Dakota County Herald "e-ntinualien of the Hgn'tr Hr.:lS. OGX H. r.P.AM, ttntlSHF-R. BuWtipiioii Trice. $1.00 Per Yer. A weekly newspaper published at Dakota I ily, Nebraska. Permission has been granted for the transmission of this paper through the mail a second-class matter. Telephone No. 43. Political Announcements Notloo under thin ht'Ml will be run fr Ave pent iwr lino, ench limci-llon. IrrcMiicct Ivn of polities. Noliotljr luirrcil. I hereby atnounne myself an a can didate for County Superintendent sub ject to the wiabei of the Republicans at their primaries for nominations, Sep Member 3, 1907. Wilfred E. Voss, Omadi Precinct. 1 hereby annouuen myself as a can didate for County Treasurer sul jct to the wishes of the Republicans at their primaries for nominations, Sep tember 3, 1907. August Wilkinb. Omadi Prcciact. I hereb; announce mtscH as a can didate for County Judge soljeet to -the wishes of the Republicans at their primaries for nominations, September -3, 1907. D. O. Stixhox. I hereby annonncn myself aa a can didate for Sheriff subject to the wishes of the Republican at their primaries for nominations, September 3, 1907. J. P. Rockwell, Hubbard Precinct. M. .hereby announce niyaelf a aa can 'Aidato for nomination, on the Demo- tsratio ticket, for the office of District Jndga of this judicial district. O. II. WiriTSiv, Uartington, Nebr. I hereby annouuoe myself as a can didtte for nomination, on the Demo . oratio ticket, for the' cflide of District vJadge of this judicial district. P. M. Moodft. West Point. Nebr. tliirty-Gvo business bouses, fnity five dwc'linps, a church and t li r lui. k yards. It is still without a poslofllca and is kicking because) postmaster is not appointed.. ..J M Mom aud Frank Hunt are home from Chicago, where they went on business for the South Sioux City street railway. The iron and cars were purchased ajd the line will be in operation, as soon as the track can bo laid. ' TOM DISTRICT JUDGE. I hereby announce nmelf at a can didato for the office of district judge of tlie Light judicial district of Nebraska, nbject to the decision of the republi can electors at the primary election to Ibe held on the 3rd day of September, JW07. I shall be nnMe to make a yperaoaal caoTass for tkfct nomination. My bay ferer compel me to leare r thia-climate daring An gnat and a pot ation of .September, so that upon aay i Betnnutha primary election , campaign will -be over. I shall depend entiraly, t lor my auoeesa, upon auoh efforts air :v my friends may feel dirpoeed to make inmy behalf. Any communication. addressed to jae here will be forward d- Very truly yours, I A. It. OLfWN, Wisner, Nebw iI hereby announce aay candidacy fdr ttte republican nomination ior dis trict judge, Eighth judicial diatrfst off Hebruska, and respectfully anbmit nch eandidacy ior the cooaide ration of the voters at the pending prJwiary 1 leetion. , .JeHX V. FuudM A It Olnon, of .Wisner, is a at roag candidate for the repuMie nou i na tion for district judge o4 tbia d is t risk t the ceasing primary- Ilia rep uta tiun as aa attorney anil a aaan of I tel ling ability will make it an eaay pn jpo- mttn 4 elect him to th diaricw bench. UnJ er the head of "Political Anr J1PW .menu," there appears thia eekv t Vn uunouQoement of John V Pearson, , at fouca, aaodidata for the republic . n nnraiiiiitias'for diatrict iud( a of. . thUdisAriei. Mr Pearson ia an attor- "4 Yeoccized ability and will have alio wins in thia end of the Emerson Enterprise: Mr and Mrs Bert McEntaffer, of Boone, Iowa, are tUe proud parenta of a ten pound aon born July ll....Mr and Mrs J Pro vancha drove to Hubbard Sunday. Mr Provancha returned in the evening while Mra Provanch remained for a short ribit. Tekamah Herald: B E Crouch made a quick trip to Coburn. Neb, last Thursday... .Miss Georgia Herb pent the past week with rela