i 0 R R Time Table Sious City, Crystal Lake & Homer LEAVI LEAVE 3AKOTA OUT BIOCX CITT , 7:30 km ...8:20 mm 9:30 km 10:30 am 11:15 a m 11:50 a m 1:15 pm..... 2:00 p m 3:00 pro 4:15 p m 5 :15 p m 5 :50 p m 6:40 pm 11:00 p m Special tripi for partis of 15 or more. C B ft Q WEST No. 85 Local Freight 7:15 am 11 " Passenger. Omaha and Lincoln 12:47 pm EAST No. 86 Local Freight 2:25 pm 10 Local Passenger. .6:29 pm daily. daily except Sunday. Dakota City Lecture Course Under the auspices of the business men of Dakota City, ANNOUNCEMENTS. - January 25 B. B. Burton in Popular Leotnres. March 10 Qibeon Carl, Character Change Impersonator. Reserved seat tickets (10 cents) on sale at 6tore of 8. A. Stinson. Doors open at 7:30 p m, perform anno begins at 8:15. Local Items Mrs Lottie Hutzel and family of Sioux City, spent Sunday here. Sam Bouton made a flying business trip to Elk Point, S D, Saturday. Wm Lorenz is putting a new front in bis already up-to-date butcher shop. Chas CouRhtry and wite were both taken down with the grip last Satur day. You will never get norvous if you drink Breun's coffee. VandeZedde sells it. Sam Stinson his been confined to his home for the past two weeks with the grip. John II Ream and family and Mi 8 Mary E McBeath were Ilomer visit ors Sunday. Judge D C Stinson was np to Fairfax, S D, a few days the first of the wetk n a land Htekijg tour. Lyman While of Woodbine, low?, visited here over Sunday at the home of Henry W Wood and wife. Soot Duncan and wife went to Jeff erson, 6 D, Saturday to spend a week with their daughter, Mrs Chas Hall. Stoves! Stoves I Stoves! Stoves at cost, for the 'next three weeks. Ed wards & Bradford Lumber' Co, Dako ta City . Archie Coughtry has rented the A 1 Haase farm, which will soon be va cated by Will Broyhill, who has pur chased a farm west of Homer. Sam Riohie, an old pioneer resident of 'bis county, is reported sorionsly ill at his home at Daisy, Wash, and little hope is entertained for his recovery. Barney Oribble has staked off his ice crop on the north side of Crystal lake, and is now waiting for ice-making weather so that he can corner the ice orop. Sheriff J P Rockwell and family moved in from the farm in Hubbard precinct, and are nowoocupying the house recently purchased by them from A E Waldvogle. Preaching services will be held in the M E church and at Grace church Sunday, at the usual hours. Rev Von Httgen will be home from Tildea, Neb, in time to conduct thesa services. ' B B Burton, Yes, that's the name f the lecturer who will fill the fourth number of the Dakota City Lecture course at the M E church Saturday evening of this week. Tou want to hear him. Sixty per cent of all headaches are caused by defeotive eyes. Little de fects grow to big ones unless promptly relieved with properly fitted glasses. Examination free. W C Eckhaet, Befractionist . Will Armour came down from Ponca Tuesday and made a trip out in the country. lie stopped in town long j enough to set up the cigars over the arrival of a boy at bis home on Thurs day of last week. Fred Schmidt and Henry Krum wiede, who were spending the winter in Germany, did not sail on the 4th as stated'' last week, but postponed tbeir date for starting homeward uctil the 21st, which will get them here about the last of the mouth, A grand exhibition will be given at Dakota City's new opera house Friday evening, January 24th, at 8 o'clock p m, of motion pictures and stereoptican views. Two thousand foet of film fivo subjeots, among them being Hooli gan' New Idea and a masquerade party. Come and enjoy yourself a couple of hours. Dear Reader: Just a moment, until I tell you what we are doing. Making our regular $4 00 per dozen cabinet photos for $2 00, and one bonutiful nhoto calendar free. Photos first class iu every respect. No extra oharire for groups. Wa do this to more thoroughly advertise our cabinet work. Doa't delay it is money saved. Good for January and Fehrnary ONLY. Koay Studio, 304 Douglas St, Sioux City. Iowa. Following are the mimes of the Petit jurors selected for the term of district court which convenes Febru ary 17, 1908. The jury is summoned to appear ou Tuesday, the 18th: Art Hermit, Peter Anderson, Frank Da vey, W J Cassel, Andrew J Davis, U W Meeker, Tuns Crosbv, Bert Fran risco. RL Pressy, Thos Ashford, John Collin, Geo Hams, John V 1 hacker, " ham Knox," Chris Jacobson, uenr. Ruber, D E Allen, Chas Beermaon, J W ()r. Fred Bartels, John Watson. Herman