Dakota County Herald n. IUCAU, rtJKUSHF.B. nubscrlption Price. $1.00 IYr Year. a weekly newspaper published at Dakota t'ltr. Nebraska. Permission has been granted for the transmission of this paper through the niie m second-class matter. Telephone No. 43. Call far Republican Convention. I'r.rsnant to the call of the state committee issued Jan 8th, 1908, the re' publican electors of Dakota county are iieivby called to meet in convention ta Dakota City on Saturday, February H9tti,1908, at two o'clock p m, for the nnrixi.se of aidectinff six delrRtes to extend the state convention in Omaha, -on March the twelfth, 1908. and six delegates to attend tho Congressionul convention at Norfolk on March lOtli, 1008. which state and couRnsnional Aonventioiis are for the purpose of se lecting delegates to the National lie nnblican convention In Chicago, on June 16th, 1908, for the purpose of nominating candidates for president rid vice-president of the United States, and for the transaction of such further business regularly before it. The basis of representation arranged by the county central committee for the various precincts of Dakota county entitles the soveral preoinots to tbe following representation in said coun ty convention : Habhard I Covington Kmnrion. 4 I 8t. John's J Omiwll 0 1 Hnmmlt I Itakola 10 Pigeon Greek 1 Precinot caucuses in each of the above preciucta will be held on Satur day, February 22nd, 1908. at four o'olook p m, for the purpose of select ing delegates to the county conven tion, aaid caucuses to be held at the aiual voting plaoe in each precinot. A vote by ballot for preference for a candidate for presideut of the United btates vill be taken in each precinot at tk above oaueuses; official ballot for auoh vote will be furnished each ou preoinot by the uonnty central committee and all qualified vepnbliaan ---a . j u : i u.il i..-- tav right to vote auoh preference for president at such caucuses. Dated January 25th, 1908. J j ElHRRS, F 8 Beret, Chairman. Secretary. Mell A Sohmied has taken posses a(on of the Eagle and will conduct it iu connection with his store. Every republican votr of the connty is urgently requested to attend the precinot caucuses to be held Saturday afternoon, February 22. A vote will be taken for preference for President of the United States at this caucus, besides the usual routine business of the meeting. Items of interest I from our Exchanges Ponca Leader: O A Kingsbury went -to Dakota City this morning. Thurston Gazette : Lew Pary ea Joyed a visit from bis brother of Mon dumin, Iowa, this week. , llartington News : Merrick Proven- ha went down to Emerson Saturday for a abort visit with relative and friends. Allen News: Geo Twamley has opened up a lunon room and oonfeo tionery store in the building formerly O3oupied by the barber shop. Osmond Republican: Miss Adel Loedom visited PUinview on Tuesday. . . .Mrs (Jt W Leedoni returned to her home at Dixon, S D, on Monday. in honor of Mr George Knhlmeier with Kiwards as Bradford Lumber Co. The evening's entertainment oonsisted of mnsio, both vocal and instrumental, and games. At the conclusion of the reception the departing members wish ed Mr Koblmi'ior much success in bis new home at Dakota City, Nabr, where he will work for his present employers. Mr Fohlmeicr leaves a host of friends and will be missed by everyone whe knew bim. -Lincoln Journal, 25th: For a brutal assault upon a Catholic pi iest Logan Lambert, ex-saloon keeper and boot lflsger auong the Indians of Thurston county, must serve one y-ar in the penitentiary. The supreme court hss affirmed the sentence Lambert who was at liberty on bail wai yesterday taken into custody by the sheriff of Dakota county and will be brought to the penitentiary . The decision of the court was made public after