Dakota County Herald Continuation of the Homer Herald. JOHN B. BEAM, rCBMRBER. Subscription Trice. $1.00 Tct Year. a weekly newspaper published at Dakota Citv. Nebraska. FermisRion has been granted for the transmission of this paper through the mails as second-class matter. Telephone No. 4.1. Republican Ticket. TATE. Vop Judfre of Supreme Court, M. B. BEEBE. For Rnllrond CommlRNlonrr, IIF.NHY T. CLARKE, JK. For Res-outs of Htnto I'nlvorslty, GEO. COrPLANn, CHAKLEH B. ANDE.JIBOX. JUDICIAL. Kor JuddP KlKlilh Jiirtlrliil niHtrl"t, A. B. OLESOJt . COUNTY. For County Clerk, W. L. ROSS. For County Tronmirpr. W. 1. MANNING. For Sheriff. J . P. ROCKWELL. For County JuilBP, D. C, 6TINSON. For Clerk of t ho lilntrlct Court, ZZi HARRY H. ADA III . For County Superintendent. WILFRED E. VOS8. For County Coroner, B. F. 8AWYERB. For County CommUsloner. 3rd District, FRED BLUME. For 'ounty Assessor, Vm, W. BEMNOEB. A Word to The Voter. As I find that it is going to be im possible for tne to make anything iik thorough oacvass of the county, I take this means of addressing you. As you kucw, I am a cndidste for county ahMor I will appreciate your sup poit, and if el' ted vill try to make a fair nd just assetf inent. I foul just tbiit way in regard t pub'io offices: That persons Lolding them are publio servants, and should tty th ir very bent to serve all alike. I also think tint the people of Dakota county know win they want from the different ones aaking for those offices, and if the T.'tern and taxpayers want me for ennrty assessor, let them say so by tbir votes on election dav, so that if elected, I will feel that I have been fairly elected by the legal voters and will try to srte all alike. W. W. Reninoeb. Much is being said now days about th u-w primary law. The greatest conoarn of the politUns at the present is the construction to be given the law in regard to the effect of writing in names of candidates. The State's At torney General has published an opin ion in which he holds that a person can not secure a nomination in that man ner. If tho courts prve to be of this min 1 it will go hard with the demo cr.tts in this county as most of their oanuidatus were nominated in this man ner, liut we learu that in other coiintiHS tho shoe would be on the other foot and the republicans wo ill be in distress. It ii true there are some de fects in the present law, hut there are nono which oannot be easily remedied. Another thing, about 35 per cent oj the voters of the state took part in the election of candidates while uuder the old caucus system it is safe to say tint not 6 per cent of the voters took part in the selection of candidates. ThW one argument should bo sufficient to settle the matter in the minds of the rank and file of the voters. Car roll Index. A K insas editor mentions that he sometimes receives an envelope with a 'V" in it after the paper had oon tftined a painstaking wedding notice or obituary. We sometimes receive an envelope on such ouoasion, but they usually contain another kind of a note, one aaying: "'Enclosed find 2 enta in postage for which send us four copies which has the notice ot our daughter's wedding. We are sorry you made such a mistake as to say 'the ltrid was dressed iu pink chiffon,' it wasn't chiffon at all, it was tulle. Yo-irs respectfully," eto fx. When you have one milliion $1 bills and pile them upon top of one another, if you want to take off the top one, you will have o reach 270 feet If you lisd the amount in silver dollars the piltt would be half a mile high and so ou. We know for we tried it the other night, but the bed broke down and we woke np Ex. I t (terns of Interest I from our Exchanges Pender Timet.: M jll Niebuhr spent Sunday at borne at this place. lie is now employed at Sioux City. I'encer uepubiio: juei Aieuuhr is here from Sioux City, to visit home folks tor a few days. ...Miss Jeunie Fairwether, of Dakota City, ii visiting Iru-nds In render this week Salix Items iu Sloan, Io, Star: Miss Myrtle Scott ex pt els to leave this week for a visit at Wakefield, Neb .... Fred Soott cumo down from Sioux City Sat unlay evening for a short vuit with relatives. Ponca Journal. M:'s May me Knox was called to Ilubburd yesterday ou account of the sorioua illness of he father who residua at (hut pin on. Ml Js Porueroy, another daugbUr, will follow today. Thurston Gazette: Jack Niebul of Dakota City, has charge of the barber shop during Mr Hoar's absouee .... Mr Watson and family arid M Dave Leep, of Nacora, vuited at tho J A Shore homo last Sunday. Emerson Enterprise: Mrs M Mo- 'ntaffer left Tuesday for an extended visit with her parents and other rela Uvea in Butler, Ind....II(; Linatelter has tit eided to move to Waterbury, build new barn ajd again engage in the livery business. .. .On a recent trip to Houtli Dakota, John Florine Im. I l is pocket picked of $30 at the dcput in Sioux City. In tho lunch room at Kalem, 8 1), A V Doran was toucl.ed for f'Ui. DuriDg the rest of the trip the members of the party al most literally kept their hands on thoii pocket books. AK. n News: At the Interstate Fair, (ieorge Nordyke secured first premium on his herd header of Durocs, Dan Orion, and alio won third on produce of sow. This is qnite an item of ii Ivertisement for those who have previously purchased stuff from Mr Nori'vlte's herd,... Will Armour was over "fioin PoDca this week to cash a f 1.D0 check on his First National. We nannot see that Will has crown one bit I ir.Tcr since ho was elected tress urer and since he become a banker Ho i one of thosn kind of boys which takes more thnn $15 or f 20 to torn his head. Sioux City Journal, 2nd: St Jo srphV hofcpittl received lien Bonder son, of Emerson, Neb, for treatment yent rlay. . . .Mrs C 1J Conant, o South Sioux City, entered St Vincent's hospital for treatment yesterday... Mattl-e.w Williams, of Emerson, Neb, was operated on at St Vincent's lios pitnl vifctcrdiiv for empyema .... Will E E.U-11, of Walthill, Neb. and T J O'Ooii.inr, of Homer, Neb, had stork u the litirl'ngton .... Married Iu South Sioux (!itv, Neb, Tuesday, Oc tober I. 1907, Charles Puckett, of Tliiii-ti.n. Neb, and Emily Nelson, of Soul it Sioux City. The ceremony took place at the home of W A Leo ord. n brother-in-law of tuo bride, at p in The couple will immediately o to Thurston, where they will reside pon n farm. Sioux City Tribune : Surrounded by uoomUv liiucuers, and lust as lie was goii.n to taken sip of coffee. Oeorge Hen i.-k, a wealthy farmer ot Water bury. Neb., dropped dead in Hutchin son's i.ukery. Mr. Ilerrick came into the iilxue about 1 o clock and went at nee to one of the tables in the rear of the loom, which was comfortably filled with business men. After ordeiing his lunch he sat ulone in his chair ap parent ly in deep thought. When the girl brought Ids meal he started to take swallow of the hot coffee. With gasp he put tiis hand to his side and then fell over dead. Doctor Robbins was summoned but the man was already bevond medical aid. Considerable mouey und $1,800 in notes was found on the body. He owns land in Ne braski! and is quite wealthy. He hai son in-law living at Morningside, Oi rin Thompson, who took charge of the rt mains. Death was due to heart- dienm. South Sbux City Record: F S MeCiouber bus returned from Chicago where ho went ou bnsiuess last week . l r and M rs O J Qiester and furui- ly, of Dakota City, spent Sunday with relatives here. .. .Mr and Mrs Clint Williitrand Miss llrace Wilbur, de pm t. .1 'luursdity for Piatt Center, Neb . ... Mrs Claude I' reuoh, of Teca mail, Nct, visited the past three wci-liK with her oousin, Mrs E R Gliuioli .... Mrs Oeo Miller and dangh ter, Ada, returned Monday from Ua lenn, 111. where they went to attend the funeral of Mrs Miller's brother. , licibert Cushman, of Sioux City, unci ,ur Ante uiam, oi uniaua, were mariM-il ut the Alethodi:;t parsonage lue-tl i v, Uev Ueo L Meade, oiliciat 1DK .... Myron Thompson and Ruby Ciol'i- worthy, both of Sioux City, were mitriii-d by Rev Meade at the M E pat'HMiiiige in this city Tuesday. M Thorn i son ii manager or the Reliable Cro. i