Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, October 18, 1907, Image 5

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    iCoIds on
the Chest
Ask your doctor the medical
name for a cold on the chest.
Ho will say, "Bronchitis."
Ask him if it Is ever serious.
Lastly, ask him if he pre
scribes Avcr's Cherrv Pec-
Btoral for this disease. Keep
in close touch with your
family physician.
W pablisb our form a Us
Ws banUh aloohol
from our niedloin
W nr you to
consult your
When you tell your doctor about the bad
taste In your mouth, loss of appetite for
breakfast, and frequent headaches, and
when he sees your coated tongue, he wilt
sav, " You are bilious." Ayer's Pills
work well in such cases.
"fid by tha 3. 0. Aar Co.. TiflwaU. Uii.
Special Rates
Cheap Une-Way
Colonist Rates
Daily during October to Pacific
Coast and far west points at about
half rates.
To the East
The low rate Jamestown Exposition
tickets can be used for your Autumn
trip to New York, Boston, and other
Eastern cities. These are the last
cheap rates of tbe reason.
Homeseekers Excursions
Cheap rate excursions tbe first and
third Tuesdays of each month this
Autumn to Kansas, Oklahoma, the
Gulf country, Colorado, Utah,
Wyoming, Big Horn Basin, Mon
tana and the Northwest. Ask
your nearest agent to write the
Big Horn Basin and Billings
O'lStriCt We run personally con
ducted, cheap rate homeseekers ex
cursions to help you to locate on ir
rigated lands at the lowest prices.
Join me ou these excursions . No
charge for services. Wjite D.
Clem Dearer, agent Burlington
Landseekers Burean, Omaha.
A J Kabrakeb, - Ticket Agent
L. W. Waeeley, G P A, Omaha, Neb
w Dr. ling's
Now Discovery
rnn vjuchs .raSm.
uii VOLS Trial Mttle Frm
Physician, and Surgeon.
Calls promptly attended
' W. C. Eckh&rt
Scientific Rcfractionist.
Speolacles and Eyegla-seb
Accurately 1 ltted
Coriultation and Examiuation Free.
Office at residence.
Stop That Cold
To chef rarlr eolrtior Ortpt with "Preventics''
rl..fat fur PnaiiiiMUlut. To MOD cold
with Hreveiitick li inter than to t It run uid b
r. .: i . ... it fi.rwrt To bsiure. Pre-
T.iU will cure even deeply ieted cold, but
at tha aneeze tale ther tn-ak. or
d off these early soldi. That i iureljr IwWor
.... w . u AM mIImI PrwYMiillca.
!reventU-anliletiid'-0"!lwT; 1
hie. no phinlc. nothlnf alckenlns. Nlc
ohlllren-aud thoroughly fe Uk. II
ehtlly. 1( you new. if you acbe all over.
it a t
II vou teel
over, think of
Promntne mi lo Mive nan your
aaual ilckneta
And don't lori your child. It
Miere in fi-veriahneia. nlghtor day. Herein prob.
.i.i. ii.. ... ....ti...1 BrMi.L.iit AttlHenrr. Bold la
te tout tor the pocket. alo In iff hof a
preveutica. luii,t on jour druggUU giving yon
, IlilUlllitjlilill
R R Timo Table
Sioux City, Crystal Lake ft Homer
C:(0 a m .7:00 a m
7:30 am .9:00 am
9:80 am 10.15 a m
11:00 a in 12 tn
1 :3i) p m 2:30 p m
3 :3() p co 4 :30 p m
&:3( p m 6:15 p m
7:30 pm 9:00 p m
Special trips for parties of 15yOr more.
C, St. P., M.ft O.
Trains leave Dakota City at the tol
ovng time :
5:52 pm Omaha 7:35 am
10:00 am. .....Omaha 5:13 pm
3 :37 pm Norfolk 8 :20 am
9:01am , Norfolk 6.32 pm
J ;58 aui Newcastle . . . .10 tOO am
1:08 pm "' .6:08 pm
5 :52 pm Omaha 7 :85 am
3:37 Norfolk 6:32
C B ft Q
No. 85 Local Freight 7:30 am
11 " Passenger, Omaha
and Lincoln 12:47 pm
No 86 Local Freight 2 :15 pm
10 Local Passenger.... 6:33 pm
SchmlfMl'M Orchestra
will give a series of dances in the
court bouse ball, Dakota City.
on the following dates
Oot. 25, Not. 8-22, Deo. 6-20.
