"ture Opportunity is here efferel to the SICKsSUFFERING of our community arefully thoroughly accordingly Visiting Specialists from the Cleveland Institute of Medicine and Surgery legally chartered and iucorporated CLEVELAND, OHIO, will pay their first visit to Dakota City. Neb. and .will be at the CITY HOTEL Monday, March 9th Ttll Your Sick Friends. ONE DAY ONLY 9 A. m. to 7 :30 P. M. This' institute, composed of a group of regularly graduate physicians and euigeous, licensed, legully chartered and incorporated under the laws of the State of Ohio, seuds at its own ex pense thfe cmineiit medical special ists in order to iulroduce the uewent methods aui disooveiies iu medicine and aurgerr such as the system of treatment under X ray, Viole ruy, Fiua-n ray, Hydrotherapy, etc, to give ti iImhh who call on the above date, conaultntion, examination, advice and all nedieiues required to complete a ome, absolutely tree. These opeciul isU will diagnoao your case and give you the benefit of thi ir skill and med ical knowledge. There is in thia case no experiment ing or guess work at your expense. You will be told whether you can bu cured or not. If your case is curable thry will put you under treatment itn roeiliatly ; if insurable they will givo yon such advice aa may prolong your life. Their treatment blways gives quick relief, and ultimately positively cures, lining prepared to cope with each individual cuae thehumau system 14 thoroughly cleansed of the disease n a natural and direct manner, and improvement is noticed at once; even the worst cases are treated without any inconvenience to the patient or the pursuing of his or her daily vocation. If you are improving under your family physician, do not come and take up their valuable time, as they Absolutely refuse to treat any one who ia tinder the care of the local physicians. They wish besides to give each patient plenty of time aud their undivided attention, but can not .listen to long stories not pertaining to .jour trouble. They have disoarded the old mothods and remedies used for agon by the medieal world, aud which it would be folly to depeud upon any longer, for they are not known to cure, .as thousands die, depending on them for relief. The following litt of dis eases only are taken under treatmcut, to-wit : Diseases of the net vous system, heart, stomach, lungs, kidneys, ca tarrh, (purulent or dry), consumption, epilepsy, deafness, diseases of women, tumors, pseudo cancers, piles, of a chronic nature only. They treat deaf oesa by au entirely new method, and hearing in many caaea is restored at once. Catarrh in all its varied forms, like other diseases it ouce taken undr treatmeut, is cured permanently to re tniiu so and to never return. It mut ters not whom you have seen, or with whom treated, do not fail to cull, as a risit will cos! you nothing, aud may rostore you to health, or even save r prolong your life, as thousands of persons will testify by unassailable testimonials in all parWof thn country. If you BQKpect kidury trouble, briug a two ounce bottle of your urine for chemical and mioroscopical analysis, KEMEMBEU: The free offer is -during this visit only, and will not lie -repeated , Persons commencing treat fneut upon their futurt visits will be requited to pay, but not one oeut will be askd from ttiose commencing treatment during thia visit for any medicine necessary to effect a cure, irrespective of your positiou in lite, or the number of those who oome ou above date. Whensoever, or by whom wanted, a positive guarantee to cure "ill be given undor their system of treatment. Those having long stand inn and complicated disease, who have failed to get well aud become discour aged, are particularly invited to call. NOTICE: Married ladiea without their UDHBANU8, and nruors without their PATHEiia, will positively not be admitted to consultation unless aocom panied by one of their looal phyai ians. Ofllce hours: 9 a m, to 7:30 p m. Don't forget the day aud date- Monday, March 9th. One day only. J)R. C. H. MAXWELL, Physician and Surgeon. Calls promptly attended DAKOTA Cm, KKBKASKA lUMHimwm 4, UUOCC a StEJS SUU.tU I I TJT ....... . . w vs SPECIAL OFFCII: 'Jt. bull New HuilnrM. A trial wllT Uiula vuu our iruii.iiiiuL .iit.,ii,,-r. Vlwjy; twton ift Peps Sllt3Q 10 CFl'JTS c-tt'ncv.ffa of n . iiut, twth or vftli n 1,1.