J Joes. Not Color Hair iiwrs nair vigor, as now made from our new Improved fomuJa, does not stain or color jjtiis hair even to the slightest fj '.urrec. Gray hair, white hair, "l.'T.ic hair is not made a i-halo darker. But it certainly does s:op falling hair. No . . .1 . jcucsuon aooui mat. s I, formula with etuh bottle Show it to your doctor Aik him about It, then do a ha Kay a I -i.ivcd, ve believe It will stop every case r I '! nc hair unless there is some yery .' msI complication, something greatly :'.': va tbe general health. Then you . ;,. . , Lvn'.uit your physician. Also ask ' -: f tfca new Ayer's Hair Vigor. , . i .r. c. Aver Cn..LoKoll. Jlao. Bulletin To the East Dai,y low rate ox cursion tickets to Jamestown Exposition, eastern oities nd report", northrn Michigan, Cana da and New Engluud. To the Vcst ttractiTe cure ion rates to the Pacific Const, Yellowstone Park, Utah Colorada, Big Horn Mountains, Black Hills. Big Horn Basin and Billings District Personally conducted, cheap rate homeseekers excursions, first and third Tuesdays; we assist you in locating irrigated lands at the low, original price. Write D Clem Denver, lundseekers' informa tion bureau. Une-Way Colonist Bates to the Coast a''y n September and October to California, Washington, Oregon, Montana, Wyo ming, Big Horn Basin. f CALL OR WRITE FOR DETAILS. A J Kaeraker, Ticket Agent NEB. " DACOTA C7.TV, Ii. W. Wakelf.y, Q P A, Omaha, Neb Mam aaaaaw Wmffl IF" 1 KILL the COUGH AND CURE the LUNGS Or. Kin WITH Now Discovery FflR roycH3 PRICE OLDS Trial Bottle Free AND ALL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES. GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY OH MONEY REFUNDED. 1)R, C H. MAXWELL, Physician and Surgeon. Calls promptly attended DAKOTA CITT, NEBRASKA W. C. Eclthsvrt Scientific Refractionist. Spectacles and Eyeglassei Accurately Fitted. Coi altation and Examination Free, Office at residenoo. D'XVTA CITY, NEBRASKA 4$ rifPN ra v . . In . I iici.ir : i .1 l'i n i l.o , ilinut ii for oll Usire News Special Rate R R Time Table Sioux Citj", Crystal Lake ft Homer LK.AVK LEAVE DAKOTA CUT SlOtX CJTV C:10 ru .7:00 a ni 8:00 m .0:00 a tu . 10:00 am 12 m 1:30 p m 2:M p m 3:30 p m ,.4:30 p m 5:3t p ni....i 0:15 p ra 7:00 p tu..... 9:30 p m 1enve Slonx City nt 10:;) forCrystfcl I-nko nnd meet O rent Northern train ut South bioux City, on return trip. C, St. P., M. ft O. Trains leave Dakota City at the fol- lovicg time: 40UTU BoTJKD. SOUTH BODNO. 6 :52 pm Omaha 7 :35 am 10:00am Omaha ......5:13pm 3 :37 pm Norfolk 8 :20 am 9:01 am Norfolk 5.32 pm 7 :58 aiu Newcastle 10 :C0 am 2:08 pm .......6:08 pm SUNDAY TriAISb. 5 :52 pm .-. Omaha 7:35am . i ............. van.. ...... ...v-- C B ft Q WEST No. 85 Local Froitrht 7:30 am 11 " Passenger, Omaha and Lincoln... ...12:47pm EAST No. 86 Locitl Freight. ......2:15 pm 10 Local Passenger. .. .0:33 pm Local Items Subscribe for The Herald $1 per year. Jas King, of Homer, was - here on business Wednesday. Chas Barto, of Wakefield, was here this week visiting old friends. H C Hansen was laid np the past week with a bad case of rheumatism. German Lutheran picnio in Henry Ebel's grove, Brushy Bend, August 22. Don't forget Brenn's coffee it is still in the lead. For sale at Tan de Zedde's. . Our old friend, Albert Ortderstal, orders the Herald sent to him at Al len, Neb. ', Mary Easton went to Walthill Mon day to visit a few days at. the Dr Will Beam home. Mrs M C Armstrong will do all kinds of housework, washing, etc, at reasonable terms. Mrs C C Frum returned to D