Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, February 28, 1908, Image 5

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Dangerous coughs. Extremely
perilous coughs. Coughs that
rssp and tear the throat and
lungs. Coughs that shake the
whole body. You need a regu
lar medicine, a doctor's medi
cine, for such a cough. Ask
your docor about Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral.
W pubtnti our formulas
W baniah alcohol
from our tnediotnta
We urge yon to
conault your
Any pood doctorwilltellvouthati merti.
cine li!c Ayer's Cherry Pectoral cannot
do its best work if the bowels are con
stipated. Ask your doctor if he knows
anything better than Ayer's Pills for cor
recting this sluggishness of the liver.
Mada by th J. c. Ajar Co., Lowell, Mm.
kI&MJj, 50 YEARS'.
Anrrpa r.ilg n nlfh and dvcrinMnn ma?
qiil:Klr ii3' ornnri Mir opinion froe whether an
invention is prvhnilf v' Tr. ( ttnintutiloit.
Uni strictly fjm.iiilMtif:l. HA?UJ !O0A on I'fVot.U
aiMit r :-. ('Meet itjrtMiey lor fK n.iittf prttontn.
I'.iitjt-s miter throuuli Mumi A Co. reoelyf
tvrrial witicc, wit lout chnrgo, iu tiie
- Sciesttlf Ec Jltatricasi.
A hanrlfonio(y ili.trripl woorIt. I nrepst dr.
rtilut Kill of nliT IK-UMtUIW jniu itltl. Toritifl, $3 a
yonr: ( ur nmntba, U buhl fcy all Tnjw81enleni,
BIUK3.& Co.3,BrMd-N8V York
li.r It i .-it.. -i' fc" P.. Vfisl-ltmloli. J). ti,
County Coroner
B. F. Sawyer
Jackson, Nebraska
Sleep is nature's re
building period, when the
energy used by the brain,
muscles and organs is re
newed.' If you lose sleep,
your system is robbed of
the strength sleep should
give. Continued loss of
sleep multiplies this loss
until you become a phys
ical wreck. Dr. Miles
Nervine quiets the irri
tated nerves; and brings
refreshing, invigorating
sleep. Nervine contains
no opiates, and therefor
leaves no bad after-effects.
"For over two years I suffered un
told agonies; my fricndu thought I
was going crazy. I could not xleep
nor rest at all. I tried different doc
tors, but failed to lind relief. My
head would acha all the time; I was
like one drunk; could not conceutrate
my mind, and was so restless and
worried that sleep waa out of the
question. After taldnar one bottle of
Dr. Miles Nervine i felt wonderfully
changed. I am now on my third bot
tle and am gaining all the time. I
can lie down and sleep like a child,
and am able to do my werk."
MKS. MAY eCOTT. English, Ind. .
Your druggist sells Dr. Miles' Nerv
ine, and we authorize him to return
price of first bottle (only) if It falls
to benefit you.
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind
The Old World
and Its Ways
Wm. Jonninga Bryan
B76 rmperinl Ootavo IVifros. 281 -perheuttravlnsjH
from photograph tuk
en by Uol. Mryan. Iteoounts his trip
around the world and liix vllts to all
nut lorn. UrvivtoHt liook of travel ever
written. 41 .000 railed for in 4 montlis.
Write us for xuniplo roporU of llrnt HO
agent employed. The people buy It
eagerly. The n-rent' harvest.
OUTFIT FREE Send fid cts. to eover
eOHt of mailing and handling. Address
The Thompson Pubt Co. St LojIs, Mo.
Jk. Ira, Davb
Emerson, Nabr.
Fa.rm and Stock.
19 Years in the Laziness
Dates mado at The Ileruld Office
J K.M ..v1l
I'm H Fi v... 6.0)
X'S ill ka
1 0
iclnru. A trinl 7iiX V;
Vj r fl i 1 iUUk. 17Trift!l!
.l .VI
Wi l l It TO 1'U.ArL,
fo-fj.v; Mention this Pspcr.
