I WHY SAFE? I Because, it has ample capital, surplus and backing to I fully protect its deposits. Because, every safeguard known is here: burglar proof i vault, time locks, electric burglar alarm, ample burglary insurance that fully protects its funds and property night and day, and a dozen rifles, g shotguns and revolvers supplied the neighbors 8 of the bank. Because, it "knows how." Twenty-one .years experience with total losses less than fifty dollars, speaks i louder than words of watchful care gh'en its loans, I Because, not one dollar of its funds can beMoaned to its owners, relatives, friends (as friends), or used in 8 speculation or outside investments. Because, it deals with the safest class of people the farm- er, its loans are usually small, widely spread and ft fully secured. 1 Because, it carries no county, state or school deposits.. Because, its founder and owner gives it his entire time m and careful attention; with him the money of g 1iis depositors is a sacred trust. Because, (without which, all the preceding would be vhin and useless) , its owner was born honest and has 8 tried to live honest (and always within his means) , 8 has had the management of the bank for twenty- one years past and hopes and expects to manage fl it twice twenty-one years more. 1 here will be no - ' change in the ownership, management, principle 'or policies of the bank until death removes its founder. , j With grateful thanks to the many friends who have ( made my life a pleasant one and my bank successful, I am j Faithfully yours, El) T. KEARNEY. Jnclcson Nbr, R R Time Table Sioux City, Crystal Lake & Homer LEAVE LEAVE DAKOTA CUV SIOUX CITY 7:30 am . 8:v20ani 9:30 am 10:30 am 11:15 am 11:50 am 1:15pm 2:00pm 3:00 pi,...r 4:15 p m 5:15 p m & P m 0:40 pm 11:00pm Specul trip- for ptitw of lj or moro. Dakota City Lecture Course Under the auspices of the business men of Dakota City. C, St. f, M & O. Trains leave Dakota City at the fol k loving time: MOUTH BOUND. SOUTH BOUND. 7:04 pm Omaha 7:02 am 10 00 am Omaba 5:13 pm 3.37 pm Norfolk 8:18 am s'-.ii am Norfolk 5.32 pm 7 -28 am. . . . ..Newcastle 9 am 2i08pm 6:25 pm SUNDAY TrtAlNB. ....Omaba 7:04 am Norfolk 5:32 iAXNOUNCEMENTS. Janunry 2 Metropolitan Cotoert Co. January 25 li. B. Burton in Popular Lectures. March 10 Oibeon Carl, Character Change Impersonator. Reserved seat tickets (10 cents) on sale at store of S. A. Stinson. Season tickets adults 1.50, school children $1.25; admission at door adults 40c, school children 30o. Doors open at 7:30 p m, perform ance begins at 8:15. 7:02 pm. 3:37 ... C B & Q WEST To. 85 Local Freight . . . .7 :15 am 11 rasseuger, Omtba and Lincoln 12:47 pm EAST No 86 Local Freight' 2 :25 pm 10 Local Passenger . . G :2'J pm duily. daily except Sunday. I,oenl representative for DnUo tn City mid vWlnlly to look after renewals mm nn-i.-i-sulM.i-rlr.Uoii list of a prominent i'"""''' miitf.i.lne, on n salary ami oniiiilssioii I. s is. KxperletuMMleHl ruble, but not neees,niy. iiooa.ippoi iuiitty forrllit prrson. A.lilivs-i l'uhllxlK-r. itox.W. Btutloii O, New orW. Wanted Their action Is bo mild, the most deli cate person can use Dr. Miles' Nerve and tlver Pills. 60 doses 24 cent. (Subscribe for the Herald, the ppr in the county. $1 a year. Klopp & BarfloU Co. Omaha, Neb. 8m, Mp t'fyr-H ,ti..;?S:-:- vj -.fSn.'ia pay. I Ki-'fl Local Items 331. CO F. O.C.Omaha Quartd'sawad Oak drawor fronts. writing-bed ana aest-tow long, 32 Inch.sdeop. ou men.. n.... The price of S3I.BO tor sma ub unheard of We ere making of in.s particular desk, and de competition. You can't duplicate tnis Dargom, quality conataerea. robt cards at Van's. Sunday was the shortest day of the year. Fred Wool went to Kansas City Monday to spend the holidays. You will never get nervous if you drink Breun s coffee. anue.eude sells it. Miss Jennie Fsirwoather went to Aiiipii,i. Iowa. Sunday to spend the holidays with relatives. James Clark went to West Point, Nebr. Tuesday to spend Christmas with his sister, Mrs Stallborries. Stoves! Stoves 1 Stoves! Stoves at cost, for the next three weeks. Ed wards & Bradford Lumber Co, Dako ta City . best I The Christmas exercises at the churces this week were well attended and greatly enjoyed by tho little oues as well as the older persjus. Barney Gribble went to Custer ooanty the latter part of lust weak to Iook'after his interests iu that section. Ho spent Christmas iu Omaha with his sons. Anna Bogen, who has been doing stenography in Judge It E Evaiib' oftice for the past mouth, has resigned her position and gono to Iter Homo at Pauuua, lowa. Thehidies of the Salem W II & F 1I sn.