anbury, Io, Wednesday, having spent a few weeks at the ranch below Homer. Miss Mildred Bevins returned to her home at Omaha Monday after weeks visit at the W P Warner home here. Wm W Reninger, of St John's pre cinct, republican candidate lor connty assessor, was a business visitor in town Wednesday . The Homer saloon Cgbt that was set for hearing before Jndge Guy T Graves at this place Monday, was continued until next Monday. For sale or rent The dwelling house of Mrs J C O'Neill at Jackson, Neb. For particulars inquire at the postoflice at Jackson. Mrs Sarah Duesohl and two children, John and Clara, are here from Maple ton, Io, on a visit with Mrs Dueschl's patents, Wm Adair and wife. J L Beam, of Axtell, Eas, traveling salesman for a Minneapolis harness Sim, spent a few days here this week at the Geo T Woods and H P Crozier homes. Wm Wilson, formerly section fore man for the Burlington at this place, was down from Emerron with his son Ernest, Saturday and Sunday, visiting old friends. If you intend to paint give us a call. We handle the Minnesota Linseed Oil Paint, sold subject to chemical analy sis. Guaranteed the best paint made. Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co. ' A card from Miss Nellie Davey, of Jackson, who is now at Mackinao Is land, Mich, states that she is enjoying life there, and hut receiving the Herald is like "getting monty fiom home." , J C McElhinney, wifa and duugnter Lucille, and Miss Hazel Mann, were here from Lyons, Neb, the paht week visiting relatives. Mr McElliiuuey and'wife also visited their daughter Kate at Allen over Sunday. Mrs Walter Smith and children and Malcora Smith, of Homer, came in Wednesday from near Bassett, Neb, whero they had been visiting Joiwph Smith and family for several weeks. They took the noon Burliuuton for Homer. The annual teaoUera dance is billed for this place Monday evening, August 19th, in the court house hall, cluriug the sessiou of the teachers' institute Local talent will furnmli the music. The Foye line will make a tiip to Sioux City after the dance. Tod Christopherson, of Crofton, Nebr, was in town Monday between trains, euroute to Ilonier. lie came down to chanerone the Crofton ball team that plnyed Homer Monday. He palled his team safely through a twelve inning contest, winning 7 io 3. Ottis RfibiiiM)u, of Crofton, an old Dakota oonnty buy, noiv editor l ilia Crofton Gazette and to-,tmfter that town, was nere Wednesiinr, en- routa to Walthill, where t'ie Cjofton ball team played that afternoon. Hi brother Charley in in-t-ociated witl him iu the newspiiper biiMineas. lit recently installed a new prevs und i gasoline engine. ' Mrs Helen C Brtegle, of Springfield, O, Held secretary "f the Women' Home and Foreign Ml-fcsumarT society of the General Synod F.vangehcal Lu theran church, will vit our county August 22-27, in the interest of the so ciety she represents, She will speak at the Grace Lutheran chnroh, South Sioux City, August 22; at Salem Lu theran church, Friday evening. An - Bust 23: at St Paul's Lutheran church. Homer, August 25, at 2:3 p ra. and Emanuel Lutheran church, Dakota City, Tuesday evening. An - gust 27. Yon are cordially invited to ay and all of these services. Fiord Leslie is homo from a trip to iho Pacific eoiut. Regular meeting of the Masonic lodge Saturday evening. Cobs for snle at tli Blenkiron elo vator, Ditkifla City, Neb. A daughter was born to S A Heikes and wife on Saturday last. Conductor Geo W Carter visited Saturday with Banker Ayves. Subscribe for the Herald, the best papar in the