"kvivv n n is.
i'4 r . r
-a r ' s"-fY-i -
ii'T fi;i-t Ui, i ivililul Ne4 kd Hlaiii litMik J
V U..i 4-i iX t -X i.C-4 t -rU(W-t Of fcMd, fl4BU,tO.
i ij; t' -r'-t M fcarKBPC STRICT 1
' I .1 s.
:f ""Ml
R R Time Table
Sioux City, Crystal Lake ft Homer
7 :IJ0 am .8:20 a m
9:30 a m 10;.)Oa in
11:15 a iu 11:50 a iu
1:15 pro 2:00 p ru
8:00 p in 4:15 p m
5:15 p m 5:50 p m
6:40 pm 11:00 p m
Speci&l trips for parties of 15 or more
C, St. P., M.A O.
Trains leave Dakota City at tLe fol
lowing time :
7:04 rm Omaha 7:02 am
10:00 am Omaha 5:13 pm
3:37 rm Norfolk 8:18 am
8:41 am....... Norfolk 5.32 pm
7 :28 am Newcastle 9 :33 am
2:08 pm "' 6:25 pm
7 :C2 rm Omaha 7 :04 am
3:37 Norfolk 5:32
C B ft Q
No. 85 Loral Freight 7:15 am
11 " Passenger, Omalia
and Lincoln . i , 12 :47 pm
So 80 Local Freight 2 :25 pm
10 Local Passenger.. 6:29 pm
daily. daily except Sunday.
Dakota City Lecture
Under the auspices of the business
moo of Dakota City.
March 10 Gibeon Qsrl, Character
Change Impersonator.
Reserved seat tickets (10 cent) on
sale at store of S. A. Slinson.
Doors jopan at 7:30 p m, perform
ance begins at 8:15.
Local Items
Friday, February 28, 1908
Post cards at Van's.
Bess Robertson wa home from Em
arson ovar Sunday.
ViuonntKnapp and wife were here
from Sioux City Tuesday.
TJ S Marshal Warner was up from
Omaha Friday' on business.
Fred Leedom wos from Winnebago'
the first of the week on business.
John F Sides has the plans comple
ted for a. $1,000 addition to his home.
OiWonGarl! There ts euphony in
the name, there ip art in his perform-
Mrs Wm P Altemus is building an
ddition to her home on the faim
southwest of town .
Stella Sayre was home from Sioux
City a fow days last week recovering
from a siege of sickness.''
A II Baker fell through a scaffold
Monday while working on the Henry
Lahrs house and seriously injured his
Elcer Robinson left lust week in
company with his daughter Rush, for
Chetek, W is, where he will prooubly
locate permanently.
B F Strohm went over to Creston,
Iowa, last Friday to , attend a pnblio
sale of stock, etc, at the home of his
son. He returned home Sunday.
H 0 Hansen is hauling cottonwood
m 1 It T 1
rame lumber irom vaiaers xsianu
for a new residence that he will erect
on his furm west of Homer this spring.
Henry Lahrs is remodeling his resi
dence by raining it np and building
another story underneath. Junut.
Qeise and family will occupy the home
with him, Mrs Oeise being a daughter
of Mr Lahrs.
The speeial nieRt'ngs at the Metho
dist church ars increasing in iuterest
.urt attendance. Last bunday lit v
Von ilagen received ix into the
church and more are to corao in next
Sunday. Ihese tneotings will continue
until furtl er notice every night begin
ning at 7:30, closing at about 8:30.
Come and bring your friends and en-
joy un Hour 01 goou singing ana speuu-
I wish that I might talk with all
sick ones about he actual ouuhh t i
stomach, heart and kidney ailmeuts
To explun iu penon how weak stomach
nerves leads to stomach weaknoss, I iiti
sure would interest all. And it is tin
same With weak hearts or weak kid
neys. This is why my prescription
J)r Snoops Uestorative so prompi.t
reaches ailments of the stomach, heart
and kiJneyH. It wiODg to drug the
stomach or stimulate the heart or kid
nejs. These week irsida nerves sim
ply need nioro strength. My restora
tive is the only pnscription made ex
pressly, for these nerves. Next to sw
ing you persouiilly, will bo to mail you
free, my new booklet entitled "What
To Do", I will also send samples of
tuv Rostoraiive as well. Wri'e for
he book today. It will surely interest
ot. Address Dr. Shoop, box H, Ra
cine, Wis. For Sale by oil dealers.
