Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, August 30, 1907, Image 4

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    Dakota County Herald
Continuation of the Homer Herald.
Wubscription Trice. $1.00 Per Year.
a weekly newspaper published at
Oakota City, Nebraska.
I'ermUsion has been granted for the
transmission of this paper through the
mails as second-class matter.
Telephone No. 4.1.
Political Announcements
Xntt.-p un.ler thl heml will !' run '"r
five rents per lino. each Insertion, Irrespect
Ive of politic. Nolxxly ImrreU.
1 iurf.liT announce tnvsclf as o can
1ii1.ite for the nomination of hhcriff,
on the republican ticket, at the iri-
mnries to lie held Hcntember 3 1007.
L hereby anuouiice my candidacy
tot tba republican uoii"ti)i for
C!nnt .Tn.lu.r. nt. the ini;i.ui'.cii to be
1.. i M-pcin f r 3. U)7.
E. .7. fjMiTU, II. oil' r, Xi b
1 ht-riiif nruuuricc mystlf as k can
lnl itc fi r County Suiieriiitinlfiit nib
j.H-1 to thu wishes of the 11") ib'.icunnat
th'.'ir primaries for iion;iiia1i")io, Sep
tember 3, l'J07. Wilfuld E. Vohs,
Omadi Frorinet.
I hereby announce rayeif an a ran-
1i lato for County Tn-usuivr subject
to the wiidies of the 11 Tublicnnn at
their piimaries for nominations, btp
ieiaber 3, 19u7. AiousT Wilkins.
Omadi Precinct.
I herebr announce nivsidf as a can-
di. late for' County Judge subject to
ih wishes of the Uuptibliot.ua at their
prim tries for nominations, September
3, 1907. ' l. O. Sunups.
1 hereby announce nijself as a can
didate for Sheriff aubject to the wishes
of the Republicans at their primaries
for nominations, September 3, 1907.
J. P. Kockwell, Jlubhard Precinct.
I herebr anuouoce myself a as can'
dilate for nomination, on the Demo
cratic ticket, for the office of District
Judge of this judicial district.
O. II. Whitney,
Hartington, Nebr.
I hereby announce myself as a can-
' 2idute for nomination, on the Demo-
cratio ticket, for tho cflloe of District
Judge of thia judicial district.
P. M. Moodif,
West Point, Nebr.
I hereby announce myself as a can'
.Jidate for the office of district judge of
the Eighth judicial district of Nebraska,
subject to the decision of tho republi
can electors at the primary election to
be held on the 3rd day of September,
1907. I shall be unable to make a
personal canvass for this nomination.
My hay.faver compels me to leave
Ihis climate daring August and a por
tion of September, so that upon my
return the primary election campaign
will be over. I shall depend entirely,
lor my euooess, upon sucu tiforts as
my friends may feel disposed to make
in Dir behalf. 'Any communication
addressed to me hero will be forward
ed. Very truly yours,
A. U. Oi-esox,
Winner, Neb.
I hereby announce my candidacy
for the republican nomination for dis
trict judge, Eighth judicial district of
Nebraska, aud respectfully submit
such candidacy for the consideration
of the voters at the pending primary
John V. Peauhon,
I hereby announce myself as a can-
didate for the republican nomination
for the oflloo of county treasurer, sub
ject to the wishei oi tho voters at the
primaries, to be held September 3,
. W. J. Manni.no,
Covington Precinct.
1 herebv announoo myself at demo
cratic candidate for the office of Coun
ty Superintendent at the primary
election to be held September 8, 1907.
I Mary yuiNN.
I hereby announce myself aa a can--didate
for tho nomination as County
'Treasurer, subject to the wishes of the
.reoublican voters at the primaries to
be held September 3rd.
W. A. IIeikes.
I hereby announce myseli as a can
Hidate for the offioe of county treasurer
subject tn the wishea of the republic
aus, at the primary eloction beptetu
Ler 3, 1907 .
Robert L. Lapbley.
