R R Time Table Sioux City, Crystal Lake ft Homer LKAVK LEAVE A KOT A CliV 8IOI X CITY 6:10 am.... 7:00 am 8:00 a m 9:00 a m 10:00 am 12 m 1:30 pm 2 :30 p m 3 :30 pin ,. . 4 :30 p m 5:3C p ni 6:30 p m Leave Hlonx City nt 10:0 for Prystnl trfike t nn nl meet Ureat Northern train at Soutu Hloux (Jltjr, on return trip. C, 8t. P., M.a o. Trains leave Dakota City at the folio-ring time : VOBTH BOUND. SOUTH BOtiND. .5:62 pm Omaba 7:35 am 10:00 am Omaha 5:13 pm -3 :37 pm Norfolk 8 :20 am 9:01 am Norfolk 5.32 pm 7:58 am Newcastle 10:00 am 2:08 pm " 6:08 pm SUNDAY TftAINb. 6:52 pm Omaba 7:35 am .3:37 Norfolk 5:32 C B ft Q WEST 2fo. 83 Local Freight 7:30 am 11 Passenger, Omaha and Lincoln 12:47 pm EAST :No. 86 Lcal Freight 2:15 pm 10 Locol Passenger, .6:33 pm Local Items Subscribe for The Herald -$1 per year. All the latest designs in wall paper at L M Leslie's drag store. W L Boss and family have returned from camp life at Crystal lake. Will Adair Kiira ' nn from Omaha I Tuesday evening for a week's outing. V Mrs George Pranger was a passen ? ger to Coleridge Monday, to visit rela tives. Don't fo'fjet BrnnV coffee it Is -still in the lead. For sale at Van de Zedde's. A baby girl was born to Mr and Mrs Myron Pilgrim, of South Sioux City, Saturday. N Dick Broyhill and family were, among the campers at Foye's park this week . When yon get ready to paper your home, order your wall paper at L M Leslie's drug stoie. t WT Warner is entertaining a party -of friends from Omaha at his fishing' -camp at Crystal lake. Henry Eloke and family broke camp at Crystal lake today and returned to their home at Bioorufield. 4 ' Mrs Jas C McKernan returned Sat n urday from a couple of weeks visit with her brother near Ainsworth, JNeb. Chester Walterniire and Harry Heasoner, of Ashland, Neb, were guehU at the Geo Pracger home Sat urday. Arlow Eager was home from Sioux City over Sunday. He left Monday for Arminton, Mout, where he will look for employment. The dan co given by the band boys last Thursday evening wus a success both socially und financially, notwith standing the rainy weather. Bobert Evans, jr, got a fishhook fast in his lip while at the lake Tues day. Dr Little of Omaha, wno was in camp there, extracted it for him. Bemember G F Broyhill when you go to buy your binding twine. He handles the best twine at tue best prices. $11.30 time or $11.00 cash .N Bert Hardin is spending his vaca tion at home, but is also making ride trips in this territory. He is now y traveling for a Galena, 111, firm, sell- inir manhina nils. i If you intend to paint give us a call. We handle the Minnesota Linseed Oil Paint, sold subject to chemical analy sis. Guaranteed the best paint made. Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co. John W Wood, of Ilawarden, Iowa, l is here visiting friends. Air Wood is V a sou-in-law of the late Becj F Cham bers, having married his eldest daugh ter, Belle, foon af'er the family re moved from here to N'obrara. Chas Cougbtry, who has been the -efficient and accommodating clerk in 8 A Stinson's store for the past sever al years, will quit the store business August 1st and enter the employ of the Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co, at this plaee. Dave Ntiswanger's driving horse -disappeared last Friday right while Dave was at Fiuuerty's boatyard camp ing with friends. D M began to feel uneasy by Monday, but the horse was iound four miles south of town near the Bvder farm and was returned to the owner, who breaths freely again. If yon are going to attend the state fair and have no room in which to leep, just write Secretary Whitten of the Commercial club, Lincoln, and he will secure you a nice room for Fair week September 2-6. A list of 3,000 rooms besides the natural hotel facili ties will be secured, so there will be plenty ot sleeping room for everyone. B:V 7 Zimmerman, a former Luther an pastor and an old time resident of tlm place, returned to his home in Lincoln Saturday, after spending sev eral days here with his daughter, Mrs C'U I3rynutv He had been ou a visit to his boyhood home iu Fenu, for two