The Family siaan Hie best medicines in the world cannot take the place of the family physician Consult him early when taken.lll. If the trouble is with your throat, bronchial tubes, or lungs, ask him about taking Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Then take it or not, as he says. A Wo publish our formulas 9 W bantih ftleohol from our madiolnM W ur yon to eoDBuit yiur doctor yers Bilious attacks, sick-headaches, indices tion, constipation, dizzy spells these Are some of the results of an inactive liver. Ask your doctor if he endorses Ayer's Pills in these cases. The dose is small, one pill at bedtime. 'Mulo by Xhm t. C. Ay Co., Lowoll, Hut. AUTUMN Special Rates Cheap Une-Way Colonist Pates Daily during October to Pacific Coast and far west points at about half rates. ( To the East The low rate Jamestown Exposition tickets can be used fqr your Autumn trip to New York. Boston, and other Eastern cities. These are the last cheap rates of the reason. Homeseekers Excursions Cheap rate excursions the first third Tuesdays of each month Autnmn to Kansas, Oklahoma, and this the (Julf country, . Colorado, Wyoming, Big norn Basin, tun i nnd tin Northwest. Utah, v"!r NHrt!sfi iiiidersi-Tp. .1 . ugeut to write the Big Horn Bas'n and Billings District Wo run personally con ducted, cheap rate homeseekers ex cursions to help you to locate on ir rigated lands' at the lowest prices. Join me on these excursions. No charge for services. Wiite D. Clem Deaver. agent Burlington Landseekers Burean, Omaha. CALL OR WRITE FOR DETAILS. DAHOTA 0IT3T, NEB L. W. WakkleV, G P A, Omaha, Neb 'SEEGJSll BUCKBEE'S SEEDS SUCCEED! 1 SPECIAL OFFER: Made to balld New Rmlira. A trial Will imim vnu nnr Dermfijient customer. H the flnMt Tanla, iplimdid ; Oatoa, t bet ni 1 r If K1IM1. I OMMNn, Writs to-day z Mention this Paper. rSEND It) CENTS " totmtpmw uid pMtln, u noiln thU YalnaM. la.trac-ttrs, Beautiful Se a4 Plant Back, lUa all (boat tt Jiw tuIMIm oi BeM rusu, . H.W. Buekbes. ))R. C H. MAXWELL, Physician and Surgeon. Calls promptly attended DAKOTA CITY, NEBRASKA W. C. Eck.Kok.rt Scientific Refractionist. . Spectacles and Eyeglassea Accurately litted. Coi ialtatioo and Examination Free. Office at residence. O'HTACITY, NEBRASKA Heart Strength Heart Btrenirth, or Heart Weaknesp. meant Nerve Ftrwiuth, or Nerve Wiaknesn nottiln more. ros. IHmla. . not one weos nan ui a uunureu i, m It 1 almost always a ki.i,i..n tin flttlH nerve that rnally 1 all at fault. Thl olwoure nerve tha Cardiac, or ilrt Nerva Imply need, and most have, more power, more Bbillir. more controlling, more governing tabilliy, Btreiigth. Without that the unan miii coniiuue to Ull. and the tumiach and kidueja alao have thene iaiue controulng nervei. Thli rlniirlT ii.iuim whv at a medicine. Dr. Phoou'i K,..t,imti v Iihi in the Da8t ione to much for weak and ailing Heart. Dr. Hhoop fint kought the cauae of all thin painful, palpitating. nutfoniU lng heart distresu. lit. 8hooi'i hotoratlve thla popular prescription it altgie directed to then weak and wasting nerve tentara. It bulldti it Mrcmrthcna; it off -n real, genuine heart help. If ou would have strum Ihiarti. fitroiig dl nation. ttreiiRtluii thu Jiervun ro-e.uibUii tiniii tit needed, with IDr. Sluoop's Restorative i mm ' n i we IT "ALL DEALERS" R R Time Table Sious City, Crystal Lake ft Homer LEAVE LEAVK 3 A ROTA CUT RIOFX CITY 7:30 a m 9:00 am 9:30am 10:15am 11:00 am 12 m 1:30 pm 2:30 p m 3:30 p m 4:30 p m , 6:3C p ra 6:15 p m 7:30 pro 9:00 p m Special trips for parties of 15 or more. C, St. P., M.ft O. Trains leave Dakota City at the fol louring time: (OHTH BOUSD. SOUTH BOUND. 