Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, January 31, 1908, Image 5

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    R R Time Table
Sioux City, Crystal Lake ft Homer
7:30 tn .8:20 a m
9:30 am 10:30 am
11:15 a m D, 11:50 a ni
1:15 pm 2:00 p m
3:00pro 4:15pm
5:15 p m 5:50 p m
6:40 pm 11:00 p m
Special trips for parties of 15 or more.
In """""" 1 i
C B ft Q
No. 85 Local Freight 7:15 am
11 " Passenger, Omkha
and Lincoln 12:47 pm
' EA8T
No. 86 Local Freight 2 :25 pm
1 0 Local Passen get . . 6 :29 pra
daily. daily except Sunday.
Dakota City Lecture
Under the auspices of the business .
men of Dakota City.
March 10 Gibeon Carl. Character
Change Impersonator.
Reserved seat tickets (10 cents) on
ale at store of S. A. Stinson.
Doors open at 7 :30 p m, perform
ance begins at 8:15.
Local Items
Post cards at Tan's.
Mrs-v Geo. MoBeath was no from
Homer Monday night.
Mrs Erio Ansnes was here from
Tista Tuesday, visiting old friends.
John Evans retur ed Tuesday even
ing from a few weeks stay at Linooln.
Yon will never get nervous if you
drill k Brean's coffee. YandeZedde
ells it.
Mildred Spencer leaves tomorrow
for Peru, Kebr, ' where she will enter
the state normal.
Fred Oulbertson purohased a fine
Poland China brood sow of A J Brow
er, of Morningside last week.
Clint Manning of South Sion City
assisted his brother. W J Manning, in
the county treasurer's office Tuesday.
Mary Maxwell camp home from
Lincoln Wednesday evening for a sbort
vacation at home, bhe will return
Will Blacketer was in from Emer
son precinct Friday attending to busi
ness - matters, and remembered the
Herald while here.
The W II and F M society of the
Emmanuel Lutheran church will hold
its regular monthly meeting with Mrs
Wm Niemeyer next Thursday after
noon at 2:30 b'olook, Feb 6th, 1908.
Sixty per oent of all headacheB are
caused by defeotive eyes. Little de
fects grow to big ones unless promptly
Examination free.
W C Eokhart, Befraotionist .
Caleb and Lafayette Lane, ho
were arrested last week by Sheriff
Rockwell for assaulting John H Bur
enm, were given a hearing Tuejday
before Judge Stinson and were con
victed and sentenced to ten days in
the county jail on a diet of bread and
Dear Reader: Just a moment,
nntil I tell you what we are doing.
Making our regular $4 00 per dozen
cabinet photos for $2,. 00, and one
beautiful photo calendar free. Photos
first class in every respeot. No extra
charge for groups. Wa do this to
more thoroughly advertise our cabinet
work. Don't delay it is money saved.
Good for January and February
ONLY. Koay Studio, 304 Douglas
St, Sioux City, Iowa.
'jos A Foye is preparing plans for
some extensive improvments at Crys
tal Lake Park the coming spring. A
large bathing house will be erected on
the beach and a band stand built in
the park, besides numerous other im
provements which he has in view.
The lice of the Sioux City, Homer &
Southern Railway will also be extended
this year as far west as the Salem
churches . This will be a groat con
venience to the people adjacent to the
line of read. j
Following are , the names of the
Petit jurors selected for the term of
district court which convenes Febru
ary 17, 1908 . The jury is summoned
to appear on Tuesday, the 18th: Art
Dermit, Peter Anderson, Frank Da
veyi W J Gassel, Andrew J Davis, H
W Meeker, Tbos Crosby, Bert Fran
cisco, RL Pressy, Thos Ashford, John
Gollinv Geo Harris, John D Thacker,
8am Kuox, Chris Jaoobson, Henry
Reher, D E Allen, Chas Beermann, J
W Or', Fred Bartels, John Watson,
Herman Biermann, M A Springer, J
F Daley.
