Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, March 20, 1908, Image 5

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I ' Ml I ft
c . 1 1
muL neeaea
jjAycr's Sarsaparilla is not a
asf-onR drink. As now made,
.ie.c is not a drop of alcohol
h;n if. it is a non-alcoholic tonic
J an J alterative. Ask your own
doctor about your taking this
jiislciHc for thin, impure
flhlood. Follow his advice
every time. He knows.
V' publish our formula
W banian aloonoi
from our maaioinai
Wo urea joa to
couauit your
Y"! doctor, "What is the first eret
rti.c f health ? " Nine doctors ot of
tea '.v.;! quickly rerlv. k'nfh.h...i.
-r r"'to
ii.L-n asu mm anofh.r m..
n."r oo vou
think of Aver'a
Mailt T
California Trip Now
Low one way Colonist rates
daily until April 30th to
Utah, California, Oregon,
Washington and Montana.
Winter Tours
To the South and Gulf
sorts until April 30th.
Homaaeekara Rataa
1st and 3rd Tuesdays to Col
orado, Big Horn Basin, Mon
tana and Northwest.
TKs DIrf Horn Ba.ln
Mr D. Clem Deaver, Land
seekers' Information Bureau,
; Omaha, will personally con
duct landseekers to this coun
ter try the first and third Tues
,, days in April. Write Mr.
Deaver for information about
very desirable irrigated lands
in the basin, subject to home
stead under the hip- Gnvrrn-
- - --o
y ment Ditch or under private
ditches. 100,000 acres of
new Basin land will come
under water in 1908.
Business Openings
We have list of excellent bus
I iness chances in new growing
towns on Burlington exten
sions; get established early
ahead of the coming popula
tion. Write the undersigned.
N A S McLean, Ticket Agent
dacota qjt, neb.
L. W. Wakeley, Q T A, Omaha, Neb
Men and Women Wanted
to Bell our Adjustable Window Shade
Helder at your own home or traveling,
bend 60c for sample and instructions,
214 S. 12th St.. Omaha
r, - '. ecu r.'iwi r .
c.rt --Tr?D c-cr. nrrrnl
- I L. W 1 - l - - -
e'f mju-o voa oar norm .ncui, ouuiuicr.
'Vain 11 Ticvr Ttnattiru, A ini'i v. iu '
tl Ift- linnst.! -fcfrla, t RpI'Mfcl! J O. ". W-
tlua: ldI."lv.T.loV.'.r it V,l!1.,tl'll i
.11 i.- i:i.i to i'U.Aft;
, tibfetit v nib-
Wri'.o to-day; Mention fri.s Fr.prr.
;m tit rtiUil3 t.:
at 4-VJVClT r' -'4T-'I
of fM3, t ' r.u.tu. j
u. '.' - v. - 4wv. (:(
County Coroner
1. F. Sawyer
Jackson, Nebraska
Heart Strength
n.rt Stranrlh, or H(art Weakness, meam Ncrva
Strnnirth, or Kerre Wakn9 iiothliin more, tot
tUrnly. not one weak heurt In a hundred la, In It
self, actually dlstt. It 1 almost always a
hidden Uny little nerve tl.at really in all at luult.
Tlili obsrnre nervo the (rdlar, or Hftirt Nerv
simply need, and must 1t, more power, more
more contrc
iUing, more foxrelns
atrenvth. without that the Heart mult oontinua
to full, and tbe ittntuauh and kldnaya aUo have
tAfte aatue rontroUing nerves.
Thia clearly eiplulix why at a medicine, Pr.
Fboop'a Ile.toratlve has la the pant jne ao n.uoh
for weak and ailing Unartt. pr. rihoop tint sought
the cause of aU this painful, palpiuiln. suf!xt.
Ins heart dlatrasa. pr. bhoop Hi'Stnrativu this
popular prescription 1 alone directed to three
weak and wastlnt nervo center. It bullda;
ttjlrengthens: it often real, venulne heart help.
It you would have strong llearu, strong dl.
