Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, April 17, 1908, Image 5

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The Aem Adju.tabla Window
Sbada Holdai will tl any wia
wow: arcommoriata aa? alt a of
ahada; throw, tlibt to anr part of
room drairod: ordlaary
ahad: idmin IbiiuiiIt: cm k
inatallrd bjanroD.; allow fra
circulatioa ( all.
Parfactly Sanitary
i. i a rii-TTil
(TIT Hh r,j. , llitEJ
Atem maka bit ro6t. homa
or traveling. Holdar a. II. on
light. Tb.be.t. aim pleat, cheap
eat and moat satisfactory ahada
holder made, lor ofhca, bomi or
Omaha Shada Holder Co.
214 So. 12th St. OMAHA, NEB.
April Specials
To tK Paolflo Coast
Very favorable excursion rates
to the Pacific Coast during the
summer season of 190S, in
cluding special dates in April
to California as follows : April
25th and 26th. Illustration,
only SGO round trip. The
Coast tour is .the finest rail
road journey in the world.
Make it this summer. Also
low one way rates during April
To Colorado and
Rocky Nountalni
Plan now for your summer
Vacation in Colorado, Wyom
ing, the Black Hills, or Yel
low Stone Park. Very low
and attractive summer tour
ist rates to the cool monntain
resorts after June 1st.
If omeseeltara' Ratta
1st and 3rd Tuesdays to the
west generally.
TK Big Horn Basin
Auction sale for choice of the
newly irrigated lands under
the Oregon Basin, or Wiley
ditch, near Cody.
in May, iuus. Also splendid
chances yet for homesteading
government irrigated lands
near Garland, Wyo. Write
D. Clem Deaver, Landseekers'
Information Bureau, Omaha,
He will personally conduct
landseekers excursions to this
Big Horn Basin 1st and 3rd
Tuesdays of each month
through the summer.
Excellent business chances in
new growing towns on Bur
lington extensions. Write Mr
Deaver or '
A ; MoT pm Ticket Apent
b MCLean, llCket Agem
dacota enr, keb.
www TTt f A rf"V I V" l
. x -
Stomach trouble Is but a lymptoni of. and not
tltaftll uue diseaw. We think of Dyspepsia,
aartbum, and Inuiustlon as real diseases, yet
,T are symptoms only of a certain epeciuo
Verve sickness nothing else.
It was this fact that first correctly led Dr. Snoop
-In ttia ..rAtlnn nf that now TrV DODUlir Stomach
Remedy Pr. Bhoop's Restorative. Going direct
to th stomach nerves, alone brought that success
and favor to Dr. Shoop and his Restorative. With,
out that original and highly vital principle, no
Such lasting accomplishments were ever to be had.
For stomach distress, bloating, biliousness, bad
breath and sallow complexion, try Dr. Snoop t
Restorative Tablets or Liquid and see for your,
elf what it can and will do. We sell and cuuav
fully recommend
Dr. Shoop's
Tradu Mark
r v H M A. A
Ti Copyrights &ft.
HTiTone ..iir"r ake'ch rnti rtesirintlnn
1 ,.e. ii'l'le.t BKOimy fur wui!nir j'uH'ina.
IV:.. lis hiuhii thriiuKli Slunii fcto. ri:eiv
Unnlict. Wiimiui .
In the
. Mont l.s, 1. byull rewarteulerii
n. ann., Hail! ftfll
iijvji iu n
WahtTli.i"ii. IV t'
I-i'Mao-a t fc1U New IWatnM. Atriaiwiu
11 the niiew I Trii. 1 a 'ienu..i : u.m... o I-,-' '.T
Write to-day; Mention this Pcper.
ijMK tl
0r lr
sV L- v .4 V
Scientific JMncatu
I o SEKD 10 CEMTS , vi I
ft. ry'o of v il i.- ;ld, kytiir Willi b$ (J
r ltrticrivf, liciiciti'iu .vA'4 I'XahI Iok( pM
il v.. - vir,(- i':'L-t,ic
R R Time Table
Sioux City, Crystal Lake ft Homer
7:30 a m -8:20 a m
9:30 a m 10:30 a m
11:15am 11:50am
1:15 p m 2:00 p m
8:00 pro 4:15 p m
6:15 p m 5:50 p m
6:40 pm 11:00 pm
Special trips for parties of 15 or more .
c, st. p. i m. a o.