George Eohlmeier arrived here Sun
day from Brownville, Nebr, the old
. est town in the state and will succeed
his brother, H F, as manager of the
E J wards & Bradford lumber yard at
this place. The latter goes to Wake
field, Nebr, to assume the management
of the yard there. We all regret to
see Henry and his estimable family
leave ns as they have made hosts of
frieuds during their few years stay
here. Mr Koblmeier departed for his
new field of labor Wednesday evening,
but will not move his family there
untitle can fit up a bouse for their
ooorfpuncy. I
Postmaster John H Ream is in re
ceipt of a circular from the postoflice
department in which they direct uim
to call to the attention of the patrons
of the rural routes the custom of drop
ping !ose pennies in tbeir mail boxes
instead of supplying themselves with
postage in advance of their needs. It
is therefore urgently requested that
patrons of rural delivery provide
themselves and keep on hand a supply
of stamps consistent with and in ad
vance of their needs. It is also re
quested that rural patrons place in
their niil boxes small detachable
cups of wood or tin in which to place
coins, when necessary, iu purchasing
applies of stamps,
cmiora juiia and wile were
from Sioux City Sunday,
Ten Farms for Hale. Good ones,
sizes and kinds. Warner & Eimers.
A baby bot was born to Walter
Smith aud wife, of Homer, Satnrda
Joe Harris, of Emerson, visited with
friends here Wednesday while enronte
to Homer
Ira Pilgrim and wife were over from
Sioux City Sunday visiting at the
George Niebuhr home.
Hoy Pilgrim of South 8ionx City
spent J uenusv nielit here at the horn
of his sister, Mrs Geo J Boucher
Carl Laraen and wife were up from
Homer Saturday and spent the da
with ex-Sherff Hansen and family,
Stoves 1 Stoves! Stoves I Stoves a
cost, for the next three weeks. Ed
wards & Bradford Lumber Co, Dako
ta City .
Fred Duensing is out again, after
two weeks' siege of the grip and other
ailments. He says you can't kill
The picture show Friday nieht
the new opera house was quite liberal
ly attended, and some very good pio
tures were shown.
t Will Powell was stepping pretty
high Monday morning, and the cause of
it all were the arrival of a little baby
gin at mi noma nunday evening.
What is the reason that Tan de
Zedde sells so much Brenn's coffee f
Because it is the best that's the rea
son. Ail the way from 20o to 40o Dei-
pound. Try a package.
For sale my residence property in
the northeast part of town. For par
ticulars inquire of Carl Matz, Dakota
City, pieir.
Mrs C. Matz.
IB? m m tr m
wamie and Mabel Clapp were np
irem Homer last Thursday afternoon,
and ' visited friends here. They
brought Mrs Rioliard Throssall. who
had been visiting them, up to take the
train lor ner borne at Helena, Mont.
Jas Foltz was np from the reserva
tion Monday, and remembered the
Herald while transac'inir business
here. Kelly Foltz accompanied him
home and will am-i-it in erecting a
house on a new farm that Mr Foltz is
breaking up.
A T IT . 1 a a
a. o narraner, wno na served as
agent for the Burlington at this place
for tne past six month, left Wednes
nay with his family for Arcadia,
rn.sbr, to take charge of the station
there. H R Atkinson, extra agent, has
taken his plaoe at the depot
Trial catarrh treatments are being
mailed ont free, on request, by Dr
Snoop, Racine, Vi. These tests are
proving to tho people without a pen
ny'y eost-r the great valuo of this scien
tific prescription known to drugpists
everywhere as Dr Shoop's catarrh
remedy. Sold by all dealers.
Services at the Methodist Episcopal
churoh every Sunday as follows:
Preaching, lit m; Sunday school, 10
am! lass meeting 12 m; Epworth
Leagne, 6 -.30 p m ; Preaching, 7 :30 p
m. Preach in Grace church every
Sunday at 2 :30 p m. Yon are cordially
invited to any and all these services.
W J Pettit and family will remove
next week to a farm near Newcastle.
Mr Pettit hassold his Watkins medi
cine business to J H Baker, who is
now conducting the business and is
looated at the Theodore Bliven home.
The Pettit family has made many
friends here, both in social and busi
ness circles, who regret their depart
ure bnt wish them suocess in their
new home.
The girls of Dakota City have plan
ned a Leap Year ball, to be held
in the New Opera house, on February
20th . One hundred and fifty innvitu
tioas will be sent out and in all proba
bility a large crowd will respond and
make it the event of the season. Col
lins Bros orchestra has been engaged
to furnish musio, and tl.is is a guaran
tee that a good time is in store for all
who can attend.