county. $1 a year.' Thilo Graves wns here from Wnko field ono day this week on business. Mrs Ada Sherman spent the week at Homer at the C J O'Connor home. Rns Johnson was laid up a few dnvs this week from over work aud heat. Will Winch was up from Homer Wednesday, a witness in the Eunis- Frum tiiul. George Barnett tuned up his thresh mg outfit and lit out lor tue graiu fields Tuesday. O, why do you eat old dry peanuts when you can get them fresh roasted every day at Van's. Ada Londrosh returned homo Sun day from a couple of weeks vinit with friends ut Bellevue, Neb. J A Bliven has quit the blacksmith business and is now going with the C M Gray threshing outfit. A fine tombstone was erected this week at the grave of James Pressey, in the Dakota City cemetery. Geo McBeath and wife were up from Horner Sunday and took in the automobile raojs in Sioux City. - The Social Dozen club,, of Sioux City, was entertained Tuesday at the home of Mrs George iiarnett, of this place. Paul Kinkcl and Ed Fredrick moved their families in from Crystul lake Monday, having spent a week of camp life there. Mrs Mary McBeath and Mrs John II Ream and children went to Homer Wednesday to spend the day at the S A Combs home. A number of young people were en tertained ut the homo of Hazel and Venus Schmied from Tuesday until Thursday evening. Fred Miller,- assistant cashier of the Frrst National bank of Lyons, came up Wednesday to try his luck at the lake with the bass. The Rebekah and Odd Fellows lodges of this place will picnio at Foye s park next Monday afternoon. Lunch will be served by tho ladies. 3uy yoar hardware, tinware, wire screen and stoves from Schrinver Bros We guarantee Sioux City prices. We also repair tiqware and gasoline stoves. Bandmaster Hutchins, of Sioux City, was here Tuesday negotiating with the Pioneers and old Settlers associa tion for music for the reunion August 29th The ladies of the Catholio church of South Sioux City will serve dinner at the Pioneers and Old Settlers pic nic at Clinton Park,' Thursday, Aug ust 29th. Georgia Jay, of Sioux City, retnrnod Sunday from a visit at Kansas City, Mo, with her aunt. Mrs Georgia Jay. Her cousin, Aileen Jay, returned with her for a visit. Mrs Homer Skeen and children are here from their home at Cody, Neb, and will remuin until after the Old Settlers picnic, the guests of Mrs 8 keen's father, M O Ayres. We have just received a car of that famous Diamond Lump Sootless west ern coal, tho finest in the world for cooking purposes. Edwards & Bradford Lbr Co. Profs W 11 Patchin and W L Best, pricipal and assistant principal of the Dakota City schools, arrived here Monday from Oklahoma, where they had been on a short visit at Mr Best's home. 'Henry Wood the past week sold two building lots, of one and two acres re spectively, to F H Crahan, of Emer son, and Jessie Austin Reynolds, of Wayne, on the water front inst west of Ley's cottage at Crystal ljke. ' If any of our.subsoribero desire the addnss changed on their Herald by reuaou of the establishment or changes made in the rural routes, or for any other reaf on, just drop us a postal aud tne change desired and it will be made. There w ill be no preaching services in the M E Church until September Iht. All other services will lie held at tho usual hours. Rev E Sbafer, the pustor, will take two weeks vaca tion, portion of which will be spent at Lauivl, Nob, with old friends. I'o you need your old roof repaired or a new roof ? Remember we have the genuine Rubberoid Rooflug. Don't n( cept a so called just as good, when ou can gel tue uest lor tbe same money. Uive us a trial, we will please you Jidwatus & Bradford .Lumber company. The German Lutherans of this vi cinity will hold a church picnio in Henry hbers grove, Brushy Bend, Thursday, August 22. AddresHes will -.t made by Ri-v Kroltn and Hev 0!eil.fjltzer. 