Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, May 29, 1908, Image 5

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    A Cough '
Ayes' Cherry Pectoril Is a
regular cough medicine, a
strong medicine, a doctor's
medicine. Good for easy
coughs, hard coughs, desper
ate coughs. If your doctor
endorses it for your case, take
it. If not, don't take it. Never
go contrary to his advice.
W publish our formula
Wo banish tloohol
from ourmodiolnoo
Wo urro you to
oonault your
The dose of Ayer's Pills is small, only
one tit bedtime. As s rule, laxative doses
ore better than cathartic doses. For con
stipation, biliousness, dyspepsia, sick
fceadixhes, they cannot be excelled.
Ask your doctor about this.
K1 bv tba J, C. Art Co., Lowlt, Kiu.
To tH Paolfto Coast
Very low round trip rates
commencing June 1st for at
tractive Coast tours, only SCO;
slightly higher via Shasta
Route and Puget Sound.
To Chlcefc.g'o atd Eth.sc
Republican Convention excur
sion tickets at low rates in
June; also summer excursion
rates in connection with con
vention and Summer Tourist
rates to eastern resorts.
To Colorado and
Cooky Mountains
Daily excursion rates com
mencing June 1st to Colorado,
Utah, Wyoming, Black Hills,
Yellowstone Park ; great Dem
ocratic Convention at Denver
in July.
IIomsekcrs' Rates
1st and 3rd Tuesdays to the
wdst, including the famous
Big Horn Basin and Yellow
stone Valley, where large
tracts of rich irrigated lands
are being opened for settle
' ment by the government and
by private companies. Write
D. Clem Deaver, Burlington
Landseekers' Information Bu
reau, Omaha; excellent busi
ness openings in new growing
Write a brief description of
your proposed trip, and let
us advise you how to make it
the best way at the least cost.
A S McLean, Ticket Agent
W. Wakelky, G P A,. Omaha, Neb
A. Ira, Davis
Cmtraon, Nbr
Farm evnd Stock.
19 Years in the Business
Dates made at The Herald Office
get immediate relief from
Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment
i-" "M-m- Track Marks
W"Vk-M.".r Designs
ryt Copyrights &c.
Alivnft 'Wk ll" n -Kf'-h niM Inscription 'Ttn
ar tr t-ir..n n r ni.(M..l! fret Witellier
l.i-'-'ttt'.n IS t n'r piurtt.'iit' C.ili'tnlltnrs.
, .. .i I - ..t iNOrO'.i ni l--ieni
ti-ti :, i W.: i jel.c li . .r ..w j stems.
: Hi-ins taKi-n Kirwi.'H M.i.'ii Co. rei
f - I'll li'iitY, w"liont chum.', til 111
i..,iiil-ni-ir 1ll.itrn:o.1 wcp'iIt. , T nrcon rir-
i 1 .Ht" tl -t hllV .i'll'H UiT ' in..il. 'i fllUH. II a
n-,r- 'r v.ii.'itin, l. Boiu by ull nc"'i"i).r
Stop That Cold
oslnno with "Proventln'
nutans sum dt'lfBt iur l'lieuinonitt
at fur Piifiiinoiiitt. To Mop cola
with frnventiet It sniff than lo lrt It run and D
nlillmil In nin It firTH r, 1 To be "IITM. ITS.
antics will cure even dis-ply sosted cold, hut
taken early at the mewo utaite they break, or
tieaaoO these early coin. lluttl suruy ut-ttur
That' why they are railed Freventlei.
VntTHntiiaare lltUe ( ainlv Colli Curva. NO Qultl
lne. no physic, nothing ulckuiilni. Nice (or tho
eliililran anil thnrnnirhlv siiIh ton. If you fuel
chilly. If you tneeie. If yoa ai he all oyer, think ol
Prevent ics. PromiiUiesi may alto tave half your
usual aickncsii. And don't forvet your child, if
therein fuveiitlineu, nluht or iluy. Herein prob.
ablr Ilea Prevuntici' n-aU'st efllrli ru r. Sold in
60 bnxe (ox the porkt-t. al.o In vi.Sc boxes of 44
PrevuiiUc. Iiui.1 ou your druvvUu glvliii you
R R Time Table
SiouiCi;?, Crystal La kt A Homer
7:30 am .8:20am
9 :30 a m 10:30 a m
11:15a m 11:00 a m
1:15 p m 2:00p m
3:00pm 4:16pm
5:15 p m ...5:50 p m
G:40pm 11:00 pm
Special tripa for parties of 15 or more
c, st. p., M.a"b.