County School Notes.
Grades from the August examina
tion came Monday. Ibis county was
in among the first and was graded seo-
It is gratifying to know that about
one-third of the teachers will Lave
"Credit" or "Honor" certificates this
year. That mains that examinations
are over so long as the holder is suo
cessful in her work and shows a prop
r professional spirit.
A number of teachers coming in
from 'neiRhboring counties aud from
Iowa the last week clears up the sit
4i at ion somewhat, aud it seems we will
have a teacher for every position
It took a raise in salary to do the
work in most cases, but the dirtotois
were willing to make the advanoe.
.As it is now, there are two schools
f iat will pay $35 (one of theke for the
fall erm only) and one $37.50. All
others run from 110 to "0, with au
average for female teachers of, about
1 12 for the couuty . Not up to the
average of the tUt", but we are gain
iu(t. i
It looks now as though Datct City,
ftouib Sioux City, and Emerson are
the only bub schools to qualify to
4-acaive pupils under the freo high
school Uw. Other schools nuy rc-.cei-e
tuition pupils, but the parents
,mutpay the tuitiou.
"Regular as lbs Sun"
"is tn exoressiott as old as the race. No
doubt the rising and setting of the sun
is the must regular performance iu the
imivrae. unless it is the action of the
livxr and bowels when regulated with
lit lW.N.isf LiXrt riiie. Guru--
from our Exchanges $
WalthillTimer Banker O'Connor
wai dowu from Homer, yebterday.
Salix Items in Sloan. Io, Star: Mrs
Jair.cs Scott and daughter, Nina, vis
ited a few riayi last week in the Lome
of J B Chudwick.
Hartington News: Mrs McOotiigal
and ion, of Jackson, and Mrs Kennedy,
of Manchester, Iowa, left for home
yesterday, after u shott visit with Mrs
C P Oaryey.
Ponsa Journal: W J Armour is
out in Boyd county this week looking
after interests there. .. .Mrs V J Ar
mour and son, Willie, are visiting in
Dakota county this week.
Emerson EnierpriHe: Mrs J A Ire
land and daughter Miss Emily, Were
vinitinc with relatives at Omaha,
Neb. this week . . . .Louis Jopp is homo
f oia his trip to Germany, lie hid an
enjoyable visit and a pleasant voyage,
but it scorns good to be home again.
Wayne Democrat: Herman Lund-
burg and Dtdwi Reynolds returned
Monday raorniug fiom an outing at
Crystal btke,...Z M Baird is going to
start a third paper at Ilartington. It
is dead easy to start 'em. It is in the
(juitting a fellow gets his fingf r burn
ed. Pender Times: Dr Nina U Snii'b
came over from Homer Butiirday to
visit relatives and frieds, being ac
companied by Lulu Hirsuh and Muster
Maloom brintu. 'lhe doctor wus cull
ed to Homer Monday by the illness of
E J. The two youug people returned
to their home Wednesday morning.
Lyons Mirror: Mrs Sam Lopp, ueo
Miss Idahlia Kryger, of South Sioux
City, was visiting here thu week....
Burt Brown and wife, of Dakota City,
were Lyons guests this week. Mr
Brown has chaige of the .Laglo oi that
place and ha is making an improve
incut in the paper.... Vm Nixon, of
Homef, celebrated his birthday by
visiting his nieoo, Mrs Win Waitu of
tins place, Aug 15, 1907. He settled
iu Dakota county away back in 1856.
South Sioux City Reoord: Mrs
nonry Austin and her mother, Mrs
John Bubb, were visiting a few days
this week in Homer, returning Wed
nesday ... .Mrs J L Kroeseu and
daughter Grace left Tuesday for their
borne at Uedar 1 alls, to, alter a two
weeks visit with Burt Kroesou ... .Ce
cil Demme and Walter McLaughlin,
of Emerson, were guests of Burt K roe
gen the greater part of the week, en
joying camp life, fishing, boatinir
aud bathing, to their heart's content.