-ietv will hold on oyster supper at the i-hutch on Friday evening Jan 3. 11)08, proceeds for endowment of India hospital bsd. Charley Bartels. who is employed us sttiuogrnphor for tho Ctidahy Packing company ut Omaha, ciunu homo to partake of tii" family Xnias dinner at the home of his parents, lie returned t Lis work Wednesday evening. Max Knick has gone to Stanton U P Matthews was a business visitor at 81 u, Iowa, Tuesday. Hops Jolmson and wife are spending the hulidajs at Cherokee, Iowa, Ten Farms for Sale. Good ones, al sizes ami kinds. Warner & Kimers Joe MeEIphree and family spent Christmas day with Sioux City friends, Clifford Jndd and wife, of Sioux Citv. spent Xnias at the M M Keam home. Bertha Hamilton is home from Lead. 8 D. for a holiday visit with her folks. Mrs Belle Ileahl aud two children of Ponca spent the week at the Sam Bouton home. S W Foltz and wife arrived homfi. Monday from Ottomwa, 8 D, having proved up on their claim. Charley Maxwell is home from Cbi- raoo for the holidays, lie is a stu dent at Bush medical college. M O Avres went to Cody, Nebr. Tuesday evening to spend Xmas with his daughter, Mrs Homer Skeen. Hamilton Uich and Bertha Bowman, residents of Walthill, were marriod by Rev W S Oberholtzer, last Friday. Miss Lizzie Kraemer came up from Alta. Iowa, last Thursday and is at the home of her sister, Mrs C M Gray. Andy Johns, of Homer, came lip Monday eveniug to spend Christmas with his daughter, Mrs Wesley Mo-Pheraon. Jtiv Bliven and family spent Christ- miis i t Wnlthill. Fred Stanard toaK ,'.n? p to on the Foye oar while he W US Utt ii . Mr and Mrs Tod Christophersqn were down from Croftoti, Nebr, last Friday and Saturday, and visited at the Boucher home. Mrs Erail Ladehoff, sister of Mrs Geo J Boucher, left Saturday for her home iu Omaha, after speuing a few months hero with relative. James Fueston, James Coughtry and Phil Bridenbaugh attended a meeting' of tho OAR post at South Sioux City last Saturday afternoon. George and Emery Learner and siter IVuil, who are students at tho Statu University, came up last Friday 1 1 spend the holiday vacation at their home. What is the reason that Vande Zedde sells so much Breun'a coffee? because it is the best that's the lea sou. All tho way from 20o to 40o poi pound. Try a package. li G Harvey and wife of Xew Hamp ton, Iowa, Frank Leuu and wife of Sioux Citv, and Will II Orr, wife and daughter of this prfcinct, spont Christmas ut the Wm Orr home north of town. A case of diptharia developed in thi Mell A Schmied family Tuesday morn ing, their uauguier uazei coming down with the disease. The family is now quarantined and it is hoped that the disease will spread no further. Mrs Margaret Tobey of Watertown, S D, and. her danghter Mrs Olive Smith, of Livingston, Montona. who have been visiting relatives here for the past three weeks, left for their homes last Saturday. One of onr fair young damsels re ceived a letter from her fellow the other day written on the type writer. The Herald for ALL the wiws: Mrs Laura Jay of Sioux City visited friends here Saturday night. Owrgia Niebuhr is home from Tern, Nebr, for the holiday vacation. Friiz Wasmilud is home from Chica bo. whero he went recently to vUit relatives. Joe Lindstrom and family of Sioux City, visited at the Lonox home Wed ncsday night. John Gray and wife were over from Sioux Citf and spent Xmas at the C M. Gray home. Mrs Harry Adair visited in Omaha a few days this week with her brothers, John and Ueorgn Mribbie. Miss Heline Newsome of Sionx