tives and frienda in South Sioux City and vicinity.... Miss Beatrice Bles sing, of Jackson, Neb, is visiting at the home of her aister, Mrs Bert Crouch, for a few days. South Sioux City Record: Ray Thompson, son of Prof and Mra Thom son, formerly of South Sioux City, now of Randolph, is vifiting his friend Vaughn Tollinger.. . .R A Tal bot waa at Winnebago this week. While there he purchased one of the old agency buildings which he will have wrecked and the lumber shipped to South Sioux City.,.. Miss Georgia Herb, who had been visiting at the Boals and Nash homea the past week, went to Salem Wednesday and after a few days visit there, will go on to her home at Spokane, Wash. Sionx City Journal, 28th: After forty -eight years of separation Dr J J Bavme, oi Chicago, and Horace Dot iou, oi usaoia county, wen, two pio neers of Sioux City, met in a happy reminiscent reunion yesterday after noon at the office of Marks & Marks. As comrades in a "wili goose chase" from Sionx City to Pike's Peak, Colo rado, ia 1859, the atroaff friendship between tnese two elderly men began After a long, wearisome journey over- lana, tneir wagons drawn by plodding oxen, Air BaviWe and Mr Isatton, sad ly disappointed on their arrival in Col or ado, parted , the former remaining three for some true and tfte latter retnrning to Slot rjty. Their meet tng yesterday w aw due largely to the tboughtf nines of R Marks, LHmtelf a pioneer, a men J of Mr Savillv and legal advieer for Mr Dwtton. M8a- villa celled at Air Marka' offioe and while there be recalled' the long trip ia sear sir to J Bbrado and tire part whie betb of birold friend toolft Be then telephoned faf Mr Duttou: Mr ravillew on thr sidewalk at the foot of the stair 1 wnjing to the Mark ' office' wben Mr Button same upi The Neisrawkan gavVno sign of reoogaixlngruia- old frieafli. but Dr Seville, after a-eearehinar lAkno. found something faviliwr aboa?' tile bent figure ef bis fertnereomraJw. Heap' proaohed Mr Dbltoe. introdweed him- aelf, aml'tbe oordio.1 greeti.- which ollowed'waa moett. hearty. The viait waa omi; bnt anotUev and lorrger owe is to fol ceil ' n.tk . l,w. home ol Mr batww,u. ialoU City. Dr Saville will romeia ia Sioux City until tb middle of to coming week. He canteto attend the family reunion in 8iou Oitv. the- ofrole being com pleted by Mrs At B Appleton, .909 Eigbthtetreet; M Leighion Wjnn, lO'ja Fierce atreeVt Mrs btepuen Cal mer. Hollowavt Mick, and Mra A JR Walker, of 9ms.be, all sisters Dr Seville came-to Sionx City, in 1855 opening a drag atore on,-the present aite of the city hall. lltt. is paee.turee score jaara and ten., di't-kt. - I yroen ei ue oeu Weretore ( comprised h- (jUy and will lire at 1522 i o! tbo citina party ! Dako ,a M , br, y. !'.'.et ...0nlT! 1. ....MraM.nsaretAahford.of bnndrad votora men whi heretofore comprised the back ttou VaVyta City Thursday afternoon ol 'this wok to talk over me aaviaao.usy of il cia,5 eounty ticket ia the field. XJ jiS t'itt new primary law no noaai-Ti-A.jue could made at that time and rheuocti(y? adjourned aubjeoV to tbe call -of tbe chairman. Different V nhaeee wt tbe new primary law were . i e f Aar nnmia a ii is k wm m rn idCttsaeu, " , " v:- .ii,t were exDlainea dv wouniy F H Berrv. after whiou tbe evvt - vnefsting adjourned. ti.a plsss races of the Nebraska BUte Fair, to be held at Lincoln Sep L.v4 t 6. will close on Anguot 10 jhX this time closes entries to the 2-year -i.i tt nl !l-ver-old caoe eaab for ipursea of $250. The trotting raoes -each for $500 purees are as follows: 3 rear-old; 8-year-old, 2:45 for Nebrae ke bred oolta, 2:30, 2;27, 2:20. and l:l, and for 11,000 pnraea, aS" '3:24 Pacing, for 1500 pnraea, 2:35, 3:27, 2:21, and 2:lo. J! or fi.uuu purses 2:3 and 2 :-24, ana tne it mue Sioux Cite Journal, 28th : : Miss Helen J Murphf, of Onawa, and,iMiaa Alioe O'Neill a