company. Si. i,n City Journal, 30th: Fishing witn iiMts) continues good at Crest! lake. Ytkterday M M Powers and John Aiusler hooked (?) twonty floe blacs tiass. The largest one weighs 1 two uu I onedialf pounds. Dass fish iug ut this Uke has been good all season... .William Nead was in the city icsterday from his farm in Cherry ooumy, -tu. lie lias a ranch com pi 1x11.4 H00 acres of deeded land, and is eugHg"ii iu tho cattle and horse in diistrv. lie said that iu Cherry county au ex.vtK r.ttlly line crop of small gruiu ii ni been raised, wheat averag- ing tinrty-four bushels to the acre, Juno : Lowrey, who is well remem ber- il J ere, had 2,000 acres in the sun:., viciuity, on winch lie main taiiu i 800 cattle and 4U0 horses. He has k lJ all this property to Cedar Ripi. H people and will iuvtst the pro ceeii iu South Sioux City property. . .TI10 Groat Northern und Durling- ton 1 ilroadu yesterday had a gang of muii .t work constructing a rail con- section between their ioiut main line and 1 1"' track of the Chicago, St Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha railroad lead ing to llio high bridge across the MiBouii liver. The little station build ing where train orders were received ulo was being moved to a location on the new track. The connection in be ing Uijilo ono half mile west ot South Sioux l-ity at the site of tho old ferry switch. These tracks will be connect ed 110 iy tonight und at miduight the Hill 1 n-s will cease to operate their trail. s over tho bridge of the Combina tion llciilge companv, and will use the "Vun.U ibilt bridge," which i owned by tint Sioux City Bridge cottpsny. a subiliaiy corporation of the ChicuRO and .Y nth western Railroad company Out of Bight. -u.;t of ngbt, out of mind," is an old suj iug hioh applies with special foico to u sore, burn or wound that's bo 11 ticnttd with lluukleu's Arnica Sulsc. It's out of sight, out of uiiud unil eiitiit existence. Piles too and chili. I 1 1 ii Ft disappear under its healing iijll".iu-e. Guaranteed by Leslie, tho uii'i;; int. 2!o. Put. I M 12 Church Hours of Service BVSIMV 10 a Sunday School 11 " Preaching lilt Class Meetiufj 7:il ini Enworth Leuru 8 :0f in Preachiug TUl' USD AY 8:00 p m ...... , Prayer Meeting Elm kb E Siuricu, Pastor. Phone number 33. Commissioners' Proceeding Dakota City, Nebr, Oct 1, 1907. I?oad of county commissioners met in regular session, members present, Thomas C Uaird. chairman; Ed Mor- gsn and Tohn Bierlt and W L Ross, county clerk. Uond of T W Oribole, road oversorr listrict No 19, approved by the boird. Report of J J Eimets, connty judpe, for fi st, second and third qnarter, ap proved by the board. Report as fol lows: To the b.-ard r.f county commission ers : Herewith 1 submit my repori oi fees eollt cte'd by me as county judge for the months of January, February and March, 1907. olleetetl In.lnnunry 41 7" " ' February 70 S3 " " March 1 Total.. r,l to Col lee U d In April I 4B ' ' May 1--T ! 1 June 6 7" Total W Collected In July t 27 ) " AiiKiist Kl an " " MeptfinlH-r HI Ni Tot nl I W 8 Subscribed mid sworn to before W L Ross, county clerk. Claims allowed : 0R.tr.1tAi. ri;ND Iir A J Merondi), services rendered Andersen ; t 0 fiO K 4 B f.brCo, lumber 7 00 John It Henm, printing primary bal lots Ill BO H A CJonilH, frelKht on driver fl 10 Hert HriiHlleld, work on poor farm ... - 7 "0 K L Hons, IxiurdluK paupers .... 4126 Austin Western Co, nulse 17 GO W fi Ho., Ifrd quarter salary and ex penses 15ii 80 llnrry H Adair, court costs ID 7ft (leo J Ilouclier, ilrd quarter salary and post a Re 2il (il Fred Hlume, envelopes and postaKe... 