the de fendant had beeu taken into oustody. Father Joseph Hchell was tho priest assaulted lie had been active in trviug to prevent unlawful sa of in toxicating liquors among the Indians on the Winnebago reservation in Thornton county. According te the testimony -Lambert had seved a abort term in the federal penitentiary at Sionx Falls for introducing liquors on the reservation. On April 13, 1906, when the priest went to Dakota City to attend a trial wherein Ed Luikhart, a brother-in-law of Lambert was being prosecuted for having assaulted an In dian, ha met Lambert in front of a liverv barn. Lambert invited the priest into a stall to see him privately While the priest wss looking down thinking what he should say in anawer to a question about some trouble Lam bert was in, in Omaha, be was atruek without warning by Lambert, who held something in bia band, and knocked down. Tbe priest tried to raise his head and was kicked in the face and then broame unconscious When he regained consciousness he found that hia face was bleeding' copiously and his jaw waa broken in three plaoes He was taken to a hospital in Sioux City where he was treated for several weeks. At the time of the trial ho had not recovered from his injury, his face being paralyzed on one aide from hia jaw to his chin. Lambert was convicted of the crime of assault with intent to commit great bodily injury lie appealed the case, contending that the verdict waa not sustained by the evidence and invoked tbe rule that the words "great bodily injury" imply an injury of a graver and more serious character than an ordinary battery. lie also contended he struck the priest in self defense, fearing that he waa about to be assaulted, lbe supreme court holds that the evidence clearly shows a disposition on the part of Lambert to inflict on his victim more than ordinary battery and that evident ly the jury took the view that the assault waa made for the purpose of chastising the priest for real or imagi nary giievnncea which Lambert and his friends had against him with the intention of inflicting upon him great bodily injury. The opinion of the an preme ooutt, written by Chief Justice Barnes says: "The victim of the un lawful asssn'.t waa a non-resident; miointer of the gospel whose mission was to teach tbe doctrine 'peace on earth good wi'l to men;' and whose only fault seemed to have been his seal in trying to prevent the defendant and others from debauobing the In diana whose temporal and spiritnal welfare had been committed to bis oharge." The court sustains the in strnotion of the trial court that if the jury should find that the defendant assaulted the prosecuting witness at a time when he had no reasonable ap prehension of immediate impending injury to himself and to accomplish some unlawful purpose or from a spirit of retaliation or revenge, then tbe jury should find that the defendant could not avail himself Of the law of self defense. SOriM0:W?S0Ka0K I CORRESPONDENCE HUBBARD. Wm Pickham went to Dakota City Wednesday . A fine assortment of sweaters at Carl Anderson's. Fr English was a city visitor Wed nesday alternoon. , P L Tucker went to Sioux City Tnesday afternoon. Wm Dnggan is tbe new assistant at tho Anchor elevator. Levi Wolisa returned from Presho, H D, Wednesdsy evening. CIias Thompson is loading several cars of hay at Dakota City. For warm foot wear for men or women, go to Carl Anderson's. C E Frost, of Emerson, visited Agent Crinklow between trsins Sunday evening. We are closing out our stock of heavy mittens at any price, to make room for new goods. B B Gribble is again at his post in the store, after a week's siege of the grip. Marie Kelleher was a passenger to Emerson Thirsday, returning Friday morning. Herman Menze accompanied a car of hogs to tbe Sioux City market