A A DOW CLOTHING CO. ! Semi -Annual CLEARANCE SALE! i t r of July - year -2 I TOLLOWING our long established and well Semi-Annual Clearance Sale, which our known custom will continue In has we are now conducting throughout the month the i fnlortHor month, week and almost every day in its peculiar and individual duty to perform which affects all the others in their combined year-end results. July and January are the spend-thrifts of the family, but they are also the managers, and on them lies the responsibility for the ship's cruise. of freight has now to be unloaded. liveryDoay is mviiea and select whatever may be useful prices. Every article now in stock Our last cargo to come aboard ship new and much lower NOT ALL AT ONCE. to them at entirely will be reduced, but If you need a new suit for yourself or your boy, now is the time'to buy and to save. If you need a light weight overcoat or a pair cf trousers, now is the time to buy and to save. If you need underwear, shirts or neckwear, now is your time to buy and to save. If you need hats or hosiery, now is your. time to buy and to save. Members of the Merchants Rebate Association Dows Clothing Co. 520 Fourth St, SIOUX CITY, 10. Railroad Fares Refunded Both Ways i A Memorable Day. One of the days we remember with pleasure, as well as with protit to our health, is the one on which we became Acquainted with Dr King's New Life Pills', the painless purifiers that cure biliousness, and keep the bowels right. 125c, at Leslie's drug store. First M E Church Hours of Service SUNDAY. 10 a ru Sun J ay School 11 a ni Preaching 12 m Class Meeting 7:00 pm Epworth League :00p m Preaching THURSDAY -8:00 pm ...Prayer Meeting Elmeb F. Shafer, Pastor. Phone number S3. Real Estate Transfers Henry Krumwlede to August Moeller, eat 25 feet of west 1S5 feet of lots 14 and 15, and east 50 feet of west 125 feet of lot 18. all In block 1411, liukotu City, wd $6W R E MeOormiek to Una J MeOormlck, lot 7 In block 11, Hecona Addition to South Sioux Olty, wd John O Snydernnd wife to Henry Skid more, neJJ section 27-27-1', wd ) E J Smith et nl. to Rasmus Fredrick-1 Hon part of nef. section 11-27-8 qcd... Ella McHenry Jo Mary F McHenry, lots 4 and in taction 2S-28-8 qcd O Ij Joy and wife to Win Oordon, trus tee, lots 11, 17. is. It) and 2ii, In block Hi; lot fi In block :W; lots 7, lOand 11 In block iff: lots in, ltfand 2i In block aw; lots It), Wand 1H In block 4; lot In block 41; lots 3 n net (tin block B7, all In Joy Place, un addition to South Sioux City, qcd Musan M liOemls to Henry Loonils, lot 7 In block 4, Smith's addition to Ho . mer, wd 1 100 1)CU R R Time Table Sioux City, Crystal Lake ft Homer LEAVE LEAVE 3AK0TA CUT SIOUX CITY 6:10 a m 7:00 a m 8:00 a ni 9:00 a m 10:00 am 12 m 1:30 p m 2:30 p m 3:30 p to 4:30 p m 5:3C p m 6:30 p m Leave Sioux Olty at 10:80 for Crystal Lake and meet Oreat Northern train at South Stoux City, on return trip. SOUTH BOnND. . . .7 :35 am C.St. P., fVLftO. Time-Table. Trains leave Dakota City at the fol loTrinsr time : SOBTE BOUND. ' 5:52 cm Omaha. 10:00 am Omaha 5:13 pm 3 :37 pm Norfolk 8 :20 am 9:01 am Norfolk 5.32 pm 7 :58 am Newcastle 10 :00 am 2:08 pm " ..6:08 pm SUNDAY TrtAINb 5:52 pm. 3:37 , Omaha, Norfolk. 5:32 ..7:35 am C B & Q WEST No. 85 Local Freight 7:dU am 11 " Passenger, Omaha and Lincoln 12:47pn EAST No 86 Local Freight 2:15 pm 10 Local Passenger.... 