A TALENTED WRITER ,0- Praises Peruna Catarrh m'I Remedy if ft MRS. C. M.TINNEY. Mrs. R. M. Tinner, story writer. 825 & lSoeva St. San Antonio, Tex, writiw "Ourimf 19ft I enffsred from natal eatarra, wblef Tari.ua other remedies tailed t relrtT. "Six Wttlra f reruns, which I took, eUrel tirel me, the catarrh eUaappeariai and asver returning. "I (aerators cheerfully i-eoom- aaeed reran U a similarly afflicted.' WMrs. WDva Ifagle, 414 4th street. Green, ay, Wla, writer L"t haw ettea heard Pern n a praised d it hi ssere widely kaown here thaa Way ahr ssedlciae, hat I never knew What svleaidid nteaicine it really whs eatil a few weeks age, wh?n I caojat had celd which settled all over me. "The defter wasted to prescribe, hut l(X told hist I was gains to try Peruiia and sent for a bottle and tried It. .. "I felt asarh better the next wornin? land withla frre days t had not a trure 'of any iaateanai ar lay congh. I "I eomakler It the tiaett cough rtmtdy. bPEsana, Va.iTai: Some people pre r to take tablets, rather than to take edielna ha a fluid form, j Such people aa wMaia rerun, taaiets,' wnica repre Bent the aalid saedieiaal ingredieats of uTeruea. feMWW tim. usi 11 in mm imi -arteritis' relieved t our home-made tody. Osod lor years without a failure, ista $2: lasts a lifetime. FREE booklet. . 1 a m i . TUBUOMC REMEDY CO I, Stettea G. Cleveland, Ohio Three af Oae eaaaaeoaeat tessbstoae In criatfom arei "la the mliH of life w 'r i mtrk,' Hia end waa peace," uUt tssaaera aatai to the shorn Iamb." "LEADING LADY SHOES FOR WOMEN Tetdlat Lady Shoes ara ! j Bert described la. three (words Style, Comfort, Sei vlca. You rarely find all thcaa qeolitka combined la one shoe SHOES act neat and 6ttny Tbay fit perfectly and are ex tremely comfortable from the beginning. No better values at obtainable anywhere Your dealer will supply yous If sot. write to us. Look for the Mayer Trade Mark oo the sole. Ve also make Martha Wain Isjloa Comlort Shoes. Special Merit School Shoes, Honorbilt Shoes foe Men F. Mayer Boot & Shoe Company WLWACKU. US. New and Liberal Homesfead Regulations IN Western Canada NEW DISTRICTS Now Open for Settlement Some of lh choicest land In tho train c-ou'lne ewltiof SaikaiclMMnand Alberta hav rocsntly been Kwncd for eieiomnt undr I h Kovisod Homaataad Warulatlon ot Canada. Thouaandaot homasteadiof llOOao-aa aachara how avallaola. Tha rum reula (lonamaka It poasiMe (or enirv to b mad by proxy. Ik) opportunity that many la tn Unltsd States have bn waltlnf for. Any member of a family may make entry for any other member of tlie family who may Ike entitled fo make entry for hlmaalf or herae .. Entry may now be mad before the A rent or tub Afent oftlie Dlitrirt by proxy ton certain condition , my the father, mother, eon, daughter, brother or ia aer ef an Intending homesteader. "Aoy eves snmbered sectioa of Beminioa Land is Manitoba or the Korth- West Previoces, xceptine I and 26, net reserved, nay be bome tteaded by any petsos the aole bead of a lamUy , or nuloer Is ycaia of are. to tho axtentof no-quarter aect.on, of leeacros, moreor less." The fa In each case will be J10.Q0. Churches, rhoolsand maikeia convenient. Healthy climate. V'eftdid croi s and eoyj Ijwm. Craln siowu.g and tattle raisins; wlncltal industries. hor furihei particulars aa to Kates. Routes. Best Tsnio to Oo and Whr to Locale, wly to JV. D. S:oH. Superintendent of Immnration. Ottawa, I anuiia. or K. T. Ilolmt-a, n T,ii.k50ii Sl.,M. Faul, Mmn. and J. M. MatLathUn. Ilox lib, Walcrtown, bo. Uakutat Authorized Ooveru eoent Aftats. ! '.eaaeaaiw here oa taw this adTenUemaau iffiV Eye Watffr AS THUJA LJ " i Carrt fee catted bv drum