Edgar Frederick, earlier ou rural
route No 1 from this pluce, wos given
a genuine surprise lat Friday after
noon hen ho cainu in off the route
I,ew Armbritfht hud stopped at tilt
postofliiie during the ntt.-rnoou and
left two or three raystrrio'is looking
bundles iid also a letter which he
Boid wus fur ci.rriur No 1, when Mr
Frederick appeared at the oflii'H abou'
4 o'clock au4 iuvestigtted the contents
of th mysterious bundles and the let
ter accompanying them, his (low ol
speech for once failed hiiu, ' for there
was a line black fur overeoat wiut
beaver collur and cuff and gloves to
match for himself, and a bran new set
of harness direct from the Sturges
Bros shop in Sioux City, for his team,
all being donated him by the patrons
of his route. The writer was present
when Mr Frederick discovered the
gifts and we are certain that his ap
preciation was not a sham; and his re
nnest for n to extend hi inecre
thanks and best wishes to those who so
generously remembered him is cheer
fully complied with,
Agnes Wilson visited at her home in
Lyons over Bonday. 4
Pearl Stinson attended prty at
Homer Saturday night.
Subscribe for the Herald, the best
pPr in the county. (1 it year.
Four thousand feet of cottonwood
lumber for sale. Robert Lapslcy.
Jsy Bliveu was a passenger to Walt
hill Tuesday, lonk'ng np a locatiou.
Postmaster L Krygor, of Souto.
Sioux City, hadbnsiness here Friday.
J N Hamilton is able to be np and
around again after a two week a ill
Rev E II Combs and wife of Homer
were callers at the Lutheran parson
age on Monday.
For Bale A ICO-egg "Trusty" Incu
bator. Inquire of Mrs John Foltz,
Dakota Citr, Nebr.
Alfred Chaillie and Barber Doo-
little made a business trip to Water
town, S D Thursday,
Connty Clerk Ross is preparing to
remodel and build an addition to his
residence this spring.
M L Lothrop, of Atchison, Kans,
made a short visit with relatives here
and iu Sioux City last week.
John W Ilszlcgrove is the proud
possessor of a handsome gold watch,
gift from his brother at Oold field.
Stoves! Stoves! Stoves! Stoves at
cost, lor the next three weeks, .bid-
wards & Bradford Lumber Co, Dako
ta City .
N A McLean, tho new Burlington
agent, has moved his family into the
Barney Oribble house, recently vaca
ted by 1 led Blume.
- Have you tried the Sultanna and
Tac-co brnnds of canned goods? Van
sells them. These goods have stood
the test of the pure food law.
Herman Bierman has moved his
house on Lis farm west of town off its
old foundation and will soon begiu the
erection of a fine new residence.
Mr Butler, of Lincoln, stute agent
for the Farmers Mutual Insurance
company, was here Tuesday, the
guest of John W Hazlegrove,, agent
for this county.
All kinds of coal, feed and hay for
sale at reusouable prices.
Fields & Slaughter Co.
Theo E Bliven, Managpr,
Dakota City, Nel.
Sumner Niebuhr returned from Col
orado last Thursday and visited the
home folks a few days. He left Satur
day far Aurelia, Iowa, where ho will
take charge of a barber shop for a few
Having rented my farm for a term
of years I will dispose of my stock
ernd farm muchineiy at publio auction
on Tb nrs lay, March "5, 1908, at my
farm 2i miles north of Nacora, Nebr.
John C Sullivan
The second synodical communion
service will be held in the Dakota City
and Salem Lutheran chnrohes on Suu
day, March 8th. At this time offer
ings for benevolence will lie received.
It is desired that all the members be
present at this time, j
Perfect sipht with defective eyes or
improperly fitted frames is impossible.