Trains leave Dakota City at the fol
loTing time :
7:02 pm. ...... Omaha....... 7:04 am
10:00am Omaha ......5:13 pm
3 :37 pm Norfolk 8 :18 am
8:41am Norfolk 5.32 pm
7:28 aw. .....Newcastle 9:33 am
2:08,1)111 " .......6:25 pm
7:02 cm Omaha 7:04 am
3:37 Norfolk ;6:82
C B ft Q
No. 85 Local Freight" 7:15 am
11 " Passerjcer, Ombba
and Lincoln 12:47 pm
No 86 Local Freight 2 :25 pm
10 Local P8senger..6:29 pm
daily. daily except Sunday.
Local Items
Friday, May 29, 1908.
M O Ayres was an Omaha visitor
J P Rickwell has adorned Lis prem
ises vith a ehiney ooat of paint.
Cbns Hunt. -i f Ft Dodge, Iowa, was
guost of Wru Triggs from Satuiday
until Monday.
Frauk Nierueyer expects lo return to
Chicago Saturday, where he has a
position in a drug store.
Mrs Emmett Fliloman has been ser
iously ill I ho past week with stomach
trouble, but is now improving.
John Trampo of Emerson precinct,
was down Monday on business con
nected with the Robert Reed estate.
Mrs Geo McDeath aud Mrs Gertrude
Best were up from Homer 1'riday
evening to attend the graduating exer
cises. N
Good, fresh, guaranteed garden
seeds at Van de Zedde's. With every
60 cent purchase you are entitled to a
gold fish.
Frank B Alderman, the (onibfctone
man, wts new yesreruay piucintr a
monument ou the Baals lot in th- Da
kota City cemetery.
Ed Easton cume up fiom Omaha
Saturday eveiing, the federal court, in
Lieu he was serving as a juryman,
aviug adjourned for a week.
Henry Krum wiee's dnelliner just
across the street from the postoth'ce is
fast assuming the appearanre of a
commodious und np-to-date home
Mrs R L Broyhill went
to Blair,
Nebr, Satunlay to fee her daughter
Grfctchen, she was ill She fouud hnr
much improved, nud returnsd uoiue
The Womanh Home and Fortign
Missionary society of tee D'tkotn C'itv
Emmiinual Lutheran church will meet
next Thursday, June 4, at 2:30 p in,
with Mrs J N Hamilton.
Carrie Hansen wpnt to her homo
west of Homer Tuesday to spend the
. . .... t i
summer, liaving nuisuea uer ecnooi
work here. She will uttemi the Teiu
Normal scliool the coming year.
Miss Agnes Wilson went to her home
t Lyous Saturday. She will ukei.d
the Peru Noimal sehoo! this summer.
She was re-elected as teacher of the
aeonnd primary room here Ltr another
Fred Stapard has completed au
ddition to the room on the west of V
C Stinson's store, which he has fitted
np in fine shape for a restaurant. He
will open up for business some time
daring the coming week.
C L Culler ar-d wife were down
from Wayne Friday evening and at
tended the graduating exercises of the
Dakota City high school. Mr Culler
was prinoipal of the school here three
years, and gave up school work to
enter the railway mail service.
Henry F Kohlmeiei came down from
Wakefield Saturday evening, packed
his household goods and ou Monday
skipped them to Wakefield, where the
family will reside, and where he is
mauager of the iu K i lumber yard
The well wishes of their many friends
here go with them.