6 :3d pm 25 Local Items A Oood Result. Under the operation of the new pure food laws, baking powders now gener ally bear on the labels a statement of I tie ingredients. This is of utmost im portunes because of the harmful in gredients used in many cases. Royal Baking Powder is now known to be the only "baking powder made of P.oyal Orape Cream of Tarter, and this no doubt explains its greatly increased ale here. Careful housekeepers are taking ad -vantage of the protection which the laws afford, and are examining all the reading matter on the back of the la bel before adopting any brand for use in the home When in place of the words Cream of Tarter the words "alum," "alumni nam" or "phosphate of lime appear among the ingredients, they heed the warning and avoid baking powders containing these substitutes. Lutheran Church Announcements Preaching Sunday morning at- Sa lem at 11:60 o'clock, Sunday school t 10:00. Preaching at Dakota City at 3;00 o'clock p m : Sunday school at 9 :45 a tu ; C at 6 :30 p m A cordial welcome to all. j Stops Hair jfallina '. . -ii'a Hair Vigor, nev im " ,-cd formula, will certainly telling of the hair. Indeed, ; . !. .;!; :voir will always do this . A .iz tker? is some.disturb v c? tiis general health. iiv.:, a constitutional medicine v 1-c necessary. Consult , . t-.hyr.iclsn about this. ' . i r t(r'1' : 'n? color of the hair. -i fyrmul with oh bqttlo f BUow it to your yers t doctor Aik him about It, thou do u h y ... i i:-. uhv Ayer's Hair Vigor stops r. ir i? because it first destroys the -. i c'.i cau?e thi3 trouble. After . J' i .-, nature soon brings about a rscavcry, restoring the hsir and :i a rir'J-t!' healthy condition, tj Hit . C. Xjtt Co., Lowell, Subscribe for The Herald $1 per year. , All the latest designs in wall paper at L M Leslie's drug store. Judge E E Evans was at Bloomfield last Friday on legal business. Don't forget Breun's coffee it is still in the lead. ' For sale at Vac de Zedde's. Mrs Geo W McBeath, of Homer, visited over Sunday with relatives m this place. When you get ready to papor yonr home, order your wall paper at L M Leslie's drug stoie. Miss Georgia Whitticar, of Emerson, visited relatives here the past week, returning home Thursday. Gustavo Berger left WVdneadny for Hot SpriDgs, S D, where he will epeud a month enjoying the western climate. Remember G F Broyhill when you go to buy your biuding twine, lie handles the best twine at the best prices. Mrs Ernest Triggs vibited at the hnme of her parents here tie firt,t of tha week, returning to her borne id Sioux city Wednesday. Bee Maher, cf Sioux City, a former Dakota county boy, and a ton of Nick .... t Maher. was warned at Uut e, wont, recently to Miss lielle Ruthbuu, Siioux City girl. If you intend to paint give us a call. We bundle the Minnesota LliiheeU Oil Puint, sold sul jt ct to uheniicul analy sis. Guaranteed tlie best palut made. Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co. T) von npd vour old loof rtrcired or a new roi t liememner we uuiu m" genuiue liubberoid Jtoofl'ig. Don t accent a so called just an gocu, wuen you can get the bebt for the tauie money Uive us a trui, we hi piuase you iawaiua x uruuiora ijuuiuer company. A jolly paity of young folks consist ing of friends and relatives, gathered at the home of Daniel uuggau, at I Goodwin, on Sunday afternoon, July 14, aud acbinted him most royally to M-lebrate his birthday. L poo their dtparture they detlared Dabiel a v-ry entertaining hot in spite cf being ta ken unawares hil he in return said he "would vouch for them beiug tip top directors of a surprise pry ." The Heiald for all the kews: Old papers for sale at the Herald office 5 cents per hundred. Subscribe for the Herald, the best pipr in the county. $1 a year. Ten Farms for Sale. Good ones, al sizes and kinds. Warner & Eimers. . Nearly everyone in town had busi ness in Sioux City Tuesday (circus day). O, why do you eat old dry peanuts when you can get them fresh roasted every day at Van's. Ed J llaymord, wife and son Ever ett, were down rom Wayne and spent Sunday at Crystal lake with friends. RevD E Tindall held the last quart erly meeting of the year, in the Meth odist church, Sunday morning, July 14th. Albert Joyce, a brother of John and Stephen Joyce, of