City, visited soveral days last week with her sister, Mrs Lewis Larsou Wesley Mcpherson and family eat turkey, with nenry ri'grira and fami' ly at South Sioux City Christmas. Notioe Dear Header, if you owe Van de Zedde anything you ought to help him out, for he needs the money. Melford Niebuhr and Ellen Larson, of Pender, were united in marriage by Judge J J Eimers Tuesday. Mrs Roland B Orr left for Phillip, R D Monday to visit her daughter Lottie, who is recovering from a spell of sickness. Mr and Mrs Fred Dunsing entertain ed Herman Sundt aud wife, Ed Sundt and family and James Fisher and wife, Christmas day. Max Addller of Sioux City, and Addio M BeauViien, of Anthon, Iowa, were made husband and wife by Jtidge Eimers on Saturday. Have von tried a sack of the new flour at Van do Zeddo's? It is called "The Queen," and U warranted to be the best and the cheapest. y John and Walter Hilonian came ilomn Wednesday from Vesta, S D. where they each have a claim, and will spend the winter here. The W n and F M society of Salem church will meet with Mrs FT Cul bertson on Friday afternoon, Jan lOlh. A full attendance is desired. Ed Frederick, carrier on route 1, waH the recipient of several bushels of oats and about a barrel of apples from the patrons of his route Christmas day. Don't fail to attend the oyster sup per at the Salem church ou Friday evoniug Jan 3rd. The proceeds are for the Missionary society of tho church. Frank Blind and wife of Omaha, broiher-iu-law and sister of C M Grav, visited hero.' the first of the Week. They went from here to Lo.Mars, Io, to spend Chtistmas. Gretohon Bullock came up from Blair Nebr, labt week to remain at home during the holidays. She is at tending school at Blair and Btayiug at tho homo of Rev J G Shick. RE Evans has disposed of the Gus Bartels farm, just north of town, con sisting of 72 acres, to Will H Orr who takes possession January 10, '08. The purchase price was $113 per acre. All kinds of coal, feed and hay for sale at reasonablo prices. Fields & Slaughter Co. Thro E Bliven, Manager. Dakota City, Neb. The highest coHimendatmus Hard or Soft Coal, Coke or wood, whatever fuel you use, costs money. You have to pay so much for it, -whether you get all the heat out of it or not. If a stove wastes the fuel and only a part of the heat is extracted, your fuel bills are higher than they should be. It is there fore profitable for you to get a stove that will get nil the heat out of the fuel and not waste it. The "Genuine" Round Oak and the "Radiant Home" are the stoves that will do it ; even the smoke they send out of the chimney is clear, showing that the gases and soot have been burned and all the heat extracted. The comfort of a stove that is everything it ought to be; that gives heat; holds the fire; that lasts and is always good and efficient, is worth almost any cost. The Hound Oak and Kadhmt HoiUO are such stoves and arc a source of comfort in thousands of homes, and they will prove the sane in yours. There are imitations, be sure and see' the names of "Round, Oak" and "Radiant IIomc."(2El ForXSalc at 02 JL " fib FRITZ.WHEN VVOU BROUGHT THAT ROUND.OAK STOVE INTO TlHEv WOODS YOU. SPOILED MY WINTER NAP Fred Schriever & Co. NEB. 332 When joshed by the other" girls' that it from tho press with was too much like business, sne saia she did not care a snap as long as the correspondent meant business. The next number of the Dakota City Lecture course will be the popu lar high clai-s performance of the Met ropolitan Concert company. This musical number promises to be of rare merit und no one should fail to hear it. The date is very soon January 2, 19U8. The reuort of the farmers' Mutual come reference to th. Metropolitan Concert Co, coming to our city Jan, 2nd. Buy your tickets at S A Stinsous' earlv so as to be sure of nrgood scat. Kev Luther P Ludden D D of Lin coin. Western Secretary of Home Missions, will sneak at the Lutheran church iu Dakota City on Sunday ivenintr Jan 5th. Remember the date aud come to hear him wi hont fuil. If any of our subscribers desire the address changed