.Miss Bessie Kryger, of Essex, Io,
a daughter of L Kryger, arrived Sat
urday for a months stay with lior rela
tive here. Mins Kryger is a type
setter on tho Essox Iudepeudent, an
accomplished ainaturo ph -.tographer
and a pleasant lady to meet. . . .At the
M E parsouaga in Cherryville, Kas,
last Saturday occurred the marriage
of. Miss Margarot Roth to Everett
Crocker. The bride is the daughter
of Mr and Mis J U Roth, who at on
time lived west of town, Mrs Roth be
ing a sister of Chris Oeihter. Mrs
Crocker was a typesetter at Cherryville,
is a model young lady, and hor friends!
here wish her muh happiness,
Commissioners' Proceeding.
Dakota City, Nebr, Aug 21, lp07.
Boa-d of county commissioners mot
pursuant to adjournment, members
present, Thomas O Baird. chairman;
Ed Morgan and John Sierk and W L
Boss, county clerk.
Board made order for county treas
urer to accept taxea on lot 9, block 60,
Ouvington, at a valuation the same as
adjoining lots. Lot haa been assessed
with a houie, but there has been no
house since the year 1899
Beard made order for county clerk
tostiikethe taxes of the following
land fnr the reason that the laud is all
in the Missouii river. NJ ncl 10 27-9,
years 1891 to 1906, inclusive; si nwj
15 27-9, years VJ'Ji to l'JOU, inclusive.
Section lino road petitioned for by
Johu P Kraiuper aud othors allowed
as praed for, and damages allowed
aa follows on district No 8:
MaryT Martin I on
Martin Walsh h1
MnryCurian 110 t'
Mary and Thulium t'urrim ill) ou
A II AiKlerHun. appraUur H 00
Michael Heaooiu...... 8 00
Albert Carpenter 8 no
Report of H U Hansen, sheriff, for
tho 2nd quarter, approved by
board, shows as ioIIows.
Hummona service ami return t U kit
Guard foes 41 00
Jailor fees 81 6
Total $iaa aa
Claims allowed :
Geo rue J Boucher, for Institute pur
pose! I 60 00
John II Hcani. health board S 75
Geo It HaiiM), limn 1 oo
H i'Hariitu. vntiiu 6 60
James Klynn. name 8 26
O 1) Hinlley. iiino 1 u0
J A Hall, mil o to Tom Farley 8 10
KoKiinnt) Imuran, care Tom Kiuley... W W
Klopp A Hni-ttctl Co, luppllei 15 1:1
The Auilln Wtirii Co, iaiuu 1 20
l'urkliu Bro. name M no
H A HtliiKon. Initurtnu court house. ... 1"6 uo
8 A HttiiKon, imlita 18 'Jf
U K lJroyhlll. nuUe y.. ti x
The Farmers Kxchaiiuu VI M
lVrkliu Hro Co, uppllc 81
1! C HaiiMMi, salary anil expense 1AW V
Harry H Ailitir, court coat SO s
He ii Hondo raou, wi t ilea I n J oh naon 1 n-
aanlty cane 8 t
liana Anderson, aumu i 0"
(lua Johnson, same 4 00
TiH'lu Johiiaon, aamu 4 00
P A Hevei-aoil, aumu 4 oo
Johu Hull, aumu 4 i
John TrnmiH'r.aame DD,
Mrs John Tram per, aamu .... 4 oo
1'aul PUey 8 (o
K I. Huns, boarding paupers US
iihiimib runu,
K A B Lumber Co, lumber I
Arthur Itymllli bi'lduo work U
RoacoUoodaell, suiuo HJ 6
Bud O'lKll, aame ITU)
Alvu Traak. aumu WW
Ueotge Whuley aamo I'5 00
RelxTt Blinne, name
Kill t.br Co, limtlier
Kvnn Way, lirldar Work..
