Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, March 27, 1908, Image 4

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    Dakota County Herald
(Subscription Trice. $1.00 Ter Year.
A weekly newspaper published at
Dakota City. Nebraska.
Permission has been granted for the
transmission of this paper through the
mails as second-class matter.
Telephone No. 43.
Boost for the welfare of your town.
Don't knock Everybody batts
Adrertise your boainess if yon havo
any; if you harn't, advertise and g t
The Nebraska Experiment Station
bas just issuad Bulletia No 105, eoti
tied. "Growing Oattle in Western Ne
braska." The bulletin may be Lad
free of cost br residents of Nebraska
bv making application to the Asrcnl
tureal Expeatnent Station, Lincoln,
. i
s Items of Interest
I from our Exchanges
IlartingtonNews: U G BridenbauRh
of Coleridge, was a business visitor in
this city Tuesday.
Waterbury items in Ponca Leader
A' nephew of A II Surber, from Homer,
was in town Monday for a snort visit
Serreant Bluff items in Sloan, Io
Star: Frank Hirnch, of Sioux (Jity,
was in town on business one day laht
Fender llepuulio: Ueortra Ainuioa
went to South Dakota, Tuesday morn
ing to look after his land there and try
to make up his mind whether or not he
want a to move onto it.
Oakland Independent: Editors War
of Lyons, and Iloney, of TJeliling, at
tended the drainage meeting here
Wednesday ....J A Shore, of limner,
was here Saturday and purchased seed
. oats from Oleeson brothers, north of
Tonoa Journal: V tr Olifcesell was
at Sioux City yesterday afternoon.
Mr and Mrs Sam Knox of Hubbard
spent Sunday at the J It Poaieroy
Lome Mrs FDI ales of Leeds, Io,
visited in 1'onca from luursuay noon
of last week until Monday noon of this
Sioux City Journal. 20th : Mell Pow
ers has returned from a trip to Kansus
City, where he went, in the interest of
his boat, the William Towle, which
will be on the river again this season
la Kansas City he met Jamos Riddle
the former owner of Crystal lake park
' Mr Riddle cow is prospering in the
.saloon business.
Pender Times: Mesdames E L John
son of Iowa, and Jesse Johnson of
South Sioux City arrived Saturday for
a visit with Mrs Elizabeth lilies.
Jesse Johns u also vinited here ovvr
Sunday. ...J J McAllister and R E
Evans of Dakota City, J M Barry of
Jackson and John Pearson, of Ponca,
were in town Saturday, being interest
ed in a oase in Judge Graves' court af
fecting Dakota oounty residents.
Omaha Boe, 25th'. Gerald Dillon,
of Jackson, Neb, who was drawn as a
member of the federal grand jury
Monday afternoon for the Omaha di
vision, will ba unable to serve aud
eaunot be reached by a subpoena . Mr
Dillon has been dead for several weeks
, aud did not leave his address. Seven
alternates were drawn for the grand
jury to meet the emergency of absen
tees, and one of these seven will be
.substituted for the late Mr Dillon,
Ponoa Leader: Miss Pearl Hoover
who has been at Dakota City for med
ioal treatment, returned home Wed
nesday.... Art Logan an Frank Da
vey were hunting near Cohuru Tuos
. day. They returned home with twelve
ducks.... Misses Daisy and Clara Wil
bur weut to South Sioux City Monday.
The young ladies took part in a pro
gram given In thePtesbyterian church
at South Sioux City Monday eveuiug
and will visit friends In Sioux City,
returning honii today.
Lyons Mirror: Mrs Ch&s Adair, of
Sioux City, visited the family of her
brother-in-law, P Petersen. Sunday.
... .Miss Agnes Wilson, who is teach
ing school at Dakota City, caruo down
to spend Sunday at home in Lyons ....
Mr and Mrs E J Warner, of Cheyenne
Agency, S D, report the death of their
- three year old daughter, Helen, at Hot
Springs, Ark, Mar, 11, 1908, where
they had stopped off on their trip to
California. They took the body on to
8 ki Diego, Cali, for burial.
Omaha Bee, 21th: The federal hunt
ting party, consisting of Judge W II
Munger, United States. Marshal W P
Warner and Circuit Clerk George II
Thnminel, have returned from a week's
outing south of Grand Island. The
result of the hnut was sixteen wild gee
-..-George W Carter of the Omaha
road, Ed Latta, prexideut of the First
National bank of Tekamah, aud M O
Ayres, president of the Bank of Dako
ta City, returned to Omaha Sunday
evening after tun daya di'ok hunting
in the sand hills of the western part of
.the atate All brought s home large
trunks of dncks from the sand hill
lakes and Mr Carter had the hiJes of
several wolves and a badger which he
Winnebago Chieftain: Fred Gustin
went to Homer one day last week..
