Free transportation to the Interstate Fair, Sioux City. Iowa. Watch this rpaca next week. Bulls la an lrlih FaptMr. Speaking about Irish bulls, bow Is this paragraph from tins editorial col nmns f n recent Issue of the Western News of Gahvny, Ireland? "To rob a tann of bis purse and then maltreat him for not having It would pass mus ter among pitiless brutal crimes, but to kill and alny a man to the point of fleath and then murder him for not flying quick enough Is oae point setter In the catalogue of human Infamy. It Is enough to make Irishmen set their teeth and talk silently In groups." Dialing; tilahrd. "Ytr Is Hiram Ityctap going around all puffed up?" nskfd the postmaster at Bacon Itldge. "Why, bogosh, he thinks he looks Just like a Congressman or Senator," respowlod the rural mall carrier. "And what put that In his head?" "Why, he applied to tlie railroad for ft pass an they refused him, begosh." , The Moilrl WKnru. "Yes, they considered lilin a model Witness." "And what did his testimony amount to?" L "Nothing whatevtr." Cleveland Vrialn Dealer. Merchants Visit Milwaukee. Come to the city of beautiful pnrka, cleuu streets, fine buildings, huge fac tories, immense joining houses and hos pitable people. Spend your i;me during the Auuuiil Fall lluying Season where you can bring your families and combine businufu with pleasure. The reoent laws in Wisconsin. Iown, Iibnois. Minnesota, Nebraska, Missouri, and neighboring states, by which pas enger fares are reduced t two cents a mile, are of great advantage ta nier chants in this territory wh wish to coine to Milwaukee. After August 15, HMJi, merchants may buy a regular tick et to Milwaukee at a rate cf two cents a uiikv (the lowest rate uow given for t any ocasion) nnd will ot be required .y to seenre certiticates tr be restricted to y certain dates. This offers decided ad vantages to Milwaukee Matraus. While in Milwaukee call for information at the Milwaukee Association of Jobbers and Manufacturers. -l.V4! University Bid;;. Dnnlily I n fortunate. j Ardent Youth So your father doesn't Tlike me on nccount of my various short comings, doesn't ho? Fair Maiden No; and mamma object to your long Ktayinus. Mrt. Wlnilow'i BonttilDic Hyiup for CT.IIrtrea tooiulnc; t-oftoui thi gums, reuuaei luiluimnM Uoa, 2IUII1 p&ia. ourat wind ooiia, h fcoiua. Formalin (or Fro tin. Some lmj)ortiint oxporimouts on the preservation of ripp fruits by means of formalin have recently been carried out at the Jodrall luborutory, Kew, says the London Globe. If tile fruit is one which is eaton without peeling, as the straw berry or raspberry, it is, first of all, Immersed for twi minutes la cold wa ter containing 3 per cent of commercial formalin. It Is then take out, and allowed to remain live minutes In cold water. If the fruit Is one of which the skin or rlud Is not eaten, the latter treatment Is omitted. It was found that damsons thus treated kept nine days, Victoria plums live days, black currants live days and red currants' four days longer than fruit not so treated. Titted or slightly diseased apples thus treated were found to keep sev eral weeks longer. It Is pointed out Al.ut the spoiling of ripe fruit is often due to the various bacteria nnd fc ments occurring on their surfaces. Tbo development of the:e Is prevented by the formalin. It is suggested that the use of formalin may render It possible to.bring certain perishable ripe fruits ffAa distant countries. Her SMconlnit. "I suppose your new servant girl Is like ihe average new broom," said Mrs. MeCall. "Yes," replied Mis. Hiram Offen. "She really sweeps clean, eh?" h "Very likely. At any rate, she doesn't Vwep the dirty places." Philadelphia Record. It's a Good Time now to see what a good " staying1 " breakfast can be made without high-priced Meat TRY 1 A Ll(!!s Fruit, A Dish of 6rape-kLi!s and Cream, A Soft-Boiled Egg, . Sens Nice, Crisp Toast Cup of PostiiH food Coffee That' all, and all very easy of diges tion and full to the brim with Ynourishment and strength. BEPEAT FOR LUNCHEON SUPPER, and have a meat and vegetable yiinnrr cuner ai noon or evening, iy you prefer, e predict lor you an Increase ia physical and mental power. There's a Reason." little health cUuic. MTU Ro4 U . 