Dakota County Herald Continuation of the homer Herald. SOB H. MAM, PCBLISHKR, , Subscription Price. $1.00 Ter Yesr. a weekly newspaper published at Dakota City, Nebraska. Permission has been granted for the transmission of this paperthrough the mails as second-class matter. Telephone No. 43. Ottis Robinson, editor of the Crof on Journal, which waa totally de stroyed by flrn last Wednesday, woa in Sioux City Tuesday picking out an ntire new outfit. Precinct F.I ctlon Results. v Following are Oih preoinct. ofll T-rs elect)! at the elfrtinn luld on Toes day, November 6'h : OMADI J M Kin, r f W II Hyn. r.. 1NJ Wm llulsworth, d T W K Britith, rt M ConMnhlos ' ... W K Hucklnnd, r Jinn Purely, r Roy Rjinlll.U J Rood Oversi-rr District No 1 Oeortre Warner, r John Huron in. 1... Mot riot Noft TSpIhoii KHinlth, r Kolrt Mml Ui, d District No Kux'iin Ijomuls, r HO lUwi jUhhcii, d HUBBARD U 16 41 M An exchange truthfully remarks: "The man who gets mad at what a newspaper ssvs about him should re turn thanks three times a day for what the newspaper knew about him and suppressed." This from an exchange will bear reading and it can be read again and again and then some: "Every time the closet of your neighbor is opened, do yon strain your neok to peek, then , afterward strain yonr neck in talking about it? Do you ever atop to think that some day a tragedy may take up its abode in your home? Oan't yon pet it into your bend that some day the tongue of slander may cut yon like a sharp sword and the whispers of your neighbors he as vinegar on your wounds? Misfortune and disgrace may have overtaken your neighbor, but it does not become you to get on the housetop and shout it out to the world. Yon will not be culled npon to pay for nor answer for any of the sins of your neighbor. You have all you can tend to. to par for your own indis cretions. Home day one near and dear to you may full tne prison walls may open to tbeson. or the scarlet letter of eternity blight a daughter. When a home is in mourning over a tragedy, the best thing yon enn do in to keep yonr month shut, unless vou can say something that will oome as a rift in the clouds. Then again yon may be no better than your neighbor. The only difference was that yonr neighbor waa canght, and you, up to date, have kept the sunlight away. Be charitable, my friend; you know rot the day nor the hour when the Might will appear in your sacred cirole. A SAYING SOMETHING 8MWDtav somebody 00Mfci: Ones I made a serious blunder And said life was one sweet sons'. Now tho summer's gone to thunder - And I see tbot I was wrong. There's no flowers In the meadows, There's no song birds In the trees, And my purse's as shy of money 1 As the trees are shy of leaves. Many people are thankful on Thanksgiving day to know the' foot ball season is over. A local minister is quoted as say ing, "The beautiful girl whom you worship as a pil'ar of unadulterated eweetuesa doesn't contain even three ounces of sugar." We know it I Bhe'a every ounce pure American woman hood, and that's good enough for us. Tne saloon keepar who cannot keep his doors closed at any time, manages not to open his ears to complaints. A woman who is forever "harping" is not necessarily an angel. It is muoh better to put a little faith in human nature than to expose your fellowman's weakness by experi menting on him in your searcu for knowledge. It your "heat" girl is her own house keeper, yon cannot make a "hit" with her by telling her you are in the dnst at her fee. W very often see right get a knock down, but we neler saw it take the voount. ,- A man may be a model of honesty and yet beat the railroad if he got a ohanoe. It wonld be a good thing for some people if they only knew the differ ence between notoriety and notability. There are two classes of women that like. to be loved: those who have someone to love them, and those who ' havn't. Did you ever notice that when thoy are paasing the kioks around tuat It is the man who is doing his best thut always gets the most of them. Two Dollars' After December ist, 1O07. The Omaba Daily News wishes to announce to our readers tht, owing to the increased price of labor, pi luting