The right glasses in the right place
will give you tho smile that don't
wear ff. Our classes are reasonable
in price- and, your eyes are priceless.
W U Eckharc, licensed optometrist.
Services at the Methodist Episcopal
church every Sunday as follows:
Preaching, 11am; Sunday school, 10
am! ?lass meeting 12 ro ; Epworlh
League, 6:30 p m; Preaching, 7:30p
in. Preach in Graco church every
Sunday at 2 :30 p m. Yon are cordially
invited to any and all these services.
Only a few weeks more left of our
spi cial ofler our regular $4.00 pT
dozen Cabinets for $2 00. Work guar
anteed in every respect. No extr
charge for groups. We muke any
thing in the Phot i line, at very low
priot h. Being located out of the Inch
rent diftrict iH the reason. KOZY
Studio, 304 Douglas St, Sioux City.
Grippe is sweeping the county.
Stop it with Preventics, before it gets
deeply seated. To check early colds
with these little candy cold cure
Tablets is surely sensible and safe
Preventics contain no Quinine, no lax
atives, nothing harsh or sickening.
Pneumonia would never appear if par
ly colds were promptly broken Also
Hood for f uverish children. LtiTge box,
48 tablets, 25 cents. A est pocket
5 cents. Sold by all dealers.
Gibf on Garl, the impersonator, dif-
plays vemsrkabln versatility in his
productions, takirgthe part or old and
yonng with equal ease, grace aud per
fusion. His costuming is the acme ol
perfection ; his ucting the highest dis
play of true art. -Luughter and tears
intermingle aud his audiences are in
variably enthusiastic in their appreci
atiou of his j lowers of entertainment
Ymi will never regret the time, or
money spent in; listening to him at the
M E church the evening of Maroh
10th, 1908
The will of the late Wm Nixon,
whii.li was filed in the office of County
Judge D C Stinsou February 0th, was
opened and read on luesday. the
estate is estimated at about f 100,000,
ami sside from a few minor bequests
is divided among his nieces and neph
ewK, children of his deceased brother,
John Nixon. lie was possessed of
1,158 acres of land, and of this the
home farm was given to his uiccp,
Kliztbrth Nixon, the balauce to be di
vided equally among the children of
s decenstd brother Alexander L,
John li, Mrs Jane Wite aud Eliza
beth Nixon John Taylor, a grandson
of his deceased brothsr, and son o
Wm Taylor, was given 1200. From
hU personal estate he a. so bequeathed
to his brother James, in Scotland
$1,000: to bis sister Grace, in Scot
bind, $2 000; to Elizabeth McLean, in
New Zealand, $1,000, and to his broth
er Alexander, in Australia, $500. He
had named 1) C Dibble aud William
Cheney as executors of his will, but
both have decliued to sorvo. He also
designated the county treasurer, clerk
and sheriff as the ones to place a val
uation on the real estate for the pur
pose of making the division among
the heirs.
Mary Robertson spent Sunday at
I.merson with friends. ,
Oeoroia Ayres has cone to Omaha
to reside with relatives.
John Boler, of Jackson, was a busi
ness visitor here Friday,
Irve Broyhill has been laid np for
the past two weeks with the mumpa
Henry Kohlmeier came down from
Wakefield Wednesday to see the folks,
Grace llager went to Wakefield last
Friday to visit her aunt. Mrs Lettie
You will never get nervous if you
drink Breun's coffee. VandeZedde
sells it.
For Sale a good
team of yonng
driving horses. D C
City, Nebr.
Htiuson, Dakota
Mell A Seliniied made a business
trip up into Minnesota the latter part
of last week.
Blanche Mntz of Pender, was down
to attend the leap year ball and visit
friends a few days.
Frank Hill of Allen, who is attend
ing school in Sioux titty, was an over
Sunday visitor hero.
