ivoiaai Alcohol Doctors prescribe very little, if any, alcohol these days. They prefer strong tonics and altera tives. This is all in keeping with modern medical science. It explains why Ayer's Sar- !jsaparilla is now made entirely Inci from alcohol. Ask your Lienor. Follow his advice. VV publish oar farmulM f W bnlth atoohol from our md totntu Wo urro you to consult your doctor li xyers Ur,: 3 there is, daily action of tbe bow ?.s. '..-.anous products ire absorbed, ci .j-. ; .4 headache, biliousness, nausea. ivo ? n-ia. We wish you would ask your c : :!)iut correcting your constipation r ' ' g laxative doses of Ayer's Pills. ''VtJieJ. C. Aymr Co.. Low.ll. Mm.. April Specials To tK Paoifio Coast Very favorable excursion rates to the Pacific Coast during the summer season of 190S, in cluding special dates in April to California as follows : April 25th and 26th. Illustration, only $G0 round trip. The Coast tour is the finest rail road journey in the world. Make it this summer. Also low one way rates during April To Colorado arvd Rocky Mountains Plan now for your summer vacation in Colorado, Wyom ing, the Black Hills, or Yel low Stone Park. Very low and attractive summer tour ist rates to the cool monntain resorts after June 1st. Ilomaseekers' Rates 1st and 3rd Tuesdays to the west generally. TKs Birf Horn Basin Auction sale for choice of the newly irrigated lands under the Oregon Basin, or Wiley ditch, near Cody. Opening in May, 190S. Also splendid chances yet for homesteading government irrigated lands near Garland, Wyo. Write D. Clem Deaver, Landseekers' Information Bureau, Omaha, He will personally conduct landseekers excursions to this Big Horn Basin 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each .month through the summer. Excellent business chances in new growing towns on Bur , lington extensions. Write Mr Deaver or N A S McLean, Ticket Agent DACOTA C'Tr, NEB. L. W. Wakkley, O P A, Omaha, Neb A Ira. Davis Auctioneer Emerson, Nsbr. Fivrm vrvd Stock. Secies 19 Years in the Business Dates made at Tbe Herald Office. SO YEARS' EXPERIENCE Thadk Mark Designs Copyrights Ac. Anvnner.iilti'g keft n"1 rtcrintlmi mm qT''Mr u:"-Tia!ii nir tpinnm free whi hir an invention i .ru.nlii v l!'i'-,! "r"'.'".",''.,v l-.rn .till l! .il.H.l-llM:ll. Hft'ir.BOO't '"I I'Ufl.ti em Ixu. liMeit lliflii'r Uit r'.1L."l.i! lttlM. jvi'.imih tiiK"ti i!.rnut.'li Munn it Cu. rwcfclre ryi'il tioficf. wi limit tt.'i-k'u, lutlitf Scietttific American. A hnltf'""-' Hlutrn:i w.'i klr. I.nrewit rtr. r'ltiiiniii i-f hut iM-ieiitiuc 1 lurniil. Mrtn, I T ir: 1 .nr lu.iiillu. U Sulci lij nil newileiiler. KlUMfJ & Co.3C,b'o,,(1Nbw York rr70 "Ji r t.. V-ituhtniitiin. I). C. Indigestion Stomach trouble la but a aymptom o. and aafl In lunli trua disv&gH. W think of I)ysp.'iav H.rtburn, and Indignation a roal dlfaaf. fa ther are tymptotn only oi a certain auadfis Murre ilckria nothing eiae. It wiu thi. Ut-t that H nr. onrmtlr lnd Dr. flhooS In the crraiion of that now very populr StomiiiA Bonwdy Dr. Whoop' Rmtorative. (Joint Jirnal to ike ttomarh nt-rve. alone brouaht that turn and fmor to Dr. hhoopand hU Ke.torat1v. Yv out that original and hiehlr vit&l orlnc-lDle. Urh lasting accomDlihmHntd wmfm Avar tn Im had. For iUiiimi h dutruss. bloating, lilloiuiieis. bad breath and hallow comilrxlou. trr Dr. KhooD't KuiUirative Tablet! or Liquid aud fce (or your. alf what it ran and will do. VY aU and choar tully recouuuend Dr. Shoop's Restorative fjfelCf "ALL DEALERS" R R Time Table Sioui City, Crystal Laka ft Homer LEAVE LEA VI JAKOTACIlT SIOCXCITT 7:30 a m ...8:20 a m 9:30 a m 10:30a m 11:15am 11:50 am 1:15pm 2:00pm 3:00 p m 4:15 p m 5:15 p m 5:50 p m 6:40 pm..... 11:00 p m Special trips for parties of 15 or more C, St. P., M.A O. Trains leare Dakota City at the fol louring time : WORTH BOCND. SOUTH BOT7ND 7:02 pm Omaha 7:04 am 10:00 am Omaha 5:13 pm 3:37 pm Norfolk 8:18 am 8:41am Norfolk 6.32 pm 7 :28 aiu Newcastle ...... 