Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, April 03, 1908, Image 5

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The Arm Adjustable Window
Shad Holdar will lit an; win
dow: arcommodatt any tirenf
hail: throws light t any part of
room desired; usra ordinary
had: adiusu innlantlt; can ba
installed byanyon; allowi frci
ciiculaiioa of air.
Perfectly Sanitary
Arents mak bli rrofitt, homa
or travelina. Holder tells on
aiiht. The beM, aim pleat, cheap
"" d "" atisfartorr lha.lt
holder made, for ollica, horn or
Omaha S!iad9 Holder Co.
214 So. 12th SI. OMAHA, NEB.
Mtxko Th&t
Ctlifernla Trip Now
Low oqe way Colonist rates
daily until April 30th to
Utah, California, Oregon,
Washington and Montana.
Winter Tours
To the South and Gulf Re
sorts until Aprik30th.
Ilomesoekers' Rates
1st and 3rd Tuesdays to Col
orado, Big Horn Basrn?" Mon
tana and Northwest.
The Big Horn. Basin
Mr D. Clem Deaver, Land
seekers' Information Bureau,
Omaha, will personally con
duct landseekcrs to this coun
try the first and third Tues
days in April. Write Mr.
Deaver for information about
very desirable irrigated lands
in the basin, subject to home
stead under the big Govern
ment Ditch or under private
ditches. 100,000 acres of
new Basin land will come
under water in 190S. '
Business Openings
We have list of excellent bus
iness chances in new grovvitig
towns on Burlington exten
sions; get established early
ahead of the coming popula
tion. Write tlie undersigned.
N A S McLean,
Ticket Agent
L. W. Wakelet, G P A, Omaha, Neb
co ;o CD so z
-h : r m
e z 5 i -J
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o M W pi
f totc I If s3 I t
j 3 -Lg- 0-8
.yw !V2 sag?
1?L s a' V to
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R R Tyne Table
Sioux City, Crystal Lake & Homer
7:30 a m 8:2( a m
9:30 am 10.30 a m
11:15 a m 11:50 a m
1 :15 p m 2:00 p rti
3:00 pm , 4:15 pni
5:15 p in ', 5:50 p ni
6:0 p m 11:00 p m
Sppciil trips for parties of 15 or more
C, St. P., M.ft O.
Trains leave Dakota City at the fol
lc-ying time :
7.02 pm....... Omaha 7:01 am
10:00 am Omah 5:13 pm
3:37 pm Norfolk 8:18 am
8 :41am Norfolk 5.32 pm
7 :28 am Newcastle 9 :33 am
2:08 pm ..6:25 pm
7:02pm Omaha 7:04 am
3:37 Norfolk..... 5:32
C B & Q
No. 85 Local Freight' 7:15 am
11 Passenger, Oniiba
pud Lincoln 12:47 pm
So 86 Local Freight 2 :25 pm
10 Local Passenger. .6:29 pm
f1ai1v 4ai1 nYfioni Knn.irtV
.ca.aj 1 i v. j - .......... j .
Local Items.
Friday, April 3, 1908.
Post cards at Van's. v
Have Elmers ruke yonr attracts.
A pleasant dance wi given in the
Britsi-tii'ld hall Tuesday evening.'
Four thousand 'feet of cottonwocd
lumber for sale. liobert LiRiisley.
Ilarry Adanin is spending n couple
of weeks at U'averly, Iowa, with ulo-
The deputy county assessors met
Saturday to tix their schedules for the
coming assessment.
Frank Cliown, wife and son, of Sioux
City, were Sunday Yinitors with rela
tives here latt Sunday.
The Ashley Londrosh family moved
into the Alfred Sejinour house iu the
west pait of town this week.
Frmk Brojhill is planning to bnild
cottuge on wheels that he eun take to
the lake during the summer moutbs.
If you don't like the "Queen" flonr
nold by Van de Zedde, try a sack of
Pride of Omaha," the best flour iu
the woild.
Tom lteam was home from Elk
oint, S D, over Sunday. He and his
brother John, are farming in that lo
ot. ity this year.
Kev Lewis J Motschmau and family
of Sioux City visited at the Lutheran
parsonage and at the A 1 llause home,
oa Monday of this week.