you ill II" SJS2S& Arefctlah-p ITarfr. Achhlshop Harty, of Manila, wlm hns been the Catholic heed of the church in the Phlllpptncii for four years, says of the natives: "English la to be the languAge of the Inlands. Kren the Spnnlsli rles:s. e.ven the most venerable, Are teaming It. Popular education was fairly well provided for before the American oc cupation ; but the Amorlcfln govern ment bnn greatly Improved the pri urary school system, and bos done a vast deal of good by Impressing ou tlto natives the dignity of liibor. Tlx peo pie are of good Intellectual enpacity. Tbey remain deeply religious. Paren tal authority Is piously resioetol. The bouie tlfe Is pure and attractive. ''It would be more than a mistake to alwndon the Islands. It would be nothing Hhort of a burning disgrace. It would be a shame. The brlgUte.it ivtge In American history will be that recording the operations of this gov eminent In the Philippines. My belief Is that In time the FlltplDos nmy turn Japan to Christianity. These Philip pines are the pearl of the Orient. Just think six million Christians in, we may say, the heart of Asia t I believe that the Filipinos will finally convert the Japanese, and the Japanese will In due time convert Asia.", ; The only danger to the country now Is from professional revolutionists, who If not repressed .would be bloody anarchists. ( The best element of the Filipinos respect and admire tin United States. Trliiap of Heredity. The other college boys were hating the new freshman, who waa the son of a clersrman. "You will be required." they said, a they stood htm on a table, "to preach a nermon." "I'll do It, gentlemen." be answered, "on condition that you do not Interrupt me until 1 hare fin lulled." ."We promise." I "Will you kindly furnish me a text? ' "You will preach a rtnonMliey said, after consulting together a moment,' "on Cerberus." j "On Cerberus, gentlemen? Great "That's text enough, sir. Go ahead. You are wasting lime." "All right. Cerberus it la. My hear ers, the subject of this discourse naturally divides itself into three heads.- A you have beea kind enough to promise not to interrupt me I shall occupy -your atten tion only halt an hour on each.' I remark, Brstly," etc. r . ': They stood It patiently for&fteea mia nteo. Then they sneaked out, one by one, and the basing came to an end. Chicago Tribune. SasetrlB Steel by EleiHrlctty. "The enormous quantity df Iron ore which Is being scooped from (t lie ranges about la kev Superior, dug out of the htlla of Alabama and Tennessee 'and bolated from the deep pits of Pen any I ranla, has caused the geologist .and mineralogist to make eturtlLng predic tions.' Some of titan have gone bo far as to say that we ore approaching an era when Irou may rank among ; the rarer metals - because of its' scarcity. Even James J. Hill, the railroad mag nate and developer of the Northwest, who was one of the first to realize, the astr deposits of ore In the : Superior ranges, has made the prophecy tbut perhaps within a half century most of the richer ore beds will be exhausted, and that we may be obliged to go out Bide of America for Biuch of the raw material for our smelters and fur Daces.' Technical World Magazine. . How's This? Wo offer One Hundred Dollars Reward fdr any rase of Catarrh that daaoot be cmed by Uall's Catarrh Ctiro. I K. J. CHENBT A CO.. TolVdo, O. Wo, tho underls;ned. hare known V. 3. Cheney for tho lat 1!5 years, and hnltevv hln perfectly honorable In all lxislnr-M transactions, and financially abls to carry Out any ohlltlons. made by hi firm. Waldixo, Kixxii Marvin, . . Wholesale lJu-uggtVa. Toledo, fx. Hall's Catarrh Cure