Tuea- day morning. . , Mary O'Connor went to Sioux City Wednesday afternoon, returning the fallowing day. If you need flannel shirta we can fit you out with just what yon want, Carl Anderson. -Newcastle itema in Ponoa Journal : A Waldvogle and family intnd to move next week to Colorado, where they will make their future home. tialix item in Sloan, Iowa, Star: Mr ,- and Mrs S Cone left Monday for a two weeks' visit with relative and -friends in and near Dakota City, Nebr. Pender Republic' The oounty com--isissioaert are diokering with Jrhn Beveraon for rooms in the Palace Hotel kto be need aa offloes for the oounty offl eial( and alao a court nam, Tonca Journal: George Wilkina of Homer spent Sunday in town.... Born to Mr and Mrs Will Armour on laat Friday, a baby boy.... A A King of Homer, waa a gueat at the J It Pome roy home on Sunday. Decatur Herald: Manager Olbrey aa getting his Opera house in shape for roller skating in the near future. He Has tbe tbe floor ready but cannot get tbe skatea owing to tho great demand sail over the oountry for them. This will afford a plaoe to spend tho even ing and enjoy youraelf. Emerson Enterprise: J P Davey at tended the funeral of Gerald Dillon at Jackson Monday.... We neglected to meution last week the arrival of a bright young farmer at Mr and Mrs Wm Z as t row's on Jan 7. ...A A Davis who is at St Joseph's hospital is re ported much worse. He waa reported to ba recovering from appeudiutia, but the doctors now state that ha is suffering from a oanoer of tbe bowels and that he is Tory sick. Lyons Mirror: David Nelswanger flame don from Dakota City Monday. . . . ,D W Warner, a cousin of the edi tor, from Alberta, Canada,, paased through here Sunday on bia way to -Omaha to viait hia brother, W P War . ner, U 8 Marshal.... Editor M A Ban oroft ofHemer Free Press came down, Tueiday, and helped to organize a choral union for Lyons. They expect tn commence work on that time honored pltyQueen Esther," for this place, which will be a rare treat for our peo ple. Nmaba county, Nebr, Herald: A Tfofption was given at the G A It hall in Brownville, Tuesday evening School Note a. Mary Robertson aubatituted for Mias Wilson Tuesday afternoon. Edith Davla has left school and re turned to her home at Martinsburg. A literary program will be given February 7. All are cordially invited Esther Ross has been abaent for the past two weeks on account of sicknese The 8th grsde for the first timesinoe Xmas were all present Monday after noon. The 5th grade appreciate the aampl pens tuat were given tbem from gentleman in Sioux City. Mies Durlaud'a oouain from Norfolk apent Sunday and Monday with her and also visited thesohools while here. Blanche Ayrea hs returned to her work in the sixth grade after an ab senoe of nearly three weeks. Tbe High school grades held a meet iug Monday night and selected royal blue and gold aa High School colors The Barnett twins, Agnea Quintal Ethel and Delia- Brotherton, Lottie Uileman and Buelah Barnett. are ab aent with mumps. The ears lor their houses, tho?-care tor their dollars, Tbey rare for thulr lodges, they fancy tins collars: 'But little we think do they oars (or tbslr scholars, Because thejr don't visit the school. Oh dear, what can the matter bo? Itoar, dear, what oaa ths matter net. Ob dear, what can the matter bet l'u rent don't vlKlt the school T ; Notlca. 'I have bought the Watkiaa medicine business of W J Pettit and will be lo cated in the first house north of Lee dom's blacksmith shop, at Theo E Bliven a residenoe, Dakota City, Neb All those wanting goods can get them Ibere alter tula week. . J H BAKER. lot Real Eatata Transfers- (lernlil Plllon to Joaeph A Hall, pnrtof n w1-. ni4 nuv-tlou S4-IV-7, tWl60 Jwt nquure I, wd Martha K Adair to Hugh B Neighbor. n"-, ni'i mid s'-i se uu'4 ne Hecllon XN-2V-V. wd J K Phillip and wife to K A Wood T In block lul, lukota01ty, wd... K II llumnien and wife to K Kchopke, 1H -'-4. iw and lie?