Trains leave Dakota City at the fol
lowing time :
7:02 pm Omaha 7:04 am
10:00 am Omaha 5:18 pm
3:37 pm Norfolk 8:18 am
8:41 am Norfolk 5.32 pm
7:28 am Newcastle 9:33 am
2:08 pm 6:25 pm
7 :02 pm ...... . Omaha. ...... 7 :04 am
3:37 Norfolk 5:82
C B ft Q
No. 85 Local Freight 7:15 am
11 " Passenger, Omaha
and Lincoln 12:47 pm
it n T : l i . O -Or, r.m
10 Local Passenger. .6:29 pm
flftiw. dailv exeett Sunday.
j .
Local Items.
Friday, April 17, 1908.
Post cards at Van's.
F M Bookhart has been working in
Sioux City the past week.
Goody, Goody, Goody, where, at
Van's. A big box for 5 cents.
Four thonsand feet of cottonwood
lumber for sale. Robert Lapsley.
Mefford Niebnhr and wife, of Sioux
City, spent Sunday here with relatives.
Henry Niebuhr, of Winnebago, vis
ited with relatives here Saturday
Walter Smith, of Homer, transacted
busines at the county treasurer's office
Raymond Ream has been confined
to his bed tlie past two weeks with a
bad case of the measles.
Mrs Wm Adair has been quite ill
for a few weeks, but we are glad to
note that she is improving.
If you want to get a sack of sugar
go to Van's, he has a corner on it and
can sell it cheaper than anybody.
Misses Bess and Ferle Stinson and
Eflle Engplen taw Lillian Russell in
"Wildfire" at th Grand Friday even
ing. Andrew L Eoou and Emelia E For
ester, both of Sloan, Iowa, 'ere joined
in marriage Tuesday by Judge DC
If you, don't like the "Queen" flonr
sold by Van de Zedde, try a sack of
"Pride of Omaha," the best flour in
the world.
Jack Lapsley entered a hospital in
Sioux City last week where he was
operated on for a ruptnre. His condi
tion is quite serious.
Geo J Boucher vacated his residence
Thursday, which he recently sold to
James Fueston. He now occupies the
Mrs Georgia Jay house.
Van de Zedde is fitting up a room
in the rear of his store for an ice
cream parlor, where he will serve the
celebrated Hanford ice cream.
Mrs A Skellev and two daughters
bave moved uere irons oioux uy uuu
0CCUpvinK the DO Stinson tene
M;M0nVOii nn. countv suner
lDtendeut. has
- J ' 'V "
purcuaBed the little
driving horse of lloland V Urr to use
in making her rounds of the county
The street car was laid out Monday
forenoon by reason of the combination
In Men beinflr onen for a steamboat to
puss through. The boat got stranded
on a sandbar in the draw and it was
nearly noon before it was able to get
through and out 01 the way
The Rebekah lodge of this place
held a meeting Wednesday evening, at
which the South Sioux City lodge was
rjresent and put on the degree work.
A banquet followed the lodge meetiins
and all present enjoyed tue occasion
The Foye car made two trips for the
visitors from South Sioux City.
Ross Johnson and wife moved their
household goods to Sioux City Tuea
day. where they will reside during the
summer. A cnauge in tue roye car
service will be made soon, when the
car will make its first trip in the morn
iusr from Sioux City, and Mr Johnson
is makinsr this move in order to
. , .1 J.. J - - 1 L,: l.rt
more cjnvenien to his work.
