Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, November 01, 1907, Image 4

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    Dakota County Herald
: Continuation of the Homer Herald.
Subscription Trice. $1.00 Per Year.
A weekly newspaper published at
UAKoia tny, Nebraska.
Permission has been granted for the
transmission of tbis paper through the
mailt as second-clans matter.
Telephone No. 43.
Republican Ticket.
For Judtro of Supreme Court,
For Rllroi Coinmlxntonnr,
For Regents of Stole University,
. For Judge Eighth Judicial District,
For Oonnty Clerk,
W. h. BOSS.
. For County Treaeu re r,
. For SherllT.
For Oonnty Judge,
D. 0. BT1NBON.
For Clerk of the Plstrlct Court,
For County Superintendent,
For County Coroner,
For County Commissioner. 8rd HUtrlct,
For bounty Assessor,
Republicans of Ntbraok a should not
allow themselves to be lulled to sleep
by the idea that the fight is won be
fore the votes are cast. The fusion
1st have on their tide certain influen
coa which will be able tj concentrate
a large body of, voter cn short notice,
auu will uo doubt pinn to surprise re
publicans in counties where there
aeems to be no contents. The safe
plan is for every republican voter to
go to the polls early and vote.
The fusion utattmman who are
making the feeble attempt to criticise
republican mauagment of state insti
tuti ns are the same ones who were
responsible for buying up two tons of
rotten butter and storing it in soap
boles K.r the use of one institution
and feeding old soldiers on wormy
prnnes and bntterine, and quarte ing
their own relatives in the institution
parlors at the expense of the state,
when they were in control. The way
to rebuke the hnngry popocratio horde
Viioa seeks ti briig on another reign
f plander is to vote for a continuation
of republicanism and genuine reform
Toters will not forget it has been
under the republican state adminiatra
tions that railroad assessments h.tve
increased and corporate domination
has been wiped out; that republican
offioials have put the (date Institutions
ou sound basis, and have stopped the
scandals of incompetent employees
which characterized funion control.
They will remember that republican
officials have muutuined the helpless
wards of the state in ease and comfort,
and have not fed them on rancid but
ter, slops and wormy prunes, the sort
of diet which made the fnsien control'
famous They will show their ap
pioval cf tie present happy conditions
by rollling np a big majority fur the
republican ticket this fall.
The republican party of Nebraska is
in ideal condition, and never before
was so able to commend itself to the
individual voter. The officials of the
stato, and the representatives in both
branoes of Congress not only belong
to the progressive element of the par
ty, but they are genuine leaders, fight
ing the battles of the party in the
open field. The governor and his
s )oites in the state bouse are young,
vigorous, business like, and in clone
touch WyUh the needs of the people,
Tho two Usitd States senators are
magnificent young men, the peers of
any in the Union in address and gen
uine ability both brilliant speakers
and leader in clean politics and
. statemansbip. The congressmen are
mem of experience, whose servioe to
the state bears the closest scrutiny.
The grand work of the republican leg
islators is fresh in the pahlio mind.
With a oonditiou which brings to the
forefront snch meu, it should be a
pleasure to the voters to help roll up
a big majority for the noniiuaet of this
year. A full vote will show an ap
preciation of the past and a confidence
in the future. A vote for the repub
lican tioket will be an endorsement of
the Roosevelt policy as it has been
carried out in the nation and iu the
The Republican State Platform i
Points with ptido to the achieve
ments of the Republican party under
the splendid leadership of Theodore
Rooievelt, and insists that his succes
sor shall be a man who will continue
the Rooaevtdt policies, and suggests
Beoretary Tift as such a man.
Commends the present state officials
i fur their care of the state iustitutious,
maintaining the credit of the state and
reducing the state debt.
Conmuuds the Nebraska delegation
in congrene.
Calls sttention to tho magnificent
, record of the last legislature which
carried out the pledge of the repub
lican party, as follows:
1 A statewide direct primary.
2 Abolition of the free puss evil.
3 Compehenaive power for the state
railway commission.
4 More equitable rates for transpor
tation of passuogers and freight.
6 Eiual taxation of railroad proper
ty for city purposes.
6 Abolition of fellow servant law
and full emplojer's liability.
1 A pure food end dairy law.
" 8 Rigid economy in appropriations.
Endorses the direct primary, and
pledges such amendments as shall im
prove its workings.