Dancing begins promptly at 8:30
Dakota City Lecture
Under the auspices of the business
men of Dakota City.
October 23 Schubert Ladies'
November 18 The New Sam P. Jones,
Denton C. Crowl.
January 2 Metropolitan Concert Co.
January 25 B. B. Burton in Popular
March 10 Gibeon Carl, Character
Change Impersonator.
Reserved seat tickets (10 cents) on
sale at store of S. A. S'inson.
Season tickets adults fl 50, school
children $1.25; admission at door
adults 40c, school children 30o.
Doors open at 7 :30 p m, perform
ance begins at 8:15.
The Uemld for all the nkws:
Frank Haase wbb home from Emer
son over Sunday.
J L Johnson is relieving A J Ear
raker as agent for the Burlington.
DrOH Moxwell has been confined
to his home the punt week by illness.
Don't forcret Breun's coffee it is
still in the lead. For sale at Van de
... . , , .. , . J'H'Kh iuimers peilorTiea the cere
A fair sized crowd attended the
aar.ee at lue courk uuuae unn ihv jir
day evening.
Joseph Clements of Morninide was
attending to business and visiting with
friends here Saturday.
C H Whitney, attorney for the
I northwestern railway at Omaha, was
here Tuesday on business.
Miss Lizzie Kraemer was called to
Alta. Iowa. Tuesday, to care for her
mother, who was seriously hurt in a
Mrs Anna Mullen of Hubbard trans-
acted business here Monday. She is i
a Herald reader, and paid this oihue
a pleasant call.
The first quarterly meeting of tbe
Methodist Episcopal charge of Dakota
City, Neb, will bn held in the church
at this place ou Saturday Oct. 26ih.
1907, at 3 p m.
Miss Elizabeth Haase lias been at
tending tbe sessions of the WomaD s
Hume and Foreign Misaiouary society j
of the Iowa synod which convened at
Sioux City during the wees..
If you iutimd to paint give us a call.
We handle the Minnesota Liuseed Oil
j Paint, sold subject to chemical analy
mh. Guaranteed the best paint made.
Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co.
A J Ktrraker and wifo r. turned
Suiday from Moorcroft. Wyo, ace ru
panied by Mrs Ada Martin. Mrs Kr-
raker b mother. Iney departed ngain
fuesdav for a few weeks vacation and
ill go to St Louis and to points in
Do yon nped vour old roof repaired
r a new rnolf lie member we nave, tue
genuine r.uuoeroid iioonng. wont
ccept a so called jnst as good, when
on can get the best (or the -ome
money. (Jive us a trial, we win please
vou Edwaida & Bradford Lumber
company. '
Two caaes of JiphUieria developed
in the Axhley Loudroah famlv iu this
plaoe la-t week. A phVMClan was
lied last r riitay and the home waa
immediately quarantined. Both casea
a e petting ahng finely and no further
pread of the disease, is anticipated
Rev M J Kline D D, f Baltimore,
Md, secretary of the board of foreign
, . 1 ' T ... I i. i.
uis-ioua or tue u'uueruu viiuruu,
ireachtri an eloquent sermon iu the
Diko a Citv Lntheran ehnrch last
Sunday He remained until Tuesday
monmg visiting Hev Ooeriioltier,
1 rge and Seminary classma t at
Gettysburg Pa
If real coffee disturbs your stomach
our heart or kidneys, then try thia
clever coffee imitation Dr Shoop'a
Health Coffee. Dr Shoop baa closely
matched old Jave and Mocha coffee in
flavor and taate. yet it has not a aii gle
grain of real coffee in it. Dr Shoop i
Health Coffee imitation is made from
pure toaMed grains or cereals, with
malt, nnts, etc. Made in one minute.
No tedious, long wait. Yon will
sur ly like it. Get a free sample from
any dealer.
Subscribe for TnE Herald per
Cobs for sale at the Blenkiron ele
vator, Dakota City, Neb.
Old papers for sale at the Herald,
ofiloe 6 cents per hundred.
Jumps Hurry of Jackson was trans
act business in town Tuesday.
Subscribe for the TJerald, the best
ppv in the county. tl a year.