5:52 pm Omaha 7:35 am 10:00 am Qmabs 5:13 pm 3 :37 pm .Norfolk 8:20 am 9:01 am Norfolk 5.32 pm 1 :58 am Newcastle 10 :00 am i :08 pm "' 6:08 pm 8CNDAT TrtAINB. 5:52 pm. .Omaha 7 :35 am 3:37 ,.. Norfolk 5:32 C B ft Q WEST - No. 85 Local Freight 7:15 am 11 " Passenger, Omaha and Lincoln 12 :47 pm EAST No. 86 Local Freight 2 :25 pm 10 Local Passenger" . . 6 :29 pm tail 1ftilv ATnnnt Similar. J ' r- 1- Dakota City Lecture Course Under the auspices of the business men of Dakota City, ANNOUNCEMENTS. December 17 The New Bam P. Jones, Donton O. Crowl. January 2 Metropolitan Concert Co. January 25 B. B. Burton in Popular Lectures. March 10 Oibeon Carl, Character Change Impersonator. Reserved seat tickets (10 cents) on ale at store of S. A. Stinson. Season tickets adults $1.50, school children $1.25; admission at door adults 40c, school children 30o. Doors open at 7:30 p m, perform- nce begins at 8:15. Subscribe for The Herald -$1 per year. M O Ayres was an Omaha visitor Monday right. Esther ' Boss sprained her ankle quite badly Monday evening. Don't forget Breun's coffee it is still in the lead. For sale at Tac de Zedde's. See the pnblic sale announcement of A J Mitchell in this paper. The date is December 12. Mrs H P Crozier and Mrs August Richman were visitors at Homer Sun day at the O J O'Connor home. , Mrs Helen E Weeks and daughter returned to Rosebud, S D, Sunday, where Mrs Weeks is assistant post master, i Fred Hnghert and wife have return ed from Hubbard precinct, where they were assisting the lteam boys on the Hart farm. W A Neimeyer returned to Emerson Wednesday to finish up a few jobs of painting there, which will take a couple of weeks yet . Dut Hagenbottem, an old Dakota county boy, was here from Sturgis, H D, Monday, calling on old acquaint ances. He went down to Walthill to visit his uncle, Caleb Lane, and fami- A E Waldvogle was down from Newcastle a couple of days this week looking after his property interests here. He expects to move to Colora do with his family in the spring, hav ing takan np land there. Denton O Crow, who was to lecture on November 18, will return on De cember 17 to give his popular imper sonation of Sam P Jones. This is a very high grade entertainment, so don't fail to hear him at the M E church. .A J Mitchell was down from St John's precinct Tuesday and had bills printed at this office announcing the sale of his personal property which will be sold next Thursday, Di-cember 12. Mr Mitchell expects to leave soon for the Ozark mountains in Missouri to raako Lis future boms. Trial catarrh treatments are being mailed out free, on request, by Dr KhooD. Ilicine. Wis. TheBe tests are proving to the. people without a uenuv's cost the great value of this scientific prescription known to drug gists everywhere as Dr Shoop s Ca tarrh Remedy. Sold by all dealers. Frank U fling, of Hubbard, missed a valuable colt last Thursday, and gave Sheriff Hansen a description of the horse and had postal cards seut broadcast offering a reward of $75 for the capture of the thief and the return of the oolt. After a few days searoh hefouud the horse near his own home, and now all is lovely. The Foye street car met witn a rou- hap last Thursday afternoon at tue Sioux Citv denot. Alter leaving tue combination bridge the car was rolling on the down (trade to the depot when the brake failed to work, letting the light gasolene car collide with a heavy coach which was standing on the truck at the depot. The front of the car was badlv damaged, and a few of the passengers were severely snasen np. When the stomaah, heart, or kid nev nerves get weak, then those or nana alwavs fail. Uon I ilrng tue stomach, nor stimulate the heart