Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, April 03, 1908, Image 7

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    .four girls
Ilestorcd to Health by Lydia E.
rinkham's Vegetable Compound.
Ml ad What That Sap.
F.atft4th Street, New
York, writes: "LTdle
K. rinkhara'e Veteta
ibis Compound rer
t . cam Irreg u I ar i t lee, pe-
noato euaerlnr, ana
1 nervous headaches.
rafter eTemblna else
' bad failed to help Die,
and I feel it ft duty te
let others know of It."
i Lafayette St., Denver,
suoi., writes: "lutuu
to Lydla E. Pinkhsar't
I Vegetable Com pound I
' am well, aftersuffecliic
for months from ner-
Tous prostration."
Alias Marie Elo Its-
man, of Laurel, la.,
writes: "Iwasinaran
ylown condition andtaf-
Sfored from suppression,
ilndlireetion, and poor
f circulation. Lydla E.
Plnkham's Vegetable
Compound made me
well and Strong."
. MISS KIKm Ri.uienn,
tot 4 IT N. East St., Kt.
jwanee, IH.,says: "Ly
Idle E. Pinkham'sVege
Stable Componud cured
f me Of backache, side
ache, and established
my periods, after the
best local doctors bad
failed to help me."
For thirty years Lydia K. rink,
ham's VegoUblo Compound, mada
from roots and herbs, has been tho
standard remedy for female ilia
and haa positively cured thousands 01
women who have been troubled with
displacements, inflammation, ulcera
tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities,
periodic pains, backache, that bear.
Inj-down feeling, flatulency, indices.
, tion,airzine8s,or nervous prostration,
' Why don't you try it ?
Mrs. Plnkham invites all sicli
women to write her for advice,
She has cnlded thousands tej
h(kHh. Audreys, Lynn. Mass.
Whm wamwo to adtkbtiskiw
please sjr yes sew ska) aaswrttseaeeai
SB Sale Saasr. )
Bitutraaloa Saawia Mixed Farmto Sonne B
8ome of the choicest lands for train srrowtnr,
stock raisins aad mixed farming lo the new dis
tricts ol Saskatchewan aad Alberta have re.
eendy been Opened (or aetUeeaeBt under me
Revised Haiacsteat. Regniatiem
Entry may now be made by proxy (on oertaai
brotlier or slater ol aa Intending homeeseadsr.
Thousands of hocneateads of 160 acres each era)
thus now eaafty obtainable In these treat rre
r rowing. steck-raiaaaaT aad mixed tannine seo
There you will tnd healthful climate, reed
elfhbors, ebnrckes for family worship, sckoeia
for yoar cbfldraa. Eood taws, splendid oropa,
and railroads convenient to market.
Entry fee ha each case Is flS.OO. For parapfeM.
"Last Beet Weel.-partV-ulnreai to rates, rentes,
beat time to re aad where te locate, apply to
W. D. Scett, Saperiateadent el Immla-raoen,
Ottawa. Canada, er E. T. Holmes. 31$ Jackeaa
St., St. Paul, Minn, and J. M. MacLachlan. baa
lib, Watcrtown, So. Dakota. Authorized Coteta
Sacnt Aetata.
riMM mj wkara ran at this admtiawuai.
Keeps the breath, tetb, mouth and body
antiseptioally clean and free from un
healthy germ-life and disagreeable odors,
which water, soap and tooth preparations
alone cannot do. A
germicidal, disin
fectinf and deodor
izing toilet requisite
of exceptionsl ex
celience and econ
omy. Invaluable
for inflamed eyes,
throat and nasal and
uterine catarrh. At
drug and toilet
stores, 50 cents, or
by mail postpaid.
Largs- Trial Sample
Poaitlrely csrefl fcy
these Little rills.
They also re litre Dis
tress from Dyspepsia, Is
digestion and Too Hearty
Bating; A perfect rem
edy tor Dizziness, Nausea,
Drowsiness, Bad Tasks
to the Month. Coaled
Tongue. Fain In the Side.
ieynlsta tee Dowels. Purely Vegetable.
Genuine Must Bear
Fac-Simile Signature
A (IfcrUin Our foe FeTeripburtjaj.