- i RcadRcflcct&Act I -1 m I ft L." .d- Jf-L Dakota County Herald JOSH B. nr.AM, PCBL1RHKB. Subscription Trice. $1.00 Per Year. A weekly newspaper published at Dakota City, Nebraska. Permission has been granted for the transmission of this paperthrough the mails as second-clans matter. Telephone No. 43. ' Several of the weekly papers in this distriot ae advocating the candidacy nf Hpnutor Wiltse for the office of Congressman from this district. Don't be in a hurry, boys. Boyd is doing all right and will no doubt do more after aettinff more acquainted with Mm run of tliinas. Wiltse is no doubt a good man, bnt we have plenty of work for a man of Ms caliber 10 ao ngut here at home, and we for one re heartily in favor of sending bim to the legiHlative halls at Linooln for another trrm. And he will Ket there, too. Wansa Gftstte. i Items of Interest 5 HUlll uui CAiiaiica ' P.nder Times: Judge Chase was in Dakota City Satuday. Wy not Tribune: ltev Wm Sham biugh weut to Sioux City Monday to spend the week with Ins family. Decatur Herald : II V Olbrey and wife spent Satudav evening at the Hush home. .. .II V Olbrey and N Faifus attended the L.iltue hog sale in Lyons last 1 11 lay. Allen News: uene noniyke was in town on business lust Thursday.. Mrs J M Walker and children of Sue City, Iowa, are visiting Mrs Oeorg Twanibley this week. Waterbury items in Ponea Leader Brant Minter wan down from Dixon Thursday . . . . Miss Mamie Sayre ex- i.K'ts to ko to South Dakota this week to make her home with her father. Hulix items in Sloan, Io, Star: Sterl Linkswiller took a short business trip to Nebraska, last week ... .Patrick O'Nidl visited with relatives and friend in Jackson, Nebr, part of last week. Ponca Journal : John V Pearsnu whs at Dakota Tuesday .... W J Ar mour was n Dakota City visitor Tiies day .... Will Armo'ir returned from two week trip in Dakota and Kno counties lust Saturday evening. Newcastle items in Pnuoa Journal Matt Cook was visitiug at Jackson Moudav . . . .Sophia Weudte and broth ers of this place attended a party a the home of Mr and Mrs Bartlett at Dakota City Saturday evening. Winnebago Chieftain: Miss Ad Loudrosh was down from Dakota City last f inlay ... .Ashley ljondroah h been sick wOh the grin the past few days....Johu Burkhead, of Homer, i plastering Mrs ioonwouans house this week .... Mike IJeacom has given u bis job in the elevator and returned to his home at Hubbard. Emerson Enterprise: F G Ross spending a tew weeks at Lfakota City . . .Fred Voss loft Monday for a busi nesa trip to Omaha and Minueola, Io .Way Bros were over Sunday from Waterhnry aud purchased a fine young hull of Detnme Bros.... Our birtb.re porter announcea the arrival of daughter at the home of Charles Rook well.... Opal Brice returned Sunday evening from Dakota City where sh tixs been laid up for the past week ui h a upruincd aukle. Pender Republic: Mis Nellie Nutin of Winnebago, spoke at th IV'Hhf tei ian church last Sunduv night ou missionary work among the Wiune imgo luaiaus. Mie told almut the Medicine Dunce" as the "old time re' ligion," once extant among them an how it had been supplanted by the Mexcul Bean society. She gave it a her opinion thut the dtvnteea of the Mescal Beuii are sincere but simply mistaken, ard that aha hoped the time would come when they cocld enjoy the use 01 ina uean to wnicu tliey now seem very much attached. Her tulk waa very much heard it. enjoyed by all who Lyoua Mirror: Miss Agnes