gpfgClAL WANCIAL chicaoo. Considering the hot wonthor which pre vailed bntHnrm has maintained a stead? rourse. Commrrclal defaults seem to bJ fet in excess of those at Oils time last fear and are due mainly to the pressure srf Jul aettleraents upon weak traders, feut the lift includes none of special ftif tificance in the effect upon credits. Money U in wider request for mercantile pur poses and the hanks are adequately able to supply legitimate needs besides prepar ing for the approncliin drain of currcn ty to move crops, hur the discount rate may soon turn firmer. Despite the high temperature end vaca tion season there Is very little apparent Interruption to production in the leading Industries find diminution is remarkably extended for this period, retail lines scor ing a gratifying reduction of stocks. Visiting buyers attend the markets for staple wares in rapidly increasing num bers and their selections for early deliv ery rise to substantial totals. Activity expands In dry goodx, boots and shoes, clothing, furnitnre and food products, not withstanding the advanced average in price lists, as compared with a yeur ago. Conditions in the manufacturing branches lose none of their remarkable strength. Hides and leather move more freely, hard woods are in better request and shipments are larger of hardware, plumbing goods, merchant iron and wag ons. The total movement of grain at this port, 0,934,248 bushels, compares with 7,818,047 bushels last week and 6,028.120 bushels a year ago. lteceipts are 30.5 per cent under those in 1900, while the shipments gained 117.7 per cent Ileceipta of live stock were 208,321) head, against 288,01)8 head last week and 297,033 head last year. Bank clearings, $237,740,030, exceed those of corresponding week in 1000 by 0 per cent, i - Failures reported in the Chicago dis trict number 21, against 23 last week and 16 a year ago. Dun's Itevlew of-Jfrade. NEW YOKE. ''' Weather conditions still favor season able trade and crops, and there Is no more then ordinary quiet noted in wbolusale lines as a result of midsummer conditions and the reign of the vacation aeason. Re tail trade especially is turning out rather better than anticipated. One favorable "development certainly calling for notice is the continuance of good reports as to collections. Fair activity, with firm prices, is noted In wool. Large sales are few. ' Conservative buying of shoes and leather is noted In leading markets. In the leading industries there are some cross-currents. Iron end steel are quieter as a whole, with prices tending to ease, while copper is lower and stocks reported accumulating. In the shoe trade business is moderate. In the cotton goods industry production is of record proportions, but' till insufficient to meet demand. Business failures in the United States for the week ending July 18 number 177, against 185 last week, 188 in the like week of 1000, 105 In 1005, 100 In YM and 183 In 1003. Canadian failures for the week number 20, as against 28 last week and 18 in this week a year ago. Bradstreet'a Commercial Report. Chicago Cattle, common to prime, 14.00 to $7.30; hogs, prime heavy, $4.00 'to $r.05; sheep, fair to choice, $3.00 to $0.00 J wheat, No. 2, 00c to Olcjj corn, No. 2, 52c to C3c ; oats, staudard, I -42c to 43c: rye, No. 2, 85c to 87c ht, ,tlmothy, $14.00 to $20.00; prairie, $0.00 to $12.00; butter, choice creamery, lOo sto 25c; f,?Hh, 12c to 10c; potatoes, .new, per mishi'l, 8c to 82c. Indianapolis Cattle, shipping, $3.00. to $0.85 J bogs, choice heavy, $4.00 to $0.00 1 sheep, common to prime, $3.00 to $5.00; wheat, No. 2, 80c to 88c; corn, No. 2 white, 52c to 54c; oats, No. 2 white, 45c to 40c. St. Louis Cattle, $4.50 to $7.35; bogs, $4.00 to $5.05; sheep, $3.00 to $5.00; wheat,' No. 2, 80c to 00c; corn, No. 2, 52c to 5:5c; oats. No. 2, 43c to 45c; rye, No, 2, 82c to 84c Cincinnati Cattle, $4.00 to $0.00 j hogs, $4.00 to $3.00; sheep, $3.00 to $4.75; wheat. No. 2, 02c to 03c; corn, No. 2 mixed, 55c to 50c; oats, No. 2 mixed, 40c to 47c ; rye, No. 2, 80c to 83c. Detrolt-r-Cattle, $4.00 to $0.00; hogs, $4.00 to $0.00; sheep, $2.50 to $5.00; wheat, No. 2, 01c to 03c ; corn, No. 3 yellow, .Vc'to 57c; oats. No. 3 white, 40c to 47c; rye, No. 2, 70c to 80c. Milwaukee Wheat, No. 2 northern, 88c to 51.02; corn, Wo. 3, C2c to 63c: oats, standard, 45c to 40c; rye, No. 1, S5c to 87c; barley, standard, 00c to 70c; pork, mess, $10.12. Buffalo Cattle, choice shipping steers. $4.00 to $0.50 ; bogs, fuir to choice, $4.00 to $0.25; sheep, common to good mixed, $4.00 to $5.25; lambs, fair to choice, $5.00 to $8.00. New York Cuttle, $4.00 to $0.00; hogs, $1.00 to $0.00; sheep, $3.00 to $5.50; wheat. No. 2 red, Otic to 07c; ' corn, No. 2, 50c to 00c; oats, natural white, 01c to 52c J butter, creamery, 22c to 2.ic; eggs, western, loc to 18c. Toledo Wheat, No. 2 mixed, 00c to 01c; corn, No. 2 mixed,. 54c to 50c; oats. No. 2 mixed, 44c to 45c; rye, No, 2, 70c to 80c r clover seed, prime, $!).02. Told In Few Line. Germany alone seuds to Lon;lou an nually iW.Otsi.iMK) feathers of birds for millinery purposes. t rres:d:-nt Henry Hopkins of Williams college Is to rrlire end l'rof. Ilarry A, tiartield of IVIui-eton, sou of the lute I'reMdi ut Garfield, lias been cbosiu to succeid li:ui. The l.irgitit plow ever built has beea , miccessiY.tly usi-d on a Texas ranch. The iloars a strip of ground seven feet wide. Ies)po:isl!i!e heads of lawless corpora tions should be plnced In pri.on, as the present system of fining the corporations Is useli-ss end uNnrd, hay Vo:d:'uw Wilson, president of lYIm-Hon university, In K H'jwn at Ui9 Janiffistov.