Com vends the good work of the
stste railway eommisxiou, in its efforts
secure better freight rates for tits
people ol the eUte. Calls for the rigid
mforctmnt of the anti-pun Itw,
Declares that iu stilts at law corpor
ations stmuH lo rieetM'd citizens of
every state where they liavt (lied ar
ticle of incorporation or exercised the
rights of eminent domain
Favors an enactment of the federal
lw forbidding the fedeial courts from
lining writs of injunction ngainxt state
officers charged with the enforcement
of state statutes.
Regard with high favor the nomi
neee on the state ticket and invites
voters who believe4 in oAIiubI probity
and efficiency te join ia electing them
Wilfred E Vrss, the republican
nominee lor county nnperiruenaeni,
wii born in Omaha, Nehr. March 6,
1882. lie bat resided on the home
farm in Omadi precinct, this oonnty,
rince the fall of of 1882, and conse
quently is a Dakota county boy from
the around np.
After completing the course of stndy
in the home school lie entered the
Normal school at Chillicothe, Mo, and
was graduated Irom mat inuiiuuon,
both in the ti a ihors oiur-to and
the scientific course, mid was also
gr duiited from the Chillicothe Corn
mercitil collega in the commercial
coarse aud the po-it graduate eouise.
This gives him the potHesion of two
diplomas and two drgrees.
The normal and cuiiimerciitl schools
recognized his ability by employing
him as one of their teachers for thirty
months. x
He attended tho UuDiverMty nf Ne
lirtHka for nearly year mid t.iok the
forestry course while there
These coursos give him a well round
ed e location, such ns c innot beob
toiiied by attending one school and
taking only one course therein; and
the pedagogical training gotten at the
Normal was fully put into practice
when he taught in the Normal and
commercial schools.
In his canvas for the office of county
superintendent, Mr Vov is conducting
himself in a gentlemanly manner
towards his opponent, and is doing
nothing that will leave a blemish on
his character. Thin being his first
appearance in politics his acquaint
miosis, to a certain extent, limited,
lint his recognized ability for the
office to which he aspires is what "the
inteligont voter looks to, and their
votes will be cast accordingly.
Election Boards.
II firry 11 Adair, clerk of the district
court, ha appointed the following
emotion boards for tl e several pre
cincts of the county:
John Hiirty
John Howard
H 1) Kitt-awel!
Henry dnln
Ilium NeUen
O W FlHher
Jay llobortHon
(1 If Itenm
1 1 I) Wood
Frod Hehinldt
Henry f,au .
Ilerninn Itonut
John Hurke
V H Church
Andrew Crowe
Kred Wlllliiuu
W II Mitchell Jr
O fl HnunuHHen
fior Humes
rou ass
' it. John's
Thou Hulll van
W F Hlckey
limit Knudson
Jonn Hy n u
no nry Francisco
Morion Wlglo
Herman Htolts
Gee rat) Cook
J it hoiulernon
A I liavU
Joseph IVnoiinell
li I. KeUer
T KC)rohy
C II Ihikkhu
O H Barnes
Hans J Anderson
Kriieat Harris
William Blemilna-
Thoa Murphy
Tim O'Connor
County School Notes.
The last certificate earned last sum
mer was issued this week. The State
superintendent has given up
tue task o( miitg out certificates
and we have our stnok of blanks back
ngiiin aud teachers will get their cer
titlcates as soon as enrned.
We have a new rule which amends
Rule 15 of Bulletins. Teaohers with
ourtittoates with grades below 80 will
ne requireu to write on not less than
three nor more than five of the law
subjeots. They need not write uutil
the certificate now held'expires.
The Dakota City and Uouth Sioux
schools were dismissed last Friday to
give the teachers an opportuntv to at
tend the Northwest Iowa Teachers'
association then in session in Sioux
City. These two distiicts should have
abuudaut returns for the day given.
The Eineraou tueetiug earlier was a
great success. Between three and
four hundred teachers of these uorth-
eaa ouaties the best iu the state
met to Jiscuos wayH, means and
lnnthodiv Dakota county turned out
forty two teaohers now in school,
which is considered a good per cent
sro. A list of the names, of those iu
attendance from this county may be
seen in the office at any time.
A Chance for You.
Just to iutrodueu it. the publishers
are offering for ouly CO conts to send
tho Dnilv Ktate Jourual. excent Hun
day, from now uutil January, 1, 1901;
tvitu nuuday ia cents, iheie are
little over halt price offers, aud will
htiract t lousauds of new readers.
