DOOM OF THE BIO TOMATO. Maanmotti Red Fellow f m Ww Year Aarn Kw Rarrl? Dees. The big tomnto hart Its day and 4M fate hns been settled by that voice which decides what shall and shall not be In most matters of public Interest that Is, public opinion says the Gar dener's Magazine. When the man la the street first cultivated his palatt op to a point of liking tomatoes, grow ers set out to provide him with Mf fruits, which went all tight for a time. The new varieties of a few years ago were characterized by the alee of their fruit, and there Is no telling what pitch we. should have got to by now If thlags had gone on, but the consumer put the veto on big tomatoes, and they hive gone under. Perhnps he admired tht monsters when on the show board, but when he went to the shop for a pound of tomatoes he didn't want a single fruit, but about four, and market grow ers soon began to realise this. t Exhibitors hnve followed In the sams line, and to-day one rarely sees mons trous fruits staged, and If they are they are generally passed over for medium-sized speclmi'DH, for Judges, as a rule, have got to treat tomatoes on the show board from a utility point of View. Again, the cook has had something to do with the triumph of the medium sized tomato, ghe plainly Indlcntetf to the gardener that he could keep his big fruits to show, or do what he liked with them, but she wouldn't have them, and now1 the four or five to the pound variety rules supreme In the private garden, as It does In the market estab lishment. Raisers, too, have come Into Hue, and the tomatoes of recent Intro duction which are now popular are va rieties which bour large clusters of medium-sized fruits that are bright in color and are not given to cracking. Doubtless we shall have more new va rieties as time goes on, but unless they favor the above descriptions and are heavy croppers .they will stand a poor t chance, for In the tomato world to-day quantity with quality is demanded rather than individual size. A Scholarly- Wit. The quick mind of the late Doctor Halg-Brown, master of the famous Charterhouse School In London, was ever ready, according to the London Telegraph, to seize upon an absurdity and give it a witty turn. A fond parent once wrote, asking him to "inter" her son at Charterhouse. "Dear Madam," he wrote back. "I shall be most buppy to undertake your son." Wctle of llnrrity. The prize ht'ti resolved to quit laying. "It wim so utterly absurd," she clucked, "for a $ruO fowl to spend her time and strength in turning out eggs at 80 cents a dozen." Perching herself on her exclusiva roost, she eyed the common barnyard hens below her with lofty disdain. cLlixirsfoennQ acts cntlyyet prompt-, ly on the bowels, cleanses me system ejectu ally, assists one in overcoming habitual constipation permanently. To get its , ocnejicial effects buy tkeuenuiw. j r 'Manufactured by the K 1 California Jig -Syrup Co. SOLD BY LEADING DRUCGiSTS-KM p.-B0TTLl TOILET ANTISEPTIC Keeps the breath, teeth, mouth and body antiseptically clean and free from un healthy germ-life und disagreeable odors, which water, soap and tooth preparations alone cannot do. A germicidal, disin fecting and deodor izing toilet requisite oi exceptional ex celleitce and econ "omy. Invaluable for inflamed eyes, throat and nasal and uterine catarrh. At drug and toilet stores, SO cents, or by mail postpaid. Large Trial! WITH "HEALTH AND GOUTY" BOOH atNT raft THE PAXTON TOILET CO., Boston, Mass. What m SatlAr fun t.riir. WESTERN GANADA IS0. AS?Z Criv:,owiji Und FREE. 35 to 50 Uu.h.l, LWUr to Ih. Acr. cd La w. L"uf ," a?d Elding. REE. " Low 1 tiling. ItuZt . S''?4 f'Mi- nd Uw Rata. r jA t Mau for all Production. Good -Um.. d rrft Hailb. Caaac. for Profu.bU Borne of thelcholcest aTBlh-produclnir lands la beMitl"ul d prosperous sections Revised Homestead Regulations by which entry may bt made by proiy (on certain conditions), by the (athT, mother, son.datiirliiur. Si-other or slater of Intending homrsteiiUer M .Vn ''liS '"Cm C"B? '1U w- for pamphlet. Law Best West." particulars ks to rat's, routes! Best time to go and where to locate, apply to W. D. Scott Superintendent of Immirailon. Pttsa, Lansds. or E. T. Ho'mes. n