We ik women get prompt and last
ing help by using Dr Shoop's uight
cure. These soothing, healing, anti-
anntio siiDDOsitories. with full informa
tion how to proceed are interestinglv
told of in mv book "No 4 for Wuraen
Thn hook and striutly confidential
medical advice is entirely fre. Sim
nlv write Dr Shoon. Racine, Wis for
my book No 4 Sold by all dealers
Rev Dr D K Tindall will preach on
Sundav morning iu the M E church.
Communion services following the ser
roon. Love feast in the class room at
lOtttO am. Quarterly conference ou
Suturdav afternoon at 4 o'clock. Eas
ter program by the Sunday school
children- at 8 o'clock in the evening
come and hear a Rood piogram am
encourage the children. Free will
misBionerv offering at the close of the
The order of the Eastern Star elect
ed officers at their meeting Saturda
afternoon as follows: Worthy Matron
Mrs Etta M Sides; worthy patron, W
L Ross: associate matron, Mrs Mattie
Bliven; treasurer, Mrs Anna M Evans
secretary. Mr Mary llMcUeatb; con
duotor, Mrs Jennie Ross; afsociut
conductor, Mrs Mary R Baughman
warder. Mrs Belle Barnett; sentinel
Theodore Bliven. The points of the
star are: Adan airs John 11 ueam
Rath Mrs Rosa Stinsou, Esther
Mrs Fannie Crozier, MarthaMrs U
O Dorn, Electa Mrs Josie Niemeyer
The Hetald for all th Kiwn s
Marr Easton was a visitor at Homer
Wra Lapsley expects to leave Mon
day for his home in Sheffield, Fa.
Mrs Ben Hall and children, of Bron
son, lo, visited relatives here over Sun
Mrs Wm Lorenu went to Leeds, la,
yesterday to visit her sister, Mrs
. Julius Quintal went to Elk Point,
S D, Saturday, to look after his farm
near that plaoo.
Chas Bates and family have moved
here from Homer and are occupying
the Herweg property.
Geo J Boucher and M O Ayres
made a business trip to Beatrioe, Neb,
Satuiday, returning Sunday.
Mrs Sarah Dueschl is here fiom
Mapleton, Iowa, to be with her moth
er, Mrs Wm Adair, who is seriously
Little George rarter returned to his
home in Omaha, after spending a
week here with his grandpa, M O
O E Terry, who Las made his home
with Chas Ostmeyer for several years
na-t, left Saturday for Wiuterset, lo,
to reside.
Homer is making preparations for
the baseball season b; organizing a
first-class ball team, such as they sup
ported last year.
John F Sides' new house is fast ap
proaching completion. It will be one
of the neatest and most modern dwel
lings in Dakota City,
Ned Ernst returned Sa'.urday from a
visit with his parents at Seymour, Mo.
He savs times is considerable better
here than they are in the south at
Andrew Knudsen and daughter of
Vermillion, wre here thd latter part
of last week calling on old friends.
Mr Kniulsen expects to leave soon for
North Dakota to look up a claim.
The new "Haudy Shur-on" Rimless
Eye Glasses are self adjusting and
sure to stay in place. We can fit you,
and want you pleased with the best.
W C Eckhart, Licensod Optometrist
Ship your cream to Bancroft cream
ery company, Bancroft, Nebr. We
pay 31 cents for cream this week.
Write us for shipping lags Let us
Lave ;our next can of cream, and give
us a trial. Weekly payment.
Axel Uorglcm, Manager,
W A Niemeyer relumed home Sat
urday evening from a week's trip to
his claim in South Dakota. He found
about four inokes of snow when he
arrived there, but it disappeared in a
few days, and he was enabled to put
in his wheat and oats and aet out about
150 trees and shrubs.
Services at the Methodist Episcopal
church every Sunday as follows:
rreacliiDg, 11a m ; Sunday school, 10
am! Glass meeting 12 ru; Epworth
League, 6 .30 p m ; Preaching, 7 :30 p
m. Preacb in Grace church every
Sunday at 2 :30 p m. You are cordially
invited to any and all these services .