-n exposition, lte-rii.'owd ci-meuf is now the favoriii jnairrlni with ISriiU'.i build-is of large t-Lituncyit. One already completed in Lou dou is 2V feet high with a buse 20 feet In diameter, with a foundation 18 V-t wjuare. i the montapmA legislature. Its nook, JnM Issued, at Mua of niiUmliius Krrw, The laws passed by the last Legisla tnre of Montana have been United in book form by Secretary of Plate Todr, and it is the opinion of lawyers and otnrs that never before did a Legislature in any State have so many careless authors and incompetent enrolling and eugronsinf clerks. The result is '.hat Montana has some of the most ludicrous laws fhat ever graced a statute book. In fact, so nu nierous aro the errors that the Hecretar) of State was Impelled to put this notice in the fly leaf : 'The within are exact copies ot' t!i enrolled laws as the same rnache, this ofhre, and neither this office nor the printers employed in the work are responsible for spelling or punctuation." The effect, it Is th mght, will not be seri ous, as the Supreme Court, in passing upon laws, tries to determine the Intent of the LegiHlature. One In-w was passed to prevent the sale of diseaxed meat, while the .enrolled and engrossed copies thereof read "deceased incut." . Thus, literally speaking, it is against the lnw for butchers to sell meats except upon the hoof, and if they obeyed it they would be compelled to drive cattle around to purchasers and dispose of them while alive. A bill was pasted relative to the meas urement of hay. It provides certain rules for determining the amount "when It bas been In the stack six months, provided it has been in the stack three months." Tht Intention of the Legislature was to make allowance for shrinkage after the hay had stood three and six months.' Still another law requires boarding houses, restaurants and hotels using adul terated foods "not" to post notices in plain sight of patrons and customers, when its Intention was Just the opposite. Another law, dealing with the land question, refers to "purented" instead of patented lands. A UNIFORM INDIAN RELIGION. Indian to lie (Urea Instruction thai Will Not Ilertnldle Him. A form of Christian religion that will not befuddle the Indian Is being arranged now by experts In the Indian Department at Wellington, and Is to bo introduced in the government Indian schools through out the I'nited States. The Indian bureau expects to have the form ready for Introduction by tho commencement of the autumn term. The new policy will bar sectarian In fluences from Indian schools. At pres ent ministers of all denominations art allowed to practice their respective creed in the government schools, together with a particular kind of teaching and prayers, The result Is that the Indian pupils be come confused. They find the Lord's prayer read and printed In different ways and different constructions placed upon some passages of the Scripture. Henceforward, however, after the uni form reliaioua code has been Introduced, only non-sectarian exercises will be per mitted. Each denomination, however, will be allowed to instruct Indians who desire to embrace a particular faith, but there la to be no more competition amotij denominations for converts. All Indian tribes originally had a form of rellglvua Wtwublp, which was adhered to with surprising persistency. The at tempts to eotvsrt the red man, however, have been unoesnhig since the first dil coverles ot the American continent bj white men. The first white man to live among tho Indian tribes of this locality .was a Spanish priest, who, with the in tention of converting the Indians, cam into this country with Coronado during the seventeenth century and remained with the Pawnees. Eventually he w&i tortured and murdored by the peopU wbom he sought to convort. The buld-hoaded man's annual quar- f;l wJtU the house fly baa begun Washington Tost ' The summer -girl's campaign has bo (tun. Docs she know how to handle ltl Veil, watch lmr. Phlludelihla In quirer, Dr. Wiley saya It la not the pie, but the tilling that one should be afraid of, as pies go the days. Washington Herald. Ronton hns put up the price of pie, but nothing can stop codfish and beans from going down In that town. Wash ington Herald. After the Mont Trust has boon brokea up by every body refusing to eut niwit, everybody will go barefooted to bunt the Shoe Trust, of course. Philadel phia Press. Pittsburg suggests automobile strett sprinklers. Well, there really ought to be a cloHer relation between the automobile and the water wagon. Milwaukee Sentinel. The fining of a Jamestown Expost tlou visitor $20 for klsslug a Norfolk girl has been quite generally denounc ed, but as Exposition prliHM go the amount Is not high. PhllndelphU Press. London experimenters find that mo toring enriches the blood and gives good sleep. The tests were applied to tl'ose who ride, not to the limn who gets In front of the motor. New York, World. From the amount of hent Old Sol hus been giving out lutuly he has evi dently lmd those Hpotss removed from bin face. Washington IWt. For au Impressive illustration of the meaning of the p!irne "milking tip for lost time" Just note what the weather Is tlolng. New York Tribune. It Is str.inge to hoar that the mos quitoes nre annoying the President at Sagamore Hill. Wlmt aro tho Secret Service men up to? Philadelphia. Press. J. r. .Morgan is dickering for a $.1,(,KlotH) nrt collection. He can ufforj it. He could buy a quarter of beef If he liked. Nashville American. Snake bite Is uni t to kill some 22,000 IH-rsons In India every year. In this eountry millions resort to tho cure be fore they are bitten. Washington Post. The New England man who has given $50 to tho Hartford Theological Kourhiary to kept In a savings bank unUl It become $l,tKJ.