In a letter from John L Hazlegrove.
who is now at Phoenix, N D, he states
that the winter there so far has been
very mild, with no snow to speak of;
stock is out grazing almost every day;
almost everyone will have hay to spare
this spring, as it takes little or no hay
for feed; crops were light this last
season, bnt everyone looks for fine crops
next season. John has proved np on
bis homestead and now has one of the
finest farms in North Dakota.
To check a oold quickly, get from
your druggist snme little candy oold
tablets called Preventics. Drugpists
everywhere are now dispensing Pre
ventics, for they are not only safe, bat
decidedly effective and prompt. Pre
ventics contain no quinine, no laxa
tive, nothing harsh nor sickening.
Taken at the "sneeze stage" Preventics
ill prevent pneumonia, bronobitis, la
grippe, etc. Uence tne name, fre
ventios. Good for feverish children.
48 Preventics 25 cents. Trial boxes 5
cents. Sold by all dealers.
When the stomach, heart or kidney
nerves get weak, tnen tnese organs
always fail. Don t drug the stomach,
uor stimulate the heart or kidneys.
That is simply a makeshift. Get a
prescription known to druggists every
where as Dr ft hoop s Restorative. The
Restorative is prepared expressly for
these weak inside nerves. Strengthen
these nerves, build them up with Dr
Shoop's Restorative tablets or liquid
and see how q'Uckly help will come
Free sample test sent on request by
Dr Sboop, Racine, Wis. Your health
h surely worth this simple test. Sold
by all dealers.
Logan Lambert, who was convicted
of assaulting Father Schell, a Catho
lic priest, iu the livery barn at thi
this place on April 13, 1905, within
ttnt to do great bodily injury, and
sentenced to serve one year in the
penitentiary for the crime by Judge
Guy T Graves in the district court iu
December, 1906, was taken in custody
last Thursday by Sheriff Rockwell and
on Wednesday was taken to Lincoln to
serve his sentence, Lambert appeal
ed his case to the supreme ocurt after
his conviction, snd has been out on
bonds pending a decision, which was
reached last week and which sustained
the lower court.
xne ueiaid lor AU h ntws
Mrs John II Ream went to nomer
Mondsy on a short visit. .
A Christiansen is out again, after
week's tuisle with the grip.
Mrs Ross Johnson came over from
Cherokee, Iow,a, Saturday
A baby girl was born to Charley
Adsms and wife last Friday.
Subscribe for the Herald, the best
ppr in the county, tl a year.
Hazel and Venus Sohmied attended
a darce at Jackson Friday evening
"-t a . .
xor raaie a good team or yonng
driving horses. V V Stinson. Dakota
City, Nebr,
Ld Tunnicliffe and Miss Shearen of
South Sioux City, were joined in msr-
riage Monday.
John Cullen was down from Jack
son M mday and renewed for the Her
aid another year.
Go to Tan s for your groceries he
handles nothing but the best, and bis
prioes are reasonable.
Geo J Boucher went out to Crofton.
neb, Tuesday morning on business,
returning Wednesday.
Seth Barnes, of Homer, was in town
Monday, enroute home sfrom a visit
with relatives at Pierson, Iowa.
Mrs Harry Hill came down from
Allen Wednesday to spend the remain
der of the week with relatives and
friends .
S A Stinson and W L Ross are still
oonfined to their homes, the former
with the gtip, and the latter with
Wm Wolf, who has been assisting
in the tteoord office at South aionx
City, is quarantined with a mild case
of Diphtheria.
Miss Leota Quintal who has be n
visiting relatives and friends at Elk
Point, S D, the past two weeks, return
ed home Saturday.
Have you tried a sack of the
flour at Van de Zedde's? It is called
The Queen, 7 and is warranted to be
the best; and the cheapest.
Ex-Sheriff II C Hansen accompanied
Sheriff Rockwell to Lincoln Wednes
day, and assisted in conducting Logo
Liambert to the penitentiary.
Have yon tried the Sultanna and
Tao-oo brands of canned goods? Tan
sells them. These goods have stood
the test of the pure food law.
The Misses Minnie and Lena Bar
tels gave a party Mondty evening to
forty of their friends. At midnight
an elegant three course luncheon was
served, and all had a merry time.
Mrs R E Evans and Mrs Mary R
oicueatn went to ronca luesd y eveu-
ng where the former, who is grajd
chaplain of the Order of the Eastern
Star of Nebraska, held a school of
instruction for the lodge there.
Subscribe for Tine IIf.rai.d $1 per
John Boler, of Jackson, bad busi
ness here Tunrsdsy.