mouths, and also made a short visit -witti hi daugb'.er, Mrs George Acres, t Marhal!tuwu, Io, while t-u route , home. Mrs Johnson, wife of Augutt J(Ln on who was adjudged insane and St ut to the Norfolk asylum luesuay, ued t the family home about six miles wei-tof Hubbard Tuesday. Her death is ettriiiutcd to en oiure, undergone at the time of her husband's "brain storm"' on Sauday, July 13tb, wheu he drove her from the house, she taU mg her hree davs old babv and hid ing iu the iMJ. where the neighbor afterwards found her utterly pristrut d. The case is a particiilarlv Had one, as eleven motherless childreu are imown upon tue mercy or the world, ihe funeral was held on Thars lay. Tbo llomld for all the sr.ws: Artliur Larson was on the sick Jit the post week. Will 11 Jtyan or lJonier was here on business Tliuriday. Cobs for sale at the Bleukiron i! vator, Dfkota City, Neb. Gentry Iltos show drew the usual crowd to Sioux City Monday. Mrs Chas L Culler, of Wayne, visit ed her parents here Wednesday. Jeff Rockwell and daughter, Qwen, were down from Hubbard Ihurslay. The Bell Telephone company is stringing now wires from here to Homer. Clyde Creao was down from the firm west of Hubbard several daa this week. The M 13 A lodge of this place cn- jojed a rousing picnic at Foye's park Tuuisday. Dr D B Stidwoithy and Bev E H Combs, of Homer,' were county teat visitors Thursday. ' ' O, why do you eat old dry peanuts when you can set them Iresh roasted every day at Van's. Harry McCormick, of South Sioux Citv, was transacting business at the court house Thursday. Have yon tried those fresh roasted peanuts at Van's, hot from the roaster? iney are surely dandy. J C Duggan, postmaster and mer chant of Goodwin, Neb, transacted business here Saturday, James Fuestou and Glen Armour left for Wood Lake, Neb, Wednesday, where Olen has some land interests. I will sell the celebrated McCormick and Deering binding tw ine at $11.30, time; or til. 00 cash. GFBroyhill. Wesley McPherson arrived-home Saturday from Trenton, Neb, where he went to accompany the remains of his mother for final interment. Have you tried the Sultanna and Tac-co brands of canned goods? Vmd sells them. These goods have stood the test of the pure food law. The W H and F M Society of the Lutheran vhurch will give an ice cream social at the Wm P Warner home Wednesday evening, July 31. Buy joar hardware, tinware, wire screen and stoves from SchrieVer Bros We guarantee Sioux City prices. We also repair tinware and gasoline stoves. A fice little daughter name to tho home of Gus Bartels and wife, at Lawton, Io, Saturday. They formerly resided on the farm just north of this place. f rank i. Uaase, of imerson, was home Sunday and couldn't resist the temptation to stay over and, see Gentry Bros show Monday. We don't blame him either. George Lahrs son of Wm Labrs, was quite badly bitten by Henry Krumwiede'a bulldog on day last week. The dog bit him through the ear and in the shoulder. Jas Nickorson, stenographer in the U S marshal's office at Omaha, was here the pas, week, the guest 'of John F Sides. They enjoyed camp life at Crystal lake a portion of the time. John W Cribble, of South Orasha, visited with his father, Barney Grib ble, in this place Monday and Tues day. He was unroute home from a trip to the western part of tha state. We have just received a car of that famous Diamond Lump Sootless west ern coal, the finest in the world for cooking purposes. Edwards & Bradford Lbr Co. F G Stanard, of Sioux City, is tak ing instructions under Boss Johnson in operating the Foye gasoline car. When the new car i.i overhauled and put in commission he will have charge of it. Arthur Larson, assistant in the Ed wards & Bradford Lumber com paLv's store at this place, has been transfer red to the yard at Stanton, and will leave for that place abont the first of the mouth. Chas Coughtiy takes his place here. Do you need your old roof repaired or a new roof? Bemember we have the genuine Bubberoid Footing. Don't accept a bo called just as good, when you cau get the best for the same money. Give ns a