Frank Way, mne
Fred WUilntn. mime
617 IS
, iu ro
10 Ml
, 8 W
fl fo
. "1 Cu
8 fill
, a r,o
, s fi
n nri
. 2" 25
J 111
. 6 V
I,oiiH Wllklns, fame
K II ijootnls, mime
Fred Wlxeiniin, mime
Henry Me Plierrnn. Mime.
Y ni ihiiI, oniiio
Henry Hoonejr, mime. ...
Theodore IVter. Hwne....
Tho Iionu, Mine
TIioh Mel lee.....
ho ad rc.tn.
Alva Trnsk. rontl work 11
Hud Udell, Millie 12 l
Jaiper odell, siiine is eo
(ieortfe t.'urrle 12 ll
John Keller, same '
Peter Aiiderwin. dnnin Si)
Hai ry Anderion.siinie 22
l.uther t'enrr. name 21 no
Arthur Ity mill. Kimie i ')
(icorue AVhitler. snme.... II 0
J W DeKorest. Hanie 12 SO
John KleinniliiK, same A M
Chai'len Younir, mime 8"l
llert Kart, Ffitne I11
I. H lieKorest, name 22 M
(! (ini loek. same 8 no
WJ MannhiK, inline 1
J I Mc red Hli, muno on
K f Karly. name
J Uorder, Mime
(May Powell, Mime...
I. II Ilorder, mime...
Oeoriie Miller, himii;
F d Klklnx, mine.. .
8 no
1 ry
21 I'd
12 on
II J.nsn, Kiune
The board proceeded to select a list
of jurymen for the next term or court.
Board adjourned to August 31, 1907.
W L Ross, Clerk.
V. "Ml KM 'M VMM "MO 0K !0OI ' (MC
Al Schrempp, who has been at Roy
al, Io, for the past three months, is
back again.
i'red Bartels went to Montana Wed
nesday. He expects to buy about ten
thousand" head of sheep to fatten this
Eraet Frost, of Craig, was down to
see Henry Roouey Thursday.
Elsie Leedom is visiting in town
this week.
Renze & Orsen handle the Burg
wagons and boxes. Ihey are guaran
teed by the Rock Island Plow compa
ny. They have been manufactured
since 1851. They are nothing new, if
yon need one, call and see them before
Mrs Sam Thorn was a city passenger
Dr Leahy is attending Henry
Roouey, who is very low.
For Sale A Dowden potato digger,
Schroder grain cump, Wonder grain
erader, rakes, sweeps and stackers.
D C Heffernan.
Mary Timlin went to the city Fri
Father McCarthy, of Jaokson, visit
ed Father English Friday.
Miss Fair, sister of Mrs Gribble,
who was visiting here the past week,
went home Thursday.
Fred Voss was a passenger from here
Hans Nelson went to the city Fri
E W Wilfcon surprised his many
friends by dropping iu for a short vis
it. Saturday.
Frank Sawyer and wife were city
passengers Monday.
Auk Wilkins went to the city Mon
Mrs John Hartnett and Sylvia Fran
cisco, were city passengers Monday
Coon Thorn was a business visitor
to Dakota City and Sioux City Friday
and Saturday.
John Smith was a county seat visit
or Saturday.
Frank Sawyer has sold his farm to
Ed Pilgrim.
Lilly Blaokater is on the sick list
Eva Kinnoar is home for a weeks
iUrs iuurjr diuurabui vasu,n vii.j',
was a Homer visitor this week.
Chas Holsworth threshed his
wheat last week and hauled five or
six loads to Homer, right from the
The base ball game that was billed
for last Sunday failed to materialze,
all ou account of rain.
Mabel Johnson purchased a new up
right piano, last week.
Do)lv Purdv aud Edith and Bessie
Church were Sioux City visitors Tues
Mrs Ab Knott and children, who
have tieen visiting Mrs Knott's sister,
Mrs Dr Uurke, returned to her home
in Sioux City Monday. Her young
son remained for a longer visit.
