Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, November 15, 1907, Image 5

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Dangerous coughs. Extremely
perilous coughs. Coughs that
rasp and tear the throat and
lungs. Coughs that shake the
w hole body. s You need a regu
lar medicine, a doctor's medi
cine, for such a cough. -Ask
your doctor about- Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral.
Wa publl.n our formulas
Wa t-anlah aleohol
nam our madlalnaa
Wi ore yon to
onault your
z nyers
Any f.ood doctor will tell vou that tfmedt.
cine lik Ayer's Cherry Pectoral cannot
oo it Desi worn ir tne bowels are con
stiparpd. Ask your doctor if he knows
anything better than Ayer's Pills for cor
recting this sluggishness of the liver.
M ado by tho jr. o. Ay or Co., Lowell,
Special Rates
Cheap One-Way
Colonist Rates
Daily daring October to Pacific
Coast and far went points at about
half rates.
To the East
The low rate Jamestown Exposition
tickets oan be used for your Autumn
trip to New York. Boston, and other
Eastern cities. These, are the last
cheap rates of the reason.
Homeseekers Excursions
Cheap rate excursions the first and
third Tuesdays of each month this
Autumn to Kansas, Oklahoma, the
Gulf country, Colorado, Utah,
Wyoming, Big Horn Basin, Mon
tana and the Northwest. Ask
your nearest agent to write the
Big Horn Basin and Billings
District We rnn personally con
ducted, cheap rate homeseekers ex
cursions to help you to locate on ir
rigated lands at the lowest prices.
Join me ou these excursions. No
charge for services. Wiite D.
Clem Deaver, agent Burlington
Landseekers Burean, Omaha.
A J Kaebaker, - Ticket Ageut
L. W. WaKelet, O P A, Omaha, Neb
$4.00 Per Year. . Single Copy, 1 0 Cts.
Sample Copy Free.
SSSiff"- W. 2ru br" 52w Yobs,
Physician and Surgeon.
Calls promptly attended
W. C. ISck.Ks.rt
Scientific Refraction ist.
Spectacles and Eyeglasses
Accurately 1 itted.
Cor .ultation and Examination Free.
Office at residonce. y
.m. 1 n. In anTOnW Vl. ft.
vin In tha ViAari naln anywhere, bai ttt cams.
i r mu hi tiro iicu i--'' J '
Tain Ucongertion. pain It blood preaaum nc
lse usually. At least, to lays Ir. Blioop. a
prove It he h&a rreaMxl a little pink tablet.
ana to
prove It he tlM oreta a lime pm """ "
... ,i, nnM.nr. uuit from D&iri i
lu effect lac-harming, pleasingly delightful. Gently
III nam tauurr.
though safely. It surely ejua.
tikes ILo blood cirtu.
lation. ...
If you have a headache, lt'l blood pressure.
If you are sleepleka, reatluM, nrrvrua, it's blood
ongt'Stion blood preuure. That urely I
ourijtinrv. Inr Iir Rhnnn'i l'ita.Wh Tablet atOD
It in iu minute, and the tablet, limply disiribule
the unnatural blood pre.s.ura.
bruiu) your Uimnr. and doecn't It vet red, sad
awxll. and mln yonf Ul rnunui it doJ. It's con.
etton, blood pressure. You'll find It whura pain
r-nlway. It .imply Common rVnse.
W'a scli at 'Mi Cbuu, nd viuwtliuly nifnmmnna
Dr. Shoop's
Tyr1 ' ' '
R R Time Table
Siouk City, Crystal Laka ft Homer
7:30 a m 9:00 a m
9:30 a m 10:15 a m
11:00 a m 12 m
1:30 pm 2 :30 p m
. 8:30 p m 4:80 pm
5:3( p m 0:15 p m
7:30 pin 9:00 p m
Special trips for parties of 15 or more
C, St. P., M. ft O.
Trains leave Dakota City at the fol
(coring time :
52 pm Omaha :35 am
10:00am Omaha ......5:13pm
3 :3T pm Norfolk 8 :20 am
9:01 am Norfolk 5.32 pm
7 :58 am Newcastle 10 :00 am
i :08 pm ' 6:08 pm
52 pm Omaha 7:35 am
3:37 Norfolk .0:82
C B ft Q
No. 85 Local Freight 7:15 am
mm " m V r V -
ll - irassenger, imui
and Lincoln 12 :47 pm
No. 86 Local Freight 2 :25 pm
10 Local Passenger".. e pm
daily. daily except Sunday.