T B Flemming, a farmer residing on
the Fred Miller place on Walkers
Island, died Saturday night from the
ffects of a stroke of paralyns De
ceased formerly resided ou the Wm
Biermann farm in this precinct, and
was well and favorably known to the
eopie hereabonts. The funeral servi
ces were held Monday, interment being
n the Dakota City cemetery.
D Van de Zedde, couucil command
er of the W O W lodge of South Sioux
City, leaves Sunday luoruing for Oma
ha to asMst in the mitiatiou ceremony
which will be held there the first cf
the week, when 1,000 members will be
civen the "bumper degree. Appro
Driute memorial services for the de
parted dead will also be held.
Van de Zedde lies opened up his ice
cream nsrlor to the public, aud he is
now serving the celebrated llanford
cream which is noted for its quality
and fine flavor. A room has been par
titioued off in the rear of his store aud
equipped with tables, chairs, eto, and
ueatlv derorat d with pictures, where
the patrons oar. be served in a neat,
clean and orderly manner. Drop in
and see him, all are welcome.
Next Sunday being the Sunday
nearest decoration or memorial day
there will be a special patriotio service
at the Methodist church on Sunday
morning, services beginning at 11
o'clock. All old soldiers, veterans
tons of veterans and members of the
relief corps will be accorded a special
welcome and given reserved seats
Arrange to be on hand, let all patriot
Post cards at Van's.
Have Elmers mske yotir abstracts,
subscribe for THE herald fl per
Archie Easton returned to his school
work at Omaha Monday
Goodf. Ooody, Goody, where, at
Van's. A big box for 5 cents.
Philo Graves, of Wakefitld, was a
business visitor here Thursday.
Subscribe for the Herald, the best
ppr in the county, f 1 a year.
A son was born to Frank Brotherton
and wife on Saturday of last Avet k.
Raymond Ueam visited ovejr Sunday
at Homer, at the George McBeuth
Mrs Frank Bookhart weut to Water-
bury Wednesday to tpoad a week with
relatives. .
There will be a dance in the Bras-
field hall Friday evening of this week.
All are invited.
Hazel Becker of Sioux City, spent
several days here the past week visit
ing at the Neva Best homo.
Owen Minter arrived here from Ft
Dcdge, Iowa, Saturday, for a week'
visit with relatives aud friends.
Joe Foye, jr, had his baud badly
r.jnrtd one evening last week while
crauking a balkv gasolene engine.
For Sale Sweet potato plan's, slid
both early and late cabbage plutits
Wesley McPhersoo, Dakota City, Neb,
J S O'Donnel of Jackson, Nelti, was
transacting business in towu Thursday,
and while here he called on The Her
ald. Moriou A Harrv and Colia M Mc
Cartney, both of Sioux City, were
married bv Judge Stiuson on Fiiday
of last week.
A II Hyers, postmaster at llavelock,
Nebr, was here with a party of friends
the past week enjojiug au outing at
Crystal lake.
The Social Doztn club of Sioux
City came over on the Foje car
Tuesday and spent the day with Mrs
W S Baughnian.
Monday evening the Old Fellows
lodge elected S W Foltz noble grand.
and Albert Brasfield vice grand, for
the coming terra.
The basket social billed for Wednes
day night by the Rebekah lodge, was
held Thursday evening on accouut of
the rain the Light before.
B C Krean-er, wife and two child
ren, of Alta, Iowa, visited here from
Saturday until Mcuday with Mr Krea
mer's sister, Mis C M Gray.
T J Knepper and wife have aRuin
taken charge of the Mdel restaurant
aud will conduct it in the same aati
factory manner they did when ia
charge of it a year ago.
The new home of John F Sides ii
now almost complettd. The fit i-li-ing
touches are beinjr put on and thp
paint is bninit applied. The hot water
heating plant i u)m being installed
The new "naudy Shnr-on" Rimless
Eye Glasses are self dj'iHiiin; and
mre to May in place. We ctn ti' von,
and want ou plpased with the liest
v C Eckhart. Licensed Ootome'rict.
Emmett -Oribble and wifrt-will cele
brate their fifteeuth wedding anniver
sary Saturday evening of tl is week.