kidneys. That is simply a makeshift Get a prescription known to druggist everywhere us Dr Bhoop's Restorative, The restorative is prepureu expressi for these weak in&ide nerves, build them np with Dr Shoap'g Restorative tablnts or liquid and see how quickly help ill come, Free somplo test sent on renuest by Dr Khoop, It cine, Wis. lour health usurely worth I this siurle test. 1 Local Items House to rent Inquire of Tall Piaey. William Armonr was over from Sioux City Tuesday. John E Miles has moved liH family Here from Moux laty to reMde. Frank Boss, of Emerson, spent the past week here with his btother. Fred Schriever is having the found ation of his hardwire store repaired Diek Waldon was np from Pender Tuesday night at the Mell Schtnied home. w w llcninger, county assessor elect, whs down from Jackson Satur day on business. Mrs Charity Hart arrived here Fri day from Loug Beach, Wash, to l.ok after her property interests. Hilda Williams, who has b?en vis iting her Bister, Kide Ream, teturned to her home at Waterbury Thursday Mr M A Tobey, of Watertown. 8 D, spent a few days here this week with her parents, Col J F Leedotu and wife. Henry Wood and wife spent a few asiys the latter part of last week at Woodbine, Io, with their daughter. Mrs Li J man Y hite. Have you tried the Sultanna and Tao-co brands of canned goods? Van soils them. TheBe goods have stood the test of the pure food law. Everybody owing me will please call and settle, as I want to g-t my business affairs iu shape before Jan. 1st 1908. D O StissoN. Willie Newsome brother of Mr Louis Larson, who had his knee in- jcir-i i i the Foye street oar oolhsiou ! Thursday, has about recovered I fiuiu his injuries. If The nerald plousos jou and you are satisfied with it as a newspaper tell yonr neighbor who is not getting it and get him to take it. If you do not like it tell us and lot 14s do the doctoring. v Thos Graham has returned from Ballngh, Neb, where biv-WCtt recently to look the country over with a view of purchasing some real estate. He wasn't exactly suited with the pres ent conditions of the country. The opeu meeting by the ladies of the Missionary society of the Luther an church held on Thanksgiving eveu ing was favorably received by all who were present. The society deserves credit for these annual programs so fraught with helpful spiritual informa tion concerning the great work of the church in 01 hi' lands. On Wednesday noon at the Luther an parsonage, Itev W 8 Oberholtzer officiating, Earl P Frazer and Miss Luella Maxwell, both popular young people of Nacora, were united in holy matrimony. The beautiful and im pressive ring ceremony was used. They now expect to make their futnre home at Nacora. Their many friends join in wishing them a long and happy married life. A tickling cough, from any cause, quickly stopped by Dr Shoop's Couch Cure. And it is so throughly harmless and safe, that Dr Shoop Mis mothers everywhere to give it with out hesitation, ever to very yoncg babes. The wholesome green leaves nd tender stems of a lung-healing mountanions shrub, furnish the cura-4 tive properties to Dr Shoop s Cough Cure. It calms the cough, and heals the sore and sensative bronchial mem branes. No opium, no chloroform, nothing harsh used to injure or sup press Simply a resinous plant rx- ract, that helps to heal aching lungs. The Spaniards call this shrub which the Doctor uses, "The Sacred Herb." Always demand Dr Shoop's Cough Cure. Sold by all dealers. PUBLIC Having decided to remove irom trie state, 1 will oiler all my personal property for sale, at my JACKSON, Thursday, Dec. 12, 1907 7 Head Of Horses One 1.400 lbs.; One black horse, 7 span