Mrs Mary MoBeath and grand
daughter, Neva Best, attended church
at Walthill Sunday
It is reported that Ed League and
Kate Dclaney were married iu Sioux
City on February 7th
Henry Schmidt left Wednesday for
WakeUehl, Nebr where lie will work
for Heniy Bartels on a farm.
r or sale, or win truue tor woou or
posts A single buggy, in good condi-
ion. R L Broyhill, Dakota City,
A pair of children's shoes, loft at
Van de Zedde's store, can be had by
proving ownership and paying for this
If you don't like the "Queen" flonr
sold by Van de Zedde, try a sack of
Pride of Omaha," the best flour in
the world.
Harvey Fuir was here from Lincoln
several days the past waek looking
after the interests of the Nebraska tel
ephone company.
It is reported that Wash Leedom,
who lives at Dixon, S D, recently lost
bis home and the entire contents by
fire. We did not learn the particulars,
What is the reason that Van de
Zedde sells so muoh Breun's coffee?
Because it is the best that's the rea
son. All the way from 20o to 40o per
pound. Try a package.
The Leap Year dance given by the
girls 1 1 this place last Thursday even
it g was a brilliant success. The
music by Collins Bros orchestra con
tributed iruch to the pleasure of the
Geo E Westcott, of Sioux Hty, at
on time a resident of this county and
owner of the "Old Homestead," one
of the best farms on the bottom, wus
married at Minneapolis on Wednesday
to Miss Anna Ilebb, a sister of his
deceased wife.
Mr and Mrs Henry Dierson, uncle
and aunt of H F and George Kohl
meier, arrived here Weduesday from
Houston county, Minn, and spent a
few days at the Kohlmeier home, leav
ing Thursdaynoon for Lyons to at
tend the twenty-fifth wedding anni
versary of Fred Bnrmester and wife.
If you have catarrh, rid yourself of
this repulsive disease. Ask Dr Shoop
of Racine, Wis, to mail you free, a
trial box of his Dr Shoop'n Catarrh
Remedy . A simple, single test, will
surely tell yon a catarrh truth well
worth yonr knowing. Write to-day.
Don't spffer longer. For sale by all
Prof Zio Payne, one of the world
famed magicians, slight of hand per
formers and humorists, will give one
of his pleasing entertainments in the
Hrasfield opra house Satuiday even
ing of this week.' Prrf Payne has
letters of recommendation from nearly
every country iu the world, where he
has traveled and showed to all classes
of people, and all speak of his per
formance in the highest terms.
Wherever Gibeon Garl has appeared
the publio and press have been unani
mous in according him tlie mosteuthu
ciastic appreciation and approving
comment. Mr Garl is an artist in his
lit,; he is an impersonator of the very
highest order. Come out and hear
something genuinely good. He will
appear nt the M E church in Dukota
City on the evening of March 10th,
108, as the last and crowning number
of tbU reason's lecture course.
The case of .Daniel O'Hanlon vs
Jss Barry was trid in the district
court here the past week. The cafe
was taken under advisement by Judge
Graves, and will be presented to the
court ou written briefs and arguments,
Tha following divorces were granted
Sarah O Putman from Stilos H Pnt-
inan, Anna Mullen from Albert Mul
len, Sadie Wood from Win Wood.
Court adjourned Tuesday afternaon
until March 9lh, wheu Judge Welch,
f Wayne, will occupy tho bench.
Stop that tickling couph! Dr
Shoop's cough cure will surely stop
it. and with perfect safety. It Is so
thoroughly harmless, that Lr bhooj
tells mothers to use nothing else even
with very young bubies. Tho whol
some green lerves uad tender stems of
a lung healing mountainous shrul
furnish tho onrMtivo properties to Dr
hhroua concrta cure. It culms Hie
cough, and heals the sensitive brou
chual membranes. No opium, no
ol-lorofoim, nothing harsh used to in
jure or snuress. Demand Dr Shoop's,
Take no other. Sold by all daalcrs.
Those who have attended the previ
ous numbers on this season's lecture
ci-urse know how universally excellent
each one has been There appears to
be little question, however, that the
local lecture courso committee so ar
ranged the numbers on this course
tl at they mii-ht save the very best to
the last. Mr Gibeon Garl, the charac
ter change impersonator, will furnish
this final entertainment, ou the even
ing of March 10th, at the M E church
in Dskota City. Come cut and fur
nish this last entertainment yonr liber
al support so that the cemmittee may
'be encouraged to offer us another en
I tertainment course again next winter.