L A Gitzmyer moved to the reser
vation this week "ith his family
,Ten Farms for Sale. Good ones, al
Vises and kinds. Warner & Eimers.
Banker Ed T Kearney was here
Wednesday from Jackson on business.
Sumner Niebnhr will return from
Thurston this week to remain at home
a whilev '
Bnrt Powell moved Monday into the
Ed Easton bouse, formerly oocupied
by-Gildea Sayre.
Rev Shambangh of Sioux City call
ed on friends here while on his way to
Homer, last Friday. .
Mrs M C Armstrong moved to St
John's precinct Sunday and will keep
house for N D Snyder.
Dr B J Leahsy of Jackson, is at
tending to the praotioo of Dr Maxwell
during the latter'a illntss.
Mrs B J Gobleieh of Hubbard, vis
ited friends here and at Sioux City,
the latter part of last week. ,
Will II Ryan, one of Homer's wide
awake business men was greeting old
time fiLnds here last Friday.
Effie Z Engelen went Omaha Satur
day to spend a week with relatives
and friends, and to take in the "horse
Melvin B Lambert and lone Proo
tor, of Sioux City were j ined in mar
riage Friday morning by Judge J J
Rev Obnrholtzer has been attending
the sessions of t ie Iowa English
Lutheran Synod at 8ioux city during
the week .
Ed J E tston, democatio candidate
forsberff was at Waterbury a few
days this week looking over the polit
ical situation.
Mrs J C McElhinney came up from
L.vons Wednesday evening for a few
days' vifii with the Dr D U aud S A
Stin-on families.
M M Ream last week sold his three
yer old elt to lones the Sioux piano
man, ior $300, taking a lot in Morn
ingside valu. d at $125.
Pl asf i hone iib any item of news
yon may happen to think of that'
what the phones are frr. Ring up
No 43 fo The Uenld ofiloe.
Have you tried the Sultanna and
Tao-co brands of canned goodB? Van
si lls them. TlieHt goods have stood
the test of ttiti pure food law.
L M Lesli and daughters, Hazel
an I Ruth expect to m-ve to Omalia
the coming week Floyd Leslie will
remaiu in charge of the drug store.
liny your hardware tinware, wire
screen and BtoveB from KchrieVer Bros
We guarantee Sioux
City prices. We
also repa'r tinware and ganoline stoves.
W 1 O'Leary and Beisie D Htewart,
of 8in x Oity w re the participate in
an early niornirig wedding on Monday,
Mrs L-tuia T Jay and daughter
Georgia, and Mrs Addo Drummond of
Rx-hlund, Iowa, a sister of Mrs Jay,
were her Tuesday to attend the Ju
neral of Grandma jay. I
All kimis of coal, fed and hay for
sale at reasonable piioes.
Fields & nlacqhteb Co,
Tdeo E Bliven, Manager
Dakota City, Neb.
The Model rt-staurant starts out
un'lnr the new management with
Rood patronagH. A E Adams and
wife, the new proprietors, are exerting
ttiemselves to please their patrons
We have just received a car of that
famous Diamond Lump Sootless west
em coal, the finest in the world for
cooking purposes.
Edwards & Bradford Lbr Co
No real sennible girl gets angry at a
rami for kisaiiig her if she thiuka he
roeanH it. What she does object to is
a niuu flitting from flower to flower
gathering sfteets juat because tie llKes
honey. Ex.
Will 8 Jay and wife came up from
Lincoln Wednesday, returning Thurs-
Mr.Uv vlmianti rnml fnr
the Lincoln Journal, failed tn receive
the tel giant, announcing the death of
iin.ru other, in time t' attend the fu
Rev A1 B Leainer, of Iowa City, Io,
and Rev J H Learner of Clinton. Io.
ns of George Learner of this precinct,
viaueil at home this week. Krth were
in attendance at the sesHioo of the
Lutheran synod held in Sioux City tbe
past week, the former being president
of that iisaociation.
Trial c itarrb treatments a, re being
mailed out free, on request, by Dr
Hhoo , IUciue, Wis. These testa are
proving to the people without a pen'
nv s cos the great value oi this sci
entific prescription known to druggists
everywhere as Dr Shoop s Catarrh
Remedy. Sold by all dealers.