Old papers for sale at the Herald
office 5 cents per hundred.
For Ssle A good single harness,
nearly new. Enquire at this oflice.
J A Singhana, of Teksmuh, was the
guest of John F Sides between trains
Tuesday. ,
Miss Mina Giberson, who o ably
conducted the Eagle the past few
months, left Wednesday for her home
at Onawa, Iowa.'
All kinds of coal, feed and hay for
sale at reasonable prioes.
Fields ec Blacqhtkb Co.
Tbeo E Bliven, Manager.
j Dakota City, Neb.
We republish the program for the
farmers' institute this week. If you
did not attend the meeting today
(Friday) be sure and go tomorrow.
The best and wisest of farmers can
be benefitted by attending these meet
Ira Pilgrim, of 8ioux City, son-in-
law of Geo Niebuhr and wife, of this
plaoe, was seriously cut about the face
Wednesday while repairing a door in
the Gonvery & Seney shoe store that
ha J ben damaged by fire, A pieoe
of plate glass fell and struck uim in
the face, and it took several stitches
to close the wonnd.
The ladies of the W H and F M So-
city of the Salem Lutheran churoh.
will give a box social at the home of
Mr and Mrs Fred Culberson, Friday
evening February 14. The ladies are
planning an enjoyable time, and henoe
xtend a cordial invitation to every
Tommy Eastoott,.at one time a res
ident of this plaoe, but now looated at
Canton, S D,whre he holds the posi
tion of industrial farmer at the Indian
insane asylum, the only institution of
its kind in ' the United States, was
here "Saturday afternoon enroute to
Albnqnerque, New Mexico, where he
was sent to bring back an Indian that
was adjudged insane and commited to
this asylum.
Judge A A Welob, of Wayne, held
short session of district court here
last Saturday. In the MoNamara
divorce case, MoNamara's answer was
stricken by reason of his not comply
ing with an order of the court to pay
to Mrs MoNamara $300 temporary ali
mony by the 19th of December last.
In the Fisher will case, the referee's
report was approved and con Aimed,
nd referees instructed to sell the
premises, nrst giving a bond in the
arm of $18,000. In the matter of the
application of Wm Odell, of Homer,
for a saloon license, it appeared that
the required number of. resident free
holders had not signed the petition
and the licence was refused ; with costs
taxed to applioant.
A tickling cough, from any cause
is quickly stopped by Dry Sboop'
Couch Cure. And it is so throughly
harmless and safe, that Dr Shoop tells
mothers everywhere, to give it with
out hesitation, ever to very young
babes. The wholesome green leaves
and tender steins of a lung-healing
mountanioua shrub, furnish the cura
tive properties to Dr Shoop's Cough
Care. It calms the cough, and heals
the sore and sensative bronohia mem
branes. No opium, no chloroform,
nothing harsh used to injure or sup
press Simply a resinous plant ex
tract, that helps to heal aching lungs.
The Spaniards call this shrub which
the Dootor uses, "The Sacred Herb."
Always demand Dr Shoop's Cough
Cure. Sold by all dealers.
"The Old World and ita Ways."
Col William Jennings Bryan's new
book of travel, entitled "The Old
World and its Ways, recount his re
cent tour around the world and his
lonrneys through Europe. It is pro
fusely and elegantly illustrated with
251 artistic engravings representing
men and things seen in various coun
tries of the earth during that noted
1 journey. The engravings are made
from photographs takea by him or
I hi party specially for this publioa
i tion. ltis regarded by bim as the
new monumental literarv work of his life.
and in published nnder his speoial an
It is sold only tbrongh atrents. and
following its announcement it has, we
are advised, met with a demand that
has exhansted in a few months fonr
large editfous aggregating over 41,000
copies. By special contract with his
publishers he made the retail price
low down with the view of puthuK it
within the easy reaoh of every reader
and book buyer
The book give bis experiences what
he saw and did Whom he met and
his impressions and conclusions. He
made a profound study of the nations
and of men and things as h4 saw them
around the world. He gives govern
mental, educational, religious and oth
er conditions, from the standpoint of a
student and one profoundly interested
in all the peoples of the earth.
The book is la no s nse political,
bnt is a brilliant record of travel and
observation, from the standpoint of a
well informed American citizen, con
cerning the countries and the people
of the earth 'as Been today. While tho
pen described the camera piotured the
splendid details of this not d joraney.