9 :33 am 2:08 pm 6:25 pm SUNDAY TRAINS. 7:02pm Omaha 7:04 am 3:37 Norfolk 5:32 C B ft Q WF.8T No. 85 Local Freight' 7:15 am 11 " Passenger, Oruaua and Lincoln 12 :47 pm EAST No. 86 Local Freight 2 :25 pm 10 Local Passenger . . 6 :29 pm 1aitr. dailT Ainant bumlaV. Local Items Friday, April 24, 1908. Post cards at Van's. Jennie Fairweather has returned from Aurelia, Iowa. Goody. Goody, Goody, where, at Van's. A big bos for 5 cents. Four thousand feet of Cottonwood lumber for sale. Robert Lapsley. Mrs Scot Duncan went to Jefferson, S D, Monday to visit her daughter, Mrs Chas Ball. Miss Edith Berryman went t Creighton Saturday to spend Easter at her old home. Remember tbe baked owl luucheon at Braslield's hall Saturday evening. given by the Epworth League, If you want to get a sack of sugar go to Van's, he has a oorner on it and can sell it cheaper than anybody. Mrs B F Strohm orders her Ilerald changed from Cresco, Iowa, to Her ra is ton, Ore, for which place she ex pects to leave this week. A grand ball will be given in Bras- field's hall, Dakote City, Tuesday evening, April zatn, torus xour-pieee orchestra furnishes tho music. A Christiansen celebrated his birth day last Friday evening. A few of his old friends were invited in for sup per and to spend a social evening. Albert Schumacher was given a urprise party baturday evening at the home of his grandmother, Mrs A Chiistiausen, it being his 22nd birth day. Mary Maxwell came up from Lin coln last Thursday, where she is at tending school, and spent her Easter vaeation with her parents, teturning this Thursday. Ed Easton sud Chas Ream were summoned to appear at Omaha Thurs day to serve as petit jurors in the fed eral court. They left for Omaha Wednesday evening. John Clayton was up from his farm n U Hindi precinct, Wednesday, ao- corupanied by his brother-iu-law, Wm Nicklin, of Oil City, Pa, who is here on a couple of weeks' visit with rela tives. J B Atkins, of the firm of King, Truax & Atkins, and auditor for the line of elevators which the firm re cently purchased of Bleukiron Bros, was looking after busiuess matters here Tuesday. Estella Sayie and Ella Luth came over from Sioux City Monday after noon and visited over nighc with rela tives and friends. They left Tuesday for Madison, S D, where they have po sitions awaiting them . Al Adams was seriously injured Monday evening in a souflling bout with F A Wood. In falling Adams struck his head on a foot scrape' on the sidewalk in front of ttie saloon, cutting an ugly gash across his temple. A Baked Owl luncheon will be given by the Epworth League, at Brasfleld's hall. Saturday evening, April 25, 1908. Serving will commence at 5 o'clock p Price loo. The principal article on the menu will be baked owl. Come, have a good time, and get wisel D II Hager expects to leave Mon day for Winnipeg, Cansda, where he will work for a big lumber firm. He spent last season there and was so well pleased with the country and climate that he has decided to return. Will Vann, who has been working here abouts for several years past, will ac company him. Weak women get prompt and last ing help by using Dr Shonp's night cure. These soothing, healing, anti septic suppositories, with full informa tion how to proceed are interestingly told of in my book No 4 for Women . The book and strictly confidential medical advice is entirely fre:. Sim ply write Dr Shoop, Rucine, Wis for my book No 4 Sold by all dealers dospel addresses will be given in both the MethodiHt and Lutheran churches in this place Sunday at 11 o clock a m: men s evangelistic meet ing at the court house at 3 p m, Dr E Huntington Stevens, speaker, and a union mass meeting in the M E church at 8 p in. Everybody invited . Ihese services willhe held under th auspices of the Y M C A of Sioux City. William B Crooker, of Morningside, and Miss Sadie Wolf, of South Sioux