Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, October 04, 1907, Image 5

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ake Cold
Or.c way Is to pay no attention
to it; at least not until it de
velops Into pneumonia, or
bronchitis, or pleurisy. An
other way is to ask your doc
tor about Aycr's Cherry Pec
oral. If he says, " The best
r ihirc for colds." then take it.
Oo r 3 he says, anyway.
Wo publish our formulas
W ban I Ah tiloohol
from our tuedioiuaa
Wo uriro yon to
consult your
duo tor
.srv:. jwsis
VI:ca the bowels
are constipated, pol-
somous substances are nbsorbed into the
Instead of beinp daily removed from
tn; b id as natura intended. Knowing
t lis Jnnzer, doctors always inquire about
Hi """dition of t!ic bowels. Ayer's Pills.
' - - r the J. C. Ayer Oo, Lowell. Vail.
Special Rates
Cheap One-Way
Colonist Pates
Daily during October to Pacifio
Coast and far went points at about
half rates.
To the East
The low rate Jamestown Exposition
tickets can be used for your Autumn
trip to New York. Boston, and other
Eastern cities. These are the last
cheap rates of the reason.
Homeseekers Excursions
Cheap rate excursions the first and
third Tuesdays of each month this
Autumn to Kansas, Oklahoma, the
Gulf country, Colorado, Utah,
Wyoming, Big Horn Basin, Mon
tana and the Northwest. Ask
your nearest agent to write the
Big Horn Basin and Billings
District We run personally con
ducted, cheap rate homeseekers ex
cursions to help you to locate on ir
rigated lands at the lowest prices.
Join me ou these excursions. No
charge for services. Wiite D.
Clem Deaver, ogont Burlington
Landseekera Burean, Omaha.
A J Kaeiuker,
Ticket Agent
L. W. Waeeley, G P A, Omaha, Neb
r. ting's
Nov; Discovery
FDR roycHS
i k A WW SJI4.W.
OLnS Trial iMittle Free
Physician and Scrireon.
Calls promptly attended
W. C. EckK&rt
Scientific Refractionist.
Spectacles snd Eyeglasses
Accurately Fitted.
Cot iiiltation and Examination Free.
Oflico ut residence.
i ly r'-t- ' t 'imiiiii'im'.-i
(mil 1 i"-w ir li;ii-'ni,"l wM. T.wt olr
I. i ( l.M . i 1:1 ' ' r 'I .Tti... t.l
I -if ni i.ilr...:. .kii lit nil tn'"1ilr
ijjCo,aiB-New tort
for ssk.ll
4fp$ News.
- nu i w - 9
n,- ni -'i v. i' r r-ni
M ft t.H-
R R Time Table
Sioux City, Crystal Lake ft Homer
jakota cur Riorx CITT
6:00 a m 7:00 a m
7:30 m -.9:00 a m
9:30 a m 10:15 a m
11:00 a m 12 m
1:30 p m 2:30 p tu
3:30 pro.. 4:30 p m
5:3C pni 6:15 p m
7:30 pm 9:30 p rd
6:15 p rot tU :00 p tu
Specul trips for parties of 15 or more
C, St. P., M. A O.
Trains leave Dakota City at the fol
losing time:
5:52 pm Omaha. 7:35 am
10:00 am Omaha ......5:13 pm
8 :3? pm Norfolk 8 :20 am
9:01 am Norfolk 5.32 pm
7:58 aui Newcastle 10:00 am
2:08 pm.. " 6:08 pm
5 :f2 pm Omaha 7 :35 am
3:37 Norfolk 5:82
C B 4 Q
No. 85 Local Freight 7:30 am
11 " Passenger. Omnha
and Lincoln 12:47 pm
No 80 Local Freight 2:15pm
10 Local P(ist))Dger....6:33 pm
Local Items
The Deild 'or all tb nkwb:
R A Combs, of ITomer, was a busi
ness visitor here Friday.
Wm Armour and wife returned Sat
urday evenerg from their western trip.
Don't forget Breun's coffee it is
still in the lead. For sale at Van de
W T Bartlett, the land man of Jack
son, was a business visitor in town
Geo Itaase, of Emerson, was here
last Friday night, having just return
ed from a trip to South Dakota.
Mrs Henry Loomis returned to Ho
mer Saturday, having speut a few
days here at the John II lie am ho ye.