28 45 Fred Illume, witness In Johnson In- sanltycase i 00 ilnrry Foltz, flxliur well at court house a 00 Perkins Bros Co. supplies 15 40 T (J lialrd. commissioner's salary OH 00 John Klerk, saiiiu 40 On Hkldmore A Sou, repulr nK grader and plo driver 87 C5 nansiK FUND. John Ohambcrlnln, bridxo work t R 00 Kd Kundt. sumo 12' 0 (ieorRO Ilnle, same fl 00 Peter Anderson, samo 12 00 Kill fibr (to, lumber tin 00 Pat DuRitan, brldRO work Art no Wm Ilooney, sumo 1 Oo Caoton BrlditaCo, snmo 210 73 H A 1oi ,1m, snme P 5 00 K 4 11 1.brOo. lumlier 410 05 hoao rnMD. Pbtor Andorson, road work..... t 8 00 fjester Mlllor, same S 00 Herman Nelson, same IS 00 8 A Combs, same a 40 8 A Combs, same, 14 00 Phillip Renze, snmo 8 00 W K Knowlton, same Iff 50 Frank Wilson, snmo 10 GO Resolved, That there be and there is hereby levied upon all the taxable property iu school district No 11, Da kota county, .Nebraska, as tne same existed on J'tuunry 1, 1894, a tax of 25 mills on the dollar of valuation, ao cording to the assessment of said prop. erty for general purposes for the year 1V1U7, for the purpose of paying the certain judgment rendered by the United States Cironit court for the (listriot of Nebraska, in favor of Ed ward II Chapman and J Leroy Ruck, as administrators of the estato of Wil Hum liostwick, deceased, aud againtit said school distr'ct N i 11, of Dakota county, Neb-aska on August 17, 1004, for 0, 924 .19 and costs amounting to $159 f 4, which judgment was rendered by said court ou interest coupons at' tuohed to certain bonds issued by said distriot on January 1, 1894, and th county clerk is hereby instructed to place and enter said levy against tli taxable property of said district upon the tax list for the year 1907, said tax to be oollocted as provided by law. Board adjourned to meet October 20, 1907. W L Ross, Clerk. A CUT RATE PRICE- This is the first campaign in Ne braka in which politioal bosses cut no figure. The people will nominate the candidates and afterwards elect them. You are one of the people aud should take an active interest in these pri maries and elections hereafter. Poll ties from now on means a square deal for the masses; lower passenger rates, lower freight rates, less extortion by trusts and combinations. These things can only be accomplished by every houest voter making it a part of hjs business. The people can only know what is really going on by read ing the newspapers. Rut you ought to road a newspaper that can print the truth about all candidates; a paper that has no self-interest in politics whose owners are not oUlJi-Uoiaers or ofllco-seekers. The puhlihhers think tho STATE JOURNAL is such paper and in order to prove it to you make the speoial offer of only 60 cets from now until after election: seventy- five cents if you want the Sunday also. The earlier you send in your order the more you get for your money. Lincoln is the news center. School Notes. The following were promoted from the first to tho second grade : Ethel Hrotherton, HsZ'd Uliveu, Willie San ford, Paul Robiuaon, lUrharu Nets wanger. Marie Kramper fe!l on the sidewalk while playing blackmao ad out her forehead She was immediately taken to the doctor's office aud is now all right. Superintendent Qeo J Boucher vis ited the lower grades Tuesday aud Friday. Carrie IIiDsen, from Homer, has eurolled iu the grammar room. . , .. iiiouergarieu ami drawing supplies were received in the lower rooms this cck. Miss Unbelt declares herself pleas ed with tt.e 'wei.ty new geographies allien sue received .Monday. Mrs Perriu visited the school Mon day. Tho supplies for the upper grades were sent for this w.k, 3.1 reams of ' history paper, 115 history covers aud I5 dozen boxes ot Crayola. 'J These sup. plies have never been used here before. The physics class is wrestling with composition and resolution of forces at the prenmt time. CLEVELAND'S GREAT BROADWAY A BenatlfDl Iloulevard M'bleh Will II order lh nookrfellrp I'lldr, Mnvfli'ld road, when Improvements begun jestprdny nre finished, Is to Is? one of the finest thorotiehfures In this section of the country, suys the Cleve land Plain Dealer. l?cj;lnnliiK nt Gnrllcld monument tho highway, eighty fit't In width, will run three miles cunt of the end of Cleveland hciKht.4 village, paved with approved :iincmhim like the city boulevards. A gniFS plot will run through Its center, containing shnde trees; nt Interval of nhout KK) feet the entire distance. When other contemplated Improve ments nre ninde the rond will