trial, we will please you Edwaida & Bradford Lumber company. i w i - . .1 ; r, f t Tt?.l. . I, iu aiujuui nuu niiD icn tiruutrr lav morn in ff for a western tiin. eoinir first to Spencer, Neb, where they will j - - i . r i visit their son, Dr George Armour aud Henry Armour. From there they will go to Chadrtin, Hot Springs and to Oypsun, Col, where their sou, Lee Aimonr, resides. August Johnson, who was arrested laBt week at Hubbard on complaint of his wife, whom he bad shamefully bused, was pronounced insane by the board of insanity aud on lhuisday was taken to the Norfolk asylum by Sheriff II C Hansen and dpputy Grant Castor, to be cured of his "braiustoru." Everett Ellis, who was arrested and brought to this place from Hubbard. last week, chaiged with threatening the lives of Edith and Kate Hale, daughters of George Hale nd wife, was released Monday ou a foQO peace bond aud a promise to be good in the future. Mr Dale w 11 see that he does it, too. Mr James P Cook, of Ponci, Neb, and Mrs Hannah Hoover, of Dukot.t City, were married at the home of (lie biide s daughter,' Mrs Alice Boiiton, in Dakota City, on Momlav afterm ou, July 22, 1907; Bev E E Shuf. r p.-r forming tue ceremony iu tli presence of the immediate relnlivr I tiie lid air and Airs uoon. will make their home ia Ponca Dr J M Little, of Omaha, wl o ha been spending a few weekr at Crystal lake with friends from Blooiufii-ld, where he formerly resided, was shot iu the cnin lu some mysterious manner Thursday mornings while sitting iu csrnp listeiiing to the musio of a plio nnpraph. He could not account for the shot, as no one in camp even heard tba report of a gun. Dr C 11 Maxwell t dressed the wound sud the j atient re turned to his home in Omaha where he will have the bullet removed. Commissioners' Proceeding.. Dakota City, Nebr, July 20, 191". Boa'd of county commissioners met I pursuant to adjournment, members uresent. Thomas O liaird. climrman Ed Morgan and John Sierk and V E Boss, conntv clerk. lioird finds there are no outstand ing bonds against the following school districts, No 19 5 34-3 31-3'J H sud 29. Hie board therefore ordered the county treasurer to traefir the amounts now ia the bond fund to the general fund of the respective dis tricts. The board made order for county clerk to strike tho taxes on the follow ing lots. Lots 7 and 8 lock 50, Cov ington, for the years 1899 to 1901, in clnsuo. . Boad petitioned for by O B Dcwitt whs granted as prated for. Damages allowed on road district No 1 as follows; A J Krampcr ;ti() KJ IV Bull 120 m D lHn so 0o J M Klnjr 1.V100 Kilwnrd Hnkke UHIOO W W Hohlcr SI5 00 Thos Afthford, Jr 8 Tim O'Connor 8 John Rurvuin 8 W H Ryan 8 Claims allowed : (ienrral rrsn Nebraska Clark Aut Tel Co, rent 8 00 W It Ryan, Insurance on court home, ins 00 Oeo J Boucher, Sml qt sal A expeno.. . 2"4 (fl K L Ross, care of paupers S7 (XI Klopp A Bartlett, supplies 25 70 Perkins Bros, supplies, claim fW 40 allowed mi 40 Samaritan hospital, enroof Ed O'Brien 107 Ho T O Balrd, commissioners salary 6J 00 Kd Morgan, same ft, 40 John Slerk, same CI ft) Dr D B Stldworthy, claim 113.00, al lowed 8 80 Dr L Do Vore, claim 111.50, allowed.... 80 78 W L Rows', Slid qt sal and expense lis SB Fred 8 Berry, 2nd quarter salary 176 00 Dr W A Burke, claim 112.50, allowed.. 10 00 II O Hansen, salary and deputv hire.. 800 00 BRIftCiE rrND. Atlas Elevator Co, lumber $ 03 45 Pat PuKBiin, bridge work 5 00 Neb Culvert Co, steel culverts 114 80 D O HerTernan, bridge work and ma terial 44 40 Renze A Green, bolts. 