spending the week with. Mra Thoa Aehford, jr, in JQ&aer, Sab....Mr ani MraM J Oeateriftag, I Croften, Net, have moved to . Sioux Virginia brakAman. Margaret Aahford, of Homer, Neb, waa iuSiouz City Friday ao her way to Chicago to visit her daughter, MraWmTlsuet. Her grand daubter Miss Marcaret Aahford, aocoiananiod her. ...Will xiovle. known, by the sobriquet "Sawmill Bill," waa.tofitive It identuled at tne police steeion last niKht MAT Uoerge. a brter wfte who said that be waa the man who stole from his bake shop a.saah regis, ter. whloh he dropped in his Sight smashing it into smithereens on the pavement. . The man was, taken iuto custody by Patrolmen Da'nle)so and Nioholaon at Fourth and Jonea streets, whero he waa supporting a jag. After be had been looked up be did nut belie bis cognomen and commenced to "saw wood" by the usual nasal route. He waa cutting the dimenaion lumber when Mr George looked him over, and without hesitation aaid: "Tea, that'a the man who atole the register." Bill sleDt on in sweet repose. The on lr ugns of life were when lie oooasion w. . a a a r a allr bruslieu a nv irom nia urow. H li B B A Ft O . Beit Traneisco wss a Sioux City visitor Tuesday night. Carl Fredrickson was down to the county seat Tuestlny ou business. Harvesting is on in full blast, and most of trio grain will be in shock by the cud of the week. Bring ns your cream, bntter, eggs and farm produce, we will pay the highest market price. Carl Anderson. Harry Wilsey hss given np city life for the farm, and ia helping his broth er Roy harvest. He expects to go to North Dakota soon to reside. D. C Heffernaa has commenced the erection of a thirty foot addition to the old poetofTlee building which he re cently purchased, and will fit it np and move his business from across the street. Carl Anderson handles the very best grades of machine oil. Mis Joe Leedom returned to her home in Hawardea, Iowa, Tuesday, after a short visit with relatives and frienda here. , ' Claude Sevaranco, helper at tho E & B lumber yard here, has been trans feircd to Foster, Nebr, Ieavirg for that place Wednesday. Come in and buy two pounds of our Three Star tea and get one of those fine Japanese hand painted cups and saucers or a decorated dinner plate. Carl Anderson. Mads Hansen and wife were city visitors Wednesday. Tom Heffernan played ball with thV t'onca boys Tuesday . The fruit season- is on, and Carl Anderson has oceans of Mason fruit jars. Minnie and Lefts Bartels were pas sengers to Sioux Cvty Wednesday . Barney Stoffle is thinking seriously oi going to Wakefield to work in a print shop. Woods Hileman and -We are horn from Colorado to help the toys harvest, Oaf straw Lais are all goJMg at re duoed trices. Carl Andersoav Quite-a1 number went down rd Da kota City Thursday to attend a meet ing of the citizens party. We carry's' full and oomulete lir.vrnf ianoy aua staple groceries, and if -h need anything' in oar line yon need noi go outside of Hubbard for it, fori our prices wilP stand competition. Carl Anderson. Endorsed By'tne Ceunty. "The most popular remedy in Otsego county, and the best friend of my fami ly, writea Wm Diet, editor nrwl publisher of the Otsego- Journal, Gil- ueriavine, x, "is Dr' King's New Discovery, It has Droved' to h in in. fallible etrre- for conghs sad' colds, larking short work of Mm wnvki siv.. W always keep a bottle in tliMiouBe! rUfflive itf to bw the moat valnahlk n. scrlptioa know for lung and tra disease. Girwranteed to nevfcr' di appaitrt the taker, at Leslie's dryg' store. yoe"o0o- and $1.00. TVial' douio ioea. A SohwUHa-warat Kinni n;t i;tn. Monday. rMary Keller'' of Minn ru. m meeney, of JftrfcVT" i. Mra Peteraonv. wkebas been spend-, ing the pact-few weeks with her son. here, went to Tnaeston Wednesday. M MeBseremitn, and wife were Sioux City visitor Wednesday. C W Sohwastx wa an