Dakota City Lecture
Under the auspices of the business
men of Dakota City.
November 18 The New Sam P. Jones,
Denton C. Crowl.
January 2 Metropolitan Concert Co.
January 25 13. B. Burton in Popular
March 10 Oibeon Carl, Character
Change Impersonator.
Reserved seat tickets (10 cents) on
ale at store of S. A. S'inson.
Season tickets a.lnlts $1.50, school
children $1.25; admission at door
adults 40c, school children 30o.
Doors open at 7:30 p m, perform
ance begins at 8 :15 .
Local Items
Wm Holsworth was up from Homer
a few days the past week.
BE Brown was an over Sunday
visitor at Lyons with his mother.
Mrs Oesrge Carter of Omha spent
Sunday here with father, M O Ayres.
Don't forget Breun's coffee it is
still in the lead. For sale at Tan de
Barney Grihble was at Homer Mon
day locking after his extensive prop
erty interests there.
Mabel McDowell, of Lyons, visited
at the S. A Htinson home from Satur
day nntil biii. day evening. .
I have for sle some choice, blooded
Poland China hos, at reasonable
rates, M Waters, Hubbard, Nebr.
Chas D Martin, the harnessmaker,
has purchased a lot on Broadway near
Erie Ansnes place, and will move his
shop there.
He's nil right. Who's all right?
Why Crowl, of course, in his grat
lecture at the M E Church next Mon
day evening.
The Herald is in position to again
turnixh the New Idea Woman's Maga
zine iu combination with the II em Id
for the small sum of $1.30.
Mrs F II Ayres departed for Omaha
Saturday, where she wilt spend a few
months with her children. Her grand
son, Georgie Ayres, accompanied her.
County Treasurer Fred Blume re
deemed another of the outstanding
railroad bonds the past week No. 71.
This is cuttting down the county in
debtedness pretty f sst. "
If The Herald pleases you and you
are satisfied" with it as a newspaper
tell yonr neighbor who is not getting
it and get him to take it. If you do
not like it tell us and let us do the
doctoring. f
Mrs Prank Oribble, who was here
from Goodwin. S D, the past week
visiting at the Geo Barnett home, left
Monday over the Burlington for her
old home at llumeston, Iowa, for a
visit with relatives.
Erail Young, section foreman at Co-
burn Junction, resigned his position
last week and on Tuesday left for
Akron, Colo, where he has taken a
claim. The Herald will keep him
pasted on all the happenings herea
bouts. When Denton O Crowl. the por
trayalist, mounts the plattorm, as one
of tho choice attractions of the local
lecture courxe, there will be more fun
in Dakota City than' tbis plice has
known fr manv moons. Hut don't
think that you will get fun only.
Sam P Joues, whom M' Crowl imper
sonates, never said a tiling in nil lux
great career simply because it was
funny. The fun is there but hidden
beneath thi light veneer of humor iit
universally oonnnaled some sterling
moral truth that all may appreciate
and understand. Please remember
the place and date M E church, Da'
kota City, next Monday evening, No
veinber 18th.
A tickling cough, from any cause, is
quickly stopped by Dr Bhoop'g aor.gli
cure. And it is so thoroughly Laria
less and safe, that Dr Hhoop tells
mothers everywhere to give it without
hesitation, even to very young babes
The wholesome green leaves and ten
der stems of a lung healing mount
ainoua shrub, furinh the curative prop
ci ties to Dr Khoop's Cough cure. It
calms the nongh, and heals tho sore
and sensitive, bronohial membranes
No opium, no chloroform, nothing
harHh used to injurs or suppress
Simply a rsinoua plant extract, that
helps to heal celling lungs. The
Spaniards cull this shiub which the
Doctor uses, "The Sacred Herb"
Demand Dr Hhooi.'s. Take soother.
Suld by all dealers.
lisrney Gribble transacted business
at Winnebago Wednesday,
' Mrs Moll A Bcbmied visited her
mother at Wakefield Saturday.
Subscribe for the Herald, the best
ppr in the county, fl ft year.
Ten Farms for Rale. Good ones, al
sizes and kinds. Warner & Elmers.
Juice R E Evans transacted busi
ness at llartington a lew days this
John Young, seotion foreman at
Lyons, was here Saturday calling on
old friends.
