Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, January 03, 1908, Image 4

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Your Hair
Is it inclined to run away?
Don't punish It with a cruel
brush and comb! Feed it, nour
ish it, savs it with Ayer's Hair
Vigor, new improved formula.
Then your hair will remain at
home, on your head, where it
belongs. An elegant dressing.
Keeps the scalp healthy.
htt not chantt iht color of Ihe haft.
Formula with Mak bottls
bow it to your
ask him about It,
than do as ha u;i
U'e certainly believe this, or we would
not sty so. Ayer's Hair Vigor, now
made from our new improved formula,
is a great preparation for the hair and
scalp. Stop falling hair. Cures dan-dr-ilT.
Promotes the growth of hair.
?.! by ths J. C. Att Co., Lowoll, Kail.
The Wonderful
"Big Horn Bas'n
I have a selected list of irri
gated farms in the Basin for
rent ; why not rent for a year
or two and learn tlieTprofits
from irrigated fanning in the
Basin, and become acquainted
with the climate and desira
bility of settiing in that re
gion? We also help you
homestead irrigated lands, or
to buy them at prices that
will make you money. Mill
ions of dollars are now being
spent irrigating Basin lands.
Homeseekers' excursions first
and third Tuesdays of 1908.
Write D. Clctn Dcaver, Gen
eral Agent, Landseekcrs' In
formation Bureau, Omaha.
Winter Excursions
Homeseekers' excursions first and
third Tuesday- to Colorado, i Wyo
ming, Big Horn Basin. Northwest,
Southwest and Sonlu; Winter Tour
ist Rites daily to Florida, the Oulf
Country, the Soutn and Southern
A J Kabiuker, - Ticket Agent
dacota crrr, neb.
L. W. Wacklby, G P A, Omaha, Neb
SUa to fcelU Mow Baatasas. AtrlalWUV
uui you oar parmanant customer.
Prize Collection , "uriiiati
aUIIAH A NT V V tat TA ftl lr aaB
Wtfo Jtjrj Mention thin Paper.
aapauiBt m nm turn Taluk U
lafaHaaUMKNl aa Pint SLk.
mm mmm am a a SMA atlllAaf mumm . Ja A
Physician and Surgeon.
Galls promptly attended
Are the result of an
abnormal condition of
the more prominent nerve
brandies, caused by con
gestion, irritation, or dis
ease. If you want to re
lieve the pain try Dr. Miles
Anti-Pain Pills. They
often relieve when every
thing else fails. They
leave no disagreeable
after-effects. Just a
I Measurable sense of re
ief. Try them.
"I have neuralgia headache right
ver my eye, mid I am really afraid
that niy eye will burnt. 1 hIho have
neuralgia jwtln around my heart I
IJaln Pllta recently and find they re
lieve thetie trouble tiulckly. I seldom
nd It riefwwuy to take more than
two tablet) for rompletn relief "
. . 1117 Valluy bt. CarttiMKM. Mo.
-u hav "Pvlla of neuralKla
ana have dix-torrd a Kreat deal witlik
out fc-ltlns niui-h benefit, for the
lat two year I huvn lecn taking
Jir. Miles' Anti-Pain nils and th.-y
always relieve me. I have ben so
bad with neuralgia that I Hometlmes
thought I would go truzy. Soini tlmes
It U necessary to talie two of them,
but never more and tlioy ur aure to
relieve ' MRS. KKKHIJSIt.
2434 I.ynn tit., Lincoln. Neh.
Tou,?ru0t Dr- Miles' Antl-
Palo Pills, and we authorize him to
return the price of first package (only)
If It fall to benefit you. " 1 '
Miles Mwdical Co., Elkhart, Ind
us. l
Dakota County Herald
Subscription Price. $1.00 Per Year.
A weekly newspaper published at
Dakota City, Nebraska.
Permission has been granted for the
transmission of this pnperthrough the
mails as second-class matter.
Telephone No. 43.
Happy New Year to all.
This is Leap Year, girls; got busy.
Have yon paid your subscription to
Tup. Herald for 1908? If not, now
is tbe accepted time.
sie i
The first annual convention of tbs
Missouri River Navigation Congres
will he held in Sioux (Jity January 22
33, 1908. A general invitation is ex
tended to all who are interested in
seeing the Missouri rirer made naviga
ble its entire length. The people of
this county are more interested in
having the river bank protected tban
they are in having the stream made
He didn't have a dollar, he didn't
have a dime; his clothes and shoes
looked as though they had served tbeir
time. He didn't try to kill himself to
dodge misfortune's whacks. Instead,
be got soma ashes and filled five dozen
sacks. Then next he begged a dollar.