1 A'ttllviile" in nUuL If you have anything to say to a mill?, nay It to his face. Chleugo Daily News. Anthrojiology lustntetor What effect has the climate on the Eskimo? Stu dentCold feet. Harvard Lampoon. Ollleer Seen anything of hit bag gage, sentry? Sentry She's waltln' ; round the corner for ye, sir! Ueyl nent. . , j "lid I tell you the story of the old church bell?" "No. Ix-t's hear It." i "Sorry, but It can be tolled only ou Sunday." Cleveland I'ialu Dealer. j lie Sa they got married and went . off in their new motor car. She And where did they spend their honey- I moon? lie lu the hospital. Londou TiM'.its. Foote Llghte Has your sister a strong part la tbo new piece? Miss Sue l'.rette Why, yes; she has to carry around one of those heavy spears 1 YoiiUers Statesman. Mrs. Kelly "fls another of thlm soovyreer wst cyards from me darter -j Maggie tho foorth this month, be gorry I She studs me wan every toimc she changes her plnce. Puck. Anxious Mother I hope you aro not thinking of marrying young Clarkson. lie spends every cent he earns. Pretty Iuu,;htcr Oh, well, he doesn't caru very much. Chicago Dally News. "Dj you ever talk back to your wife'.'" asked the solicitous friend. "SoMctlmcs," nnswered Mr. Meekton ; "a v '"' Utile; Just to show her that I have nut g::ivj tj kIlvu." Chicago Daily No:,:-. Tommy Docs it make any difference If l.a'.iy takes all his medicine at once? Iia'.iy's J.'otiior (in horror) Good heav ens.' Of course It does! Tommy r.u: It h.isu't made any difference. Punch. Mrs. Wirkwire If you go first, you wiil wait fur me on the other shore, won't you, dear? Mr. Wickwire I sup pose so. I never went anywhere yet without having to wait for you. Illus trated Pits. "Any accident in your motor trip through Italy and .France, Morgan?") "Nothing worth mentioning. My wife was thrown out and bruised a bit, but the machine never got so much us a scratch." Life. j "So Jack's been made secretary nnd treasurer of the company, has he?" j "Yes. He lias to copy all the letters, 1 and take all the deposits to the bank, nnd. oh, Mary, I'm so proud of him." j Harper's Kazanr. Church I like to see a man who can , for;;et an Injury. Gotham Well, there's that neighbor of mine; he's suing the: railroad company for an injured leg, and very once in a while he forgets to limp ! Yonkers Statesman. j A kind old gentleman, seeing n small ! boy who was carrying a lot of news papers under his nrm, said: "Don't nil those pajKTs make you tired, my. boy?" "Naw; I don't read 'em," re-: plied the lad. Canadian Courier. j "Put to my mind," said the clerical ' tourist from the East, "a plurality of i wives is unspeakable." "Huh." snort ed the good-natured Mormon. "I never even heard of one wife that was un shakable." Philadelphia Press. Young Lady You are a wonderful master of the piano. I hoar. Professor von Spieler (hired for the occasion) I May aggompaniinents zoiiietiines. "Ac companiments to singing?" "Agsom paniinents to gonversations." Tattler. Waiter Mr. linmn's left bis umbrel la again, sir. I d believe he'd leave his head If It were lo.ise. Ko'olnson I dare say you're right. I heard him Kay only yesterday lie was going t'l Switzerland for his lungs. Ally Sloper, Church See that man going nlonji with his head In the air, sniffing with bis nose? Gotham Yes; I know hlia Church I suppose he believes in taking in the good, pure ozone? Gotham No; lie's hunting for an automobile garagu, I believe. Yonkers Statesman. I "I cracked a lawyer's house the oth er night," said the first burglar, dis gustedly, "and the lawyer was there with a gun all ready for me. He ad vised me ter g!t out." "You got otl easy," replied the other. "Not much didn't! He charged me for do nd vice." Philadelphia Press. j "In the summer," remarked the obesi passenger with the big diamond stud "peopl.'j should eat nothing but cold fi.od and drink the coldest water ol tainnhle." "Ah!" exclaimed the rail' , w:'y detective, "you are evidently a doe : tor?