City, were joined iu marriage on Wod nesday evening April 22, Rev G F Mead officiating. The ceremony took place at the home of the bride and only near relatives were present. The groom is one of Morningaide's promis ing young men, and the happy brid is one of South Sioux City's handsome young ladies. Mr and Mrs Crooker will go to housekeeping in Morning side. Sam Stinson is laid up with a bad cold again. Found a pair of ladies black gloves Inquire at this efdce. Will Lapsley departed Monday for bis home at Sheflield, Pa. Coroner B F Sawyer was down from Jackson Monday on business. John E Miles returned Saturday from a trip to Texas and other points in the south, Paul Pizey made a business trip to Newcastle and Ponca Wednesday, re' turning Thursday. J A Foye has had printed some fine lithograph posters - advertising the featurs of his Crystal Lake park. Mrs Ward Joyce left Tuusay for Grindstone, S D, to reside, where her husband is holding down a claim. The Bell Telephone company is un loading several car leads of material here with which to rebuild their lines. Mrs Emmett Ilileman went to Oma ha Monday to see her mother, who was seriously ill aDd not expected to re cover Helen Orr came home Monday from Sioux Falls, S D, to spend a week at home. She is a student at All Saints school. For Sale Team of mules, cheap if taken at once. Inquire of P M BoaIp, Dakota, Nebr. Residence one mile north of Coburn. llenrv Scbmidt came down from Wakefield Saturday, where he is working for Henry Bartels, and visit ed relatives until Monday. Waren E Stewart and Majorie RitUe, both of Sioux City were joined in mar riage Monday euening at South Sioux City by Justice J J Eimers. Van de Zedde will hold his grand opening Saturday when his ice cream parlor will be opened to the public, you can get a big 10c dish of cream for 5 cents. Dr Nina R Smith, of Homer, under went an operation at St Joseph's hos pital, in Sioux City Wednesday for kidney trouble. At this writing she is improving slowly. The new "Handy Shur-on" Rimless Eye Glasses are solf adjusting and sure to stay in place. We can fit you, and want you pleased with the best. W C Eckhart, Licensed Optometrist. Remember the grand ball at Bras field's New Opera House hall Tuesday evening, April 28th. Ford's four piece orchestra will fuhish music for the occasion, and a good time is guar anteed. r Chris Hansen was up from his farm west of Homer Tuesday to see his daughter Carrie, who is entertaining a esse of measles. Louis Rusmussen, a neighbor of Mr Hansen, accompa nied him. Ship vour cream to Bancroft cream- ery company, isaucrolt, rseur. ve pay in cents for cream this week. Write us for shipping lags Let us Lave jour next can of cream, and give us a trial. Weekly payment. Axel Boholum, Manager. Services at the Methodist Episcopal church every Sunday as follows: Preaching, 11 a m; Sunday school 10 am! ('latis meeting 12 m; Epworth League, 6:30 p m; Preaching, 7 :30 p ui. Preach in Grace church every Sunday at 2 :30 p m. You are cordially invited to any aud all these services. Try the new photo studio for your cabinet photos. Our aim is to make as tine a photo as can be Jmade for the money. We guarantee all our work for satisfaction and not to fade. Our prices are very low.- Hring this ad vertisement and we will make you six teen cabinet photos for the price of a dozen. Cabinets $2,00 and up. De Luxe Studio, next to 5 and lc store, i?ioux City. Foye's Crystal Lake park is fust as suming the appearance of a summer resort. Besides the puvilliou, baud stand and bath house there has been erected several new cottages by Sioux City parties who consider Crystal lake an ideal plaoe to spend the summer. George B Wbitteinore and Lew Stevens have completed their summer cottages, and Leu Lesseuiek and Oscar J Hoberg each have begun the erec tion of a summer home at the lake. Others are making arrangements to build and