Biermana. M A Springer, F Daley Post cards at Van's. The Herald for Ail tba wbws : Ten Farma for Sale. Good ones, a sizes and kinds. Warner & Eimers. John Foltz went to Ottumwa. S D. Monday to spend a few months on his claim. Rev W S Oberholtzer visited Rev E H Combs at Homer on last Tuesday a iter noon, Beatrice Nordvr.e of Sioux City, vis ited old friends hore several days the past week. Panl Pizey returned home Sunday noon from a week's visit at Linooln, Neb, and points in Iowa. Ross Johnson oame over from Cher okee, Iowa, Tuesday to help get the oye cars in shape for regular service. John H Gribble and family have moved in from the country and are oc cupying their house in the east part of town. r Aloczo Hale and Mabelle Friend, of Emerson precinct, were joined in mar riage Saturday evening by Judge D C Stinson. Mrs R E Evans went to Wakefield Tuesday evening to eonduct a school of instruction for the O E S lodge at that place. Emmet Gribble seriously sprained bis ankle one day last week by drop ping a log upon it . lie is able to hobble about a little now. Mrs Helen Cunningham, nee Spen cer, arrived liere Saturday from Seat tle, Wash, to visit her mother, Mrs Etta M Spencer, for a few weeks. S H Moore, of Dixon, Neb, was here on business a few days this week. Mr Moore formerly resided in Omadi precinct, acd was an extensive breeder of fine hogs. What is the reason that Van de ' Zedde sells so much Breun's coffee? Because it isf the best that's the rea son. All the way from UUo to 4Uo pel- pound. Try a package. Personal taxes will become delin quent February 1st, when it will be the duty of the county treasurer to sBiie distress warrants iu all cases where taxes remain unpaid. Dr E J DeBell was down from Rose bud, S D, this week, looking after business matters and calling on old friends. The doctor is always a wel come visitor iu this bailiwick. For sale mv residence uropertv in the northeast nart of town. For iar- t i ticulnrs iuquire of Carl Matz, Dakota Uity. Aiehr. Mits C. Matz. Cass Joaes, one of the pioneer res idents of this oounty, now of Falls City, Neb, was here Thursday visiting old acquaintances. He had been in attendance at the river convention. The Consumers Ioe company lost a valuable horse in Crystal lake last Friday. The animal was hitched to an ice plow and broke through the ice and drowned before it could be res oued. Mrs Esther Harden returned Mon day from a three months' visit with ber daughter, Mrs A E Osborne, at Brooklyn, N Y. Her daughter, Mrs Ada Sherman, who accompanied her remained there. Trial catarrh treatments are being mailed out free, on request, by Dr Shoop, Raoine, Wis. These tests are proviug to the people without a pen ny'y cost the great value of this scien tific prescription known to druggists everywhere as Dr Snoop's catarrh remedy. Sold by all dealers. Services at the Methodist Episcopal church every Sunday as follows: Preaching, 11 a m ; Sunday school, 10 am! (lass meeting 12 m; Epworth League, 6 :30 p m ; Preaohing, 7 :30 p ni. Preach in Graoe church every Sunday at 2 :30 pm. Yon are cordially invited to any and all these services . To check a cold quickly, get from your druggist some little candy cold tablets called Preventics. Druggists everywhere are now dispensing Pre ventics, for they are not only safe, bat decidedly effective and prompt. Pre ventics oontain no quinine, no laxa tive, nothing harsh nor sickening. Taken at the "sneeze stage" Preventics will prevent pneumonia, bronchitis, la grippe, etc Hence the name, Pre ventics. Good for feverish children. 48 Preventics 25 cents. Trial boxes 5 cents. - Sold by all dealers. Notice I have sold my business, accounts and all, to J H Baker who will succeed me selling the Watkms goods in the same old way. He will collect ull accounts and give receipts for the same. Having known Mr linker personally for several years, I can recommend him to you as on" that will do the square thing. 