U akea Internally, actios; directly upon the blood and raucous surtacoa of theS system. - Testimonials sent its. Prlr. 79c per bottje, Sold by all proKirlatit. . , ' , . ;! - , I Take Hall's Family (IU ror constipation. . Mvlvra to Match. ( Smart Girl (to keen motorist) 4ly lister has bought ! a beuutlfuK motor car. 1 t - I Keen Motorist Heally! Whit kind? Smart Girl Oh, a lovely sage, green. to go with her f rooks. Iondon . Punch. . Mrs. Wlnslow's Hooth Syrup for Children tenthlna. aoftens the euuis. reduce lufntui- matlou, allays paJu, cures vrlud colic, jc a bottle. - - - FHh. 4 ! "Nonsense," sit Id the mnn of fe;ullnr faith to his hoarse and sneezing friend, "you only Imagine you have ft cold." "Perhaps you only Imajrlne tlint I think you're n lla-r," retorted the suf ferer, Irritated by the notion, tliut he bad been eouilns 111; lifad off for nothing. Philadelphia I-rirlfier. llhloH, Iclu ftjid Wool. TO get full value, ahlp to tha old reliable N. W. Hlilq and Fur Co., Mlntieapolts, Minn. . Oldest Iloaee In New York. The oldest house In New York Stat Is situated at tho lower end of Statcu Island In Totteuvllle. It Is known us the "Iiillopp house," and was built In 1G08. The Duke of York presented Captain' Christopher' Billopp with a tract of land 011 Staten Islam, where on he built this stone mansion, which still overlooks the waters of Rarltan. That It was well built Its survival dur; lng 2IW years attests. In It have been many notable gatherings, and helv waa held the peace conference. During the revolution Killojip's tleMvndnuts were loyalists, uini the famous jrcneralg of the Itritibh were entertained at the old house. I m0M$m C31.0NOSCOPS5 SEATJS TUJ8 MIND. 1 i aj M.VCIIINK WHICH LAYS HARK "iXSKKMOST THOUGHTS. Startling, revclntlous have been made of the. secret teRts applied, to Harry Orchard, the self-confessed multl-mur-dcrer nnd chief witness at th" trial of Wllllnin 1). Haywood nt Kolse, Idaho), by Prof. Hugo Munsterberg, of Har vard. The disclosures nre ccntalned In an article by Prof. Munsterberg In Mc Clure's Magazine. The Hnnard professor of psychology probed to the very re;isps of the con vict's brain, and used for his startling researches perhaps the most remark able silent I lie Instrument ever devisod the chroiioscope. The use of this Instrument on sn actual criminal In connection with a murder trial murks nn epoch lu legal history, tlK Dual developments of which may - substitute this mute. Inexorable rcvealer of the Inside of n man's or a woman's brain for Judge, Jury, district attorney nnd ollce Inquisitor ullke. Imagine the use to which the kt fected chronoseope will be put Indeed, can now lie put. Suppose the suspect arrested In some mysterious murder, like the Tnvshanjlnn crime. No police "third degree," but nu absolutely cer tain derision,-by the application of.the chlronoscoi)e, will declare whether or not the ninn Is guilty. The chronoseope Is nfTlxed. Two lit tle metal bits are placed, one In the mouth of the Inquisitor, the other In that of the suspect..- A dial, 'divided l:v to the thousandth part of a second, is In electric contact with the bits, and then a rlngle word Is sjmkeu by tho Inquisitor. The prisoner Is told to s;cak, la re ply, the first word that comes to his ;nlnd In -rcsjionse. The t!n:e this takes Is recorded on the dial. If the pris oner refuses to speak It Is' n eonfcB sion of guilt If lie replies his guilt or Innocence can be surely proven. Por other words follow, nnd the time of the answering Ideas Is taken. Then when FADS OF THE FAST. ,; It has token many years for horse hair covered furniture to pass luto ob livion, for the reason that