(um a believer In Innic-rausc gunoroblty. New York Tribune. Purchase by the government of stock (ft some of the larger railroads for the purpose of obtaining representation upon the board of directors is a plans! Which has been proposed 1 President Roosevelt, and which, it Is reiwrtexL be Is seriously considering. The step, which would be In the direction of gov ernment ownership, anil which was the first taken by Germany before that government acquired ownership of a railroad, can only be brought about by an appropriation by Congress of money to be nwl In the purchase of tho stock. It is reported tluit sliould the President not make the iwminien Jntlon to Congress -In his annual mes sage some of the I e:u erratic leaders, those In harmony with Mr. Bryan' government ownership plank, will In troduce bills proisvsing the approprlv tlon. Tlw advocates of tho policy argue that government supervision can ma terially bo promoted by having n rep resentative of the govertunent'on the boards of some of the larger railroads. TJpon the advice of Attorney General Bonaparte, the President has Instructed Becretary of Commerce and Labor Straus to have the census bureau moke t special enumeration of tho proposed State of Oklahoma, Including the pres ent territory of Oklahoma and the In dian Territory, for the purpose of de termining the distribution of population among the subdivisions into which the State will be divided should the new constitution bo approved at the palls, rhe administration understands that this constitution would be likely' to gerrymander the State favorably to the Democrats. The work on the new cen sus is to be commenced as soon as the necessary blanks can be provided. Will lam C. Hunt, chief statistician of the census bureau, will have Immediate su pervision of the work In the field. The completeness of the restoration of "Old. Ironsides," on which the Navy Department has been at work for some time, has lately been attested by th cnstliu; of the big guns with which the ship will be armed. There are forty- four of them, duplicates of the famous Id pieces with which the Constitution fought Its fdmous battle with the Guerrlere. Each of them weighs three thousand four hundred imunds, exclu sive of Its carriage. The carriages are also faithful reproductions, made after old drawings and prints. When a!l the work on the Constitution Is finished, the modern visitor who steps aboard will have the sensation of passing into : another century In history and nnothet era In naval architecture and equip ment; and the chances are that no one will ever again want to "tear her tat tered ensign down." Regular ambassadors and minister to foreign countries are hedged In by rules, Instructions and customs which sometimes limit their efficiency. Of late years there has been an increasing amount of neighborly visiting between tlie nations in the persons of Informally credited representatives. Mr. Root, on bis visits to South America and Cana da, kept all the time the attitude of a friendly tourist with no business but to enrry greetings and study the countries he visited. This summer he Is going to Mexico on a similar mission, and Mr. Taft will go to Japnn. By means of these Visits much can be done for di plomacy which cannot bo performed by -egular departments of state. Tho treaty drawn last February be tween the United States and Santo Do mingo has been signed by President Roosevelt at his Oyster Ray homo, It having already been ratified by the Do minican Congress and tho United States Semite. This treaty settles definitely the question of the collection of Domin ican revenue and makes the Island re public Tirtually an American depen dency. There seem to be very few occasions apon which President Roosevelt deems it advisable to lay aside the protection f Of a revolver. Ills practleo of carrying a weapon bas again been advertised, this time through tho discovery made by one of the Masonic functionaries to V - - . whom fell the task of tying the npron about the President's waist nt the luy - lug of the comer stono of the new Ma sonic building In Washington. , asssss Attorney General Ronnparte has made public a list of sixteen objections which Jiave boon raised to tho promised constitution of the profHisud State of Oklahoma. The itcrsons who have Drought these objections to the govern ment's attention regard them as war ranting President Roosevelt In divid ing tltat the proposed constitution doe out satisfy the test of the enabling act When the King of Italy was told that I son had been born to the wife of Uoyd C. (irlseom, tho American am Diissador lu Rome, he exclaimed : "I aad always believed that ambassadors sere blessed only with craudsonsl" i B 1 mbaKsadors, as well ns Senators, used to be old men, but this nil b'muiib to have been changed. Ambassador (irla Min Is only thlrty-fouY years old, and It will lie many years before ho Is a (raudfather; and there lire many men n the Senate less than fifty. Secretary of War Tuft has ordered in Investigation of the en so of Lieu tenant Colonel Charles U. Ayers, ivhotu! scribed rci illeged orltlelsin of army olllcei In jt,'i?lu1l sewspaper luterview was uiulerHtood to o connected with a dispute betVeen lilt life and certain otllivrs ut the West "olnt Military Academy. The President has appointed JudgO ivalter Francis Frear of Honolulu. hlef Justice of the Hawaiian Suprenw j Tourt, to the position of Governor of. aau,aii . 3"w t trirst rabllrntlon July 11 J(XT.-w.) NOTICE OF TAX DEED. To Anna P. Carter, reoorded owner, and Great Northern Hallway rompsny, the per sona In pocsetrlun, and tt m. fnwl In pos esdlim: Tou re hereby notified that at a sale of Inixlisiid lots for tHi"i, tmlil on theeth day of Novemlier, A. I., Iwfi, by the treasurer of akota cimnty, Nehrnokn. the fi)llowlti de Sylhed reoJ property, situated In theeminty of lnkot. and Ht.