solution of turpentine toured
down the water pipes once, a week will
drive the water bugs away.
Save old paraflin from jellies nnd the
like, melt nnd mold in patty pans and
It will be useful for smoothing the
Hang woolens out on the line drip
ping wet, without wringing them at all.
If dried In this way they will not
Wash dishes used in preparing foods
for a meal while the foods nre cooking
nud thus learn to get dishwashing sim
plified. Half a lemon dipped In suit Is excel
lent for cleaning copper articles. Oxalic
ndd. too. Is equally successful both for
copper and brass.
A few drops of alcohol ruhlied on the
Inside of lamp chimneys will remove
nil trace of jreasy smoke when water
alone is of no avail.
Silver that is in dally use may be
kept bright by placing It occasionally
In hot borax water nnd allowing it to
stand an hour or two. IMnse with clear
bot water, then wipe with a dean dry
Cabbage Worm.
When the first appearance of the
worm la made the plants should be
dusted with the par Is greeu and flour
mixture. When the beads are forming
use one pound of pyrethum powder to
four pounds of flour to drat the plants.
This Is harmless to man. After the
head begins forming pnrls green Should
not be used. Those who nre afraid
to use parls green are genetxilly success
ful by beginning early to use the py
rethum powder nnd spraying often.
Cnbbnge and other plnnt lice are beat
controlled by spraying wKh kerosene
emulsion, using tbe 15 per cent solution
a solution containing 15 per cent of
kerosene. If the lice nr on trees,
flowers or rose bushes, tobacco decoc
tion may be used vnstta good results.
The tobacco decoction is made by tak
ing three pounds of tobneco stems nnd
five gallons of water and boiling for
two hours. It is used without diluting,
but must not he applied too hot, or It
may scald the plants.
If treatment is begun In time plnnt
lice cnu be controlled. It must be done
before the leaves are curled bo tbe
spray can reach the pests. There
should be several sprayings, four or
five days apart, as one spraying will
not completely do the work. Clean cul
ture is important In fighting these In
fects, as with many others.
Antomatlo Damp Wicon.
The ense with which modern dump
carts and wagons can Ik unloaded is
Illustrated in the automatic dump wag
on shown in the accompanying Illustra
tion, the Invention of a Connecticut
ninn. The wagon box Is pivoted on the
axle, the greater portion of the load
being in back of the pivoted point The
forward end of the box Is normally
held in position by a lever directly be
hind the driver's seat. When ready to
dump the load the driver turns in bis
6eat, releases tbe lever and the load nu
tomatlcnlly turns over. The driver is
thus not compelled to leave his seat,
saving considerable time.
Treatment for Loco.
The results of the loco weed when
eaten by stock are unpleasantly fa'
miliar to the stockman of the plains
east of the Rocky mountains. It has
been estimated that the losses from
this source in Colorado alone have
reached the sum of a million dollars
per nnnui. The national bureau of
plant industry has been taking a turn
nt t!e loco problem, and C. D. Marsh,
expert In poison plants, reports thnt
It has been found that locoed cattle
can in most cases be cured by a course
of treatment with strychnine, while
locoed horses can generally be cured
by a course of treatment with Fow
ler's solution. The lyilinols under
treatment must not be allowed to eat
the loco weed and should be given not
only nutritious food, but so far as pos
8lble, food with laxative properties,
To this end magnesium sulphate was
administered to correct the ooustipn
tion which is almost universal among
locoed animals. It iihould be noted,
too, that magnesium sulphate may
serve to some extent as an antidote to
the poison.
It may be added in regard to the
question of Immunity that loco poison
ing comes ou In a slow and cumulative
manner, so that there Is no possibility
of animals becoming immune.
Wanted Hoad Money.
In a recent siteech nt Peoria, II. II
Gross, secretary of the Fanners' Good
Itoad League and special agent for the
National Department of Agriculture to
study the question of highways, mode
the following statement: "In forty
years enough money has been thrown
away and squandered on the dirt roads
of Illinois to pay for graveling or mac
adaniling every foot of highway in
the State." He went on further to
state that ns good, hard roads could
be built on the black laud In the corn
belt of Illinois us In Massachusetts, or
In any other State, and at a moderate
annual expense to the landowners of
the State, Hssllly not exceeding their
present annual tax for road nnd bridge
The rnc-luur Iforae.
We have known of many animals
that have ncqulred the habit of pacing
lieeauKu cf becoming sore forward. Tbe
fore feet ami legs do not assist in the
eil'orts f propulsion, their ollice is
slnqily to bold up or eupiiort the fore
and heaviest part of the animal, and
as It must keep these fore feet out of
the way of the hind ones, u horse will
fkdearor to do so in the most awk
ward of ways nt times, for when wire
forward It takes to any sort of a gait
that to its mind appears to lessen the
pain of action. It quite frequently
adopts the single font actluu, gradually
proziestli g Into that of pacing. It
was this soreness forwnrd nnd be was
actually lame that caused the groat
Jay Eye See to pnoe. Field and Farm.