-' "Not me." replied the o. p. "I'm an he dealer." Chicago News. j ( .m a bicycling trip) When is the oilier man who used to be hen as keeper'.' Park Gatekeeper Ho'i dead, sir. with feeling) Dead: Po.ii- filluw! Joined the great majori ty, I'll? Park Gatekeeper Oh, won! . I - I'll ,'t i; en !i. !;e t tr.:h i say that, sir. loan, ns far as He wai I know ' lit :t.n- of Tra. glilily nb. nit Pekoe, '.v peiei! have any i:-:::ii'S si.iilfy. . e t:i: Holloa Idea ol a tl di. t f Cantoa! I!:e: lie it. i."." f -r Ihe tea whl-h is made from tin i s .voii'ig that tU 11 on them. . f .1.1. e anie dialect, ! 1 it merely bIj is the nieanlnj 4 "( si-,'::i(les 'labor;" much trou 1 ! il aie . pemle, In ts prep j aiati m -t Am.-y, nnd these are coav i loo te l In its j . !i"i" I; ;.:! -i niter a range el hi::.-.- P .r:l r:d .J.oi-nal. ( on lli.rnl. c-bie.s u:,:d to Skrlbblei si 1. ...; )i;';M'are.?" "UYv t!i ?h' i hf ! (' '(::: "Y.!;a; ;: "N'-ti.i!:-.'. livery hi t -j.: I '..ait it?" Mlhv.'i Sentinel. I j ii-ii you then iii idiru daue t'l: will i tl:e "Tou done One. Wily," said the old fentleman, shaking the young man's hand. "I was tickled to death 'most s much ns your mother. That wns a great paper you read." "Thank you, sir," said the young man, beaming with pleasure. "Yes, by Juc!;s! You hit the right noil mpinre on ib head every time. Did you make ti nt nil up yourself, or did some of them professors help you?" "I didn't have any help," replied t.'ie young man, with modest pride. "You don't say! Well, think o' that now! Don't it loat all how much you know? Why, It took me forty or fifty years to git through my head what you Jest reeled right o(T ns slick ns grease nn' ns pat as butter. Cues there won't be no trouble about you cucceedln'. You've not 'success' down to a fine point, all right." "There are certain underlying prin ciples, of course," began the young mani somewhat hesitatingly. "'Course there Is," agreed the old gentleman. " 'Detum I nation eonj'lnod with unremitting Industry, the ability to discern mistakes and the nobility to correct 'eni will surely bring suc cess.' says you. And you're dead right about it. I don't see no show to ujv set that nrgument. If you'd said it was lonfin' around the house nn not doin' n hand's turn to help with the chores nn' spendin' dad's hard-earned money on blame foolishness and dis sipations with a lot of other young snipes and gettln' uuly an' cranky when an old feller tried to p'lnt out the error of your way if you'd up an' said that wns what It was brought suc cess I'd have had to differ with yon. sure." "Some of my friends are looking for STRANGE BULL THE TAKIN OF THE There Is nothing deceptive or mis lending about this animal excepting Its name, and this after all Is only tin name given to It. without intention t effend, by the natives of the MIshml hills on the northern frontier of Assam, whence the first siecliuen was obtained by Prian Hodgson forty years ago from native hunters. It occurs also In the mountainous regions of western China, w here n palc-colorcd variety of the sikh'Ics was discovered by pore David, and lu Thibet. It Is known to scientific naturalists by the name, llinlirrax (bull antelope), Its full title being liurdtirvatt tiij-icolur. There are two mounted specimens of the takln in the P.rltlsii Natural His tory museum. The sclentlnc Interest attaching to the takln depends on the fact that It furnishes one of the numerous links bi tween the antelopes nnd the more fa miliar sheath-horned ruminants which we know ns cattle (ox. buiValo, bison), sheep, and goats. The antohios are in fact a large nnd a very varied