1 here v ill bo plenty to eat, mhI plenty ot lee cream and soft liiinliH for ever body. Come and have a g od time. What is the use to experiment when you can get the purest, clesuebt uinl best of bread made in Sioux City, aed linked to order for Van de Zeddo, n ho las handled it for the past thir ten years in this town and knoni u lnt good bread is, as he is en - old liiktr himself, and "knows when he Iiuh a good article. Fresh every day, except DUnday. Mre Helen C Bergle, field secretary of Ihe -W II and F M society of the general synod, J.vangelical Lutheran church, will give an addreas on "Mis sioi s" at the Einmanual Lutheran 1 church in Dakota City, lueiday even I ing, August 27. Mra Beegle is well ! known to Dakota county Lutherans a one of the faculty, for a number of ' y rs, ot Midland college, Atchison Kansas.. Come and hear her. Every 1 b dy is welcome. Ruth Lealie is homo fiom Omaha on a visit at home. Venus Schmiod and Iris Ware were Jucksou visitors Monday, Old papers for salo at tho Herald office 5 cents per hundred. , No preaching next Sunday nt Salem or Dakota City Lutheran church. Lena Barber, of IYnca, is a guest at the E U Cornell home this week. Ten Farms for Sale. Good ones, al sizes and kinds. Warner & Eimers. Dr Ruble, of Allen, is camping at tho lake this week with a party of friends. Max Easton is laid up with a badly wollen foot, caused by stepping ou rusty nail. Born to Alfred Austin aud wife, of South Sioux City, on Thursday of last week, a daughter. Allie and Margret nirsch, of Sioux City, were visiting relatives here a few daj s this week. nave yon tried thoso fresh roaxted peanuts at Van's, hot from the roaster? They are surely dandy. x In lloilman oi JJecatur, JNeb, was here the past week visiting Iih daugh ter, Mrs J O Thompson. Lucv and Nellie Onderstal, of Alien, are here on a visit at the home of Mr and Mrs Van de Zedde. The old settlers of Sergpnnt Bluff, Iowa, and vicinity will hold their un uual picnio August 22ud. Mrs Geo Pranger was a passenger to Coleridge Wednesday to visit her mother and help "thresh." Herman Cook of Sioux Citv, wns the gueitt of his old friend, John F Sides, the first of the week. G I) Storgh and A V Teed of Ponca were here Wednesday trying their skill with the looal tennis players. Mrs M M Ream, Mrs Wm Adair and Mrs Sarah Dueschl were guests at the T D Curtis home in Homer Tumi day. E B Strobtn, and wife of Shawnee, Okla, and Mrs A L Isbell, of Crescn, lo, are here on a visit at the B F Strobm home. Joe Lindstrom, wife and baby, of Sioux City, visited at this place Sun day with Mri Lindatrom's parents, Wm Lennox and wife. Mrs John P Kramper end children of Vista, Neb, came down Saturday for a few days visit at the A J Kiam per home north of town. Have you tried the Sultanna and Tac-eo brands of canned goods? Van sells them. These goods have stood the test of the pure food law. H C Smith of Pender, republican candidate for connty judge of Thurston county, was here Thursday enroute to Walthill on a political mission. The suit of J 8 Ennis vs C C Frum in Judge Eimers court Wednesday was continued until Monday. Ennis is suing to collect an old account. Miss Dorothy Riedesel, of Sioux Falls, 8 D, and Wm Dessel, of Ida Grove, Iowa, were guests of Miss Helen Orr a few days the first of the week. , Henry Pilgrim, ot South Sioux City, oame down from Crofton Monday. fter spending a week visiting rela tives and friends there. His wife and children were with him. All kinds of coal, feed and hay for ale at reasonable prices. Fields & Slaughter Co. S E Mills, Manager, Dakota City, Neb. John M Stewart, city attorney of Lincoln, Nebr, and son Donald, came p last Friday in their automobile and pent a few days with U S Marshal Warner. They left Monday for Lake Okoboji. 