material paper, ink, etc, they will raise the prioe of The News (without Sunday) to $2.00 per year after De cember 1, 19U7, or f 2.50 for the Daily and Sunday. They will eooept $1.50 for a year's subscription (without Sunday) or $2 00 for the Daily and Sunday editions from new or old readers all during the month of November, 1907. If you are taking The News you had better rene-v now and they will xtend your subsciption a whele year, no matter when yotfr time expires. If you are not now a reader we urge you to subscribe during this mouth aud thus save 6O0 on the subscription prioe. They also wish to announce that they will eond The Omaha Farm Magacineone whole year free to all subscribers, new or renewal that order during thia month. Bead all subscriptions to The Oma ha Daily News, or baud to the pub lisher of this paper. Lutheran Church Announcements. Preaching Sunday morning at Sa lem at 11:00 o'clock, Sunday school at 10:00: O E ato p m. Preaching at Dakota City at 3.001 o'clock p m ; Sunday sohool at 9 :45 a iu ; 0 E at 6 :30 p m A cordial welcome to all. Help Wanted. Men or women to represent The American Magazine, edited by F 1 Donne ("Mr Dooley"), Ida M Tarbell, Lincoln Btaffens, eto. Btrsight prop osition. Good pay. Continuing in terest from year to year in bmtiuese created. Experience aud capital not necessary. Good opportunity. Write J N Trainer, 23 West 23th Street, .Tontines of the Pence It HOiilihle. r d M M Meacoiti, d Conntnblei Ivle Wiilllsc. r John Own, d l'lilllip IU-Ihs, d Kond Overseer, District No Joe M leedfini, r LI C) HelTernan, d DlHtrlct No IS J (1 Smith, r O U Krlcken, (I COVINGTON Juxtlrea of tho Peace J J Klmcrs, r 8 II Kunk. r II A McOormlck, d 0 II Hmlley, d Constables Marshall Austin, r N I) I'llirrlm, r .1 H Burke, d Kd (Gordon, d Hond Overseer, District N08 1 W DeKorrest, r District No 11 Henry Ulennanii, r it. John's Justices of the Pence M K Kemielly, r , (Ifnrtic Thompson, r M M Hoy In, d M M lllckey, d Constables Joseph Hy rde, r J 11 Hmlth, r-d Mtepheu I.icls, d Kond Overseer. District No 4 Irfiul. Peterson, d Dist rict No 7 . POIII.d DAKOTA Justice of tho Pence II K Kohlmelur, r Constables Win Hlermiinn, r () K iHHilltlle, r Kond Overseer, District No S JnmesUoiiKhtry, r , District No lO ll II Altetnus, r EMERSON Justices of tho Peace K A ( iimpls'll, r Nelson Konuto, r Constables Roe McKntnfTor, r Howl Overseer, district No 16 John Honderson, r District No 17 ' ' Win I iu vis, r , SUMMIT Rood Overseer, District No A 11 Anderson, d District No IN Dennis Uutnn, d HOFON OHEF.K Road Ovorscer, District No 14 IIS ou 7S 72 44 67 IS 147 W Af ti 120 Ml M 111 Monday. - The former to her son Will's in Omaha, the latter to go to her home, in Cedar, Iowa, after a short visit with telativea in Omaha. .. .Mark EmhcIh" arrived in Emerson yesterday fiom 8.-0 tli Dakota, lie is looking well and savs things are prospering in tha sate lie also says Emerson is the bent town for its size he has struck sinoe he has been gone. South Sioux Jitr Record: Misses Etta and Anna Bartlett were over Sundav vUbors at Iioiiiick, Iowa, Mr aud Mrs W II Mitchell, Jr, became the parents of a bright baby girl Sun div... .John A GreeDe returned home this week from Illinois, where he wss called by a telegram announcing the death of bis mother. ... Mrs uatuanne lloiran returned lust week from Chero- kM whore she had been visiting her daughter, Mrs Oscar MarcL....Miss Helt-n Bbnll of Homer visited miss I'.eulnh Brannaman this week, and both attended the performance of Cal-e" iu Hioox City, Tucsdsy night. Honrv Uoetch has purchased the given by the Early Hour club last Friday night and a fine time reported, Wm Maher who arrived from Los Angeles, Calif, last week wss calling on od friends hern Wednesday, lie is enroute to Dubuque, loWa, to visit his daughter, Mrs T F rhillips. John Grace and wife of Dubuque, Iowa, were visiting at the Flynn home here last week. Mr Grace is a nephew of Mr Flynn. They were here on their honeymoon. HOMER Mrs Rue Altemus is a visitor with her parents, James Allaway and wife this week. Clias Bates and family returned from the Sand Hills Saturday Mart Mansfield sr. and sou Jess, are