The, paper will stop coming on Janua
ry 1st without uotioe from you. Why
not suud in a half dollar and see what
a great volume of roadiug matter you
get for your money. Some big eveuts
rn happening in Nebraska aud you
hould keep posted by reading the
, ptpirthat can tell tue whole truth
abort everything and everybody.
iiuuis ui iiuciesi
from our Exchanges
Pendei Times: Mrs J B Waldcn
and her sister. Mrs Dcering. went up
to Wakt field the first of the week.
Mrs Dteiing Was np again yesterday.
Wslthill Times: Rev J L rhillip
was in Wslthill last Saturday on his
wav' to Homer, lie has trade no
arrangements yet for preaching servM
ces at this place, but expect to in the
near future, and says be will try and
arrange to be here as often s every
alternate Sunday.
Lyons Mirror: Mrs S 8 Brown was
called to Dakota City, Thursday, on
account of the illness of Mis Burt
Brown and baby.... Geo Bleesing, a
red hog dealer of Homer, was here
Fridsy . Mr Blessing is a pioneei boy
of Dakota county, his parents settling
there about 50 years ago.
Allen News: Brant Minter was
down fiom Dixon this week.... Geo
Blessing was up from Dakota county
on business, the early part of the
week.. . .Willie Lyle has severed his
connection with the bsrber in Wayne
and gone to Jackson to work in a shop.
. . . .Owen Trlggs and RC Caulk re
turned from the western pact of the
state this week where they hid been
looking at land.
Tonca Journal: W F Mikesell 8un
dayed with his sister in Dakota coun
ty.... Wm Dutton of Fagosa Springs,
Col, Mrs Wesley Brown, of Herrick, 8
D, and Horace Dutton of Dakoti
county, visited with W J Armour this
week.... A party consisting of M I
Mellon, John l'carson, Pearl Barker,
John Mikesell and Jsmes Davidson, of
Newcastle, were duck hunting at
Jackson Lake the first of the week.
Fonca Leader: Miss Ida Deal ex
pects to go to Houtli Sioux City this
afternoon to visit with Mrs Cliue for
about a day.,.. Mis May me Knox
spent Saturday at her home iu Hub
bard. Mr King, a gentleman friend
brought Miss KnJx to Fonca Sunday.
Mrs W F Mikesell csme home
from Morningi-ide, Sioux City, Tues
day evening. Her mother, Mj W O
lieers accompanied her home for a
Sio.ix ffity Daily Jonrnal, 30th:
In response to a brief telegram an
nouncing the accidental death of her
con, Albert Homer, aged 'Li years, at
Ashton, 8 D, Mrs Celia Bolder and
her young son, John Bobier, left Mon
day evening for Ashton. The dis
patch, which was signed by D V Cole
man, undertaker at Aston contained
no information as to the immediate
cause of death, and at the time of her
departure the mother was uninformed
on the matter. The son left Hionx
City several weeks ago to engage in
farm work, and bad written borne regu
larly. Mr Bobier is a widow and re
side at 504 Jackson street. She it an
employe of T 8 Martin & Co. She
has two other children, a brother and
sister, John Bobier, of Sioux City,
and Mrs Charlei Beerman, who resides
on a tarm near Dakota City.'
South Sioux City Reoord: Miss
Delia Dorn, daughter of County Asses
sor, li O Dorn, was married Thursday
noon to Leslie R Norton, of Marshall
town, Ia, at the home of the bride's
father in South Sioux City, Rev Elmer
H Combs, of Homer, officiating. The
manage ceremony was performed in
the presence of immediate relatives
and a few friends. Immediately after
the ceremony the guests partook of a
wedding dinner and a merry time was
had uutil the departure of Mr and Mrs
Norton for DesMoines, where they
will spend a few days before going to
their future home at Marshalltown,
lowa, wnere tne groom win engage
in farming. Mrs Norton leaves hun
dred of friends here in her girlhood
home whose sinoere good wishes aoora
pany her. The table holding the
presents bestowed npen the happy
oonple was overloaded with china,
silver, out glass, etc. In addition to
other presents. Mr and Mrs Dorn
presented the bride with f 50.