A number of their friends have b-en
invited in to htlp commemorate the
The severe "ind of Tuesday bight
blew down one of the large oottonwood
trees in Clinton park. Several small
t-ees in different parts of town were
b oken off by the gate, bui no other
damage whs reported.
For houiecleauing time, see what
35 cents will buy at Vau's a ten cent
package of Dutch cleaneer, a bar of
hand soap, a bar of tar soap, a scour
ing bar. Fiftv cents worth, all ior
35 cents, at Van de Zedde's.
Services at the Methodist Episcopal
church every Sunday as follows:
Preaching, 11am; Sunday school, 10
am! Class meeting 12 m; Epworth
League, 6 .30 p m ; Preaching, 7 :30 p
m. Preach in Grace church every
Sunday at 2 :30 p m. Yon are cordially
invited, to any and all these services.
T J Kuepper hit upon a plan this
year to head off the mice from takiDg
his melon seeds, a trick they have been
up to for several years. He purchased
a pound ot moth balls for 20 cents,
tnd when he planted his melons he
dropped about a quarter of a ball in '
each hill, and out of 500 hills planted
not a hill is missing.
Try the new photo studio for your
cabinet photos. Our aim is to make
s fine a photo as can be amade lor the
money. e guarantee au our w.irk
for satisfaction and not to fade. Our
pries are very low. Uring this ad
vertisement aud we will make you ix-
teen cabinet photos for the price of a
dozen. Cabinets f 2,00 and up.
De Li xe Studio,
next to 5 and lUo store, Sioux City.
There is a Pink Pain Tablet made
by Dr Shoop, that will positively stop
any paiu, anywhere, in 20 minutes.
Druggists everywhere sell tuem as Dr
Shoop's Headache Tablets, but they
stop other pains as easily as headache.
Dr shoop's rmk 1'ain 1 ablets simply
coax blood pressure away irom pain
centers that is all. Pain comes from
blood pressure congestion. Stop that
pressure w ith Dr Shoop's Headache
Tablets aud pain is instantly gone. 20
Tablets 2jo. Sold by all dealers.
Tired nerves, with that "no nrnbi
tiou" feeling thut iscoramnonly felt in
spring or earlv summer, can bo eaily
aud quickly altered by taking wiiat i
knowu to druggists everywhere as Dr
Shoop's Restorative, One will abso
lutely tiotea changed feeling within 48
after beginning to take the Uostoritive
The bowels get sluggish in the luter-'
time the circulation often slows up,
the kidneys are inactive, aud even the
heart in many cases grows decidedly
weaker. Dr Shoop's Restorative is
recognized everywhere as a genuine
tonie to these vital organs. It builds
np and strengthens the worn-out weak
ened nerves: it sharped the failing ap
petite, and universally aids digestion.
It always quickly brings renewed
strength, life, vigor, and ambition.
Try it nnd be convincced. Sold by all
The Heiald fur all the xewa :
Old papers for sale at the Herald
office 5 cent per hundred.
W n Ryan, of nomer, was it busi
ness visitor here Jfriday evening.
You will never get nervous if you
drink ISreun a coffee. an ue Zedde
sells it.
A daughter was born to John N
Mullins and wife, of South Sioux City,
ou Monday,
Henry Lahrs attended the state
meeting of the Sons of Herman lodge
at Grand Island last week.
Mrs Al Adams this week disposed of
her restaurant business to T J Kneiv
per and wife, and removed to the Alte-
mus house.
Wanted An agent for that territo
ry. We pay highest cash weekly.
For terma write the Hawks Nursery
Uo, Wauwatosa, wis.
L M Leslie moved his household
goods from the rooms in the Brasfield
opera house to the Mrs Eva Orr house,
recently vaoated by Geo rrangcr.
All kind of ooal, feed and hay for
sale at reasonable prices.
Fields & Slacohter Co.
TiieoE Blivex, Manager,
Dakota City, Neb.