Tackson St.. St. J-.ul. Mmn. and J. M MacUcnUn! ho. Ii6, Watcrtowo. bo. Dakota Aulbonied Stent Afc-ruts flaaas ear a bars fee saw tats ad wtleeiaeal. pi "I understand the now mafcnslne has a high standard." "Indeed It has. It wont up yesterday." Atlanta Constitu tion. Kcdd What kind of a mnchlne havs you got uowt Greene A runabout; It will run about a block, and then stop. Yonkers Statesman. Authoress I'm very hnppy In my married life. I find my husband such a help. Friend Indeed! Does hs cook, or write? Fllcgende Hlaetter. "Maude was i:fralu the girls wouldn't notice her engagement ring." "Did they?" "Did they 1 Six of them rec ognized it at once." Cleveland Tlaln Dealer. "I hear yer frlen' Tamson's mnrrlct ngaiu." "Aye, so he Is. He's been a dear frlen tne me. He's cost mo three weddln jiresents nu' twa wreaths." Loudon Tlt-Blts. "Is your husband voracious In his appetite, mndaiu?" "I can't say as he Is. doctor. He'll eat nnythlnk" and ev erythlnk ns long as there's anythlnk to tut." Ilaltinuire American. lie If you refuse me I shall go out and hang myself to the lump-post In front of your house. She Now, George, you know father said he wouldn't have you hanging around here. Life. "Ever seen Congress In session?" "No,'! replied Farmer Coboss, "but I know how it looks. I hev a hired man who kin git as busy doing not bin' as anything ou earth." Washington Her ald. Mr. Newly wed Hut, my love, why ore you weeping? Mrs. Newlywed Oh, John! John! I Just peeped into the kitchen and saw that cook has on her traveling gown. Harper's Weekly. "I want a man to do odd Jobs about the house, run on errands, one that never answers back and Is always ready to do my bidding." "You're looking for a husband, manni, not a man." The Jewish Ledger. Ill Tragerdy Yes, vre oioned In Osh kosh. Lowe Comerdy And what did your audience think of your "Ham let?" Hi Tragerdy Wey er he went out before I had a chance to nsk him. Philadelphia Press. "Cheer up, old man," said the consol 'ing friend. "You know love laughs nt locksmiths." "Yes, 1 know," replied the dejected lover. "But her father ain't a locksmith; he's a boilermaker." Detroit Free I'ress. He So your father thought I want ed to marry you for our money. What did you say? She I persuaded him that you didu't, and then he said If that was the case you didn't have any sense The- Jewish Ledger. "Willie, did you put' your nickel In the contribution' box In Sunday school to-day V" "No, mamma! I nst Eddy Lake, the preacher's son, if I couldn't keep it an' spend it for candy, an' he gave me permission." Denver News. "Young man." said the pompons In dividual, "I did not always have this carriage. When I first' started in llfo I had to walk." "You were lucky," chuckled the youth. "When I first started In llfo I couWn't walk." The Catholic News. Xell lie doesn't know anything about the little niceties of paying at tention to a girl. Helle Why, I saw hint typing your shoestring. Nell Yes; but he tied It In a double knot, so It couldn't come untied again. Phila delphia Kecord. What you Want Is a stenographer who Is rapid and absolutely accurate." "Weil," answered Mr. Wiggins, "rapid' ity Is all right, but ns to accuracy well, I don't want to be held down strictly to my own Ideas of grammar." Washington Star. Miss Cutting I see by the paper that nil the swell set was at the As sembly ball last night. Miss Mcliluff Yes; I expected to be there, but was prevented Miss Cutting The Idea! I hfipe the doorkeeper wasn't rough with you, dear. Catholic Standard and Times. Tommy Do you believe it is fortu nate to be the seventh son? Mickey Naw! I'm the seventh son. Tommy But the fortune tellers say the seventh son has all kinds of luck handed down to him. Mickey Huh! All I hnve handed down to me Is me six brothers' old clothes. Chlcugo News. First Gentleman (entering the apart ment of second gentleman) About a year ago you challenged me to fight a duel. Second Gentleman (sternly) I did, sir. First Gentleman And I told you that 1 bad just got married, and I did not care to risk my life at any hazard. Second Gentleman (haughtily) I remember, sir. First Gentleman (bitterly) Well, my feel ings have changed ; any time you