-it of Ierrink, to-wtti lot nine tui In block number soventy-one (71) In CovlniMon. Nebinkn. Which property wiw ftsesed In the nanto ot nn person and wn sold foe the taxes of th yenr of INVN to 1mm), In clusive to O. Martin, who Is now the holder of the certWcato of purchase thereof; nd that after the expiration of three months from the date of the service of Mils notice a tni deed will be appllod for. Dated this 1st dny of July, 10 7. O. Mastic. Owner and bolder of certificate of purchase Ht I. P. Martin, her agent. NOTICE 07 TAX DEED. To William Gordon, trustee, trusteeship not disclosed In county clerk's olUce, liikoUt county, Nobroxkn, presumed to bo for Helen K, Hrown, recorded) owner, and Jake Kom mell and tieorge Jjurlinoio, the persons lu posssesNlon: Yon are hereby notlflod that at a sale of latMls and lot for tines, held on the 6th day of Novemlier, A. 1 1W"S. by the treasurer of Dakota county, Nebraska, tho following de scried real property, situated In thecounty of Dakota, and tte of Nebraska, to-wlti Lots one (1) two 12) three () seven (T) elRbt (S) nine (U) sixteen (111) seventeen (17) and elKhteen (1 In block number forty four (44) In ttoutit ttloux City, Joy Place, Nebraska. Which property was assessed Iq the name of no person and was sold for the taxes of the years of Hull to 11 '4. Inclusive, to C. Martin, who Is now the holder of the certi ficate of purchase thereof; and that after the expiration of three mouths from the date of the service of this notice a tax duod will bo applied for. Dated this tut day of July, 1WT. O. Mabtiw, Owner and holder of certificate of purchase. liy I. V. Martin, her agent. NOTICE OF TAX DEED. . To William Gordon, trustee, trusteeship not disclosed la county clerk's oflloe In Da kota county, Nebraokn, presumed to be for Helen J. Brown, recorded owner, and John Doherty, Fred Gordon, and Jake Ulseu barth, the persons In possessions You are hereby noUlled that at a sale of and and lots for taxes, held on the nth day of Noveinbsr. A. D., loufi, by tho treasurer of Dakota county, Nebraska, the following- de scribed real property, situated In the county of Dakota, sod state of Ncbraxka, to-wit: Dou two (J) three (8) four (4) .five (6) six () sown (7elnht (N) nine CO ten (Id) and eloveu (11) In block tritmtier ninety-three (itl) In Oovlnston, Nebraska, Which property was asMMned In the name of no person and was sold for the taxes of the year as follows: Dots two to eleven. Inclusive, for the year of 1MH to Martin Nellao, who assumed the cei silicate of pur chase to O. Martin, who Is now the bolder of the certificate of purchase thereof ; and that after the expiration of three months from the date of the service of this notice tax deed will bo applied for. Dated this 1st day of July, lOW. O. Mahtiw, Owner and holder of certificate of purchase. By I. V. Martin, bur ogont. NOTICE OF TAX DEED. TO William Gordon, trustee, trusteeship not rllsolosed in county olerk'sollloo, Dakato county .Nebraska, presumed to be for Helen K .Brown, ncordod owner: Tou ore hereby uotined that at a sale of lands and lots for tuxos, held ou the 6tn day Of November, A. D., lwifi, by the treasurer of Dakota county, Nebraska, tb following de scribed real property, situated In the county of Dakota, and state of Nebraska, to-wtti Lou number ono (1) two (2) three (S) even (7) elKbt t8) and nine (0) In block number forty-three (4B In Bouth Bloux VHy. Joy l'iaoe, Nebraska. Which property was assessed In the name of no person and was sold for the tuxes of the years of )vl to 1804. Inclusive, to O. Martin, who is now the holder of the certi ficate of purohiMO thereof; and that of tor the expiration of threo mouths from the date of the service of this notice a tax deed anil be applied for. ' Dated this Ut day of July. 1U07. O. Martiw. Owner and holder of certificate of purchase liy I. P. Martin, her spoilt. NOTICE OF TAX DEED. To William Goidou, trustee, trusteeship not disclosed In county clerk's ofllue, Dakotu county, Nebraska, presumed to be for Hel en K. llrown, recorded owneri You ore hereby notllled that at a sale of lands and lots for taxes, held on the Oth day of November, A. D., the treasurer of, .Dakota county, NODrasxa, me following- do- sorlbvd real property, sltuatodln the county of Dakota, aud stute of Nebraska, to-wlt: Lots twenty (2n) and twenty-one (21) In t blocknumber flfty-lour(f4) In South Bloux City, Joy Ploce.Nebruska, which property was assessed in tho name of no person and was sold for tho taxes ot tho years of 1IM1 to liavi, inclusive, to (J. Mar tin, who Is now the holder of the cortlll eate of purchase thereof; and that after tho expiration of three months from the date of the service of this notice a tax deed will be applied for. Dated this 1st day of July, 10"7. i o. Martin, Owner and bolder of certificate of purchase v By D P. Martin, her agent. NOTICE OF TAX DEED. To William Gordon, triiHtoo, trusteeship not disclosed lu county clerk's otUce, Dakota county, Nebranka, presumed to lie for Helen 10. Brown, recorded owner and Albert HUiv ens and II. J, Boonuy, the persons In posses sion: You are hereby notified that at a sale ot lands and loU for taxes, hold on the Oth day of Novemlwr, A. 11., lvo&, by the treasurer of Dakota county, Nebraska, the following de scribed real property, situated In the county Of Dakota, and state of Nebraska, to-wit: Lots one (1) two (2) three (ii) seven (7) eight (H) nine (V) and ten (lu) In block forty (40) In South Kloux Ulty, Joy Place, Ne braska: Whloh propesty was assessed in the name of no person and was sold for the tuxes of the years of lvui to 1V04, lucluslve, to a. Martin, who Is now the holder of the certi ficate of purchase thereof; and that after the expiration of three months from the date of the service of this notice a tax deed will be applied for. Doled this 1st day of July, ltkff. L). Martin, Owner and bolder of certificate ot purchase. By I. P. Martin, nor agent. NOTICE OF TAX DEED. To J. A. Dean, recorded owner: Yuu are hereby notified that at a sale of lands and lots for taxes, held on the Oth