Sion. strengthen thuae luerves re-eaUbliatl
thea at needed, with
Dr. SHoop's
R Time Table
Sioux City, Crystal Lak ft Homer
usavb. LEAVK
A IOTA CUT . siorxciTT
7:30am -.8:20 am
9:30 a m 10:30 a ni
... -.
u:ioi m u:iU a m
1:15 p ru , ....2:00 p m
3:00pm ... .4:15pm
5:15 p m 5:50 p m
6:40 pm 11:00 pm
8pocial trips for parties of 15 or more.
C, St. P., M. ft Om
Trains leave Dakota Git? at the fol
I . . 9
lOTing time :
obtb bound. booth botihd
:82 pm Omaha 7:04 am
10:00 am Omaha 6:13 pm
37pm..... . .Norfolk 8:18 am
8:41 am Norfolk 5.32 pm
r :8 am...... Newcastle 0:33 am
2:08 pm 6:25 pm
7:02pm Omaha 7:04 am
3:37 Norfolk 5:32
C B ft Q
No. 85 Local Freight 7:15 am
11 Passenger, Omaha
and Lincoln ....12:47 pm
So 8G Local Freierht 2:25 pm
10 Local Passenger. .6:29 pm
" daily. daily except Sunday.
Local Items
Friday, March ao, 1908
Have Eiraers make your abstracts,
Wot Cheney marketed a car load of
fat hogs Tuesday,
Harry Adair and wife entertained
at cards Saturday evening.
J J Eimers and Horace Dutton went
to Wakefield Saturday on a lend deal,
A social dance was held at tbe
Henry Krumwiede home Friday even
ing. Addie Mctcalf, of Wakefield, was an
over Sunday guest at the Henry KoLl-
meier home.
Henry Kohlmeior eame down from
Wakefield and remained over Sunday
wita ms family.
Ernest Triggs of Sioux City came
over and spent Snnday with his father-in-law,
Scott Duncan.
Alfred Seymour spent a souple of
days a Mecklin, 8 D, last week, look
ing after the renting of his farm there.
Mrs Scott Duncan went to Jefferson,
S D, last Saturday, for an extended
visit with her daughter Mrs Charles
Harvey Fair of Lincoln, was here
several days the past week, looking
after the Bell Telephone company's
John F Sides went to Pilger, and
otlier poiuts in that locality Monday
on business connected with the U S
Marshals office.
County Judge D C Stinson on Satur
day tied a matrimonial kr.ot for Albert
E Snmp and Miss Hattie McLean,
both of Sioux City .
If you want steady work that's pleas
ant and profitable, write at once to
the Hawks Nursery Co, Wauwatosa,
Wis. Largest in the state.
Miss Mary Eiersche a niece of Mrs
Q E Von Hagen came down from AI
tamont, S D Satnrday to make her
home indefinitely with her auntie. ,
The boom is on in Dakota City, im
provments of all kinds are in progress,
and property is changing hands. Let
everybody boost and quit "knocking."
Jack Lapsley came down from
Washburn, Vis, Sunday for a week's
visit witli relatives here. Jack ears
he is well pleased with bis home in
Miss May Olney, of Chattanooga,
To no, was a guest at tbe Wm Cheney
homo the past week, being on her way
home from Leslie, S 1), where she had
proved up on a claim.
J N Hamilton roturned Saturday
afternoon from the hospital iu Sioux
City, where he had been taking
treatment for a week past. He seems
much improved in health.
The No 2 Foye street car was disa
bled Tuesday evening, the crank shaft
liaviug broke on the last trip. The
No 1 enr was put into service Wednes
day and traffic was resumed.
Arthur G DeLong, a former teacher 1
this sonuty, but now in the railway
mail service, was married at liugley,
Io, to Miss Grace MTyle-, on Monday.
The newly wedded couple will reside
at Long Pine, Nebr.
James Feuston has sold his build
ings east of tbe school house, to Glen
Armour who will move the same to
tbe old Arteaux place on Omaha creak.
Mr Feuston has purchased tbe George
liouoher residence and will gel! posses
sion April, 15.
The picture exhibit and entertain
ment givuu by tbo schools lust Thurs
day afternoon and evening was well
putiouiz nl and a neat sum was real
ized, lhe proceeds of the entertain
ment, amounting to neatly $30, wns
used iu purchasing pictures, selected
from the exhibit,
Tuesday was St Patrick's Day, but
with Judge Stinson it was lnutnruoinul
duy and the Judge got iu the harness
in good shape and performed ceremo
nies for the following parties: E ltuy
Surber and Mias Anna lleckens, both
ofEinars'ou; George F Williams, nnd
Miss Etta M Holt, of Sioux City ; and
John Sfhiolberg, of Sioux City, Iowa.
and Miss Martha Fildherg, of North
wood, Iowa.