Subscribe for Turn Hfkalo $1 per
Erie Ansnes was down from Vista
Tuesday on business. ,
i rank Alderman, of Omaha, was in
town on business Tnesday.
Barney Gribble returned Saturday
irom a week a visit at Akron. Iowa.
Ten Farms for Rale. Good ones.
sizes and kinds. Warner & Eimers
Beni Bridcnbangh, of Sionx City
transacted business here Wednesday
Dr L DeVore and nicoe, of South
Sioux City, were in town on bniueas
ijntner m ivuuns, or. umaha, was
- . W - M
here a few days the past week, visiting
old acquaintances.
Ernest Lass and Dora Dohrman. of
Emerson, were married on Tnesday
by lief auesbaum.
Mrs Paul Kinkel is on a visit with
relatives and friends at her old home
at Minneapolis Minn.
Wm Armour, of Sioux City, and son,
W J Armour, of Tonca, were trans
acting business here Tuesday.
Mrs Mina Perrin was laid np this
week with a vaccinated arm and was
unable to teach her school in Parker
ville district.
John iiacuert is this week moving
some of his household goods to the
pour farm, having leasvd the farm for
the coming year.
The last dance of the season before
Lent will be held in the Brasfield
opera house, Tuesday evening, March
Jrd. lord s orchestra will furnish the
music. AH are invited.
Louis G Dierking, son of Wm Dier-
king and wife of South Sioux City,
was united iu marriage to Miss Gladys
Uo.uns, of sionx City, Wednesday
evening at tho Wm Dierking home.
The ceremony was performed by Rev
Koolen of Pone, and was witnessed
by a large number of relatives and
friends of the contracting parties.
The newly wedded pair will reside in
Sioux City, where the groom is em
ployed as shipping olerk for the Sim
mons Hardware company.
District Court Date.
The terms of court for the year 1908,
for the counties of the Eighth Judicial
district of Nebraska are as follows:
(linnlna .-, FcbS, Sept 11
Dakota Feb 17, Kept IS
Stanton March i. Oet lrt
IVtlnr Mnreh IS. Nov 9
Dixon Mnreh HO, Nov M)
Thurston April 13, Oet fl
The first day of each terra is set for
hearing applications for citizenship.
representative in this county
by a , large real estate corpora
tion. Special inducements to
those who wish to become finan
cially interested.
he Heal Estate Security Co.
Fort Dearborn Bids'. CHICAGO. ILL
Winter Tours
To the South and Gulf Re
sorts until April 30th.
IIonieak.r' Rt
1st and 3rd Tuesdays to Col
orado, Big Horn Basin, Mon
tana and Northwest. ,;
Onsway Colonist
QMarch and April, to Montana,
'Washington; Oregon, Califor-
na and Utali. f
To F.rm R.ntra
Write D. Clem Deaver, Lard
seekers' Information Bureau,
maha, for list of farms to
rent in Big Horn Basin. Do
Jjit now; they are going fast.,5
Business Opening's
We have list of excellent bus
iness chances in new growing
towns on Burlington exten
sions; get established early
ahead of the coming popula
tion. Write the undersigned.
N A McLain, Ticket Agent
L. W. Wakeley, Q P A, Omaha, Neb
Weak Women
To weak sod sfllns women, thers ti at leait on
war to Uel. Ilut with that wr, two treatment
must be eouibtned. Oi li loeal, one U contlHk
tiiinal, but both ars luortnt, both eweuual.
r. Hhuop i Mgnt Mire u in ixxai.
ii. ui..u.r.'. b....rtiH. ih. Citifttitutlnnal.
The lorinar br.blioop'iNiglitCunr- liatopleal
mucous ummbrsna suppoaittirr remwlr, whim Ir.