by the time summer is real ly here the park will be pretty well dotted with cottages. Several new ruoto- boats have been launched land more will be added during the summer. That languid, lifeless feeling that comes with spring and early summer, can be quickly changed to a feeling of buoyancy and energy by the judicious use of Dr Shoop's restoiative. The restorative is a genuine tonio to tired, run down nerves, aud but a few doser is needed to satisfy the user that D Shoop s restorative is actually readi ng that tired spot, lhe indoor life of winter nearly always leads to sluggish bowels, and to sluggish circu lation in general. The customary lack of exercise and outdoor air ties up the liver, stagnates the kidneys, and oft times weakens the heait.s action. Use D' Shoop's restorative a few weeks aud all will be changed. A few days test will tell yon that you are using the right remedy. Yon will easily and surely note the change from day to dav. Sold bv all dealers. The Easter exercises given by the M E Sunday school last Sunday even ing were simply line. The children one and all acquitted themselves in a most creditable manner, which rt-nect ed great care and pains on the part of the trainers to whom no small amount of credit is due for this success of the entertainment . The church was beauti fully decorated, thanks to the commit tee who had it iu hand. A word ought also be said concerning our excellent choir, who are not only reuderiug de lightful and appreciative service every Sunday but who seemed to vie with eaoh other to give us something out of the ordinary and decidedly appropri ate for this occasion. The missionary offering on Sunday evening showed that the audience appreciated the effort put forth by the children and all concerned, and we hereby give to all oar hearty thanks for your liberal htlp aud. irjpport. Ray O E Von Ilagea. Have Eimers make your abstracts. Subscribe for The herald $1 per year. Mrs Gertrude Best of Homer spent Sunday and Monday here. Old papers for sale at the Herald office 0 cents per hundred. You will never get nervous if you drink Breun's coffee. Van de Zedde sells it. Will Winch and Carl lleam were up from Homer Sunday angling for bass at Crytal lake. At 16 a girl will fall in love wi h feilow she will be ashamed to speak to when she is twenty. James Fncston and family have moved to their new home recently pur chased of Geo J Bouoher, Monday. M O Ayres and Geo S Boucher re turned Wednesday morning from 1 business trip to Cherry county, this state. Good, fresh, guaranteed garden seeds at Van de ZeJde's. With every 50 cent purchase you are entitled to a gold fish. J 0 Ecker of Winside, Nebr, special agent for the State Insurance Co, of Nebraska, was a business visitor in towu Tuesday . If you want steady work that's pleas ant and profitable, write at once to the Hawks Nursery Co, Wauwatosa, Wis. Largest in the state. Lest, somwhere between Dakota City and the Salem churches, a child's gray cliecked spring jacket, trimmed with blue velvet. Finder please leave at the Herald oihoe. All kinds of coal, feed and hay for sale at reasonable prices. Fields & Slaughter Co. Theo E Bliven, Manager. Dakota City, Neb. For housecleaning time, see what 35 cents will buy at Van's a ten cent package of Dutch cleanser, a bar of hand soap, a bar of tar soap, a scour ing bar. Fifty cents worth, all for 35 cents, at Van de Zedde's. We will be glad to see you call and have some photos made. We are not partioular what kind you have, as we make stamps, postal cards, cabinets, and 40 other sizes. I believe you know we are always the lowest in prices. Call Suuday or any other day. Kozy Studio, 394 Douglas St, Sioux City. Pain, anywhere, can be quickly stop ped by one of Dr Shoop's piuk pain tablets. Pain alwavs means conges tion unatural blood pressure. Dr Shoop's pink pain tablets simply coax congested blood away from pain cen ters. These tablets known by drug gists as Dr Shoop's headache tablets simply equalize the blood circulation and theu paiu always departs iu 20 minutes. 