8 00 Dennis Qulnn, brldgo work SI 00 Tom Shane, same... ti 68 Luke Qulnn, same.. 12 00 D O HefTernnn, tiimo 20 OS E 4 B Lbr Co, lumber SSI SO Beport of W L Boss, county clerk, for second quarter approved by tus board. To the board of county commission ers, Dakota county, Nebraska : Beport of fees earned in the county clerk's office in the second q.iarter of the year 1907, beginning on April 1st and ending June 29, 19U7: Fees for recording, etc fSSI 15 Second quarter's salary lot) 00 Total fees earned CD51 16 I hereby certify that the above is a true and correct report of all fees earn' d in the countv clerk s office in the second quarter of the year 1907, to the btst of my knowledge and belief. W L Boss, County Clerk. Subscribed in bit presence and sworn to before me this ViOtli day of July, AD. 1907. J J timers, Cor.nty Judge. Board adjourned to August 24, 1907. W L Boss, Clerk. All kinds of coal, feed and hay for sale at reasonable prices. Fields & Slaughter Co. S E Mills, Manager, Dakota City, Neb, MACHINERY FOR SALE. One good binder. ' One good mower. One good plow. One good hay sweep. Mrs Timothv Howard, Hubbard, Neb. A Memoiablo Day. One of the days we re member with pleasure, as well as with profit to our health, is the one on which we became acquainted with Dr King's New. Life Pills, the painless purifiers that cure biliousness, and keep the bowels right. 25c, at Leslie s drug store. CORRESPONDENCE M OK KC 0Mi Qth HUBBARD. A largo crowd from here attended the funeral of Mrs D Hogau at Jack son Sunday. Dr Leahy, of Jackson, was iu town Tuesday. Now is the time to lay in your fruit jars, we have them iu all sizes Carl Anderson. George Hale and wife were passen gers for Dakota City Monday. A J Nerdyke and Herman Benz were passeugeis to bioux City fllou day. lienze S ureen have unloaded a car of wagons and wagon boxes. If yon need anything in that line cull on them. Jas Nelson, of JJakota City, was in town Friday. ltridgie Green and Susie Knox were city visitors Saturday. For McCormick binders and binder twine call on Benze & Green. They also handle a I ill line of repairs. John Sierk was in town Saturday. Al Schrempp visited friends heie couple of days last week. Chris Smith was a city visitor Thursday. Carl Anderson handles the best grades of harvester oil, machine oil and axle grease. Sheriff Ilaiisen was in town on busi ness last Thursday. Hirrv Boi'.kwt'U went to the citv lufct Friday. Overalls, jackc ts work shirts and gloves for harvest wear at Carl Andcr Bull's. Claude Severance, assistant in th E & 15 lumber yard here went to Hurt Ictt, I )wa, i' riday. The ball gamu wus called off Sun day on account of wet ground-. Hub baid aud Homer on account of wet grounds, Hubbard and Horner will battle lor the championship this com ing Sunday. Annie Kill ickey and Mrs'Thos Hart nett were visiting in town Monday. Good machine oil and Acme sweeps aud rakes at D C Heffsruan's. This firm has been goods since 1851, and there aro none better. The people here were surprised Wednesday morning i here (f the death of Mis Arthur 'Smith, who pas seil nway abnt 12 o clock the night pievious. Although she had been ail lufr ior some time, cor uenui came as a shock to her family and friends. Mrs Smith whs formerly Miss Katie Boo in y, and leaves a host of friends and relatives ti mourn the death or one so joung. Her husband and only child prpceded her tj tho other shore during the past year. The fnner.l wns held Thursday at 10 o'clock a m, aud was conducted by Bev J E English, inter ment being in the Hubbard cemetery. Some good work is being done on the bridges in thii section by 8 A Combs, supervisor of bridge building, and 1'ot Duggan, foieman of the pile' driving gang. They Are now at work on the Urinkman bridge. Fred Bartels has agreed that Bank er Waters is tho man to drain the swamp, although a contract has not yet been signed. This i what 5 00 in cash will buy at can .inaerson s store: 18 poinds of granulated sugar. .(1 00 5 pounds of good tea 2 25 4 cans Ktandird sugar corn 25 5 pounds 5o coffee. 