there was no wear-out to It, except In a boarding house. Most people, therefore, will re member last having ccon horsehair fur niture In a boarding house, whither It probably was relegated In the hope that It would be worn out. When such a phenomenon did occur, the fnct was usually heralded by the protrusion of a llOUSF.riAItt FCBMTl'Re. ritsty spring and, a' Ciiossy( bunch of curled studing. ' ' -' Put tho remainder of the cover would remain In such unyielding good repair that the owner would be loath to; sacrifice ithe piece of furniture, which made It a white elephant, there being no way to repair "It unless the whole cover was replaced. Another llil ig. thaf tended to lon gevity on On ; "t of t(e almost Im mortal hair fvvnltuio was the difficulty cf sittln? i It. Its cutrves were steep and Its ci u't slick, so It wns much like tr; i. .. to cling to n luto roof. You would Kiltie first Imperceptibly, and then with the speed of a roller coaster, till you hit the floor lu 11 heap. EARLY DAY FLANK F.OAD. Ylion hr ItatlroiiUa Came This Ml, ourl lllubnar Wan A liuniloucd "This talk Imt a lilHwn.v across the State recalls to nil:nl a nitullnr eu terprlse prosc.mted In the Interior of the Statu lu the KlenmlHiut l:iys," says the Kanstis City Stnr. "It wus it twen-ty-tive-nilli! plunk highway lxt.vecn Glasgow and llimtsville," r-:ently re marked Milton C. Tracy of Macon, Mo., whose father was Interested In the road and who iihisI to live In lluriUvlllo. "The road between lluiusvlilo aud Glasgow was a suiersIon of day bills the greater part of the way nnl la muddy weather the CIu-IhIIuu religion made scant headway lu these parts. We didn't know It then, but we do now, that those aiuttlii-mutUe't red lilils were u blcyslftg t Missouri, for they K'rvcd to devclitp the largest :m.l strongest mules In tin- world nn l their lil-lioiieil desee'iiliiiits arc ln-.( inni:i more nn rcliam'lse than the nt.-ij") cu,-. "(illlSVMW Hil tile rt'Hf.ilnithjx p.lillt for' ll-:he-i if.l.ltr.v Micri- li ;,j.t!c A il.in- tii Iia'l; l!::'M run ...it fA'u I'ter", liie main one of wl.i !i .1 .ir:ie;,e 1 In llunts vl! . The tri'.!l:.' ovt r t:w-,. ,;;ii1ikscs can !y hills lie ' iinc !'. .; i:ml w.i stte'ii'i'd by so latM'.y ! illl 'Ul. ies tn.il ro.i.el klllll.i li.:d (. I.e (loiie. Villi 111; f road inatfiiil were tliM-usseil ;;:t I li'ulier ileiiile l 11 j ti tit Uei :iusi! It wnt plentiful aii'l Most i.f ill - pluucc n wire k!;)11is1 lu it. use. ill.- bills were cut t'lMigli Hinl the lnt!iiii!s raised r.i the roadway was fairly level. (a!( plunk, twenty feet lorn;, two Inches thick ind eighteen Inches wide were the Inquisitor, '-.iking the suspect un awares, pronounevs "trunk," there comes tho cruclul test. If guilty the suspect will seek to pet the Inquisitor off the track and may answer ."strap," "leather," "railroad" or something else of a similar nature. Put In his brain the word "trunk" has suggested the Idea of the dead body within It. He must think of two things Instead of one. That takes time, and the Inexorable dial with Its Indicator will show what has occurred. In Prof. Munatorherg's article tn Mo Clure's ho tells of applying the chrono seope rti the case of Harry Orchard In his cell In the jail nt Dolse. Prof. Mun stertierg called out lu succession fifty words. Orchard lent himself to the researches nnd replied with the. first answering word that came to his uiind. The first word sixiken by Prof. Mun sterberg was "river." Orchard an swered "water." Then "ox," and the answer was "yoke;" then "mountain," and he snld "hill," then "tobacco," aud the reply was "pipe." All this time Orchard did not know that