We will be glad to, see you call aud
have ,iouie photos made. We are not
particular what kind jcu have, as we
make stamps, postal cards, cabinetsf
nud 40 other sizes. I believe yon
kuow we are always the lowest in
prices. Call Sunday or any other
day. Kozv Stldio,
304 Douglas St, Sioux City.
Weak women should read my "Book
No 4 for women." It was written ex
pressly for women who are not well.
The book No 4 tells of Dr Shoop's
"Night Cure" and just how these sooth
ing, healing, antiseptic suppositories
can be successfully applied. The
book, and strictly eonfldendtial medi
cal advice is entirely free. Whrie Dr
Shoop, Razice, Wis. The Night Cure
is sold bv all dealers.
Tiles are easily and qniokly checked
with Dr Shoop's magic ointment. To
prove it I will mail a small trial box
as a convincing test. Simply address
Dr Shoop, Racine, Wis. I surely
would not send it free unless I was
certain that Dr Shoop's magio oint
ment would stand the test. Remem
ber it is made expressly and alone for
swollen painful, , bleeding or itching
piles, either external or -internal.
Large jar 50c. Sold by all dealers.
A Bargain.
Liucoln is your town, it is the seat
of your state government, the officers
who spend your money live here, you
send your children here to be educa
ted, yon send j our friendless and crip
ples here, you send your insane here,
you send your criminals here, when
you want anybody hanged jou send
ihem here, w hen you wanted a big state
fair you located it here, when you hold
a convention it's heie, wheuever yon
do any shopping it's hers the most
i airihuls center lure.
Lincoln was created for the accom
modation and benefit of the stato.of
Nebaaska and her citizens have grown
to realize that all we are here for iB
for your service, anil that is the reason
state people like to come here.
The State Journal is beiug conduct
ed along these lines. It is peculiarly
a state paper, realizing its obligations
to Nebraskans. It is a staunch advo
cate of all things for the upbuilding
aud uplifting of her people, and always
stands for that much used and some
times abused "square deal " It is the
one state paper that can print all the
uews all the time about everybody and
everything. Nooflk-e-bolders or office
seekers in any of its departments from
top to bottom.
We are obeying the new rules ol
Uncle Sam's post-office and require all
subscribers to pay iu advance, Iu thi?
way you pay only for your own paper;
jou are cot helping lo pay for the
paper of someone who one.-u't pay his
Therefore to introduce the State
Journal into thousands of Lew homes,
we will send it every day, exoept Sun
day, from now until after the National
Election for only $1.50. Make it $2.00
and we will add the big Sunday paper.
This will carry yi.u through the presi
dential race. This is just an introduc
tion offer and the paper will be stop
ped at the end of that time. We stop
all papers when time paid for is up.
The sooner you seud iu yrur toney the
mora papers you will get under this
cut price offer.
The Journal prints more reading
matter than any other state daily and
we will Jet you jmlge of the quality.
bee your postmaster.
Real Estate Transfers.
E J Hmltli and wife to Curl Ream, lots
1. 2 and S In liloi-k 2, Ki iiin. wit I
I) MnthewRon and wife to K H Math-
ew-on, aeV und e!-j e.'j w section
17-27-7, wd
Purine Town Site Co to Knrnh A Ho-
Kan, lot in In block a, f irst iiuuuion
to Jackson, wcl 20
(!St P Mill Uy t'o to Klla Heeney,
loin 2 und If in block Ituiiimril w
Jas P Goodwin sml wife to I P (UhhI-
wln.H'j nw nw section 2-27-s. wu.. im
Lutheran Church Announcements.
Preaching Sunday morning at Sa
lem at 11:00 o'clock, Sunday school
at 10:00; C E at 8 p m. '
Preaching at Dakota City at 3 ;00
o'clock t m : Sunday school at 9 :45 a
m ; G E at 6 :30 p m
County Coroner
15. F. Sawyer
Tackson, Nebraska
Physician and Surgeon.
Calls promptly attended
Their action la mad. the wt 0U
esvt tssrsoa eaa waa Dr. MUmT Nerve tad
Unr Pill
Class of Five Graduates.