be a pnietienl extension of the Cleveland park system. Joint I). Rockefeller, wIiofo Forest Hill estnto and other property borders on the highway, Is one of the most extensive lund-owners iiluitling to the extent of his 3,000 foot frontiige, mid litis been Instrumen tal In muklng the boulevard as planned. fo far $181,000 has been spent In piping und grndlng, and the contract for paving will Involve about f20."i,0)0 more. Even In t lie matter of trolley poles, Mnyiield road Isn't going to be surpassed. The poles will be fixed In the center of ttrlp, hidden to n degree j by the trees, mid will ho provided With ornamental Iron arum. On ench sldo of the road proper In to he a sidewalk and grass plot twenty feet wide. The Cleveland Electric nnd Cleve land & KitHtern railways have ugreed to lay double tracks throughout Us length, hi part of which there nre now only single tracks. The car tracks will be laid through the middle of the grass planted roadway. The Improvements have been under dlscurslon for the last six years by Cleveland height citizens. Next year's work will he begun on the Coventry road, couneetlng with the Shaker lakes. This thoroughfare will be innde 130 feet wide. DANGEROUS THINGS TO HAVE. Mnfrled Man Carried Too Much Clr cniuntantlal Evidence. It probably never enters the minds of most people how perfectly Inno ceut n man may he and jet lay him self open to suspicion through no fault of his own. J. C. Linton, a Chicago guest at the St. Denis hotel, gives a good instance of this, says the New York Press. "If I happened to be found dead In my room Just now," said he, "iu one of my pockets would be discovered the photograph of a very pretty actress and In my valise a half dozen pairs of women's silk stockings, a woman's solid gold chain, wrist bag nnd a large pearl hat pin. All these things I don't Include the photograph are for my wife, but she doesn't know It. Now, If I were to die here she would, womanlike, come to the conclusion, on finding these feminine things In my bag, that I the scoundrel, had played her false. The result would be she would simply waste the rest of her days In trying to unearth tho supposed wife No. 2 Anyhow. I guess I'll tear the photo graph up; It's n particularly danger ous thine for a married man to have In -his possession." Pluarne of Blrda In Eng-land. The protection of birds In England has reached such n stage that they have become a nulsunce, aud now It Is not unlikely that a systematic war will be waged on them, says the New York Sun. The complaint Is not of the game birds, which nay in sport and In the market. It is the little feathered crea tures that are bothering tho farmera and gardeners. Of course, tho sparrows are the worst. They unve grown to millions In the southern part of England and the Kentish farmers have had to organizo bnttues to reduce their numbers, as they were devouring seed and grain and destroying fruit to a ruinous extent Tens of thousands of them have been shot or caught with bird lime. In Hertfordshire, just north of Lon don, the bullfinches are tho worst of fenders; awaruia of them darken the air aud settle down on the fields und In the orchards. Tho statement made Is that they absolutely denude the trees of fruit Each apple or pear has only a little peck taken from it but it Is thrown to the ground and rendered totally un marketable. The farmers and fruit raisers here talk of organizing formal hunts to thin out the flocks of birds. Starlings have also become extremely numerous und nro badly Iu ueed of slaughter, the country people Bay. Tho pigeons are tho only birds con stantly shot all tho year around la England, and In spite of this their number never seems to diminish. Iu one farm outside of London the pro prietor reports that he shot recently 340 pigeons in a single day. Farmers ami gardeners and fruit growers nre proposing to niemorallze the government for the establishment of a scientific system to combat the Increase In sparrows, finches, starlings, crows and pigeons In the Interest of huctandry und horticulture. la folia of a Python. Mr. Cocklln, walking Iu thick grass near the Marico river, ltechuunaland, w.is thrown to tho ground by a four teen foot python, which colled around his legs and then tried to drag blui to n trea near by. so that by colling Ita tial around tho trunk. It might proceed to crush him to death. When within two yards of the tree Mr. Cocklln got u bund free and shot the Hiiuko, which was so heavy that It nco.'