20 tabiets 25 cents. Write Dr Shoop, Racine, Wis, for free pack age. Sold by all dealers. Piles are easily and quickly checked with Dr Shoop's magic ointment. To prove it I will mail a smull trial box as a oouvinc'ng test. Simply address Dr Shoop, Racine, Wis. I surely would not send it free unless I was certain that Dr Shoop's mania oint ment would stand the test. Remem ber it is made exprer sly and alone for' swolleu painful, bleeding or itchiug piles, either external or internal. Large jar 50c. S.ild by all dealers. Here is a Joke they tell on a Ponca doctor iu connection with a small pox scare. He was sent to the home of a woman who washes for a living. She has a large number of children and they had been exposed to the disease. He recommended that the woman, as well as the children, be vaccinated. The woman was good and angry. She said she had no time to ston and be sick with vaccination and besides could not spare one of her arms, that the children would starve and freeze if she could not do her liumdrv work, Theu the doctor said : " Well I will vaccinate you on one of o'ir lower, limbs." "No siree," said the woman, "I can't" spare one of my legs either." Then the doctor said kindly, "what spot could you spare because you must be vaccinated." The old woman thought and then said slowly, " Well the Lord knows I never get a chanca to sit down." Real Estate Transfers. Ralph I. Smith and wlfii to J M Kvnnx. lot 8 und 4 la block 13, Vntrul Mouth Hloux, wd f Jan luincnn to Mnry olurk et al, neli Mention 24-2V-S, q;d 825 115 Louis (IIouhb and wife to K I) ItnlifuMt 11 'i and Hi&t nw4 tmutioii 2w-i-, i.. Iimwo J W Squire anil wife nnd J W Oniy and wife to Win Bliike. east fractional f Hcction 8-2H-S, and ne4 section ia-vs-7, Wd iXUlDll Poter HnRftn and wife to John Flan- nery Jr, nf. sej-i Hectlon 5-:7-7. wd ilnoo J .1 Klmem and wife to Orvll Shore, lot S and 84, In block 11. Flrxt addi tion to Soul li Slou x VI ty , wd W I- Strona and wife to I tic hard Sliort ley. He1- suction 1H--.X-1, nxceplliiK that portion of Haiti tract dettded to Sioux t'lty 4 Wotiterii Ky Jo. (tlT.tl'j ac-ren), wd 8317 D Olnn Armour end wife to S A Hel- kes, part of nw'j nwl Hectlon l-v7-i. and part of nei nel cctioiil-i7-S.wd 2044 (Jen J Houclicr nnd wife tn Amanda Kuetttnn, lot 1, 2 und a In block 140, ltakola City, wd District Court Dates. The terms of court for the year 1008, for the counties of the Eighth Judicial restrict of Nebraska are as follows: CiuniiiK I takotu Stanton t'edar ....Feb 3, Sept It ... Feb 17, Sept -JH .. March 2. Oct HI . March Irt, Nov . March )lo, Nov :) Itlxon. Tliurxtou April l:t. Oct A The first day of each term is set for hearing applications for citizenship SIO Free for a Name. we want a new name for Cryatul Lake's new bench. A new and will ciinipped bath house has just been erected, and other modern couvenien ces will be added this season. The fishing and bathing cauuotjhe excelled To the persou who will aeud us the name considered best, for this ideal bathing beach, we will 'give a cash prize of $10,00. lacu reply win he numbered as re ceived. Should aiore thau ou person or persons, send the same name we w ill give a second lirrie of a seaaou ticke to the new bath house and beach. A committee of one representative from each daily newspaper will make the decision and award the prizes. Contest closes May lat. Mail an awers to "Contest Department." Hni'x Cut, cuvstal Lake & Homer Railway, Sioux City. Iowa, A Bit of History. The Chicago & North Western rail road company has just issued a book giving a list of the towns on its line of road together with a history of the ori gin of the namesof each place. Below will be found a list of tbe towns in Dakota county situated on the line of road, and