Mr Herman of Homer was collecting
around in agency I riday and batur
day. ...Mr and Mrs Fred Hughart
made a trip to Wulthill Sunday. ...E
J Smith of Homer was doing business
,'in town Wednesday ... .Dr Smith of
Homer, was la town yesterday on pro
-feshional calls. ,. .Boyd & Niebuhr
have ordered a cailosd of farm ma
chinery and buggies, etr, etc,' which
they will idace on sale here. More
w 11 be ordered later. A 24x70 addi
tion will be made to the new hall
building for a warehouse.
Bloom field Monitor: Mrs C U Frum,
bns just arrived in the city and will
open np a fine line of millinery in the
old Racket store building soon....W
0 Mitchell was a pleasant oaller on
the Monitor last Saturday afternoon
hnd renewed his subscription to the
Monitor one year in advance and or
dered it forwarded ti Wall. S D, to
which plaoo he went Tuesday of this
week with his boys and household
goods. Mrs Mitchell and daughter
ltnby departed for Dakota ununty
where they will visit rtdatives and
friends for two or three weeks prior to
resuming iheir journey to their new
home. Mr Mitchell recently disposed
of his citv crouertv to John Uafuer
nd he and the bo) s will build anew
house on their homestead pending the
arrival of his wife and daughter. The
Monitor deeply regrets the removal of
tliiM familv from our nidst, but can
oomolimett the people of SoutU Dako
ta on their aoquitriti n. Mr Mitchell
and familv are old timers here and
during all these years the Monitor has
been a constant visitor at their fireside
May their future be pleasant and pros
Emerson Enterprise: Hon J J Mo
Carthy and County Attorney Pearson
of Ponca are in Lincoln arguing the
damage suits, Hheihley sgainst (ico L
Nelson and F D Fales. . . . George H
rirtaue was in South Dakota several
daj s this week looking after biiNiness
matters connected with the estato of
the late It E Kuhn fo- which he is ad
ministrator....Wm Uollaworth who
lives about teu miles east of Emerson
was stricken with apoplexy Tuesday
nnj is not expected to recover, lie is
an old sottler and well known citizen
having come to Nebraska inl868...
Mrs Henry Utlier died Monday nt
o'clock, she had not been well for some
time but was taken fatally ill after the
funeral of her mother last Jbriday
which she attt-nded. The fnnernl oo
currud on Wednesday from the Lnth
eran church conducted bv Rev Von
:ishutim. A large number of friends
and relatives being present. Alwene
Magdolina Margaret He her was born
Sept 5, 1857, in Sogebeig, Germany
She was a daughter of Mrs Lizzut
Schwartz who was burioil last Friday
In 1875 she was married to Henry
Reher. Came to America in 1880
Her husband two daughters, Mrs H 11
Stolze, and Mrs Henry Stolze, one sn
Auzust Iteher, twe sisters one brother
and a number of grand children sur
vivo her. She was a lady held in high
esteem and had been united with the
Lutheran church.
South Sioux City Record: The quar
antine for diphtheria was rained from
the Sutton home Tuesday,... H M
Tollinger this week bought a lot on
East Taylor atreet and will erect a cot
tage there. . . .Miss Bessie Miller visit
ed at the P M Boals home from Thurs
day to Saturday of this week . . . (Mrs.
II O Dorn returned Tuesday from
Marshalltown, la, where she had been
visiting Mrs Leslie R Norton.... Wm
Nead has made arrangements for the
erection of a $1,000 cottage in this
part of town on lots he now owns
there.... The distillery made "a big
smoke" Thursday wh n they steamed
up the big boiler for the first time in
s bo jt three years. Work will begin
about April 1. ..Mrs Martha Shane this
week received a check for the amount
of the policy held by her husband, W
E Shane, in the Fraternal Union of
America. ...Jake Klarinan and family
arrived here from Potosia, Wis, Wed
nesday. He is now living with his
brother, but will move into the Lamp
son house as soon aa W E Parker can
vaoate it. Mr Klarman will work for
the traction company ... .Guy Man
ning, son of Mr and Mra John Manning,
of Walker's Island, and Mitis Bertha
Hertin, daughter of Mr and Mrs J
Uorton, former residents of the island,
were married Wednesday evening at
the home of the bride's parents near
Mol'ook, S D, Rev Goo Mead of South
Sioux City, officiating. The ceremony
was witnessed by a large number of
immediate relatives of the contracting
parties, Mr aud Mrs Manning will
make their home on the farm of Coun
ty Treatiiuer W J Manning. Both are
well known here and have a host of
friends who will extend to them their
best wishes.