on their Herald by Insurance comoauv of Nebraska, show- reason of tho establishment or change ing what the state agents have done made in tho rural routes, or for any the past yenr, credits John W Hazle- other reason, just drop us a postal anil prove with having written $83,445 in- the chaugo desired and it will be mode. stiraneo. Pretty geod showing for what little time ho has given to the business. IF IT'S USED IHflil OFFICE , SEE US Office Furniture Dc.k!.; Standing Uk. Uiairt. I ablcn. Write fur iaial'.g. Ct;rtorv Pen. Ink. Pencil. Tyre- maiimjyi j writer Suppliet.Slotk hook, D-Irttinor Catalog, Br.cU. booki luih kubher Uand. Uose.Leal Uookj, and thou ,and ol i,mcvinidiite.. iKh n"d In youiolhie every uy. Write lor Catalog.1 T 0-nl TUankS We have the only Legal. Legal OlrtUtVa ,.nk Denarlnienl in (Tn'ilha and .hiporueri ame day a teieived. rite fur laUlug Pamphle!, I.....L. iiu-h al vnur luiai . .!.,.. i do. Git our quotation; uur oriie arc low, quality lonndtrcd. Lithographing Jr0 ' pffi u i liJihead Card', Check. llondu, Ltc W me '' P"4" ,nd mPl,:- Book Binding I1,cniJ hcok,. Intr.cate Ruling; Magaxnw Uind.nt d Kcbindin ul every dennpuon. Filing Furniture 0b,dr,!;iB,or,i:!:g ciirriMK'iidiine, Cerd-ladc tamnti., Cae lor hume urillii. u.c. Legal lilauk laiunei. lor our ample buuk.el uf l)ptnlr l-tytr kimncta. Typewriter Paper ; Klopp 6 Bartlett Co. Tiial citarrh trf attnenta are lvmg . . . . i I .. n mailed out tree, on iiciu-m, hv wi hoop, R I'-iue. Win, Thiselcsts af. nviiiK to th" ptoph without .1 .i . . ..(.... , . . . ...i i.v u ivist i no creai vaiu ui ci 'litilie presciiitii'U know n to iliui; isH everywhere us riux'p tarrh Rtmedy. aold iy aw ueuieis. A merchant iu a Wisconsin town who had a Swedish clerk sent him out to do some collecting. When J.hn r turned from an unsuccessful, trip ho rptmrted: "Yira oi)son Bay ho will oav ven ha sells his hogs. Yiru .Smith he vill pay ven he sell bam wheat and Tom Youes say ho vill pay in lnuua rv." "Well', said the boss, "That's the first time Tom ever set a iimeiy pay. Did he really Hay ho would fay in January?" "Veil ayo tank so, said the clerk. "Ho say it ban a cold dav ven von eet that money, I tank that ban in Yauuary." When the stomajh, heait, or kid nc-v nerves get weak, then tlioso or gas always fail. Don't drug tho Kt'iinach. nor cumulate the neart or kidneva. That is simply a makeshift (et a prescription kuov n to druggists everywhere as Dr bhoops !S:storative The restorative is prepared expressly for these weak inside nerves, build them ut) with Dr Shottp's R 'storativ tableU or lmuid and see how nuicklv help ill come, Free samtl tit mmt rn rprillnut liv Dr KllOOII. 11a : V....- 1 Ul. i.unr.ilv wnrlll lAlAa)S Clue, vi ib. ivui uvniiu ivffuivj v. , , , , n i i . tu. fiimrletest. uure. bold by all dealers Among the latest society fads is a "whito tlephant" party. Every guest is expected to take something that is of no use. It, is said that unlooked for developments broke up a party in a Missouri town the other night of nineteen women present, eleven brought their husbands. Helen Orr eamo homo lust Thursday from Sio ix Palls, rt D, where she is ttenliiif All Saint's school, aud will end th i holiday vacation at home Margaret Tietiken, of lhmenteel, one f her schoolmates, accompanied her oidh und remained, there Thursday lit, leaving for her home Friday. When iu the city, Sunday or any other day, go to tho Kozy Studio, fur nine nice small and la'ge photos. We make them iu stamps, post il cards, bii-fU, groups, etc. Any thing in the photo Hii" uta very low price. Ail i oil. l urn 'uuteed. Kozy Hti dio, B"4 Douglus Street, Sioux City, Io. Max Kuick aud little Henry lvrum- wiedn were released from St Joseph's Lost.il al last Saturday, having about recovered from tho effect of the cuts aud bums received at the time of the explosion and tiro that i!o-t oyol the Krum wiedo liome. Mell A Schmied, the other victim, is recover ing rapf lly und is now able to leave tlio house. It was 'a miraculous es cape for all the victims. , tickling cwigh, from any cause, is