Mrs Norman Powell requests us to
publicly thank those who materially
assisted her in her recent afiliction by
raising money to holp pay her expenses
at the hospital. Acts of this kind,
coming unsolicited, are what makes
the whole world kin, and are not easi
ly forgotten even if they can never be
repaid. Credit is largely due to Chas
Ostmeyer who spent several days time
circulating a subscription panel, and
who succeed iu raising about $85; and
to those who got up the social at the
Uileman school house, which Betted
Tost cards at Tan's.
Thos Clapp was
from Homer
Friday on business.
Dick Broyhill made a business 'rip
to Hubbard last Thursday.
Four thousand feet of cotton wood
lumber for sale. Robert Lapsley.
A bright-eyed little oirl was born to
Mr and Mrs Bernard Coals on Satur
George Gribbls was np front South
Omaha and visited over Sunday at the
old boate.
Why is a jonrney around the world
like a cat's tail? Because it s fur to
the end of it.
Lillie and Mabel Beam went to
Homer Sunday to spend a few days
with relatives.
I have a few tons of good alfalfa
hay for sale. Mrs Etta M Spenoer,
Uakota City, Neb.
Chris Christophcison came down
from Emerson Monday and took the
Burlington for Uomsr.
John n Ream attended the Masonic
school of instruction at Pouca from
Monday until Wednesday.
Albert cicuumacher is serving as
transfer slerk in the railway u ail aerv
ice in Sioux City tbis week.
For Sale Good Early Irish Victor
seed oats. Address J C C'LLtss,
It F D No 1, Waterbury, Nebr,
Mr L G Croswell arrived Saturday
from Luverne, Minn, for a short visit
with his sister Mrs G E Von Hagen.
Stoves! Stoves I Stoves! Stoves at
cost, for the next three weeks. Ed
wards & Bradford Lumber Co, Dako
ta City .
David C Butcher orders his Herald
changed from Maxbass, N D, to Glas
gow, Mont, whero he islocated for the
Mrs Helen Kirkpatrick, daughter of
Mi- and Mrs Tim Carrabine, of Kan
sas City, Mo is here on a visit with
Gildea Sayre and sister, Mrs M J
liircbell, havs taken up their residence
in the t A Wood bouse, reeeatlv pur
chased of Jon Phillips.
Mrs Norman Powell and family
moved into town from the ired lier-
ger iarm weanesaay, ana are occupy-
. TTT !t
ing ine wooawara uouse
Have you tried the Sultanna and
Tao-co brands of canned goods? Van
sells them. These goods have stood
the test of the pure food law.
August Labahn was up from his
farm west ot Homer on business Wed
nesday, and while hero advanced his
subscription to The Herald for another
All kinds of coal, food and hay for
sale at reasonable prions.
Fields & Slacohtek Co.
Theo E Bliven, Manager,
Dakota City, Neb.
The business men who managed the
Dakota City Lecture course the past
winter got out $11.50 to the good.
This amount was donated to the Ep
worth League and Christian Endeavor
societies of th's place.
Croup positively checked in 20 miu
utes. Dr Sboop's 20 minute croup
remedy acts like magic No vomiting,
nothing harsh. A simple, safe, pleas
ant, dependable croup syrup. 50o.
For sale by all dealers.
Lost A ladies' open-face silver
watch, monogram engraved on the
back. Black ribbon fob attached.
Finder please return to Mary V Quinn
and receive reward.
Mary V1. Quinn, Jackson, Nebr.
Geo Woods and Birny Gribble re
ceived a carload of brick from Ser
geant Bluff, Io, Tuesday, and the way
these two old pioneers handled them,
was not slow. Mr Woods and Mr Grib
ble will build new sidewalks aroujd
their premises.
Perfect sight with defective eyes or
improperly fitted frames is impossible.
The right glasses in the right place
will give you the smile that don't
wear off. Our glasses are reasonable
in price and, your eyes are priceless.