the origin of the names as given iu the publication; Coburn, Dakota County, Nebrask was named for Warrou and Zerah Col burn, mathematician and arithraetrical prodigy respectively, but was misspell ed in making the plat of tho town and was to recorded arxl the error allowed to stand. A legend claims that the place was nanif-d for "Fred" Colburn a railroad ticket agent of St Louis Missouri, and another asserted it was named for a pugilist, but so far as can now be learned, both these legends are untrue, aud the first named denvat.on is the correct one, and tho one that should go down iu history as the true one. Dakota City, Dakota County, Ne braska, was established on September 20th, 1855, and was named by Mrs D C Crockwell, the wife of J D M Crock well, for the Indian tribe. The Indian (Sioux) form of the word is Lakota, Nokota or Dakota, according to thedi alect, aud signifying "allies," the common Indian name of the confeder ated Sioux tribes. The word Sioux is white man's corruption of Ojibway Iudian name, Nadowessious, for the tribe. It meant "snake," "snake like" or "enemies " Emerson, Dixon County, Nebraska This town was platted in 1831 and was named by E W Winter, then General Manager of the Chicago, St Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha Railroad, in honor of Ralph W Emerson, the "Sage of Concord" Massachusetts. It was first called Eenuesaw from the battle (mountain) Meld in Georgia , Hubbard, Dakota County, Nebraska, as named by and for Judge Asahel W Hubbard of the District Court, Sioux City, Iowa, and Congressman from the Eleventh District of Iowa He was one of the promotors in build up the railroad from Sioux City, Iowa, to Ponca, Nebraska. Jackson, Dakota County, Nebraska. The towu was started in 18(0 and named 1861 for Andrew Jackson, ex President of the United States. Nacora, Dakota County, Nebraska. This is a name coined from the Span ish word nacio, meanitg "I am born." South Sioux City, Dakota County. Nebraska. This place was formerly called Covington; its present post oilice name is Sioux. The name of the town as well as the post office, comes from the name of the Dakoa (Sioux) tribe of Indians, the largest tribe in the United States. The word really is an abbreviation of the name given to the tribe by Ojibway Indians and means "little snakes," i e "ene mies." Vista, Dakota County, Nebraska. Tho earliest name of this towu was Brady, and it was named for a pioneer family of the vicinity. Owing to the fact that an island in the Platte River was called Brady's Island, it was thought best to change the name of this place, as tlie name of the island could only be changed by act of con- ress, lhe preseat name was selected because of the views from the place nd the vistas formed by the hills aud alleys piotur-isquely surrounding it. School Notes. Delia Long visited the high school Tuesday, The measles cases are increasing rapidly. The regular monthly examinations ill be held in the grammar room this week. Those absent from the Gth grade re Ruth Gray, Elda Bridenbaugh aud Edgar Howard. They have the mea les. bix pupils from the 5th grade are absent with meuslts. William Quintal has stopped school. Minnie nnd May Skelly entered school Monday. Aileen Stinson anil Frae Eutrikan re back ut school after a two weeks' absence. Five from the 2nd grade and eight pupils from the 3rd are absent with measles. The lower rooms are being fairly turned into flower gareleus with a wholesome array of spring blossoms. Official Announcement. The Fourth Annual Convention of the Dakota County Sunday School as sociation will be held in the Boats M E church of South Sioux City, May 78 and 10, 1908 . A program is preparing that prom ises to niaae tnis convention ne oi tbe best. The general secretary of the State Sunday School association, H M Steidley, of Lincoln, well known to all Sunday school workers, and Miss Mina Stooker of