of grey horses, 8 years old, One brown horse, 9 years old, team, 7 years old, weight 800 lbs LJ Head OI uaiiie rive One 3-year-old heifer; One, 2 - year One Durham bull. 00 Head of Hos. THREE WAGONS One new 3 new 3K hi. farm wagon; One One 2-seatcd spring wagou. One new top buggy. Five sets of Harness one Concord harness, two sets of backhand harness, five nets, two riding cultivators, one row Erway cultivator, one corn two 2-section drags, one endgate inch.two walking 6tirring plows, as rftw, two hay racks, two four horse discs, one Champion mower, ot) rods ol uiwood n; wire lencing, .5 leet lngli, one buggy shed, one binder shed, one hog shed 16 feet wide and 48 feet long, 2,000 bushels of corn, one cook stove, good as new, one new heating stove, other household goods too, numerous to mention. 10 dozen Plymouth Rock chickens. Sale begins at 10 a m. lroo Lunch at Noon Terms, une year s time, approved security. II. O. DORN Auctioneer. A. J. MITCHELL, 6wtvcr The Heiald for all tb wsw: vurin 11 unven or tsionx Litv ws hrre on business Thursday. Old papers for sale at the Herald office 5 cents per hundred. Subscribe for the Herald, the best papsr in the county, fl a year. Miss Edna Durland spent Thanks giving vaoation at Flaiuview, Ntbr. Ten Farms for Sale. Good ones, al sizes and kinds. Warner & Eimers. 1 ry a pacsage 01 coiree at van tie' Zedde's, where you get a present wilh ever package. Dean Cornell returned Monday to Moux" rails, I), to resume his col lege stuJies there. STRAYED OR STOLEN Red heifer calf about sis: months uld Finder please notify William Orr, sr uave you tried a sack or the new flour at Van de Zedde's? It is called "The Queen, and is warranted to be the best and the cheapest. County Treasurer Fred Blum this week redeemed two more railroad bonds, numbers 74 and 75; leaving just fifty more of the refunding bonds outstanding. What is the reason that Van de Zedde sells so much Breun's coffee? Because it is the best that's the rea son. All the way irom auo to 4Uo per pound. Try a package. All kinds of coal, feed and hay for sale at reasonable prices. Fields ei Slaughter Co Thko E Bliven, Manager Dakota City, Neb. Mr and Mrs Howard Crozier enter tained the young folks last Friday evening in honor 01 Mis (Jroziers brother, Robert A Woods, who is home from from LaC'rosse, Wash, to spend the winter. We have a few steel ranges left. They nro of the best make and fully guaranteed. To close them nut, we of ft r them for the next two weeks only for wholesale prioe. Your personal or cashier's check is good here. Fr-d Schriever & Co. Arthur Seymour came down Thurs day morning from Ryder, S D, where be and Ins brother Alfred, of this place, each have a farm. He reports fairly good crop raised in North Da- kotii the past year, nnd the wrather so far has been very mild about the same as we are eiioyng here. The Foye street oar has been mak- ng an early morning trip for the past few weeks, leaving here at 6 o'clock and returning at 7, to accommodate the force of workmen employed by the ConBun ers lee compauy, which is erecting an ice schnte and several arge ice houses at Crystal lake. The Nebraska experiment stat'on has just issued Bulletin No 101 which gives complete all the yearly roourds made by the dairy herd for the past ten years, also the method of finding the cost of milk and butter fat pro duction. This long test brought out n a conclusive manner some very im portant findings. Residents of Ne braska wishing the bulletin, may ob tain it free of cost by writing to the Agricultural Experiment Station, Lin coln, Neb. ' To check a cold nuiaklv. cret from your orngdist some littlfe Candy Cold Tablets called Preventics. Druggists everywhere are now dispensing Pre ventics, for they ate not only safe, but dedidedly effective and prompt. Pre ventics contain no quinine, no lnxitive, nothing harsh nor sickning. Taken at the "sneeze stage" Preventics will pre vent pneumonia, bronchitis, la grippe, eto. Hence the name, Preventic-B. Foo'1 for feverish children.. 