want to fight, let mo know. Human Life. r.iploalve l'rie of Water. Water, looked upon as the. tamest of liquids, is as gn at nn explosive as dy namite uniler certain conditions. In one day water breaks up more earth anil rock than all the gunpowder, gnu cotton and dynamite In the world do In a year. These explosives can be con trolled by human agency, but wnter does not hold itself accountable to man. It runs Into the ground, freezes, ex pands and splits the soil into little pieces. Finding a crack In a huge rock. It repeats the sume process, forcing it asunder. If frozen iu the pores of a tree It often exploden with a report like a gunshot and the force of a dynamite v)otub. Popular Mechanics. Iu Guarded Tune. rtichuu Money talks, you know. Poorun Yes, I know ; but when It couverscs with nio it never speaks above a whisper." Illustrated Bits. If there is one tiling u garrulous man detests more th.m another it U a talkative woman. Sometimes there is trouble brewluf ta a brewery. I . A THICK OF MEMORY. Memory Is one of the most useful and least trustworthy of our faculties. "I mind It weel, bnt 1 hae ma doots o' ma mind!" said a canny Scotchman In the witness box. A wholesome charity for the mistakes of others was learned by a certain woman from her own ex tericnee. She was about to cross the continent for a threo months' visit. On the day of her departure she went to the safety deposit vault where bIic kej.t her valuables, ami said to the manager that she wan ted "To take her box, with Its contents, to her lawyer's office for an hour. Could he arrange that for her? The manager assented, and wrapped the box It) a newspaper, that It might make an Inconspicuous bundle. The day passed and the woman did tot return. The next morning. Inquiry revealed the fact that she had gone on her Journey. The manager was curious enough to ask her lawyer If he knew anything about the box. "She left here Intending to take It directly to you." said the lawyer. That was enough to Justify a tele (rram, as soon as the woman had reach ed her destination, six days later. Tel egram : "Where did you put your safe ty deposit box?" Answer: "In the rault where it belonged." Telegram: "It is not there. Return at once." Another week passed In wretched suspense for everyone concerned. When the woman arrived, she was In a state f nervous rage, and ready to accuse the officials of every crime In the cnl endar. She declared she had driven straight from her lawyer to the vault. The manager had himself let her in, and talked with her. Her story was complete in all Its details. But the FRENCH MAKE MONET REARING ANGORA BABBITS. a3 COMBING THE HAIR, TICKING IT, AND PACKING FOR MARKET. Thrifty French men and women make tidy sums of money rearing An jora rabbits, and selling their hair or ileece. which is woven into a superior quality of cloth much like silk, and is worn next the skin by those afflicted with rheumatism, who say they derive benetlclnl results. The better the animal Is nourished and cared for, the longer, finer and thicker Is the hair. The rabbits are also consumed for food. It Is said thnt with proper care each rabbit may be made to yield a net profit of three dollars a year, and the occupation is very plensant records of the deposit company did not substantiate it. That cast doubt enough on It so that It seemed worth while to look up the cabman who had driven the woman on that fateful day. He was found. He remembered the circumstance well. Had he any recollection of stopping anywhere else? Scratching his grizzled Load, he slowly retraced the course, and then said, "Why, yes ! We stopped at the bnkeshop ou the corner of 3d street, and you went in!" Here was the clew. A hasty visit to the bakery revealed the newspaper bun dle tucked away on a high shelf, with Its precious contents undisturbed. There it had stood for a fortnight, while a woman and a hnlf-dozen men were staying awake by night and fret tine hv dav. accusing each other of lying and stealing, alt because one ' J- ..T. .. J . . 1 . 1 . . , i. 1 .w . 