KLjMli&ru Truublre.
siieitiiiiif 11 stti s f1 ;i V
.hi m f
Mather Cray,
rmu't Hnm.
Worms. iir iirriiu nx om.
iu i nuuni. At l 1'mam.t.. itou.
A. S. OLMSTED. Le oy aj V
A Klr.iutf iirfeuae.
The roloni'l of Uk aitafklug party
fscod the couiiuaudiT-lufblff.
"General," he hotly cried. "I wisli
fou would cull up the peace oouferem-e
t once. The rondiK-t of the enemy is
dlsi,'rnre to civilized warfare. I sim
ply can't ret my veterans to meet tliein
ftt close quarters."
"What w'fuis to le the trouble, col
eir the chief Inquired.
"Why, hit If tlK men of their line
mt defense have bern eatin? Rarlic and
the other half llujbnr,'er." Clerelaud
A u.' s'.ar ma :e of puiucoes is replac
ing wood fur prneil niaking. It is cueai
it 'id It more eusily sharpened than a pen
. Cil of wcod.
I slit? I J
i m& mi
Jl PIU-8
It Is it rapid tg lu wlihh we live. So new are tbo
new Cuuardera that one lit not had tl:ne to loae wonder
over these (rltantle liner, to e-ne to marvel at their
Immensity of length and tremendous power. It looktil
as though tbes'i ?Jvfet Htcamaliipa were to be the lnt
word In marine wtwtruftUm. and that tfwlr 6S,0tW horo
power n;arkel the limit of nio!lve trtreiiKth. Hut nmv,
while one Is yet uturvellnjt at tliere new marvel. It I
announced that t'.ie White Star Stenuishlp Compuny has
Iyrngth, Displacement, horsepower 8peed,
Name. istf. fret. Ions. of engines. knots.
Oreat Eastern litf'S W0 2".aK) '7,050 14
IJritannic 1S74 455 8,riO0 B.5O0 1J
Umbria 1 " 0 10..VX) H.ntX) IS
Campania CW 18.000 30,000 20
Kaiser Wllhelm der Urosse 1KH 23 20.800 3O.0O0 2"J
Deutschland '. UM)0 62 23,000 B0.0OO 2.1
Kaiser Wilhelni II 1903 C7S 20.000 8.8.000 234
Adriatic 4.11.7 725 S.8.000 40.000 23
Lusltanla 1907 7!K) 45.000 6S,0(X 244
New White Star Liners 1D08 1,000 about.00,000 20
Wby don't I never git married?
Wal, thar's reasons au' reasons, au'
I never did think much o' marriage
Let alone my opinion o' men.
They're a pore tort o' critter the bilin' 1
Thar a a few I aliow't fit ter live;
But fer makhV the run, I jeV wonder
Tbet their Maker Himself kin forgive!
An' luarriaga it mostly jea' mts'by
Au' trouble an' struggle au' strife.
Read the papers if you'd git a notion
What it la to be bitched up for life !
Land o' Guehen, I'm glad I ain't in it I
Thar ain't no man I ever obeyed ;
An' when I hear tell o' divorcee.
I'm proud to be called an "old maid."
I alius fought sby o' the men-folk :
An', to stick down to sober, atrn ia;ht
I must own that they none one 'em
. V.z fnr ei I've noticed was cracked
Upon me. So, you see 'mong my reasons
Fer not gittin' married, ye've tasked
Mo ter tell ye, the best of 'era may he.
My dear, that I never wuz aske.l !
Hoslon Globe.
Playing with fire
m :
Ho lunched at his club, anil drovj to
Cavendish square In the afternoon. A
footman Informed him that Mrs. Mow
bray was at home, and he was shown
Into tho drawing room and left to his
own reflections. After an Interval of
about five minutes she came In.
Tho three years which' hud passinl
since he had seen her had scarcely
changed her at all. He noted the small
head perfectly poised, with Its crown of
fair hair, the slightly tilted chin, ami
the gray eyes that had lingered in his
memory ever "since she had dismissed
him. Now he saw them ll(?ht up with
pleasure at the sight of him. She snilW
"C.eoflr:" she said, "Is it pimslb'eV"
"It's more than possible, It's nn ac
tual fact," he replied. "I got back to
England a week ago."
She looked at him with her head on
one side.