Mra Estella Wnrtabnrger, who was
recently poled from the asylum at
Lincoln, Nebr, witu the understand
ing 'ha1 she was -not to return to this
county, from which place she waa
committed aeveral years ago, returned
here,laxt veek. She was immediately
arrested bv Sheriff H C Hansen and
the axylum au'horities notified. A
lady at endent came up Tuesday and
on waneiay returned witu mta
Wutzbnrger to Lioooln.
WmP Warner was np from Omaha
Friday and Saturday and while here
closed a deal with 8 A Stinson
for tha sale of bis residence property
here. Mr Warner aud family were
loth to part with 'hair home, as they
expeot to return to Dakota City at
soma future tia e to reside; but rented
property depreciate in value so fast
that Mr Warner deemed it policy to
sell now and when the time comes to
return to build again. Mr Stinson
and family are now fitting op their
new home for occupancy.
M O Ayrr-s returned Saturday from
his hunting trip to Cody, Nebr.
Try a package of coffee at Van de
Zedde's, where you got a preacnt with
ever package.
O, why do you eat old dry peanuts
when you cn get them fresh roasted
every day at Van's.
Chas llollman was ever from Sioux
City Thursday, looking after his prop
erty interests hereabouts.
Mrs Lettie Rix came down from
Wakefield Monday for a few days vis
it with relatives and friends.
C M Gray has sold his thrashing
outfit to Dave Appleton, and is now
out of the threshing business.
, Misses Bertha M in tor ard Mamie
Bachert of South Sioux City, were
visitors here Wednesday evening.
Ruah Robinson, daughter of Elmer
Robinson and wi e, is home from
Wisconsin on a visit at her parental
home .
L H Smith circulated a petition this
week to have his name placed on the
official ballot by petition for county
Have yon tried a sack of the new
flour at Van de Zedde's? It is called
"The Queen," and is warranted to be
the best and the cheapest.
Mrs Maggie Hurt, formerly Mrs
Maggie Ayrea, waa here from Omaha
Saturday and signed adoption papers,
giving her son Georgia to Mra F II
Ay res.
There will be preaehiog Sunday in
the M E church at 11 o'clock, and at
Graoe church at 3 p m. Thia word
was reoeived by Wm Adair from the
presiding elder.
What is the reason that Van de
Zedde sells so much Breun's coffee?
Because it is the best that's the rea
son. All the way from 20o to 40o per-
pound. Try a package.
Otto Anderson and Mrs D O Stinson
went to Omaha Tuesday miming to
attend tbe sessions of the I O O F and
Rebekab grand lodges as representa
tives from the local ledges here.
The Northeast District of the Dako
ta county Sunday School associat.on
will hold a convention in tbe Sa4em
Lutheran church Saturday, both fore
noon and afternoon. See program in
thia paper. '
Ward Joyce returned home Wednes
day from the Lower Brule agency
where he registered for a claim, but
failed to get a place in the drawing.
He also took a look at the Tripp coun
ty land that will soon be thrown on
the market.
Stomach troubles, heart and kidney
ailment, can be qniokly corrected
with a prescription known to druggists
everywhere as Dr Snoops lt-stortive.
The prompt and surprising relief
which this remedy immediately brings
is en irely due to its Kestorativo action
upon th controlling nerves of the
stomach. Sold by all dealers.
W O Dutton of Pagosa Sprngs,
Colo, arrived here Tuesday for a short
visit with his nncle, Horace Dutton,
and family. He had been to Kansas
City with a shipment of sheep and
stopped off on his way home. His
father waa a resident of this
county in 1855 and at one time owned
part of the farm now ooenpied by his
brother, Horace.
Get your season tickets for th. Da
kota City Lecture course at any busi
ness house in Dakota City at the fol
lowing prioes: Adults, $1.50; schools
children, $1.25. Reserved seats, 10
cents extra, can bn secured at the
store of S A Stinson. The frst enter
tsiument, (Schubert's Ladies' Quar
tette), will be given Wednesday even
ing. October 23rd. See entire an
nouncement elswhere.
A weak stomach, causing dyspepsia,
a weak heart., wnn paipuauon or iu
termittent pulse, always means' weak
stomach nerves or weak heart nerves.
Strengthen these inside or controlling
nerves with Dr Shoop'a .Restorative
and see bow quickly these ailments
disappear, Dr Shoop, of Raaine, Wis,
will mail samples free. Write for
them. A test will tell. Your health
is certainly worth this simple trial.