Mrs Merrit. a sister of Editor Ban
croft, departed Tuesday for her home
The youngest child of Carl Ream
and wife, is not expected to live. It
was ill first with dysentery aud now
has brain fever.
It was reported on our streets Tues
day, that John Church, of Emerson,
son of John Church, of Uomer, was
married Sunday.
Audry Alloway, Who was on the
sick list last week, is again behind the
counter in his store.
Rev P P McCarthy went to Omaha
Tuesday to remain a few days
Victor McOouigal left for Harting
ton Monday to attend the teachers
institue there this week. Victor will
teach uear Hartiugtou the coming
MraJas Rutfertv and children, of
Lake Crystal, Minn, is visitiug her
pareuta, E Hiatt and wife.
Mrs R W Mcllale and children loft
the last of the week for their home at
Fairbury, Neb.
Oeorge Sullivan Las gone to Dixon,
South Dakota.
Mrs John Mellon and children of
Vista left Saturday for Faulkton, H
D, where Mr Mellon is located.
Bore To Jesse Graves and wife,
on August 21, l'J07, a daughter.
James Jones, of O'Neill, is visiting
his parents, Mr and Mrs T U Jones.
James will graduate from the Creigh
ton Dental college this year.
Mary Rvan was very pleasently sur
prised at her Lome last Friday night.
formed hay rack party, wen' to Ltr
home, where theyf rpent the evt i,ing
in dancing and vocal and instrumental
tnuMc. At a late Iiour refreshments
were served.
Born To Mr and Mrs Lewis Larstn,
August 22, 1907, a daughter.
Mary Sullivan gave' a five o'clock
luncheon Saturday in liMior of Mae
Sullivan, of Omaha. About half a
dozen-young ladies enjoved a tocial
Misses Mary and Bonnie Barry are
guests at the Geo TerwilJigtr heme,
Sioux City. They went to the city
Monday to attend a dancing part
given by the Mises TerwiilJger ard
Magaret Waith, at Rivirside pavilion.
Josie Kennelly, of Sioux City, si eut
Tuesday night with relatives in town.
Mr aud Mrs T J Hartnet: left Mon
day, for Chicago.
Mrs D O Sullivan and childnn, of
Peoria, 111, passed thrcugh Jackson
Saturday, evening to the home of her
sister, Mrs P Casey, cf Vista, where
she visited until Tuesday afternoon.
She was euronte to Seattle, Wath, to
her daughter there. '
'Eugene Kennelly and Frank )avry,
jr. saw the "Truht Busteis'' at the
New Grand Sunday evening.
Peter Bryan has been appointed
mail messenger from the post oilice to
the Great Northern depot.
Henry Morris put in a wind mill
for William Harty last week.
Mrs Mary Casey Dineen returned to
Minneapolis Tuesday, after spending
..... . r 4f
a week witu ner parents, :ur anu aiis
P Casey.
Mr aud Mrs Kearney aud their gills
visited over Sunday at the J B Jouve
nat home at Laurel, Neb.
Mrs M Dowling and sou, of Brook
lyn, N Y, are visiting her sister, Mrs
Thos Sullivan. Mrs Dowling had not
seen her sister lor fourteen years.
Mrs John Boler and daughter Mary
returned Monday from an outing at
Denvei, Col, and other western pciuts
Mrs James M Barry was hostess at
a X o clock luochoon Saturday, given
in honor of Mrs John Gearen and kil
ter, Kate Griffin, of Sioux City, and
Mrs Dowihng, of Brooklyn, N 1. Oth-
er invited guests were .urs r ran
Davey and Mrs Ella Maloney. A
pleasant social afternoon was eLjoxed.
J J McAllister, of Dakota City, was
in town Tuesday, beiug called here in
the case of Frank Hendricks va W C
Mixer, which was settled out of court.