the time taken for him to reply was U'lnj registered. The time over acl seven-tenths of a second. Then Prof. Munoterberg proceeded to put tes: words, such ns "confession," "revolv er." "religion." "Jury," "death." "blood," "prayer" nnd "railroad." "Illood" sug-get-ted "knife" to Orehnrd nnd the oth er words similar significant replies, hut there was no hesitation. The caso was made exhaustive and the Inference was that Orchard had reached the point where, by reason of much rehearsul, he believed his own confession. Scientists believe the chronoseope now only In the first singes of Its per fection, will before long be evolved into something resembling a diver's helmet, which, titled over ilie er:.i.lnu:':i head, would become the microscope of the uilnil. naiUsl on heavy stringers, laid close to gether. There were five tollgates, with, a tariff ate of a ceut a head for stock. 5 cents for a man 011 horsehick nnd 10 cents If he traveled In a vehicle. A footman paid tho same as other ani mals 1 cent "There was n keepor nt each tollgute, and his Job with tho road company, to gether with a cottage und garden do nated for his use, made hhu a fair living. His rake-olt on" the tolls was '20 psr cent 1 "Work on the prank road was begun In April, ISTkI, and the Inst spike was driven lu October. 1854. It was a gigan tic enterprise for that day and the peo ple thought It solved the transportation problem for all time. They didn't dream thut within four or five yenrs steam en gines would be cavorting around In these parts and that tho bulk of busi ness would sweep by regardless of the river. "At nuntsvllle the arrival of the first conch on the new road was made a gen eral holiday by official proclamation. The schools were dismissed and but lit tle of anything was done until the mall coach got In. I was among the crowd of youngsters thnt gathered around In admiration too deep . for words. 'The Glasgow and Huntsvlllo Road Cxmipany was a duly Incorporated con cern nnd luid Its olllcers Just like a railroad company. William Smith, who Is yet llvliif at Moberly, ran the stage line. A coach left Glasgow nnd llunts vllle about the same time each morning, furnishing dally mall each way. Ancll Pros, operated large freight vans and did a healthy business. The late W. It. (Bob) Samuel of Huntsvllle was secretary for the road, an Important IKjsltlou which paid quite well during the days of the road's activity, , Uoanoke, In Howard county, wns the biggest tum-n' between the terminals. It grew up Into quite a place during the plank road's prosperity and many stores were operated there. But by and by the railroads came, the old road was lorn up for firewood and Roanoke was marooned far back In tho country, swelling a long list of once good towns that hnve become lost or forgotten." Klluht o( the liutterUlea. One of the must beautiful sights lu the world Is the aiiuiu;! migration of buttcrllles across the Isthmus of Puna ma. Where they come from or whither they go no one knows, and though many distinguished naturalists have nt 'emplej to solve tint problem It Is stlil n ktrangc a mystery as It was to the l!rt European traveler who oljscrv'l lr. Toward the u I of June a few K'-ttt-tercd ier1;iic;iU are tlU-oveivd Hitting out to him, itlii J us thi tl.iya j,'o by tint ntiT'il.i r Increases until about July 11 or l.'i the ky Is ixrnMonnllv allium! obscured by myriads of these frail In. Sei'ts. Mrx. Wlil'i? iryntpnlhcflcnlly) Su your )iu -bund Is In Inmbltt again, Maud": Mij. I'.!a i; f bcciily ) No'ui ; lie's 1. lit o' trouble, tl.'ss liovV - lie scoilu. ilni's In Jail. Pu-k. 