Emerson vie? itor Tuesday. Quite a number of ladies called at the home ef Mrs D L Leap last Satar- day afternoon, tbe occasion being Mrs Uoap s rnrtbday all apent a very pl aa an taternocn. An elegant lunch was served at 6 o'clock. L. Harrington waa a Sioux City, pan Sanger Friday evuing. The Limit of Ufa. Tbe most eminent medioal scientist are nnauimoua in the conclusion- that the generally acoepted limitation of human life ia many year below tli at tain merit possible with the advaacd knowledge of which the raoe is sow possessed. The critical period, that de termines its duration, seems to.be be tween 50 and 60; theproperoare ottbe body during thia docade-onnnot be too strongly urged ; oarelesanesa then being fatal to longevity. Nature a best helper after 50 ia Electric Bisters, the scientific tonio medicine thabv revitalise. every organ of the body. Guaranteed by Leslie's drug store. 50c; g now it dv7k;died. g ooooooooccooooccooncooxv u.a l Inlaraet noma ui iiiiivbi 1 ffom our Exchanges MACHINKKY. FOR SALE. One good bijtder. One good ower. One good plow. . One gooOaay sweep, V Mr Timothy Howard, Hubbard, Ne& "Regular aa th Sun" is en expression a old a the raoe, No doubt, the rising and setting of tbe sun is tb most regular performance in tbe universe, unless it ia the aotiooc tbe liter and bowela when regulated with DrKiug'sNew Life Pills. Guaran teed at Leslie' drugstore, 15o. Colorado Lo4ft Until further notice. 1 can secure low excursion ratea aay day of the week to Juleaburg, Colo, to any one wishing to look over Sedgwick county, Colorado lands. Or if you desire to S . i . i I Hit, uiuauou HT avu derby for canning norses wn v" Ely rrill,y moraiog m man went .of500. rrora tne laei ma a-. into tbe G eorge bak ery by the baae- iboveee were nmuiou ----- tnd;..ejnflt the "white aproned" Mayltkeraoeafor tula lair pr omi ,ae b k ,t work lDuired for a ,to greatly exooea any naa ior me p man UAtati Mitohell . Mitchell used rten years. to work for the bakery, but bad era barked. "Sawmill" ei plained his & I mission by saying that Mitchell's sis-1 oont nue your trip to Denver and Col li I ter waa siok. That waa why he oalled I orado Springs, X can get you axour- and waa so soiiomous. xue browning of the bread and the sizzling of the ft S do'ighantl attracted the bakery work Btat( ers and thev were busy whilo "Saw mill Bill" did a line ol reuecving. lie went upstairs. Feaiing the noise of ringing up the cash register might at attract attention, lie decided to take the whole thing. He waa on his way when Mr George sighted him, and to make his momentum more rap id he discarded the register, which crashed ohimitgly on the pavement. Mr George stopped t pick up the nieces aud "Sawmill" new to the first bourbon distributing station. This wss his downfall. He took on more than he could carry gracefully and to jail he went ' He had 50 oeuta when lie fell iuto slumber deep. Touca Journal: MeWiu -was a Sionx City visitor over to visit his parents. Harden Sunday Hon ratea to saia points ior i ou with stopover at J alesburg, Tiokets good for three months. For further information! about bast eru Colorado la,pda, see or write W T Baktiett, Ponca Loader: MraW F Mikesell returned vesterday after visiting at tiioux City aud DakoU Oity. Hartinglon News: Al Hcbrempp ar rived here Monday from luijul, Iowa, for a short visit with his parei.t. Waltbill Timea : DrandMisWR Beam returned Monday from a sever al days camping and li-hing expedi tion to Crystal lako. They reported baring had a fine time, plenty of bass, te . Sioux City Journal (2(1 years ago) -July 30: South Sioux City now has CHEAP KNOX COUNTY LAND., We hsre several farms in the Bloom field vicinity for sale from f:0 to 150 per acre. Tbierweilks & Sohlek, Bloom field, Neb. Branch office at Emerson, Neb. Lutheran Church Announcements. Preaching