W C Eckhart, licensed optometrist.
Services at the Methodist Episcopal
church every Sunday as follows:
Preaching, lit n; Sunday school, 10
am! 6'lass meeting 12 ni ; Epworth
League, 6:30 p m; Preacbiug, 7 :30 p
ro. Preach in Grace church every
Sunday at 2 :30 p m. Yon are cordially
invited to uny and all these services .
OdIv a few weeks more Jeft of our
pecial offer our regular $4.00 per
dozen Cabinets for $2.00. Work guar
anteed in every respect. No extr
charge for groups. We make any
thing in the Phot lino, at very low
prices. Being located out of the lupli
rent dit-trict is the reason. KOZY
Studio, 304 Douglas St, Sioux City.
$100.00 paid by Dr Shoop for any
Caso of grippe or acute cold that a 25
cent box of Preveutics will not break.
How is tbis for an offer? The doctor's
supreme confidence in these little can
dy cold cure tablets Preveutics is
certainly complete, its a - friuu,
HBiiiust 25 cents pretty big odds.
Preventics, remember, cotituiu no qui
nine, no litxauvo, uoiiung nur.11 nor
eu'Kcuing. I lieiimoiun would never
uppeur if early colds were alwajs
broken, bate and sure lor feveriHh
children. 48 Prevontics 25o. lor
sale bv all dealers.
Chas Rice. Mrs John Wright and
Mrs Tom Big Bear, Winuebugo In
diuiiH, were lodged in jail here Monday
bv Marbhal Grant Custer, of South
Sioux City, lhe tno had been arrest
ed on a charge ot drunkeness and
taken before Justice of the Peace J
Eiraers who fined the squawa $10 each
and costs, and committed them to jail
nutil the fine was paid. Charles
Rice was given fifteen da;s in jail and
costs, w.thadietof bread and water
for every alternate day. Mrs John
Wiight was released Tuesday evening
by paving her fine and the costs in her
case from a roll of bills that she had
concealed iu ber stocking, and which
Sheriff Rockwell and Deputy Bier
mann overlooked when thay searehed
her, as also did Marshal Castor. Mrs
Tom Big Bear gained her freedom and
took to the woods Thursday, after her
hubby appeared and forked over the
Mrs John II Beam visited relatives
in Homer Wednesday.
Mrs Ed Waldman went to Coleridce
Saturday to visit relatives.
Who may marry many a wife, and
still be single all his life A clergy
You will never get
nervous if yon
Van deZedde
driak Brenn'a coffee,
sells it.
Mrs Clias Ream went to Elk Toint.
S D, Saturday, to virit her sons, Tom
and John.
Max Easton has moved into the Ed
Easton honse, recently vaoated by the
aiettiin family.
The store at Naoora, belonging to
U W Schwartz, burned to the k round
luesday morning.
isarney unbble is putting down a
brick walk in front of the property oc
cupied by Paul Junket.
uuie uaie and wue win take up
their residence on the MoBride farm
northwest of Hubbard .
aits I'aui junkei returned home I
Tuesday evening from a month's visit!
at her old home in St rani.
S A Stinson has closed a deal for
six lots' in tbe Mock west of the Mrs I
Herweg property on Broadway.
11 you don t like the "uneea nonrlsalo. Tuesday. March 31st
"om by Van tie .edde, try a sack of
Pride of Omaha," the best flour in
the world.
Airs wm horenz and two children.
W WV W a
Elsie and Harry, went to Lawton, Io,
Sunday, to spend the week with Mrs
Lorenz's sister.
Robert E Frenoh, of Kearney, Nebr,
grand lecturer for the Masonic order
of Nebraska, spent Sunday here at tbe
home of Judge It E Evans.
For Rent 6 room house, with
without five acres of ground.
Alfhpd Seymour,
Dakota City, Nebr.
Dr and Mrs D C Stinson and Mr and
Mrs S A Stinson attended the banquet
given by tbe C Shenkberg Co, to their
customers in Sioux City Wednesday
A Zabel, of Linooln, state agent of
the Farmers Mutual Insurance compa
ny, was here this week in the interests
0f tbe coninanv.. He was chaperoned
I. .
by John W Hazlegrove.