Wilson returned to her school work at D kota City Suuday . . . . Mrs John Nuuu of Winnebago, was here Saturday, on i onto to l'euder. Airs Annn wa loimeriy nnsa Millie Jjondrosu, a mem of the Winnebago tribe of Indiana an her huftbuiid was a farm haad of ours years ago. They have a store at Win nebugo. . . .1) W Warner, a cousin the editor and brother of the U 8 Marshal W P Warner of Omaha, was a Lions vi itor Saturday. He ws aceompatiied by his wife and aon and were on their way to Omaha to make a visit with other relatives before starting on their long journey to their i oinrt in far off Alberta, Canada. Be foie Mr Warner weut to Canailu, nine yesrs ago, he resided just north of Wakefield and was a "war horso" in the populist movement and is still a Bryan man from top to bottom. He deaervta much credit for hia hard bat tling for the rights of the people at a time when the g o p schemers were steuling the statu and nation blind. Sionx City Journal, 2Sth: Rev Cephas Baird, formerly of Sioux City, lies at the home of his son Chalmers Baird, in Lor AugelesJCalif, suffering from hums wliicu entirely destroyed the siht of one eya and badly injured the other. It is understood vhat ltev Mr Baird was lying on a couch before a grate tire when a spark ignited a newspaper which was over hia face. Uev Mr Baird is practically deaf.' Rev Mr Baird is the father of Mrs Ella worth Kline, lb?l Pierce street and (4 he uncle of L C Baird, proprietor of the Cash Novelty store, 610 Water street. News of the aaed minister's plight first came to Mrs Kline some days ago ia a letter from her brother. Information since that time is to the effect that he ia doing well. The in- ured man is ona of the veteran clergy- men of the Lutheran chnroh. Id Sionx City he preached at Lutheran chapels t Leeds and South Sioux City and at times occupied the pulpit of Trinity church and other churches of the same denomination. CORRESPONDENCE f HUBBARD. Fr English received a car load of ice from the Jackson lake Saturday. Roy Wilsey was a Dakota City pas senger Saturday. The last dance before Lent was given cere t nday night. All report a good time. Fresh fish at D C Ileffernan's every Wednesday and Friday during the Lenton season. Mary Beaoorn and Mary Thornton came home from Sioux City to attend the dance I riday night. Fred Battels shipped a car-load of sheep to South Omaha I riday night Dan Ileffcrnan was at the county scat Saturday, Wm Rooney came home from school duties Monday evening. Joe Hagan and wife were Sioux City shoppers Saturday. Iry a package of Quaker Corn flakes the new breakfast food '-at Carl Anderson's. Hans Nclsen was at South Sioux City Saturday. Fred Rartels and wife were Sioux City shoppers Saturday. There ia an opportunity to get a pre mium free, by April 1st, if yon use the colebratfd Three Star coffee. Sold by Carl Anderson; John Uogau and wife were down to the city Monday. E O Donahue attended the dance at Juckfcon Monday night,' Quite a number from here attended the funeral of Mrs Chris Moggecben Tuesday. Rring us your produoe oream, but ter and eggs, we can pay you good prices. Fish rf all kinds at Carl Anderson's, during Lent. Mrs Roy Wilsey and daughter were shopping in the city Tuesday. Miss Copeland, of Perry, Iov,a, visited with Maggie Kent a few duys last week. Subscriptions taken fortho Common er and World-Herald at reduced rates until after the presidential camnaieu. by D 0 Hefferaan. Mra Chus Thompson and daughter Gladys, visited relatives in Homer Tuesday. , R A Miller moved his family to Walthill the first of the week, where he will farm the coming year. Carl Anderson carries a full line of Ueiuz's pickles the best you can get. W T Foltz loaded his household goods and stock for York, Neb Tues day, where will locate ou a farm. wm uoeriz waa a city passenger Saturday. T .