Sold by all dealers.
Louis Dierking was one of the lucky
ones in the land drawing that took
tilace on the Lower Brule agency in
Houtti Dakota. Mr Dierking register'
ed a week ago Tuesday and on Moa
dav of this week wheu the drawing
took Dlaa No. 211 fell to his lot.
There are about 4ZO quarter sections
111 this ODelllUg. aul aa mUDV 01 luuae
who drew lower "umber will not be
able to raiac the filing ices, Mr Dier
king will likely get much lower iu the
The Dakota City business men have
undertaken the prelect of furnishing
our community a loeture course for the
coming winter which every one in this
neighborhood should give their most
hearty support. Elewhere in this
paper will be found the announcement
for the entire course, of five numbers,
which includes two musical entertain
ments, the new Sam P Jones, B -B
Burton in one of his popular lectures,
and Gibeon Carl, character change
impersonator. Any one of those num
bera ia eaaily worth wnat is asked for
the privilege of hearing aad seeing
them all. . Our bnsiuess men are to bb
congratulated on securing so strongs
line of attractions and the rerldenta of
Dakota City and surrounding countrv
should show their appreciation uy no
eral support.
The first number of the Dakota City
leoMire course, which is given tinder
the auspioes of the bnsiuess men of
Dakota City, will be held in the ME
church Wednesday tvening, October
23rd, and will be the S-hubert Ladies'
Quartette. The personnel of the quar
tette is: Miss Florence Finch, first so
prano: Mra Belle Rodgers, second so
orano and direotor: Miss uarrie iu
Miles, alo; Miss Anna Bcheiut. con
tralto. Rarely is a community the
size of this pri'ileged to have such a
rare musical treat. This quartette is
espaoially wellbalaoced.eacli one being
a solo singer of rare ability, and when
all thia individual talent is merg
ed it makes a rare combination.
Each number rendered by them U a
classio gem, and enough of the comio
ia interspersed to give a most pleading
variety. Don t forget the
Wednesday, October 23rd.
Hard or Soft Coal,
Coke or wood, whatever fuel you use, costs
money. You have to pay so much for it,
whether you get all the heat out of it or
not. If a stove wastes the fuel and only a
part of the heat is extracted, your fuel bills
are higher than they should be. It is there
fore profitable for you to get a stove that
will get all the heat out of the fuel and
not waste it. N
The "Genuine" Round Oak and the
"Radiant Home" are the stoves that will
do it; even the smoke they send out of the
chimney is clear, showing that the gases
and soot have been burned and all the heat
extracted. The comfort of a stove that is
everything it ought to be ; that gives heat ;
holds the fire; that lasts and is always good
and efficient, is worth almost any cost.
The Round Oak and llafllant
lloilie are such stoves and are a source
of comfort in thousands of homes, and they
will prove the same in yours. There are
imitations, be sure and see the names of
"Round Oak" and "Radiant Home."
For Sale at
Fred Schr ie ver
Passing ot a Pioneer.
On Monday mo-ning last the angel
of death came to another of Dakota
City's old and well known residents,
Mother Mary Jay-Warner, who passed
away at the home of her son-in-law,
John Robertson.
Mary Alexander waa born in Stark
county, Ohio, February 4, 1818, and
had she lived until next February
would have ben ninety years of ape.
In 1842, with her parents, she came
to Iowa and with them made her home
on the frontier on what waa known as
the "Black Hawk Purchase,' and in
that part of it which afterwarda be
came Keokuk county. Here she was
married in 1845 to Rev. John Jay, a
Methodist circuit rider. With him
she shared the fortunes, good and ill,
that befell the Methodist missionary
of that early time, and in lator years
she often referred to this penoH as
tho happiest of her life. To this mar
riage seven children were born, Dr.
Robert L. Jay, died in Wayland, Iowa,
in 1892; Mrs. David S. Bales, died in
Lincoln, Nebr., in 1905; Mrs. John
Robertson, died in Dakota City in
1899, and John Jsy, theyoungost, who
died at the age of three years. Tho
surviving children are Marcellus Jay
of Kausas City, Mo., and Wm. S.
and Melvin C. Jay of Linaolu, this
state. To the last named son a dis
tressing mental malady came a few
years since, and so sad a fate befalling
the brightest and most promising of
her sons well nigh o'erwhelmed the
stout heart of the pool little old
mother who had faced, undaunted, so
many trials. But her faith in God's
goodness and mercy abode to the end.