group, some of elegant, graceful form with long and finely-chiselled horns, others with heavy heads and short bull like horns such as the gnu, others gont-like in shape such as the Aslatl serow, others stalwart and finely-made like the elands, which have straight, jxiwerful horns, whilst their Indian representative, tho beautiful blue bull, or nilgai, has very small horns. The Eurojiean chamois Is a good example of an antelope which forms a link between typical uutelojies and the more familiar cavieorn, the gout. The takln has In the adult broad tumid bases to the horns, which nearly meet In the middle line, nnd a curvature which Is not unlike that presented by the horns of the gnu. There Is, how vver. one northern cavlcom the musk ex of the Arctic circle which In the general character of the horns and limbs, with large lateral hoofe, pre sents marked resemblance to the takln. It U probable that the takln Is an off hoot of the anteloie stock which ulti mately produced the musk ox. Just as the chamois, the serow, nnd tho goral oiv prohahly remnants of another ante lope line of ancestry which gave rise to the goats and sheep. The curious falsa antelope with its enlarged nose closely resembles 111 that feature soiuo varieties of sheep, whiKt the wonder ful Wallaehhin sheep, the Oc atrrmi tvroH of Llnnanis, has horns which lire unlike those of nil other sheep and goats ami resemble the straight de fences of some autclopcK. HE IIIF.ED WEBSTER. A Shnrn iiiilui-krt Mnu'i lliirKVln with the I. rent I.aYrr. Of fviirs Wfhster was lu demand by those who could afford to pay for bis services. A Kharp Nantucket man Is said to have got the better of tho great defender of the constitution in nn amusing way, however. He bad a small cnr.e which was to lx tried at Nantucket one wwlc In June, and he post! to Welter's oftke In great Ui.t. I : y:-- aft.:;" Wit:.:.... & me." said the young man, looking around a little uneasily. "IWt rush off. Wily." said the old gentleman, securing htm by a coat but ton. "They'll find you right here for tlu next minute or two If they're good lookers. I want to tell you bow proud I nm of you gettln' off that nice pi we. You went down to the marrer of things, I tell you. 'Small successes m:IUee for small souls.' says you. I guess you keep your eyes skinned all rltlif. You look n round yon here nu' you see fellers hruikiu' other fellers' necks, or tryln' to, nn' neglectin their studies to get to be ha'f-hark o' the football team, or pitcher In the base- d they're ball nine, an' when they succee Jest nlibut tol'nbly well satisfied with themselves. They think, by Jacks, that now they have done It. Ain't that so?" "Maybe," replied the young man. "Now, if you'll excuse me" "Leinnie tell you how I liked what you said about frugality bein' respect able an' not to be confounded with parsimony, an' about there not belli' any such thing ti failure, when the aim was sufficiently exalted, an' about Integrity bela' essential to even the tim tff I.mI fir'r.i ' cnii'ooss. nn the Me. cent regard for the opinion ' mankind beln' ne'Ks'ry an' admitted by the most unscrupulous.' That was great. When the folks down to Hlgville expresses themselves concernln' some snip of a Ixiy nil' the boy says they're a pusslo o' old mosshacks whose oplnyons don't uever amount to Hhu- ks "Well!" exclaimed the old gentleman, gazing after the young man's retreat ing form. "I wonder If Wily tixik any o' that ns pers'nal." Chicago Daily News. ANTELOPE. EASTEUX HIMALAYAS. It WHS 11 Contest wlt'll n lielefllwir nvnr . ' ' . I a matter of considerable local Interest, and his pride as a litigant was at 1 stake. He told Webster the particulars ! and asked what be would charge to j conduct the case. j "Why," said Webster, "you can't nf- ford to hire me. I Rhonld have to stay 1 down there the whole week, and my fee ! would be more than the whole case Is ' worth. 