.cl three men to lift It. Kast Lon don Dispatch. . About llvcu. "Th.j !?,cr;',ppiin: h.ivc feparnted." " liu'.'s tho matter'?" "Why. .e fitted l'!:u n dog and he tiiya Klio's 1 ci.l." Detroit l'rco Press. Surr tir:l :. "Why Is Mw. Knapper ft 1 way a kuoi kiii ut njch'ty?" "She pr.i'onldy wants to get In." D trolt Free Press. A landslide Is a inout in real estate. tiulucuut move- PROQ RAM Following is the rirogram for the sixth annual session of the Northeast Nebraska Teachers' Association to be beld at Emerson, Neb, Saturday, Oc tooer ii, iwt; PRIMARY SECTION. (I::) A. M. Mihh MtKTLR flomxsox, Carroll, Presiding Music. ltendlior, Mrs. Allele Farnlmni, Pender. Hand Work In the Primary Grades, Miss Abigail Mnnnlmt, Wnyne. Primary Aids and fievlces, Miss Alice O'Neill, Houth Hioux City. How Can We Interest Our Pupils, Miss Mabel Dell. Cedar County. COUNTRY SCHOOL SECTION. A. T Bckmham, Wnterbcry, Presiding. Music Word irllls In Ileiidlng, Miss Mnry McIClvergan, Poncn. Conditions of Knsy Control, J. A, Clili'olne. Thurston County. The Improved Country Hclinol, Miss Klla Buck, Wayne County Aids and Devices for Country School Work Miss Icoslo Bowles, Cedar County. HIOH SCHOOL, SECTION. CLtFKOKn Jf KMnitiCKK, Pender, Presiding. Tne Tcachingof Latin m tho High school. Miss Nellie House, Pender. The Growing Need of Normal Training In the High Hchool, J A. Dlminlck, W"l:islde Promotions to nnd In the High Hchool, W. H. Putchln, Dakota City Supervision In tho Smaller High Schools, C. F. Luar, Wakefield. QENERAL SESSION. 1 ;10 P. M. Music. Tho Influence of the Teacher. S. X. Cross, Emerson The Kxpermentul Mfc, J. M. Pile, Wayne. Music. Illustrated IiCcture Birds in their Hela. tlon to Man, Kobt. Thomson, Randolph Address. State Superintendent. J. L. McBrlen OFFICERS. GEO. J. BOUCHER, Dakota, President. MAE DEN DINGER, Cedar, Secretary, COMMITTEES. EXECUTIVE. I.ittell. Wayne, A. K Geo. J. Boucher, Dakota City. W. E. Miller. Hnrtlngton. M. A. Fknnkli,, Pender. . A. V. Teed, Ponca. ARRANGEMENTS. 8. X. Cnoss RECEPTION. Nellie Snead. Hilda Turner. Bkhs Robertson. Lectnre Course for 1907-8. The Dakota City ltcture course for the comintr season o' 1907-8, announce tho following attractions aud dates: Schubert Ladies Quartet, Oct 23, Denton C Crowl, Nov 18. Metropolitan Concert Co, Jan 2. It B Burton, Jan 25. Gibeou Oarl, March 10. Tickets wrl be on sale at an early date, notice of which will lie riven. First Publication Sept 20 8w. NOTICE. Notice of the Hearing of the Petition for the Appointment of Administrator de bonis non, with th Wid Annexed Under the Will of William Stewart Deceased. To all persons Interested in the estate of William Stewart, deceased: Whereas, there is on lllo in the ofllce of the County Court of Dakota county, an instrument purporting to be the last will aim testament of the late William Stewart 01 .Mercer county, I'ennsy vaulii. deceased and whereas, Roliert A. Htewnrt, who was named executor in said will, has resigned as executor, ami lor reasons or such reslgnn. tlon of executor of siitd will Mary 8 Gil man and Eva K. Gillette have tiled their petition and herein pray to have Daniel T. HI I man named administrator with the will annexed in said will : I have therefore appointed Saturday, the r.'in nay or iii'ioocr. iwrj, ni w o'clock in th forenoon, at the county court room In said county, as the time and place for hearln said petition, nt which time you and nil concerned may appear nnd contest the petl tlon of said appointment. It Is further ordered thnt said petition gives notice to all persons interested in said estate of the Dcudcucy of this petition, nn