At the age of fourteen she becrae a
member of the Methodist church, and
for three quarters of a century hers
was a consistent and earamt Christian
The subject of this sketch wss twice
married. Left a widow in 1859, and
living near the border during all the
Civil war, she struggled with her
family through that troublesome time,
and in 18G7 became the wife of Rev .
Moses Warner, another strong and,
sturdy pioneer, who came from Ohio
and settled in Keokuk county, Iowa,
in an early day. He was the father
of Col. Jesse and Gideon Warner, two
well known pioneers of Dtkota county,
and was himself known to a number
of the older settlers here, having vis
ited his sons and their families at dif
ferent times in the pioneer days.
He died in 1877, and thereafter
Grandma Warner, or Grandma Jay
she was known by both name made
her home with her daughter, Mrs.
John Roberts n, in Dakota City. She
would visit elsewhere at times, but
Dakota City was "home" to her for
more than twenty years, and she never
tired when away of talking of the
fine women elderly and middle aged
whom she knew and loved here and
whom she always seemed delighted as
a child to hear from or to see and visit
with. But Grandma Jay has gone to
her great reward, and this brief re
viev) of her life may boat be closed by
sending a grateful "God Bless iou
from her children to all thos. dear
friends who aided in guiding her poor
bouy down to its everlastiog rest.
The foneral services were held at
2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon from tbe
Methodist church, conducted by Rev
W. H. Oberbol zer, interment being
in the Dakota City cemetery.
MrsUuris Wsuucli, one of the pi
neer women of Dakota county, tied at
her home in South Sioux City Friday,
October 11, 1907, of dropsy, from
whioh ailment aha bad been a sufferer
for aeveral years. The family resided
on a farm io Brushy Bend for many
years, aud later moved to South Sioux
City to nuke their home and live in
ease. A sorrowing husband and four
grown children survive her. The fu
nersl was held Monday, and the re
mains were laid to rest in the Taylor
Proprietor of
Fresh and Salt Meats always on
Agfnt foi Seymour's
Laundry basket goes Tuesdays
Dakota Cmi Nib. a.lYTS 608 Metropolitan Blk.
Bonded : Abstracter 1 sioux city.' iowa
School Notea.
The loss of th'ee or four pupils, on
account of the removal of their par
ents, is a disappointment to Miss
Alda Lapsley was unable to attend
school for two or three days on bo
count of a sprained ankle received at
The Londrosh boys are now out of
school, being detained by siokness.
Mrs T S Myers of Ponca, a former
primary teacher of that place viniiea
Miss Roberts' room Tuesday forenoon.
Robert Evans whi.e tryiug to prove
his skill in crossing the gridiron,
found he had become tbe bearer of the
football oolors, (b.ack and blue).
Frank Sides recently returned from
an extended v sit in the east aid enter
ed school Monday.
A number of the pupils expect to
take the state examination next Fri
day and Saturday,
A box of physics supplies was re
ceived this week whioh will prove
beneficial to the physio, class.
' Mr Patchin, Mr liest, Miss Durland
and Miss Roberts .ttended the asso
ciation at Emerson lust Saturday.
They report a good time and a display
of enthusiasm and eameatueas from
teachers in all parte of this association
The school board has givsn the
teachers a day off, Out 25th to attend
the Northwest Iowa Teachers' associ
ation at S?oux City.
Through respect to their classmate,
Mary Robertson, the 111 h grade at
tended the funeral of Grandma Jay.
The high school is pr paiihg to or-
... i-i..!
gan'ze a literary society, io ue ueiu
once a month i the higii achool.
For the Sunday School Convention of
the Northeast Uiatuct of t ie Uakota
county Sun-lay Sch ol aasooiatiou, to
be held at the Halera Lntm-ran church
three miles west of Dakota City, Sat
urday, October 19, 19(17.
10 Dovotlonal ServU-e
Rov. W. H, Ohnrholtzur
ll);i!0 Greeting Hupt. Fred Oulhertson
Addreai by President...!. F. Wlnebrenner
Addreia.. Fluid Becretary If. M. BtelUley
11:06 Reports of Department Secretaries
ll;SK The Primary Htandard
Mia Mule McOlaahan
J Pralxe Hervtve Wm. Adair
U:M HuHlneaa Hinslon
(a) Report of Committee on UonntltuUon
(li) Election of onicers..