Sunday morning at Sa lem at 11:00 q'clock, Sunday school at 10:00. Prsncbiug at Dakota City 8:00p m, 0 E 7:00, Sunday school st 0:45 a m, Mission Band at 3:00 p m A cordial welcome to all. At Ins", Hnys a writer l'i Tork Evening Fun, John, the Inventor, rreeived his loitr.i pntent. Tluit ulRlit L burRt In upon b!s wife. "I've got It!" berried. "(Jot wh-it?" "'Oot wlint?' Why, got our fortunes." "Dinner's rendy," snld phe, whereupon John frowned. "Jane," he snld. ns soon ns ho could get bU mouth full, "do you know that every rnilrofwl In tills coun try will buy millions of dollars' worth?" "Have another plecr of bread, John." "Millions, June, millions! And It's prnetlrnlly nil profit." "Well, we shall not be disappointed, nnj wny, slinll we, John?" ' "'Disappointed!' Can't you do any thing but sit there and throw cold water? Here I've been slaving for more thnn n year on It. and this is al! 1 get. 'Disappointed ! " "Of rou-sc they'll buy UP cried Jane. 'You'll tlif nk po when you sec the millions pouring In, when joo see the automobile coming round to tli door one of those big ones you'll tlifnk so then. A house nt tho seashore, Add a private yacht. Ah, that's tho way to live!" said John. Then he went to bod, for be wlsheif to get up early so that he could sell his patent and have his money coming In Without an hour's delay. "It takes time," snld John. "I've got sV week oft from the otllce ho I can put f ali my time nt it. Oh, It's a tremen doiUt tlJngl Why, take the rsilraads alonv; thvy could niuy a million dol Jars' farth' "End of them," assented Jane. "X-o, of them together. The au tomobile's fttmlng, Jane," ' But hlg'tWiigs move sfowly. At the' end of the wck John gave up his job to that he could? have all hi time for. the patent. Evtvy morning be hur ried out with hope strong In hf heart. "1 never knew thowe big automobile were so much troublcV1' he said one night "Now you take A little one" 'John' said Jane, "I've always ,.wanted a little one." The next night he wo fired, and went to1 elevip In his chair. Just before bedtjlme' h bibbed his eyes and said: ' "1- don't ksow " but a team of horses vWnild be beffer than an auto." "John;" said Jsv'e. "Fve always had my nSlnd set on s h. "Well; you shall tk lve a team." "I'll bw' tickled to da ath wltn one''' ' "I snldyou-shoillftTe a teftm!'" snapped Jotin-; but a late: was sorry be spolie' crossly,- t6t he 88,(1 : . "Of course:- Janv 1 f ad ratber have one Jiorse'fliah' a; tenne- " "Oh, mucii rathrt-f cfledl .. ne- Another month pasved:- OuW a nlng Jane said: "The mllk-blll came" rb-a, A'n twelve dollars." "Twelve dollars !' sal(l; John,- la -a tbne of a weary man to hihi- twelve dollars Is a stranger ; and Chen' he-' dd etH-wtth a wistful look: - "t wlf we had a cow." Ilew People ol Gbblo Whirl Imilrt ofc Oore Around Tow. I A. quaint ceremonial, dating back: to. tbe-mlsta of antiquity. Is performed on. May 1 In the little Umbrtau .town. or QnUblft. On that day, writes, a. corre spondent of the London Morning. Post,. the town Is alive wltn crpwos or. new comers from far and neaj apxlDus. t, witness the famous procession, of thft Cerl, which the Inhabitants. UU seJi- ously hold on the vlgll.or tneir panre , and former bishop, SV.TJbaldo.. A cero Is a tall wooden pole er nr a8t which passes through, the middle . 0f two lantern-shaped ranies of woo t and canvas, separated from each, othv ,r an( surmounted by the. figure of . saint. The lower extremity, of, the ir ja8t Qta. Into a wooden stretcher, provl aea ,,-itbi two long shafts,, one at ac n eacL so that It can be borne alonf ; the steep, streets and norths, mouutal a 8je above the town oncthe atalwart backs of tbe young and vigorous.. These srl are thj: in number, and each Is surmounted; by the lmnge of a separate. soJnt-the) U' 4-at by that of St Ubaldo. the sewn d by that of 8t Georgo an tbe t ,lrd by that of St AJltOUiP.. 