Friday evening, May 22nd, witness
ed the closing of the 1908 school year
in Dakota City. Following the usual
picnio exercises appropriate to the
last day of school, the class of '08 gave
its commencement program in the M
E church befere a large and apprccia
tive anlionce. The church was beau'
tifully decorated for the occasion with
with potted plants, flowers and bunt
The exercises began with a march
with Miss Esther lioe at the piano,
and to the strains of "Narcissus," piny
edin a pleasing manner, the class, sc
eompaaied by Prof W n Patchin,
marched to the rottrnm.
Miss Perle Stinson favored the aud
ience witn a vocal solo entitled lies
ignation," which was rendered in man
ner pleasing to all.
Miss Tame Hansen delivered the
salutatory and followed with an oration
entitled "The Laurel Wreath," which
was full of good, sound logio and
showed much thought in its prepara
tion, v
Miss iuary itouertson cuoso as tne
subject for her oration, "The .Marble
Waiteth, and in comparison cited her
hearers to the sculptor, following his
work from the time he began ou the
rude stone taken from the quarry until
the statue was uniBhed, all being an
phcablo to the lives of those in search
of knowledge.
I'roi Uarl Schriever rendered a piano
solo, "FantnsU, Charles VI," in his
fluished style, which was highly appro
ciated by the audience.
Uwiug to illness during tho last two
weeks of school Fred Schriever wss
unable to deliver his oration on "So
cialism," or to attend the exercises,
which was a great disappointment to
him and his friends.
Miss Mabel Schumacher had for the
subject ot her oration "Diamonds in
the Rough." Reference to Abraham
Lincoln's life wss very appropriately
cited to as an example of polished
mind und character.
A vocal solo, "Out where tho Billows
Roll High," by Frank Orr was great
ly spprt ciattd by the audience.
Miss Neva Best spoke on the subject,
"Woven of Many Threads," .and com
pared the life of the student with the
warp and woof of tho loom: that our
lives are what we make them in weav
ing in the threads of life, aud admon
ished all who wished to accomplish
much in this -world to "make hay
while the sun shines." She closed
with the valedictory, addressing a few
touching remarks to the teachers for
the efforts put forth in bringing the
schools to the present liigh standard,
and to the class for the associations
formed in the years of labor just fir-
ished .
Tiie exercised closed with a medley
of national airs by a male quartette
mposed of Messrs Jake Sides. Paul
Pizey, W U Patchin aud F A Wood,
which was well tendered and brought,
fourth continued applause.
Owing to the fact that some of the
numbers of the class had not com
pleted their final examinations und
obtained the grades required by the
school board, uo diplomas were given
out at the close of the exercises, as is
the usual custom. However, diplomas
will be given to those who have -si
ready made the required grades and to
those who complete the work before
the beginning of.the next schoo. year.
Oh! Save My Boy.
i Contributed)
Th following poem was written by
G E Von Hageu, after listening to the
ry of a heart broken mother, con
ming a ou who became a drunkard.
And yet this is only one of the many
thousands r.f young men who have
been aud are still I ting taken captive
by this gigantic evil and crime, for
crime it is io despoil iuuo- eut child
ho d aud stalwart rranhood.
When n Imlie I nut nml rocked him.
He win then my prhlo and Joy, ;
And my ln'iirt lcnt hlith with rapture
Kur tho future of my boy.
till Tho cnstles tlint I bullded
n m dreamt of future hll.
As I huKwcri him to my bosom,
Showered him with kiss on klsi.
Hut that Kolilen dream U Nhnttered,
lie has learned to dissipate,
For touliiht he Is a drunkard
And my heart Is desolate.
He was sweet as any baby
That a mother's heurt could crave;
u re and fair as stately Illy
That a loving father kuvb.
iiut tho voters In our vIlliiKQ
Preferred dollars to tho man.
And for sake rf "filthy lucre"
Hold out to the rummies clan.
Thus my Bold en d renin was shattered,
My boy learned to dlsKlpate,
And tonlKht ho Is a drunkard
While my heart Is desolate.
Ah I the rum shop is but blatlna.
llliKhtliiHT immnood pure nud true.