V, 40Kst C40 SOMt M C 0 jE IMGti
Roy Armour marketed a car load
of hogs last Friday.
Carl Anderson's for oniou sets and
garden seed 8.
John llartuott shipped a car of uogs
fiom here Wednesday.
Hans Nelsen was down to the couu-
ty teat on busiuoss Tuesday.
We have just got in a flue new line
of glassware and lamps. Carl An-
Cail Fredurickson was laid up at
home last week w ith au attack of the
Mrs Emil Christiansen was a Sioux
City shopper Tues.lay.
Mriug us your farm produce, and
get the highest market prioe. Carl
Roy Wilsey is helping out in narl
Anderson's store for the present.
Carl Anderson is still confined to
his home with a sprained ankle, hav
ing hurt himself about three weeks
Roy Crippen and wife were Sioux
City shoppers.
Shoes is our long suit, and we can
fit you in just what you need. Carl
Harry Broyhill is helpiug out at
the Nordyke restaurant.
The baseball fans ore beginuing to
blossom out, and the prospects for a
team the coming summer are improv
ing. Dress gloves and work gloves in
endless variety, at Carl Auderaon's.
A bcttlo of medicine wh'ch got
broken in the nubbard mail sack was
the cause of all tha perfumed letters
Tuesday evening.
Herman Ren re, of the firm of llenze
& Green, was down to Dakota City
Tnesday setting up some machinery
that the firm had sold to J J McAllis
Quite a few from here attended the
funeral of Robert Reed at Emerson
We have jast received a new invoice
of dress goods and dress ginghams.
Carl Anderson.
Mr Wise of Blair, is acting as depot
sgent dnring the absence of Don
Clinklaw, who is taking a month va
D J Cornelly and family have taken
up their residence in their new home
which they recently built on their
farm near town.
Edward ONtill left for Seibert,
Colorado, Monday to live on his claim.
Lizzie Teller left the last of the week
for Rapid City, S D, after spending
three months at the home of her par
ents here. Miss Teller has recently
preyed up on her claim near Rapid
D J Connelly and family have mov
ed to their farm naar Hubbard, having
recently compkted a fine new residence
Mary Ryan, a student of St Catha
rine's academy, who underwent an op
eration for appendicitis at St Joseph's
Hospital, Sioux City, last week, is get
ting along nicely.
The Knights of Coiumbus had a
high mass of reqnieum, celebrated by
Rev P F McCarthy Thursday, for the
late Gerald Dillon, the oldest meinbor
of their c.uocil.
W T Bartlett arrived home Monday
from a weeks trip through Texas.
Tlio farmers here have commenced
seeding this week. The ground is in
fine condition.
Mrs Ed T Kearney and daughter,
Editha, visited from Friday until Mon
day with Kate L Dnggao, of Sioux
City. Mr Kearney drove over to the
city Sunday and was their guet for
Sunday dinner.
B F Sawyer, undertaker had charge
of the funeral of Robert Reed, of Na
cora, which was held at Emerson
Mary A Boler, of Omaha, spent Sun
day at the home of her parents here.
Born, to Mr and Mrs Lee C Kearney,
March, 19 '08, a son.
Mr and Mrs E J Mallally have gone
on a trip to Texas. It is their luten
tion before returning to visit the lat
ters daughter, Mrs Horrell Johnson, at
LasVages, N.w Mexico. , (
Mr and Mrs Thos Ashford and
daughteis, Margaret and Mary, Lor
raine Murphy, and Charles Ashford, of
Homer, aud Lorotta Duggan, of Good
win, were dinner guests Sunday at the
heme of Mr and Mrs Henry O'Neill.
The ' devotions of the forty hours
adoration which closed here Tuesday
evening were well attended.. The de
votions began at 10:30 o'clock Sunday.