1 r.f Vint. performance and Imprinted a lie on the tablets of her memory. Youth's Companion. NO LONGER LOVED. Vloleta Parcliaaed Only by Old-Faah-loned Men Who Say "Thanls You." If a straw may show which way the jvlnd blows, says a well-known news paper writer, then a violet may also lerve as'a vane to Indicate the passing eephyrs of society. J In the present vanishing of the violet, there Is no better indicator of this radi cal change between the wotnnn our fathers used to call "mother" as she stitched and sewed nnd smiled mion tier little brood, supremely happy with the bouquet of violets that sometimes graced her gown, and the smart, up-to-date Mrs. B. Formerly when flowers were distinct ly emblematic, deep with esoteric meaning, there was no greater compli ment than to be presented with a bunch of violets. Poets tho world over, since Adam delved and Eve went vloleting, have rbapsodlod over the womanly sig nificance of Its quiet fragrance. From first reader ditties about the "mossy dell where the humble violets grew," to Napoleon's eloquent tribute as he plucked it as the springtime emblem of his returu from Elba, and also of Jo sephine's devotion, everywhere from garret to throne, It lias nodded Its low ly bend, with a success undreamed of by haughty garden benutles. Modesty, sweetness, Innate gentility these glowed in the deep blue of each fra grant messenger. But, gracious alive, who wants to be that nowadays? "Violets? Dear me! Don't get those," aid the florist with a prescient glance like an up-to-date Sybil with a fat bunk account. "They're way out of style. No one ever buys violets any more! They're too little, too modest," she pointed to a few meager bouquets that looked very modest Indeed, drooping on their wilted stems. "They're not half showy, enough, not quite correct," she beamed, with defi Blte finality, "and oue might Just as well bo out of the world ns wut of the style, you kuow. Of course they're sweet and pretty and fragrant, nnd all that," she said, giving them u vigorous shake, as though they needed a course In gymnastics. "But who wants any thing like that. Indeed? ' "Oh, yes, sometimes some men, the old fashioned kind, that wear silk hats and say 'thank you,' ovasionHlly buy them, and then, too, when u girl Is In ; mourning and can't wear anything else, there Is a slight demand, but to send violets to a girl" she held up hef hands In horrcr. "Why, I am sure she'd give them to the cook." "Well, what do they like?" I asked. For answer I was treated t a glnnco thnt would have been a credit to an emigrant Inspector. "Like?" echoed shnrp-eyed Sybil. "Why, .inythlug thnt stunds out, shows off; lets everylsxly know thnt you're wearing them. sKaks for themselves; that's what they wnnt." She swept by a bower of roses, dusky with velvet beauty, and ilnted to a great patch of gaudy orchids. "There! there!" she exclaimed. 'That's the kind that makes the hit: Just look at tlK'tn. There won't be one left after the bnll to-night. Of course. I'll have to fall hack on the roses to help out, but It'll be those bright ones there." she pointed to a crimson blot staining some snow-white hyacinths In the case beyond. "You know," she con fided, "I do Ixlleve some girls would wear sunflowers If they were only fash ionable. Those chrysanthemums and bright flowers do make an awful hit. and ns for orchids" I followed her forefinger trying to find some mythical meaning other than a loud plea for dollars and cents. 'Those, of course, are most expensive, and therefore best of all." "Violets." she shook her hood, "beau tiful and fragrant and tenderly sincere. If you like, but old-fashioned, dread fully old-fashioned, and not oven to bo considered, you know." A ROTHSCHILD STORY.' , The Iteward thnt Came to a Student with m Heart. Old Itothsehlld stories are popular now in Europe. "Some are true," says nn English writer, "some are only clever, and mnny are simply Inven- tlons. But nil are read with Interest." Here is one from the Bystnnder, Ixn dou : , "At a luncheon given by Empress Eugenie at the Tuilerios the tiead of tho Paris house of Hothschlld was seat ed opposite a great painter. Itoth sehlld was not blessed with good looks nnd had. moreover, nn expression of distress nnd resignation combined. The painter could not take his eyes oft" him, nnd tills worried