What is the reason that Vande
Zedde sells so much Breun's coffee ?
Because it is the best that's the rea
son. All the way from .o to Uo per
pound. Try a paekage.
A petition is being circulated to
have the names of Henry Lahrs, Julius
Giese and J P Rockwell plaeed on the
ticket for village trustees, for the elec
tion to be held Apr'l 7th.
The frame ot Herman Bierraan's
nw bouse is up and the building is
fast being enclosed. Bert Wood is
superintending the carpenter work
and Edwards & Bradford furnished
the lumber.
S A Biidenbaugh's horse, driven by
the children attending school here,
took fright at , a Burlington engine
last Friday evening and broke away
from tbe buggy, JNo other serious
damage was done.
Chas H Roam has been up against
the proposition of keeping bachelor's
hall, for several days the past week.
lie says he is liable to advertize for a
housekeeper soon, if this state of
affairs lasts much longer.
J J Eimers is negotiating for a gas
engine to attach to his boat in Crystal
lake. He has either grown too lazy to
row, or expects to catch such big
strings of fish that it will require an
engine to tow them to the landing.
nenry Pilgrim, of South Sioux City,
was fined $5.00 and costs by Judge D
C Stinson Thursday, for assaulting
Harry Edwards at a dance in South
Sioux City, on the evening of St Pat
rick's dsy. Tbo fine was paid and
Henry was released
Land In large or small tracts, in
Potter nd Sully conntif s, S D. Ex
cursions first and third Tuesdays of
each month. Thoso desiring to go,
all or write me.
D O Hf.ffebnan,
Hubbard, Nebr.
A T Hasso sold a quarter section of
laud near Emerson to James Allaway,
of Homer, last week. Mr Allaway
sold an eighty south of Homer last
week for $75 per acre and purchased
the llaane land with the proceeds of
the sale.
Paiu can be quickly stopped. A 25
cent box of Dr Shoop's headache Tab
lets will kill any pain, everywhere, iu
20 minutes 1 Besides they are thoroug-
ly safe, Painful periods with women,
scuralgia, etc, quickly cease after one
tablet. For sale by all dealers.
George C Blessing, breeder of fancy
Duroo Jerseys, will hold a publio sale
of bred sows at his farm just north of
Homer, Nebr, on Tuesday March 31st.
Ho will put thirty head of bis best
bred sows in tbia sale, and if you want
something fine in tbe Duroc line of
breeding, this will be your opportunity
to get it. ,
Tickling or dry coughs w ill quickly
looeeu when usiug Dr Sboops cough
cure. And it is thoroughly harmless,
that Dr Shoop tills mothers to use
lothing else, evep for very yui"g
b ibies. The whohVoino Green leu von
and tender stems of a lung heu'.ii g
mountainous shrub give tbe curutive
properties to Dr Sboop's cough cure,
It calms the cough, and heals the
seusitivo bronchial membranes. No
opium, no chloroform, nothing naruii
used to injure or suppress. Demand
Dr Sboop's, Take no other, rorsul.
by all dealers.
Remember that when tlio stomach
nerves fail or weaken, dyspepsia or
indices ion must ulwuys fo.luw. But,
strengthen these same woak intide
nerves with Dr Shoop s restorative,
and then see how quickly health will
again return. Weak heart and kid
ncy nerves can also be strengthened
with the restorative, where heart
pains, palpitation, or kidney weakueas
is fouad. Don t drug the stomach,
or stimulate the heart or kidneys,
That is wrong. Go to the cause of
these aliments. Strengthen these
weak inside nerves with Dr Shoop's
restorative and get well. A simple,
single test will surely ttdl. For sale
white goods by sonr milk.
Judg RE Evans was a business
visitor at Homer Wednesday.
Don't judge the world's interest i
you by yonr intsrest in yourself.
Mrs Mollis Broyhill and daughter
erna, spent Sunday at Jackson.
Yon can purchase a man's labor,
but you have to cultivate his good
The Dakota City schools will tsk
lueir annual spring vacation nei
Lulu Hirsch came np from Homer
today to visit over Sunday with rela
Mary Easton went to Allen Thnrs
day evening to visit over Sunday with
Mrs Mell A Sohmied went to Wake
field today to visit her mother, Mrs
Remember the date of Geo O Bless
ing's sale of Duroo bred sows Tues
day, March 31st.