- sw eo llun MV-tt. wd Florence A OtorH hikI him I Kind to K ) llaefmir. iiortli! feet of Mouth M feet of lot 17 mid IH In block W, orltfl plut of houth Bloux Oily, wd J II Hurke and wife to Hell HnlUifl ver, went SO I. .i t.r luta T and In block M, I'ovlnslou, wd... aouo m 0760 MOO Judge McAllister, of Dakota City, was looking after business interests in Hubbard Tuesday. Carl Anderson csn fit yon on, in high top shoes at prices that can't be beat anywhere. A A Schrempp, of Hartington, at tended the dance given by John Green last Wednesday evening. Fr English accompanied Ben Roo ney to rJpauldlng, Hebr, Monday, where Ben will attend school. Now is the time to buy a cream sep arator Carl Anderson handles the U S the best made. Mra D G Crinklow left Monday for her old home at Craig for a week's visit with frienda and relatives. Mrs Christensen, wife of rnral mail carrier No 1,' has been quite sick, but is muob improved at tbis writing. . We have an over stock of flannels and heavy winter goods that are going cheap. It will pay yon to see them Carl Anderson . D G Crinklow and wife, Roy Wilaey and wife, and Mra E Triggsof Dakota City, apent Sunday at the Cobleigh home. Those shipping stock from here last week were. Larson Bros. 1 car of boss pbhn Bike, 1 car of cattle; Frank Hale, 2 oars of cattle. uur snoe stock la better man ever Shoes and overshoes for every member of the family, and at prices that can't be beat. Carl Anderson. Frank Uffing, P Duggan, Harry Rockwell, Max Nelson and wife and E G Donohoa took the train for Dakota City Saturday morning. Albert Sohroeder left Saturday for Sioux City, wbere Mra oobrouder nn derwent an operation at St Joseph s hospital. At tbis writing she ia in critical condition. ' We are going to close out our, stock of sheep lined fur coats at a sacrifice We only have a few left, and the first in will get a bargain . Carl Anderson Agent Cain of the Anchor Grain company, bas all kinda of business these daya. They handled from 1,000 to 2,000 bushels of grain daily for the past ten daya. Henry says it don' bother him much. Fred Lobell returned home from Lincoln, where he baa made all the necessary arrangements to start a first class harness shop in this plaoe. Hub bard needa some more "push." Let'i see if we can't get it. JACKSON. Dr Leahy waa in Ponca over Mon day night. Nellie M Davey was visiting in Sioux City Tuesday. rvii . ii r k x nomas oicrveever and wile are both recovering from an attaok of the grip. Frank i Iynn is visiting relatives at Mermi and iiinton, lows, the past weex. . u Burnett of LeMara, Iowa, ia here visiting at the Reninger and Teller homea. Mra W A Brown of Page, Nebr, bere visiting her daughter Mra Jamea Timlin. Mr and Mra George Linafelter are visiting relatives in Waterbury and Alien xneor. Mrs D J McDonald and Miss Sarah UoUonald were buuness visitors to the eity Saturday. Mra Ella Maloney had a load of oat tie of ber own feeding on the market Monday wbiob brought her 15.25. Al Sohrempp attended the dance here Friday evening returning to hia borne in llartington, Saturday. Rev P F MoCartlrwent to Crofton men, Tuesday evening where he took part in tbe dedication of a Catholic oburcb there. Mrs lames Ryan is quite seriously iu witu me grip ana other compii a tions. A trained nurse waa called ia B F Sawyer and wife went to the city Tuesday to be present at an oper ation Mrs ia w Nordyke underwent at St Josephs hospital Wednesdsy .