In the paper in the morn he advertised
tin polish that wonld put the sun to
scorn. He kept on advertising and
just now, suffice to tar, he's out in Cal
ifornia at his cottage on the bay,
0MI rfWOH SOfisX(r03e
w Items of Interest
from our Exchanges I
Thurston Gasette: Lew Pearey vis
ited in Iowa, during the holidays.
Lyons Mirror: David Everett and
wife went to Dakota City Uunday,
Ponca Leader: Mr and Mrs E J
Berry spent Christmas at the home of
Elmer Cornell, near Dakota City.
Pender lteriublio: Judges Graves
and Welch exchanged benches laat
week, the former holding court in
Wayne and the latter in Dakota City.
Sioux City Journal, 31st: Mr an.l
Mrs Peter McShane, of Waterbary,
Nebr, who ome last week for a Christ
mas visit at the home of Wm Myers.
1322 Summit avenue, are both ill with
the grip.
Waterbury items
Frank Sayre came
Iowa, Thursday to
in Ponoa Leader:
from Eagle Grove,
help care for his
mother who is quite
low.... Will Sayre
came frcm South
and remained over
grandmother. He
Dakota Saturday
Sunday with his
returned Monday
Salix items in BJoan Star: Robert
Mitchell, of Dakota City, was here
Thursday of last week .... Sterl Link
swiler is quite ill at his home with an
attack of asthma.... Russell Link-
swiller sprained his wrist while ska
ting, Friday evening, and is compelled
to wear his arm in a sling. 1
Walthitl Times : Dr acd Mrs Ream
went to Homer Tuesday evening....
Tuesday afternoon Marshal Gee arrest
ed F B Lamson for disorderly conduct.
Later George Lamson procured the
arreot of the marshall for unbecoming
conduot and bad language. Jndge
Wood assessed fines against both the
marshal and F B Lamson.
Winnebago Chieftain : B F Hisreot
of Homer, a son-in-law of M F Eve
land, speut Christmas at the Eveland
Lome. .. .Bert Ohmit, who has been
asaisting Harry McCormiok launo'u
tbe Wynot Tribune, viaited here on
Wednesday..., John Ohmit and wife
of South Sioux City visited their son
Charles, over Christmas. Their son
Floyd and his wife were here .... Hen
ry Niebuhr is distributing Woodman
literature here. There is talk of reoi
ganizing the camp here. It should be
Pender Times: Melford II Niebuhr
and Ellen Larson were married at Da
kota City Tuesday at 2:30 p m, by
J J Eimers, then took the train for
Pender and went up to the bride'a
home where a nice supper and a few
invite 1 friends awaited them. They
left the next day. the 2jth, in the
evening for Sioux City where they
will make their borne. Mell bus a
good potition there with tbe Burling
ton Ry Co. The bride is a daughter
of Mrs S J Larson and is a moat esti
mable young lady. The groom is the
son of II G Niebnhr and is a promising
young man. The Times extends con
gratulations. Sioux City Journal, 28th : Non-support
immmediately atter marriage is
Mrs N B O'lii ten's grounds for a di
vorce from E A O'Brieu. She alleges
that she has been obliged to take in
washing ever aince they were married,
and furthermore that O'Brieu? has been
more or less quarrelsome and baa ac
cused her of improper couduot....
Peter Mannion, of South Sioux City,
waa knocked down and trampled un
der a transit wagon yesterday after
noon at Fourth nd Wfter streets.
He was taken to the police atatiou and
attended by the police aurgeon. It
was found that bis right ear drum waa
broken. After bis wounds had been
dressed hetwaa able o go to bis home.
South Sioux City Record : Miss Lil
lian Bacon came up from York Menduy,
where she is attending school, to spend
the holidays with J U Bacon and fami
ly. . . Mr and Mrs John Manuing were
Christmas visitors at Soldier, Iowa,
with Mr and Mra A A Sunde. . . , Mor
ton Wilbur, aon of Judge E B Wilbur,
arrived here this week from Chamber
lain, South Dakota, to spend Christ
mss with relatives. .. .Miss Minnie
Dow was oallikg ou friends iu town
this week, MJss Dow is now loeated
Lat Adrian, Minnesota, where she is
caabier in a larg department store.