48 Pre ventics 25 cents. Trial boxes 5 cents. Sold by all dealers. AUCTION! farm,. about 3 miles north of NEBRASKA v black horse, 8 years old, weight years old, weieht 1,400 lbs.: One weight. 1,100 and 1,200 lbs Weight 1,400 lbs.; One driving each. cows, tnree ircsn miicn cows; - old heifer in calf; Five calves; in. farm wagon; One nearly low farm wagon. set of buggy harness, two sets of sets of fly walking cultivator, one . three planter witli 180 rods of wire seeder, one riding stirring plow, 16 16 - inch, one bicycle cost $30,goo ss witu iu per cent jnterest on ED T. KEARNEY. Clerk. (I Hard or. Soft Coke or wood, whatever fuel you use, costs money. You have to pay so much for it, whether you get all the heat out of it or not. If a stove wastes the fuel and only a part of the heat is extracted, your fuel bills are higher than they should be. It is there fore profitable for you to get a stove that will get all the heat out of the fuel and not waste it. The "Genuine" Round Oak and the "Radiant Home" arc the stoves that will do it ; even the smoke they send out of the chimney is clear, showing that the gases and soot have been burned and all the het extracted. The comfort of a stove that is everything it ought to be; that gives heat; holds the fire; that lasts and is always good and efficient, is worth almost any cost. The Hound Oak and Kadiant Home are such stoves and are a source of comfort in thousands of homes, and they will prove the same in yours. There are imitations, be sure and see the names of "Round Oak" 'and "Radiant Home." For Sale at Fred Schriever DAKOTA CITY, Jay Bliven bad his foot badly xubL ed Tnesdny by droppiog a heavy iron on it. He has been confined to hie home since the acoidont. Mrs Lo"g, of Siou City, mother of Mrj Kate Nordyko, and Mrs John Thompson, of Silver Plume, Col, were hern Weduesday visiting friends. Jos Foye is this week hauling steel with winch to extend the street oar iue to the linrlingtoo depot. When this is completed the ear will meet tho Burliogton trains. For Sale one ettra good, mare, eight years old, weight about 1,250; nd one good all around horse. Fued Jacodson, Dakoca City, Nebr. Rev Oberholtzer, who was on the sick list the fore part of the week, is wt-ll again and will fill his regular ap pointments next Sunday, at Salem in the morning and at Dakota City in the eveumg. Tbe Ladies Aid society of the M E church will hold a bazar and supper at the MBA hall, Dakota City, Thursday afternoon and evening, De cember 12, 1907. Supper will be served at 6 o'clock. All are invited. Don't fail to hear Denton O Crowl on Tuesday evening, Decamber 17th. His work this season is meeting with warm enthusiasm everywhere, and to miss hearing his splendid lecture will mean a Iohs to you. The young people of the Emanual Lutheran Sunday school will serve a mipper ou the Y W O.A plan this (Friday) evening, at the old Hotel uilJiug. Supper served from D to 10 o'clock. Everybody invited. Mrs August Rishman. formerly Miss Mary Oesterling, arrived here Satur day from her home at Seward, Neb, and spent a few days visiting old friends hereabouts. blie went to Yankton, S D, Tuesday to visit her sister there. If any of our subscribers "desire the address changed on their Herald by reason of the establishment or changes