' Emerson Enterprise: Attorney F S
Berry returned Tuesday from a trip to
Topeka Kansas.... Mr and Mrs Bert
McEntaffer arrived Wednesday for a
visit with Emerson friends and rela
tives. They live at Boone, Ia, and
like it there very much. .. .County
uira w Li itoss oi uakota t;ity was
in Emerson Saturday shaking hands
with ids many friends and looking
after some business matters. While
Mr Rots is a candidate for reelection
he does not find it neBessary to do any
electioneering. He has made such a
spleooid record that he could not be
defeated even though he had strong
opposition which he has not.... The
republicans and citizens of Dakota
county should get out and vote the re
publican tioket this year and make a
clean sweep. Rook well for sheriff,
Stinson for judge, Voss for superin
tendent, Manning for treasurer, Ren
inger for assessor are all good men,
while Rots for clerk, aud a iair for
clerk of the district court have been
tried and found efficient and compe
tent. Even if the Jackson democrats
succeed iu getting the names of their
candidates ou the ballots the repub
licans ought to win eaaily.
approve the work of the .Ne
braska Legislature.
to the supreme bench will be
Nebraska's endorsement f
that record. His defeat
will be notice that the
wheels of progress have
been turned back.
you can show your appreciation
of the good work done
by going to the polls
and voting for Judge Rears and
his associates.
Commissioners' Proceedings.
DUt City, Xt br, Ovt 2d, 1917,
Boa'dtif ciuntv coiiiiniKBi'in. rs met
pursuant to adjournment. Present,
Thomas C Baird. chairman : E t Mor
gan and lohu Bierl, and W L Ross,
county cleik.
Report of Fred Ulnme, county treas
urer, of personal taxes not rollected
for the year ltft'0, approved by the
Report of II C Hansen, sheriff, for
MM quarter, approved by the board.
RejM rt shows fees earned $161.00.
Report of W L Rots, county clerk,
approved by the board. Report shows
fee earned for 3rd quarter 1907 as
follows :
Fees earned for recording 1A3 !5
Third quarter nahiry UK) Oil
Totnl fee earned ..Wa?fi
(Signed) Y L Res.
Board ordered county clerk to strike
the taxes on lots 1, 2, 3, ,6 and 6 in
block 58, Covington, for tho years 1879
to 189G, inclusive.
The contract for buildiDg county
bridges for the eiBuig year was
Republican candidate for Sheriff of
Dakota County.
awarded to L H liealty, Ins bid hen g
tne lowest auu iiest.
Claim of Martin IIolnivi for $1180
30, for suiveying and making plat, etc,
of t,lk Creek ditch, rej cted.
Road petitioned for by Carl Ras
mussen, granted as prayed for.
Road petitioned for by Louis Feder
son, granted as prayed for.
Claims allowed as follows:
O II DudKan. on roue! dlsttrlet No IS. .1 W l
Alfred Denmry ' ' ls..lloyi
Alfred Pemnry ' ' 4.. 110 oo
Con Delounhery ' ' ' 18. . IAS 00
Con DeloiiKhery ' ' ' 4.. 110 00
T J Oronliy ' ' ' 18.. 8 00
Herman Nelson ' ', ' 4.. 8 00
M Mitchell ' ' 4.. 3 00
K 4 B Mir Co 1 ' ' 2.. 18 20
Claims allowed :
Edwards Bradford, mdse fmo 00
J K Ihmer, mdse 8 Al
Hammond Stephens Co, supplier... 7 80
Neb Clark Auto Tel Co, phone rent... fl 00
Klopp A Bartlett, supplies.... fif 60
Homer Hardware 14)1"
nmnuK rnsn.
L Pederson, brldpe work 18 86
K,d wards A Bradford, lumber 1T8 10
John C Smith, bridge work if, 10
Robert Blume, same 8 00
road rewn.
John O Smith, road wsrk 160
Robert Blume, same S 00
Board adjourned to meet November
2, 1907.
W L Ross, Clerk,
Who's to Blame?