.... Ira Willover of Plaiuview, Nebr,
formerly section foreman for the Great
Northern Ry, at South Sioux City,
was shaking bands with friends here
this week. . . .Mr and Mra Nathan Mil
ler, and Bessie Kryger, of Essex, Iowa,
were guests of relatives here on r'bist
mas. Mrs Miller was formerly Miss
Lelah Kryger, and is a daughter of
Postmaster Kryger.
Sioux City Journal, 29th: In an
effort to preserve the game fish in tbe
lakes of Dakota county, Neb, A M
Green, deonty game warden; Ernest
HuDger, a deputy from Linooln, and
William O'Brien superintendent of
the fish hatchery at South Bend, Neb,
yesterday began seining in the shallow
waters of Silver lake west of South
Sioux City. It was feared the game
fish in the shallow waters of this lske
and surrounding ponds would not be
able to survive the winter. The fish
seined out were transferred to deeper
waters of Crystal lake, which has
proved to be one of tbe best bass lakes
in this part of the country. The first
time the seine was drawn in- two feet
of water 198 black bass were snared.
It was a fine batch of fish, the bass
weighing from three to six pounds.
Perch and crsppies also were Uken.
Mondsy the seining will be resumed .
Many spectators watched the officials
at work and were well supplied with
fish. The carp and buffaloes were
given to any one who wanted them.
Fishermen who spent many happy
hours at Crystal lake are pleased with
the movement taken by the officials,
and feel assured of excellent fishing
tbe coming season.
Greetings : To One and All.
A Happy and prosperous New Year.
May it be the very best in your life,
for yourself, for your neighbor and for
"The Bank that always treats yon
right", soon closes its 22 nd and best
year. It confidently hopes and expects
to make' its 2td much better, for it
has many new customers, the past two
months, to "treat rioht". May it
count on your help to do bo ? We offer
system and methods used in no other
bank, Kearney methods. They add
much t3 your sa'ety and convenience,
and to ours. Ask any depositor or
borrower how he likes us, try some
other bank, then ns 'tis all we ask.
This for anything in banking. The
Banker after all, is but your "hired
man", supposed to know more about
loaning money than you. He pays
you a fair rate for your savings, loans
it safely higher, and backs it with
every dollar he is worth. Thus, you
cao.no lose a penny, if he ii honest
and ctpable. And your particular
hired man here, works all day and
lies awake some nights, studying how
best he can conserve your interests.
Did you notice -the many good bank
statements Deo. 1st? Nothing but
Prosperity for tbe West shown there.
Again, good friends, many happy,
generous New . Years for you and
Gratefully yours,
Ed T. Kearney
of "The Bank that always treats yon
Bank of Dakota County,
Jackson, Nebraska.
Commissioners' Proceedings.
Dakota City, Nebr, Deo 28. '07
Board of county commissioners met
pursuant to adjournment. Present,
1 nomas (J liaird. chairman: Ed Mor
gan and John Sierk, and W L Ross,
county clerk.
' The following bonds were approved
J P Rockwell, sheriff.
W L Ross, county clerk.
Security State Bank, county depos
itory .
Dan Pnrdy, constable, Omadi pre
J B Smith, constable, St John's
M M Hickey, iastice of the peace,
m dour, s precinct.
Claims allowed :
Hammond A Stephens Co 1 IS 40
D O Htlnson, premium on bond 64 00
North Nebraska Eagle, county print-
In 126 00
O II Maxwell, medical services 1J Co
Kolwrt I.uiebrlng, road work I 10 60
E II Looints, same "6 00
George Rockwell, same , 81 08
Arthur Hyn.lll. same ge 50
John P Kramper, same u 00
Michael Long, same 8 00
O B DeWltt. same 8 00
Schutt A Co, mdso 7900
Allowed on road district fund :
PT Watson, road work, dlstNo7 1 6 00
E 11 Ijootnls, same aO.OO
Louis Wllklns, same ' 8 4 00
J W Harden, same 8 S 00
A O Hides, same is jo 60
8 A Hrldehbaugh, same ' 'III a 80
n E Brown, same ' il 26 00
M J Foreaboe, same ' 'IB 15 76
Kay Horh, same '19 g 50
John P Walsh, same '8 1 so
John Heennn Jr. same ' .' n 450
Art lH rmlt. same ' 8 10 60
M J llyms, same ' H 2 1 78
Thomas Casey, same ' 8 18 60
A II Anderson, same ' ' 8 15 88
O II Maxwell, same ' J 7 00
Arthur KyiulII, samo ' '6 SM
The following claims were audited;
naitMiB vund.