"You're not changed." she pro
nounced, after a pnuso of Inspection.
"You nre," he answered.
"Am I? In what way?"
"In a very important oue. When I
left you you were a girl; now you're a
married woman." , '
"A change for the better," she laugh
ed lightly.
"Of course! lOnpocially when your
husband Is so celebrated a man."
"OU, celebrity has Its penalties," she
nnsworod, smiling. "You see, my bus
band Is so Immersed In bU work I'.nd
has so many scientific meetings to at
tend that 1 see very little of him. At
times I urn tempted to wish that he
was not quite so distinguished."
"An Ill-natured friend." he said,
cheerfully, "Informed me this nionilnu;
that you crept under tho lens of his
microscope In order to attract his at
tention." "Horrid! Who was It? Well, in a
way I suppose I did. At least. I took
a lively Interest In all his doings. I
had made up my mind to marry ii!iu.
and found the Infusoria the best way
of accomplishing my purpose. You s-e
I am frank."
"Very frank. And now that you hav.
accomplished It. I supixise you are
quite happy."
"Not quite. One can't lie quite happy
hi this world, can one? You see, a
scleiitilii' 1111111 can't be always looking
down the microscope at oue object. So
after a time he took me off the slide
und began looking at the oUwc infu
soria." 1
"Kitty! You don't mean !"
She broke into a ripple of laughter.
"You absurd boy!" slm cried. "ll,w
could you tJiiuk ! Uut you don't
know the professor. lie Is older tiinii
I 11111. ft eourfe. Ami don't scppi sc
he had er looked nt a woiluii IjcI'. ic
well, before I put myself pnder the
lens. And now tlu.t he luis iictually
luarrted one of us - has gone tlu-ccivli
the ceremony, so te ppcnk I tun mir
he considers tint he Lug done his duly
by the sex for the rest Cf his day. No.
He has gone buck to the other kind of
Infusoria horrid little thi'ign with
waggly tails, lie finds thein more at
tractive. Y01: Kce how frank I am."
Thru be flanker still." he npil vl,
"and tell me why you luanicd hi;u:"
"Well, it was n Mini of exK'rijiient,"
she admitted. "1 wanted to know how
It felt to be the wife of a elcl-i -at-
contracted for the ronatnKtloa of tw ateainshijia that
are to have the auiaxlng length of 1,000 feet each, a
length 210 feet greater than that of the Lusltanla and
320 feet more Umiu waa yie length ot Brunei's great
failure the Great KuHtern. These two ateauishlpt aro
tutendod to be far ahead of anything yet designed. Kx
traordlnary i)eed will not be sought for In these larger
reuse a. About twenty knots an hour will be their
man ; and besides I fell In love with
"And was there nothing?" he asked.
In a slightly lowered tone, "no thought
no memory of ?"
"Weil, of me?" be said, bending down
a little toward her and looking keenly
Into her eyes.
She blushed a little.
"None at all," she answered, hurried
ly. "Don't be foolish, Geoff. All that
boy and girl uouseuse was over ever so
long ago."
He straightened himself.
"Oh, well," he said,, morosely. "I'm
Hfruid I must he going. So glad to have
seen you, Mrs. Mowbray. I'ray give my
kind regards to your husband and tell
him how greatly I regret "
"Now you are more foolish than ever,
Geoff," she laughed. "I'm not going to
let you go so soon. You must come
often, and we must see a great deal of
one another. I get so bored at times.
Sit down and have some tea, and tell
me all about South Africa."
At tea their tete-a-tete was Interrupt
ed by the appearance of the professor
and his sister. The professor was 'un
elderly man, stooping slightly under the
weight of his years, a trifle short-sighted,
and with little puckerlugs about his
right eye due to years of research at
the uilcroscojie. His sister, almost his
own age, rigidly erect In black satin,
had obvously no touch of bis absent
mindedness. She was even unpleasant
ly alert; and Geoffrey, as he caught her
eye fixed upon him with susplcloui in
quiry, felt absolutely uncomfortable,
and was glad when tue time came when
he could take his departure gracefully.
"Good-bye, Geoff," said Kitty, as aho
shook hands.1' "Uemember now we ex
pect to gee a good deal of you as long
as you are lu town."
"Delighted," murmured the professor.