(c) Mlaeellnneoua
8 Htory of year's Work.. Told by la-legates
Hong, by Olaaafrom Walker's Inland
8:80 Tbe Adult Movement
H. M. Hteldley
.Rov. Mead
Hound Table
Reverence In the Hunday Hcuool...
Rev. W.O. Kckhart
4:10 Report of World's 8. 8, (Jonven-
tlon U. Maakell
The ladies of the Salem Lutheran
church will serve lunch at no. in. Ev
erybody invited to attend.
If any of our subscribers desire the
addreBB changed on their Herald by
reason of the establishment or changes
made in the rural rout a. or for any
I other reason, just drop na a postal and
I the change desired and it will b ninde.
thev woods you, spoiled
My winter nap
& Co.
hand. Caeh paid for hides.
White Laundry.
and comes back Saturdays
A Hard Debt to Pay.
J "I owe a debt of gratitude that can
nevei be paid off," wrMea G B Clark,
of Weat field, Iowa, "for my rescue
from death, by Dr. King's New Dioov
ery. Both lungs were so seriously
affeo'ed that death seemed imminent,
wheu Ionp-meuced taking New Dis
covery. The ominous dry, hacking
cough quit before the the firat bottle
waa used, anJ two more bottles mada
a complete cure." Nothing has ever
equaled New Discevery for coughs,
colds and all throat and lu' g com
plaiuts Guaranteed at Leslie's drug
store. 50o and $100. Trial bottle
free. . .
All persona owing me past due notea,
or book accounts of long standing,
wi'l please settle same by October let.
If not settled or paid by October lat
notes and accounts will be turned over
to the Hubbard State bank, and the
Bank of Dakota County fr collection.
or satisfactory settlement, with col
lection fee added. Notea or a cuuta
placed in either bank if not paid or
settled by October 81st, 1907, suit will
be begun against all delinquents.
. - Hubbard, Neb.
Out of Sight.
'Out of sight, out of mind," ia an
old Baling ahioh applies with special
force to a sore, burn or wousul that's
been' treated with Buokleu'a Arnica
Salve. It's out of sight, out of mind
aud out of qxisteuoe. Piles too and
chilblaiua diaappear under its healing
influence Guaranteed by Leslie, the
druggist. 25o.
To check a cold quickly, get from
your druggist some little Candy I old
Tabb ta called Preveutica. Druggist
ever where are now dispensing Pre-
ventics, for they are not only safe, but
decidedly certain aud prompt. Pre-
venti s contain no quiuiue, no laxative,
uothiiiy harsh nor sickening. Tatea
at the "snaeze stage" Preventics will
pi event pneumonia, bronchitis, la
grippe, etc, hence the came Preven
tion. Good for feverieb children. 48
Preventics 25 cents. I'ria' boxes So.
Hold by all dealers. '
For Sal or Trade.
A 16 horse power compound traotioa
engine I have sold my threshing
machine to D Appleton and have thia
ngiue left, which ia iu good woikiug
crder. C M Gbat,
Dakota Clt, Nebr.
A Good but Cheap Daily Paper. .
The Omaha Dailv ew ia constant
ly making extremely liberal pr posi
tions for new anbsoritxra. unit its
U i eat offer to aend tin-dailv, exoepfc
Snuday, from now until January 1,
, r . .r. . .1, t - I. - At fci
i itfuv, to an new luwnu rn i r vu
1 ia tu best ever. Ihia wi.l cairy o
I all ibrouwh tha next pieid miul cm
i paig.i and will give yon a live, up-to-
date daily Newspaper for 10 celts
month. Send in your sr.bsor p iou di
rect 'o Tha Omaha Daily News, Oma
ha, Neb., or the put liah. r of thia
Lutheran Church Announcements.
piif!bing Buudaj morumtt at Sa
il ma' 11:00 o'clock. hnnria,i achool
at 10 .00; O E at 8 p m.
Preaching at Dakot . City at 8X0
oVlnclr p m; Sunday a hotd at 9:45 a
u. ; t : E at 0 :30 p m
4 cordial welcome to all. -