Hal marketer, bridge work 25 02
Cal Rockwell, same 41 25
runup iioiss, same 4 jo
M Kennelly, same 50
Atlas Elevator Co, lumlier 16 no
Hi'hutt A Co. lumber 07
Board adjourned.
W L Rob s, Clerk.
nappy New Year.
George Teller is ill with the grip.
M Mimoangbo Ponca was iu Jack
son Tuesday.
Wm Uartnett had a load of cattle
on the market Mouday.
Jas Jouea went to Cedar Rapids, Io,
Monday to visit friends.
Ralph Bancroft of Homer was a
Jackson visitor, Sunday.
Colombia Dennis is viaiting her par
ents at Martinsburg, Nebr.
Minnie Keefe attended a party at
Fred Bartelt Tuesday evening.
John Watera of Early, Iowa, spent
Now Years with his parents here.
Ed T Kearney and wife spent New
Years with frieuds in Sioux City.
Misses Helen Riley and Cariuela
Quinn returned Tuesday from a week's
visit at tbe McMullen home in Water
bury, Nebr.
The small boy with his sled is enjoy
ing tbe beautiful snow these days.
Miss Nellie Combs, of Homer, visit
ed over Sunday at the M Quinn home.
Quite a few from Imre were in .Da
kota City the firt of the week attend
ing conrt.
Mrs Sarah Bryan is enjoying a visit
from her sister, Mrs W Irwin, of Defl
ance, Iowa.
Mrs Cora Foster is enjoying a visit
from her brother, D V Monger, of
Barron, Wis.
Mary Barry left for lUadisod. Wis,
Thursday resume her studies at the
university there.
Gwendolin'Zulauf accompanied Mil
dred Pullen to her home at Crawford,
Nebr, to spend the holidays.
Mrs J M Barry and daughters Mary
and Bonny saw "Wm Collier" at the
Grand, last Friday evening.
Cnrtis Boler and little sister from
Bt Peter. Minn, sra tiara viuitinrr thai
grand parents Mr and Mrs John Boler.
J F Breslehan who has been visiting
relatives hero the Hast month rclnrnail
to his home at Pompey, N Y, Thurs
Jas Farlev was taken verv ill Ratnr-
day evening from eating oysters, a
poyaioian was called and lie was soon
out of danger.
Sheriff Hansen was in town Satur
day serving subpoenas for some
eases that were to be tried this wpk
in Dakota City.
Mrs Thos Hodgins jr has been seri
ously ill here at the home of her par
ents since Xmas. A trained nurse is in
attendance and she is reported as some
better. ,
Quite a few of the young folks went
out to Bart and Blanch Smith's Tues
dy evening to dance the old year out
and the.New Year in. Carpenter and
Heenan, of Vista, fnrnished the music.
Misses Josepine Dvey, Gertrude
narty, Mary and Bonny Barry and
Frances Sawyers and Messrs Shuett,
Thomas Murphy, of Homer, and John
P Davey of Emerson took in the club
dance at Ponca Tuesday evening,
Messrs J J McCarthy, Joe Davey,
Lee Senoenbuug, S A Wassumand Mr
Walbeck came down from Ponci Sat
urday evening and played a returu
game of checkers, but the Jackson
boys went down to defeat, loiing 10
games out of CO played.
Died December 90. '07. Mrs Ella
Burd, one of the respected pioneer
residents of St John's, She was born
in Philadelphia, Pa, sixty years ago,
coming to Nebraska with her parents
in 1856. She leaves to mourn her loss,
one son, Joseph, and two sisters. Mrs
John B Myers, of Homer, Nebr, Mrs
uoltam, 01 Reynolds, Ind and three
brothers, H 8, P H and M M Boyle
all of this place. The funeral was
held Monday at 9 o'clock, Mass of
requiem was oelebrated by Rev P F
McUartby. Interment was in St
John s oemeteiy.
Malcolm Jordan is quite ill with
lung lever.
Miss Gertie McKioley case over
new rears.
Elgie Smith of Sioux City was a
liomer visitor fiew Years,.
Maud Richards is home from her
ranche in Stanley Co, S D.