-.,-, aft. n.. iruwonor, oi Bioux City, was here Tuesday, the guest of Fr Enti liah. Art Nordyke made a business trip to tue county seat Saturday. Mra R A Miller visited relatives in Wakefield before leaviug for their new home. Ash Wednesday was fittinRly ob served here, appropriate services being uetd in the Cuiholio church. Oeo Timlin was in Sioux City Sat urday. Tom and John Ream, who occupied the Hart farm the past year, are mov iug their effect to a farm near Elk Point, S D, this week. The helper with the Standard Oil wagon that comes here from Homer, waa trampled by one of his horses in the livery stable here Saturday aud quite badly injured. lie was removed lo Homer aud ia being cared for by Dr Burke of that place. Satin-day evening February 29th, a party of about forty-tive gathered at the home of Mr and Mra Brinkiuuu to give theL. a farewell party before they left for their new home at Wayne where they will farm this year. The evening wua spent in pluying cards aud dancing. The mus'o was furnished by the Hubbard orchestra assisted by Robert Vots. About 12 o'clock a tiouuteoiia spread was laid, and the way the good things to eat were de voured was a caution. The table be ing cleured they again proceeded to dance. A prize was offered for waltz ing to the older people, which was captured by Bert Francisco and Mrs Bounickaon, the second by Arthur Brinkman aud Mra Shormun. The first prize for the young people was Kiven to l rank Lussier and Tom Weilauds, and second to Celia Thorn and Clarence Francisco. In the game of sixty-six Wm Ooertz carried off the prize. SALEM. Mr Ollie Hale purchaed a new bug gy ana oy an accounta something is going to be doing soon. I W FiuhA- and wife entertained the "ujper ten Tuesday eveniug. Duck huntiug is all tho rage this week. v A few from here attened another one of thoso social dances iu Jackson Monday eveniug. Mesdames George Miller and A O Sides attended a party at the Schmied home in Dakota vity iuday after noon . Wm Brojhill is moving his belong ings to hia farm he recently purchased west of Homer. Addie Sides shelled and delivered 1(00 bushels of corn to II E Browu Tuesday, at Dflo per bushel. A number of theater goers took in "The Rejuvenation of Aunt Mary" at the New Grand, Thursday evening. John Winebrenner and wife waa over from Walker's Island Wedneg nay spending the day at the Foreshoe home. A party of young people from Sioux City, on their way home front the concert at Homer Tuesday evening stopped over and did justice to mid night luncheon prepared by Misses Caddie and Lizzie MoOlashan at their home, Ray Lapsley and Harry Sides bjoke np housekeeping iu their bachelor quarters at Sionx City Sunday ard are now depending upon the loye car in their getting to school each day. As yet they Lave not received a tio pass. The box social which was given at the Hileman school house last Friday night folowing the lycenm program was a success, netting the neat sum of $32. The pioceeds will go towards defraying the hospital expenses of Mrs Norman PoweJI, who was recently op erated on at St Joseph hospital for rupture. From late reports she is get ing along nicely. JACKSON. Gertrude Ilarty visited parents over Sunday. She school near Westfield, Iowa. nth ber teaches W A Bonny who farmed one of Mr Davey's farms last year has moved to a farm near Jefferson, S D. Frank Mitchell has gene to Spring field, 8 D. Mrs Mattie Moritz. of Sioux City, visited over Sunday at the J M Rai ry home Anton Larsen, of Vista, lost horse in a runaway Sunday. Fred Berry of Emerson, spout Sun day with friends here. James P Ryan who spent the winter here left Thursday for his home at Butte, Montana. Mrs Chris Mogcnsoen died her home near Goodwin, Sunday, March 1, aged 40 years, she is survived by a bus band and nine children. The funeral was held luesday afternoon and was largely attended. Ictermeut was iu the Drake cemetery. M Rolor Sr left last Friday for a few weeks visit with relatives