On each day masses were read, the
first at seven o'clock and the last at
eight o'clock during the entire da the
devotions continned until the closing
in the evening. At 8:30 o'clock on
Tuesday evening a procession with the
blessed sacrament took place through
tbe aisles of the churoh in which little
girls in white, altar boys and the cler
gy participated. Priests in attendance
fiom other towns were: Rev Felix
McCarthy, of Vista, Ray Fr O'Toole,
Newcastle, Rev Father Devsne, Dixon,
and Rev Father Kearns, of Wayne,
H Reed and sister Jennie, who at
tended the funeral of their father,
Robert Reed, returned to their home
at Iowa City, Wednesday morning.
Mr J Lider, of Cherokee, Iowa, at
tended the funeral of his uncle. Rob
ert Reed, here Tuesday.
Pat Jordan was a Sioux City visitor
Will ZitBtraw came down from Em
erson Sunday to visit his brother John.
C W Schwartz was a Sioux Citv
paxsengMr Monday.
This community reoeived a severe
shock last Saturday morning by the
announcement of the sudden death of
Robert Reed which occuied at Lis
home. His nephew, Burt Reed, of
Goodwin, found him about 10:30 Sat
urday forenoon, be was lying ucrosa
ttie bed aud it is supposed that he died
semetime during Friday night. He
was seen about the yard by one of the
neighbor boys Friday evening. He
wb8 seventy-six years old and livad
alone on a farm one mile northwest of
here, which he settled on lixtoen years
ago. Six children survive him, allot
whom are living in Ion a City, Iowa.
Mr Reed was a respoctod citizea of the
county, aud enjoyed the esteem of
everyone who had the privilege of his
acquaintance. Tbo funeral services
were held Tuesday morning at the
Presbyterian church at Emerson. The
interment was in tiie cemetery near
that place. (
II Wesley Brown of Ilernck, S D,
is here shaking bauds with his many
ji j r orosuoe ana o a aides w an
dered into Sioux City lust Suuday as
One of Salem's handsome bachelors
was reorntly caught in theaotof milk
ing a cow into a saucer of breakfast
food .
A D Joyoe aud family, of Orchard,
came down Tnesday for a few days'
visit witu relatives.
Chas Heikes and Ray Hoch took in
the show at the Orpheum Saturday
Rev and Mrs Von Hagcn, pastor of
the M lu church, were calling on
friends in this vicinity last week.
David Hilsman was a Dakota City
culltr Munuay eveuing.
A O Sides purchased a fine span of
mulea from II E Brown, which he will
add to his locomotive power on his
trip to the coast.
B Herbreuson and wife visited Mon
day and Tuesday at the W A Heikes
lien uoiuieraon oi i.merson, was a
business caller here Tueaday.
On Tuesday evening Mr and Mrs S
D Joyoe gave a farewell surprise for
their son Ward, who left the following
day for his claim near Grindstone, H
T), where be will make his future
home. Success to yon, Ward .
R D Westfall was ever from Sieux
City the first of the week talking "sep
arator" to the farmers.
Gwen Rockwell is off for a week's
vacation flue left us to guess where?
Tbe sowing of small grain is well
nnder way. Some of the farmers have
completed and are plowing ; something
unusual for March.-
Too many good t'mea in youth
means hard times in old age.
The most profitable thing a farmer
can do is to think.
The school children are enjoying a
week'i vacation.
Marvin Armour, a former Salemite,
shipped a car of furniture, stock, etc,
Thursday to his claim near Phillip, S
D, where he will hang out for the
next five years. Mrs Armour will
leave in a few days to join her hus
band. '
J W Bridenbaugh and family ar
rived home Wednesday from their
winter's sojourn in California.
Buster Brown bread. Where at
Van's, of course.
Miss Anna Anderson, of Mortinar-
side, visited with Ruby Van dt Zedde
over Sunday.
Mrs Lyda Baker is here fiom Dcs
Moines, Io. on a visit with her ton, J
U Baker, the Watkins remedy man.
H Wesley Brown came down from
Ilerrick, S D, Tuesday and will spend
a week here with relatives and friends.
U S Marshal W P Warner was here
from Omaha Wednesday and Thurs
day looking after his property inter
Only a few weeks more left of our
special oner our regular 54. UO p?r
uozen uabinets for 00. Work guar
anteed in every respect. No extra
charge for groups. We make any
thing in the Phot line, at V6ry low
prices. Being located out of the high
rent district is the reason. KOZY
Studio, 301 Douglas St, Sioux City.