Rev E T Antrim and little son, of
Coleridge, stopped in town for a few
hours Monday afternoon and visited
old friends and at the Methodist par
sonage. Rev Antrim was on his way
to Wy?ot, Neb, whither be was called
to conduct tho funeral of a young man
who was accidentally shot while out
hunting last week.
The body of little Lillie Olson, who
perished in a storm last December
within two miles of her parents home
on the reservation near Rosalie, was
found Monday by a couple of school
children returning to their homes
across a pasture. The body lay in a
ditch where it had been covered with
snow and ice all winter.
Charlev Adams, now living on the
island, is practicing on a tuck with
roller skates, and when he becomes
proficient iu it he will tour the conn
trv. takitiR in fairs, carnivals, eto
The feat is performed on a specially
made skate and consists of a decent ou
a loner incline and at the bottom a
jump of 30 feet - across a gap. He is
at work on it every day .
Pain, anywhere, can bo quickly stop
ped by one of Dr hhoop's piak pain
tablets. Pain always means conges
tion unatural blood pressure. Dr
Shoop's pink pain tablets simply coax
congested blood away from pain cen
ters. These tablets known by drug
eists as Dr Shoop's headache tablets
I . , - . 1 1 I J
Himiuv equalize me diouu i-irouiauuu
nd then pain always departs in 20
mutes. 20 tab.ets 25 cents. Write
Dr Shoop, Raoine, Wis, for free pack
age. Bold by an aeaiers.
The many friends of Frank B Lea
mer were surprised on Wednesday to
Inarn of his marriage to Miss Lena B
Nicklin, of Cranberry, Pa. The wed-
ing occurred that day in the parlors
f tho Mondamin hotel, foioux Cry,
Rev S R Beatty officiating. Miss
Nickl'n is well known to Dakota couu
ty people, having visited hern at differ
ot times with relatives, being a sister
f Mrs John Clayton, of Omadi pre
cinct. The groom is too well known
to need any introduction to our read
ers, being born and raised in this pre
cinct, a son of Perry Learner, one ol
the old and respected residents of thi-
couuty. The newly wedded couple
will reside on the hoa-e larm thr
miles southwest of town, and Ihp
Herald joins their numerous friends in
extending a most hearty-welcome.
That languid, lifeless feeling that
comes with spring and early summer
can be quickly changed to a feeling ol
buoyancy and energy by the jndiciouh
use of Dr Shoop's restoiative. lb
restorative is a genuine tonic to tired,
run down nerves, aud but a few dosei
is needed to satisfy the user that D
Shoop's restorative is actrally reach
ing that tired spot. The indoor
life of winter nearly always leads t
. ...
sluggiHh bowels, aud to sluggish circu
lation in general. The customary lack
of exercise and outdoor air ties up tht
liver, stagnates the kidneys, and oft-
times weakens the heaita action. Us(
D' Shoop's restorative a few weeks and
all will be changed. A few days teht
will tell you that you are using th
right remedy. You will easily and
surely ncte the change from day to
day. Sold by alldeale:f,
Have Eimers make your abstracts.
Subscribe for Tut Herald per
Old papers for sale at tho Herald
office 5 cents per hundred.
Mrs Gertrude Best of Homer spent
Snnday and Monday bere.
Curtis B Blivin, 01 Moux Uty, was
transacting business here Thursday.
A baby girl was born to Rev E H
Combs, of Homer, on Thursday of last
Frank naefner and wife, of Lawton,
Iowa, 8ent Sunday here attheLorenz
You will never get nervous if you
driak Breun's coffee. Van de Zedde
sells it.
Fred Stanard has rented the Mrs
Altemus residence, and will vacate
the city hotel. .
O C Davis, of Elk Point, S D, form
erly foreman at the Eagle office, was a
visitor here Sunday.