1 bespeak for him your liberal patronage the samo as you have given me, for which I wish to thank you all. V J Pkttit Dakota City, Nebr. When the stomach, heart or kidney nerves get wean, men tuese organs always fail. Don t drug the stomach, nor stimulate the heart or kidneys That is siniulv a makesniit. uet a prescription known to druggists every where us Dr Snoops Kestorative. J. tie Restorative is prepared expressly for these weak inside nerves. Strengthen those nerves, build them up with Dr Shoop i Restorative tablets or liquid and see how quickly help will come Free sample test sent on request by Dr Shoop, Racine, Wis. Your health is surelv worth this simple test. Sold by all dealers. One of the rare treats of the Dakota City lecture course will be offered th people of Dakota City and vicinity on Saturday evening of this week,' 'loth iust, when B B Burton will deliver one of his popular lectures. Mr Bur ton possesses in a high degree the ele meats absolutely necessary to success on the present-day leoture ul at form originality, soul passion, versatile ge nius. His audiences are impressed with thought that his supreme purpose is to inspire whether in a humorou practioal or impassioned mood, the impression is the same, lie is both practical and a poetioal thinker, humorist and a word painter. No one will be disappointed in their expect tions, an j both old and young should make it a point to bear Mr Barton. team of young Stinson, Dakota Subscribe forbe Herald, the best paper in the county, f 1 a year, D J and Alex Mo Dona&l weiehere from Jackson Thursday aftornoon on business. For Sale a good driving horses. D C City, Nebr. Go to Van's for your groceries he handles nothing but the best, and his prices are reasonable. Philo McAfee was down from Pig eon Creek precinct Wednesday at tending to some business matters. Ruben Hoxsie and Mrs Mary C Den aison, both of Sioux City, were joined in marriage Thursday by Judge Stin son. U S Marshal Warner was here from Omaha yesterday, having been tip to Sioux City to attend the Waterway convention. Paul Kinkel has been tendered the position of district repair man for the Burlington signal service at a sub stantial raise in salary. liave you tried a sack or the new flour at Van de Zedde'a? It is called "The Queen," and is warranted to be the best and the cheapest. A social dance will be held in the new opera honse hall next Tuesday evening, January 'Zola, Dakota City, Neb. Everybody weloome. Have you tried the Sultanna and Tao-oo brands of canned goods? Van sells them. These goods have stood the test of the pure food law. John B Evans went to Lincoln Sat urday to finish up some work iu the agricultural branch of the university which will take him about a month. Louis Lmson and wife went to TJte, Iowa, Thursday 'to spend a week with relatives. 'hi is .Larson, u brother of Louie's, is taking his place in the sig nal tower. ' Albert Schumaker wss called to Sioux City the first of the week to take a run as substitute in the railway mail service between Manila, Iowa, and Mitchell, S D. All kinds of coal, feed and hay for sale at reasonable prices. Fields & Slaughter Co. Theo E Bliven, Manager. Dakota City, Neb. Attachment proceedings were insti tuted by Mrs Charity Hart Saturday against G L Taylor, who has the Eagle leased, in an effort to collect some back rent. The case is still in court. Caleb Lane was arrested yesterday and lodged in the county bastile, for assaulting John' Burcum. Lafe Lane was also implicated an J a warraut is out for his arrest. Mr Burcum resides on a farm in Blyburg. i Don't Fool Yourself By failing to hear B B Bnrton at the M E church Saturday evening of this week the fourth number of the Dakota City Lecture course. Every number so far has been more than worth the price of admission and this will be no ex ception. We have a few steel ranges left. They are of the best make aud fully guaranteed. To close them out, we offer them for the next two weeks only for wholesale price. lour personal or cashier's check is good here. Fred Schriever & Co. A tickling cough, from any cause is quickly stopped by JJr Shoop' Couch Cure. And it is so throughly harmless and safe, that Dr Shoop tells mothers everywhere to give it with out hesitation, ever to very young babes. The wholesome green leaves and tender stems of a lung-healing mountanious shrub, furnish the cura tive properties to Dr Shoop's Oough Cure. It cairns the cough, and heals the sore and sensative bronchial mem branes. No opium, no ohloroform, nothing harsh used to injure or sup press Simply a resinous plant ex tract, that helps to heal aching lungs. The Spaniards call this shrub which the Doctor useB, "The Sacred Herb." Always demand Dr Shoop's Cough Cure. Sold by all dealers. v BANKING BY MAIL NOW IS THE TIME TO Deposit Your Money WITH- J. L. Brandeis & Sons Bankefs' OMAHA, NEB. -- - V - " - " A .. . They Pay n Interest Deposits may be Withdrawn Any Time WithoutNoticc The Bank is managed by the men who have built the magnificent Brandeis Building, and have been successful in business in Omaha for 25 years. They Quarantee every deposit made in the Bank OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS: Arthur D. Brandeis President Jno. L. Kennedy Vice-President II. Hugo Brandeis Cashier Emit Brandeis Secretary -Iift.THE BRANDEIS BUILDING OMAHA Address J. L. BK AN DEIS 3 SONS BANKERSOmaha,Neb. ' " f Mrninmiiiamwr j. For Sale or Trade. A 16-horse power compound traction engine. 