While Col Bryan traveled as a pri
vate oitizen he went with a prestige of
having made two memorable contests
for the presidency of the United States,
and he was everywhere recognized and
entertained as a great representative
American, having a leading part in the
direction of American affairs. He
was given opportunity for observa
tions never before accorded to any one
traveling in private oapaoity.
If one wants to see the world, and
the people who are at the bead of
affairs in all countries, as well as the
masses he has in his book an opportu
nity of seeing them through the eyes
of Col William Jennings Bryan. It is
sold by subscription, and the Thomp
son Publishing company of St Louis,
Mo, are the fortunate pnlishers. They
offer an especially inviting opportunity
to solicitors in another column of this
isssue. ,
B B Burton, who occupied the plat
form at the M E church last Saturday
vemng as the speaker in the fourth
number of the lecture course gave
most abundant satisfaction xto those
earing him. Mr Burton was' wortny
crowded house. His - lecture
was entitled "Along th Corridors of
Antiquity" and was intensly interest
ng and instructive, it is the opinion
of The Herald' that we are quite too
lax in our attendance upon the enter
Hinments furnished in this course,
This lecture course is organized not
for the purpose of making money foi
the loeal committee but to entertain
and instruct the local publin and it is
entitled to loyal support from all. In
the larger centers of population tbii
lecture by Mr Burton would hav
been nueraiiy auenaea at ti.ou per
seat; here, at half that price, wat
compelled to address but a slende
audience. There is something Strang
about this. Dakota City is an ednca
ted aud cultured village and it's peo
pie should bail with enthusiasm th.
opportunity t listening to such splen
did talent as marks tne entire pro
gramme of entertainments of tbe
course. Don't neglect the opportuni y
to hear the next number, which com
early In March.
Norman Powell died at the Samari
tan hospital in Sioux City Monday
night at 11 o'clock from obstruction of
the bowels. He was taken sick abont
three weeks ago at his home on the
Fred Berger farm four miles this side
of Homer, and on Sunday was remov-
to the hospital where be was operated
on. but his condition bad become1 so
serious that he was unable to with
stand the operation and death followed.
The remains were brought to the fam
ily home, where fureral servioes were
held on Wednesday, oonduoted by
Kev E H Combs of Homer, interment
being in the Taylor cemetery.
Deceased was born in Dakota coun
ty February 17, 1864, and was forty-
four years of age at the time of his
He leaves a wife and four children
to fight life's battles alone and mourn
the sudden taking away of one so near
and dear to them .
The sympathy of the entire oomniu
hity goes out to them in their sad be
Death has claimed another of the
pioneer women ol Jjixon and jJakota
oounties in the taking away of Mrs
Harrison Sayre, of Waterbury, Nebr,
whose demise occurred at the home of
her son in that place. Monday night at
midnight, January 27, 1908. She was
preceded to the other world by her
husband, with whom she had sh' red
life's joys and sorro-vs for more .than
tifty-two years, on February 23, 1907,
I heir fiftieth wedding onniversury was
celebrated August 2j, 1905, and was
made a joyous event by the members
n the family and their numerous
friends and neighbors.
The deceased was born in Mus
kingum county, Ohio, Ootobar 2, 1829,
was married to her late husband at
Springville, Wis, Aug 25. 18.r5. Came
to Nebraska with her family in 1872
aud located near the present site of
Waterbury where she was postmistress
for a number of years, the oflioe then
being called Hawkeye. They resided
'here almost continually after comiug
to this state, with the exception of one
year in Kuox county and two or three
years in Dakota City. She was a de
vout number of the Methodist Lpisco
Hard or Soft Coal,
Coke or wood, whatever fuel you use, costs
money. You have to pay so much for it,
whether you get all the heat out of it or
not.' If a stove wastes the fuel and only a
part of the heat is extracted, your fuel bills
are higher than they should be. It is there
fore profitable for you to get a stove that
will get all the heat out of the fuel and
not waste it.
The "Genuine" Round Oak and the
"Radiant Home" are the stoves that will V.
do it ; even the smokfr they send out of the
chimney is clear, showing that the gases
and soot have been burned and all the he.it
extracted. The comfort of a stove that is
everything it ought to be: that gives heat:
holds the fire; that lasts and is always good V
am. iiui-ieui., is worm aimosr. any cost,.