Sumner Niebuhr came over from
Aurelia, Iowa, Sunday for a short vis
it at the parental home.
Ed Pilgrim was np from Omadi pre
cinct Wednesday, and was a pleasant
caller at the Herald office.
M M Ream has been summoned to
appear at Omaha Monday to serve as a
petit juror in the federal court.
Miss Mary Spencer arrived home
last week from Denver, Colo, for a
visit at the home of her mother.
Good, fresh, guaranteed garden
seeds at Van de Zedde's. With every
60 cent purchase you are entitled to a
gold fash.
Mrs Will Biggs, of Bloomfleld, Nebr,
visited Tuesday night at the J P
Rockwell home. Mrs Biggs is a sister-in-law
of Mrs Rockwell.
Jos Crowe, of Omaha, was here on
business Wednesday, jur uiowe was
formerly interested with Capt .Talbot
in our street car system .
If you want steady work that's pleas
ant and profitable, write at once to
the Hawks Nursery Co, Wauwatosa,
Wis. Largest in the state.
M M Ream has been working in
Sioux City the past couple of weeks,
assisting in building an addition to
the home of his daughter, Mrs C R
Misses Genevive Stanard and Mabel
fleam took an afternoon off last Tues
day and drove to Jaokson, returning
in time for supper after spending a
pleatant afternoon.
All kinds of coal, feed and hay for
sale at reasonable prices.
Fields & Slaughter Co.
TheoE Bliven, Manager.
Dakota City, Neb.
Rev Joel A Smith, formerly M E
pastor at this place, now a traveling
evangelist, was here a short time
Wednesday, guests of Mr and Mrs
Luther Harden. He also called on
other old time friends.
For housecleaning time, see what
35 cents ill buy at Van's ten cent
package of Dutch cleanser, a bar of
hand soap, a bar of tar soap, a scour
ing bar. Fifty cents worth, all for
35 cents, at Van de Zedde's.
John Foltz came down Tuesday
frcm his claim near Wokama, S D,
and will put in a few months working
at the carpenter trade, while Mrs
Fnltz will remain and see that no oue
runs away with their homestead.
Election of church officers will be
held nt Salem church next Sunday
following the preaching service. Io
tl e evening the Sunday eobcol will
give an faster program. unaay
i-chool in the morning at 10:00 o clock.
Everybody welcome.
Will Curtis, of Homer, was in town
Thursday enroute to Sioux City. Ht!
had been working on the Arden, lowa,
Ledger until recently, and he informed
us that Miss Mina Giherson, a former
editor of the Eagle, was now holding
a position on the Ledger.
Church officers will be elected in
Emmanuel Lutheran church, Dakota
City, next Sunday afternoon following
the preaching service. An easter pro
gram win be given by the Bucuay
school in the evening at 8:00 o clock.
Everybody cordially invited.
Frank Moosick, a driver from Wood
land Park. Sioux City, had a break
down with his cart near Coburn while
returning from Jackson with a trotter
Tuesday. He borrowed a cart here
and continued his journey home, re
turning the next day for his broken
Only a few weeks more Jeft of our
special offer our regular $4.00 per
dozen Cabinets for $2.00. Work guar
antped in every respect. No extra
charge for groups. We make any
thing in the Phot 1 line, at very low
prices. Being located out of the high
rent district is the reason. KOZY
Studio, 304 Douglas St, Sioux City.
Piles are easily and quickly checked
with Dr Hhoop's niagio ointment. To
prove it I will mail a small trial box
as a convincing test. Simply address
Dr Shoop, Racine, Wis. 1 surely
would not send it free unless I wuh
certain that Dr Shoop's magio oint
ment would stand the test. Remem
her it is made expressly and alone for
swollen painful, bleeiling or itching
piles, either external or iuterual.