Eamie Lienart, of Hartington, was
here a few days this week visiting old
friends. She formerly made her home
here with Dr and Mrs Mux (veil.
Mrs Sum Dearing, of nomer, was a
eue&t at the A T Ilaase home here last
Friday night, while on her way to
Wakefield to visit uer sister, Mrs
Edgar Ayres, who has been sight
seeing in different parts of the world
for the past three years, and who is
now in Sidtiev, Australlia, will return
to his home here about the fifht of
Chas llice, the Indian who was con
fined in the county iail uuder a fifteen
days' sentence for drunkennef-s, was re
leaded Sunday evening, and lie wasn t
long iu hitting the trail, for his reser
vation home.
Kev J W Ball, Ph, D, superintend
ent of Tabitha Home, at Lincoln, Nobr,
will preach in Salem Lutheran church
next Hnndiiy morning at 11 o'clock
and iu Dakota City iu the afternoon at
3:00. Let everybody come and hear
Agents Wanted ICxViD Crayon por
traits 4) c uts, frames 10 cents and up,
bheet ieiuren one ceut each, ion
can make 400?,, proht or SJu.uu j.er
week. CHtalngue and samples free
Frank W VVilliums Comnauy, 1208 w
Taylor Ft, Chicago, III,
Murt.hu! Grant Ceslor brought
party hero last Thursday that he had
picked np 011 the fclreets iu tyutli ftioux ,
City, Huffering witU "geuerul imbecili- j
ty", lie waa lodged in j lil Lere a day
or two, atid then turned loose to icturii
to his haunts in bioux City . 1 he man
at times appeared to be ciuzy.
Coroner B F Sawyer was down from
Jackson Saturday and while here paid
the Herald oihec a pleuHuut call, lie
took pity ou our present financial cou-
diliod and puid his subscription to the
H. raid to May 1910. and also paid for
his undertaking advertisement for the
same period. Call agnu, Mr Sawyer.
Several new names were added to
the Herald liht ihe paht W4tk, umong
tliem bein Mr Swuu l'i terson, of Alia,
Iowa, owner of tli old Dr Wallace
tiluee inst Hiuth of town, r-lr l'e'er-
von was hero tue piiM weeii or iwo
eiecdng a burn ou his farm and (it iiig
up tiie place generally I r tbe eoimii
year, and returned to hu h'jine Sutur-
Weak women get prompt and last-
ing Help ny UMii vr dikh p o nim
cure. Thine sooi hint,', henliiig, m ti
septin hiiin-itoi ieH, w ith full ii.l' iimu-
tion how t. j'Toei'i-d aw u' i-r. 1 . : : p 1 v
told of iu try book "No 1 for Wonn h".
The book and htridl.V coulidefiti.il
uie.licul Hi'VlC! i-i cutiiely ti e . !
ply wiite Dr Shoop, 1 1 11-in--. 'ii lor
my l ooa Zo 4 h l I iy all Ui uli is.
A merry crowd, composed r i u c! p il
ly of Mi so n. ami Last, r u Mun, went
to the lioue ot JUr nnd Mis Aildie
Sides l;U't Satiird.iy tve.iing ta upend
a fuw IjO'irH iu a s-ociil way iii a t-ort
of farewt-11 urty. Mr and Mi-iSidi s
expect to leivo about tin tirtt nf next
mouth ou an oveiland trip to Luhfor
uiu, aud will be gone about u year,
t iking iii thj eights along the route.
A bountiful supper was taken along
n l thoroughly enjoyed by the mem
bers of the party after the exhileratiug
ride to the bides' country home.
mi o '
The HetaJd for ALL lh SCWB :
Hazel and Venus Bchmied visited at
Wakefield Friday and Saturday.
Ernest Triggs nnd fmUy-haB loca
ted ou a farm near Jefferson, S D.
The farmers have about finished
sowing their small grain in thin local
Georgia Whitieear. of Emerson, is
here on a viMt at the Chas Cougutry
Yon will never get nervous if you
drink Breuu's coffee. Van de Zedde
sells it.
Mrs M il Ream spent the past week
at the Mrs Surah Dueschl hoiae in
Mapletoo, Iowa.