Alter an, n you keep the narrow
path, you will find it isn't half so
dusty as tbe traveled road
Thirty head of fancy bred Duroc
sows will he sold at Geo O Blessins's
To clean tinware, common soda sp
plied with a moistened newspaper and
polished with a dry pieoe will make it
look like new.
Tbe only smallpox ws now have D
M Nieswanger is recovering nicely
from tbe disease and will soon be out
of quarantine.
Geo O Blessing will offer 30 head of
fancy bred Duroo sows at his sale to
be heM at his farm, north of Homer,
Nebr, Tuesday, March 31st.
School Notes.
George Miller is absent on account
of sickness.
The Physics class aro receiving pul
leys and levers.
Joy Bouton is out of sohool
on ao-
count of sickness .
The 2nd and 3rd grades report
attendance this week.
Essie and Hope Roberts visited the
grammar reem Friday,
Elsie and Harry Lorenz are visiting
an annt in the country.
The 4th and 5th grades are planning
to begin the study of seeds.
Geo Sanford has been absont this
week on account of sickness.
Miss Wilson spent Saturday and
Sunday at her home in Lyons,
Wilfred Kinkle is baok at school
after an extended visit in St Paul with
his mother.
The 8th grade have finished their
study of physiology and are new study
ing geegrapby.
Mrs M G Graham, Mrs Von Hagen
and her brother visited the grammar
room luesday.
TheLittle Colonel" books -are
being read for opening exercises in the
grammar room.
Mabel Schumacher is again in her
place after a month's absence on ac
count of smallpox.
The 5 t'u grade have finished their
geography sorapbooks and have done
some very good work.
Physiologies for tbe 6th and 7th
grades arrived Wednesday. We ap
preciate them very much.
Miss Taylor spent several evenings
of the past week with her Bister, Mrs
Sawyer, of Morningside.
The board met Tuesday evening and
decided that there would be a week of
spring vacation next week.
Mrs Von Hagen and her brother
Louie Crawswell visited in the first
primary room Tuesday p m.
Mrs Boss, Mrs Sides, Mrs Kline,
Miss Engeleu and Miss Durlund at
tended and enjoyed tbe Lincoln pro
gram, Friday.
The pictures chosen at tho Art ex
hibit for the grammar room are Pris-
cilia,' John Alden and The Old Mill.
The children expeot to frame them.
St Patrick's day was appropriately
observed last Tuesday by tue wearing
of shamrocks, peacock feathers, groeu
ribbons, leaves and carpet chain; in
fact, anything having tho favored color
of Erin's Isle.
The art exhibit given at the court
honse was appreciated very much by
all who attended. Each room baught
two pictures with the money they re
ceived from Belling tickets. Miss Dur
land's room received the prize picture
for selling tbe most tiokets. About
$30 worth of tickets were sold in all.
Relieve NeuraJgria with Dr.
-like' AnU-
Pain Fills. doaea SB
Real Estate Transfers-
An Ki-hopkn mid wlfo to John Iliiti-
scn, part of w' Hi'1, section in-- -,
wd I
John Iliiiisen nut) wlfo to Auk Hchop-
ki part of e'i n w!i Ht'etion Sn-CT-H, wd
Kavlllo Met, to K .1 Mefz. aouth 0
lii-reH of auj-s ne.' section as--K-l), wd ..
Dmiiel I my ntul wifn toKntid Ilnum-n,
nt '4 neL4 unci n'a si", unci miLs". nil
In xerlion IKI-XIM), wd :
NHIIu Neixl Hud IiiihImiiwI to .lame
I.iiwrlit, loU I nnd '-' In Mock I OS, mid
loin 10, II and I-III bloek 7. t'ovloK
ton. ned
I.iielln l.itwrlo find huvliiiml to Nellie
IS r Hi I, lot 1 III liliH-k. lid, Covliitftoil,
nil VohmiiiicI wife to Aim V a'a'f's
Hi'hi neetlon lit mill ne'4 Hectlou 1.I--7-tf,
Krnel M Junkeii mid wife to Klorrncn
A (i)'Oiui-, lotH 4, n nnd tl In CiyMiil
Lake Turk In m ' IK'1. Miction U,
District Court Dates.