U F Strohm and wife returned last
Friday from a week's visit with their
sons at Ckboo, Iowa,.
Robert J Mohan and Ella Devlin,
residents of Sioux City, were married
by Judge Eimers on Tuesday.
I have for sale some ohoioe, blooded
Poland Cbina hogs, at reasonable
rates, M Waters, Hubbard, Nebr.
Wm Bouton went to Raymond, 8 D,
last Saturday to spend the winter with
his son and daughter, who reside there.
Miss Ida Dodenbender left last Fri
day for Witcnita, Kas, tr be with her
brother Henry, who is seriously sick at
that place.
Mrs Lettie Rix was down from
Wakefield over Sunday, visiting rela
tives and attending to business matters
in Sioux City.
Sylvester French and-Rose E Fen-
tou, both of Elk Point, S D, were
lined in wedlock by County Judge
Eimers last Saturday.
Have you tried the Sultanna and
Tao-co brands of oanned goods ? Van
sells them. These goods have stood
the test of the pure food law.
Everybodv owing me will please
call and settle, ss I want to gt my
business affairs in shape before Jan.
1st 1908. D C STI.NHON.
Mrs Winnie and Mrs Higman, of
Sioux nity, were entertained at the W
C Eckhart home Wednesday, by Mrs
Eckhart and sister, Mil 8 A Mason.
Buy yoar hardware, tinware, wire
screen and stoves from Schriever Bros.
We guarantee Sioux City prices. We
also repair tinware and gasoliue stoves.
Take advantage of our clubbing
rrangement with The New Idea Mag-
ziue, an 1 get both, The Herald and
the New Idea for the small sum of
Miss Pearl Hoover, who was opera
ted on at St Joseph's hospital, Sioux
City, two weeks ago for. appendicitis,
was brought home Wednesday, and is
recovering rapidly.
Rev Oberboltzer will preach a
Thanksgiving sermon at Salem and
Dakota City at the regular hi ur of
service n Sunday Nov, 24th. Every
body cordially welcome. '
The Burlington is putting in a side
track to Crystal lake at the junction
north of town, for the Consumers Ice
company who expect to harvest a large
rop of ice on the lake the coming
Byron Kinkead, wlio recently en
listed in the navy from Sioux City, is
ome from rorfolk, Va, on a furlough,
vi'iting his mother, Mrs EA Her
mann, of Sioux City. He visited rela
tives here on Monday.
Season tickets for the balance of the
Lecture course, four numbers, have
been reduced to $1.25 for adults and
1 10 for school children; ten cents
additional charge is made for reserved
to each entertainment. Tickets and
renerved seats on sale at S A Stinson's
Trial Catarrh treatments are being
mailed out free, on request, by - Dr
Shoop, Raoine, Wis, These tests are
proving to tun people without a
pinny's cost the great value' of this
scientific prescription known to drug
gists everywhere as Dr. Shoop's Ca-
urrh Remedy. Sold by all
Two Indian trappers, Chas' French
man and Usury Winsnick, were ar
rested by Deputy Game Warden Bert
Brasfield Saturday, About seventy
five trpp8 and a number of mnskrat
pelts were confiscated. The Indians
were fined fJ'O each and costs by
Judge J J Eimers Monday, for trap
ping out of season.
To check a cold quickly, get from
your druggist some little Candy Cold
Tablets called f revenues. Drugpiftts
everywhere are now dispensing F re
venues, for they are not only sife, but
decidedly certaiu uud prompt. Pre-
ventics coutain noqniuine, to laxative,
nothing hnrtih nor sickening. Taken
at the "sneeze stage" Preveutis will
prevent Pneumouia, Bronchitis, La
Grippe, etc. Hence the name, Pre
vention, (iooil for feverish children.
48 Preventics 25 cents. Trial boxes
5 cents. Sold by all dealers.