iu Omuha and Blair. Mrs B F Sawyer ia in Sioux City taking treatment for an abscess iu her nose and gutting along uicely This week every one seems to be moving. Wm Renninger aud family moved Monday to Hubbard Nebr Nickolas Johannsen and Georgo Line felter and families have moved to S D Mada Knudsen has moved to the Joe O'Donnell farm; Aron Maun moved to the farm recently vacRted by Art Dor mit; W U Hcuroder moved to near Ponca; James Hendrickseu of Morn ingside, Iowa, has moved on to J M Barry's farm where Mr Fowler farmed last year : Orlando Garner has moved on the D -T McDonald farm; George Mongar moved into the home vacated by Wm Rsninger. M Byrne is visiting relatives at Fon da, Iowa. Jack McGough of Wakefield Nebr, was visiting friends here several day the past week. Alice Kennelly of Sioux City spending a week's vacation v.ith rela tives here. ' Air ana nirs r u Jones oi V isia, en tertuiued at a seven o'clock dinner Suuday evening, the occasion being their 40th wedding aniversary, The rooms were decorated iu red, the wed ding color. The long table was trim med in curnations aud smilax tho red tapers being also softly shaded iu led, a dainty card marked the plate of each guest. A fine four rourse menu was served, Miss Lucy was assisted iu serving by Miss Margaret Twohig. The guests were Rev F McCarthy, Mr and Mrs John Ryan, Mrs J A Hall and son, Raymond, Mrs J Flyun, James P Ryan, John Boler and wife and Frank Davey and wife. Among the presents reoeived were a set of Haviland China dishes from the children and a beauti ful set of silver knives and forks, from the relatives. The evening waa pass ed socially and with piano and vocal selections. At a late hour the guents departed for their homes wishing the host and hoatesa many more anniversa- nes. Married Tuesday Mar 3, C8, at St Patricks church, Rev P H McCarthy oiuciating at the beautiful inarr age ceremony and nuptial Muss in which he united in the holy bonds of matri mony, Catharine 3 Hennessy to M Joseph G Marsh. Tho bride was be comingly attired in a lieautitnl gown of white silk trimmed in silk Irish baby lace and insertion. Tho bridesmaid, Mite Maggie Murray waaal.no charm ingly attired in white mull trimmed in Valeucines laco. The groom wore the conventional block and was attended by Mike Uennessy, brother of the bride. After the ceremony the young couple retired to the Commercial hotel where au elaborate breakfast was serv ed to the immediate relatives and friends. The bride haa grovvu to womanhood iu our midst, being a graduate ot nt Catharines academy with the class of 190G and has taught school successfully since. The groom ia the accomodating agent at the Bur lington depot and ia highly esteemed by all who know him, he haa recently joined the Catholio church . They win go to housekeeping iu rooms over the Burlington depot where the.groom has prepared. The out ot town rela tives were Mrs J Marsh and daughter, Nollie, of Volin, S D, mother aud sis- tor of the groom and Mrs Cunuiugham and daug ter, of Sioux City, aunt and cousiu or tue groom, lueir in any frienla herd extend to them their best win lies lor a happy aud prosperous life. . HOMER. D L Allen of Sionx City was a Homer visitor rriday. uarreti mason ami' f rod Jvinner were passengers to Siout City Sunday night. Mrs II A Monroe was a guest at the Wm Clapp home from Friday to Suu day. Miss Edith Church returned from Emerson Friday of laBt week. Dorcas meets with Mrs A J lira in Thursday March 12. Mra J M Church is iu Emersou vis itiug her daughter Mrs ('has Bockwcll. Char'ey Davis waa a visitor at the paternai home between trains Sunday. Roy Davis and Albert Harris were Sioux City shoppers Thursday and Fri day of last week. Mr and Mrs Grafford were Sioux visitors Sunday aud Monday. Misa Blauche, nughea waa a guest of her uucle Bert (Unborn at Tarea, Io for a few days then went to Des Moines, where she entered a