Tickling or dry coughs will quickly
'oopen when using Dr Shcops cough
cure. And it is, thoroughly harmless,
that Dr Shoop tells mothers to use
nothing else, evnn for very young
babies. The wholesome green leaves
and tender stems of a lung healing
mountainous shrub give the curative
properties to Dr Shoop's cough cure.
It calms the cough, and heals the
sensitive bronchial membranes. No
opium, no chloroform, nothing harsh
used to injure or suppress. Demand
Dr Shoop's. Take no other. For sale
by all dealers.
$100.00 paid by Dr Shoop for any
Case of grippe or acute cold that a 25
cent box of Treventics will not break.
How is this for an offer? The doctor's
supreme confidence in these little can
dy cold cure tablets Preventias is
certainly complete. It's a $100.
against 25 cents pretty big odds.
Preventios, remember, contain no qui
nine, no laxative, nothing harih nor
sickening. Pneumonia would never
appear if early colds were always
broken. Safe and sure for feverish
children. 48 Preventics 25o. For
sale by all dealers.
School Notes.
'Avuilirg themselves of the opportu
nity offered by the vacation, all of the
grade teachers went home to visit with
friends and relatives. We hope that
the change of soene and work will give
them the rest which they should have
in order to do the best kind of work
during the remaining two months of
school work.
Mr Patahin is taking a vacation rest
by a change of work. He is helping
the 10th and 11th grades with some re
view work in arithmetic, algebra and
physics. To do this work the school
house must be warmed a little o Mr
Patchin and Mr Best are jointly lilliug
the position of janitor.
Last Friday and Satcrdav the 10th
and 11th grades took the examinations
in algebra, geometry, aud civics. If
the 11th grade secures a passing 11 rade,
in the subjects taken, they will have
only one or two studies to complete be
fore graduating.
Last Saturday oue of the new high
school piotures. "Trinity at Stratford",
as taken to (Sioux City and framed.
It now looks better thai it dfd before
aud we heaitily invite everyone to come
in uud see it.
Several of the scholars are spending
their vacation out of (iwn, but those
who remained report that they are
having a good time. We hope all
will come back fealing refreshed, and
ready to sturt wtk again iu a way
that iudiuitus that something is biinpr
Mr Best spuat the d.'y Thursday in
vixititig different classes iu the Sioux
City high school.
Woiking Women and the Ballot
"But if, both for their own suites
and the good of the rej ublic, women
of property aud women of education
should be enfiauchised," wiites Jane
Adduma in the April Woman's Home
Companion, "far more is the power of
the ballot needed by tho workiug
woman, whoso stake iu the ouutry is
represented by her life, her health, her
virtue, and the safety and hnppiuessof
her children. The ballot is not de
manded for her because she is go d or
wise, or because she will make no mis
takes in its use. Neither gooduesB nor
wisdom is the solo possession of oue
class, and freedom from mistakes is
the privilege of noua. Working
womeu need the ballot because they
must possess some control over the
conditions of their lives and those of
their children ; aud in this twentieth
century world, the ballot box offers
the only chaunel through which they
can give expression to such legitimate
Lutheran Church Announcements.
Preaching Sunday morning at Sa
lem at 11:00 o'clock, Suuday school
at 10:00; C E at 8 p m.
I'reacbing at l'uKota city 7 :.iu p
m, C E G:30, Sunday school at
9:45 a m, Mission Band at 3:00 p m
A cordial welcome to all.
Roller Naorala-U wldt Dr. Mil
em1 XaiX-
Pain Plus. doeea Zt oaats.
Real Estate Transfers-
A tlllvrn niul wife to J P Korkwi-M,
lot 4, 10 nntl II In Work :H, Jinkom
Dltv.wd 1
A llllrrnnml wlfn to J P ftockwell.
lot. l.l, , ft, a, T. S, D and II, In Mock
ax. Dakota ntj, qel 1
8 W Foy nd wife to W If (loon.-, nw
'4 nw' mid nw1 wh n otion 7-HH-17,
wil 8000
S W Foye nnd wife to t.llilito fk-orire.