& i. . . . - Ai present sue is aoing nicely. Misa Mary Harty returned to Walt hill Saturday to resume the principal ahip oi tbe Wallhill high sohool Sohool will be begun in the new build ing whioh haa been completed at a cost OI I I4.UUU. The young folks enjoyed a dancing party at tbe George Teller bums Tuesday evening in oompliment to Burnett of LeMars, Iowa, and Whit Teller of Riverside, lows, who are their guests tbis week. Mrs Thos Ilodgius, Jr, waa taken ta Sioux City to St Joseph's hospital Saturday to have aa operation per formed ber mortber Airs U Kennel ly is staying with her. The operation wss euccosufnl snd the putient is re ported as getting along nicelv . Some property bns cliRtigml hands here during the week. John Ryan hss purchased from John J Lynn the build- ng rest of his store now occupi-ri 1V P Bryan end family, and John J Ryan has traded the store building occupied by W T Bartlett to F Sawyer for the livery barn east of the pout oflioc. HOMER. Born to Walter Smith and wife Fri day, Jan 24, a son. Mr and Mrs G afford shopped in Sionx City Tuesday. Hurry Brown purchased a load of hard coal in Homer Wednesday. Lewis Ooodsell Sr, has moved into the Joe John's house uutil his own is vacated by Rev Christy. Born, Jan 26, 19(8, iu Rock county, Nebr, to Chas Smith and wife, form erly of this place, a son, Mrs Dr Birkofer, Miss Virginia ISrown and their brother, Will, were Sioux City shoppers Tuesday Herbert Harris who was operated npon in St Joseph a bonpital two weeks ago returned to his borne here' Friday. We hear that there has been another change in the livery busiuess, Lewis Goodsell buying out Lewis Hermann. The M E Choir to the number of 19 accompanied Rev Philips to Walt hill Sunday, and backed him up with their best music The five-day-old babe of Walter Smith and wife, who baa not been ex pected to live for a cmple of -days is considered ont of danger. A trained nurse from Sioux City is helping care for it. We have been thinking all winter that we could not say in, the early spring "that the back bone of winter was broken, for this winter bad no back bone, but Tuesday night came near making one. v SALEM. Burt Page.tof Omaha, waa visiting relatives here the past week. ; M J Forslitfe marketed a car of cattle on the Sionx City market Tues day. Frank Orr and Miss Mina Giberson journeyed through Salem and Homer Tneaday . Lest you forget Institute' Fridsy snd Saturday t'ome, your time will be well spent. Addie Sides sold two cars cattle and one of bogs to our genial cattle buy er, S A Heikes. Mr and Mrs Sam Cone visited with Mr and Mra S A Bridenbsugh several da a last week. Mr and Mrs B E Crouch of Teka mah, are here visiting relative and friends in Salem. Mr Madioua Learner' and Miss Bes sie Stinaon held a seat each in the balcony at lyeeum Friday night. A jolly crowd 'roru here were most royally enterained at the Fred Bartela home near Hubbard, Monday evening. Grandma Laps'ey has been in critical condition for some time but we hope that she may soon reoover. She ia in her 98th year. B Among the most pleasant events of tbe season waa a social doings at the borne of -Mr and Mrs Elmer Bless ing on Thursday evening. Don't forget the basket social whioh will be given under the auspi ce of the W H and F M Society, at tbe home of Mr and Mrs Fred Cul birtsoj, Friday evening Feb 14. A cordial welcome to all. Hal Pliven ia nbving hi belongings to hia new home recently built on the Bliven farm adjoining Milton Fore- shoes on the eaat. We are glad to have Hal and hia litte family with us, sod hope they will receive their share of prosperity and hairiness whioh is being enjoyed by us all. Miss Helen Granger and Harry Brown capped the program at lyueum Friday evening by reading to the audience the first issue of their coun try newspaper, '"The Star Meddler." Madioua Learner and Mary Ileikes will be held aoeouutable for all news during the next two weeks. The funeral of Norman Powell waa held from the borne plaoe Wedntsday, interment