visiting the "home folks". They are holding down claims in ltock County. Miss Blanche Hughes visited at home Sunday. II A Monroe smashed his toe Be ....Henry Uoetch nas purcnasea ine did wUh m toTe Le ujed ,Q m0Te J ncs land opposite Crystal lake park. To the h u j tfa Dr said yon most nir iionen jjurcuitecu l, ju s Drin ir and cleared it. lie also made numerous substantial improvemenis, ....Mr and Mrs W E Shane arrived home Saturday from Hot Springs, 8 D, where they had been spending the past two months, Mr Shane will re turn to Hot Springs and remain iodefl nitely. He has been in poor health and his sojourn at the springs was of great benefit to him.... Clyde Armour ss mi H7 77 84 an H7 so 44 13 180 147 127 AS , 98 , 71 , 7 . S3 . 10 . 14 . 12 tied his horse in the north part ot town last Sunday evening while mak- in cr a call and when he went out after the riu he discovered that the animal had broken loose and skipped out. He spent most of the night hunting for the outfit without success. Mrs D U Wilbur found the horse in the alley at her home in the morning. go or yon'l be dead. Mrs Bancroft and son Dwight, re turned from York, Nebr, Tuesday evening. Chas Hols worth' took their little daughter Bessie to a hospital in Sionx City Wednesday. She is suffering ltli appendicitis. Sheriff Hansen and son Robert were Homer visitors Monday. ' Wanted Jioral representative for Dako ta City and vicinity to look after renewals and Increase sulwcrlptlon list of a prominent monthly magazine, on a salnry and commission bas is. Kjiperlence desl rable, ts.it not necessary. Oood opportunity for rlir lit person. Address f iilillslier. Hox Mtatlon O. iscw York. I CORRESPONDENCE ISS Ji Jj VM 040 WJM 0S HUBBARD. County Surveyor-elect Nels Ander son was a county scat visitor inurs- day . We handle the U S cream separator noue better made. Carl Anderson Oi.iie Nelson, who went down to Da kota City to work in a batber shop, has given up his position there. B U Girbble was reeluotod justice of the peace for the steenth time, at the recent election. Corduroy suits the kind that never weur out for men and boys, at Carl Anderson's. Very little grain is being handled here owing lo the stringency in the money market. Overshoes and duck coats in end- Mrs Sarah Smith visited this week at the Oliver Smith, Louis Smith and T D Curtis homes. Louie Schut'e was an Omaha visitor this week. Mr and Mrs Stid worthy were Homer visitors this week. Mrs II B Smitu returned from Lin den, Wis, Nov, 2nd. Chaa Purdy and and family of New Mexico arrived Wednesday to visit Mr Pnrdv's nnole, Dan Furdy, and other relatives. , Prudy Lake visited this week at the H A Monroe Home. "Dorcas" met with Mrs SetLBaroes Thursday. NACORA. Niok Simmons returned Lome Mon day from Yankton. S D, to spend the winter. Joe Heeney shipped a car of bogs to Sionx City, Tuesday. John Flanuery of Jackson, was here on business Monday. Mary Clark. went to Jackson Friday evening to spend Sunday with trends. Are You Sick? Much sickness is duo to a weak, nervous system. Yours may be. If it is, you cannot get well until you restore nerve strength Your nervous system is nature's power house; the organs of your body get their power from it.. If the power is not there, the action of the organs is weak, and disease (sick ness) follows. Dr. Miles' Nervine cures the sick because it soothes the irritated and tired nerves and gives the system a chance to recuperate. Try it, and see if you do not quickly feel its bene ficial effect. "I wss given tip to die by a lead ins; doctor. Got ma of Dr. Miles books and found that Dr. Miles' Ner vine fit my case. From the very first dose 1 took I trot better. I am better now than I have ixen ror years, ana do nil my own work on the farm. That's what Dr. Miles' Nervine has flone for me, and I em glad to recom mend It to others." JOHN JAMKS. Biverton, rueor. Your druggist sells Dr. Miles' Nerv ine, and we authorize him to return price of first bottle (only) If It falls to benefit you. . Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind Subscribe for Thk Herald $1 year. per j kf..::.."