1 couldn't go down there for ; less than $1.XK. I could try every . case on the docket ns well as one, and It wouldn't cost any more, for one case I would take my time for the entire ' week, anyway." "All right, Mr. Webster." fpih-kly re! sponded the Nantuekeler. "Here's your $1.Uf. Vou ci i :o down, and I'll fix it ' so you can try every case." j Webster was si amused over this , proposition that be kept bis word. lie ; latent the entire week in Nantucket and j appeared on one side or the other In ' every ease that came up for hearing, j The shrewd Nantueketer hired Daniel j out to all bis friends who were In llti- j g.'tion and received n return about. ; $1.."(X. so that he got Webster's kit- j vices for nothing nnd made a good ! profit to Ixiot. A (irral I'olrvlol. Solomon Ctesar Malau habitually conversed with 'his children In Lntlii, but on his deathbed, when Solomon, his son, began to recite a psalm In the familiar vulgate of his youth, the dy ing man, scholar to the last, muttered : "Non lta, non Ita! Hebruise;" go the son repeated It In Hebrew. He could, for that mutter, Jurt r well have said It In Coptic or Chinese, for to him nil tonguea came naturally. At IS he could write In thirteen lan guages, Oriental and Eurocan, ami among his published works we find translations from the Arabic, Persian, Vyriae, Ethioplc, Hebrew, Coptic, Ar menian, Georgian, Mongol, I'Mihko, Korean, Japanese, Greek, Itiisslun, Welsh and Gothic. He Is said to have learned to speak Armenian fluently In fortnight, and be preached I li !enr. !nn to a Georgian congregation In the (Vthedial of Kutals. London Satur- dl J Kevlew. home rry OIl 'I ri-ra. Piazillaii cocoiuiut palms live foriMMi to Tim years, ami the Arabs assert that the date palm freipnnilly reaches the age of Jixi to ,!'H) years. Wallan'i onk. near Paisley, Scotland, Is known to ho oer n ears oni, and there are eight i olli trees on the Mount of Olives : near Jerusalem, which uru known to i have been nourishing lu lli'.Kl. The yews at I ouutaiu ubbey, Yorkshire, wi j old treen when, lu 11', tilt all- '. U-y was built, and redwood In Marl- f IiohJi grove, ( uliroruia, Is a manifold centenarian. Kitobah trees of Afrie.i luiv Iteen iiiniputed to be over ."i.lKMl years old, and the ieeduom cypress at ( 'liMWlllepec Is considered to lie of u till greater age. W'J.cti a iiutitr.illy rcinUy peMoii t'eti InilIrfBtIim hi' l:u;i;:i'.'b hu Is a cynic. HOW TO MAKE Uli; IIAir. GROW. M'fitevn of Ihf 'l.-ivlnix Orcle tleua Thl: Mulliccl, "Y ii ought to get the tonic I for my hair. I Just cct Ihe druggist to mix 10 cents' woilh of i;!nlne anil 10 cents' worth of glycer::! and 10 cents' " "Well," here p;;t lu the lleshy lady, according to the Kansas City Star, "I Kites If you went by that rule at O 'a store you might come out with nn entirely different thing from wlnt you've be-ii getting." "And iiiiyha.v." nseitcd the one em broidering the shirt wal.-'t, "coal oil la Just ns g( o'd. When mv sister was I getting over th: typhoid fever she Just rubbed "Oh, my, I wouldn't have the nasty stuff " "Why, look h: re. -.-Iris wait till I show her tills s'itc'i - you Ju.n llst-n to what happened where my aunt usmI to live. There were two sisters who had the loveliest hair, a id they got It by using kerosene, nnd " "Well, I don't hcllsve r.nv one would j have mu.-h mind afler using that fctuff a while. I wash my h ilr lu salt wa ter." "Oh. my! D.'ii't it stick v" "I'nsalt.M biitier'll make It grow." "t-'age tea Is good." "Oh, Ju.vt common cold tea will do It." "Put "Yes, "Put It darkens it." I that's o ; I use egg shampoo." thai Costs il;e fun." "When we filled we r.s.'d to near night ''lips them with salt Iw tin dav- time." oiVe-.vd grandma. "We kind o' thought ih it helped th- hair." "Yes," ventured Aunt Elizabeth, ! ' x e tried pulling the hair gently around llv roofs, some folks think that kind o' starts a cltvulatlon ." "Well. I should think it would you know biusbliig's good for the hair," said some cue. "And inn