1 j You will never be too late nor lone ny time at the Unique theater, David son block, Sioux City oontinous enter- aiuraent. Greatest moving pictures ever seen. Ladies aud children especi- lly invite!. Judge Eimers performed a wedding ceremony in two acts Wednesday. Tin principals' in the first act were Will F Quintard and Rose Bosley, and in the second Axel C LvniberR and Isabel Foker, all of Sioux City. Lightning struck a wheal stack at the Addie Sides farm about 4 o'clock Sunday tnorniug, and but for the time- assistance of the neighboring farm- rs, who were aroused by telephone, the entire setting of stacks would' have burned. Help arrived in time to tear don the blazing stack and extinguish the fire. The City Hotel, under the manage ment of Fred Stanard, is receiving a liberal patronage. Everything is neat and clean in the new hostlery, and the efforts of the new proprietor to make things pleasantand convenient arrgra - lfying to the patrons. The rates are reasonable and tbe aooommodutious are ample for all comers. Endorsed By the County, 'The most popular remedy in Otf ego county, and the bent friend of ray fmi- ly, writts Win Dietz, editor and ublpdiar of the Otsego Journal, Gil lie rtaville, N"f, "is Dr Kiug's New liHcovery. Il has proved to be an in fallible cure for coughs and colds, lurking shore work of the worst of them We always keep a bottle in the house I belive it to be the most valuable pre Hcnptioii known for lung und tliroa' diseases. Guaranteed to never dis appoint the taker, at Leslie's dru ..tore. Price 50o and $1.00. Triu. bottle fnee. CHEAP KNOX COUNTY LAND. We have several farms in the Bloom field vicinity for mile from $30 to IT)' per acre. Trieuweilkb & Sohleb. bloomtleld, JNel' Branch office at Emerson, Neb. "Euerybody Should Know" says Ji iiavs, a prominent business man oi Bluff, Mo, that Bucklen Ar nica Salve is the quickest aud surer healing talve ever applied to a sore bum or wound, c to a case of pile I've used it and know what I'm tali, ing about." Guaranteed at Leslie' drug store. 25c. The Heiald for all the MWS; INSTITUTE ANNOUNCEMENT To the Teachers, Officers and Tatrons of Dakota County Schools: The annual session of tho 'Dakota Connty Institute will convene in the high school room, Dakota City, nt o'clock a. m., August 19, 1907, and continue in sstfiion one week. Supt. E. B. Sherman, whose work has beeu so ranch appreciated thelast two years, will be with us again. Wo will bavo also a. teacher from tho Tern model so'iiool, Mrs Elizabeth Crawford. Pri maty work and methods will be in chargo of Mrs Crawford. The regular examination will b? held as uaunl on the third Friday and Saturday following, of August, being August 16-17th. I.AWN OnSCKRKlNO Tit AO UK HH' IHHTITt'TIC Coit.NTY For tho purpose of nllowlint touchers nil opportunity to Improve them solve In the art of toachlim nnd to promote uniform methods of Instruction In the pulc llc schools of the atiite, county teachers' In stitute! will t onranlicrt nnd conducted annually