1 nave sold my threshing machine to D Appleton and have this engine left, which is in good working order. C M Gray, Dakota City, Nebr. OBITUARY. Charles O Martin, for man? years a resident of this place, died at his home here' last Friday after a short illness with pneumonia and lagrippe. Mr Mattin had been ill only about a week, and his frail constitution was nnatle to withstand the ravages of the disease. The deceased was in his fifty-seventh etr, and had lived in this place the greater portion of his life, having fOQ'e here with his parents in 18.rG. He was born in St Louis, Mo, January 3D, 1851. ne was baptized in 1853 by the Iiuv John Matthews of the Kaskas k i t Presbytery, in the church of which Lis fattier was stared supply. lie learned the trade of harness maker at an early ago and was con sidered one of the best workmen in this part of the country. He was cm itloved us foreman in the L Humbert shop iu Sioux City for several yers, and in his spare time wrote for differ ent leather ana harness journals, one of which paid hiiu $300 for an article ou that subject. lie continued to write for a harness journal published in (Janada, ana ouiy a lew nays beiore his death he received a check for 110 for his work. lie compiled a book on harness making, which was copyrighted and sold in great numbers. Every harness maker that saw the book pronounced it a (treat help to anyone in the busi ness . For the past ten years he has lived in bachelor apartment, doing what he could, in his crippled condition, to eke out an existence conducting a har ness repair shop in the little room he called home. His crippled condition was the re suit of a fever contracted while at work with a wrecking company on the Nugget, a steamer which struck snag and sunk in the river about four mil"s f oath of Dakota City, i his was in 1871, and since then ho has been deaf and dumb, and his feet and legs racked with rheumatism. The funeral services were held Sat urday at 10:30 a m, from tho Lutheran chureh, and were corducted by Rev W S Oberholtzer. The remains were deposited in their final resting place u the Dakota City cemetery. v Died at Jackson, Nebraska, Jan 17, 1908, Gerald Dillon, aged 80 years, of pneumonia. In the death of this highly respect ed pioneer, Dakota County, Nebraska, has suffered an irreparable loss; the Epiphany Council, Knights of Colum bus at Sioux City have added the name of their oldest member to their list of deceased brethren : Catholicity has lost one of its warmest advocates and the village of Jackson has laid to rest, all that is earthly of the man who was its sponsor. A little over eighty years ago in the County of Mayo, Ireland, Gerald Dil lon was born. He oame to the United States at an early age and settled in the south near Natchez, (Miss. Here for a time he had charge of a ootton plantation. In 1849 he went out it the California gold fields and in 1857 he came to Dakota county and joined the Father Tracy colony in old St. John's. He became part and paroel of the colony and at a to vn election held at the house of John Traoy, Feb. 15, 1858, the first of which there is any record, he was elected village recorder. In 18G0 he erected the first frame house and in the same year a school house was built and Gerald Dillon taught the first sehool. A few years later St. John's was deserted and the colony moved to the new town site which was plotted by Mr Dillou and which for a time was known as Frank lin. Owing to difficulties arising over the fact that Nebraska boasted two towns of the same name, Gerald Dil lon with bis characteristic energy and business ability, petitioned the county commissioners to, change the name to Jackson. The petition was granted in 1865, the town was incorporated and Mr Dillon was appointed its first postmaster. He served the village, the county and the then territory of Nebraska iu many capacities and throughout the whole community