Ye writer is again at the manger
eatiutt hay. and hopes his efforts to
keep the Herald readers posted ou
the domes In Salem will not cause
any pain or distress among its readers
Jacob Learner and son, Salem's most
up to date and successful farmers,
who always lead, never follow, recent
ly purchased a new hay loadi.ig outfit
There will be a weight social at the
Salem Lutheran church Friday even
log, beptemuer bth. livery person
present will be taxed I cent for every
five pounds of his weight. A general
supper will be served free. Enter
tainment and amtvaements throughout
the evening. Everyone is cordially
Misses Mabel and Marie Linkswieler
ere guests of Lettie IIeikes the past
Mrs Wm Brown is slowly recovering.
Ida Anderson, a uurse from Sioux City,
is caring for her.
The little son of Elmer Blessing and
wife, while playing, fell and broke
his collar bone. He is getting along
Mrs H J Hapeman is here from Colo
rado for the old settlers picnic.
Zella Ward, of Hartington, was at
the 11 L Lapsley home the past week.
Henry Fisher is beautifying his
place with a new Page fenoe.
Mrs Wm Armour, of Ponca, is visit
ing at the Theodore McOlashun home.
Florence and Walter Bowker, of
Omaha, are guests of Mrs Alice Sides,
tbis week. '
Howard Lapsley came in from the
Rosebud reservation for the old set
tlers pionic.
Aldaand Maiorie Bridenbaugh spent
last week with Ben Bridenbaugh and
family at Morningside.
Chas Schwartz was a patsenger to
Emerson Monday.
Nellie lleenev returned home Wed
nesday after a weeks visit at Laurel
aud Coleridge.
A Schwartz was a passenger to
Sioux City Monday.
Anna Hagau and Margaret Riley of
Sioux City are here visiting their uoub
in, Lena Heeney.
D L Leap came down from Emersou
Sunday to visit here with frieuds.
Mr and Mrs Mat Assermocker re
the proud parents of a ten pound boy.
O L Beauchemin of Jefferson, S )),
visited mt the James Heeney home over
The Limit of Life.
The most emineut medical scientists
are unauimous in the conclusion that
the geuerally accepted limitation of
human life is many years below the at
tainment possible with the advaucd
knowledge of which the race is now
possessed. The critical period, that de
termines its duration, seems to be be
tween 50 aud CO ; the proper care of I he
body during this decade cannot be too
strongly urged carelessness then being
fatal to longevity. Nature's best Leh er
after 50 is Electric Bi;ters,the s -it ntitk-
toiuo medicine that revitalizes every
organ of the body. Guaranteed b
Leslie's drug store. 50c J
Colorado Lands
Until further notice I cbii atctire
low exoursion ratea ariy day of the
week to Juleiiburg, C'tdo, to au.f oue
winbinR to louk over Bedgwkk coiiiit v,
Colorado Ul(1s. Or if you dt Hir t.
coot nue your trip to Deuvcr aud Co'
oradu Bpriugs, I cau get you exenr
tion rate to said iioiuta for f 1 60
with atopover at J.llesburg. Tickcta
gooil for three mouths.
For further information ebout Eust
eru Colotado lands, aee or write
Jaokaor.. ebr .
The IleiaU tor ui tua a ;
-djmfr"-4 ftR
of every kind, and for your fields of growing crops, is what you want, and what you have a right to expect,
when you buy fence. A fence that a bull can break through or break down is not worth paying good money
for. You want weight in the fence you buy, weight enough to turn the heaviest Percheron or stop a " devil
wagon." Now, itjs a fact and you should know it that, per running rod, you obtain the most weight in
wire that is given in any fence, in the celebrated
It is made on purpose to be the heaviest, most durable and lasting of any fence at any price. It is made and
sold In larger quantities than any other two fentfes in the world, solely on its merits.
The makers of AMERICAN FENCE own and operate their own iron mines and furnaces, their own wire
mills and six immense fence factories. Their product is the acknowledged
We caa show you this fence in our stock and explain its merit! and superiority, not only in the roll but in
the field. Come and see US and get our prices.
First Publication Aub lrt 3w.