day of November. A. D., by the treasurer of f Dakota county, Nebraska, tho following do- i , TO, V, . v , .IK.WU , Wt.WUUI auartr of section cloven (11) lu towusi ecnueu real prutwrt, HiiuHwuiubiiucuuiii northeast bin twenty-nine (2W) raisSe seven (7) lu Dakota county, Nebranka. Which property was assessed In the name of J. A. Dean and was sold for the taxes of the years NMl and 1V04 Inclusive. toO. Martin, who is now the holder of the cer tificate of purchase thereof ; and that after the expiration of three mouths from the date of the service ot this notice a tax dood will lie appUsd for. Dated this 1st day of July, 1907. V. Martin, Owner and holderof certificate of purchase. NOTICE OF TAX DEED. To The Combination Bridge company, re corded owner: You are hereby notified that at a sale of lands and loU for tuxes, held on the Oth day of November, A. D.. luoo. by the treasurer ot Dakota county. Nebraska, the following de scribed real property, situated In the county of Dakota, and statu of Nebraska, to-wit: Lot number ten (10) lu block number elshty-three (S3) in Oovlngton, Nebraska. Which property was assessed lu the name of no person and was wild for the taxes of the years as follows: Lottsnfor tho years of lHit to Inclusive, to O. Martin, who Is now tho holder of the certificate of pur- !.. tLHfl tltMt kllHI tllM AWIllflL- tlou of three months from the duto of tho ervtc of this uotlcu a tax dood wUl be ap plied for. Dated this 1st day of July, ltf"7. O. MARTrn, Owner and holder of certlllente of purchase. By 1. P. Martin, bur a rent. NOTICE OF, TAX DEED. To Anna P. Oacter. recorded ownor: You are hereby nottild that at a sale of lands and lots for taxes, held ou the Dili day of November, A. p., litA, by the treasurer of Dakota county, Nebraska, the following de- real property, siiuntua lu me oouuiy i. ana state oi rteuraska. to-wlti tuber eight (S) and twelve (12) In Mock QumUer nlnely-ulno (W)lnOovlugton, Vaiinuks. Which property was assessed In the name of oo person and was sold for the tuxes of site years as follows: Lot eight for the refers of 1SV7 to 1W4, Inclusive; and lot twelve or the years of ISM to )H). inclusive, to O. Martin. Who ts now tha holder of the oortl- JWateo purchase thereof : eud that after the VtRiu' -ui t j,y. m. a. Martin. Owner aud bolder of certificate of purchase. " By i. f. Martin, hsr agoub NOticn of Tas Died. To William 4ordon. trnstee. trnsteeshln not disclosed In cm ii ty clerk's offllce, Dakota county. Nebraska, premnnod to lie for HM en K. Brown, recorded owner, and Oskef weicn, Kitty Mutton, (4lles Iilvlnsston. and Uoorire iniiniore, tho prsons In possession; You nre hereby notllled that nt a sale of lands and lots for taxes, held on the (Ith dny Of Novemlier, A. 1)., llA, by the treastirerof Dakota comity, No brink a. the following- He S"MIm1 real property, situated In thecounty Dakota, and stale of Nebi nska. towlt: Iots nunitM r ten (In) eleven (11) twelve (12i sixteen (if,) seventeen (17) eighteen (1h) nlnet.M-st (101 twenty-three ills) l wenty-four (H4i and twenty-Hvo (25) In block numlier fifty (.i). In houth bloux .lty, Joy Place, Ne braska, W Inch property wos assessed In the name of no person and was sold for the taxes of the years 1111 to 104, Inclusive, to O Martin, wno Is now the holder of the certlflcatw of f" re base thereof; and that after the ex pi rat on of thre mouths from the date of the ser vice of this notice a tax deed will be applied for. Dated this 1st dny of July, lff7. O. Mabtiw, Owner and holder of certificate of purchase Dy I P Martin, her intent. NOTICE OF TAX DEED. To William Gordon, trustee, trusteeship not disclosed In county clerk's otllce, Dako ta county, Nebraska, presumed to lie for ltelon K. Brown, recorded owner; and I. Greene and Jake Ruiimiell, the persons In possession ; You aro hereby notified that at a sale of lands and lots for taxes, held on tho 6th day of November, A. D., IKK), by tho treasurer of Dakota county, Nebraska, the following doecrlbed real property, situates! In the county of Dakota, and state of Nebraska, to-wit: Lots fourM) five 16) six i A ten (10) eleven (111 twolvo 112) thirteen (lit) fourteen (141 Cftoen I IS) sixteen 18) gventeen 4 17 1 twenty-six f2ni twenty-seven 127) and twenty -eight (2m) In block number forty-one (41 ) In Mouth Nloux Ulty, Joy Place. Ne braska. Which property was assessed In the name of no person and was sold for the taxes of the years of 1W1 to 1V04, inclusllve. to C. Martin, who Is now the holder of the certlUcate of purchase thereof; and that after the ex piration of three months from the date of the service of this notice tax deed will be appllod for. Dated this 1st day of July, 1907. O. Mabtiw, Owner and bolderof certificate of purchase. liy I. P. Martin, her agent. Notice of Tax Deed. To Albert L. Lensen, recorded owner of lot elKht and Lola M. Hunt, recorded owner of lot eleven, and Minnie O. Mlddleton, re corded owner of lot thirty, all in block five (At In South Sioux City, Nebraska, and I. Fouts, the person In possession of lots e Ik lit aud eleven, and Win Ieoiiurd, the portion In possession of lot thirty ; You are hereby notified that at a sale ot lands and loU for taxes, held on the Oth day of November, A. D. lWJfi, by the treasurer of Dakota county, Nebraska, the following de scribed real property, situated in the coun ty of Dakota, and state of Nebraska, to-wit: Lots elKbt (8) eleven (11) and thirty () In block nve (6) In South Hloux City, Ne braska. Wuich property was assessed In the name of no person and was sold for the taxes of the years as follows: Lot elgiit for the years of liwu to ltt. Inolaslve, and lot eleven for the years lMirt and 1SS to 19H, Inclusive, and lot thirty for the year of ltM to O. Martin, ho Is now the holder of the certificate of purchase thereof; and that after the expiration of