Large jar 50e. Sold by all Jealers,
County Attorney I red lierry swore
out warrauts Saturday tor the arrest
of Pat and Mike Jordan, living this
side of Emerson on a farm, cbargiug
them with assault with intent to do
great bodily harm. Berry snd August
Barg had driven to the Jordan larm
Saturday to adjust a matter between
Barg and Mike Jordan in regard to
the possession of a piece of land, when
it is claimed that the Jordans assault
ed Berry and made dire threats
against his life. Sheriff Rockwell
and i3ierman went to the Jordan place
Sunday and brought the two men to the
county seat for a hearing before Judge
D C Stinson, who fined Mike Jordan
$25 and costs, amounting to $V.).:)0,
for taking possession of the land be
longing to Barg rat Jordan was
bound over to the dixtrict court under
$1000 bonds which he furnished, for
assault with iuteut to do grat bodily
School Notes.
Miss Wilson spent Saturday with
friends in Waterbury.
Lloyd Lenox, Hazel Powel and
Rusio Lenox are absent with measles
this week.
Twelv pupils were absent from the
2nd andlJrd grades this week with
Raymond Ream is severely ill and
will be unable to take np his school
work the vest of the year.
The 8rd grade are enjoying the study
of Hiawatha.
The throe lower rooms took part of
Wednesday afternoon off to clean np
the school yard. The yard shows the
effects of some hard work.
Helen Sides, an 8th grade pupil,
quit school Thursday in order that she
might accompany her parents ia an
overland trip to the coast.
Vernon Heikes, an 8th gradt, re'
ceived a kick ou the knee last Thurs
day, while playing warbles on the
school ground. His sister reported
Wednesday that be feared an abscess.
We hope it will not prove sa serious as
he now fears, and that he will soon be
back at work.
Ida Blacketer has the German ruea-
Miss Ida Davis, a member of the
Emerson high school graduating class,
visited our high school room Thursday.
Nva Bast, Marjorie Spencer, Ver
non Ilcikes, George Miller, Margaret
and Hal Brnlenbangh, Lorane K"ep
per, Ethel Strcng, and Earl Sides
have missed at least a day of school
this week.
Alvin. Londrosh has taken a few
days (probably weeks) lay-off.
A few in the high school grades took
8th grade examinations Friday and
Nora Antrim visited the high school
room Monday afternoon.
Clara Blume, was sick with the
measles over Sunday, but was able to
attend school Monday.
Mary Robertson came to school
Monday morning with a very badly
scratched face, caused by her falling
off a horse Saturday.
The 0th grade will try its luck on
the civics examination next Friday
morning at the court house.
Note-writing is a thing of the past
iu the high school room.
Helen Graham was absent a few
days lays last week with the measles,
This is tho first case of measles in
either the 6th or 7th grade.
Ruth Gray visited an eye specialist
in Sioux City, Tuesday,
Virgil Bookhart visited the 2nd
grade with Willie Sanford Wednesday
Always Hustling.
Ia this advanced age of civilization,
there is so much competition in every
line of business and entertainment,
that it is only the most enterprising
that succeed.
Nearly every year some circus closes
or consolidates with some other; this
year several are closing, and why ?
Because competition has become so
strong that it takes only the shrewd
est and keenest business men to keep
up with the onward rush and take out
a circus that wU be np to date in
every respect and satisfy and please
the tastes of the people of today.
Men who intend to cater to this gen
era) ion in any line of entertainment
must be np and doing all the time, no
laggards can stay in this race, for race
is what it amounts to; and there is
not a day, week, or month iu the
whole year that the energetio Camp
bell Brother can set aside for rest cr
vacation . As soon as their season
closes they begin to prepare their
shows for the next season. Frem the
day they go into winter quaiters at
Fairbury, Neb, till they open in the
soring, there is not a busier uuncn 01
business men than these well known
Campbell Brothers.
Thfir efforts of the past season are
seen in the mammotu uonsoiuaieu
. - w .1
Shows that will exhibit in Sioux City,
Iowa, ou May 11th, undar water-proof
tents in two big performances at 2 and
8 i) m. Don t foget the big street
parade at 10 a m .