?.. " variety, at Carl Anderson's. lev York. S0MlSOCiO0S0CS0S,S v0 Items of Interest from our Exchanges Walthill Times: Albert Sohremp, of Hubbard visited, here the first of the week. Thurston Gazette: Lewis Nash re turned Wednesday evening from Car lisle, Penn. Bioux City Journal, 14: A carload of tartks for the new diutillery of tin Crrstal Lake Divtillery company at South Sioux City arrived yestirday Several carloads of new maoliiuery for this plant have arrived duiiug the lust few days aud is being rapidly installed It is thought all of the machinery can be set iu place, in time for the distil lery to be opened December 6. Ponca Journal: Mrs 8 It Lopp of South bionx City was in town several days last week visiting friends Newcastle Times: Vt Talboy was a Dakota City visitor Wednesdny afternoou...A E Waldvogle left Tueaday morning for Colorado to hold down his claim, llis family will stay in Newcastle during the winter. Lyons Mirror: I rank rlirscn, one of our old Dakota county friends, was here from Sioux City this week,... J Warner aud wife have returned to tlx ir home at Cheyenne Agenoy, S D, from Hot Spriugs, Ark. where the former went on aooount ot a broken ankle. Ht James items in Hartinglon News: J L Iting has charge of the Ht James Mills and they expect to run the same to it full capacity ... .llev Hbam- baiigh, our new minister, preached u v?ry able sermon to a large congrega tion, Suuday night. fender Kenubuo: lue women are still guiuh'g ou us L.en folks. ' Misx Mary Quinn of Dakota County, and Miss Emma Miller of Cuming County were elected county superintendents in their respective counties over mas culine opposition when the balance of their tickets were snowed uuder too deep for resurrectiou. Ponoa Leader: J V PLrson went to Dakota City yesterday ufternoon ou legal butiiness. . . ,1'eail Hoover who h an operation performed last week is improving. .. .Mr and Mrs Will Harden returned last evening fiom a stay at Mondaimn, Iowa Attorney F SlWrywis up from Em erson last week, as an attorney in the case of the Farmers bank of Lyons vs N B Dixon, -- Winnebago items in Pender Times: Londrosb bas just completed a bouse for Lucy Ilardin in Winnebago City. ... .Winnebago went demociatio uot withstanding the imported republican workers from Homer on election day, ...,H T Willey from Houth Sioux Cit; i moving in the building vsouted by W E Whiteomb with a printing outfit. We did not learn what he will christen the paper. Emerson Enterprise: Mrs Herman KtolUe. was taken to a Biouv, City bos pi tul Tuesday where a third opera tiou was performed, bhe is reported to.be very low,.., Mrs Gideou Warner aud Mrs W iirubaker went to OuiLa Corn basking is about over in this locality. The yield was about half a orop. We have a splendid line of wool blankets, set your choioe before cold Dress to Suit Your Position. "Dress to suit your position " is a word of advice given by Miss Anna Steese Richardson to her girl readers in the Woman's Home Companion for November. "If you work iu a dirty weather comes, as they won't last long office, such as a printing concern, . . i t , , , I whnljiu.la ffmnovv n nnrnwarA film at the prioe we ask. Carl Anderson, Emit Christiaasen, carrier on route 2 from here, is taking a fifteen-days vacation. His wife is serving the route as his substitute. A fine assortment of ladies' and children's hose, direct from the mills, at Uail Anderson's. Tom Beam and Clyde Crego were in irom too larm juonuay ana iook tne train for Dakota City, returning Wed nusday Briug us your farm produce butter, eggs, eto we pay tue highest market price. Carl Anderson. Carl Fredrickson and Frank Mehan were down to the city Tuesday looking after their financial interests Winter caps for winter weather, in all styles, al Carl Adersou's. Chas Holsworth and wife took the train here Wednesday morning with their little daughter, whom they were taking to a tiioux City hospital to be operated on for appendicitis. Dr Nina bmith of Homer, had the patient in charge. Our stock of overshoes is complete in bizi'S and styles. Carl Anderson. W I Sv m mm joun myers ana ram.iy, wno are down from Belvidere, 8 D. spent a few days here with old friends the past week. They had been to Anoka, Nebr, to attend