South port Glob Onion
Connecticut's famous v.AJtlirt tftotn-
onions stand unsurpassed among jmptt-
lar American Tarletles of the onion.
They are In high fa
vor in some of the
finest commercial on
ion growing districts
of Ohio and New
York nud during a
few years past have
niadc a steady ml
advance In standing
everywhere as n
highly bred, perfect
onion. Eastern onion growers use the
red and white Southport Globes to
produce the exceptionally large, solid,
beautifully formed bulbs that bring top
prices in the New York City markets.
Besides the two varieties named.
there is a yellow Southport (Jlobe that
resembles the others In shope and gen
eral character, but is of a rich yellow
The white Is one of those beautifully
white, perfectly globe shaped onions
that tnke the eye and bring highest
price In any market Its skin is thin
nnd pnperllke, the flesh Cue grained.
crisp and mild flavored. Add t3 this
that It Is a tremendous cropKr, nnd It
represents almost an Ideal product in
Its line.
Dlalc Flows.
The twenty-four-lneh size disk pkw
enn safely be recommended as being su
perior to any other size. The smaller
size pulls easier, but it does not pul
verize the soil so well. The disk plow-
is cnpnble of handling ground thnt bus
become too dry nnd hnrd for tlie mold
board plow, it is of somewhat lighter
draft, does not require sharpening so
often, cuts through trash better and
does not clog so easily. Do not try to
cut a furrow wider than eight or ten
Inches with a disk. The wider the fur
row the deeper will corrugations be
and tlie poorer will be the work. It Is
bettor to use two twenty-four-lnch
plows, each cutting eight Inches in
wldfh, than to use a single twenty-
eight or thirty-Inch plow cutting six
teen inches.
Prof. Bane of the New Hampshire
Experiment Station recommends the
American purple-top ruta-bnga for the
reason that It is a flue market sort,
often selling in the markets for double
the price of the early wHlte ttrnilp. It
Is also a splendid ltfH?por, and is usu
ikty? free from rponginess. While it
cite not ba uUrfltcd as late as the early
turnips, it can be used as a follow crop
after early peas, provided the seed is
sown not later than July 10.
Milk for Calrea.
The calf finds iu fresh milk while it
Is still warm with the animal heat of
the cow, it is said, a constituent vnluc
not found in the milk after It is allow
ed to get cold. The chemist can not
define It, nnd it can not be restored
again by warming the milk. If every
cnlf could be fed Its milk swift, nnd
while it still retained ltx animal heat,
there would no doubt be fewer cnt-hum
med steers going to the block.
Wants a New Wheat.
Prof. Herbert F. Boberts of the Kan
sas State Agricultural College nnd Ex
periment Station will visit Europe dur
ing the summer. He Is commissioned
from the Kansas Exiwrlmcnt Station
to Inspect the wheat regions of Central
and Southern Europe In search of su
perior sorts of hard wheats for intro
duction into Kansas.
SmoothlnK Draff.
To break down clods nud give a flni
surface the field drag serves a useful
purpose.. It may be used iu connection
with the spring tooth harrow or even
with tlie disk. The 0x0 inch pieces
ure C to 10 feet in length nnd nre laid
edgewise, being bound together by cross
pieces made of IVjxO Inch stuff.
Farm Jiewa Xotea,
In New Zealand the best demand
is for Shorthorn bulls of the milking
Kangaroo rats are destroying the
vineyards near Santa Crux, Cal. They
have appeared in thousands nnd nre
feeding on the young buds and vines.
While attending n mule on n farm In
Morgan County, W. Ya., Frank Culp,
a farm boy, was attacked by the ani
mal aud had his leg nearly chewed off.
Secretary Wilson says we ought to
have bumper crops throughout the
country this season. All conditions un
favorable for u-cord breaking yields of
all sorts.
Texas raises one-fifth of nil the cattle
In the United States, but they are not
nil finished in that State. A few days
ngo 10,000 Panhandle steers sold for
While one class of stock may pay Itet
ter than another, do not lose sight of
the fact that the average farm needs
a few bead of every sort in order to
make the best and closest use of all the
A Connecticut farmer Is reported to
use the Incubator system In starting
hut potato crop. The seed potatoes art
placed in a warm room in n rack, where
they sprout, and are then transplanted
In the field.
A story comes from Washington, Pa.,
that a farmer has a sheep-killing horse.
'I'li? animal was seen to rush Into the
flock, trample u sheep to death, pick
it up in its teeth aud carry It out. The
performance whs repeuted until thi
farmer Interfered.