made in the rural mutes, or for any other reason, just drop us a postal and tbe change desired and it will be made. Wm Vann had a very narrow escape from having his foot taken off in a hay press that he was feeding at the Cornell place last week. His foot be came caught in the press, but it was stopped just in time to save it from being amputated. Wm Lorenz and family visited at Lawton, Iowa, from Friday until Sun day evening with relatives and triends, M ra Lorenz brother has jtiat returned from a two years sojourn in the Phil opines, doing army duty, and the visit was theneby greatly enjoyed. Real Estate Transfers. N F llariM'ti nnd wlfo toOhrlNtlnn Kr- lksi'ii. m-l4, n'-j lie;- and HtJ im't Neo tlim 4-iJ7-M, wit 12TiC0 Kit T Ki-Hfiiey nnd wlf to K W tun nnd K W Koxe, lot 1 in tlix-k if, FlrHt uiltlltloii to Houth Moux City, nod lli'iuy Kniniwli'du nnd wlf to I) M NrlHWiinKiT. n'jlot 5 in block 173. Da kota (JHv.wd 350 J t liiirHOii to Juddkl'll, wxt 60 fi't of lot n and witHt o" iut of south 10 f-et of lot f lu hliM k 8, Hmlth's Addi tion to lloinor, wil 625 Lutheran Church Announcements. Preaching Sunday morning at Sa lem at 11:00 o'clock, Sunday school at 10:00: C E at 8 n m. Preaching at Dakota City 7:S0p ra, J ii, o:dU, nunuay scnooi at 9:45 a m, Mission Band at 3:00 p m A cordial welcome to all. Two Dollais After December 1st. l'07 The Omaba Daily News wixhes to announce to our readers thtt, owing to the increased price of labor, printmg material paper, ink, etc, they will raise the price of The News (without Sunday) to $2.00 per year after De cember 1, 1907, or $2.b0 for the Daily and Sunday. , ihey will ecoept 1 1. 50 for a year s subscription (without Sunday) or t'i 00 for the Daily and Sunday editions from new or old readers all during the month of November, 1907. 11 you are takmg The News you hod better renov now and they will extend your suhsoiption a whi le year, no matter when your time expires. If you are not uow a reader we urge you to subscribe during this month and thus save 60o on the subseriptioa price. They sIho wish to announce that they ' will send The Omaha Farm Magazine one whole year free to all s .li'cribera, new or rcuewtil that orJir during this month. Send all subscriptions to The Oma ha Daily News, or hand to the pub lit her of this paper. Coal cannot dodge the fact that winter is close upon us. Better get that Heating stove you are in need of now. We can show you the Garland, Ideal Leader and Prize Oak, in fact we have stoves for any purpose, also a good line of Ranges. Call and see them. Edwards& Bradford Lbr. Co Hubbard, GEO. TIMLIN, Kanaser. Wm LrOEtEKTZ, Proprietor of City KleGt Klsurikot Fresh and Bait Meats always Agent foi Seymour's White Lanndry. Laundry basket goes Tuesdays and comes back Saturdays DAKOTA CITY-. I General NercKBcndlse I j Live I Market price paid Hubb 1 ' PAUL PIZEY, 1 ALFRED PIZEY, Dakota Citu Nib. L.2tWyCrS 608 Metr0PIilan Blk' Bonded : Abstracter I i sioux city. iowa 1 - - --- i 1 - ' pARM LOANS a?vwlieie on earth. See or List your property with us Dakota taClty. N.b.and WarnnT L VimP T It Is Delicious 25 cents Blended and packed from Harris (Si No. 6 Front Si. FRIJZ;WHEN Y0U BROUGHT THATOUNOAK'STOVE INTO THEvWOODS YOUx SPOILED my Winter Isiap. ' & Co. NES. Nebraska. on hand . Cash paid for bides. NEBRASKA. i Stock I I for all kinds of stock NbrsxIcsk We have plenty of Money to Loan at a low rate of interest on Dakota county Farms. We also Sell and Buy Real Estate of all kinds write us before you Borrow, Buy or Sell. to Bell. I Ke" Real rnwM uniiv finis: unnuu per Pound carefully selected coffee by Kilboxsrne Homer, Neb ft ft ? ft IV