the name of Gerald Dillon was a synonym fur honesty and principle of the high erder. k During his long continued residence of fifty-one years in Dakota county, the deceased has left a record, clean and unsulied, that any man might em ulate. The life of this sturdy pionear was as an open book: his sunny, genial nature attracted both young and old and his friends were numbered by his acquaintances. At heart, he was a philanthropist; besides being a publio benefactor, the number and kinds of his piivate charities will never be known. The Catholio church, to which he strictly adhered and cheer fully obeyed throughout his long, well spent life was a bountiful recipient of his benefactions. A pure, simple life is ended : as he lived he died. After one short week's illness, he calmly and resignedly pass ed to the great beyond. 'He has gone but his memory shall live on rever enced und cherished by his fellow townsmen who have felt aud will con tinuo to feel the influence of this good man who ever htood for what wss hiclioHt and best in life, who held his neighbor s reputation to be pnnelesa and who served the couutrv of his adoption as faithfully as he served his God. The funeral took place from St Pat rick's church at Jackson, Monday al 10 a m, Solemn high mass was sung by Rev J English of Hubbard. He was assisted by llev Dather liyrno oi Pouca and 11 a v Felix MuCaithy o Vista. Rev Father McCarthy of Jackson acted as master of. ceremo nies. Rev Father Byrue, an old time friend of the deceased, preached most impressive sermon in which he paid most deserving tributes to the de ceased. A large delegation o: Knights of Columbus from Sioux City and different parts of the oounty at tended the f aneral, Out of respect to the deceased all the business houses closed and both the Jackson High school and St Cathariue's acadero dismissed school. A very large funer al procession followed the remains to its last retting place, Interment was in St John's cemeiery. Hard or Soft Coal, Coke or wood, whatever fuel you use, costs money. You have to pay so much for it, whether you get all the heat out of it or not. If a stove wastes the fuel and only a part of the heat is extracted, your fuel bills are higher than they should be. It is there fore profitable for you to get a stove that will get all the heat out of the fuel and not waste it. fThe "Genuine" Round Oak and the "Radiant Home" are the stoves that will do it ; even the smoke they send out of the chimney is clear, ( showing that the gases and soot have been burned and all the heit extracted. The comfort of a stove that is everything it ought to be; that gives heat; holds the fire ; that lasts and is always good and efficient, is worth almost any cost. The Round Oak and Hadianc Home are such stoves and are a sourc of comfort in thousands of homes, and they will prove the same in yours. There are imitations, be sure and see the names of "Round Oak" and "Radiant.IIome." For Sale at sw'T fr- - - FRITZ.WHEN YOU BROUGHT THAT ROUNDOArTSTOVE INTO THEIwOODS YOCiPQJlED flY AVINTER fiAPs Fred Schriever & Co. ITY, NEe. The Bank that Always Treats You Right Wm. LORENZ, Proprietor of Fresh and Salt Meata always on hand . Cash paid for hide. Berik. of Dakota Coxinty Jsk.ck.son, Nab. Always hungry for more busi ness, and better prepared than ever to care for it iuoiit. I I I A. Ira. Davis Auctioneer Emsrsotit Nbr. Stock. Farm evrvd Series 19 Years in tho Business Dates made at The Herald Office ))R. C H. MAXWELL, Physician and Surgeon. Calls promptly attended daiota crrr, webhiska Agnt foi Seymour's White Laundry," Laundry basket goes Tuesdays and comes back Saturdaya DAKOTA CITY- NEBRASKA. PAUL, PIZEY, j" Dakota Citvi Nta. i Bonded : Abstracter L Lawyers ALFRED PIZEY, 608 Metropolitan Blk. Sioux City! Iowa I A Far-SigKted Man Never puts off till the last minute, things that he knows ' must be done. Are you far-sighted? Then look around and figure up what repairing you need to do; repairing j that will require lumber. And then don't put it off, come in and let us tell you the way we figure it. ' We are sure we can save you money. Edwards& Bradford Lbr. Co Hubbard, Nebraska. GEO. TIMLIN, Manaeer. pARM LOANS We have plentv of Money to Loan at a lo rate of interest on Dakota oounty Farma. Wc also Bell and But Ileal Estate of all kinds' Auvwheie on earth , See or write us before you Borrow, Boy oc BelT List your property with na to Bell. I Real rflWM I ANllY r