'I I.e only thing wo can recommend ja to endeavor to make an uninteresting life lutercstlug as jtosslble. Tho C'hlnoa) Arms'. "Soldiers used to ' be dosplse4 , la 'hlnn and only tho coolies were con .tiered suitable material for lighting leu," says Owen MacDonnld In the inimical World Magazine. "To-day oil 'jls Is changed, aud China has aa ruiy to which It Is an honor to belong, 'omtoms have been superseded by ireless telegraphic apparatus and alg al balloons; masks have given place 0 field glasses, comic opera garb has khu east off for khaki uniforms, and ho twohnndled sword has become, the iiyonct. China was first aroused to A use of , her. . weakness, ami her treugth, by the disaster of the war .itili Japan In IS'.)!-. Hitherto she ad slumbered like a great lazy giant, aililng scornfully at the suggestion 'aat smaller and weaker nations, by doptlng modern methods, might in ure her. She had sublime faith In ho force of the vast hordes sho could brow Into the field." Tho law imprinted on tho hearts of all men la to love tho tncmbvrs of society as 1 hemsel res. Roman. TESTED BY TIME. A Care that Ha Hold Wood Foot ' Year. Mrs. Mary Crurullsb. of 1130 West Third street. Wilmington, Del., aaya: "Some yenrs age I began to feel t weak and miserable,1, uu one day awok ' frwi. a nap with a plerclng pulu la my back tlut made in screami. For two days I could not move aud after th.it I hat backache mul dizzy spells all the time. My ankles swelled and I ran .town dreadfully. I was nervous nnd had nwtul headaches, I wonder that any medicine could do what Donn's Kidney Pills have done for me. They cured me four yenrs ago and I hove been well ever since." Sold by all denlcrs. f0 cents a box. Foster Mllburn Co.. Buffulo, N. Y. Way of One Man, He was romantic, but bashful for his age. At 25 It Is expected nowadays that a man should be mutter of fact She was- his equal In romance, hut a trlfie older, old enough, ludeed, to be a widow. The conversation bad turn-' td ou the ever-Important subject ot mothers-lu-law. There waa a lull lu the argument Gazing far, she sighed and said: 1 "Ah, me! I shall never have another mother-in-law!" He loeked.at her with Interest for a uouient, aud then suddenly blurted out: "My mother died when I was very young!" "It was an Inadvertence, but be could not draw back. She threw herself luto 1:1s arais,' and they have lived happily up to now. Pittsburg Prese. FAMILY'S SKIN TROUBLES. EcitstSi Heat Haxh stud Scalp Affec tions AfUlet Different Member, Hat Catlenra Cores Them. "My wife had eczema for live or six years. It was on her face and would come and go. .We thought we would give tbeCutleuru Remedies a trial. We did so, and she bus never had a sign of eczema for four years. I myself used Cu t leu ra Soap and Cutlcura Ointment some time ago for falling hair. I now have a very heavy head of hair. We used Cutlcura Remedies for our baby, who was nearly bald when young. She has very nice hair now. She Is very llesliy, and we hud so much trouble with beat that we ; would bathe her with Cutlcura Soap and then apply Cutlcura Olutuieat, It would dry the heat up so much quicker than any thing else. Mr. II. B. Sprlnginlre, ItH.'l So. 