J J Ei triers recently purchased a
batch of 100 lots in South Sioux City
from Stephen W Post, a capitalist of
Nassua, N Y, for $900.
Rev M D Berg, of Ponca, called on
'Rev and Mrs Oberholtzer at the Lu
theran parsonage Tuesday, woile ou
his way to visit Bev E H Combs, of
If you intend to paint give us a call.
We handle the Minnesota Linseed Oil
Paint, sold suhjeot to chemical analy
sis. Guaranteed the best paiut made.
Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co.
Mrs Albert Onderstal, of Allen, was
down the firct of the week and visited
at tiie Van de Zedde home a few days.
She went to Homer Wednesday to vis
it her parents, Fred Berger and wife.
A It Oleson, of Wisner, republican
candidate for district judge, was call
ing on friends in town Tuesday. Mr
01eon is a pleasant gentleman to
meet and is making many votes wher
ever he goes.
Edna P Fessel, granddaughter of J
F Lcedoin and wife of this place, was
married in Sioux City Monday to
Ualph O Brown, of South Sioux City.
Mr Brown formerly lived at Winneba
go and is a brother of Mrs Fred Lee-
dom, of that pl-.ee.
Do you need vour old roof repaired
or a new mof ? Remember we have the
genuine liubberoid Poofiog. Don't
accept a so called just as good, when
you can get the best for the same
money. Give us a trial, we will please
you Edwards & Bradford Lumber
Congressman J F Boyd, of Neligh,
' was here Monday for a few hours call
ing on friends. While here he took a
look at the river to get an idea of
wuat is needed in the way ,i proteo
, tion at this point, and at the coming
session of congress will try to get an
apprpriution made to protect the ri'er
bank at this place.
To check a cold iaickly, get from
your druggist tome little Candy Cold
Tabltts called Preveiitics. Druggists
every wliere are now dispensing Pre
vention, for they are not only sife, but
decidedly certain and prompt. Pre
veiiti' a contain no quinine, no laxative,
nctliiDp harsh nor sickening. Taken
at the "sneeze stage" Preventics will
pievent puetuuoiiiii, bronchitis, la
grippe, etc, hence the name Preven
tics. Good for feverish cbildien. 4a
Preventics 25 cents. Trial boxes 5c.
Sold by all dealers.
A short session of district court was
held here Saturday when Judge A A
Welch, of Wayne, sitting for Judge
Guv T Graves, hearJ the petition f
Thos Sullivan, of Jackson, uskiug fur
a writ of n-.andanius to compel County
Clerk W L 11 hh to place the names of
the democratic Candidates that were
balloted for in St John's precinct at
tlm recent primary election upon, tlie
fifficiul ballot. The hearing was set
fi r next Monday, the 7th. It st ems
these candidates Hid not waul to take
tiui t get up a p"titiou according to
law aud pay their tiling fee u others
did, and urn hiking this method to
crawl through and fi t their inuuef on
the ticket, whether the democrats of
the county want them or not.
Following are a few rulings of the
iOHt.ilTio department in regard to tiie
regifti-riug of uiwil matt r und of pre
paring and signing for money outers:
"The sender of a registered letter riillt-t
adilrn-a it. place the dintt-nt in the
envelope, peal it, put his inline on tuu
envelope and carefully prt pare it for
mailing. The potittmuter is not even
allowed to "lick" thestanip ltf-gUtcred
mil must not be delivered to u person
ether than the one to whom it is ad
drestd without a wiitteu order. A
husband t-autint higii for a wife or
vienvi-rst. Signatures inufct b made
in ink, indelible peccil not allowed.
The bender of a money order must
fill iu th appliealin. P.istmufters
are forbidden to take checks ou Lauks
in payment for money orders.
Subscribe for The Herald fl per
11 1' Kohlmeier went to innebago
Thursday on business.
Hazel and Ruili Leslie are spend
ing the week in Omaha.
Cobs for sale at the Blenkiron ele
vator, Dakota City, Neb.
Old papers for sale at the Herald
office 5 cents per hundred.
Rev E E Rhafcr is attending con
ference in Omaha this week.
Mrs Erie- Ansiea of Vista, was here
Wednesday seeing old friends.
Subscribe for the Herald, the best
ppr in the county. $1 a year.