surge Is, loo." "Yes, I always brush toy hair a bun drill stroke. every n'ght." "Oh! 1 never could s;e that It m .d' mine grow much." "ltilt It does, though. You ought to see my sister's " "See here, I was reading Just tho other day that you mustn't brush your bnlr. that It makes it fall." "They say living near the sea mnkca it grow." "Why, I've always heard that going to a Idgh altitude and dry cllimUo Minmlnte " "I'll till yon, '.nlles. It all depend on your state i f health. If you're strong in general you'll have " "oh, 1 don't know about that. Hav en't we nil seen poor sick women whose strength all went to hair. I " "Oh, hair! hair! hair! Drop hair! Get a wig." "Here come the refreshments." "I've got the stem of this tulip work ed anyhow." r0000COOCC0OCC000OOCX3C0CO AT A PERSIAN TABLE. 8 OOOOOCOOOOCOOCOCOOOOOOOOOU j The new Shall of Persia, according to n roi-ont newspaper article, succeeds to u most magnificent kitchen, the stoves,' linkers, tongs, and even the colfee-millH of which are made of solid silver. What Is not of silver Is of copper, t heavily gilded. All the dishes, knives, fork.s and such utensils nre of gold, set I with-precious stones. The kitchen It-, self Is a work of art. Its ceiling is of wondrous lacquer, and its pillars of marble and onyx. It Is an apartment lit for Aladdin's whims rather than n! place of cookery. Mi'!"WI1Ih, lu "Per- , sia As It Is," gives an ai-couut of Per-1 shin culinary mutters, and also do-J ferihes the beautiful s'n rbol-spoons of the country, which, although not made of gold or silver, are highly prized. j The meals of the Shall are not social , occasions, and be knows little of ffio 1 U'lielit of Jollity combined with tho act i of eating, ills breakfast takes place' at M, a solitary meal, the monarch . sipiatting before fifty dishes or more. ' From these he selects n few of the , simplest, and quenches bis thirst with iced sherbets. j Dead silence reigns; the roycal but-: lcrs hand the magnificent plates and IhiwIs without a sound. I Dinner is eiiicii at 1) In the evening,; nnd differs from the morning meal in j elaboration mid the fact that it Is en livened by n baud. The food Is very varied and the cook ing extravagant. Lambs, roasted whole and stuffed with almonds, raisins, dates mi l pisl aehlo-mits, mid sparrow mid pomegranate Mup enter Into the ilcllcac les of tho cuisine. Sherbets are a favorite drink. They are merely water sweetened and flavored with fruits, and rvd. This sherbet Is drunk ' from largo wooden NjiO'ius, delicately carved and of great V man often shows bis wcnllh in the great variety and costliness of his yhcrhct-spoouH. They are made ;' pear wood, nnd are from one to tvo feet In length, with howU which ,-o:iu times linld a tumblerful. The carving Is ns line and elaborate as lace-work, mi l (be wood lu place is cut so t':in a; to he translucent. The ' bowls live sel'ip'iol'-:. nr.. l rente. I light io m 'd exactly nlli.i i, l oi ornamented with In A:i oil with which they i!.:l!:e!!S the originally vviod. No two KpooiiH are , niid sMik! are real work of art. I The Persian eon-biers n silver spoon nu al'oniiiii li iil to touch tn the lips. The tiny teaspoons of (diver hnve a liligri". bole in the houl, and nre used only f :Irrh.g. A "rHl"K Muiiuiurnt Nowhere in the world can be foiiuo. a more stnlilir' monument tlcm n,u crec.d o:i t'.ie shires of Lake Ksv. Kill, lu central Asia. In honor of the Itussiaii General Prjevalhkl, a famous exjilorer of that region. Tin; tomb is hollowed out In the summit of Jut. ting cliff on the eastern margin of the lake, and the uioiiiinicnt coiism:k of uil euoraioiis rough hewn block of gray granite, twi uly' five feet high, over which Is t !irown a chnrt of central Asia. 