three months from the date of .these rvice of this notice a tax deed will bo applied for. Dated this 1st day of July, IM. V. Martin, Owusr and holder of certificate of purchase. By 1. P. Martin, her agent. NOTICE OF TAX DEED. To Grant B. Gilbert, recorded owner, and J. Kouts and W, W. Woodward, the persons In possession: You are hereby notlflod that at o sole of binds and loU for taxes, hold on the Otb day of Novemlxlr, A. D.. lVfi, by the treasurer of Dakota county, Nebraska, the following do se rl bud real property, sltua'.ed Inthe county of Dakota, and state of Nebraska, to-wit: Lot sevun (7) In block number four (4 lu Bouth Sioux Ulty, Nebraska. Whloh property was assessed in the name of no person and was sold for the taxes of tho rear's of ll'M and 1U Inclusive to O. Martin, who Is now the bolder ol tho oertlllcato of purchase thereof; and that after the expiration of three months from tho date of the service of thin notice a tax deed will be applied for. Dated this 1st day of July, 19U7. u. Martin, Owner and holder of cort Ideate of purchase By I. P. Martin, her agent. NOTICE OP TAX DEED. Tq Tealle GrlfToy, recortled owner of lot one, and Moses Kraba, recorded owner of lots two, four and Hve, and John Nolhaus, recorded owner of lot three, all in block sixty-nine (tW l tn Covington. Nebraska: You are hereby notllled that at a sale of lands and lots for taxes, hold on the 0th day of Novembsr, A. 1)., 1IMS, by the treasurer of Dakota county, Nebraska, the following do scribed real property, si touted In th county of Dakota, and state of Nebraska, to-wlt: Lots one (1) two (2) threo (8 four (4) and five (6) in block number sixty-nlue- (09 1 lu Oovlngton, cbrnska. Whicn property was assessed in tno name of no person and was sold for the taxes of tho years as follows; Lot one for the years of lww to list, inclusive, and lot two for the vears of 1KHU to Ui"4. Inclusive. and lot three for the years of 18 to lt4 In clusive, and lot four for the years of 1U08 to ll inclusive, and lot live for the years of ll to to 1U04. inolu-lve, U. Martin, who is now the bolder of tho certificate of purchase thereof: and that after the expiration of threo months from the date of the service of this notice a tax deed win be applied for. Dutou this 1st day ouuiy, imr7. t). Martin. Owner and holder of certificate of purchase. By 1. f. Martin, tier agent. NOTICE OF TAX DEED. To Charles ttverett. recorded owner: You are hereby notllled that at a sale of lauds and lots for taxes, held on the Oth day of November, A. D., lmfS, by the treasurer of Dakota county. Nebraska, the following do- sc-rllied real property .situated In tho county of Dakota, and state of Nebraska, to-wlt: Lots number nineteen (IV) and twenty (SO) in block number two (81 lu South Sioux (Hty, Plmer Place. Nebraska, whloh propor- asKehseu in tne name 01 110 person and was ty was sold for the taxes of the years of 111 4 114. Inclusive, to V. Martin, who Is now the holder of the certificate of purchase thereof ; and that after the expiration of three months from the date of tho service of tuts notice a lax deed will be applied for. Divtod this 1st day ot July, 10O7. U. Martin. Owner mid holderof certificate of purchase. liy 1. r. Murtin, her agent. NOTICE OF TAX DF.KD. Tn A. A. Irwin, recorded ownor. and tlin Great Northern Hail road company, the persons in possession: You are hereby notified that at a sale of lands and lots for taxes, bold on the fllh day of November, A.D., lD"n, by the treasurer of Dakota county, Nebraska, tho following du scrlhcd real property, situated in the county of Dakota, and state of Nebraska, to-wlt: lAts live (01 and six (0) In block number flfty-four(M) In Oovlngton, Nebraska. Which property was assessed lu tho name of no person and was sold for tho the tuxes of the years of ll0 to ltf4. Inclusive, to U. Martin, Who is now tho holder of the cer tificate of purchase thereof ; and that after the expiration of three months from tho date of the service of this notice a tax deed will be applied for. Dated this 1st duy of July, 1U"7. U. Martin, Owner and holder of certificate of purchase. By I. P. Martin, her agent. NOTICE OF TAX DEED. To Anna P. Carter, recorded owner: You are hereby notllled that at a sale of lands and lots for taxes, keld on the Oth day of November, A. D., 116, by the treasurer of Dakota county, Nebraska, the following described real property, situated in the county of Dukota, and state of Ne braska, to-wit: Ixtt ten (1") In block number fifty-three (f.t) In Covington, Nebraska, Which property was assessed tn the name of no person and was sold for the taxes of t e years of lHWi to lmM, In elusive, 10 V. Martin; Who Is now the holder of the ccrtlilcuto of pure bane thereof: and that ufter the expiration of threw mouths from the date of the service of this ' a tax deed will l applleU for. Duved this Islday of July, ll"7. C. Martin, Owner and holderof certificate of pun-base. Hy I. 1. Murtin, her aitenl. NOTICE OK TAX DEED. To J. A. Deun. recorded owner: You asv hereby notllled that ut a sole of I, n. i and lots for taxes, held on the Oth dar of November, A. D., lwnfi, bv the treasurer of Dakota county, Nebraska, the following de sort lied real property, situated In the county of Dakota, and state of Nebraska, to-wit: Northeast quarter of the northeast quart er of section eleven (11) lu townsnlp tweiity-ulun (HV) In range seven (7) lu Dako ta county, ioraa. Which property was assessed In the nnuiu of J-A, lx iHi and was sold for tho taxes of the Tf lira of 14 una )v"4. inclusive. Ltut', Martin, who Is new the holder of its cerllgcau 01 purcnaan iorwoi; una that after the expiration of three mouths from lli Ume of the service of this notisss a tax deed will be applied fur. liaied this 1st day ofOnly, l'A-7. C. Ma arm. Owner am) holderof eytlflcat of put-ciiv,,. l'- 