the time and place set for hearing of snmo by eauxing a copy of this order to lie pub- nancd in the I'nKiilHi'imiHv tiernlil, n news, paper printed and published in xald county for three weeks successively previous to day set for the hearing. In witness whereof, I have hereunto s I my hnud nnd otliclal seal this luthday o September, ll7. J. J. Eiheiis, seal. County .1 u dire Keep Your Nerve It is nerve energy that runs the organs of your body. The storage battery is the nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord, and from this battery nerve force is sent out through the system of nerves. To keep the body healthy you must have plenty of nerve force; if you have not, the organs work imperfectly, the circulation is sluggish, digestion bad, appe tite poor, kidneys inactive, and rches, pains and misery are the penalty. You can keep the system strong with Dr. Miles' Nervine. It assists in generating nerve energy; it strengthens the nerves and makes the whole svstcm strong and vigorous. "I talis plensuro In rcoominendlnR Mr. Miles' Nervine to tliou sufferln fricu nervcuis tirostratinn. Insomnia mid melancholy. After h'vitiiI months ili'cr!:'!; from nlv4 diseay I t'i.a ttiS ii.c.lr li'o and found I.111;' .tlntH relief. U soothtu and rtr'iist'.i ens tho nyrves, ehaa nv.:'.y U10 gloomy imJ d'-pressliiHT thoughts und liiveu'tbu sufferer renewed strength nnd hopu. H ia u supurb iiei vo re storer." JfDGIS JA"On FEFMANN. Miuluon, Wisconsin. Dr. Miles' Heart Cur Is sold by your druggist, who will fliiarante that the first bottle will benefit. If it fails he will refuna your money. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, lad We Have some Bargains in Leather TEAM NETS They arc old style The price is also old style which is low $500 while STVRGES m 4tt Pearl St What is Your Do you know it would be worth a great deal more if you had it fully fenced with American fence? Every dollar put . into this kind of improvement comes back double to you . Think it over. All progressive farmers are fencing all their farm hog tight. They find it pays. It will pay you. Let us tell you what it will cost you for the wire and the posts . We have both. Call and see them. ' Edwards& Bradford Lbr. Co Hubbard, HEO. TIMLIN, Manager. It Is Delicious 3t 25 cents BlendeJ and packed from Harris (Si No. 6 Front Si. f ARM LOANS rvwheie on earth. . gee or property with us L16C your DakstaClty.Neb.and Wflmur iFinrS sih. ci Ne " nrner tl raPt 8 C6e Kind Thtvt Wca.rs . That's the service we give you. PROMPT, GOOD, RIGHT. Been doing it for over twenty-one years, hence our steadily in creasing business. Remember, EVERYTHING in banking that you can get, even in New York, and at as low rates (if not lower), and better treatment, if we can give it to you. Always glad to see you. Call, when in -town, for a visit, if no bnsiuens to dq. We sre prepared to do twice the volume of business we now do4. Try to peuade that friend or newcomer to try this good bank next time he needs to use oue. He will be pleased, you will be thanked and we will be grateful to you both. "The Bank Cattle and farm loans are ripe now, and price low. READ THE HERALD For All the Flews. Do you wasit to sell yow farm? The quick, sure way is to put a want-ad in 'She mialba, E The Rates are One insertion, per line 10 cents. Two or more consecutive insertions, per line, 0 cents each insertion. Kach insertion made ou odd days, 10 cents per line. All advertising runs in both morning and bud evening pupers ilhout extra charge. Count Six Words to aw Sirta Address Want-Ad Department, Omaha Bee, Omaha, Neb. Within everybody's reach reaches everybody etw pair they last 03 BROS,, I , SIOUX CITY. IOWA m Farm Worth? Nebraska. ND per Pound s carefully selected coffee by Kilboxsrne Homer, Net We have plenty of Money to Loan at a low rate of interest on Dakota county Farms. We also Sell and Bay Real Estate of all kinds write us before you Borrow, Buy or Bell, to Sell. Estate 1 nine; iiuilu I I I I that ALWAYS treats you RIGHT" Bank of Dakota County Jackson, JNeb. )