Jenoie Fairwt ather has gone to Cher
okee, Iowa, to reside with her parents
Ten Farms for Sale. Good ones, al
sizes and kinds. Warner & Eimers.
M O Avers spent the first of the
week iu Omaha eDjoving the Ak-sar
ben show.
O, why do you eat old dry peanuts
when you can get them fresh roasted
every day at Van's.
U S Marshal Warner was np fronj
Omaha Friday and Saturday looking
after his property intereti.
L E Steveus hs gone t Newcastle
to take charge of a section on the
new extension of the Omaha road.
Mrs Joe Lindstrom and baby, were
over from Sioux City Wednesday and
speut the day at the W E Lennox
Mrs C H Maxwell went to Lincoln
Tuesday for a few days visit with her
daughter, Mary, who is attending
school there .
Mads D Petersen, of Chicago, and
Ida Zoatz, of Sioux Ci y, were united
in marriage by Judge J J Eimers
yesterday afternoon.
Have you tried the Sultanna and
Tao-co brands of canned goods? Van
Bells them. These goods have stood
tbo test of the pure food law.
Duy joar hardware, tinware, wire
screen nnd stoves from Schriever Bros
We guarantee Sioux City prices. We
also repair tinware and gasoline stoves.
Wm Wilson, of Emerson, former
sectiou boss for the Burlington at this
place, was down over Sunday visiting
friends. H was accompanied by his
little son Ernest.
All kinds of coal, feed and hay for
sale at reasonable prices.
Fields & Slaughter Co.
Theo E Bliven, M-mager,
Dakota City, Neb.
We have just received a car of that
famous Diamond Lump Sootless west
ern coal, the finest in the wond for
cooking purposes.
Edwards & Bradford Lbr Co.
Yon will never bn too late nor lose
any time at the Unique theater, David
son block, Sioux City continonn enter-
tunment. , Greatest moving pictures
ever seen, ladies and children especi
ally iuvitel.
If any of our subscribers desire tbe
address changed on their Herald by
reason uf the establishment or changes
made in the rural mutes, or tor uny
other reason, just drop us a postal and
the change desired and it will be made.
Trial catarrh treatments are being
mailed out free, on request, by Dr
Shoo,, Racine, Wis. These tests are
proving to the people without a pen
ny's cost the great vajue of this sci
entific prescription known to druggists
everywhere ms Dr Shoop's Catarrh
Remedy. Sold by all dealers.
If real coffee disturbs your stomach,
your heart or kidneys, then try this
clever coffee imitation Dr Shoop's
Health Coffee. Dr Shoop has closely
matched old Jave and Mocha coffee in
flavor and taste, yet it has not a single
grain of real coffee in it. Dr Shoop's
Health Coffee imitation is made from
pure toanted grains or cereals, with
malt, nnta, etc. Made in one minute.
No tedious, long wait. You will
surely like it. Get a free sample from
any dealer.
Death has claimed another of the
Dakota county pioneers in the person
of Mrs Louisa Winkhaas, who passed
to the other hore Sunday evening,
SepUmber 29, 1907. She was born
near ilalver, Germany, October 7,
1826, and wits in her 83rd year at the
time of her denth. Deceased came to
America in 1809, landing in New York
July 4th. She came direct to Dukota
county. Neb, where her hukbund bad
preceded her a few months, and has
made her home on the farm west of
Homer ever since. She was the moth
er of four children, two of whom fur
vive her, vamelv, Mrs Anna Shull
and Mrs Chas Vo. The funeral
services were held Tuesday, conduct
ed uy itev iu tx uomus, oi nomer. in
teiment being in the Taylor cemetery
The Dakota City Lecture committee
met at the Lutheran Parsonage ou
Tuesday evening and formed a pernm
nent or;auiz ttion by the election of
tiie following officers: Chairman,
8. A. Htinbon; Secretary, V. S
Oberholtzer, aud Treasurer, W. L
It x s. The com mil tee is making
special effort to furnish the citizens
of this vicinity a bhukoii of helpful in
ut ruction nnd entei'iiinuieut. The use
of the M. E. church bus been secured
and evt-ry meuns will unemployed lo
please aud benefit the public The
Uler.t of the vaiions numbers is the
verv best of its kind, as only lhr.se w be
have unidfl a continued success iu their
work ure engaged by the Midland Ly
ceiim uureaii iiu; iieKe's win tie
.old for 1 50 for adnlta und $l.i5 f i
tho0 uttendiiig school, for the tu.liu
cunrne of live numbers. A small e
neived seat fee of lOo will bo chnrred
for eiich number. Single a mission
35a for iidults und 3')o for sijio- I child
rt-n. 1 ha reserved seat churl will be
in ehargp of S. A. Htinson at hi store,
Tickets, both, MeaMiii und hiii) lo ad
mission, may be secured of the follow
ing members of the committee 8. A
Htinson, W. L. B'hs. F. A. Wood
Paul l'izey. II. b. Kohlmeiiir, J. Vau
de Zedde, Ed Easton, Mill Scbmied
Fred Schriever and V. S. OU rholtzer
Any member of this c imn ittee will
also be glad to show advoi t;MBg matte
and nivu information emm ming thia
courro. The liberal ptu l age of the
ii iblio iieuruestly solicited Ttie lirrt
number, the Bhubert Ladies u '.r'ctt
I will eppear oo Oct, 23rd .