1. f. klurar . upi agei.! . NOTTK OT' TAX DEED. To Anns Mar Tei-sUing, tscnidsd owner, ind N. K. Illli en. the jim-sou In possession : You are heiebr notified tlist St a se'ie ot lands snd lots tor tsxea, held tn the atsJJi Isy of November, A. D. 14405. br the trss prer of Dnknts county, Nehrssks, the fol lowlaf described resl property, situs ted la tha omitv of Itakota, and state of Nvbras ks, Jo-wit: Lfn ten (101, In block number nine (0), In Smith Hloux City, Nebrssks. Which proparty wss assssssxl In the ami of do person and wss sold for the Uxsa of the yeors of 1D0O and lism. Inclu sive, to C. Mrtlu( who Is bow the holder sf'tbe certlflrsrte of purchsmj thereof; sod tht after the eiplrstlon of three uinntbs trosn the dsta of the serrlc of this notice a tax deed will be spplled for. Dated this Brst day of July, Pr, C. MARTIN, Owner tad 11 older of Certllcsta 0 Pur- Chsee. By 1. P. MABT1N. Utr Agent. NOTICa OF TAX DEB:. T John C. Blenklren. recarded owner est lot osve, aa4 Aaron MlddlekAut, recorded waar of Iota seventeen snd elctite-en, all to block nlos () In South Rlnux CMy, see pad addition, Netursska, and Jong Malleus, In possession lot one, snd Jerry De Kotest, la Aoaseeslna lota seventeen and eighteen: Tou ara bercnty notified thst at aral of lands snd lota for tsies, held on tha sixth day of Novsmber, A. D. loos, br the frtss prer of Dskota county, Nebraska, the fol lowing described r41 property. Shunted la the county ef Dakota, sod state of Nsurss ka. to-wlt: Lout numker 000 (li, eventeea (17) and eighteen (lHj, la block numJtr ulne O'l, la feuta Hloux City, sreood addltloa, KeUotV Waleh property was ssssssed in the sMsst rf no person sad wss sold for the ftsee of tht year of Wl te 1004, Inelnstve, to ,C. Mat tin. who Is now the botdor c the certificate ef parcfaase tbersof; apd tkst after the espUratloJi af three nontlia sTens the date of the service of this notion Us deed wttl be spoiled tor. Lsstea uua nrst aay of July, irr. m-ms a ix. Certlneata of Pur- sT VI A ITI Owner and Ilsade of MJLBTIN, Bar AgsqX. NOTICE OF TAX DSEuV T Joka C BleoUroa, recorded ewoor, t4 H. O. Dern and Kelson Pllsrtm, toe persoas tn psessdoc : Yoa are hereby netlfled thst at a sale of lands and lota for uxsa, held- eo the sixth day of Novamber, A. D. 1904, by the treaa orer of Dskota eooaty, Nsbrssks, ths fol lewtajr deecxlbed rest property, situated In the county of Dakota, and state of Nebras ka, te-wtt: Lot number two (2). In block number four M). In South Sioux City Central. Nebraska. which prsyert7 was assessed In the nam of do person snd was tola for the Uxes of the years of 1002 te loot. Inclu sive, to C. Martin, woo Is now the bolder of the certificate of purchase thereof; and that after the expiration of three majiths from the date of the service of tula notice a tag deed will be applied for. Dated this first day of Jul, 1907. C. MAltTIN Owner and Holder of Certificate of " tur- chase. By I. P. kLABTIN, Her Agent NOTICE- OF TAJC DEED. T John C. Bleaklron, recorded ewner of let one, and Ursrt B. Gilbert, recorded owner of lot two all la block three. In Booth Blocs City Central, Nebraska, and C,D. Bmlley, the person In possession: Tou ore hereby notified that at a sale of loads and lota for Usee, held 00 the sixth lay as November, A, D. 180a, by the tn us urer of Dakota oounty, Nebraska, the fol lowing described real property, situated la the county ef Dakota, and state ef Nebiee ksu to-wit: Lota number one (1). and two (23u in Mooh Bumber three 0, ta Boath BlouxMtr Cen tral, Nebraska. Which pfnperty was ass eased In the aame ef no person and was sold for the taxea of the Jeara of Wu4 to ism, inelu sIt, to C. Martlu, who la now the holder of tha certificate of purchase thereof; snd that aUer the expiration of three moo ths from ths date of the service of this notice a tax deed will be applied for. Dated this first day of July, 1907. - C. MAKTJN. Owner and Holder of Certificate of Pur chase. By 1. P. MAHT1N, Her Agent. NOTICE OF" TAX DEEP. Te John Wollaren, recorded owner of lot fifteen, snd John C. Blenklron, recorded owner of lot sevnceti. ail In block six 01), in Sooth Bloux City, Nebraska, and Martlu Banker, the pareoa In posses si 00: You are hereby notified that at a sale of lands and lots for tasea, held on the "sixth day ef November, A. D. 1D06, by tha treas urer of Dakota oounty, Nebraska, the foV lowing described real property, situated In the county of Dakota, and state of Kebrsa ka, to-wits Lots number fifteen (15), and seventeen (17), In block number adx (), in South Bloux City. Nebraska. Which property was assessed la the name of no person aad wss sold for the tames of the years as follows: Lot fifteen, for the rears of 1HH6 to 11)04, Inclusive, snd let seventeen for the years of 1000 and 102 to 1001, Inclusive, to C. Martin who is now the holder of tha certificate of pur chase thereof; and that after the expiration of three mouths from the date of tha lee of this notice a tax deed will be applied Dated this first day of July, 1907. C. MARTIN Owner and Bolder of Certificate of Pur- By I. P. MARTIN, Her Agent. NOTICE OF TAX DEED. To J. M. Wlllett, recorded owner of lot five, sad Jerelnlsh Shade, reeordud ownor of Iota seven and eight, all In block eight. m Doutn oioux my, nrst aaaition, Neliras- Ka, ana a. 11. cowrier, ths person in pos session of lot 5. snd G. W. Warner, in Ana. session of lota seven end eight: zou are nereuy notineu that at a sale ef lands and lots for taxes, held on ih aioii day of November, A. D. idCa, by the tr-ss- utwt ox uummm coontr, Aeoraska, the f -low tog described real property, situs ted ... the county of Dakota, and state of Nebras ka, to-wlt: Lota number five (5), seven (7), and eight (8). In block eight (8), In Bouth Bloux City, first addition, Nebraska. Wklch property was assessed In the name of no person