Rfv Sam P Janes, the great and
only Sam, was o taken with the ar
tistic reproduction of Lis work by Mr
Denton C Crowl, the master portray
alist. that he give him the exclusive
privilege to use any and all of his
platform productions. Air Crowl has
been engaged by the local lecture
committee to prexent to us one of
Sam's greatest lectures entitled, "Med
ly of I'hylosophy, Facts and Fun"
whii h be will deliver at the M E
Church on the eveuiug of November
18tli, next Monday. All who are
lexiioua of embracing a grest privilege
at a trilling expenditure will not per
mit theuiHelves to uuhs this golden
f rom a npo Kane, v ssu, paper we
take the following clipping, relative to
a nephew of Richard Shortley of this
place, who formerly resided in Sioux
City: "A T Shortley, a prominent
member of the electrical workers'
union, lias been appointed second vice
presideut of the International brother
hood of Elect rioal Workers, to fill the
unexpired terra of F M Allen, resign
ed. Mr Sl ortley is one of the bott-
known electrical workers in the oitv
Ue has been an active member of the
union and is at present its financial
neoKtary. tie has been s member of
tl Spokane union about two years
F M Allen resigned the position on the
rourd tliut he could not attend to h
work and do the position justice. The
oflioo is the highest in tho gift of the
intern .tioual held bv auv citizsn of
,VLu iior:ivutt,
The Heiald for ALL th iwi
Old papers for sale at the Herald
office 6 cents per hundred.
nrry Adams is learning the barber
business with C E Doolittle.
Missea Perl and Bess Stiuson spent
Sunday with relatives at Lyons,
Esten Olscn Las erected a new barn
An his premises in the north part of
Try a package of coffee at Vsnde
Zedde's, where you get a present with
ever package.
O, why do you eat old dry peanuts
when you csn get them fresh roasted
every day at Van'a.
Bert Brasafield is fitting up the old
Hotel building lor use as an 0era
house and dance hall.
Work waa begnn on the new cottage
of Miss Nannie Don, north of the Mrs
Forbea residence, Wednesday.
I have for sale some choice, blooded
Poland China bogs, at reasonable
rates. M Waters, Hubbard, Nebr.
Mrs Wm House worth, of Bristol,
Ind, mother of Mrs Oberholtter, is
visiting at the Lutheran parsonage.
John BoMer departed Wed
nesday for Colorado, where he has
He is blind to bis own best
est who neglects hearing Denton C
Crowl, the next number on the
lecture course.
Mr Sievert Hansen, manager of E &
B Lumber Co at Wakefield, called on
II F Kohlmeier for a night's lodging
last Thursday night.
Have you tried a sack of the new
Hour at Van de Zedde's? It is called
'The Queen," and is warranted to be
the best and the cheapest.
Mrs Mary Triggs has rented the D
O Stinson tenement house and will
move here from Sionx City and reside
with her daughter, Mrs Luoy Ohmit.
The recital given by tho pupils of
Miss Ada Hart last Friday evening
in the M E church was liberally at
tended, and all thoroughly enjoyed the
performance. .
What is the reason that Van de
Zedde sells so much Breun's coffee?
Because it is the best that's the rea
son. All tbo way from 20o to 40o per
pound. Try a package. '
James P Twohig of Bullard, Texas,
was in town Tuesday afternoon, he
had been on a rip through Idaho and
came down this way to visit his fam
ily who reside in Sioux City.
I have some ful'-bloodad Duroc
Jersey hogs, both sows and boars,
that I will sell - on liberal terms.
Will furnish pedigree if buyer desires
it. D O Hcffernan, Hubbard, Nebr.
All kinds of coal, feed and hay for
sale at reasonable prices.
Fields & Slaughter Co.
Tbeo E Bliven, Manager
Dakota City, Neb.
Elmer Robinson returned home
Monday from his trip to Fullerton,
this state, where he weut to deliver
the stolen horses that, were recovered
near Jackson, "to the authorities of
Nance county.
If any of our subscribers desire the
address changed on their Herald by
reason of the establishment or changes
made in the rural routes, or for any
other reason, just drop us a postal and
the change desired and it will be made.
WLS'rong, Rugh Alteraus, Jake
Hager and others interested in secur-
ng government assistance in protect
ing the river at this point,- were in
Sioux City Tuesday in conference
with Capt Shulze, who has charge of
tho river work at this point . His ad
vice was to have Congressman Boyd
of this distriot and Congressman Hub
bard of Sioux City get together nd
unite their efforts in Congress towards
getting an appropriation for this vicin
ity. .
When the Stomach, Heart, cr kid
ney nerves get weak, then these organs
always fail. Don't drug the stomach,
nor stimulate the heart or kidneys.