1 25 16 pounds fancy prunes 1 00 Total $5 75 These are all first-class goods, and it will be a saving for you to take ad vantage of this offor. as it won't last long. Bert Franci'co, one of the best farm ers in Hubbard precinct, and oue who knows a good thing when he sees it, bought au Acme Queen binder of 1) C Heffernan Monday, with which t harvest his splendid grain erpp. Harry and Balph Gribble went to Wakefield and Coleridge Wendesday for a few days visit with relatives and Iriends. nans Hansen and two daughters went to Concord Wtdnefdsy. Arthur Brinkman went to Wsyte Wednesday to take in the chautauqna. Louis Deroin went to Sioux Falls, S D, Wednesday, on business. Mrs John Bressler, of Wayne, was calling at the B B Gribble home here last Wednesday. Jeff Bock well dislocated a thumb Wednesday while souffling with Carl Fredrickson. JACKSON. Anna Quinn left Monday for Sinsin- awa, wis. . Ben Hodges and sons Bert and Jes sie have gone to Interior, S D, where they have claims. Nellie Davey left for Chicago, Wed nesday, whe're "he expects to visit at the home of her aunt, Mrs K J van Hoven, for several weeks. Matt Hogan returned to Bartlett, Io, Tuesday morning, Jio being called here by the illness and death of his mother. Sisters Walburge and Felicia are spending a short vacation at. the Mound Mrs George Teller is vUiticg her daughter Lizzie at Bapid City, S D. Venus Schmied, of Dakota City, visited the Misses Biley here several dajs. Frances Sawyer retnrned frem a two week's visit with frineds at Blair Monday evening. Mrs John Boler and daughter Mary left Thursday for Denver and Mani- tou. They also expect to vii-it other points of interest before rf turning. Frank Biley arrived home from Royal, Io, Saturday evening, wheie he had spent the past two months. The dance which was to be given at Bilev's hall last Friday evening -was potitooned and will be given this Fli day night July 26, 1907. Danielsou's orchestra, of Emerson, will furnith the music. Ilattie Kennelly was taken to St Joseph s hospital, Sunday, where an operation wus performed fot rupture She is getting along as well as could be expected. Mary and Bonnie Barry returned Horn bioux (Jity last Maturday even- in?, where they bad been the guests every day at some social function giv en in their honor for a week. jur ana Mrs i j fliuiiaiiy took a trip .overland this week to Rosebud, S D A surprise party was given Eckle Brown last Wednesday night before herdepaiture for her home at Base, Neb. About 40 of the young people gathered at the hall, where music and dancing were indulged in. At mid night a nice supper was served ou the stage. Mrs James Junk and son George and daughters Mary and Jennie attend ed the funeral of Mrs D Hot? an, which was held here Sunday. Mrs Junk is fcister-iu-law of the deceased. Died, July 20. 1907. the 2 year old daughter of Mr and Mrs William Biley, with diphtheria. No other cases heie. HOMER. The remonstrators to the issuing of saloon license were arrauted a hearii g Mouday. They were heard through their lawyer, P A Sawyer, but the license was eranted just the same. Then an appeal was taken which will bring the esse before Judge Graves. In the meantime the saloon is running. Luther Heikes hauled rock from Horner to lay cement walks around his house. Mrs Jeff ltockwell and daughter Gwen were iu Homer oue day this week. Grandma Antrim, who had been visiting with her pou Culeh, in Soutl ioiu City since the Foiath, returned r nday. August Nipgeman lost one of hi worK horses last week, us also did (Jff Harris. Caleb Antrim was a Homer visitor Thursday of last week. Mrs B O Hileman and daughter and niece, were down from Halem to at tend the Sunday ochool picnic. The bridge by the Johnson hill is out. owing to the heavy rains. Mr and Mrs Welker and Mrs Frank Priest started on a raspberrrinK tiipi a t"nm tho msn whipped his hordes and frightened Mr Welker's horsp, which gave a sudden jump, throwing the back Best off with b,th lsdios, Mis l'riest was not hurt except to Ret a goorl shaking up, but Mrs Welker got a butter slinking up, so that at this writing she can hardly move. I think they were exceedingly lucky that it was no worse. Mrs Seth Barnes and Mrs Fallon wera-over night visitors in Sioux City Xnesday. . Uenonie McKinley is not getting well as fast ns his many friends could wish. Mamie Chnstopherson who came down from Crofton with her Hunt, Mrs Frauk Combs, and has been visiting with her aunt and at the B McKinley home, returned to her home Tuesday. A cousin of Mrs Dr Burkeismaking that lady a visit during her vacation Attorney E J Smith and wife have been camping at Crystal lake. Jim Alloway, jr, who has been visit ing his