Brother, would you vote It licenser
I ild thlscurse como home to you?
ust three million boys are wanted
Hy tho irrotr shops of our bind
Every decade, these are needed
To till up the drunkard's luind.
Would you then, for paltry dollars,
Teach these youths to dissipate
Hy transforming them to drunkards.
Make their homes most desolate?
God forbid that we should luirter
ve so pure sail sweet and clean.
Kor the sake of "lllthy lucre,"
Great Godl Are wo so stingy, menu?
Then lie up nml doing now,
Men with courage for the right,
forth Into the mighty conflict
1 hrow yourself Into the light.
Heal a death blow to this monster.
We must I We can I He desperate 1
Time has come when we must coiiijuoi
Kor our loved country's sake.
Kirst publication May 15 Uw
Order of Hearing on Petition fcr Ap
pointment of Administrator.
In the county court of luikotacounty, No
Ktiite of KciiniKKn. iMiuoin i ouniy, ss.
To I'ora I.. I (Vonuor, I'alhei lne A. (Ton
nor. and Alice I.. ( i l onnoi , ami io nil per
vous liiteresteil in me esmie or i orneiius j
O'Connor. J r., deceased:
(Mi reading t he pellllon 01 ( urn 1..1M (l
nor tirav nu 1 11 ill llie uuiliiiiisiriuioii ,
Mild estate lie granted to t'01 iu llus J . tr'l'on
nor us administrator,
It Is hereby oi-'lcred mar you, ana 111
persons Interested In said mutter, limy, 11111
ilo. rmeiir ut the county court Hi lie lie lit 11
11 1 id fur xnld county, on the iinth day of May
A. li. I mis. at-lu o clock u. m., 10 snow
.mis... if Kiiv there is-, wny me prayer o
I he uetltlouer should not Ik' grunted, ana
Unit notice of the oeiidcncy of suld pi tltloi
and that the hearing thereof 1 given to All
nersons Interested 111 suld mutter by pu)
Ilshlng a copy of this order III the Dlikotu
County Herald, a weekly newspaper print
ed In suld county, lor luree successive ween
t.ri.ir t.i sjilrt ibiv of hearing.
Witness my hand, aud seal of said court
this mil day ol Muy. A, l. i.
li. l'. Hun sow.
hkai.1 County Judg.
1)11 EC $ct fmmediite relief from
I ILLJ Dr. Shocp's Matfc Ointment
Fly Time
is Here
We esJso have full ipply
Screen Doors and
Fly Netotf all dcscrlptia
-Yours for
I -Edwards & Bradford Lik Co,
I Gao. Kohlmeier, Mgr.
ratronize Home Industries buy
Proprietor of
City Meat PUsrlket
Fresh and Bait Meats always
Agent foi Seymonr's White Laundry.
Laundry basket goes Tuesdays and conies back Saturdays
Dakota Cityi Nib.
Bonded : Abstracter
Dakota Cm. N. F . tif
istracter I
that is the first and principal aim of this good bank.
No promised profit, no matter its size, could cause it
to deviate from this path.
Much more Js at stake than the capital and surplus
of the bank, and the lands and property of its owners,
and that is their Honor;
The bank is on its 23rd year. Its total losses have
been less than $50 thus far. It has learned much alWit
SAFE banking, and is learning more each week.
All it has, all it knows, all it can learn, is applied
first and foremost for YOUR safety, who deposit with us.
And it is grateful for each tiny bit of business given it.
The bank that always treats you RIGHT
We will make quotations on Paris
Gruen to compete with Sioux City
Prices in any quantity desired Sff
Headquarters for
ice: cream soda
Dakota City
Write for our Illustrated Catalogue describing our seventy i
different styles of Harness.
A goou uonc Harness ior ?L'u.uu i
andJmany others at right PRICES I
Sttxrjjcs Bros
Dakota City, Ne'o.
your meats of
on band. Caen paid for hides.
608 Metropolitan Blk.
Sioux City. Iowa
411 Paa.rl Strt
Slous City. lowas. T
io citizens tarn out on this occasion.