8. George's ro rests en support ret-rraoutlng a benp o'f wlae barrels, a joljectlon from various shops, a drum, irtace ami hattax and a pile of spears, because that warrior satnt la the pat ron of the ehopkeepvc as according to Napoleon I he was; In England. At S oV-lock It the afternoon the bishop gave hla Vttiedlctlon to the cerl, and then at a ytven signal the ceraloll dashorl dowa'the steep Via Dante at full speed, bearing the three cerl In rapd Succession round tlte town. All the ttawe the great bell of the pal . ace Is toiling; finally the bearers of the cerl rjk wildly thrice around th. square Then out of the square tbe proresBlon rushes up the bill to the gate of St Ubaldo, whloh leads thresh tbe Ivyclad walls to the hillside.. At the gate tbe beaters rest a few minutes. Then off they start, ad soou 8. Ubaldo' yellow cope and f George's blue cloak, followed by Si. Antonio's black habit, may be descried speeding up the steep serpentine of Mont? ln glno. Arrived at the top, St. I'bnMo li first admitted Into the nionnxter.v, gy rates tbrte times around the court, bis Image la then carried into tho church, the others thru follow ntul tho pruivs slon Is at an end. Flrt I ul.llcntlon .In1! HM:7"'. xiiTicio ok ta.'v M;i:r). ! ToClinrlf Kvervlt. riTonl.'d owiit: I Vou horliy nollllml Hint " 'if y iiiimi niiii ion ior TnxfS. ni-ld n n'niiitiny in fliivr iiiiwr, A. 1. IWft, tty imp t, i-iipiiirrr ij , Dnkfitn county, Ni-hrHxkn. tin' 'oimwlim the N(W i "erllied n-nl property. Hltuntfd In t Ite o-"lt: I,rl ntimrier ntnetfen dt) and twent" (3") 1 blofk ntinihpr two (f), in Hoitth HItw I'Mf, rnlnier riiM-p. NotrHkn. which prop erty wi afweRwd In th" nin of no permn nnrt M hold for the tn.xrn of the i-r of luni to IWI4, Im-lnxlr. to V. Mnrtln, who Ik now th hl.'er of th'eertlfli-ittfof purrhB thereof s snl thiit niter thu explriitlon three innnth from th" date of tho nervlee of thlM notice A lux deed will be applied for. Hated (fcu M day of Jaly, lt7. Owner oncl heater of certificate t( pur chano. Hy I. P. MvtUn, her fttfent. NOTItK OK TAX ji:t.U. To John P. IVlVnklron, recor(fl owner, and Huuo WelHCHiiMi, the person f poioies Klon : , You are hereby sntiflrd that at n wle of landH and lota for taxe. held on the dnr of Noveiiilx'r, A. H-1W, try the treanirwrof Dakota county, NebraMkn, the followln-de-crllied real propertynWuaud lnthecoiMty of Dakota, and ntate of NelHiwka, to-wll Ixt ihiiiiNt live (filiv lilock numlx-r tvw (ii in Houth Hloux ity Central, NcliraHk- Which property was iwwiiwd In the nnint of no perxon Bnrt was sold' for the taxen of th years of ltntf to lt4, lnclii-.lve, to O. Martin, who n now tho Iwlder of the certl Mcnte of purchase thereof: and that after the expiration of three lSAiithi) from the date ol the ervlco of this iroMce a tux deed will I applied for. Dated tlilH 1st day of July, f7, MARTIJf, Owner and holder of certlflcnt of purchane. By I. P. Martin her attcnt. notu:b ok tax w:w. To WIllfH m II. I'nltner. recorileif wwner i.f the undivided onc-luilf Ik) of lt. , J. 8, I), lo, 11, mid V lllln in P. WiiniCT, trum ti-iiHteenhln not itlNeloHeil In cnMnlr e;Wk's otllee Imkotii county. NelirnNkn w;- Hiiiuwl to lie fnr t. M. Mi mi it eHtnte, lewwd- ed itwner ef the' nnilivliled one hmf M rf lotm L 5. II. 7. H. V. lo. 11. nil In llk thirteen. In Ktiinton. NehraKkn. n ml Will iam CiiHuell, the perwin In poHxeHMlen : You nH hereby untitled tliRt nt n Mile of InmlM nnd lntH fur taxex. held im the bIsiU diiy of NoveiiilT, A. l. l'.Hi.l. by the tren' in er r Dakotn county, -Nriirimkn. the roi luwitiK dem-nibed real property. Hltn.-itcd In the county of Dnkotii, and atnte of Nchrns- kii, to-wit: Lots 4. ft, a 7. 8, 1). in and 11. In hlnek number thlrtee (l;i), in !tauinci. X. bi.