pareuts aud other relatives for the past week, departed Monday for Primrose, Neb, where he is working in the Ji & is lumber yard. Mrs Fallon, mother of Joe is here from Omaha visiting at the Seth Barnes home. The M E Sunday school had a pic nic at the Dr Waterman home Tues day. Mr Waterman and Mr and Mrs Armour exerted themselves to make a pleasant time for their many guests and in behalf of all present I extend them a vote of thanks for the good time they showed ns. Tom Al.oway had the misfortune to cut his wrist quite badly a few days ago. It was quite sore for a while and there was some fear of blood poison but it is getting along nicely now. Graiu in this neck of the woods is being out whenever the weather man issues his permit . The "Brownies," of Sioux City, (oooub) played ball with our Maroons and our boys were "whitewashed" by a score of 8 to 0. Winnebago did not play Wednesday as billed .n account of mud. Joe Maney of South Sioux City wss down Sunday to see the Coon-Maroon bull game. - Geo Beacom, rf Hubbard, was a Homer visitor Sunday and the ball gamo took him in. Dr Stidworthy is a Sionx City resi dent now. Say. which is he worst to look at. a ball game on Sunday or go fishing on Sunday. Mrs Louie Bock well has none to Ord to visit her sister. Louie says he is going to camp meeting every night while she is gone. Uncle Geoige Book well is visiting his daughter in Tekamah. NACORA. Mrs John Tramper and daughter Lena were paesengors to Sioux City Mor.day. ... Mrs August Zastrow and Kate Sim mons were Emerson visitors Wednes day-. D L Leap has resigned his positiou here and has accepted one in i-mer son. Wm Goertz has purchased the Frank Foltz farm for bis son Earnest. We have not learned where Mr Foltz is going to move his family, Mrs Aug Zastrow, who has been vis- ting relatives here for the past week returned to her home at Yankton, S D, Thursday. Her mother, Mrs Sim mons, and sister Margaret accompan ied her to Sioux City. During the storm Wednesday even ing the houses of Aug Yoss, Matt As Bomoaher and John Johnson were struck by lightning, but to serious damage done. Miss Mae neeney left Thursday for a few weeks with friends at Jtffer son and Elk Point, S D. A number of ladies gathered at the Foltz home Tuesday in honor of Mrs Foltze's birthday. A very enjoyable time was had. J Nord shipped a oar of hogs Tues day. A A Schrempp, of Boyal, Io, spent a few days visiting friends here. Henry Zastrow went to Yankton, 8 D, Wednesday where he will spend several weeks with his brother Au gust. SALEM. Eston Learner spent a ccuple of weeks with Leone Lange, below Homer. Deacon M G Learner and consin Frank took in the ball game at Sioux City Sunday. Bliven Bros nd W A Heikes ship ped a car of lions to Sioux City Wed nesday. Mrs W B Wright and daughter Erfie. who have been visitini? in this vicinity the past month, left Thurs day for Iowa Falls and Dubuque, for a visit before returning home. Cnrrev Fisher spent a week with friends in Sioux City. Curtis Bliven. of Sioux City, was on this suie 01 tue river weanesaay A crowd of young folks chaperoned by Harry Sides, are intending to camp next week at Crystal lake. Chicken thieves got in their work Tuesday night by taking over fifty of Al Bamsey s choice fries. Mattie Bridenbaugu, of Morning side, was a guest of Pearl Learner the past week. nam Brown lost one of his best horses Wednesday from too much heat A O Sides and wife returned from a visit with Mrs Sidts' sister at Hay rnoud, S D. f All of Sttleru a M B As paiticipaie in the picnic at Foye's park Thuis day. lion Jacob A Hides was a guest ut the Quinn home in Tacksou Sunday. The Christian Endeavor joujg peo ple gave a harvest social at the Salem LutUnruu church Wednesday night. Lutheran Church Announcements. Preaching Sunday morning at Sa lem nt 11 :80 o'clock, Suudav school at 10:00. V 1'reachiug at Dakota City 8:00p m. C E 7:00, Sunday school at 9:45 a in, Mission Band at 3:00 p m A cordial welcome to all Ten Farms for Sale. Good ones, al sizes aud kinds. Warner & Eimera. ATTENTION Note That This Machine is Not in the