the funeral of Mrs Myers mother who died there last week. On Thtrsiay morning they lelt lor their home at Uelvidere. Eugene Leuhy, of Wausa, Nebr, is visiting bis brother Dr B J Leahy. Pearl aud Eflle Byan left for St Louis Wednesday morning. Al Schrempp of Hubbard, the painter, is doing some work here this week. , Alex McDonald, of Armour, 8 D. arrived here Tuesday evening, being railed here on account of tho illness of lus mother. Mr McDonald status he found her muoh Improved Mrs J P Timlin and baby left Wed need ay eveuuig for Page, Neb, to vinit f weeks with her mother, Mis 11 H Brown. Mike tlynes had a oar of hogs on the market Haturday, The Devereux elevator Co, is having ue eouloe put iu their elevator here this week. it i x mi v ii v inompson ana son Ijouis re turned overland from Lea, 8 I), Tuea day. They weut their in the spring Mrs Tim Murphy of Homer is here visiting her parentj, Mr aud Mia I O'Neill. W T Bartlett went to Tonoa Tuea duy. Chas Barrett and wife of Sioux City, vioited here over Buuday with Mrs Barrett's parents. Miss Braunger of Wayne waa the guest of Lucy Jones from Friday until Monday. Alt Demaray lost a valuable horse lust week. oiaggie mrne leu last week for a month's visit with friends at Baruum and Fonda, Iowa, her old home. Died Nov 0, '07, the infant daugh tor of William Maun and wife, age days. Margaret Boler goes to Emerson Saturdays where she has a large tausio class. About ad couple attended the danoo wholesale grocery or a hardware shop, wear skirts that clear the ground , by at least three inches: but if you are employed in the private office which has been well . lurnmued aud nicely carneted. - wear longer skirts, not trains, but cut to escape the ground. Your employer will want you, like the furniture and clotures, to dress bis office harmoniously. Wear tailored shirts waists, and black or Oxford gray tailored skirts. If you prefer black silk waists, never fail to nolten these with fine linen or lawn collars and cuffs aud white or black ties. Avoid sarish colors, tie dignified in your dress as well as your manner. Do not consider that money spent on office clothes is wasted. It will bring you better returns than money spent on party frocks or feather-trimmed hats." Frank Hunt Wins Insurance Case. The following dispatch from Lin coin appeared in Monday's dailies. This case was fought out in the dis trict court in this county by Frank Hunt, one of the original promoters of South Sioux City, whose elegant home was destroyed by fire soon aftes he moved to bioux City : "After four ap peals to the supreme court Mrs Lola M Huut, of South bioux Cuy, has been finally decreed to be entitled to receive the face value of her policy of 1,600 on a house of hers that wus destroyed by lire. The company at first defended, n the ground that the house was left un occupied, a condition which automat leilly cancelled the policy. Beaten on this point, the defense finally rest ed on the plea that the agent who rr- ctiivod the money hud no authority from the state auditor to act as an in surance agent. Tho couit holds that as the evidence showed that he bad once had that authority and the company continu ing to leoogniae him aa its agent and aoeeptiug all butduess that csme from h iu, regardless of the fact that he had not renewed, his certificate to do business, it ooald not defend on that ground, but is bound by his acts aud conduct in dealing with policy holders. Relieve Neuralgia with Dr. Miles' Pain Pills, ii doses 25 cents. Antl- A Chance for You. Just to introduee it, the publishers are off,) ring for only 50 cents to send tho Daily btate Journal, except bun day, from now until January, 1, 1908; with Sunday 75 cents. There are little over half prioe offers, aud will attract tiousauds of uew readers. The paper will stop corning on Janua ry 1st without notice from you. Why uot send iua half dollar and seo what a great vofflme of reading matter ynu get for your mouey, borne big events are happeuing in Nebraska ami yon should keep posted by reading the paper that can tell the whole truth abgot everything and everybody. Their action Is so mild, ths most deli cate person can us