Wm Rouniger, county assesnor,
was down from Hubbard preciuot last
Friday on business.
As Bailey was up fiom Walthill a
couple of days last week, visiting his
mother, Mrs A Christiansen. .
For Sale Good Early Irinh Victor
seed oats. Address J C O'I.mhs,
R F IT No 1, Waterbury, Nebr.
News comes of the birth cf a baby
Francis Marion to Rev and Mrs
F M Clark at Elms, Wash, on March
George Kohlmeier went to Crsig,
Nebr, Saturday evening, and vhited
over Snuday with his brother, Chris
M O Ayres returned home TneRilav
from a combined business and hunting
trip to Cody, Nebr. He reports game
rather scarce.
Mrs Win Adair returned last Friday
from a couple of weeks' visit at Maple
ton, Iowa, with her daughter, Mrs
John Dueschl.
Mr L G Crosswell who tins been
visiting with his sister, Mrs G E Von
Hagen, returned to his home iu Lti
verne, Minn, on Monday.
II yoj have a piece of news, let us
hear it. If jon can't see us personally
write ns or call ns np over the phoue.
Our phoue number is 43.
jbiek BrovhiU was taken with a se
vere attack of rheumatism Wednesday
afternoon, which affected his heart,
but he is some better now.
Have you tried the Sultanna and
Tao-co brands of canned goods? Van
sells them. These goodj have stood
the teBt of the pure food law.
Neva Best vixited from Friday until
Sunday afternoon in Sioux City with
Hazel Becker. Miss Becker accompa
nied her home and remained until
Monday noon.
The marriage of Ward W Joyce and
Bessie M Foreidioe was solemnizfd on
February 20th, by Judge Stinsou.
Although a t'iflo late, we extend con
gratulations just the same, i .,
Mrs Nora B O'Brien, of Leed. Io,
a former resident of this place where
she conducted the hotel, was married
on March 25th, at Pender. Nebr, to
Francis W Green, a telephone lineman.
Chris Paulson returned Sunday
from his trip to Minot, N D, where he
went a fow weeks ogo to look up a
claim. He ound nothing that would
compare with Dakota county. Be is
now working for Wm Lheeney.
Panl Pizey returned Tuesday from a
business trip to Omaha, Nebr, and
Sidney, Iowa. While at Sidney he
was the guest of his cousin, Mrs It J
Clark, formerly Mies Maud Pinkerton,
and nt oue time a resident of this coun
ty with her parents.
Ship your cream to Bancroft cream
ery company, uaneroit, JNeur. vve
pay 31 cents for cream this week.
W rite us for shipping tags lit us
have jour next can of cream, and give
ns a trial. Weekly payment.
Axel Boroli m,
Services at the Methodist Episcopal
church every Sunday as follows:
I'reachiiiB, 11a m : Sunday sc'.iool, 10
ami ''laHB meetiug 12 ni ; Epworth
League, 6 '.30 p m ; Preaching, 7 :30 p
n. Treaoh in Grace church every
Sunday at 2 :30 p m. You are cordially
invited to any and all these services .
A village election will be held in
Dakota City on Tries Jay of uext week,
the 7th of Apiil, at which time there
will bo elected two members of the
board of trustees for a term of two
years, and one member to fill a vacan
cy, for a term of one year. The polls
will be open at 9 o'clock a m, and re
maiu open uutiM o'clock p m. Turn
out nnd vcte for the interests of the
- Mis nenry Smith came down frotil
Elk Point, Monday, aud spent the day
with her Mster, Mrs Sam Ronton,
leaving for Ponca in the evening for a
visit with relatives there. Her father-in-law,
L D Smith, of Kaunas City,
Mo, came with her from Elk Point.,
and went out to the John Bergerhotne,
for a visit with his daughter, Mrs Ber
ger. The old gentleman is in his 97th
year, but appears as spry as a man
thirty years younger.