Lh.ii.'i u.t;imdwa U whullv an iuwnial trtt
ment. Th Kwtorutiv ruavtiei throughout th
eutire lyateiu, welting the rflpulr ot all uerve.
Vh"Nlglil(.'um".aiuiiani InipUss, drxi IU
work wliiiu youitltwp. It touthni (oro Mid iiirlKtn.
1 inuroiitf turfacmt, hfidi lix-al vuImhi and
dlsrhaw-it, while the rUMtontlra, ett oervoui
ii-ifiuuiit. givui renuscJ rigor sad anibiUun,
buihlH up ur.t-d tiMUM, bringing about rmawed
strmiglli. vigor, and eiifrgr. Tk lr. Bhoop'i
u.....n.,iv 'iul.1..t.fir l.lould Mt veniml Uinio
to the y.U.ia. t or pukiUv local halp, una si wU
Dr. iShoop's
Proprietor of
Fresh and Salt Meats always
Agent lot Seymour's White Laundry.
Laundry basket goes Tuesdays and comes back Saturdays
If alone in a town, wonld rut
charge for everything, in fact, squeeze every nickel possible out of
their customers. This good baak, from its Arsf day, has PUT
DOWN prices, furnished every convenience in banking obtainable
even in New York, and at as low pricf.s as you can obtain ant
whkhb (generally lower) To this (and the safety afforded its de
positors) we ascribe our constantly increasing business, even tho'
eleven other banks have started round-about na, raefc taking
some near-by business. If yon expect to live in a town and keep
on LiTiNa these, and no business, you must "Treat them Right."
That's what we have been doing fr the past 22 years here in
ywia. V v la v vtm JVS I 4-i vj .. V U 1 O Icl Ulig kVUsJlUU
J "The Bank that Always trMt? yon Right''
good old juaaoia county. lours fer mrre business -
Dakota City. IMt. lY 6fS 608 M'lroP0,1,an Blk'
Bonded : Abstracter 1 i Sioux City. Iowa
Vhc First TKit
To consider when buying Field Seeds is Quality.
Poor seed means loss of time and money. Good seed'
J makes money. We have Good Seed. Let Us Know what
you want and we can make you a price that will please on
seed .that will grow.
P f Clover, Timothy, Blue Grass and all Farm Seeds
....For Sale.... &j ;.
Edwards& Bradford Lbr.Co
GEO. TIMLIN, Manaeer.
x f-y v m tit m
lyjt- A Good, Large Assortment of , .
at Attractive Trices. Everything for the horse and stable
Fares paid. Ask for Rebate Slips.
Slurries Bros
411 Pvrl Strt
with Ju tufl interat in the tfusU. the Uriff. the rulro polittVs genwally and
politicJperionagei, the Review of Review will bo doubly valuable to you.
23 cents
The Review
otters busy people an cJucatton In current events that Is con
cise, comprehensive and authoritative at a minimum
cost of time, eflort and money
Q Wilh Dr. Albert Shew'g monthly
" Progreu ol the World." wilh tlie
cartoon hiatory o( live month, with
the timely contributed article on
iutt the auertion you are interested
in, with the girt of tho really impor
in every community to talt&ulncription and sell our book offer, lib
eral commiwion and casli prize. A fine clianre to build up a per.
manent and profitable buiiic in yout home town, Wriie to-day to
avwbeie on earth. See or
Last your property witU n
StaSSS WaTncr Eiders
on hand . Cash paid for hides.
on tne screws, keen bd kivh rates.
..., lit avtJ -i.tl!ftlt-
v. -f-ftT-T.
o, .yjl .44
Sioux City,
of Reviews
tant article of all the other maga
zine ol the world aerved up to you,
and review ol new hook one cai
keep intelligently lip with the time
at a minimum coat of time, ellort
and money.
13 " '
Room 500
Lave plenty of Money to Loan at a low
of interest on Dakota county Farms. Wa
Bell and Buy Ileal Estate of all tin J a
write ns before you Uorrow, Uny ot BI,
to Bell. Ij - - - . .
Real rflKM I A IM I IX
I till!. bllHVU