"I'm a busy man myself. But my wife
will always be glad to entertain you."
Geoffrey lost no time in availing him
self of the Invitation so frankly ex
tended. At theaters, at concerts and
hi the pork, he was constantly to be
seen in Kitty's society. Her manner
CIETY. tantalized him. She was always friend
ly, nlwaps glad to see him; and there
were times when he thought that thel."
Itlmacy was becoming more than mere
friendliness. But Kitty was elusive.
She knew how to skate daintily over
thin ice, to turn a difficult situation
with a laugh. It was slow work. But
In proKirtlon to its difficulty, bla de
sire increased until It became a pas
sion, wasting his days and giving him
sleepless nights. He hated the profes
sor now, and mingled with bis hatred
was a touch of contempt for the man
who. iKiHsesslug such a treasure, did not
know how to value It.
He was sitting nt tea with her. His
manner was moody and abstracted.
After a pause he looked up.
"I'm going away," he announced, ab
ruptly. "Going away!'' she cried. Involuntar
ily. "When?"
"Tonight! Why?"
"Why not? I'm doing no good here
I've been a fool for staying so long."
She si rove to laugh, but the effort
was 11 failure. She was conscious of a
momentary sense of restraint. Then
she was actually frightened as he rose
and came over to her,
"You know why I am going," he said,
tersely. '"What right had you to play
with me all this lime to hold out si
"I gave no promise," she Interrupt
ed, quickly.
"No. you didn't; not In mi many
words. You hadn't the pluck for tint.
You didn't mean anytlilng really. Yo-.i
were content to piny."
K': was fascinated by bis earic-st
"!;-it. Geoff." she whimpered. 'ff 1
wore hot pl.v.vlfa';"
He knelt l.ii!e l;i'i and Ills fingers
ti; hteiied up 11 Iicr arm.
you were m.t '. Kitty! Do yon
n :.!! wli;-'t you arc sii;. IngV Come with
mo ho j r-viix. t'-i-nlghl. I'v? made all
arrangements to leave for Paris. W
can catch the 11 o'clock from Victoria.
Will you come?"
"Oil, how can I? Yes. No. I dou't
know !"
The sound of the opening door star
tled them. He stood up swiftly, Just In
time, Miss Mowbray, the professor's
sister, entered the room. When aba
saw them her eyelids narrowed. Half
an hour later Miss Mowbray confront
ed her brother In his study.
e e e e e
Geoffrey bad Intended to send In ths
note by the servant. But seeing tha
professor, a flash of mischievous hu
mor made him hand It to him.
"For Mrs. Mowbray?" he said. "Do
you mind? Thanks, so good of you. It
contains a few arrangements for our
expedition this evening. We are going
to tha theater."
The professor took It In silence, ,nd
watched him as he turned away. Then
he went Into the house and entered the
drawing room. His wife was leaning
ngalnst the mantelpiece.
"From Mr. Arnott," lie said, handing
It to her gravely.
She ojicned It with assumed careless
ness. It contained a desperate appeal.
For a moment she felt an Intense Indig
nation that he should have dared to
make her husband the bearer of such a
message. Then the Are died down, and
she thought of what life might possibly
come to mean wltb a man who loved
her and who did not merely accept her
as a fact in the routine of a somewhat
colorless life. She raised her eyes to
meet those of her husband. '
"Thomas," she said, curiously, "are.
you busy this evening?"
"I have a meeting," he answered du
biously. "Is It very Important?" she asked,
with a slightly mocking stress upon tin
"It has n certain Importance."
"Then you wouldn't give it up If 1
asked you?" she snld slowly.
Some Instinct told hlin that the ques
tion meant much to him.
"I would," he answered, quietly.
"Oh, Thomas!" she cried, surprised.
"But your meeting! Why?"
"Because, my dear." he answered,
courteously, "I consider it more Im
portant to please you. Do you really
wish me to give It up?"
"Mr. Arnott and I am going to a
theater," she said. "I do wish you
would come with us."
"I will." he answered.
She let the letter fall into the fire,
and watched its edges curl and blacken
In the flames.
"He Is to call for us at 7," she said.
The theater party was not a success.
Constraint reigned In the box. Arnott
strove hard for a word with Kitty, but
she gave him no chance. She kept her
husband constantly at her side. When
It was over, Arnott shook hands, a de
feated man.