Trust . and Not Made by the Trust. Bee ms before signing ordsrs for a binder. When yon buy from to your settlement is roads direct with the Acme Harverter Co. of . Peoria, 111. No ether machine you buy, no matter tho name of "the machine, your settlement is with the International Harvester Co. of TJ. 8. A. I have 530 Worth of Repairs i For toy binders on hand and we have f 45,000 worth of repairs in the city of Omaha, Nebraska Tour wants will b fully , supplied by myself should yon buy from me. D. C. Helfernan, Hubbard. Ccxttlo Lrocxno Give "The Bank that ALWAYS treats yom BIGHT a chance to make tour cattle loan this year. Lowest interest possible,' and your note will not come due until your cattle are sold. It is such liberal tieatment as the above, that has brought this bank a steadily increas ing number 01 customers. Call on ns, please, for anything in banking. Bank of Dakota County P 8 W e loan on all good security. And always have money for our Grand Land Opening! In the Texas Panhandle Country- Commencing July 2nd and continuing on the first and third Tuesdays during July lomeseekers Excursions to where the famous Spring allay fertile body of land comprising 200,000 acres 4 in one tract in Castro and Lamb counties in put on the market for sale for and is part of the Farwell estate, by the late John V. Farwell of in return for money advanced for capitol. This body of land has recently been bought by the Geo. G. Wright Co. of Kansas City, the largest and best known real estate dealers in the southwest, who now for the first time are putting it on the market to purchasers, in any quan tity, and on such low and easy terms as will insure its quick sale and an exceptionally profitable investment. $4.00 per acre down, balance Three new railroads are now this tract of land and the new been started at the junction of tined to be the metropolis of the I have secured the agency sale of this tract of land am in jiosition to give my customers an tends to sell every acre of this land within the next sixty days, and it is confidently expected that before the tract is sold en tirely out prices will have advanced to double what they started at the opening sale. . Anyone desiring to investigate the special and grand oppor tunity for profitable investment at this land opening can come with me on any of these dates at the special low rate of $25.40 for the round trip from The train leaves Sioux City Leaves Kansas City the following cial Pullman train, arriving at Returning, leave Friona Saturday evening getting to Sioux City Monday morning. Homeseekers provided with sleeping berths and meals on train. Land shown in automobiles. This is positively the best proposition for land investment in the Southwest today. Purchasers now will surely double their investment before fall. Get in on the ground floor; come with me on this excursion, and if it looks well to you secure a piece of this land near the new town of Spring Lake, and you will have $50 per acre land before two years. Land located in the -shallow water district obtained in abundance, or from 15 to 50 feet. For further information call on or write W. T. General Agent. Wm LORENZ, JPropiit tor of (Daly Ma.t Msrkct Fresh and Salt Mtals alwoys Agnt foi Se3 mom's White Laundry. Laundry basket goes Tuekdajs and conns back Saturdays DAKOTA CITY- FARMERS! I I I I Jackson, Neb. Don't forget that. customers. Ed. T, K. and August, I will conduct the Texas Panhandle country Lake Ranch, an exception- the Texas Panhandle, will be the first time. This tract of the land having been received Chicago from the State of Texas the building of the Texas state ten years at 6. in course of construction thro town of Spring Lake has just two of these roads, which is des Texas Panhandle country. for Northeast Nebraska for the on the ground floor and in a inside deal. The company in Sioux City to Friona, Texas. at 6:55 Tuesday evening. morning in the Wright Spe destination the following morning. Bartlett, Jackson, Neb, ou hand, Csth paid forhidts. NEBRASKA. manufacturing last Tuesday and as they were pausing i