Puin, anywhere, can be quickly stop
ped by one of Dr Shoop's pink puin
tablets. Puin always means cingis
tieu uuatural blood pressure. Dr
Shoop'a pink puin tablets simply coax
congested blood away from puin cen
ters Then tablets known by drug
gists as")r Shoop's hi aducho tlletn
tiimply e'juiilize the blood circulation
and then pin always depart in 2(1
minutes. 20 tub.ets 25 cents. Wiite
Dr Shoop, lluoiiie, Wis, for free puck-
uge. hold by all ilciileM.
That languid, lifeless fe. ling thfit
c iii. s w i' h ripi ii and eur!y B'. iuinei ,
cm be ipiukly cliitnged to a f 1 1 lin;.; of
t.i.oyni.ey and eneriy by the j'.idieio
u.im of Dr Shoop's rei-toative. The
re-Ko alive is a genuine l nio io invu, j
ran down m-ivin, and but a few d.isn
is le eded to hitisfy the user that Dr
Shoop's resolutive is act'. ally reai li
itiK (hut tired Kpot. The indoor
life of winter nraily always li iid-i to
hlfH',Kh bowuU. and to MUKi'di ciicu
lotion in geuerul. The custoiuuiy 1 J o k
cf ( it reiso und outdoor air ties up the
liver, stagnates the kidneys, and oft
times weaken the heuat.s aetiou. I'se
D' Shoop's restorative a few weeks and
all will ba ciiauged. A few days test
will tell you that you are using the
rl(ht remedy. You will eabi'y and
surely note the change frcm day to
day. bold by all dealers.
I " "
Danker George ITaase was home
from Emerson over Sunday.
Harry Ililemnn went to work on the
Barlinton section this werk.
Goody, Goody, Goody, whore, at
Van's. A big box for 5 cents.
HO Hansen and family removed to
their farm west of Homer Saturday.
Carl Larsen, of Omadi precinct, was
a business visitor in town Wdnesday.
H V Kohlmeier was down from
Wakefield to visit his family over Suu
C A Hiserote is- building a new two
story addition to his home ou his bluff
jhas urcun, er Moux City, was
looking after business matters here
loe ijiuusirom and wire wers over
from Sioux City Sunday, guests at the
Lennox home.
Leota Quintal was home from Elk
Point, S D, Sunday, to visit her par
ents and friends.
For Sale 150-egg "Old Trusty" in
cnbator. lor particulars inquire at
the Herald office.
Mrs Mary Triggs was visit'ng with
her daughter, Mrs Benton, iu Sioux
City, the past week.
Willis J Manning and wife, of South
Sioux (Tty, welcomed a young deputy
county treasurer at their home Mon
day. Lou Cooley was down from Wake
field last woek visiting his brother Jim
a few days. He returned home Sun
day. - '
. Mieses Mabel Peterson and Luhi
Johnson, of Sioux City, were visitors
at the Wilts Foltz home the past
Good, fre.ih, guaranteed garden
seed at Van de Zedde's. With every
50 cent purchase you are entitled to a
gold fish. -
S A Stinson returnel Thursday from
a weeks goods buying trip to hi
Paul, Minn, in company with D M
rrof O R Bowen, a former principal
of the schools here, was re-elected prin
cipal of the schools at Pierce for
another year.
James Osten of Omaha, apd Cath
arine Terpenning ol nomer, were
united. iu marriuge by Judge Stinson
on Wednesday, r
Gweu Rockwell returned home Sun-
diy from her trip to Colorado, where
she went to file on a claim, but lound
nothing that Baited her.
If you want steady work that's pleas
ant and profitable, write at once to
the nwks Nursery Co, Wauwatosa,
Wis. Largest in the state.
Mrs John McCaully, a former resi
leut of this place, and sn aunt of
Chas Hall, died at her home iu Ply
month county, Iowa, on Sunday.
Scott Rockwell is home from Fre
mont, Nebr, where he is attending
school, to spend his vacation with his
parents, Mr and Mrs J V Rockwell.
An M W A county convention was
held here Wednesday and Carl Larsen
of Homer was chosen as a delegate to
the state convention shich meets Jt
Lincoln April 16th.
' Commencing Sunday evening the
regular Preaching servioes at the M E
church will be held one halt hour later
as will also the devotional meetings of
the Epworth League.
Mrs II G Norris, of Sioux City, is
ill at the home of her parents here,
Mr and Mrs E Wiseman. Mr Norris
wan here several days this week help
ing care for hi wife.