Ida Davis of Emerson visited at the
D M Neitwanger home this week.
Mary Easton went to Omaha Tnes
day to spend a month visiting friends,
Joe A Foye, jr, went to Omaha
Wednesday to take in the Ak-sar-ben
Try a package of coffee at Van do
Zedde's, where you get a present with
ever package.
Grace Uager returned home the
first of the week from a visit with rel
stives at Wakefield.
En ma Comeau of South Sioux City,
was married on Wednesday to Roy
Sherwood of Sioux City.
Hans Johanson, of Jackson, under
went an operation at the German Lu
theran hospital in Sioux City, Weduea
Ed Bliven of South Sioux City, is
assisting at th. Fields & Slaughter
elevator here iu buying and shipping
Schmied's orchestra is giving
series of dances, six in number, the
first to be held Weduesday evening
October 11th.
Alfred Challie and II Krumwtide
went over to Stanton Wednesday even
lug to take in the lair wnicu is in
progress there.
nave yon tried a sack of the new
flour st Van de Zedde s? It is called
"The Queen," and is warranted to be
the best and the cheapest.
Ross Johnson and wife returned
Thursday from their trip to Sloyton,
Minnesota, where they were culled by
the death of Mr. Johnson s sister.
T J Knenper and family have rented
the llollman house north or town and
are moving there this week. Thev
will continue to run the Model res
taurant, however.
What is the reason that Van de-
Z-dde sells so much Breun's coffee?
Because it is the best that's the rea
son. All the way from 20o to 40o per
pound. Try a package.
Wm. Boyle, known here as "Saw
mill Bill," was convicted iu Sioux City
last week of stealing a cash register
valued at $35 , whioh event will prob
ably land him in the penitentiary.
LOST A plush robe on the road
north of Dakota City. Finder please
notify the undersigned, who will pay
the price of the robe for its return.
Wm Browx. Homer, Neb.
Two hunters without licences, were
taken in at Crystal lake last Sunday
by Game Warden Bert Bratdield. Oue
of them proved his residence on this
aide of the river, while the other left
his shooting paraphernalia as security
for his appearance before Judge J J
Stomach troubles, heart and kidney
i1uient, can be quickly corrected
with a prescription known to druggists
verywhere as Dr Shoop Restorative.
The prompt and surprising relief
which this remedy immediately brings
is en irely due to its Restore tivo action
upon tha controlling nerves "of the
stomach. Sold by all dealers.
A weak stomach, causing dyspepsia,
weak heart, with palpitation or in
termittent pulse, always means weak
tomach nerves or weak heart nerves.
Strengthen these Inside or controlling
nerves with Dr Shoop's Restorative
nd see how quickly these ailments
disappear, Dr Shoop, of Raaine, Wis,
will mail samples free. Write for
them. A test will tell. Your health
is certainly worth this simple trial.
Sold by all dealers.
Rally Day
the Emanuel Lutheran Sunday
School next Sunday, October 6, 1907,
at 9:45 a m .
It is hoped we will have the largest
ttendance of the year next Sunday.
To have this every member of the
school must be present. Come and
bring a fiiend with you.
A tpeciul invitation is extended to
any one that has ever been a member
of the school.