Trousseau gowns nre lovelier than
ever," says the fnshlon editor of the
Woman's Home Cominnlou, "but as
they hnvo increased In beauty, they
have lessened In number. Very few
brides of to-dny. no matter how fash
ionable they tuny lie, order a trousseau
consisting of a preat number of cos
tumes. The reason for this Is that fash
ions change so that It Is necessary every
little while to have a new-style gown
If one Is to keep pace with tbe capri
cious mode.
. "Tlie bridal princess gown Is a style
which will be Iu fashion for a long time
to come. One can wear It as long as
the material lasts by merely changing
the sleeves to uieet the requirements of
tn prevailing fashion."
That Win
Intereat AU
Mrs. Delia SWnnea, 32S E. Front St.,
Maysvllle, Ky, bhjs :"Sevcn years ago
I began to notice Urp pain In the
kidneys nnd a bear
ing down sensation
through tbe hips,
dull headache and
dlezy spells. Dropsy
appeared nnd my
feet and ankles
swelled so I could
not get my shoes on.
1 was In misery and
bad despaired of
ever gettiug cured
when I decided to try Donn's Kidney
Pills. One Ihix helped me so much that
I kept on until entirely cured."
So I'd by all dealers, CO cents a box.
Foster-Mllhurn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
Calling II la Attentlva.
Mr. Lingcrlong I bad a queer adven
cur this afternoon
Mix de" Mnir (with a swift glance at
the clock) You moan yesterday after
loon. I presume.
Whole Head ami Neck Covered
Hair All Cam Oat-Cared la
Three Weeka hr Catlenra.
"After having tbe measles my whole
head and utk. wen covered with scaly
sores about as large as a penny. They
were Just as thick as they could be.
My hair all enme out. I let the trouble
run along, taking tlie doctor's blood
remedies nnd rubbing on salve, but It
did not seem to g"t any better. It
stayed that way for about six Hlonths;
then I got a Bet of the Cutlcura neme
dies, nnd in nbout a week I noticed a
big difference, and In three weeks it
was well entirely and I have not bad
the trouble any more, and as this wns
seven yenrs ngo, I consider myself
cured. Mrs. Henry Porter, Albion,
Neb., Aug. 23, 11)00."
The Proper Fee.
"What do I get for this stunt?" ask
ed the vain, but execrable, nmntcsr.
"If I were a pollco magistrate," an
swered the manager, "you would get
30 days ; hut, as I am not, you'll simply
get out."
Thla Will Intereat Manx.
F. W. Farkhurst, the Boston pub
lisher, says that if anyone afflicted with
rheumatism In any form, neuralgia or
kidney trouble, will send their address
to him nt 70423 Carney Building, Bos
ton, Mass., he will direct them to a
perfect cure. He has no Interest In
anything to sell, only a desire to tell
those atlllcted how he was cured after
years of search for relief. Hundreds
have tested it with success.
The ryes of scveu persons out of ten
are not matched as far as their power is
Mia. YVIiislow'a Hoothlug Syrup for Cblld
reu tecthliiK. softeua tlie (juius, redunea In
flaniiiiiitiiui, ullaya puiu, curea Wluii colic.
'!. a bottle.-.
Ai(IIuk tae Final Teat.
"Doctor," awked tin? patient, whose eyes
lad l'cii undergoing treatment for a period
of six months or more, "do you tliluk
they're all right now?"
"Yes," said the oculist; "I think I can
assure you, Mr. Pinclinickel, that your
eyes nre cured. lint there is one more
test I should like to apply. Site if you
can read tlmt at a distance of twelve or
fourti'cu inches without blinking."
Whereupon he laid bis bill before him.
Chicago Tribune.
For Infants and Children.
Th3 Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
The most wonderful record In all history
have only served to make CASCARETS
than Induce a person to try CASCARETS
Then comes tbe test, and it CASCARETS
expectations there would not today, sftar
nearly a million boxet a month. This
the kind words of our friends. Mo ona
CASCARETS fails to be pleased and talk
CASCARETS sre not only csslest to buy,
carry, to take, to give, but are also the
medicine for the bowels ever
discovered. Files full i
night makes you feel
light blue enameled
II I I I it if, I ll a'O
New York Central Lines
It Lands you "IN" New York City
Grand Central Station
Only railroad terminal in New York. Right in
the heart of the hotel and residence district
Subway station under same roof. Fifteen
minutes to Brooklyn without change.