'I'lu only tiiiu- tiiiii' ini'ii urn nut troulilo Ik when tlicy aro lu Jail, niplomnry Xliten," said the girl ns the womnn pome In from the party at 3 o'clock ia tho morning nnd stood at the bend of her bed. "Do you hear her sob. the woman above? She lias been sobbing like that for an hour. Now, listen to bla blft, gruff voice storming at her." "I'll put a stop to that," the woman declared, as ue hurried out of the flat on up vtalr. "Well," aald the Rlrl, when she bad cme down again, "what did you dot Threaten Llm with the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Wives?" "Not at all," said the woman. "I aim th rang bis bell and asked lilui If there waa anything I could do for his wife. Vaa't she 111? We could hear her cry lug beneath In our bedroom, I told bhu. He thanked me nnd said there was nothing I could do; but you dou't hear any more sobbing, do you?" Grttlnc Ilia Mm arc Aunt Pllurn was preparing soup for dJuuer, when one of the neighbors hap pened In on a borrow ing ' "Why, Aunt Pllura. Isn't that an un usually large soup-kettle?" asked the caller, with a calcualtlng glance at the stove on her passage across the kitchen, "If you're Just looking at the kittle, It does seem plumb siznble," said Aunt Fllura, calmly; "but when you cast your looks on the extents and pliabili ty of my Enoch's month, I reckon twon't look any too large, that kittle won't." 1 e rm r r ra n p. Rom In poverty, reared in obscuri ty, little Tad suffered many handicaps through youth, and never knew what It wns to hnve a penny to get gum drops or licorice root. Did he lose hope? No; he perse vered until he is now opulent, for lit tle Tad has become n plumber. In dianapolis Star. Pn-Jinllocil. "The grand jury that Indicted me,H Mid tilts grafter, "was grossly pveju lleed." "How wns it prejudiced?" "Py the evidence, of course." Wash ington Star. VERY BAD FORM OF ECZEMA. SnlTrrpil Three Trart Pli j Irlam Did No tiooil Prrfrctlr Writ After I'alna; rutleum Hrmedlea. "I take great pleasure In Informing you that 1 was a sufferer of eczema In a very bad form for the past three years. I consulted nnd treated with a number of physicians lu Chicago, but to no avail. I commenced using the Cutlcurn Remedies, consisting of Cutl curu Soap, Ointment nnd Pills, three mouths ago, nnd to-day I am perfectly well, tho disease having left me entire ly. I cannot recommend the Cutlcurn Remedies too highly to anyone suffer ing with the disease that I hnve had. Mr. Florence E. Atwood, 18 Crilly riace, Chicago, 111., October 2, 1U00. Winiess: L. S. Berger." Measures nre being taken by the C3er man government to exploit the now dor tnnnt water powers of the country on a largo scaJu. Vou Can Get Alien Font-Rnne FltEII Wrlt to-ilny to Allen B. Olmsted, I Hot, N. Y., for a I'ltEiC sample of Allen's Koo't Ense, a powder to liak Into your ihoes. It curp tired, nweatlng, hot, swollen, ach ing feet. It mnkes new or tight ulioea easy. A certain cure for Corns and Ituuloni. All DriifnlaU aud Shoe Stores sell It. U5c, A Nnfer Method. Sheriff When the robbers held you up weren't you nrmod? Kucaped Victim No; but I waa well legged. Judge. AUXJHOL 3 PER i:vn p AVcgdalilePrrDarali Slmilaiill'JilicFooif.inifRrdiils. liiig Utc Sloraachs antlJJovtlsof Promotes Digesltonllttf iful ncss and fastrentains neittier Opium.Morphine nor Mineral. 1NOT NAHCOTIC. tnpk 'ia Srrdm jtiic Senna jtiufittd llilwtuiutiMti ClimfifH Stgnr Vittnftm Hunt, Anerfect Remcdv forConsflpa Hon , Sour Stomach.Dlarrhoci Jtaa) I, Worrasfom'ulsioiis.reverisli ncss and Loss or Sum. Facsimile Signatured1 NEW YORK. Exact Copy of Wrapper. iif I l I KfcTt-lA'J ! ViaVJ41 EI SI B 1 SAW El 13 Id Ci li 11 CI W. L. DOUGLAS $3.00 & $3.50 SHOES tScJorld fcjJ-SHOta FOH tVEFJY MEMBER OP r Z THE FAMILY. AT ALL PRICES. Howard ;,'-i2"'?t3 In ai i wi. it ii i I J,0"lu, "re worn tynicra rn-opla lu Mil wiilka c.f lifo tlmu any oll,r ii.ttWo. la bc'iiiMt . tt,elr aoellm.t alyl.. tnuy-flttl,., anii wri(;r quail 11.., .olti,,,, f tbo leatlmra ami other material lill'.VhVia.t .1 UKjII of ll, inaklnn la lo..kl Mlta? by IL'fl V.i0" ''l"'-e'V''tl'-i'r.1.,rint..mle..ta.f..r..,H,iu.l akili.,, li1uknr. Uo rwiivB ih in-lit wag... .t,l in tha ali "'.ui-try ami w.irknuu.i.lil,. eunnot L A.ll,..l. 1 liuml.l t:ik you Int mv l:irifH fu.'l,.rn.. t Hroi ktiiii.Miiaa.. . . .W you ,w ,.