A cordial welcome is extended to
everyone. Come nnd help us have a
Rally Day Remember time 9:45,
next Suuday morning.
Elizabeth S. Haare,
W,mOtW!KM 54 0W Jr H0M
Carl Fredrick' on went to Omaha
Wednesda to take in the Ak-sar-ben
Duck coat?, jackets aud overalls for
full aud winter, at Curl Anderson's.
J O Smith, road overseer of district
No 16. m having more business thun a
cranberry merchant these days.
Christ Bonderson got lost Sunday
night between Nis Anderson's and
Mike Far nil's. It was about 10
o'clock the next day before he got
straightened out. Christ wsnts to be
careful not to be out so late these dark
Give ug your order for a new wagon
before the price advances. We still
Sell tuuiu at tho old pi ice. ReLze &
feff Rockwell is making friends
everv day in tits canvass lor tiie onion
of sheriff. Jeff is sure to be elected.
Our stock of cotton aud wool blank
ets is uow in nnd we can supply your
wants iu this line. Cutl Audersou.
John Sierk and Jeff Rckwell were
puHucngers to thj) county seut Tues
day. Herman lUcze now holds tho belt
us champion huiidhull uitiht. He wou
out iu a hotly contented game here
Saturday agmuft It B Oribblo. Her
man saya lie won umply heciiusu lie
kuows how to keep his eve on the
Bring us your butter, eggs and pro
duce u'.mI tret Hih highest market
price, Carl Anderson.
Carl Fred rick son went down to the
county seat Mouduy.
Ilenuau Renze went to Omuli
J utt received, sn up to date htoak
of fall und wiuttr millinery goods.
Sutibfactiou guirauteed. Mins Johan
na Mnndy.
There was quite an exciting time
here Saturday night ovtr the contest
Hard or Soft
Coke or wood, whatever fuel you use, costs
money. You have to pay so much for it,
whether you get all the heat out pf it or
not. If a stove wastes the fuel and only a
part of the heat is extracted, your fuel bills
are higher than they should be. It is there
fore profitable for you to get a stove that
will get all the heat out of the fuel and
not waste it.
The "Genuine" Round Oak and the
"Radiant Home" are the stoves that will
do it ; even the smoke they send out of the
chimney is clear, showing that the gases
and soot have been burned and all the heat
extracted. The comfort of a stove that is
everything it ought to be; that gives heat;
holds the fire; that lasts and is always good
and efficient, is worth almost any cost.
The Hound Oak and llntliant
lloillt) are such stoves and are a source
of comfort in thousands of homes, and they
will prove the same in yours. There are
imitations, be sure and see the names of
"Round Oak" and "Radiant Home."
For Sale at
Fred Schriever
for the ring that was put up for the
most popular voung lady. . It was
quite a graft but some couldn't see it
that way.
Mrs John Harty went to Sioux City
John and Maggie Kent leave for
Perry, lo, this wo-k to make their
home with their mother.
We have our fall stock of cotton
flannel husking mitt in all tizes and
styles. Carl Anderson.
J J Eillackey, of Bloomfield, waa in
town a few days this week.
Herman Renze went to the city
Thursday last.
Mrs M Greeu was a eity passenger
Mike Furrell is hauling oats to
We elevator.
See our stock of outing flannels
fore making your fall purchases.
carry all desirable grades. Carl
Andrew Anderson, who formerly
clerked for Carl Anderson, visited here
ever Sunday.
D C Stinsou, candidate for county
judge, was in town Sunday Mr ntio
son is well known and liked by the
people of this precinct who will le-
meoiber him at the polls.
A box social will be given at the
Plum Grove school house Oct iber 12
Ladies are requested to bring boxes
and the boys tueir pocket books. All
are cordially invited to attend.
nomer has a mystery.
Mrs Seth Barnes went to Omaha
Weduesday to attend the Ak-sar-ben
and vihit relatives.
Mis Sarah Snrth returned Monday
from Franklin, Neb, where she hai
been visit ug her daughter and faruil;
for the past mouth Her daughter,
Mrs Will Jastrom, and son Glen accom
panied her home for a short visit.
Walter Smith has gone to the Band
hills to see if he can t beat Leo Clem
ent's record at duck shooting.
Mamie Clapp visited over Sunday
at the 11 A Monroe home.