That is simply a makeshift. Get a
prescription known to druggists every
where ss Dr Shoops Restorative. The
Restorative is prepared expressly for
these weak inside nerves. Strengthen
thefce nerves, build them up with Dr
Shoop's Restorative tablets or liquid
and see how quickly heip will come.
ree sample test sent on request by
Dr Shoop, Racine, Wis. Your health
is surely worth this simple test. Sold
by all dealers. '
A complaint was filed against S A
Stiuson aud Mell A Schmied, mer
chants at this place, Slid E R Church
and son and D G Evans, of South
Sioux City, charging them with viola
ting the Nebraska pure food law in
retailing package butter that was short
weight and was not labeled according
ly. The charge was filed by one of the
pure food commissioners, who mitdn the
rounds of Hie town stores iu search of
some "good butter". Some of the
merchants were lucky enough not to
have any creamery butter in stock at
that time. The case will probably be
dismihsed on the plea that the mer
chants did not know the butter was
short weight. When you buy cream
ery butter after this you will very
likely pay the same old price per
pickuije, buj the weight will be shown
The lollowinff item taken Ironi a
Nebraska church piper, found its way
to the Herald colun ns: "A reception
was given to the Rev E E and Mrs
Shafer on Tuesday evening, October
22, in the Methodist Episcopal church.
A large congregation, consisting of
members of tho different churches
and oitizons of Chadron, were present
to welcome them to the city and their
homes. A choice propram of music
aud recitations was rendered, utter
which Rev E F Eberly, of the Baptist
Church ; Rev N J Rookwood Jenkins,
of the Protestant Episcopal Church,
welcomed them on bwhalf of the
churches; Judge O Dana Sayrs, on be
half of the citizens; and L W Gorton,
for the local chinch membership
These add roees left no doubt as to
the sinoerity of the welcome. A fit
ting rt Smise wss made to the welcome.
by P.ev E h Shafer, who hod been
transferred from the North Nebraska
conference, at its last session, and
stationed at Chadron, in tho North
west Nebraska otftrtrco.
Hard or- Soft Coal,
Coke or wood, whatever fuel you use, costs
money. You have to pay so much for it,
whether you get all the heat out of it or
not. If a stove wastes the fuel and only a
part of the heat is extracted, your fuel bills
are higher than they should be. It is there
fore profitable for you to get a stove that
will get all the heat out of the fuel and
not waste it.
The "Genuine" Round Oak and the
"Radiant Home" are the stoves that will
do it; even the smoke they send out of the
chimney is clear, showing that the gases
and soof have been burned and all the licit
extracted. The comfort of a stove that is
everything it ought to be; that gives heat;
holds the fire; that lasts and is always good
and efficient, is worth almost any cost.
The Hound Oak and Uaclinnt
Home are such stoves and are a source
of comfort in thousands of homes, and they
will prove the same in yours. There are
imitations, be sure and see the names of
"Round Oak" and "Radiant Home." fefy
For Sale at
Fred Schriever
Wm P Warner was up from Omaha
on business Thursday.
W T Bartlett of Jackson was a busi
ness visitor here Thursday.
Ruby Van de Zedde is learning the
dressmaking trade in Shux City.
Miss Gretchen Bnllock came np frfim
Blair tbis morning far a short visit at
tilt and Mrs Fred Bnrmester, of
Lyons, Neb, visited at the H F Kohl
meier home last Friday.
E S Kellv, of Wulthill, took about
200 head of young cattle thiough here
from Sionx City, Thursdty.
heifer ealf ab.itit six months - ild.
Finder please notify William Orr, sr
Conductor Geo Carter stopped off
yesterday to see his father-iu law, M
O Ayres, who wan ooutlnod to his home
with stomach 'rouble.
George Wilkins has chacged his
address from Sionx City to Homer,
having given np his position with
Dornick. Hess & Moore.
Mrs John F Sides arrived home
from Franklin, Pa, last Fiday, where
she buried her only brother who died
at Monticello, Ey, recently, ,
The MBA lodge held a rousing
meeting last Thursday night, the fea
ture of the evening being a big feast
in thir banquet hall in the rear of the
R E Evans office building.
A meeting will be held in South
Sioux City, Saturday, Deuember 7th,
for the purpose of reorganizing the G
A R post of that place. All old sol
diets of the oonnty are invited to at
tend the meeting.
School Notes.
Mrs Marwell visited the 4th and
Dth grades laxt week. We are glad to
know the people have an interest in
our work.
Viva Congous, while coming to
school last Tuesday, met with quite
an accident, falling off of her byctcl
and scratching her face quite badly.
Esther Learner is back after a
couple of days absence on account of
The 11th grade have ordered class
Miss Rberts went home Monday
night and returned Tuesday morning.