All kinds of coal, feed and hay for
sale at reasonable prices.
Fields & Slaughter Co.
Theo E Bliven, Manager
Dakota City, Neb.
For housecleaning time, see what
35 cents will buy ut Van's a ten cent
nackaee of Dutch cleanser, a bar of
hand soap, a bar of tar Bosp, a scour
iniflmr. Fiftv cents worth, all for
35 cents, at Van de Zedde's.
Loat A ladies' open-face silver
watch, monogram engraved on the
back. Bluck ribbon fob attached.
Finder please return to Mary V Quinn
and receive reward.
Mauy V. QciNN, Jaekson, Nebr.
Old aco and dim sicht are poor com
panions, better sight makes the woild
blighter aud more cheerful. If jour
his t is fuilinsr or imperfect, you need
classes to correct or restore to normal
vision. We cn 1H "Vou. Wv Ek
hart, Licensed Optometrist.
. Tiles are easily and quickly checked
with Dr Shoop's magic ointment. To
prove it I will mail a small trial box
as a couviuo'iig test. Simply address
Dr Shoop, Raciuo, Wis. I anrely
would not send it free unless I was
c rtuiu thut Dr Shoop's magio oint
ment would stand the test. Remem
ber it is made cxproi-sly and alone for
swollen painful, bleeding or itching
piles, either external or internal.
Large jar 50c. S dd by all dealers.
Keal Estate Transfers-
Will llii.lire to T 1 1) 1 1 M Nelsell, nw'-i llll.l
w' see 3-27-7. w.l
J 11 S K H 1
Will lM. re to Huns Nellell, I
M i-llon .'. li w1 m tIIoii 10 unit
km '4 .i-i-ti. iii Jl--.7-7, wil
Wm 1'o.U'e to Hans Ne!;a-ii, nr
II W '
m-etloii il -T-s. wil
-Kri'd 1 hi iiiiin mill wlf.' to Kml Win
ner, nw a ' m i-Uoii '."il-XJ-H, w.l.
J s 1 1 1 ) -'. Mo in .t Hunt to ( lit M Ilnin
ioi in 1 1. lol IS In lilo.-U 7. Cent nil ISont li
.SIOU X I'll, wil
Win I' Warner. 1 1-u -1 , to MOinl"
1 liirli. I'- lo, II. i In l.loi-k ?. Mtiin-
loll til.lliil.il lo .-lOUt 1 1 SI oil II I , 1 1 l-i I
J ,:.',. himI wir.' to Mlinilf I'lai'K
liVi.V'l '.
I if.-
t III lo', II, -',
In l lo l, :'s,
I Moodily,
Win s.il. i- mi.
.ri .'I . ' .
I m-1 on; ol :1
Id l lion to Su
to Clin'. Hoi, v on h
1 1, .n 'J't-'Jt -7, ifou-
i n. r.'-), w.l
J I' l'.oiui' ui ol if"
to Mini. If II Tol-
I io.'. r, ..i li In lil.
k I I, ' n I r 111 Mo
Moux Uily, Wil
Alri.il ll.illniu iiihI win- to Crystal
Luke I loiiihm,- Co, loi :m, in, in
.loi-k 7, nil of iilork li. nil of lilork In
i .-. .t lot :i. :il. .1'. M net l n i inlili
t ion lo Sou t li Sioux Ciry;nlMj iui H
In MM" t Ion i'1-.i-n. nil
Called Off
The Public Sale advertised by-
Otto A. Anderson to be held on
Saturday, April 4, has been de
clared oft".
"Grandma" Laply Answers the
Summons that Comes to All.
"Giandrua" Lftpsley, as she wan fa
miliar! known among her friends and
acquaintances, passed peacefully away
at her home three miles southwest of
Dakota City at 1 1 ;30 o'clock Wrdncs
day forenoon, at the mature ago of
97 yeara, 2 months and 8 days.