The correspondence signed "A Sub
scriber" in the Free Fress of last week
seems to lay the blame for the dis
turbance at the basket supper in die
triot No 28 to Hubbard booae. We
hardly know which the slur is intend
ed for Hubbard's booze or Hornet's
bovs. We sre always sorry to know
of Homer's boys doing wrong, and de
plore the fact that they can get the
bocze wherever it may be, but we
sometimes thiuk if Homer boys had
little encouragement in the right di
rection aud were not railed at so niueji
for small offences they might sppre
date it and try to live up to what we
expect of them. We have i-een just
as bad boys that were raised elsewhere
as those raised in Homer. The "( rown
nps" sre not angels, if we are to jn.ige
by the language they use to the boys
sometimes on tne streets, that uny n
may hear who has good eais. Then
why expect the boa to ho perfect
As to the Homer Indians, some of them
are gentlemen compared to some white,
people who even pretend to be elms
A Friend of the Boys, and a Ilomerite,
For social entertainment to be given
by the local MBA lodge, after it
regular meeting on the evening of
Novenber 7th, to be follow ed by re
freshments :
Music 8oh tilled 'h Orchestra
Recltutlon Ida Hodenhender
Kohtf K. A. Wood
Orchestra accompaniment.
Address ChrU Paulson
Instrumented music Nudlu Kl-dier
Discussion "Which Is tho lietter to have,
a luilky mule or a stubborn wife." Mule
end D. O. Stinson and Mrs. (leoive I.
Miller; Wife end Geo. Hlrschiuich and
Mrs Mell A. Kchmled
Music ...Kolmileil's Orchestra
Guessing contest
Prepared by Mell A. Ki-hmled
DlaloK'l. bin
HodculxMider and Alls'rt Schumacher
Sontr M. A. Stln-wiii
It'H-ltutlou Clarence Howard
Quartette , Country Club
Keclta lion K in me t ( i I'l I il ilu
Souk Mrs. Mell . Sclimled
Orchestra ucc onipaiilmc lit.
Real Estate Transfers
J J Kliuers and wife to Arthur Hliven.
lots 7 Hint N In UliK-k S. oiIkIiihI pint of
South Sioux City, wd I fee
Lucy K Hurnhiiiii and Win II lliillitnd
wife to 1 KouIb, lots il. f. i uti.l Villi '
block 4, orlKllml plal of South Sioux
Ctty.wd 4ii
C KiiIhm t mul wife to Isaac Kouts. lot
'.' In block 4, orltflual put of Sou ill
Slous I'Uy - 75
3 A Jones to lleur (ietsch, lots? and H
of Crystal Ijke 'ark, wd. lu0
J C Hleuklroii ami wife to Siiinli M
Me I ut re, lots il. T liml N Iu l.tt rk H,
oiiwlnnl pint of Koulli Sioux 'l'.icd l'l
Iah'iiI representative for I'uki -la
City und viclunv to look
after renewals and lucrcuM
subscription list of a pAmiliicnt inuiitlily
luavaxlne, on a salitcy and roiumtvooii Ims
Is. Kxperlence desirable, but not necesMiiy.
.osl opportunity for rlatil peixxi. Address
'I'libllklier, Hoi 6V. Mntlou (t, New Yolk.
I have for sale some choice, blooded
Foland Ohina bogs, at reasonable
rates. M Waters, Hubbard, Nebr. .
ViVfe$jt3t4iBy tOMCSJOerv
f It may be wrong to be jealous or
proud; but if it is, it is wrong to be
11 It takes two to make a quarrel if
they are men; only one, if a woman.
11 If you want to see yourself ss oth
ers see f ou, run for ofiice.
f While a yonng man is engsged he
act like a model Lnsband; but after
he is married, how he docs change.
U We know of nothing else that so
belittles the soul or crushes the char
ity of some men as does the gold
heaped on them by fortune.
It To be a good Judge of human na
ture, know thyself.
11 The Stli of November will be a
great day for wise men and for fools.
11 Old King Coal is a jolly o;d soul;
a jolly old soul, aye I aye! For bis
prices take a jump, and they make you
fairly bump; they go soaring with the
eagles in the sky. ,
IT If wheat is a dollar a bushel and
corn fifty cents, and we have an 80
crop in Dakota county, how many of
a majority will the democrats take
out of Pigeon Creek precinct?
H Tne man who talked politics all
summer and neglected everything else
is in for some hard bumps.
11 Any man that can manage a fur
nace ought to get murried.
II un Hallowe en, when the young
man is up to all kinds of pranks to
try his neighbors' charity, the young
lady will be up to all kinds of tricks
to try her love charms.
II If von see a pin with the point to
ward yon, it is a sign you have good
eyesight; but if you feel a pin iu like
manner it may be a sign that you arc
gi ing to smash some of your good res
H .fust smile
For a while '
And forget your whir.iog.