Tho termsof court for the year 1908,
for the comities of the Eighth Judicial
district of Nebraska are as follows:
Ouinlnit KeliS, Kept II
linknlii Keli 17, b pt 1'H
Ktnnloii Mured i. net IS
'eder March Id, Nov II
IHxon Mn n-1 1 IU, Nov :m
'I'll urn ton April 1:1, tlctf)
The first duy of each term is set for
hearing applications tor citizenship.
Lutheran Church Anncuncements.
Preaching Sunday morning at Sa
lemLil:00 o'clock, Sunday scheol
at 10;iHJ; V 1 at 8 p m.
Preaching at Dakota City at 3.00
o'clock p m ; Sunday school at 9 :45
m ; O E at 0 :30 p m
A oordial welcome to all.
Bheumatla Pain ratWrod br us ot
Iron rust may be removed
City KlesU KleurEtot
Fresh and Bait Meats always
Agnt foi Seymour's White Laundry.
Laundry basket goes Tuesdays and comes back Saturdays
Jxist iv Wca-ryln1 for
more business (and getting it, too.)
Deposits, $15,000.00 larger than one year ago.
Tlenty of money to loan on good paper ALL the time.
better than being out, whenever jou need to borrow.
If yon hear of anyone tuot wishes to know how a good bank is
run, tell him to try, just once,
"The Bank that Always treats yon Right"
The Oldest Bank
in tmc Cowntv
G?e First TRiivg
To consider when buying Field Seeds is Quality.
Poor seed means loss of time and money. Good seed
makes money. We have Good Seed. Let Us Know what
you want and we can. make you a price that will please on
seed that will grow.
2TL Clover, Timothy, Blue
. For
Edwards& Bradford Lbr. Co
GEO. TIMLIN, y&naeer.
p y jp J J y -iWWa-hVSVi
Dakota Cm. Nta. j 1 .fltxVPyC
Bonded : Abstracter I
Importer (Ktd Brstdsrs jf
Perchcron, cvnd Elelgieun Horses
We arrived with our last importation Oct. 18, 1907. Our barns
are full of big, square built stallions, imported anJ American bred,
from yearliugs to five year olds.
We handle the bust horses in the Northwest, and a visit to onr
barns will convince you that our statement is true. Thoy have the
rizo. bone and action, each horse beiug selected on the merits of its
own individuality. We have no agents; do our own buying in Europe
and onr own selling at our barns in Coiroll, so wo can afford and do
sell them very reasonable.
Furmers form your own companies, come to Carroll and select a
stallion that will be a money maker for vou, and a benefit to .yonr
Come and see our horses before you
purchus6, uad yon will profit by it,
Wayne County,
G. F. ISroy Kill
Daatlor In
Field Seeds. .:,V: -.V- i
j Gasolene Engines,
i Rock Salt, ;
Roofing Taper,
i Machine Oil, I
Gasolene, ;
I Pumps, ' - ""';
Iv Poultry Netting,
k Stock Food, 4 , :
Screen Wire, ; v
Gloves, ""'r
Sewing Machine Needles,
Dakota City,
The Herald for all the News
Abstracts of Title
A $10,000 Surety Bond
Guarantees the accuracy of every
Abstract I make
Proprietor of
on hand . Caeb paid for hides.
Dank. Dakota. County
Jackaan, Nabt-atsltaa..
k aa.MMn)
Grass and all Farm Seeds
Sale .
t .:.!...,. l. k-i ...uj; I
608 Metropolitan Btk.
Sioux City. Iowa
t Machinery,'
n Garden Seeds.
Imposts burr oak,
i.iti , i
Stock Tanksy
rr . ,n it-
Kerosene Oil, Vyk & 4i
Oyster Shell, j
i ESWagon Jacks, ,&
Ammunition, t
Lighting Pbntsj;.'a
..; rocket Knives, t.Mt&
I Clocks, iiSfcftSM
1.00 Ingersol Watches.
W Nebraska.
Successor to
Dakota County Abstract Co;
Bonded Abstracter
about $35.
necessary $15,55,
by all dealers.
Bv. IfiM AaU-I'waa PUia. U duMM X ot.