Itothsehlld not a lit tle. After the meal he asked the paint er why ho hnd taken so great nn Inter est In him, nnd to his great amaze ment the painter Informed him thnt he had studied him ns n model for n beg gar in a picture lie wiis then evolving. Rothschild's face brightened, nnd ho said, 'I will sit for you. And he did. One Jay when ho wos, losing a pupil of the painter's wns so touched by tho expression of woe oii the face oi the model thnt he slipped a five franc piece into the 'poor man's' hnnd and vanish ed before nn explanation wns possible. The next day the young man received 400 as Interest on ills well Invested 5 francs." CHASE FOR TITLES. Man? Are Ileal, but Othera Are Merely AnmiiimmI. At least fifty titles re or less au thentic, have been captured by Ameri can women in France. How many are real? A good proportion. Others nr! papal ; others merely assumed. Since titles were abolished In France the "aristocracy" hns Increased fivefold. There are five times as ninny dukes, counts nnd nil that In republican France to-day, snys Vance Thompson l.i the Broadway, as there were in the royal France of old. They spring up like mushrooms. There Is no law figalnst your butcher assuming the ti tle of the Marquis de Tele do Venu If it so pleases him. And therefore conies It that many a girl does not get what sl.e pays for poor child! However, authentic titles register ed In the Almanach tie Goth are go ing cheap these days, tine of the best knowu American women In Paris makes an excellent living ns a mar riage broker. I have seen one of her lists which wns brought to the atten tion of u girl with money money mad", curiously enough, out of wooden toothpicks. Among the titled men of fered to tho wooden toothpick heiress were Due de Montmorency, the Count de Chateaubriand and the Prince de leccn. She hasn't chosen yet. I ro ('Uiii:emleil the Prlni-o de Leccn. He Is of the Corslcau branch of the Co lotinas and has been trying to marry an American girl for years and years. Of course he has no money, but til title is a gotid one. He Is known as the knight of the sorrowlul visage; he writes verses. "Take him." I said to the heiress. "Why?" she asked. 'Because he looks like a toothpick." But she didn't like the reason. Copper to Slei-I Wire. A Parisian metallurgical engineer claims to have perfected a process of welding copper to steel wire so as to make a iion-eorroslvo coating. Many advantages, it Is said, will result from tho use of this new wire, such us high tensile strength und elasticity, com bined wllh smaller surface exposed to wind and sleet Hum would be (lie easu Willi iron wire or the k:iuio conductiv ity. This wire Is especially useful over long spans, as ole Intervals may be rueb greater vvUeu it lo used. Hint to lloueekeepera. A penny spent on a receipt file will often save pounds In litigation. Judge Emdcii In Hey r olds' Newspaper. Gsrfleld T Is of particular benefit to those subject to rheiimatlmn and (out I It purine the blood, clvanwa the system, and eradicate disease. Drink before re tiring. Our Namea Lark Color." At an early period, and Indeed well toward the beginning of modern his tory, proer numea told something ns to paternity, occupation and habita tion. To-day they are quite colorless. A new Ulysses would no longer be Lner tides. No Peter Indicates that he Is the son of Paul. A Carpenter or a Weaver Is likely) to be a Illy fingered stock broker. Even the place names, complains the Nation, have pretty much disappeared, except In the case of nobility, and since the average gen tle family has not for years lived on Its titular est at ps, or perhaps baa had none at all, our new Gastons de Folx give us a name as sapless at John Jones. London Chronicle. JaatlSed. "You are charged with having knock ed your wife down, blacking both of her eyes and loosening two of her teeth. Have you nuythiug to say for your elf?" "She hud It com In' to her, your faosv or. "What did she do or say that could In any way JustLfy such treatment on your part?" - "She said I didn't love her no more.n Houston Post. , Out of the Dim Past. Samuel Woodworth hod Juat written 'The Old Onken Bucket." "Nothing in it!" he muttered as he read It over and rellected upon the probable price it would bring. But posterity evidently found some thing in it. . ITCHING RASH 18 YEARS. nirl'a Itaah Spread aad Grew Worao tndrr Specialist! Care Partaet Cure by Cutleura Henird.Ua. "When my daughter was a baby she hnd a breaking out behind the ears. The doctor said that she woutd out grow It. and It did get aoniewhnt bet ter until she was about fifteen years old. and after that she could get noth ing that would drive It away. She wns always applying something In the way of salves.