"Good-bye, Mrs. Mowbray," he sold.
"I shall not see you again. I leave for
1'arls to-morrow."
"A pleasant Journey," she answered.
When he had gone, the professor,
conscious of the evening's restraint,
looked at her anxiously.
"I'm afraid you have not had a pleas
ant evening, my dear," he said.
"No matter," she replied. "I'm so
hiiPI'A Thomas. Take me home."
Black and White.
Sticking (o tbe Dlaaarrrable Job.
It Is the man who can stick to the
disagreeable Job, do It with energy and
vim, the man who can force himself to
do good work when he does not feel
like doing It In other words, the man
who Is muster of himself, who has s
great purpose, and who holds hlmsell
to his aim, whether It Is ngreeublo or
disagreeable, whether he feels like It
or dues not feel like Jt that wins.
It Is easy to do whut Is ugreeablo, to
keep at the thing we like and are en
thusiastic about ; but It takes real grit
to try to put our whole soul into that
which h distasteful and against which
our nature protests, but which we are
compelled to do for the sake of others
who would suffer If we did not do It.
To go every morning with a stout
heart and an elastic step, with courage
and eiithtiKliisni, to work which we are
not tilted for and were rot Intended to
do, work iiKiilnst which our very na
ture protests, Just because It Is our
duty, ainl to keep this up. year lu and
year out, require heroic qualities. ().
S. Munleii In 8 1 11 1 -ess M.r-rnzltie.
'1 be Itrltirt - 111 1 11 1 lie.
I It- I ! where the lii'M 111:111 who
!i'VCiHd 11 li'iii-e.ir propffiil 01' miir
n.'.U.- I:;.H roMiii.ill.'.l siiiclde.
She- -Weil, lli.il prove lMiitni t.j.
rept Unit we w men h ive :"t It a L'I'.iliv;
.'. .' v. Ii:l': o:v .'.!:.c: ii
"Here, my dear," said the husband,
producing his purse, "here it 1-70 1 wou
playing cards over at Urowa't last
night. You may have It to buy that
dress you wauted."
Reluctantly tha conscientious wife
took the money; then said, wltli an ex- '
presalon of rigid rectitude:
"I simply shudder at the thought of
rising money galued In such a way. 1
Henry, promise uit that after you have
woo enough for me to buy the hat to
go with the dress you will never agala '
touch those awful cards. I dou't waat
nt Malum,! fit ltA.w.1,1 m ,tiltl.ii " '
Et. Louts Glol Democrat.
A CeaJltloa Cmm with KI4y
Treakte aad Maekanb.
Mrs. Marls Slpfie, 4ri Miller St..
Helena, Mont., sayt : "Tbret yrirt sg'i
my back grew weak and lain ami I :
could not stoop with I
out a Miiirp pain. 11
Was Jllat SS bd M b.Mi
I tried to get up from
a chili r. I was lan
guid and listless aud
bad much pain and
trouble with the kll
ney secretions. ThN (
was my state when I j
began with Doun's :
Kidney Pills. They helped tue from th
first aud four boxes made a complete,
lasting cure."
Sold by all dealers. SO cents a box.
Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo. N. Y.
The armless wonder 1a the dims ma
teura was complaining of his btrd lot. i .
"I iesd tucb a mere foot-to mouth ex
istence !" be said.
Deafness Cannot be Cured
by local applications, as the raanot resoh
the dlsraafi portlea of tba ear. Tbtre la
only ooe way to cure deafness, sml tliat Is
by ronatltutlooal remedies. lieafoaM Is
caused by ths Innsoied cendlrjoa of tbe a a- '
o us lining of the Kuslscblsa Tube. Whan
tula tube is Inflamed you have a rumbling
sound or Imperfect hasrtac. and wbsu It la
entirely closed, Lieafueaa is tba result, sad
unless tbe Inflammation can be takvn uut
and this tube restored te Its normal coujl
tlou, bearing will be destroyed forever : nlue
cases out of tea are caused by t'atarrb,
which Is nothing but an Inflamed conjitlua
of tba muroua surfacea.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for sny
case of Deafusas (caused by t'atarrb 1 that'
raanot be cured by Hall's , Catarrh Cure.