being in the Taylcr ceme tery. Notwithstanding the bitter oold wenther a large concourse of relatives and frienda of the deoeased assembled to pay their last tribute to the depart ed dead. Rev Elmer Combs conduct ed the services and delivered a touch ing sermon on the necessity of being prepared for tbe summons of the grim reaper of death. The grief stiioken family have the heart-felt sympathy of the entire community. Klmt publication Jnn 21 wk Order of Hearing and Notice cf Probate of Will. In the county court of llnkolnrount . Nn. Iirnskll, Htnt of Nehrankn, I'ukotn f'ounty, . To Mury Kllnlx-t h HohIm. Wlllliini Uunrle UoiiUhihI to nil peroiiK I rite rented In the Mate of ( leorgc irirtii- lion), decon-e(? : On rciidlnir the m-tlllon of Mnrv l-:lli. IkmH lionl-i nriivlnff tlinl.llip Insl rninent flli'd In t Ids court on tlm Kill day of Jiuui nr.v, ls, nnil purporting to l- trie liwt will mill titnineiit of ll,e mhIiI rteceaed, li ny l proven nun allowed, mid recorded a the liMt will and tenlnment of Ueorttc Iariie hnl. decerwed: that iinld Inntriinient he sdinltted to probate, and the administra tion of nd esjnto lie granted to Mary Klls nt til Hon Is an executrix. It Id hereby ordered that you. and nil persons Interested 111 nld liwilti-r. mnr. nr.d do. appear at the county court to lie held In mid roc siiid county, on the lltli day of Kelt runry. A, 1). IwnN.ni 10 o'clock n. in., to show cause, If any there Ik?, why the nrnver of ine peiHioiier snoiiid not lie granted, mid that notice of the pendency of until petition nnd that the henrliiK thereof be given to nil persons interested In snld matter liv null- llshltiir n cony of this order In tlm llnhntn County llernld. a weekly newspnper print ed In snld county, for three successive weeks prior 10 snld dny of benrlng. Witness tny linnd, nnd senl of snld court, mis win uay 01 jiuiimry, a. 11. iin. l. 1'. PTINSOI. Ieat, County .ludire. For Sale or Trade. A 16-horse power compound traction engine. I have sold my threshing maohineto D Appleton and have 1 hia engine left, whioh is in good working order. O M Gbat. Dakota City, Nebr. For Sale A Kinkead Homestead Re linquishment . A 840-aore Kinkead homestead re linquishment in Deuel oounty, Nebras ka, 500 aorea good piow land, good soil, outs plenty of bay. Price, II, 760 00. Deeded land in that locality sells for 1 10.00 to $12.00 per acre. Or would oonsiler an exohange for residence property, livery outfit, live stock , or some small business of equiv alent value. This ia an exoellent op portunity for acquiring a 640-aore homestead. . See WT Bartlett Jackson, Nebr. Lutheran Church Announcements. Preaching Sunday morning at Sa lem at 11:00 o olook, Junduy school at 10:00; C E a8 p m. Preaching at Dakota City 7 :30 p m, C E 6:81), Sunday school at 9:45 a m, Miaaion Band at 3:00 p m A oordial weloome to all. District Court Date. The terms of court for the yesr 1908, for the oouutios of the Eighth Judicial district of Nebr ska are aa follows: Cuming County Feb 8, Sept 14. Dakota County Feb 17. Sept 58. Stanton County March 2 Oct 16. Cmlar f!onitv March Iff. Nov 9 . Dixon County March SO. Nov 30. burston County April 13, Oct 0. Tbe first day of eacu term is sot ior earing applications for citizenship. First publication Jan 17 tw HOTICK. . In the District court of Dakttn Omint v Nehrnskn. Hauir Wood ) vs. - Notice. WtLtrAM Woo p. 1 To William Wood 1 You will take notice thst on the Sth day of January, A. D. IK14, tne oiaintirr. Mndie wood, t led ber petit on against ytu, Wllllai Wood, the defendnnt. In thti office of the clerk of the district court of Dakota eounty, Nebraska, the ob ject ana prayer or which are that she be .ranted an absolute divorce from you on vnegrouno 01 wiiiui ansenco ana desertion and that she he given the care