( U,y W. U ,, ,. NlM., , J w.mli limn uiKl.-iKiiiiMl ,v ihi.v I,,,;. t!ll.. e ,it .',;.," '' ''''Hn.aru..r,r uln.. Iliau any , iTim f- wow Head smca C-mnnnl ha mqtt-lld af Myarba. Words of Praiao For tho several Ingredients of which Pr Pierce's medicines nre composed, as given by leaders In nil the several schools of medicine, should have far more weight than any amount of non-professional tes timonials. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip tion has the li A Den or hosf.sty on every bottle-wrapper, In a full list of all Ita In gredients printed In plain English. If you aro an Invalid woman and suffer from frequent headache, backache, gnaw ing dlstr7i In stomach, periodical pains, disogreyRWe, catarrhal, pelvic drain, dragglifWdown distress In lower abdomen or pelvjs, perhaps dark spots or specks dancing before the eyes, faint spells and klndfyl jymstomscatiRod by female weak ness, CLsth derangement of the srmlnlna organs, yWcan not do better than take Dr. PIcrrfefc'Favorlte Prescription. The bsiltal, surgeon's knife snd opera ting talimay be avoided by the timely use of f avorite Prescription" In such caws. Thereby the obnoxious exntnln at Ions slid lucil iji -ii iiieoia of tl;e family physician cmi lie avoided ami a thorough cunise of Mu-cHEsf id treatment carried out lrl if'f P' -lif V th" Lime- ' Prescription " is composed oiTne very bet native medicinal roots known to medical science for the cure of woman's peculiar aliments, contains no alcohol and nc harmful or habit-forming drugs. Do not expect too much from "Favorlt Prescription; " It will not perform mira cles; it will not disolve or cure tumors. No medicine will. It will do as much to establish vigorous health In most weak nesses and ailments peculiarly Incident to. wocirji as any medicine can. It must ba glvTfc fair chiince by perseverance In its use for a reasonable length of time. v i i ,' r,-.. , I , .. .. ...... nn . . Av ' I - ' " '. I'lTII.. ' Sick women are invited to consult Dr. Pierce, by letter, free. All correstiond- ence is guarded as sacredly aecret and womanly commences aro protected t proicssionni prtvacv. Auuress ur. li. v. Pierce, llutralo, N. V. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets the best laxative nnd regulator of tho bowels. They invigorate stomach, liver and bowels. One a laxative; two or three a cathartic Easy to tako, as candy. Information Wanted. "What be th' name uv that 'ere pic ture?" queried Uncle Hiram Corn Bhueks, who bad strayed Into tbo nrt museum. "Thot painting," replied the attend ant, "represents Joshua commanding the sun to stand still." "Yew don't sit.v!" exclaimed t'nele H.'j-am. "Which be Josh an which be Lis son?" Qneat Innnlile Compliment. "Sonic of my Jokes," declared tbo bucT ding humorist, "have been exteusively copied." "As Jokes," asked a heartless friend,, "or as quasi-literary curiosities V" Louis ville Courier-Journal. "HaTtn Tone wnnrtorftil "Oiterfl" for Itimo mouths ami blna eutiriily mr"l ot ntHmacb ealarrh suit ilyipf nl. 1 tMnk s word of prnlna la fne to,i;uaAri'U"furthlr wuudrfnl ernipnitloii. 1 hftTA tftkn liumenms oktanr to-rulMil rumeillea but stkII and I On. I tliKt Crri-H -ollnT wor. In a dajr tUau all tU oiiior 1 iiava ulua would In a year. H Jawci UoUuaa, 1M Marcar St., Joritj CUT. N. naaaant, Palatahla. Potant Taata Good, Do AnoaV Favor Ulckau, Wnaiian or ijrlpa, loo, tie. We. Motot old la bulk. Tha aamilna tablot Udii1 0 0 0. Quarautaad to aura or yuur luunay baok. Starling Raraady Co., Chicago or N.Y. joa ANNUAL SALE, TEN MILLION BOXES iySKtSThorapson'sEyBWatoi S. C. X. u. - No. 35 1007. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over Thirty Years oaarawa aoar-nv, ntw voaa orrr. ithcr miik. tirt 71 iP MM) Bears tho Ay xf Signature yjy