Eva Einnear and brother Warren
played for a danoe a Winnebago
mew lears.
Mies Eva Einnear returned to Dan
bury, Io, Friday where she will resume
tier work in the school room.
Miss Grace Russell, of Linooln, and
Miss Laura Knotte, of Sioux City, are
guests of their aunt, Mrs Dr Burke
this week.
Mr and Mrs Dr Burke returned
Monday from Gayville, South Dakota.
where they spent the holidays at the
jjynon noma.
Jimmie Allaway returned to Prim
rose, Nebr, Sunday, after spending
lArutmas here with his parents,
James Allaway and wife.
And now we must not forget that it
is 1908, and also not forget the 101
new leaves we turned over the very
first hour of tbe year, or perhaps it
was the day before.
Mrs H A Monroe, Miss Eva Einnear.
Peach and Mattie McKioley, Nelson
Smith, Alfred Harris and Frank
Combs, went down to Rosalie, to par
ticipate la the Ulson bunt.
Help Wanted.
Men or women to reiiraannt; Tho
American Magazine, edited by F P
Linnne ("Mr Dooley' Ida M Tarbell,
Linooln Steffens. etc. Straight prop
osition. Good pay. Continuing in
terest from year to year in business
created. Experience and capital not
necessary. Good opportunity Write
J N Trainer, 23 West 20th Street,
New Yerk.
Klrst Publication Jan a iw.
To James W. Hi atli, Charles Ainmeriiiitn,
William W. lnlmir, and Adellierl K, Jen
kins, non-residents of the State of Nehru..
iou, and eaeh of you, are hereby notified
that on the 17th ilny of May, HHT, Henry
Hradsltaw, ulalntirr. hied n oetltlmi In the
district eourt of Imkota enmity, Nebraska,
against you and other defendants, and on
iH,eemisri, IM17. lie tlleii his amended pe
tition therein, the object and prayer of
which action are to quiet the title of plain
tiff In ami to certain real estate ilcNcrtiuxi
as follows: Lots :jo. 111 ami iW, In block 7; all
of blocks and in, except lots :, :i ami i!2 In
nock in. all being In Martin's addition to
Mouth Mlotix Cltv. hiikolik eomitv. V..,i-u.
ka. Yon are required to answer sitld plead
ings ou or before the !tti day of February.
Dated at Dakota Cltv. N1I11 nsku 1I1L :tit
diiy of DecenilsT. Ili7.
IIknky HKAImiiAW. l'lalntlfT.
Klrst Publication IHe 13 4w.
In t he IImI rift I'lturt ,if ltnltrttn
Surah (i. I'utuiun (
vs. ' Notice.
Sides II. liitmnu. (
To Stiles II. IMitmnii. iifin-ruiil,,,,,
........... .. v "v
It-IHll J
court of Dakota county , Nebraska, the oil
Jcct and prayer of which are, that she be
granted an alwolute divorce from you ou
t he ground of wllfull ali.ence and desertion,
A oil are required to answer said petition
oTT or Is fore the tilth day of January, A. D.
DatedlhlsUth day of lvcemlsr, A. 1. Mor.
S A H A II I'. I'l TM N.
Wantorl I.ocal representative for Duko
IiaillCU ta City and vicinity to look
f.tii-i iviiv.ni, 1111,, ,ucrcuc
siilwcrlptlon lint of a prominent monttily
magHxinc, ou a salary and comiuNsloii bus-
l. k,r,u.,l....u.l,..l,iil,l.. .,,.....
(iood ouport unity for right person, Addrcsi
1... I.I 4 ii... r.,i , w
niainopm lu'ot estr aauox
sjub. jet) u.Cklns eoq sb Aunq
tv rarq sdoex; jorrj s aopscntdxa em
Aauoq ejjA sq Sfi avur naq.w
' -s.Mopu.
iliao ui eAaq Jujra jo sexofl "JI
uia q qjfnojql u "qsip JhnqsiiusS
joj sluris qwiujnj pun jnsoq jo Snx
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omj jo )UBd A"oBJBd XJiJqi v joj
jqSjloP Jejni !
Juimooiq esnjoad Jjeqj sjod ni -sjoop
-ti )UBd Suno eqj pu uedo
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ejs SBianjaj -Bqinora hbj eqi qSnojqi
iqisod B e;u joopino qonm SB )U8id
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soAuai pBap puu jo Bo3pntng
saiqB)o3aA aepue;
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