- It troubled her behind the knees, opposite the elbows, back of the nock nnd ears, 'under the chin, and then It got on the face. Thnt was about three yenrs ago. She took treat ment with a specialist and seemed to get worse all the time. We were then advised to try the Cutleura Ilemodlos, and now I don't see any breaking out. M. Curley, 11-19 Sixteenth St, Bay City, Mich.. May 20. 100fl.H Mntrliiioiiinl Confidence. Mr. Billus I wish 1 could find ioiim wny'to make the hair grow on that bald spot of mine. , Mrs. Billus Don't do it. John. Thnt's the only feature you've got Hint ever seems to smile. Ak Your Dealer for AUen'a Foot-Taae A powder to ahake Into your shoes. It rrata the feet. Cures Corns, Uunlona, Swollen, Bore, Hot, Callous, Achlnsr, Sweating feet and Ingrowing Nails. Allen's Kont-Raao makes new or tlcbt abaes easy. Bolu ly all bruKglsta nnd Shoe Stores. 25c. Sample mailed FREE. ' Address Allen 8. Olmsted, La Kojr, N. Y. I'uelu Jfrr). "Speakin' of these here State charita ble ins'tutions." ' remarked I'ncle Jerry Peebles, "I reckon they ain't ns black as HI' IV 11 Bjpy'P! they're painted nor as white as whitewashed,'' Good for Bora Byes, for over 100 years FETTIT'S EYE SALVE has positively cured eye diseases everywhere. All druggists or Howard Bros., Buffalo, N. T. Mix I'eeullarlty. "My lmslntid bus such n curious fad. He's making a collection of fine silk um brellas dozens and dozens of them." "That must be a pretty expensive fnd." "Well, of course, I er don't know bow much tliev cost liiin." The hands of the housewife will be kept soft and white and free from all chap, redness or roughness If borax is used. Itiiiiruuir . mi' itudlmi-ata. "What a sinnuiur looking counter pane!" vnid tlu eminent physician. "Counti rpnne !" exclaimed his wife. "Yet you sre auppoNcd to be one of the greatest mil Imritics in the country on brain diseases f "I foil to see the connection." "That's s crazy tn lit. you ninny." Mrs. WIiikIiiw'h Southing- Syrup for Child ren teetliliit;. softeus the guius, reduces In flHiuiniil Ion, ullays puln, cures wlud colic. !!, a bottle. O, Profeaaurt The professor was complimenting the violin virtuoso on the excellence of his pluying. "By t lie wny," he said, "do you ploy the 'Iloctor of Iiivinily'V" "That is a piece I hnve never heard of," answered the violinist. "Never heard of il '." exclaimed tho professor. "Fiddle I). 1J. !" Chicago Tribune. I'mrlleal. Sound pructlenl advice given by a misanthrope : If ever you tdiould be at tacked by night, never shout "Mur der!" for no one will Isithcr about you. Yell "Fire!" and everybody will be out of doors iu a i'.-Jy. H. V. N. I'. . . No. 31 I DOS. PUTNAM (.sisr stsrs .a srianlsr ... Istttr c. lai. ikua aajr aiousl wilsoui rtyist start. Wi.u Ui hM i.ufcirt-n,, u 0s.-l"U sail Mu Cslira. Breakfaat Table Iteveaare. I Breakfast Is an excellent meal to which to Invite one's enemies. There would le a certain wild Joy In drag ging one's best hated friends ont of their comfortable beds at unearthly hours of the morning and then provid ing them with a "good, honest, whole some, hungry breakfast" which they probably could not eut. Loudon Genl tk.voman. Seattered Far sii Wlda. Enstsrn Housekeeper Do you have any difficulty In keeplrg good girls la the West? Western Housekeeper (from a natu ral gas town) Great difficulty? Every once In a while the girl lets the gas run too long before lighting It, and we have to look about for a new girl. No use looking for the old one. New York Weekly. A cooking school and nursery nrt among the innovations st the First Pres. hjterlan church in SrnMI. FOUND THE CAUSE Arte (Is Years of Mlaery mm Wroaar Treat meat. John