Francis Ayres returned Monday
after three days absence.
Each room is preparing to give u
Thankspiving program.
An epidemic of iufe, tious peritonitis
is spreading through the school.
The first literary meeting of the
Literary Society of Dakota City high
ohool, which was held lust 1 rul ay,
was u great success Hie next ninet-
ng will be held Nov 27th, and a
Thanksgiving program will be render
ed Evervoue is cordially welcome.
Dick Lenox is absent on account of
unknown reasons.
The General History class are much
interested in Roman History at the
present time
Real Estate Transfers-
Hlvln K Until to (1 ) Martin, lot 8 In
block 1HX, ImkoluOlty, wd
Kiihi KlrkluiKl iiixl niiHliiiinl to Henry
Uill, hw?4 aerllon WU., ,
Win Gordon, truxtec, tn I H Collier,
lotlOillKl went lot 11 lu hlork IM.
Joy l'liiee. an addition to Ho Hloux
(illy, wd
I ,hii in A Tlerney to Nellie Nend, lotn 1
and X In hloek 1"2, dovliiKlon annex
to ho Hloux City, qcd
Win Oordon, tniHlee, to HukIo M Wll-
Non, IoIh 4, it. n, 7 and H In hloek 4il,
Joy l'lnee addition to Ho Hloux Cltv.
K f Hinlth ii ml to 1'wU Ooodxell,
lot H In hloek 1, I'.CHin HUdlLlon to
Homer, wd
It KrederlkHoii und wife to Martin
MiiiihIh IiI r, purl or w'4 aea Het tloll
11-27-s (1 110 re) wd
m HI
K K HpiildlnK et ill to Frederick Miir-
ti'U. purl or ne: aevitoii 17-zn-a (W
licrea) wd
He Robs Himself I
This startling truth is exemplified
when suy msn permits other consider
stiousor careltssness to deprive him ot
the unpsrallelled opportunity of listen
ing to Denton C Crowl in Hm
Jones' best lecture "Medley of Phi
lusoiihy, lscts and fun , at the M K
Church ou the evening of November
Card of Thanks.
We deiire to expree our apprecia
tion end sincere gratitude for tl e
many kindly aots and beatful tokebs
of sympathy, of ou friends and neigh
bors, dnriug the illness and death if
our husband and father.
Mks. Miktha F. Adair
and Family.
1 'ifur lictdacLe 1,'r. MUt-s' Ami-ruin ruu.
Proprietor of
City EHeEvt Klsrkot
Fresh and Salt Meats always
Agent foi Seymour's White Laundry.
Laundry basket goes Tuesdays and cornea back Saturdays
j City
Opposite Court House
Dakota City, N Nebraska
F. O. 8TANARD, Prop.
I R.Cfc.tes, $1.50 per dcxy
Have You Noticed now tue citT Ppew all repeat: "Af-
ter all, the Farmer is the main
stay of the world, and the magnificent orops of the West the salvation
of the country." Just what we have always thought, said and written.
Each day we live we are more thankful that our lot is cast right here
aruopg the good, prosperous farmers of old Dakota oonnty, to whom
00 of the bank's money is loaned. No bonds, stocks, outside com
mercial paper or speculation for "The Bank that ALWAYS treats
you III GH'l"--just good, small, iAFE notes of our farmers, your neigh
bors aud friends. Been doing this for nearly 22 yesrs past, and in
tend to keop it up for thrice that time, if we live, biout hkbe. -Our
grateful thanks to our ever faithful customers for their many kind
nesses the past few weeks. We always know how to count on them,
and appreciate it. Space is too brief and expensive to even mention
gratitude, but we are brimming over with it you know that.
cam,0oa7;rw? tank of Dakofri County JA1?N
rwiHE NEW IDEA WOMAN'S MAGAZINE Is the best ol all
magazines published for women and the home. Every
Issue contains the Latest Fashions, the Best Fiction, and
an Immense variety of practical Instruction on all bouse
hold topics. Every Issue Is filled with beautllul Ul nitra
tions In ball-tone and color.
A Big Magazine in a Bargain Offer
ORDER TO-DAY and get a Year's Reading lor the Whole Family
WZho Hcrevld
thewoods- you spoiled
Hy Winter Rap;
& Co.
on hand . Cath paid for hides.
Hotel I
A Bargain for our
The New Idea
Woman's Magazine
Dakota City. N b,