Official Announcement-
The Fourth Annual Convention of
the Dakota County Sunday School as-j
nociation will be held in the Boals M
church of South Sioux City, May 78
and 19, 1908.
A program is preparing that prom
ises to mate tuis convention ne 01
the best. The general secretary of
the State Sunday School association,
II M Steidley, of Linooln, well known
to all Sunday school workers, and Miss
Mina Stooker 01 JJunbar. secretary 01
the state elementary committee, will
be present with tidirjgs of the state
work and helpful plans and sugges
tion for our couuty and individual
Sunday schools.
Among the speakers already secured
are H D Haskell, Wakefield, trcstee of
this d strict and a member of the state
executive committee, who will roost
probably speak of the "World's Sun
day School Convention at Rome"
which he attended last year; itev w iu
. . w w a vn
Reote of the Friends church, will give
an address "Advantage and Blessing
of a Christian Training in ionth
Rev E II Stevens, a Sioux City pahtor
aud Rev S S McComb, a Sioux City
Sunday school worker will give ad
dnsies; .also II U Sawyer, district
Hin.eriiiteudent of anti saloon leugue
of northwef-t Iowa, will give the ttm
neiance address.
tvery Sunday school in tne couuiy
. .. . . . .1
it entitled to one delegate for ever 10
numbers or fraction thereof. Let
every school have its full number of
delegates present. Elect them early
fiLd send their names lor euteriain
incut to Rev Geo F Mead, Sioux, Neb
Plan now to attend tho ooaveutiou
w heather a delegate or not.
Elizabeth S. Haase, President
Lutheran Church Anncuncement
PreachinK Snnday morning at Ba
bm at 11:00 o'clock. Bundav school
at 10:00; C E at 8 p m.
rreachinar at Dakota City at 3.
o'clock p m ; Sunday school at 9 :45
m; C E at 0:30 p m
A cordial welcome to all.
TtW EC ct immediate relief from
I ILL J Dr. Shoop's Malic Ointment
Time Tried
Two pretty good things about this good bank.
"The Bank that always treats you mom" celebrated its 22nd
birthday Tuesday. A long, happy, prosperous time. Less
than fifty dollars losses since starting, more depositors than
ever before and the confidence, respect and friendship of its
depositors and borrowers. Through all the panics, since '80,
it Las passed unmoved and immovable, protecting its dep's
itori, its borrowers, itself alike. And it can imagine no pos
sible crisis that could prevent its continuing this good work.
Btxnk of DeK.k.otai
ratronize Home Industries buy
Proprietor of
City Klest MsrJkGt
Fresh and Salt Meats always on hand . Cath paid for hides.
Agent foi Seymour's White Laundry.
Laundry, basket goes Tuesdays and comes back Saturdays
Cheap LigHt. Simple Durable
Adjustable ' Practiced.
Made of High Carbon Rolled Steel Tubing.
& Bradford Lumber
Gflo. Kohlmeier, Mgr.
The Herald for all the News
ZShe Firot TRtrj 3f
To consider when buying Field Seeds is Quality
Poor seed means loss of time and money. Good seed
makes money. We have Good Seed. Let Us Know what
you want and we can make you a price that will please on
seed that will grow.
Clover.Timothy, Blue Grass and all Farm Seeds
ti&ito& ti& For Sale .... Ei2E&&HJiy
Edwardsit Bradford Lbr. Co
GEO. TIMLIN, tfanaeer.
Abstracts of Title
A 110,000 Surety Bond
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Write for our Illustrated Catalogue describing our seventy f
different styles of Harness. X
A rood Work Harness for $20.00
Sttxrea Bros sloJaTcrtV.VoXai
County t
your meats of
Dakota City, Neb.
Successor to
Dakota County Abstract Co.
Bonded Abstracter
608 Metropolitan Blk.
Sioux City. Iowa