'Cupltoi Street, Iowa City, lu., July 10, 1U05, aul Sept. 10, ltRHJ." Cold Calculation. "You should do something to claim the gratitude of posterity." "What for?" asked Senator Sor ghum. "I, don't know that posterity will' have anything I especially desire, end If It should have there Is no way for it to' deliver the goods." Washing ton Star. . . . ' ' CASTOR I A ' For Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Dears the Signature A wheeled chair for two persous, which U driven by a storags battery, is 'ho latest auto-vehicle. A Friend in Need V MIAT thin, little10-cent rww3ih.w . . ,,,,a-sjiMaiB..r.' -.t - ' f , BTtATOrwfflrTT--T''i nrwfiie iiibihisiisis- ' ' smj r f nBox of Cascarets. When carried constantly in your Vest Pocket, or in ' my Lady's!' Purse it will ward oil ninety per cent of Life's ordinary Ills. Eat one of the six candy tablets contained in that "Vest Pocket Box" whenever you suspect you need one. it can't hurt you, and is sure Insurance against seriou3 sickness. When you have Heartburn, Colic, Coated Tong i, Suspected Breath, Ackl-risinz-in-throa ., Gas-bclchins, or an incipient Cold, tnk a Cnscnret. Remember, all these are not merely P fa comforts, but indications of a serious Cnusf. ISip them in the bud cat a Candy Cas carct. Cascarets don't puree, nor punish the 6tomach like "Uile-drivinc" Cathartics. They act like Exercise ou the Bowel- KIDNEY TROUBLES The kMnera are essential nrtmns for keeping the body free from lm- Su Titles. If they should fail to work cath would ensue in very akort time. innammaUon or Irritation caused by some feminine derangement may . sprad to some extent to the KUIneva and affect them, The cause can be so far removed' by using1 Lydia. E. imknama vegetable Comjround that the trouble will disappear. When a woman Is troubled with pnin or weight in loins, backache, swelling of tho limbs or feet, swell ing umW the eyes, an uneasy, tired feeling In the region of the kidneys, she should lone so time In com mencing' treatment with Lydia E. Pinkham's It may be the means of savlnir her for Kate A. Ileum. 520 West 47th Street, New York, who writes, Dear Mrs. Pinkham: "I owe a debt of gratitude to Lydia B. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound for It haa saved my life. I Buffered with Kidney trouble, irregularltlea and painful periods, and my blood was fast turning to water. I used your medicine for some time and it haa made me strong and well." Lydia B. Plnkham'a Vegetable Compound made from native roots and berba cures Female Complaints, such aa Falling and Displacements, and Ortrnnie Diseases. Dissolves and expela Tumors at an early stage. It strengthens and tones the Stomach. CuresIIeadache, General Debility and lnvigoratea the whole system. For derangement of the Kldneya in either aes Lydia E. Pinkham a Vegetable Compound is excellent. Mrt. Plnkham's Invitation to Women Women suffering from any form Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass., for One trial will convince you thai Liivinvervt will relieve soreness ond stiffness Quicker and easier than anv other nrenaraNora sold for that purpose. It penetrates to the bone. -Quickens the blood, drives away fatigue and gives strengths and elasticity to the muscles. Thbusdnds use Sloan's Linlmenr rVsr rhettmnlUm nti mltin tnnYnfhm we v wb'ssbsisi f stisjswt awwiitwiiv m - Wl Wll WWl WtsftHa99 .Willi Fmmm joints, cuts, bruises, cents, cramp or colic and Insect stinas. SXs x rRICL Z5i,50f. tIOO Or. Earl S. Sloan. Boston.Mou.U.2 W. L. DOUGLAS $3.00 & $3.50 GHOEO T"wTorTuo gS'HOES FOR IVCRY MIMBIft OF. -J JiJ JL M IL V, AT ALL SICSS. M . jMVstfVVI bosroV. domm nvt tnmkmA mmk THE UtASON W. L. Douls shews are worn by more raopls In all walks ofl if. than any other mak.ls bsoausa ol their .teellent tyl, , .aay-fittina, and .unerior weari n qualities. Ilieilrftlunt)ftlieleatrieni and other material for aaoh part or the aha. and .very detail of the m&kinst s looked after by , thfmt comleteorBanlrtion of superintendent, formoand killedshueruakcn, whoreoeiva th. higheat wace. paid i nth. sLiiei miustrv. and whoa workmanship cannot fi. excelled. . If i could take you. nto ruylarnfaotorie at Brockton. Mass., and show you hfiw carefully W. L, bouclaii shoes ar. mad., vou wiiuldthen understand why they holdtheir ahape, fit belter. wear: nnRdr and ar of greater value than anv other "if mf.uumnd 9B.OO OU.r EDQEhmm VV ' L"' I 1 h senuin. Lave W. L. Douglas ran . .. i j . 