and custody of her minor child, the Issue of yourmar- nnge witn ner. You are reouired to answer said oetlfcon on or uerore tne i4tn a ay or February, A. v Dated this loth day of Jannary, A. D. 1008. oAdir Wood, Plaintiff. First Publication Jan 10 iw. NOTICE. In the district court of Dakota county, Nebraska. ' Annie Mulllnsf vs. Notice. Albert Mulllnsf To Albert Mulllni, non-resident defend ant: You will take notice that on the zsth dny of Deceinlier, A. I. IU07, the pliiliJlfl herein, Annie Mulllns filed her petition against you In the oi1!ce of the clerk of the district court of Dakota county, Nebraska, tbe ob ject ana prayer or whicn are, tnnt she be granted an absolute divorce from you on the ground of wllfull absence and desertion. You are required to answer said petition on or berore tuo 17m uay 01 February, A. V, Dated this 7th dny of January, A. D. 1907, ANNIE MUM INS. By J. J. McAllister, her attorney First Publication Jan 10 6 w SherifTa Sale. Notice Is hereby given that hy virtus of four executions issued by Harry H. Adair, clerk of the district court in and for lnkota county, Nebraska, upon four Judgments ob tained before J. J. Rimers, county Judge and acting Justice of the peace in and for snld county and suite, on ueceniber Ki. 11, transcrlpted to the said district court, and filed therein Decenjber '4, lflOi, In fnvor of John Flider, Fred (Schmidt, louls Krum wlede and Henry W. Wood, respectively and against the Sioux Boct Syrup company a corporation. I have levied upon the following described property, to-wit: The undivided one-hnlf of lot six (8), or section twenty-one (21), township twenty-nine (29), range nine (0), in Dakota county, state 01 Nebraska. And I will, on Tuesday, the Uth day of February, ivih, at 111 o clock a. m. of said day, at the south front door of the court house at Dakota city, Dakota oounty, N braska, proceed to sell at public, auction to the highest and best bidder, for cash, all of the above described property, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy said executions, the amount due thereon. In the aggregate, being the sum of Two Hundred Kixty-three Dollars and Ninety-four Uents (S2IKMM), witn interest on said sum at tne rate or Seven (7) per cent, per annum from December tn, lKi. and prior costs taxed at Kleven Dollars ana Twenty cents (ill.zu) and accruing costs. Given under my hand this Sth day of January, A. D. igus. H. 0. HAM SEX, Sheriff of Dakota Oounty, Neb, T First Publication Jan 8 4w. LBOAL NOTICE. To James W. Heath, Charles Ammerman William W. Palmer, and Adalbert F. Jen. klus, non-resldeuts of the State of Nebr as ka: You, and each of you, are hereby notified that on the 17th day of May, 1W7. Henry Bradsuaw, plaintiff, filed a petition lu the district court of Dakota county, Nebraska, against you and other defendants, and on DeeemtwrDO, ltMTT. he filed his amended pe tition therein, the object and prayer of which action are toaulet the title of plain, tiff In and to certain real estate described as follows: Lots 80, 81 and 82, In block 7: all of blocks S and 10, except lots HO. 81 and 82 In block ID, all being In Martin's addition to South Sioux I'tty. Dakota county, Nebras ka. Yon are required to answer snld plead Ings ou or before the ltth day of February ltSIN. Dated at Dakota Olty, Nebraska, this 81st day of December, 1WI7. Hknkt Mrapshaw, Plaintiff. Relieve Neuralgia with Dr. Mllea' Anil Pain PUls. 3S doses 25 oants. Won tori IiOcal representative for Dako VfdlllcU ta Olty and vicinity to look after renewals and Increase subscription list of a prominent monthly luatrnztne, on a salary and commission btis. Is. Kxperlence desirable, but not necessary Good opportunity for right person. Address Publisher, ilox 6V. station u, New York. AGENTS WANTED Men and Women Wanted to sell our Adjustable Window Shade newer ai your own nonie or traveling bend r,0c for sample and instructions Krepald OMAHA SHADE holou CO , 214 S. Uth St.. Omaha FOR aOENTS - The Old World a aucceaa and Its Ways Wm. Jennings Bryan 670 Imperial Octavo Pages. 