Send for circulars, free. '
V. J. CIIBNET A CO., Toledo. 0.
noia or uriiKKisis, 7nc.
Take Hall's Family rills for constlpstlun.
The boilers of the steauier Mauretauia,
placed end to end, would make a slriug
647 feet long.
Four Water Color Pictures Free.
To Introduce "20 Mule Team" Boraxo
Bath' Powder, to the greatest number
In the shortest time, thut all niu.v be
come acquainted with Its qualities as
a toilet, bath and nursery necessity, the
Pacific-Coast Borax Co. has k ecu red
the exclusive control of a series 0 four
beautiful water color pastels, slit 14U
xl7 Inches, printed In ten colors of the
softest and most beautiful of flesh and
flower tints. Bo artistic are these pic
tures, that If they were obtainable lu
the shops, they would readily sell at
$1.00 each. The Pacific Coast Borax
Co. offer them free. For full Informa
tion how you can obtain them free, ad
dress a post -card to Pacific Coast Bo
rax Co., New York City.
An English minister says that London
ers are developing into a race of dwarfs
owing to smoking aud ridiug in tramways.
Oa a Crop la Westera Caaada Last
Year Another Farater Realises
tllil.BO per Jere trout Hie Wlirat
Charles McCoruilck, of Kcuvllle,
Manitoba, writes:
"During ths season or 1007 I hud
100 acres In crop on the S. V. quarter
of section IS, township 3., range 21.
west of ths Principal Merldlau, West
ern Canada, yielded as follows:
Eighty acres at 22 bushels per acre,
which I sold for 90 cents per bushel,
and 20 acres oats yielding GO bushels
per acre I aold for 35 ceuts per bushel,
so that my total crop realized $2,004
From this I deducted for expenses of
thresblag, hired help, etc., $400, leaving
me a net profit on this year's crop of
over $1,000."
Thomas Sawatzky, of Herbert, Sas
katchewan, says:
"The value of my crop per acre of
wheat U f22.50. I threshed 1,750 busli
ela of wheat from 70 acres, and was
offered 00 cents a bushel for It; oats,
13 acres, 500 bushels, and barley, S
acres, 80 bushels. I do not know If I
have been doing ths best lu this din
trlct, but I know if all the farmers
were rlnlna as arall Watfrn Piiiiih1ii
j would have no kick coming las fur us
I grain growing Is concerned; aud I fur
ther say that If you want to put this
In one of your advertisements, this la
true and I can put my name to It."
S. C. N. U.
No. 1( 1DOH.
A Friend
in Need
THAT thin, little, 10-cent
Box of Cascarets.
When carried constantly In your
Vest Pocket, or in "my Lady's" Purse it will
ward off ninety per cent of Life's ordinary Ills.
Eat one of the 6ix candy tablets contained
In that T'Vest Pocket Box" whenever you
suspect you need one.
It can't hurt you, and it sure Insurance
against serious sickness.
When you have Heartburn, Colic, Coated
Tonuue, Suspected Breath, Acid-risinc-in-throat,
Gas-belching, or an incipient Cold,
take a Cascaret.
Keme-iiber, all these are not merely Pis
comforts, but indications of a serious Crme.
JSip them in the bud eat a Candy Cas
caret. Cascarets don't purge, nor punish the
Stomach like "Bile-driving" Cathartics.
They act like Exercise on the Bowel-
Thoro Is Onfy Cno
That" la .
& Airafan IT,"? mm ai my if b m m B m B rm
Always rtuBbcr the full " nam.
lor tbia signature on every box.
Ilehlas, Bleeding Sores Covered
erir . blear Helped Hep ( ail.
era Cares tier In Five Daye.
"After my gmuddaughter of about
seven years bad been cured of the
measles, she was attacked about a fort
night later by 11 furious Itching and
m I u Till eruption nil over her body, es
psrlslly the upper wrt cf It, forming
watery and bleeding sores, especially
under tbe arms, of considerable size.
Fhe suffered s great denl aud for three
weeks ws mimed her every flight, ns
Ing all tbe remedies we could think of.
Nctliiag would help. We tried the
Cutlcurs Itetiiedles and after twenty
four hours we noted considerable Im
provement, and after u1tig only one
couiplett kvt of the t'utKura Heiiicdles.