wholesale millinery establishment as trimmer. Her mother accompanied ber as tar as Sioux City. v Rev Christy Las moved into his new home in Rerm and Lewia Goodsel Sr. ow occupies the old Christy home which he purchased. Tilken Harris and wife and Mr Kil- bourn and family will move to Craig. Neb, in a few days, they having traded some property in Canada for hotel property in Craig. Their many friends here wish them success and happiness in th'cir new home. Tilden will continue in the merchantile busi ness there. Dr Stidworthy visited Lis family in Sioux Citj Sunday". Will Buckland came home Monday returning to Creighton Tuesday where he is soliciting members for Yeoman lodge' William Walway and wife were down from near .hmerson Monday. Dad Richarda has gone to Red Oak, Iowa, called there by the serious illness of bis brother who has visited in Homer several times. A sister also is very ill. George Midkrff lost one of Lis beet cows a short time ag-. The cars were responsible for her death. Herb Harris has moved to his own house in town where Lewis Goodsell, jr, is now living. Dan Harris has moved to the Hunter farm ou the reservaion. Miss Cora Midi iff has a well defiu edcaseofmeas.es she was lucky to be at home. F U Cheek and Miss Mary Dixon were married Sunday at the Lutheran parsonage, Rev Elmer Combs ofli :u ting. It seems that the "Dirly Dozen" might give some of the "Clean Dozen" lesson iu politeness and good manners we are socu "moss hacks that we look for the old time politeness in tl young gentlemen of today especially from those who it is supposed have bet ter "bringiu up" than the tuaioiity of us. Sheriff Jeff Rockwell was in nomer thia week collecting personal taxes. Jimmie Allaway is now at Lorttta Neb, for a short time in the E & B Lumber yard, but will soon return to Primrose, Neb. Jliss reach Mckinley aesistan bookkeeper at Uavidsou a came over Tuesday for a couple of davs visit at home. Born, at Omaha, Neb, to R J Jones and wne nee Sarah Harris, March 1, tea pound girl. Robert Lusebrink drove to Sion City Monday and one of his horses got sick on the way home. He had to leave it at Homer uuder the care of Veter nary Goodsell till Tuesday morning when it wus all right again. Mr Wilnoti, the oil man, and hia as aistunt drove to Hubbard Monday and when they put their team iu.the barn tha harness got caught on something caueing the horses to become so fright ened that they knocked down the as sistant and trampled him quite badly before he was finely rescued by M Wilson, one of his legs was so badly injured that he is getting about ou crutches, . Mr and Mrs Marvin Armour are going in about a week or ten days to take up their residence on a homestead in South Dakota. Mrs Armour is the Secretary of our Dorcas and so the Dorcas ladies to the number of 15 or 21) went out Wednesday to spend the day with tier and give her a little sur prise, thr.y took their dinner along and had a jolly time, as everyone does at the Waterman home. Two othjr of the Dorcas ladies will leave for Craig, Neb, in a few daya Mr Tilden Har ris and Mrs Kilbourn. So the three were presented with sterling silver souvenir spoons, with the l-est wishes of. all the Dorcases' for their future happiness and piospeiity. Walter Graves has rented Jim King's place. Jule Bondersou, of Emerson pre cinct, was a business caller in llumtr Wednesday, aa waa Frauk Hirsch cf Sioux Citv. NACORA. Tracy Anderson was a " pasnger to Emerson Monday, Nick Simmons ana wife were Emer son visitors Monday, ' Murgaret Kelliher, ' of Sioux City, spent bunday at tue Ueeney home. Mrs Chus V arris was a passenger to Lmerson Tuesday. Sheriff Rockwell was in this vicinity Wednesday on business. Mra John Sullivan is very sick. George Burke, of Randolph, spent a few days with the James lleeuey fam ily the fore part of thia week. Annuis Schwartz was a passenger to Hubbard between trains Wednesday. Chas