Benone McKinley and Grover Davis
returned from Fagler, Co, Monday.
They wer t in a pararir schooner but re
turned by rail.
Seth Barnes and wife visited with
Mr Barnes' brother at Waterbury
Mrs McKinloy drove to South Sioux
City Saturday.
Mrs Frank Combs
visited her pa
and wife, from
iu South Sioux
rents, Will Pilguiu
Friday to Monday,
May Altf mus was a Homer visitor
Mrs Rue Altenius visited her pa
rents. James Alloway and wife, this
Mrs Winkhans died at her home
west of Homer Sunday and was bur
ried in the Taylor cemtery Tuesday.
The saloon waa knocked out but
there are sometimes worse things than
s iloons.
William Wallway, Anton Wilkie,
AugUfct Isenberg, of Emerson precinct,
attended Mrs Winkbouse'a funeral
Tom Gribble was a Homer visitor
Adolph Burtles marketed hogs in
Homer Tuesduy.
Henry Skidmore retumed from
Chieugo, Mondey, after a week spent
there ou business
Mrs Winnie McBride visited several
days in Ponca last week at the horn
of her sitter, Mrs P Smith.
M V IjOihIoii retnriioit from Jtiiers,
Miuu, the luht of the week.
Mrs Fern Ferguson, of Long Pine,
Net), urnved here Suturduy to visit
her pareuts, Mr uud Mrs Reuinger.
Announcement was mude iu the
Cuthnlm church at ViU Suuday of
the marriage of Joe M Davey, of
Puticn, and Abbie Twnliig, of Vista
Mm J L Desseit nnd children, of
Casper, Wyo, arrived here Weduea
day t veniug to upend a few weeks with
her parents, T B Jones and wife
Him was accompanied home by her
HHter, Laura, who has beeu staying
wit her the past year,'
Mr Ed T Keuruey and danght
Helen, left for Omaha Monday to vis
it fi tends and attend the Ak-sar-ben
fistivities. Ed T left Wed ne id ay to
loin thorn and expects to remaiu over
Suuday to atteud the laying oi th
syp iip -
-Proprietor of
City Klesvi MsHket
Fresh and Salt Meati always on
Agent foi Seymour's
Laundry basket goea Tuesdays
Dakota Citvi Ncs.
Bonded : Abstracter
... .1
oorner stone ot me new catueurai
there. Quite a number from here are
planning to go Saturday and Sur.day
for tho oorner stone ceremonies.
Born, to Mr and Mrs C P Garvey,
n Vo ober 1, 1UU7, a son. The little
one only lived a few hours. Mrs Gur
yev is at the home of her sister, Mis
B J Lehv. Mr Garvey was called
from llartington Tuesday on accruut
of the illness of his wife and the death
of their little babe, the remains of
which he took to Uartington Wednes
day morning for interment.
Fannie O'Hern returned to her home
at Barnnm, Iowa, Monday after spend
ing a month with her friend Mag
gie Byrne.
Tom Sullivan is putting in a well at
his farm near town.
Rer Fr McCarthy went to Omaha
Wednesday for a few days.
Mrs John Bell, formerly telephone
operator at South Sioux City, is at
tending to the switch board for the
Jackson Independent Telephone com
pany until the new operator learns the
Misses Alice and Jennie Demaray
entertained about a dozou of the young
folks from town at their home
here Sunday evening to a 6 o'clock
dinner, after which the evening was
pent most pleasantly with music,
siuging, etc
Augustine Murray left Tuesday for
llemidge, Minn, to visit his sister,
Mrs J A Heath.
Messers Brown and Taj lor, of the
Eagle, were in town Wednesday.
Jeffrey M. ler, son of Mike Boler,
while playing with some boys at school
Wednesday afternoon, fell in such a
mauner as to dislocate bis elbow and
also break it. He was taken to the
I rug store snd Dr Leahy called to re
duce the fracture. He is getting along
Mrs Aug Voss was a passenger to
Emersou Tuesday,
James Heeney received a car load
of hogs from Hay Spring!, Neb, Mon-
O Doxtad was a passenger to Sioux
City Wednesday and bought a car loud
of hogs.
Mrs Lena Simmons, Maigaret and
Clement, were passengers to Sioux
City one day last week.