At the time of her death she was
the oldest resident of the county. She
had been almost helpless for a year
past, and her death is attributed to
old age and general decline,
Isabella Matthews was born January
24, 1811, near Armagh, Imiiana ronn
ty, Pa, wnere she was married July 3,
18,13, to William Lapsler. '1 hey re
mained there until 1805, when they
moved to Dakota county, Nebraska,
and settled on the farm where the'
resided until death called thein to the
other home, her husband having pre
ceded her September 17, 1887.
Deceased was the mother of nine
children, two of whom are dead
Milha, who died in infancy, and
Eliza J, who was killed by the csrs in
a railway accident in Sioux City, No-
venobor 20, 1890. Those living are
William li, of Sheffield, Ta : John A,
of Washburn, Wis, and Mre J N Ham
ilton, James J, Robert L, Robecca and
Matilda, all of this preciuct.
The funeral services will -La held
tomorrow (Saturday) at 2 o'clock, from
her lute residence, and will be con
ducted by Kev S W McFadden, pastor
of the First Presbyterian church of
Sioux Citv, of which denomination
she had been a life-loug and
devoted member, and rcmana will be
deposited iu their final resting place
in the Dakota City cemetery beside
those of her husband who had gone
The good and kindly deeds of Graud-
ma Liapsley will linger long in the
memory of those who were associated
with her through life.
The family of the deceased have the
nitieere sympathy of the commuuity in
the sad hr.ur of their bereavement.
Commissioners' Proceedings.
Dakota City, Nebr, March 28, 08.
Boa'd of county commissioners met
regular session. Present, Ed
Morgan, chairman; John Sierk nnd
Fred Blnme.
The following bonds were approved
by the board :
Chi is Horeuson, road overseer dis
trict No U.
J W De Forrest, road overseer dis
trict No 3.
County clerk ordered to write the
following warrants :
Win Cheney, mi rrxwl district NoS fin n"
Iillllu K tilt, on rnml dlHtrlet Noll tt Ml
Alfreil IV mum, on ronil cltntrlct No 4. 11" no
Wilt HlPMxtitK, on road dlHtrlet NoS.. M
Kred O'Cluvinler, on rond illst No ... U
J M Pavey, on rood dim No H 7ft W
Alt lmr 1 1 mi Ion, on rond dlxt No S. . .. i'ft HO
ilolin Kally. on ronil illul No 14 fiS 6
lliinn Anderson, on rond dint No 14. . lift n i
Win (loortit, on rond district No ). .. lin ml
Claims allowed :
Antono Nelson, roml work. dlt No 8. 1 oO
.Inn Hoy In, Hnine, flint No7 tl ti
HennlN Uiilnu, Niiuie, dlHt rlet No is., ill tKi
Joe Udell, Hume, dlKli lei Nol... ant)
Resignation of S A Combs, road
overseer district No 5, aouepted.
County treasurer is authorized to
accept the taxes on the north t of the
northeast i of section 11, township 2i
range 7, at a valuation of $325.00 for
the year 1907.
Couuty clerk is ordered to advertise
the section line road petitioned for by
George Jensen and others.
Claims allowed on county general
road f uud :
Neb Clark AutonuitnTTeleplioim Co,
phone rent t 6 (HI
II F Sawyers. Iiuryliiir Albert Albert
non v. f.7 OU
Hnilth l'reiulur Typuwrlter Co, re
nal rn . . 2 VI
Smith Premier Typewriter Co, new
Htnle .Ion mill Co, mipplles
.1 K CoblM'y, HllpplleH
Walter lllleman, ImllllT
lli-rt HritHlleld, ImllllT
.1 I' Rockwell, nherllT Hillary
Win Klerinnnn. deputy nherllT milnry
Snniarltnii llospltnl, eare KdO'ltrlun
Kred Hehrlever A Co, iihIhm
John I Hachert, ImnrdliiK pun per. , .
W 1, Kokn, aid to lliilTimin
W. no
i on
i no
UI mi
411 11(1
101 (Ml
a 4n
.. 14 70
.. 21 (JO
Claim of Dr Milton Daily,
ing Dolly Harnett, $35.00, rejected.
Claim of Clyde Crego, taxes paid
under protent, rejected.
Board adjourned to meet April 25,
1908. W L Ross, Clerk.
School Notes.
Mary Hiarache entered the Cth grade
Clara Blacketer has left school .