liy tho county superintendents. PriTY TO ATTKNO 1 NST1TVTKH, It shiCll be the duty of the county superin tendent nnd teachers tonttend the Institute of their county nt lensl one week for tho purpose of conipnrlnff notes, nnd to study methods of school work and the science nnd ni t of tenchlnir. SOM-ATTKNDANCF. The county superintendent ninynt lilsdls- cretlon revoke the certificate of or refuse to m-iinta certificate to nny teacher who falls or refuses to attend the county or Joint in stitute. GKOKOK J. IlOI'OHRR, tiounty Superintendent. Colorado Lands Until further notice I can secure low excursion rates any day of the week to Jnlesburg, Colo, to any oue wishing to look over Sedgwick oonnty, Colorado lands. Or if you def ire to cont nne your trip to Denver and Col orado Springs, I can get you excur sion rates to said points for $19.50 with stopover at Jalesburg. Tickets good for three months. For further information about East ern Colorado lands, soe or write W T Bartlett, Jaokson, Nebr. The Limit of Lifa. The most eminent medical scientists are nnaninione in tho conclusion that he generally accepted limitation of human life is many years below the st atement possible with the advancd knowledge of which the race is now possessed. The critical period, that de termines its duration, seems to be be- ween 50 and GO; the propercare of the I body during this decade cannot be too strorgly urged ; carelessness then being fatal to longevity. Nature s best helper after 50 is Electric Biiters.the scientiflo tpnio medicine that revitalizes every organ oi tue body. Guaranteed bv Leslie's drng sto-e. . 50c" Real Estate Transfers. Grunt B OlllHrt and wife to Isaac Kouts. lot 7 In block 4. OrlKliml pint of Mouth Hloux (Jlty, wd suae Fonts nnd wife to J J K I mors. loiMin DiocKri, urlzlnal plat of Mouth rilouxOity, wd , Anna M Antrim and huslmnd to Is moousoii, lot 7 in liloek 7. Orlulnal pint of Homer, wd tool Wm II White nnd wife to John Mc- Kinney sr, lots 1H kml II) In block N. nil iiddltlonto Mouth Hloux City, wd 1075 Twelfth Annual Rally Of tho Dakota County Christian Eii- leavor Union, will be held in the Emmnnnal Lutheran church, Dakota City, Nebraska, Sunday, August 25th . program. v MOHNIMO SRHSIOIf. 10:lK Praise service ltcrlhn Hamilton l():fiO Addrosg of welcome. Itev. W. H. (Hwrholtzer Response Goomo Learner, Jr Anthem Houth Hloux dlty Quartetto Scripture, Heading and Prnyor Hev.W.O. Kckhnrt Rally Mormon Rev. tio. Brny, I'oncn Solo Mrs. M. A. Schmied Announcements Hymn .- AFTKRBOON HKHSION. :) Roiib Service H. B. Lopp :ir Husliiess Solo Itlunche llolkes Talk "The Measure of Responsibility" W. O. Hull apiir Theodore McGlnshnn Solo IVrlo Htlnson Address. ..Rev, Ij. J. Motschinun, BlouxClty KVBNINO HKHSION. ;( O. K. Prnyor Meutluir Mrs.O. W. Klsbor ;:K "The Seattle Convention". ..Sioux Olty Htilo Hesslo Bonis Recitation Uuruurct Brlucntmush Solo M. (. Jonmer Address "Young People and Missions" Helen V. Uueule, Springfield, Ohio Hymn , , Cloning Pniyer...Rev. K. H. Combs, Homer MACHINERY FOR SALE. Oue good wagon. One good mower. One good plow. One good hay sweep. Mrs Timothy Howard, Hubbard, Neb. "Regular as the Sun" is en expression as old as the race. No leubt the rising and setting of the sun m tho most regular performance in the universe, unlos it is tue action oi tne liver and bowels whon regulated with Dr Kiug a New Life Pills. Gut-ran ted) at Leslie's drugstore, 15u. Pioneers and Old Settlers9 Picnic August .29, 1907.lnAKOTA.ClTY' 'Pioneers and Old Settlers Meet August 29th. At Clinton