The Hound Oak and Radiant
Home are such stoves and are a source
of comfort in thousands of homes, and they
will prove the same in yours. There are
imitations, be sure and seethe names of
"Round Oak and "Radiant Home."
For Sale at
IE 1
-Skills fo ''nS
Fred Schriever & Go
pal church, and devoted her entire
life to the interests of the churoh.
She is snrvived by the folowing
members of the family: Mrs M J
Birchell, of Belgrade, Neb. and O W
Sayre, of Dakota City, stepchildren ;
Sylvester Sayre, of Brookings, 8 D;
fiank Sayre, of Eagle Drove. Iowa:
Ellen Oreen, Ososr and Sherman
Sayre, of Waterbury, and Mamie, a
vranddanghter who was one of the
household since babyhood.
I be funeral servioes were held on
Wednesday, and the remains were Isid
to rest in the Springbank cemetery.
When You
Take Cold
I One why is to pay no attention
1 to it: at least not until it de
velops into pneumonia, or
bronchitis, or pleurisy. An
other way is to ask your doc
tor about Ayer's Cherry Pec
toral. If he says, 44 The best
thing for colds," then take it.
Do as he says, anyway.
W pub Hob om feranlM
We bun lab .laohol
from our df in
Wa ttrar you to
ontult jout
Proprietor of
Presh and Salt Meats always on hand. Cash paid for hide..
Agent foi Seymour's White Laundry."
Iianndry basket goes Tuesdays and comes back Saturday
j There txro Only . Two,
When the bowels are constipated, poi
sonous substances are absorbed into the
blood instead of beingdsily removed from
tne body ss nature intended. Knowing
his dani;r, doctors slwsys inquire snout
in condition ot tne Dowels. Ayer s mis.
"d. by th J, O. Ar Co Lowell. Mi
classes of people we wish to do business with those who v
, have money and those who have none.
Are you one of these?
If so, we need YOU in onr business. No one can loan
you money cheaper and AT ALL TIMES than we.
No one can keep your money safer or give you more or
better conveniences for checking it ont than we N
' Then why can't WE hve some or all of your banking '
business? Just one trial, 'tis all we ask.
"The Bank that ilw&ts treats you bight"
IS i. nit qf Ddlcota County jw.w
Dakota Citv. Nib.
Bonded : Abstracter
608 Metropolitan Blk.
Sioux City. Iowa
ounty Coroner
15. F. Sawyer
Jackson, . Nebraska
A Fr-SigHtcd Mam
Never puts off till the last minute, things that he knows
must be done. Are you far-sighted? Then look around
and figure un what repairing you need to do; repairing
that will require lumber. And then don't put it off,
come in and let us tell you the way we figured &We
are sure we can save you money. ; , L
Edwards& Bradford Lbr.Co
l!liilinpiii A
Big Horn Basin
1 have a selected list ot irri
gated farms in the liasin for
rent ; why not rent for a year
or two and learn the profits
from irrigated farming in the
Basin, and become acquainted
with the climate and desira
bility of settling in that re
gionf We also Help you
homestead irrigated lands, or
to buy them at prices that
will make you money. Mill
ions of dollars are now being
spent irrigating Basin lands
Ilomeseekers' excursions first
and third Tuesdays of 1908.
Write D. Clem Deaver, Gen-
0eral Agent, Landseekers' In
formation Bureau, Omaha.
Winter Excursions
Ilomeseekers excursions first and
third Tuesdays to Colorado, Wyo
ming, Uig Horn liasin, Northwest
Southwest and Bouth; Winter Tour
ist Kites daily to Floiida, the Onlf
Country, the Soutu and Southern
A J Kabeakeu, - Ticket Agent
L. W. Wakelet, O P A, Omaha, Neb
GEO. TIMLIN, Mrmeer.
with ha Uom intermi in tk truiU, lU Urilf, tha roilrowk potties gcMnUy awl
political parmasc the Review oi Reviews will ba doubly aluabk to yen.
25 cents
of Re
offer busy people an education In current events that la con
else, comprehensive and authoritative at a minim am
cost of time, effort and money -
J With Dr. Albert Shaw's monthly
"ProgreM of the World." with the
cartoon Kutory of the month, with
the timely contributed article on
juit the question you are interetfed
in, with the girt ot the really impor
tant articlea el all the ether mags
line, oi the world terved up to you,
nd review of new book one can
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