-iskii. Which property- Wii! nmu-xiuMl i:i t!ie name of no perm- unit mild tin- the tuxes of the years1 ns follow : Lots 4, .'), i!, 10 snd 11, wus Mxiht fiM- the ycnrn of iStVJ to I'.hH, inclUHlve. and lots 7. uud I) win Hold for tho years MM' tor loot. Inclusive, to K. J. KeHHCKleu, wholM nw tbe holderof the ct-rtlllciite of piirchiiMe thereof: and 'that after the expiration ot tUree months from the dnte of the service n( this notice a tax deed will be applied for- Dated thia flint day of Jnly. 1007. K. J. Uk-SSKIJiEU. Owner and Holder of C'evtlttcnte of Pur- cliime. By I. P. MARTIN. Hla Asent. We Have some Bargains in i,ceqKcr TEAM, NETS They are old style The price is also old style which is low $5.00 cx pair while they last STVRGES BROS., 4ii Peai'l St., SIOUX CITY. IOWA First Publication Jul 1 tw. NOTICE . To Mnsale H. Ervln, Defendant: You are hereby notified that Thomas Calloway Ervln, plaintiff. Hied hla petition aaalnat you as defendant, on the lHth dny of juiy. iw, in tne mxinct court or Dakota county, Nebraxka. the object and prayer of which are to obtain a dissolution ol the marriage relation heretofore existing be tween the plaintiff and defendant and ob tain a decree of divorce ou the if roil mis of desertion and alvo for caultnbte relief. You are required to answer said petition on or Deiore too win aay oi August, A. V 1M17. Dated tbla INth day of July. A. P. 10O7. Thomas Callow at Ebvik, Plaintiff. First publication tttly 1 1 w k SIDEWALK NOTICE. fcAtlce la hereby given that the follow! rVrHitlon waa adopted by th Hoar' TrnVtees of tbe Village of Dakota1 tllty, 'e braslwy nt the meeting of aaid bAkrc1 : M on Jut W, 1807, in the said village of Va-'tv s Uiiy. wearasKB. be It rclwilved by the Ohalrman and' Board or Trustees or tne village or Dakota City wenrasna. wiat new slue walks in said vll' lage, be cooHtructed aud renal rs madn In oi'd sidewalka-aioiig and abutting upon the" following una ana oiocks: That new sldewnlka tie constructed alonn nd abutting upon the following lota and uurnii'jit-rrrrl 1. noa , iiiiiiih nIJJ..J. . HMIWtiKr- -north nt lota X and 6. iittcii iiutamtf i, HaaMT-north of lot S, block 17B; Atitnih T. Haae oiorth of lot 1, blovk 176; Htiln of Banlua Bates, deceased north of.liitt'j, block )7; O. D. Nlckllri north of lott hinck ns- Anna E. Fraser north of lou 4 ami ft, block 17S;'Augustiia Kountae tiuir vh of lot S. Mock ITS! Mary uoi nur ih of lot. ik Mock 170: Bene Lar ut i.i. n.i .?: hiockM77i Sarah Klnnlcutt ' rtU of lots 8 and 4. MocKtrr: tieorge. n. laaso rprth qf lots 6 and ft. Niek 177. and north of Ipt 1. block 17M: Av T.Haaae north ... i..i . ijoik 17H: lTntUiil Real Katate 4 Tmiu. f nmnanT-nnrin (tl III L n. iiiimt& lin. llenlnflvlu f . xroxen-i)Wn vi iuv , iiw 1S7! Malcolm McDo:kl north of lot 5.. blocl7K; Karah M.. vlller north of lot. blouk.17; Augustus. Veuntse and W. ltutk 1. A, M ! Kl n, iiiwn II um..w 8 13 1ST TD 25 cents p4 r Pound BlendoJ and peeked from carefoL '7 "elected coffee by Harris , KflEoirno- No. 6 FVom 1a mer. Neb & s - 'edar Posts, vou know will pay l' We have just received a car load of Red C. '.V We do not need to tell you of their quality, they are the best. Our prices are right, and it you tr investigate when you are in need of posts. Edward BradforfflfirrCcT Hubbard, Nebraska. no,th of lota VatiHU 40 feet fpunty norti),! lot x. block 171): Uo,ira H. I14JI till, IU W, iilfr TIMLIN, ;anagers 5BBSSr! i worn or leaa block 17; A.T.llaase north cf lii , block IM; Heirs ol llerninn Kountae, Ocoeaaed south of M T. Uock 148; United; Real Katate & Trust Company south of lcjis, block H8; Julia Truies south of lot S. block 141; (ivoige H- Haase eaat ol lots 1 uud . blek W i Charity Hiirt-s?ast of lots 8, 4 and 9, Moek Vll Kelly W. Fraaei east of M block Uli Charles B. Kpuntz-cast of, lls 18 and M. block W; Mrs Telia DeWali und Georgia Jay.. east of lot 16, bbx'k. Wl