Park, Dakota City," Nebraska. OFFICERS. , Barney Griddle President. John Dineen Vice President. S. A. Combs Secretary. A.' II. Baker Financial Secretary. Geo. T. Woods Treasurer, r M. M. Warner Historian. ' OFFICERS OF THE DAY. II. C. Hansen Chief Marshal. Assistants Marshals Wm. Luther, J. M. Brannan, S. A. Brown, A. Ira Davis, ym. Biermann, John Kramper, Geo. E. Barnes. . br 'M COMMITTEES. Kxecutlve Gerald PHIon, John Blessing, Fred Beer nmiiu. John 11. Myers, Win. Graham, Mike llcnCom, Wm. Wullwejr, Geo rite Humes. Invitation W. L. Ross, Mary Bolor. Speakers President Barney Grlhble, W. P. Warner, J. J. Klmera. Transportation It. E. Evans, M. O. Ayres, J. J. Kimors. ReglMtrnr Mrs. II. P. Crozier, If. P. Croiler, Mary K os tein, Blanche Hamilton, II. I). Wood. Privileges Bnrney Grttblo, Goo. T. Woods, A. H. Baker. Amusement W. H. Rynn, President nnd Treasurer; M. O. Ayres, C. H. Maxwell, M. M. Renin, Rowland Orr, J. M. i Brnnnnn, Hairy Rnsdull, Henry Kooney, B.J. Iahy, Chas. Knvldgo, Gerald Dillon. Grounds Barney Gribblc, a. A. Rtlnson, Henry Krum wtedo, J. N. Hamilton, !. c. Htlnson, Frank Broyhlll. Geo. J. Boucher, A. 11. Bilker, 11. P. Crorlor. Bert Wood, Richard Broyhlll, Fred Plume, W. L. Ross, II. F. Kohlnieler, J, J. Kimors, Kinmott Hlletnnn, C. M. Gray, R. K. Kvans. C. K. iJoolttth), 11. F. Strolmi, Paul Plzey. Reception Pnn Hartnett. John Howard,' Mis. John Hognn, K. I.. Wilbur, Untile Knowlton, Mnry Kramper, -Kuiniett Grlhble, Bessie Foroshoe. Ben Bonderson, John Hansen, Mrs, I. K. Hollman, M. R. Uolnr, T. H. Sullivan, V. H. Goodfellow, John B. Myers, Goorgo Ash ford, Nell Comlw, Mike Boncom, Kate liimimn, Joe Twohlg, Owen Rockwell, Kvnn Wny, Aaron I.lnufelter, J. M. Plnckney. Kd Mnsh, Mrs. Thos. Given, John Ptneen, Jerome Holl mnn, Kd Webster, Mrs. Mark Comb, Jeff Wilbur, Mr. John Htough, Mrs. W. J. Armour. Membership A. H. Baker, Nellie Pnvey. Etta Bnrtlett, Nellie Heoney, Ina Wilklna. Mrs. IwtH Armbiight, Mrs. John Crlts, Jeff Rockwell, Mnry liartuelt. Maggie Two hlg, Mrs, Cora Miller. Budges J. M. Plnckney, Mrs. II. P. Oroalor. Memorial 8. A. Comlw, Jbhn H. Ream. PROGRAM 10:30 A. M. . Musio by Military Band. Prnyer by Chaplain. Music, President's Address, Music. Annual Address, t DINNER. S130 P. M. Musio. Memorial Report. Short Addresses by Pioneers and Prominent Visitors.' Musio. Business Meeting and Election of Officers. Musio. " Sports Races at the race track adjoining picnio grounds. Free-for-all trot or pace, purse... ......ftO.OO County trot or pace, purse us.Ot) Farmers trot or pace, for horses owned nnd driven bv farmers, purse.. 18.00 Baseball games for purses, at tho grounds Just east of Park. Dunce at Court House Ilnll In the evening Meats will tw served on the grounds by the Ladles of the Oathullo Church of Houth Hloux City. Reduced r'at,OH on the railroads. Vaa Will (Save Ccxttle Lrocins I I Give "The Bank that ALWAYS treats you RIGHT" a ohauoe to make your cattle loan this year Lowest interest possible, aud your note will not come due until your cattle aru sold. It is such liberal tieatment aa the above, that has brought this bank a steadily increas ing number of customers. Call on us, please, for anything in banking. Bank of Dakotn County Jackson, Neb. P S We loan on all good Bocurity. Don't forget that. And always have money for our customers. Ed. T, K. 1 City -'Meat MiBrlLet Fresh and Salt Meats always Agent foi Bey inour's White Lauudry, Laundry basket goes Tuesdays and comes back Batnidav Propriutor of on baud . Caih paid for l.idt s. NEBRASKA il i I I -