In the consecutive days the little one,
much to our Joy, bad been entirely
cured, a I'd has been well for a long
time. Mrs. F. lluefenacht, R. F. p. No
S. Uakerafivld, Cal., June 23 and July
20, VJt-C."
A uw agricultural building Is to be
erected fur Ibr I'niversity of Maine at a
0.1 of about $.".:. KK.
Mis Wlasluw's Ruethlna Smir for Child
tee iretuiua. aufteus the guine, reduces la
tHUiiiialt.iii. allays pain, rura wind oolle,
."c a built.
Kwslera Xo Collector.
"The beauty about my surgical prac
tice." buiutued the niOK.piiro, "it tbat I
always put iu my bill at the time of tb
Ft T t St IM' fern u til mn Simm
IO rarBiail ar4r Dt. tiiM 1U1M
tin. Hmw,i. Si r rrra SS IrUI Wwts Mil traatu.
a. a. a. BUNS, U., l tnt Im, rkiitealrkia, ra
It is snj.uij iliai tue cuinuulsory adop-
liou of the incandescent ayaieui of elec
tric lighting in rftiues will greatly cut
iiom u tie deatli roll. '
ret life rye Salve 10O Years Ol",
rclievea tired eyes, quickly cures eye aches,
inasmed, sore, watery or ulcerated ryes.
All ilruggists or Uonsrl Bros., Buffalo
If all I lie Bell telephones made eacb
veer were bleuded into a single instru
ment it would be nearly SOU miles bigb
soil weigh 4.01)0 tons.
There ia need for Garfield Tea when
the skin is sallow, the tongue coated, and
whoa bradacbea art frequent.
A l'krslelaa;lral Ki plannlloa.
"The eyes are th windows of the
"I suppose, then, that Is wby In many
people they look so glassy." Baltimore
1 '(CSZf
-i-w.l V- leaf
wjcpa W. L. Douotaa mnkam and aatlt
man' a $2.BO, 93.00 nef a.U
than any other nunufaoturmr
JEkiV warld. baoauaat thaw hmld
ahaom, lit battar, waa Imnaar,
C7T ara or graatar vmlua than may
ifiMi lit thm mrorld ta-da v.
W. L Douirist U and SS fill! Edna Sheet Cannot
Bold liv tlie ft mhum dtmlrn
. Ifa woogiaa name ana pnoa
t-M4Ml CataUog lro to any avddrfjMa,
l.i. ,'TJl. r-ilV
"rCAM11' WJWf.lAMWtMitSUwO
Cure Constipation
iKtur ii ti.:-. ki.Muiieu
1'- a iWvri'i n'-ii-f-ViVii fuaPn
Muscles that
and that
mf b VE.r. I
natural Digestive Juices
of the body into Food.
Cascarets ward off, or
cure, the following diseases.
Torpid Liver
The Vest Pocket box carried constantly
with you, like your Watch, or Lead Pencil,
. will injure you against sickness.
But, don't forget that "a Cascaret In time
is worth nine." '
At alj, Druggists. 10 Cents a box. ca
The rreAtest test of tbot tul
ity is in the worst tkoe and it Is
in this particular fcraacfc that ws
lead. Farmers, misers, Usher
Baa, mechanics, and working
mm in all occupations, will find
tost tncy can gtt doubls the
out 01
Ther arc stoutly made through
out ot ths most durable upper
stock and toughest sole leather
obtainable. Their trsafth sn
wearing fialltlei Caaatt bs
Your dealer wfll supply foul
if not, write to us. Look lor ths
Mayer Trade Mark ea ths sole.
ear Honor bllt Shoes for
F. Mayer Boot & Shoe Company
Yenec gjaui oity now oat union,
aiova OUr . lowa .
11 m
t f
mar "lrt
Bs Eouallsd At Am Piles
is Bimfi mmra. - - - " -IT" "jrr
Six Shots
for 10c
propel Food,
squeeze the
Catarrh Hivet
Colic Ja undies
Bad Breath tfaust
Diabetes Vertigo
Ileadachi Scrofula
Diarrhoea Womanly
Flatulence Troubles
Eczem .
"tX'SJ T OcUr
XW. A w