Weirs of Martin Wlokldal east of )utland 17. block u); Qeore 11. tiu"ecuV u( lot i block Bl : That old sidewalks he repaired along and abutting upon the following lots aud blocks by the owners thereof as follows: William Rlermann south of Iota 1, 11 and 13, block MM; George V. ftllberi mid Asa Biggs south of lot U, block 1KM; J. K. Kuston east of south 6n feet f lot 1, block 178, and east of lot 1, block 17 r M. M. Hcain east of lot I, block Hll; Charity Hart east of lot 1, block li); Heirs of D. Atlee Hart, deceasod east or hit li. block NO; (1. H. Maxwell west of lots a N and a. Mock 14": W. L (larnahan south of lot 10, Mock 7!J; Kelly W. Krnzer south of lot 11. block 7S; Marie K. O'Connor east of lot, in, blo-k IS). And that a speolal meeting of Raid board of trustees of the vlllsgu of Dakota tlity, Nebr., will b held for the purpose of con sidering th benelkts derived and of placing tbe valuations and assessments upon th lota ahuttmg and adjoining said lluea ol sidewalk wn the Hh day of August, at, 8 o'clock p. ni at tbe olllce of Paul Plzux. In said village of Dakota City, Nebraska,. Movi by Ktinson that the above resolu tion providing lor building and repulsing aideisuiks In the Tillage of Dakotatllty,. Nw brnssjk, lie adopted. Seconded byAUrtJr. VvtlngAye: Wm. Lahrs, Htluson, A.dalr, Hsury LMhra. ViMlnR No: None, Motion carried and resolution Bjptwd. . I'iUL i ir.IT, fas A I. VMlngCterk. READ THE HEBALD rr a -it 4aU tr av X.. lltv iXUWUa First M E Church Hours of Service Bl'NDAY 10 a tu Sunday School H a ui Preacbiug lira Class Meeting 7:00 pm Epworth League 8 :00 p m Preaching THURSDAY 8:00 p m Prayer Meeting Elm Kit K Shafkb, Pastor. Phone number S3, tfAA-M. ' OO "YEARS' U "J mm l II "l R M S w I lit I U, V Masraetlo Klc. ltiK'iiholm, uu Islam! of the Hiiltlc sea, ninety miles east of Zeuluinl, Is formed of magnetic rocks. They so affect the eomiuiss that niivliitors, when lu their vicinity, have to rely on stationary objects for steering guides'. .One sulmierseJ rock Is s churned with niagnetlHin that tho ooiu jmss on a vessel passing over It illi lieriiemUcularly downward. 'Worth Trrlua;. Tlie President reeoiutneiuls the over stout army officers to ride more. Perhaps the same treatment would be equally good for the fat policeman. Cleveland Plain Dealer. .ir vkt,-- ri An'Tn .rt;r.j 'm"i 'i rn-t f'-wr'n'!'1! "in" lul -m H--.i-ri tiiir oi-ihiki'. Ira .!;. icr uu iweiilli'll IS lrl'ly tw.lei.1 c "l ir mi.Ii'S Im.ih ki-ici'y iiiiiiilal. iUri Jt i vn l' eni Stic !i.-e. WV-kt suoni-f fof si-i i'ir ii. p l'li i. Iiiin'g lAscn OiroiiiFh Mmc.ii A rvrJvs '-'! ij iiistki', wlOioii: vlisi'r-1, la lao Sctoffic,isiicrtcva. -r . .nmily lt'--e ' 1 e ' rwet ri Ul.illull nf l"f i-ll'lll'.'l i"Jrliill. '1 cllin, I ji-iir: t."ii-rimtli,M. bum If n.l icbmws . ?UH Co.36lM-- New Yorlc iT. J "O1 -. f V's.hll'BM.i.. I. Do. yotx want to, cell your farm ? The quick, sure way is to put a want-ad in ZShe Omaha, IBce The Rates are One insertion, per line 10 cents. Two or more consecutive insertions, per line, 6 cents each insertion. Each insertion made on i2.it! days, 10 cents per line. KILL the COUCH no CURE ths LUNGS w Dr. King's Nov; Discovery PBICB an. jl i oa OLDS Trial Bottl fn AND ALL THROAT AN0 LUatO TROUBLES QUARANTD 8 ATISFAOIOIiX OB MONEY KUrUNDKIX MaWaMHRMMsWl All adTertising runa in both morning and and evening pupera without extra charge. Count Six Words to a. LIrta Address Want-Ad Department, Omaha Bee, Omaha, Neb. Within everybody's reach reaches everybod j pARM LOANS T r a . . a v e nave plenty ox atoney 10 uoan at a low rate oi interest on Dakota county Far am. also Bell and But Baal Estate of all kind on earth , bee or write ns tie lore yon uorrow, uny or aui. List your property with us to Bell. J Real r A K M niiiii svvwheie LANDS f i 4 DakctaClty. Neb. awl VVflmnT A Vim f TS Ke" 1