Garrett moved his family to the August Voss farm Wednesday, School Notes. - Donald Best was absent the first of the week ou account of sickness. Kathleen Neiswanger is absent from the i tli grade. Miss Roberts spent Suuday at he home near Vista. Mabel Ronton aud Miss Roberts went to Ponca Thursday eveniug, re turning Friday morning. The attendance iu the 2ud and 3rd grades is very irregular owing to mumps. Stott Neiswanger, Ruby Dierkiug, Helen Biermaun, Eva Graham anil Edgar Loudrosh have missed some du8 this week on account of sickness Mra Strohm gave the intermediate room two plants which they apprecate very much. Alviu Loudrosh waa absent ou ac ouutof a sorained kuee. Alviu de clared "it waa pretty bad". The Lincoln program which was to be held Friday will be postponed one week. Mrs Ross visited the High school Tuesday afteruoon. Her visit waa very much appieciated by all. Bertha Minter entered the 8th grade aud Mayme Bachert eutered the IHh grade from South Sioux City. Hal Biidenbaugh ia absent on ac count oi mumpa. Iu only case re ported iu High school room. Rheumatic Pains relieved by use ot Pr. atlW Anti-Pain Pllla. si oas eta. Firit Publication Miireh a 3w Order of Hearing and Notice of Probate f Will. tn the rounty court of Dakota county. No- braska. Htnte ot Nehrnnka, lnkotn rounty ! . To Kllnlieth Mcl-nn. 4rner Mxnn.Jnmeii Nixon, Alexander M. Mxnu. KllxnlieUt Nix- on. .limp W Bite. John I,. Nlxnn, John Tay lor, unknown hetrn of Aleinnder Klton. deceased, and unknown helm of Mary Nix on, deceased, who wnn married, but whose name nfter mnrrlnire is unknown, and to nil persons Interested In th restate of William nlxon, deceased : On reading the petition of John L. Nixon praylnn that the instrument tiled In this court on the (It h day of February, tuns, and purporting lo I the last will and testa ment of the said deceased, with two codi cils thereto, mny be proved and allow ed, and recorded in the lost will and testament of William Nixon, deceased ; that snld Instrument lie admitted to probate, and the ndmlsltrntlon of snld estate lie ranted to Thomas (). Clopp n administrat or with the will annexed. It is hereby ordered that you and nit per sons Interesed In said matter inny mid do, nppenr nt the county court to l held In and for snld county, on the ssird day of March. A. 1). IHih, nt lOo'elnck a. ni.. to show cause, If any there lie, why the prnyerof tha petitioner should not lie (ranted, nnd that notice of the pendency of said petition nnd that the henrliiff thereof lMtlven to nil per sonslnterested tn snld mntter by publishing n copy of this order in the Unkotn County llernui, a weekly newsDnner Printed In snld county, for three nuccesslve weeks prior to sum ony or ncnrinir. Witness my hand, nnd sent of snld court, ,1.1a UI31 I. . I .. ... U...1.M A tl If... liiiiiiiiiijiil rriiiuiiii, m I'lli-". ft II. HTINMOX. I rHFAI. County .Indue. Report of the Condition of The Bank of Dakota County, "The Bank that ALWAYS treats you RIGHT" of Jackson, Nebr., charter No. G51, (iucorporated) in the state of Nebraska, at the close of business Fcbruarv 28, 1908. RESOfHCK.S: Loans and discounts t l:W,-o r,o f ve rd rn f t s, seen red n nd u nsec ii red llanklna house furniture nnd fix tures Current expenses nnd taxes paid.. 3,:mn no line from nnt'l, state nnd Diivnte hanks mid Imnkers 20.713 tK Total cash on hnnd le.istt HI Total $ 177, mt !itl LIABIMTIKft: Capital stock paid In t ln.nm (10 Surplus fund mi I udlvKled prollts iitn 7rt Cei tilled checks : lfil.iKt rt:t Total $ 177.IW2 il'.i Statk of Nktirahka, County of lmkota. ( I, Kd T. Kearney, cashier erf the aUive named linnk, do hereliy swear that the nliove slnteinent Is a correct and true copy of the report made to the state Imnkinit hoard. attkkt: Kn. T. Kearnk y, O, M. Kr.AHNBY, Director. Cashier. H. K. Kkaknkv, IHrector. Hu lire rl lied nnd sworn to heforo me this 1th duy of