and wss sold for tha taxes ef the years aa follows: Lot five for tne year uiut, ana lots seven and eight for the rears ef 11)02 to 1904. Inclusive, to C. Martin, who Is now the holder of the certificate of purchase thereof; snd that after the expiration of three mouths from the date of the service of this notice a tsx deed will be applied for. Dated tola first da of July, 1907. C. VI ART IN, Owner and Holder ef Certificate of iur- $yT P. MABTIN, Her Aeat. NOTICE OS" TAX DEED. To B. C. Palmer, recorded owner of lots sixteen and seventeen, and John C. lilenk Iron, recorded owner of lot etfftireen, and Oeorre C Meabold, recorded owner of let twenty-three, all In block five. In Vu;U Bloux City, first addition, and Ross Byerley snd Win. Mitchell, the persons In posses sion: You are hereby ootlfWd that ax a aale of landa and lota for taxes, bold 00 the sixth day of November, A. D. lSoA, hy ths treas urer of Dskota county, Nebraska, the fol lowing described reel property, situated in the connty of Dakota, and state of Ncbrss ks. to-wlt: Lots number sixteen U6), seventeen (17) and eighteen (IS), snd twenty-three tlil). la block number five (6), la Boutk Bloux Cits, first sddlton, Nebraska. Which property was Bsaeesed In tha name of uo person and wss sold for the tsxes of the years as follows: Lots sixteen, seventeen snd eighteen for the years of liXG to lis i. Inclusive, snd lo twenty-three for the years of luol to 1004, Inclusive, to C. Martin, who Is now bolder of the certified Is of purchase thereof; aud thst after the eg- Blratlon of three numbs from the date uf is servbe uf this notice a tax dotal will be applied for. Dated this first day of July, 1007. C. MA-HT1N, Owner aud Holder of Certificate of I'ur chase. ly,i. P. MA It TIN, Her Agett. NOTICE Or TAX DKED. To Ether A. ilardxu, recis-dsd owner isf lots two, three sud fixir, snd Jacob Liken berrv. reorled owner of lot eleven, snd II. fteuisrr recorded o uer of lot twelve sll In block tlx. In Komh Hloux City, Ptti nier Iluce, Nelsrasks: You ure heretiy notified thst st a aale of lands sod lots fur Uin. held on the sixth day of November, A. D. lkX, by the treas urer of Dskota county. Nebrasks, the fol lowing a8irlhed resl syoiierty, attttated- la ihe county of Dakota, and state of Neb r sa il, to-wlt: lots sumber two 12), three (S), four 4i, eleven (l'l snd twelve (U). In block nuuv ber sis (tl). In South Siotls City, I'slintr Pisco, Nebraska. Whie rtHM-ty was sseessed In Us Basse jrf ro pvrson and was sold for tha taxes oi the yesrs as follows: Lota tw sad thsee tdsr tke yrsrs of 1KS te 1U04. BQk slve, s,4 tot four for the yesrs of 19O0 tw llsM, laislve, uud lot eleven for the years ef purrhsse thereof; and tost after the ex- flratltHi nt tkrec months from the dsts of be seivlce if this notuve a tax "wed will bo rp;'id fr. D.ectl III f.:tft d iy ef .'sir. 1907. tV ktAhTIX Dri; tu.' IXt'ldt-r of Certlfi.-ate vf ur liy1t' V. VAUT.X. Iter Agent 1 t Y our Hair 1 vvtt VII y U it inclined to run awty? Don't punish it with a cruel brush and comb! Feed It, neur it f ,!i it, save it with Ayer's Hair Vigor, new Improved formula. Then your hair will remain at s i: ami, on your head, where It helenes. An elegant dressing. Keeps the scalp healthy. D yen no chnne Ihe color ef the halt. Formula with saoh bottle Show it to your dootov users wnsnasesassBseBBSBtBi siflk him skbovft It, than do ho say urrsj Vv'e certainly believe this, or we would not say so. Ayer's Hair Vigor, as now r.iiiJu from our new (improved formula, to a great preparation tor the hair anri 5:.i!p. Steps falling hair. Cures dan iix -i. Promotes tho growth of hairN - wis by tSo J. O. Ayer Co., Lowsll, Mass. l)R. C. H. MAXWELL, Physician and Snrpeon. Calls promptly attended DAKOTA OITT, KKBRA6KA. W. C. EckKtxrt Scientific Refractionist. Spectacles and Ejeglasses. Accurately Fitted. Cot jaltation and Examination' Free. Office at residence. D'XVTA citr, NEBRASKA. KMMU CO YEARS' quisle: wnrtit h fuir diMnifui fr-c w-ii;;ior hu .uvatliofi 1 jtT-.MtOf pnit't ..-- 'inmtitiirfi. JuiinMtrit'lif ;.':i0.mtril. ItA'.c''it'. t-'l. I H Gilt fM frt. ol-ltHt nt'iMifV f'r rT 1. H i; vmtt'titw. Ia:Mt t:tK(jit t;rtiui:'i Mui.ti A Co. Founts rvrtai notice w'hout ctiHruo, tu tlio A hnnilsoniolf lllitirstd wenklr. I.fin-pst dr. -ti:,iiuii t Hiiy s:t'!itilio tunisl. 'lernis. fS's your: I'mr minti,j,i. Boiubyull nnvsnouiem JVLY SPECIALS Good Chances Eastward Many low round trip rates to cast- , era resorts daring July. James town Exposition tickets inclnde New York and sea shore resorts with variable routes; excursions to Saratoga, Philadelphia, north ern Michigan, Canada and St. Lawrence Itiver resets, Niagara Falls and Boston. Consull agent as to making use of these excur sion rates for yonr eastern tiip. Low Rates Westward During July, low round trip rates, to Pacific Coast, Hau Fraucixco, Portland, Seattle, eto., Yellow A J-fcv-Js'"W- J-tj-S. I , 1 1 ., lellow , Colorado- " sin, Black. Spokane. T stone Park, Halt Lake, Colorado- resorts, Big Horn Basin Hills, Sheridan and Consult Agent. Big Horn Basin and Billings District We personally conduct Lomeseek.' era' excursions on the first ana third Tuesdays of each month to these localities to assist you to se cure flue irrigated lands at low cost. Write D Clem'Deaver, gen eral agent landseekera' informs tion bureau. Half rates w maximum of $20 from Nebrask homiseekers' excursions northwest and southwest. CALL OR WRJTE FOR DETAILS. A J Karraker, - Ticket Agent DAUOTA O'Tr, NEB. L. W. W'akklet, OP A, Omaha, Neb KILLthe COUCH no CURE ths LUNCS wth Dr. King's Ikvi Discovery for CSUSs"3 AND ALL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES. GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY OR MONEY REFUNDED. PaonLCcrtQ fXfflCsi Old Settlors' V Pictnic Auist 29, 1907. ; ru in a- , ritli ika; A tst, XI r