All you have to do is
Get on the train "IN" Chicago or St. Louis
Get off the train "IN" New York
Then you're therm
Tha Route si lha "Xilh Cantor? Llraltad"
"ThaNlatara Fall Rout"
WARREN J. LYNCH, Passenger Traffic Manager, CHICAGO
Valuable Household and Fancy Presents Free, ia
Exchange for Carton Tops and Soap Wrapper
from "20-Mule-Team" Borax and Borax Prod- ;
ucts. Send Postcard for 40-page Illustrated
Catalogue. Address
k. 1
1 FKfillRRinN FARFft
if 1 laflWWIIVIWIV miiaw
DoubH Track , wwawaaw.
TORONTO, ONT., and Return (after July lit, $15.60) " - - - $13.6?
MONTREAL, QUE., and Return - - - - ." - " - 23
QUEBEC, QUE., and Return 24CJ
ROYAL MUSKOKA, ONT., and Return (Hl(h1anda of Ontaris) - 17.83
NORWAY POINT, ONT., sad Return (New Hotel "Wawa," I ake ol Bayt) 75
NLAQARA FALLS and Return (durlof June only) ----- 18X3
BOSTON, MASS., and Return ---------- - 25JS
PORTLAND, ME., and Return 27.35
OLD ORCHARD, ME., and Return - 27.75
Alao to a boot ona hundred other farorably altu&ted places In Canada and Now Ba4aA
Ttckata on lata dally June lat to September 30th. WM. Good thirty dajrl from date at aaaa.
St, Lawreaxe Rlter trip can be Included at aomewhat hl.her (area. Longer limit tlckata a
hlf hsr I area are alao on sale. Liberal atoa-orer art anfementa.
Full partlculara can be obtained by wrltlnv
GEO. W. VALX, Assistant General Passenger and Ticket Agent
135 Adams Street. Chicago
When It lUsee.
Teacher (of geography cIum) Name
the largest city on the Ohio river.
'Shaggy Haired Pupil Cincinnati,
soa'am ; but It ain't on the Ohio river
only part of the time.
Teacher Indeed ! Where 1 It the reot
Of the time?
Shaggy Haired Pupil In It.
Ton Can Get Allen's Foot-Caa Fit EH
Write to-der to Allen 8. Ol muted, Le Roy.
N. V., for FRKR sample ot Allen's Foot.
Kase, a powder to ahuka Into your shoes.
It cures tlrad, sweating, bot, swollen, ach
ing feet. It makes new or tlht shoes easy.
A certain cure for Corns and Bunions, All
DrugglaU aad Shoe Stores ssli It. 26c
Reporter Do vou ever contribute any
thing to foreign papers?
Comic Hard Why er yes; on look
ing over the mlacellany columns of tbe
papers I find that I contribute lots ol
stuff to the London Tit-Bits.
latetaat Relief (or All Eros,
that are Irritated from dust, beat, sun or
wind, PETTIT'B EYE SALVE. All druf
(lsts or Howard Bros., Buffalo, N. I.
' Tbe ostrich farming Industry of south
ern California represents an Investment
of $750,000 and the annual output of
feathers is worth about $100,000.
merit made it. The great sums of money spent in advertising!
known, but the greatest advertisement ever
once a free simple, or at most, a 10
bad not proved their merit beyond the
Ive yesrs on the market, be a sale of
peat success has been made by
woo bss ever tried.,;
nicety jout them
ts I
Breath, Bad Blood,
rJ-liseases of childhood snd old sge. They make mother's
Ik n.ud.y purgative. Mama takes
Children like to take them. They
Nothing more can be said. Everybody
In tbe bouse. Don't forget "they work
all riglv, in tbe morning." Tbe genuine tablet octagonal, stamped CCC, put up in
metal boxes, and never sold in balk. Sold by all druggists, 10c, 25c, 50c
Ml llll II III I I. l I I.. I III I II I II I I II
m. m. a m m
Wl u m m mm
From Chicago
fillMMPP lonft
Keeps the breath, teeth, mouth siuffcoaV
sn'iseptically clean and free fro as saa
lieallhy germ-life and disagreeable oetersw
which water, soap end tootb prcpa
fllune cannot do. A
licrmicidal, disin
fecting and deodor
izing toilet requisite
of exceptional ex
cellence and econ
omy. Invaluable
for inflamed eyes,
throat and nasal and
uterine catarrh. At
drug and toilet
stores, SO cents, or
by mail postpaid."
Largt Trial Sample
with "mcsith sno aiauTv" aoo saarT
S. C. N. V.
No. 23 i sea.
printed could do no more
cent box.
ML l 1 1
cure for Conati-
parlon, AppendicItls.BIllona-
bour stomacn, aica neaaacne.
Insomnia, Palpitation of tbe Heart, Bad
Pimples, Piles, Worms and all fcewel
a CASCARET, baby gets the beoelL
are tbe one perfect, unequaled family
should carry a box in the pocket end have
while you sleep," and " a CASCARET at