Herman Assenmacher, who has been
visiting his sistei, Mrs Kim mon b, aud
bro her, Mat Assenmacher, returned
o his home iu Billings, Mont, Mou
ay. Frank Heeuey, of Hay Springs,
Neb, spent Monday with his pitreutu
i re and went to Coleiilge, Neb, Mou
ley evening to visit relutivc-s.
Chas Schwartz wus a passenger to
Emerson Tuesday.
Nel i- lleenty went to Coleridge,
Neb, Monday evening.
Rose rieenoy w, s a passenger to
Hioux City Tuesday.
M O'Conuor came here from Sioux
City Monday eveuing.
Margaret Kent and Marie Kelliher
spent Suuday at Mio James Heenev
A Criminal Attack
on an inoffeiibive citizeu is frequently
trade iu that apparauily uselesa little
tub uaUed the "appendix." It's gen-
& Co.
hand . Caeh paid for hides.
White Laundry.
and comes back Saturdays
608 Metropolitan Blk.
Sioux City. Iowa
erslly the result of protracted consti
pstion, following liver torpor Dr.
King' New Life Pills regulate i he liver,
prevent appendicitis, and establish
regular habits of the bowels. 25o at
Leslie's drug store
A Hard Debt to Pay.
"I owe a debt of gratitude that can
never be paid off," writes G S Clark,
of West field, Iowa, "for my rescue
from deuth, by Dr. King's New Discov
ery. Both lungs were so seriously
affected that death seemed imminent,
when I onn-meuced taking New Dis
oovery. The ominous dry, hacking
cough quit before the the ilrut bottle
was used, anj two more bottles mad
a complete cure." Nothing has ever
equaled New Discovery for coughs,
oolds and all throat and luig com
plaints. Guaranteed at Leslie's diug
store. - 50c and $1.00. Trial tottia
free. J
Lutheran Church Announcements.
Preaching Sunday morning al Sa
lem at 11:00 o'clock, Sunday school,
at 10:00; C E at 8 p m.
Preaching at Dakota City 7:30p
m, G E 6:30, Sunday school at
9:45 a m, Mission Band at 3:00 p m
A cordial welcome to all.
His Dear Old Mother.
"My dear old mother, who is now
eighty three years old, thrives ou Eleo
tria Bitters, "aw rites W B Bmn-on, ol
Dublin, Ga. "She has taken them for
about two years and eujinsun excel
lent appetite, feels strong aud sleeps
well." That's the way Electric Bitters
affeo', the ag".d, and the same bnppy
results follow in all oases of femuie
weakuessand general debility . Weak,
puny children too, are greatly strength
ened bv them. Guaranteed also for
stomach, liver and kidney troubles.
For sale at Les.ie's drug store. 60c
per bottle.
All persons owing me past due notes,
or book accounts of long standing,
wi'l please settle same by October 1st.
If not settled or paid by October 1st
notes aud accounts will be tumtd over
to the Hubbard State bank, aud the
Bank of Dakota County for collection,
or satisfactory settlement, with col
lection fo added. Notes or u o unti
placed in either bauk if not paid or
settled by October 31st, 1907, suH will
be begun against all delinquents.
D C Hffehnan
Hi'hliHs.l Neb.
B tomach trouble U but a symptom of. anil not
In ttM-ll a true dlseaso. We think of tyspep&l.
lltwnburu. and lndigtmtlon at ruul tliHease. yt
tlii'V are nymptoimt only of a curtuiu iiwctiio.
jti-rva Biciniiis noinmn oi
it wu tlii fuot tliut Unit rortwtly led Pr. RhooM
In the crutttiuu of that nuw very popular sitoiiuu'h
K.-mwly Hr. glioop'n Ki'storutivu. Going uirx:t
to tli" U)inacli nerves, alone timtiirht tl at anccwu
ami favor to Pr. Sihonpaml hit Kitontitve. With
out Unit original and highly vital prm lnlu, no
licit lusting accoinnllBhim nts wore evei to be tuul.
Kur tlomuch ili.lrvsa, bloating, bllloiisiie i. Uul
tireulh and tallow complexion, try Pr. Mioop't
lb-ttomtiVH Tablet or Llnuid nd too for your.
sun what It ran ami wlU uo. Wa uU aud uiooih
fully ruoouitneud I
Dr. SHoop's