Dunbar, secretary of the state elementary committee, will be present with tidings of the state work and helpful plans and sugges tion for our county and individual Sunday schools. Among the speakers already secured are 11 D Haskell, Wakeiield, trcstee of this district and a member of the state executive committee, who will most probably speak of the "World's Sun day School Convention at Rome" winch he attended last yeur; Rev M iu Uoee of the Friends church, will give an uddress "Advantage and Blessing of a Christian Training in Youth"; Rev E II Stevens, a Sioux City pastar und Rev S S McComb, a Sioux City Sunday school worker will give ad dreases; also II II Sawyer, district Miiperinteudent of anti saloou league of northwest Iowa, will give the tern pei auee uddress . Lvery Suuday school in the county it entitled to one delegate for ever 10 members or fraction thereof. Let every school have its full number of delegates present. Llect them early and send their names for entertain ment to Rev Geo F Mead, Sioux, Neb Plan now to attend the convention wheather a delegate or not. L. Kkyoeh, Elizabeth S. Haask, President Secretary. Lutheran Church Announcements Preaching Sunday morning at Sa lem at 11:00 o'clock, Sunday school at 10:00; O E at 8 p m. Preaching at Dakota City 8:00p m, C E 0:30, Sunday achool at 9:45 a m, Mission Baud at 3:00 p m. I i I Time Tried Two pretty good things about this good bank. "The Bank that always treats you bioht" celebrated its 22nd birthday Tuesday. A long, bappy, prosperous time. Less than fifty dollars losses since starting, more depositors than ever before and the confidence, respect and friendship of its depositors and borrowers. Through all the panics, since '8G, it has passed unmoved and immovable, protecting its depos itors, its borrowers, itself alike. And it can imagine no pos- loie cnsis that could prevent Bsvrvk. of Dixkota. Patronize Home Industries buy your meats of Wm LORENZ, Proprietor of City Iea Freah and Salt Meats always Agent foi Seymour's White Laundry. Laundry basket goes Tuesdays aud tomes back Saturdays DAKOTA CITY i iowk saVe I I Cheap, Light, Simple, Durable, Adjustable, Practice.! Made of High Carbon Rolled Steel Tubing. SOLD ON TRIAL. Edwards t Bradford Lumber Co. Gbo. Kolilmeier. Mgr. Tho Is the cheapest Minnesota Paints are mixed nnd ground in PURE LINSEED OIL of their own manu facture. Most paint grinders bay their oilj they make theira from selected Northwestern flaxseed the best in the world in their own mills and it never leaves their buildings until it is mixed in Minnesota Paints The other things in our paints are PURE White Lead, PURE Oxide of Zinc, PURETinting Colors and driers. Use them once aud you'll never use any other kind. For 37 Years "The 'Best Taints Made" Put up in full Government Measure cans look better, cover more surface and last longer than any other paint. . "A SpiciatValnt for EVtry VaintabU Surface" Inside or Outside. E. & 15. Lbr. Co., Hubbard, Neb 2 Abstracts of Title A $10,000 Surety Bond Guarantees the acouracy of erery Abstract I make PAUL PIZEY, Dakota Citvi Nca. j Bonded : Abstracter L Lawyers tmmtttmrtM4WH Write for our Illustrated Catalogue describing our seventy different styles of Harness. A tfood Work Harness for $20.00 AND MANY OTHERS AT RIGHT PRICES Sttxrea Bros i Pcvrvic Proof I I its continuing .his good work. County : laekian I Ntbratkai, 4) - i KIsxrket on hand . Caeh paid for hides. NEBRASKA I Dakota City, Neb. Pairit That Lasts paint to buy, the cheapest paint 3? to put on, and the cheniwst paint to keep in good condition. It lasts longest because it is ground in PURE LINSEED OIL. It makes no difference what naint isnmde of, if it isn'tmixed iu PURE LLNSEED OIL it WON'T LAST. I W I Suocessor to Dakota County Abstract Co. Bonded Abstracter J. J. EIMERS I ALFRED PIZEY, 608 Metropolitan Blk. Sioux City. Iowa - 411 Pavrl Strt Sioux City, low. I i