The Cth and 7th grades have drop
ped hintory and have taken up physiol
ogy instead.
Mental arithmetic is being studied
In the 7th grade. This is taking the
place of the regular work in aiitlime
iMuvmo Qacburt and Btrthu Mintef
have severed their connection with the
Dakota City high school and are now
ttending the lllleman school.
The 11th grade are busy preparing
their orations. The commencement
exercises will be held May 22nd.
Monday morning found nearly all
inthtir places looking huppy after
week's vacation, and ready to do
their very be work for two more
We are pleased to know that Ihe
school board takes so much iutereht in
our wnlfa'e, by fixing all the doors to
open outward.
..Mins IlsZel ISeckcr, one ol the Moux
Citv hiiih tiohool fclmieiitu, i.-ito lthe
high school room a fuw lumutetv Mon
lay morning.
l.ail Hides entered the otll griuli
Moiidiiv.. T'iiis makes an enrollment
of I went v-four iu the 8th grade.
The Literary S iciety will diseontin
no tl eir l.roL' rniiiH, ou account of nil
e grades prepiUiu;; for 'heir liuul ex
The Hth grade tiro very much inter-
sted ill the study of South Alt: vica.
Silvester Ha ii ford is buck lit hcUi..
Mfter heli'inK Li father woik i.i the
timber two weeks.
ictor Hiinen moved to his new
homo near Homer, and is greatly tnina
ed by bin cliisHtnates of the 3rd grade.
The 1th aud Dth grades will soon lie
gin the study of seeds and their goruii
u lit ion.
l.tiiil Ulhon is out ol school on ac
count o( sickness.
Goldie Fredrick and Asa Bliven en
tered the preliminary grado Monday
Marie Gardener, liuby Moore, Verua
Broyhill anl Harry Lorenz are absent
account of the mensles
Only ?i lrll, that's
Try a checking account With this good' bank for one
month. If you do not sec some advantages over any
other bank you know or have heard of, take out' your
money. VVc KNOW vc have 'methods 'and; con
veniences other banks do not, use Kearney methods .
and inventions. 1 1 ' J - 1 . '.i r- i . ; .
They were planned for your safety, and convenience
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JUST ON K TRIAL 'ti nil ve ask
"Tiio Ccink that Always treat? you Bight'?
Patronize Home Industries buy
Proprietor of
Fresh and Salt Meats always
Agent fol Seymour's White Laundry. '
Laundry basket goes Tuesdays and comes hack Saturdays
I . ' I
Cheap LfigHtt Simple, Durable
Adjustable, Practlcevl
Made, of High Carbon Rolled Steel Tubing.
Edwards & Bradford Lumbcf Co.
G?o, Kohlmeier, Mgr.
The Herald for all the New
TShe First THiivrf
I , , i .. - '
To consider when buying Field. Seeds is Quality
Poor seed means loss of time , and money. - Good set'
makes money. We have Good Seed. Let Us Know wh
you want and we can 'make you a price that will please
seed that will grow.; .,, , , ' -j
Clover, Timothy, Blue Grass and all . Farm Seeds j
I :.:v.For Sale.. .. ! v " ' j
Edwardsit Bradford Lbr. Go
GEO, .TIMLIN, Jilanascr.
Abstracts of j Title
A $10,000 Suretjj Bond,' j
Guarantees the accuracy of every
Abstract I make' :
Dakota Citi Nt.',
Bonded : : Abstracter
cMsawMN mmmnm Mm mmmm m
, ' - ,' ' ' 1 ' 3 , r i i ; i
1 r t : : i
f -f-f
Write for bur Illustrated
different styles of Harness. j
A good Work Harness fov....J... $20.
Stvrcs Bros. SlcJi.
,.:. .! M I..:-. -
your meats of
1 ' ' ' .n oi ' i
. :; .: i .inf.: ; . .. '
on hand y Caeh paid for hides.
Dakota City, Nel).
2? !
. '. i Successor to :
Dakota County Abstract CoJ
Bonded Abstracter
', 603 Metropolitan Bit-'
Sioux City. Io
Catalogue describing: our sevcii
1 r ''rS'
I :or V. i.i
v A .!' ';)w--A 1
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