Dr. Miles' Nervs and Liver flUe, M dues X esoua, CO YEARS B 1 ii&i&fc Designs Fhtltf Copyrights Ac ..nia ft pkelrh tiJ ilowcrlntlnn ma in r-kv wiivrtiuH Mir opinion ireewnmnpr wu 111 ir k IT tilMN' invMHlmi in vr CnnntMinlrA t.KnIiI Tint siit il'i'f i..HrtstiripH r.nniliit'Mtlul. I flNIiP3r I'ttent witt f.tuy. lt'n.t nxnni'T for prrjrM.r imimiift. t'nf.'iim tuttc'i inn men mtt.t a lu. reuuiTt rrri.U notice, wf'hout ciimtbo, fu tlio Scieatif ic jntne&lcati rmnrt.rvmclj l!hitrseit wpi1t. I.nnrest el dilution "t iiiit nolcntltli! Inuriml. Terms. W n..r . f.p mitniiii. IL Sola b nil newBrteslot islUi-Jf & co.33,B"d""- New York trMt cmro n1 V Pt-, WihltiWon. I. C The Youth's Companion Ass ah For Ssle or Trade. A 16 horse power compound traotion engine. 1 have sola my turesuing machine to D Appleton and have this engine left, which is in good working order. C M Gray, Dakota City, Nebr. I have for sale some choice, blooded Poland China bogs, at reasonable rates. M Waters, Hubbard, Nebr. It Comes Every Week Among the contents of the New Volume for 1908 will be 250 Good Stories ' Serial Stories, Stories of Charac ter, Adventure I nd Heroism. 350 Contributions Articles, Sketches, Reminiscen ces by Famous Men and Women. 1000 Graphic Notes f on Current Events, Discoveries and Inventions in Nature and Science. 2000 One-Minute Stories, Bits of Humor and Miscellany, the weeklyHealth Article,Timeiy . Editorials,TheChildren'Page,etc SsmpI OovIm of tlx fspar sad niutrated Anasancs Mat ta Mat Tim Is ur tddnu. Every New Subscriber who cuts out and sends this slip t once with name and address and S1.73 will receWe FRE,E, All the Issues of The Companion for the remaining; weeks of 1907. The ThnnksgrWingr, Christmas and Mew Year's Double Numbers. The Companion's rour-I,eaf Hug lug Calendar for 1908, then The Companion for the 8s weeks of 1908 a library of the best read ing for every member of the family. THE YOUTH'S COMPANION, BOSTON. MASS. tiuw subscriptions revolved at this ottMie. CONCORD TEAM HARNESS. si if Mua liillll Si..,ns "sis. 3? CARRIAGE HEATERS. -,aili!iit St: s JSQVARB-HORSK. BLANKETS. SHAPED iiORSE BLANKETS. A Good, Large Assortment of at Attractive Prices. Everything for the horse and stable Fares paid. 411 Ask for Rebate Slips. Sttxrjges Bros Psxrl S(rt Sloua City, Iowa 3 cannot1 dodge the fact that winter is close upon us. Better get that Heating stove you are in need of now. We can show you the Garland, Ideal Leader and Prize, Oak, in fact we have stoves for any purpose, also a good line of Ranges. Call and see them. Edwards Bradford Lbr. Co Hubbard, Nebraska. GEO. TIMLIN, Wanaeer. The Herald for all the News PAUL PIZEY, Dakota Citvi Nib. Bonded : Abstracter Lawyers ALFRED PIZEY, 608 Metropolitan Blk. Sioux City. Iowa Delicious E7 ceivts per Pound Blended and packed from carefully selected coffee by Harris (Si Kilboxirne ft It is C3 c 25 No 6 as Front Si. Homer. Neb pARM LOANS !vwLeie List your We have plenty of Money to Loan at a low rate of interest on Dakota county Farms. We also Bell and Bay Real Estate of all kinds on eartb . bee or write ns before yon JJorrow, 15 ay or Bell. property with ns to Sell. I Real r a k m aroiiv nun k,niuu oskot.ciiy. Neb. and Wornpr L "FimarB Jeal siucit K " W Estate READ THE HERALD For All the News. K35 TWssnsMrsMrrall l'arsoMtajt.tJh IM.. lhk ( ukir mukt 01 p.u.rtia. l'A u M mat .1 IkMr .1,1 soouacy umiuuiy MeCair Matai(Ts.Qwiol ra.kmlJKu Mr. ub.cnhr. any eth.r Ladirv M.f tiMi.. In. Pmr'm uo.cnpiio. (u numtxr.) SO ovnls. J-t.l m.-r, A Mills. r.rT.ufcmibt.USMtCi tU- t rrtt. ivu,. l,nlT Atr-mio Wanlril. Hni.i. yramlum. llWr.l f..b n return ( ui.Iojh. , i l d. irni) n4 ruininrn Ct!cu. (.homing 4x p:.m,umt) Mill fro. A4aim THK UcCALL CUm h.w Vwk. Ecrald for stvll 'She F?ews Do you want to sell your farm ? The quick, sure way is to put a want-ad in CC The Rates are One insertion, per line 10 cents. Two or more consecutive insertions, per line, 6 cents each insertion. Each insertion made on All advertising runs in both morning and and evening papers without extra charge. Count Six Words to aw "It Address Want-Ad Department, Omaha Bee, Omaha, Neb Within everybody's reach reaches everybody