281 su perb engravings from photographs tak en by Uol. Bryan. Recounts his trip around tbe world and his visits to all nations. Greatest book of travel ever written. 41 O0O called for In 4 months. Write us for sample reports of first 100 agents employed. The people buy It eugerly. The agent's harvest. OUTFIT FRIC Wend Islets, to cover cost of mailing and handling. Address The Thompson Pub. Co. St- Louis, Me. A Ira. Davis Auctioneer Emsrson, Nbr Fa.rm and Stock. Sales 19 Years in the Business Datea made at The Herald Office. 1)R. C H. MAXWELL, Physician and Snrjreon. Galls promptly attended I i Farmers' Institute Program for Farmers' Institute, to be Held in the Court House at Dakota City, January 31 and FebruAy 1, 1908. 0i Friday, January 31st. 9 a. m. Entering: and riacing of Exhibits. 11 a. m. Best Method of Seeding Oats J. W. Hazlegrove, T. W. Gribble, B. M. Boals 11:30 a. m. Winter Wheat vs. Spring Wheat.... Daniel Hartnett, Wm. Berger, Harry Goodfellow Friday Afternoon. 1 p. m. Judging Exhibits and Awarding Premiums 1:30 p. m. Raising and Marketing "Apples J. N. Stone, J. F. Learner 2 p. .m. Rotation of Crops C. W. Pugsley, Woodbine, Iowa 2 :30 p. m. Devices for Lightening Womans' Work Miss Myrtle Kaufman 3:30 p. m. The Corn Plant from A to Z 1 V C. W. Pugsley ; ."". v . v Friday Evening 7:30 p. m.-l-Cutting and Cooking of Meats. ...... Miss Myrtle Kaufman 8:30 p. m. Seed Corn Selection C. W. Pugsley Saturday, February 1st. 10 a. m. Potatoes for Profit. H. O. Dorn, F. X. Wallner, John Winebrenner, 10:30 a. m. Chicken Raising? . Geo. J. Boucher, J. J. Eimers, Mrs. John Wine-fc-fe4.$ brenner, Mrs. W. H. Riley. k&&aJ 11 a. m. Care of the Pure Bred Herd UfeivW. D. McKee, Polo, MoiS Saturday Afternoon. 1 p. m. Dairying for Profit.... A. J. Westfall, Geo, I. Miller, Henry Ebel 2 p. m. Pork Production.. .0. Hull, Alma, Neb.' Followed by Andrew Kramper afr.flfry 3 p. m. The Feeder Type of a Beef Steer Mr. McKee &&HW7!T" ... i.&lkaisMl'" Saturday Evening. 7:30 p. m. Work of the Farmers' Institutes Mr. Hull -4dK3 8:30 p. m. Literature for the Farmer. .Mr. McKee Premiums will be awarded as follows :Jj 1' Wheat 1st Corn ( white $2 00 10 ears ( yellow 2 00 winter.... spring..... r .... Oats Butter lib or more. . . . . Bread one loaf 1 pecE ( Other rarities. 2nd $1 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 50 2 00 2 00 2 00 00 00 60 00 00 60 09 00 00 3rd 50 50 50 60 50 50 1 00 60 50 50 The prizes for Bread will be paid by the Edwards & Bradford Lumber Company. All Exhibits must be entered by 1 o'clook p. m. Friday. Corn will be judged by tbe Nebraska Score Card: Uni formity of exhibit, 10; shape of ears, 10; color of cob, 5; color .of kernels, 5: market conditions, 10; tips of ears, 6; butts of ears, 6; uniformity ef kernels, 10; shape ef kernels, 10; space between kernels, 5; weight of grain, 25. Total, 10U. J. F. LEAMEB, , F. P. CULBEBTSON, , President! Secretary V I i i i i 1 1 1 1 i CONCORD TEAM HARNESS. CARRIAGE HEATERS. Mai K3Wi. 1 DAKOTA 1TV, NEBRASKA Their action is so mild, ths moat deli cate person caa use Dr. Miles' ts'srvs and Uvar Pllla. 0 4osea oeatsv l&yjy&LHORSEBLANKETS. SHAPED. HORSE. BLANKETS,' A Good, Large Assortment of ' j WINTER OCZDCDrDS: at Attractive Prices. Everything for the horse and stable Fares paid. Ask for Rebate Slips. Sttxrjjes Bros 411 Peisxrl Strt Slux City, Iewav II is Delicious 1 3, s I & 5 laWaB mamr mr GOFF 2ST TD 25 cents Pound per I Blended and packed from carefully selected coffee by Harris fiSL Kilboxxrnc. No. 6 Front St. Ho mer, Neb