COUNT. Iii the county court of I'ukota county.
In the matter of the estate of Mnude
Stewart. deceRMMl :
Tlie state of Nebraska. Dakota county ss.
To Fred Fiirken, AUiert Fricken, Mary
flai'i'luan. Bei tl.a linrrlKan, Fred Fricken,
Jr., Mrs. Fred Fricken. Millie I'rovnm-lie,
Annie imroy. lius rricKcn, waiter r ricKen,
IUlu Fricken, and to all persons Interested
In the estate of Maude Stewart, ilceensi'ii:
You are hereby notified that on the IStn
day of Autrust, l'.mT, Fred A. Stewart, execu
tor or aiu estate or ninuae mewari. tie-
ceased, tiled In said court his llmii ac
count as said executor, and 'lint said
rlnnl account will lie heard on the ot h day of
Kepteinlier, lli7, at In o'clock a. in., at the
county court room In Imkota City, Dakota
county, Nebraska; and you are hereby
cited to appear nt the time and place above
dOHlininted, and show cause. If such exists,
why said account should not tie allowed.
It Is hereby ordered that this notice be
published 111 the Dakota County Herald, a
weekly newspaper published In said county,
three successive weeks prior to anld day of
Hated August 15, lli7.
seal County JudKe.
W eakness
s The action of the heart de
pends upon the heart nerves
and muscles. When from any
cause they become weak or ex
hausted, and fail to .furnish
sufficient power, the heart flut
ters, palpitates, skips beats;
and in its effort to keep up its
work, causes pain and distress,
such as smothering spells,
short breath, fainting, pain
around heart, arm and shoul
ders. The circulation is im
peded, and the entire system
suffers from lack of nourish
ment. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure makes
a heart strong and vigorous by
strengthening these nerves and
"I hart pnlriltntlon and pain around
mv h.--n:'t. and th doctors said it was
insurable. 1 don't bellev It now. for
r.fter tnkiner six bottles of Dr. Miles'
Heart Cure, threo bottles of the Nervine
rnj three boxes of th Norvo and
l iver l'.l'.s I om entirely cured, tnd
feel bpttcr thnn I have for live years,
end it i ell due to these rein-dle. I
want you to know th.it your medicines
cured "me. It relieved mu from the
f.rt (lone, and I kept rlirlit on till the
r.al-i in my chest was ?one, and I l:?pt
r.n feeling better even after I quit
taking it." JOHN II. PMF.:tMAN.
Holding, lllch.
. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure l cold by
your drugaist. who will .-".larante that
the first bottle will benefit. If it fails
he will refund your money.
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind
Old Settlers'
For Your Live Stock
!; We Have some
KIM r.
They are old style The price is alsoold style
which is low
4ll Pearl St.,
It is Delicious
25 cervts
Blendod and packed from
Harris (Si
No; 6 Front Si.
Do yotx want
to sell your farm?
The quick, sure way is
to put a want-ad
&he Omaha
The Rates are One insertion, per line 10 cents.
Two or more consecutive insertions, per line,
6 cents each insertion. Hach insertion made on
odd days, 10 cents per line.
All advertising runs in both morning and
and evening paper without extra charge.
Count Six Words to at S,rl
Address Want-Ad Department, Omaha Bee, Omaha, Neb.
Within everybody's reach reaches everybody J
on earth . nee or
Lxkt your
property with us
isUCIty. Nb.nd lr,.-,. rTir
Bargains in
si pair
they last
' nT
per Pound
carefully selected coffee by
Homer, Neb 9;
have plenty of Money to Loan at
interMt rin T1aVnti nnnntv Fftrrno
sen ana cut xieai instate oi au -
write us beiore yoa sorrow, iiuy ur or
to Sell. ! f
- Re8'
i J is I lit Ut l ta
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i ?o Za sX.::::::::::::::::::::::::: cubou twenty. joWg vvi lo
1m4 fri Leslie' drug nlr Ue .