When dark clouds 'round you pile
Just pick out the silver lining.
If the wind is blowing ill
Keep j or heart free f rorx tits chill,
It mufrFChanpe
And change it will .
Just smile.
Heart Action
There are certain nerves
that control the action
of the heart. IWhen they
become weak, the heart
action is impaired. Short
breath, pain around heart,
choking sensation, palpi
tation, fluttering, feeble
or rapid pulse, and other
distressing symptoms fol?
low. Dr. Miles Heart Cure
is a medicine especially
adapted to the needs of
these nerves and the mus
cular structure of the
heart itself. It is a
strengthening tonic that
brings speedy relief.
Try it.
"For years I suffered with what t
thought was stomach trouble, when
the doctors told me I had heart
trouble. I had tried many remedies,
when the Dr. Miles' almanac came
Into my handa, and I concluded to
try Tr Miles' Heart Cure. I have
taken three bottles, ene. now I am
not suffering at all. i am cured and
this medicine did It. I w.-lte this. In
the hope that tt will attract the at
tention of others who Buffer as I did."
804 Main St, Covington, Ky.
Your druaalst sells Dr. "Miles' Heart
Cure, and w authorize him to return"
price of first bottle (only) If It falls
to benefit you.
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind
The Youth's
It Comes Every Week
Among the contents of the New Volume
for 1908 will be
250 Good Stories
Serial Stories, Stories of Charac
ter, Adventure and Heroism.
350 Contribulions
Articles, Sketches, .Reminiscen
ce by Famous Men and Women.
1000 Graphic Notes
on Current Events, Discoveries and
Inventions in Nature and Science.
2000 One-Minute Stories,
Bits of Humor and Miscellany,
the WeeklyHealth Article.Timely
ditorials,The Children's Pag,etc.
Caeipl. CepUi of tS Papw 4 niitru4 Aunnn.
ombI for 1901 Mat rn to uy a44M.
Every New Subscriber
who cuts out end aenda this slip
at once with name and addrebi
and $1.73 will receive
All the lesnee of The Companion
for the remaining weeke of 1907,
The Thanksgiving, Christmas and
New Year's Double Numbers.
The Companion's Four-Leaf Hang
ing Calendar for 1908, then
The Companion for the B weeks
of 1908 a library of the best read
ing lor every member of the family.
New ulMMritloua reive4 at tills ultice.
f Wlaf in.m sen: 11 AMjn- aai:iDil 1
A Good, Large
at Attractive Prices. Everything for the horse and stable
Fares paid. Ask
411 P.axrl Strt
ijj J cannot dodge ' the fact that winter is close
i j upon us. Better get that Heating stove you are
in need of now. We can show you the Garland,
. Ideal Leader and Prize Oak, in fact we have
stoves for any purpose, also a good line ,of Ranges.
Call and see them. , ,
EdwardsA, Bradford Lbr. Co
Hubbard, - - Nebraska.
GKO. TIMLIN, Kanaeer.
It is Delicious
25 cents
Blended and packed from
Harris 3L
No. 6 Front Si.
apywheie on earth . See or
Liit your property with na
'S Warner. Eiraers
Fifty Thousand Dollars to Loan
on Cattle Feeding paper. Lower rates than usual,
and your own time to feed out the cattle.
Paper will come due when cattle are ready to sell.
If xou need cattle money (or any other money on
good security) give "The Bank that ALWARS treats
you RIGHT" a trial.
A trial is all we ask on anything. You do that, and
we will do the rest.
Bank of Dakota County
Jackson, Neb.
For All the News,
Do you want
J to sell your farm?
The quick, sure way is
to put a want-ad in
The Rates are -One insertion, per line 10 cents.
Two or more consecutive insertions, per line,
G cents each insertion. Each insertion made on
odd days, 10 cents per line.
All alvf rtihing runs in both morning and
aud evening pspera without extra cbarge.
Count Six Word to at Qir
Address Vant-AdDepartment, Omaha Bee, Omaha, Neb
Within everybody's reach reaches everybody
a a.ii iii f
Assortment of
for Rebate Slips.
Sloua CUy Iowa
per Pound f
carefully selected coffee bj
Homer, Neb
We have plenty of Money to Loan ai a low
rate of interest on Dakota oonnty Farms. We
also Sell and Bay Real Estate of all kinda
write na before you Borrow, Buy or Bell.
to Hell.
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