lot 4 nun 0 Id block II, Central Hon til
Hloux Vity, wtl 1700
Helen R Weeks Slid Jennie B Frnzer
to H W KolU, lot 1 In block 171, 1
kotalllty, qed Io
Nancy Ann Hock well nnd htiHhnnd to
J A Bllven, lot 7 In block law, Dakota
Ultjr, wd 1
fxnnc Font! and wife to J P Know, lot
I in block 1H, (Jentrnl Hon in Hloux
CUty, qcd 1
O J O'Onnnor and wife to D B Htld wor-
tny, lot 1, X. , 4 and n. In block I,
O'Connor's Addition to Homer, wd... iVX)
Ida fl Foils and liustwind to V Goertz,
lll-JH M)M " win-l 1 WU 01 KM
Anna K Frnzer and husband to H A
Htlnson, lots 4. ft, , in, u and II In llk
17S. Dakota Ultr, qcd l.V)
Frnnclea DetleNou nnd bus bund to PA
A inn, lot 10 in mock 110, Covington,
d 4.10
Wm Gordon, trustee, to Kdwnrd Pm-
coe, lots 1, I, H, 4. ft, S, lft, 17 nnd is In
block 44, Joy Place, South Hloux Olty
wd ado
Mary Rnuth to John Mulhnll, lots 33 to
if) in bioca , mi addition to Jackson,
wd 700
Frnnklln C) Piatt nnd wife to C D
Knnpp. lot 19 111 block 0 Mouth Hloux
City, wd v 878
First Publication Mar 3l-w,
Tn the county! court of Dakota county,
In the matter of the estate of William
Nixon, deceased.
Notice Is hereby Riven, thnt the creditors
of the snld deceased will meet tho executor
of snld estate, before, mo, county Judiro of
Dakota county, Nebraska, at the county
court room In sold county, on the 2Mh day
of July, lww, on the 2fit h day of Auuuft, Inns,
and on the iisth dny of September, nrH, at
1(1 o'clock a. m. each day for the purpose of
presetitlnK their claims for examination,
adjustment nnd allowance. Hix months
are allowed for creditors to present their
claims nnd one year for the executor to
settle snld estate, from the Urd day of
Mnrch, l!W. This notice will be puhltxhod
in the Dakota County Herald for four weeks
successively prior to the Until day of July,
Witness my hand, and senl of said court,
this )rd dny of Mulch, A. D. 1(M.
I ) .1 U'r.WUAV
s"Afl ' County Judire.
I moat
isk your doctor about these
throat coughs. He will tell
' you how deceptive they are.
; A tickling in the throat often
J means serious trouble ahead.
I Better explain your case care
! fully to your doctor, and ask
j him about your taking Ayer's
': Cherry. Pectoral.
! A
W publish our formulas
W banish alcohol
from our madioinaa
We ursa you to
ooosult your
b jr w m
'"..) makes the best liver pills? The
'. C. Ayer Company, of Lowell, Mass.
-bey Isave been making Ayer's Pills for
C'.-r Hixry years. If you have the slight-
.' t c!iiht about using these pills, ask
vi..r doctor. Do es ha says, always.
" ' ! the J". C. Ayer Co., Lowell, ICace.'
Men and Women Wanted
to sell our Adjustable Window Shade
fishier at your own home or traveling,
bend f.Oc for sample and Instructions,
214 S. 12th St.. Omaha
. Ira. Davis
Farm svrvcl
19 Years in tlio Business
Dates made at The UeraM Oflice
Tliysician and Surgeon.
Calls promptly attended
nil PC firt Immediate relief from
I LLJ Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment.
osioaaDCrtz M para
p 2 5 ' IA
' , - ? I vZs
1 sxa
sr lit 1 IP
2.00 Jtr fL?
t N
"She First THitvrj
To consider when buying
Poor seed means loss of
makes money. We have
you want and we can make
seed that will grow.
Clover, Timothy, Blue
.... For
Edwards Bradford Lbr. Co
Hubbard, - - Nebraska.
GEO. TIMLIN, .Vanaeer.
Dakota City To
Portland, Tacoma, Seattle
Daily March 1st, to April 30th, 1908
North-Western Liive
Through St. Paul and Minneapolis
HUMESEEKERS' On the first and third Tuesdays of I
FyPllR'siniMQ Fe"jruarvi March and April, round 1
trip excursion tickets will be on sale
to many points in Michigan, Wisconsin, North Dakota,
Montana, Idaho, Oregon, Manitoba, Alberta and Saskatchewan.
- tm4Mt
X Write for our Illustrated Catalogue describing our seventy i
different styles of Harness.
X A good Work Harness for $20.00 f
! Sturges Bros. SILX.8.4 I
4- 4
Dakota Citvi Nib.
Bonded : Abstracter (
with lit terue inleral in the Iruitt. iKe tariff, the railroads, politics generally and
political penonagea, the Review oi Reviews will be doubly valuable to you.
25 cents
an,.. i
The Review of Reviews
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