qiu'kiy B'oppea uy lr buooi Couch Cure. And it is k throughly harmless and safe, that Dr Shoop tells mothers -very nere to give at with- lt hisitatiou, ever to very youcg babes. The wholesome green h aves and tender stems of a lung-healing monntauious shrub, furnish the cura tive properties to Dr Shoop'a Cough Cure. It calms the cough, und heals the sore aud sensativo bronchial mem branes. No opium, no chloroform, nothing harsh used to injure or sup press- Simply a resinous plant ex tract, that helps to heal aching lutigst. The Spaniards call this nhrub which tho Doctor uses, "Tho Sacred Herb." demand Dr Shoop'a Cough We have a few steel ranges left. They are of the best make aud fully guaranteed. To close them out, we offer them for the next two weeks only for wholesale pi ice. Your personal or cashier's check is good here. Fred Schriever & Co. Searle Lanson, of Sioux City, who u na visitintr at the Ceo Harnett home this week, was bitten in the face by Htnry Krumweide's bulldog Wed nrH!uv evening. This is the third child that has been bitten by this worthless cur and if people are bound In harbor such vicious dogs it is time that some ono bring a damage suit for tho trouble ho has caused. Ths Dakrta City lecture courso this year is ptoviug to bo of more than usual merit. Again on Jan 2nd. wo shall have the pleasure of hearing a most delightful musical number, tbe Metronolitan Concert Co, with Mr A Itnn Coiidit. inmersonator, singer and whistler, with Miss Hule, reader and soloist, ami Miss Suow, soprano. The Bureau says: "In building and pre- seutinir this company we have no ama teurs to upologi.o for. It is truly a company with great possibilities and with the experience of the vaiious members wo feel absolutely certain of their entire suecosa". Como and heur them without fail. fro.- . . r .iipnl win I ,i 9. J. 118 JJlllrlUIIB l"1"1 Hiirunna happy surprise on the carrier, V, J (Docl Mclvoinau, Tuesday alter noon while he was patiently making the rounds of the boxes with his load of Christma preetiiig from distant friends und relatives of the route pat ron. Whi-n "Don" arrived at the Hhus Ostmeyer homo he found in4he mail Ixix a cordial mvitation to come to the house and eat a lunch. He eamo . When ho entered tho house tie was taken off his feet'when Mis Ost mever, ou behalf of the patrons of the routi. presented him with a handsome Kangaroo fur coat and a fur robe, for the fuithfal manner iu which he has served the route since its establish merit, seven years u go. "Loi tuor oughlv appreciates the splendid gift coming as it did from tho frieud he meets almost daily, ami when he thinks of the frosty luomirips ahead of him, the "smile that won't wear iff will grow atill broader. George and Frank Hasse were home from Emerson for Christmas. Fred Huahert was at Winnebago Thursday attending to bnsina.u matters. Horace Engeler., sou of n D Enge- len is down from Kadoka, 8 D, for the holidays. Henry Niebuhr, of Pender, was a Christmus visitor here with his brother George. Grace! Wilbur leaves Saturday morn ing lor Ijob Atigeief, uaiiiornia, io pend the winter. Mrs Charity Hart went to Homer yesterday, to visit a few days with Mrs C J O'Connor. Mrs W Timet is hero from Chicago visiting her sister, Mrs C II Maxwell and other relatives. Go to Van's for your proceriep he handles nothing but the best, aud his prices are reasonable. Joe Davis of Homer and Mies Dora Goetsch of South Sionx City visited with Myrtle Peterson Sunday. Theodore Bliven was the recipient of a Hue Christmas turkey from his employers, Fields & Slaughter. Joe Phillips and wife cme dewn from Canington, N D, to spend the holidays with relatives hereabouts. Mrs Lewis Larson and littlo broth er, Willie JNewsoire, spent; t.;nrisimas day with relatives at North Riverside. W F Schlieve and Luura M Howard, both f?f this precinct, were joined iu marriage by Rev. G E Vuu Hageu, Wednesday. Geo McBeath,. wife and daughter, Dorothy, and Mrs Gertie Rest of Homer, peut Christmas here at the Mrs McRcath home. Mr and Mrs Jamts Coughtry and family of Salem, Geo