Ala rch, l!w. Lkp. C. Keahnf v, Notary l'uhllo. Deposits $15,000.00 larger than one year ago. This denotes good times for the West. REPORT OF THE CONDITION of the Bank of Dakota City, of Dakota City, Neb., charter No. 994, (in corporated) in the state of Nebraska, at the close of business Febtuary 28, 1908. RESOURCES. Loan sand Discounts lsi.itjo 15 HunkinK house furniture and fix tures no Current expensesnnd taxes paid.. fill) 45 Due from nat'l, state nnd , private hanks and bank- 1 ers S4H.Mil fit Cash 8,5a 37 67.577 J Totnl s UM,77K 78 liabilities: Capital stock paUt In s Sit.nmi no Undivided prollts Kfi7 KN Individual deposits sub ject to check S 66,UiO 10 Demand certificates of deposit 2.7IU 35 Time certificates of de posit 0it,0u7 45 173,11-JO gp Total s lW.HH 7H State of Nebraska, ( County of Dakota, ( s I. M.O.Ayres, president of the above named hank, do hereby swear that the above statement is a correct nnd true copy of the report made to the Htnte Banking: Board. M. O. A tubs. Attest: President. t4eo. Onrter, Director. Harry H. Adair, Director. Nuhscrilied nnd sworn to before me this 5th day of March, WON. F. A. Woon. Notary Public. Mr commission expires March 3, lull. Their action la so mild, the raot deli cate person can use Dr. Miles' Nerve and Liver PlUa. 6-sj-iii J- cut. $32.20 Dakoia City To Portland, Tacoma. COLONIST TICKETS ON SALE Daily Marce 1st, to April, 30th, 1908 :VIA North-Western Lrite Through St. Paul and Minneapolis HUMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS to many points inMichigan, Wisconsin, North Dakota, Montana, Idaho, Oregon, Manitoba, Alberta and Saskatchewan. LYMAN SHOLES. OMAHA, NKllIt. D P A. fARM LOANS ai'vwheie ou earth List your property with us to 2tr.JS Warner r. Lu&t your PAUL PIZEY, I Lawyers Dakota Citi Nil : Abstracter Have One Doctor No sense in running from one doctor to another. Select the bebt one, then stand by him. Do not delay, but consult him in time when you are sick. Ask his opinion of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for coughs and co ds. Then use It or not, just as he says. V pablUh our formula w bnfth lootao1 from our modloinos iers Wo urgo you to oomuit your v uuuiur Alvt avs keep a box of Ayer'a Pills in the house. Just one pill at bedtime, now and then, will ward off many an attack of -iliousness, indigestion, sick headache. How manv years has your doctorknown these pills? Ask him all about them. ---ctn V r Vie J. C. Ajt Co., IiOWOU, MM.- GO SOMEWHERE aaaaBS BSSBsaaBBaBBBaBBeaBsaBBBaBBaBBaaBaBa Ncvk THevt California Trip Now Low one way Colonist rates daily until April 30th to Utah, California, Oregon, Washington and Montana. . Winter Toura To the South and Gulf Re sorts until April 30th. Homaseekcrs' Rates 1st and 3rd Tuesdays to Col orado, Big Horn Basin, Mon tana and Northwest. The BI Horn. Baaln Mr D. Clem Deaver, Land seekers Information Bureau, Omaha, will personally eon duct landseekers to this coun try the first and third Tues days in April. Write Mr. Deaver for information about very desirable irrigated lands in the basin, subject to home stead under the big Govern ment Ditch or under private ditches. 100,000 acres of new Basin land will come under water in 1908. Business Opening We have list of excellent bus iness chances in new growing towns on Burlington exten sions; get established early ahead of the coming popula tion. Write the undersigned. N A S McLean, Ticket Agent DALOTA CITY, NEB. L. W. Wakelet, G P A, Omaha, Neb Seattle TIIE: A Hpl OnUhefirst and third Tuesdays of February, March and April, round trip excursion tickets will be on salf G. H. PRANGER, AGT. - DAECTA CITY, NElltl , We have plenty of Money to Loan at a low rate of iuterest on Dakota oounty Farms. Wa also Sell and Buy Real Estate of all kinds See or write us before you Borrow. But or Knll Sell. J rARM LANDS ALFRED PIZEY, 608 Metropolitan Blk. Sioux City. Iowa