1 . ti r . The S.dasi-Chalr. I'erbnps some expert in the Siamese laaKuage will tell us what la Its word for "sedan-chair." Whan the King of Slam's minister, protesting against his majesty's favor toward motoring, sug gested recently that "the royal aedan clialr" r.'us always at his disposal, It is Improbable' tbut he used a word reml ulseent ef the French town. For it Is fronrbe scene of Napoleon III.'b col lapse that the seilun-ehalr takes Its nnine,' and perhaps remote posterity will suppose that It bad some connec tion with that event Bat Sedan first produced these conveyances centuries ago, and they' were seen in England In 1031. One used by James I.'a Bucking ham provoked great popular outcry against the employment of men as beasts of burden. Sir 8. Duncombe Is credited with having Introduced them to Londou In 1034. And Bath knows the Pickwickian sedan-chair to this day. London Chronicle. A (anlne Secret, "Vou can always tell the people who are uubappy ' from the look of tbelr faces," suld the tired woman, "but If you look out luto the court of a morn ing you never can tell which dog it is that has cried all night and kept you awake." New York l'ress. VSC' STIMULANT WWf.LS.MAKf. fct BUiUO Cure Constipation eair.S to CIM4 --(.HMtnai O V yuurueaierior v . x.. uonguu .noes, ti n. cannot supply vou. wirJ ii reel to factory. Bhoea wo t . verywuar. by maiL Catalog f rtM. W. U Deugiaa, Bretoa, MaVeZ 'M SBV . BBBa saaraTTBBW-- n 1 Tcis& Muscles that propel Food, and that squeeze the natural Digestive Juices of the body into Food. Cascarets ward off, or cure, the following diseases. Constipation Eilicusness Indigestion Dyspepsia Torpid Liver Appendicitis RUeuuiatiim The Vest Pocket box carrifd constantly with you, like your Watch, or Lead Pencil, will insure you against sickness. But, don't forget that "a Cascarct In tima is worth nine." At all Druggists. 10 Cents a box. t MISS KATE A. HEARN Vegetable Compoun life. ' Read what this medlcizvftdld of female illness are invited to write advice. It ia free. , . . 5 rnaka.i oausoef eetwateaf mt auav - name aud prios ttainued on boUim. 'raL 1 , .... : 20 Mule Team O, will cltasss svsry snick) Is ytsr laasttrr. ttkaea r Slai.f r.. All Sealen. sastfia. ImIW aad S.rl.r asU.1' IS cots. PKCiriC COAST BORAX CO, ChlcatJ. I1U Te sonvlaee aay troaua that -Una AxxtlMptJ. will Improve bet heal Lb. at4 all we eiaim lar It. Wa will Saw abaolntahr fraa A larsa trlaj boa of rastias wuh kaok ot lattrue tloos and genala. tssUmealais. Seed year aaoe aud nmrsss a pastel eard. PAsnaE eieaases tf aad ratals ri at - braaA at. factions, such as nasal catarrh, pelvis catarrh and InflamtnaUon caused by tttaU nine Ills sore .jrcs. sore turoat aad Btoutli, by direct local treatment. Its cur ally, power over tbaas troubles Is extra. ordinary and give. Immediate relU-t Thousands of women ars using and reo ommenduig It every day. to euta at druggl'tsorby malL Remember, however, IT COSTS TOD NOTHUtOTOTBTIT. XUm 1U PAX TON OOv Beatosx, Maaa. PRINTERS. rmoaia wnt at omr Ine of ITiTIOSI amplas. Ta. aomputeat vy wjued. atoux City Newtepaper Unletv tuoua vaw. xuwaw S. C. N. V. No. 45 IwOT. Six Shots for 10c Catarrh Hives Colic Jaundice Bad Breath Nausea Diabetes Vertigo Headacht Scrofula Ti'ormt Piles Ulcers iHtnpies Matches Diarrhoea Flatulence Womanly Eczema Troubles Dysentery EBBS 1 5 Vf7.