A. Knders, of Robertson avenn. Pen Argyl, Pa., Buffered for Big years with stinging pain In the back, violent headaches and dlzsy t-pells, and was as sured by a specialist that , his kidneys were' a I 1 right, though the secretions showed a reddish, brick-dust sediment. Not satisfied, Mr. Enders started using Donn'B Kidney Tills. "The kidneys be gan to act more regularly," be Bays, "and In a short time I passed a few gravel stones. I felt better right away and since then have had no kidney trouble." Sold by all dealers, 60 cents a box. Foster-Mllburu Co.. Buffalo. N. Y. Sympathy. "It's a serious thing, Verena," sighed Mrs. Upmore, "to be Ibe wife of a man s ho holds a public office. It demands so much of his time, and keeps him awsy from his home." "I, know Just how you feel, ma'am," laid the elderly domestic. "My first hus band was the grand imperial outside guard of the Amalgamated and Solidified Order of Fuxzy Uuxsiea, and sometimes he was that busy try in' to remember the signs nnd prips t hat I couldn't get a word out of hi iu nil day Inn?." ESSE W&tf&MT ; -J- - - - r - v. mffiT7TTTTTHTTTmi1-5j ALCOHOL S PES msT ANeclablelVfiHrttonuTAs slmilai (n$ the Fbotf nmf Rrri d ling lite Stomachs aiuHJowdsof Promotes DigpslionJChfeifiir ness and kstrontaiiisneiftiT Opium.Morphtnc norMteaL! HUI 11AMI UTI17. ssBjasssssflSBSSsasa est eessspSBBBessassasaa Wsjto fitd' JkMttSrtt' jtamSttd tfitti Srftim Anerfect Remedy for Consflw if! lion , Sour Stomach.Dlarrtoci YyormsjCoirvulsionsJeverislr ness and LOSS OF Stiff?. Facsimile SignaturtoT NEW YORK. Exact Copy of Wrapper. sTW.tsr 'IS 1 them like candy, and they will work gently while you sleep. They cure, that means they strengthen the muscular walls of the bowels, give them new life. Then they act regularly and natur ally. That's what you want. Cure gu-anteed. Be sure yoil get Cascarets. Sample and booklet free. Address Sterling Remedy Company, Chicago or New York. ftHOCB AT ALL Rices. roR cvcrv mimbis or rut nun w MCN, B0V8. WOMEN, MISSES AND CHILDREN. IJlrvV .. Doiglam makmm mnd aaffe morm " v rnon'mi:.lin,m3.UOmnd$S.BOmhomm JitTrorJ, bwoaumm thy hold chaa. HI limit, wmam Ion ym. JtrjV - vmtum than aojr i. L. Douglas $4 and $5 Gilt Edge Shoot Cannot Be Equalled At Anj TKf.'Jyy ,.t.'w w; roui(l nams and prior I. .lumped on bom ili'ii . t . '" "'a1'" ywliii. BUoes uuwlnt trvio fa.iory t B. i,l I bl L'aUloK trtai lu any aJorusa. FADELESS DYES aik.r . n.. m,.i.....i . New Fast Morning Train Chicago TO New York VIA LnKEOSHU LEAVE CKICAfiO tiOOA.M. ARRIVE NEW YORK 9il5 A.M. All Incoming morning trains from the West, Northwest and Southwest connect with this train in Chicago, and oa-arrival to Mew York passengers are landed In Grand Contra1. Station The ONLY railroad terminal in New York City. Right tn the heart of the hotel ana residence district Subway station under same roof. 15 minutes to Brook lyn without change. A daylight ride along" Lake Michigan, Lake Erie, through the Mohawk Valley and down the hlstorlo Hudson- River. CALL ON O ADDRESS L W. LANDMAN. O. W. F. A. La Salle St Station, Chicago, III. WARREN A LYNCH Paaaenger Trarflo Manager CHICA0O DAISY FLY KHIER nft-w Utasilimia IWKWlf kwBlaai I WIS Ml la Jn ea an aaaisrs m Mntir.uM lot tea. Harl4 Saiisf. MS BTalk stT BrMklya. K. T. Save The Package Tops and Soap Wrappers from "20-MULE-TEAM" BORAX Products and Exchange them Free For Valuable Premiums 40rsf3 tltustrstsd Free eatsteeua of 1,000 snicks. Addross PACiriC COaSI 00 BU CO, CDICA60, ill For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over Thirty Years TUB mva mmbnVi wtw vrk tn Bears the Ay About the first thins: the doctor says How are your bowels ? , Then, "Let's see your tongue." Because bad tongue and bad bowels go together. Regulate tht bewels, clean up the tongue. Wt all know that; this is the way to keep well. You can't keep the bowel healthy and regular with purgetj or bird-shot pills. They move you with awful gripes, then you're worse than ever. Now what you want is Cascarets. Go and get them today Casca rets in metal box cost xoc Bat "- "Qn nnd ! mvT bottom. Take Sm abatlluta. W. rv iu anr par. or ina tomi 11 aWstWCaS:. MOMHOM. StUVG GO. Qmhutr, ilUmSS.