Roith and wife, of Lytton, Iova, ate Xmas dinner with Chas Coughtry and wife. Have you tried tho Sultanua and Tac-co brands of canned goods? Van sells them. These goods have stood the test of the pure food law. Everybody owing me will please call und settle, as I wont to g-t my business affairs iu shape before Jan. 1st 11108. D 0 Stinson. For Sale ono extra good mare, eight wars old. weight about 1,230; and one good all around horse. FltKD JACOBHON, Dakota City, Nebr. To check a cold quickly, get from your (trugpist some little Candy Cold Tablets called X'reventica. imiggists T 11.. .' evi rytMiero are now dispensing in- votics, for they aie not only sale, but deilidedly effective and prompt. Fie- ventics contain no quinine, no laxitive, nothing hiush nor siokiiing. Taken at the "sneeze stage Prevent ics will pro- vent pm uuiouiu, broucliltis, la grippe, etc. Hence tho name, l'leveuties. Foo l for feverish children. 18 Pre- ventics '2"i cent. Trial boxes 0 eel.ts. Sold by all dealers. Proprietor of' " ' City Bf ai B2a.rk.et Fresh and Salt Meats always on hand . Caeh paid for hides. Agent foi Seymour's White Laundry, Lauudry basket goes Tuesdays and comes back Saturdays HAKOTA NEBRASKA i PAUL PIZEY, ALFRED PIZEY, 'Dakota Citi Nib. lStVy 6 fS 608 Metropolitan Blk. Bonded : Absfjacter ! siouxcity. iowa pARM LOANS OakotaClty So Slum We have plenty of Money to Loan at a low rate of interest on Dakota county Farms. We also Sell and Buy Real Estate of all kinds on eartn . bee or write us ueiore you jiorrow, Jjuy or oeu. Lis! your proporty ' with ua to Sell, f"" a it a i A 1 Real rflKM 1 AIMII arvwheie Notice. All people that aro interested in tho Tuylor cemetery are r qiiented to mf it at the Suleni church ou luesilay, Ifa e.ember lllst, at 1 :".(), for tin purpose of uiiiiiiiiitiiig u sexton and treasurer, ami to transact any other iiusitiii-s tuat may como up. Fred liurtolH, W S Oberholtzer. y , Common Prudence. teacher iu a down-town school has for her linnils the children of Russian nareiilM. The other ilay sUo was ex nluininir a sum in subtraction which the little ones found ilillicult to under stand. Now." sai l she to exemplify the i.roimsition. stmiiose 1 liud leu dollars and went into u store to rpend it. Snv I bought a hat for Uvo dollars Then I spent two dollars lor gloves, and a dollar and lifty conts lor some other thiutrs. How much did I have left?" For a moment there was a dead si leueo. 1 hen a boy s hand went up Well. Isaac, how much did I have leftV Vy didu't you couut your change Said Isitao 111 a disgusted tone. Wouiuu's Homo Companion. For Sale or 't rade. A 16 horse power compound traction enelne. 1 liave sold my mreauing machine to D Appleton ami have Uns engine left, wlich is in good workiug order. C M Guav, Dakcta City, Nebr IN THE COMING ELECTION TEAR w!lh iu teroe intereat in ina trust, iho tariff, the railroad politic generally and political pcrtooage, the Review oi Review will ba doubly valuable to you. 25 cents a Copy TH B AMERICAN REVIEW, T t tUHTHlW 53.00 a Year The Review of Reviews tiers busy people an education In current events that b con cise, comprehensive and authoritative at a minimum cost of time, cftort and money ALL THE MAGAZINES IN ONE J With Dr. Albert SUw' monthly " Progress of the World." with tho cartoon history ol the month, with the timely contributed article on just tha.auotion you are interested in, with the gist oi the really impor tant article of all trie oll.er mags zinct of the world served up to you, and review of new book ono can keep intelligently up with tho time at a minimum cost of time, effort and money. WE WANT REPRESENTATIVES in every community to tale subscriptions and sell our book offer. Lib oral commission and cah prizia. A fine chance to build up per manent aud profitable busincu in yout home town. Write to-day to THE REVIEW OF REVIEWS 13 ASTOIt PLACE, NEW YORK KcKim 503 CO. r. 1 it is JtLPeiiciotxs Vl fm 13 XJT coffee: i 25 cents per Pound. lilonded and packed from carefully neleotcd coffee Ly 12 arris KilBoxirrc. Wo. 6 Front St. Homer, Neb