this county, died at his home in Grand Junction, Col, July 10, 1907. ' Have you tried the 8ultanna and Tac-co brands of canned goods? Van sells tbem. These goods have stood the test of the pure food law. Mrs John H Gribble and son Wil mer, arrived here last Friday from Danville, N D, where they have been living on a claim the past year. We have just received a car of that famous Diamond Lump Bootless west em coal, the finest in the wond for cooking purposes. Edwards & Bradford Lbr Co Mrs John Mitchell, of Sioux City, well known to the people here, having lived here for many years, was operat ed on for the removal of a tumor re cently, and her condition is Very se rious. The old muddy has been catting away its banks adjoining town with rspiility the past week or two. Some of thtt residents in the east part town are becoming alarmed at the roads made this year. Cobs for Sale at th Blensiron lit vator, Dskota City, Neb. Mrs George Tranger wut to Emer- sow Wednesday to visit relatives. A baby boy was Iwirn to Mr and Mrs John D Rockwell, ot South Sioux City Tuesday. Arthur Larson went to Hubbard Thursday to help out in the E & B yard at that place. Bert Wood is acting as day signal man at the Burlington tower in the absence of Paul Kiukle. nave yon tried those fresh roasted peanuts at Van's, hot from the roaster? lhry are surely dandy. Wallace Crotby, of Bloomfield, was a guest at the L M Leslie home here several days the past week. J O Thompson moved Wednesday from the Woodward house to the Hen ry Wood house opposite Dr Maxwell's. I will sell the celebrated McCormick and Deering binding twine at $11.30, time; or $11.00 cash. U t Broyhill. Mrs Albert Bliven Arrived here Monday from California on a visit with relativoi and old Dakota county friends. Misses Amelia Rewinkle, E Gabriel t ml Ida Lorpp, nurses from Sioux City, were pleasant over Sunday visit ors at H F Kohlmeier'a. Mrs C H Kohlmeier, of Craig, Neb, and Miss A Borueman, of Wakefield. Neb, vixited with Mrs H F Kohlmeier from Saturday to Monday, Dny yoar hardware, tinware, wire screen and stoves from SchrieVer Bros We guarantee Sioux City prices. We also repair tinware and gasoline stoves. A big crowd accompanied the Eons of Herman lodge to Emerson ThnrBda where a joint picnic was held by the lodges ot Dakota, Dixon and Thurston counties. Lon McEntaffer, of Crofton, was in town Wednesday enroute to Homer, where he formerly resided, and "will fpend a few dais with relatives and old acquaintances there. All kinds of cosl, feed and hay for sale at reasonable prices. Fields & Slaughter Co. S E Mills, Manager, Dakota City, Neb. W II Fnnke, of Sioux City, lows, and Miss Olga Klemme, of Deavenport, Iowa, wre joined in marriage at the Methodist parsonage by Rev E Shafer, on Mondav morning, July 16, 1907. John Dearing came up from the res ervation Wednesday, where he has been working for Jas Foltz during the spring and summer. He expects to leave lor Colorado soon to take np a claim. You will never be too late nor lose any time at the Unique theater, David son block, Sioux City continous enter tainment. Greatest moving pictures ever seen. Ladies aud children especi ally invite!. If any of our subscribers desire the address changed on their Herald by reason of the establishment or changes made in the rural mates, or for any other reason, just drop us a postal and the change desired and it will be made. Mrs Elmer Strohm, Shawnee, Okla, in here visiting at the B F Strohm home. Her husband will arrive here during the coming week for a visit with his parents, alter which they go to Iowa for a month's visit with rela tives. Mell A Rchraied and wife returned Monday from Mason City, Iowa, where Mr Srhmied had been to attend a meeting of the auditing committee of the MBA o'der. They also 'spent seven 1 days at Clear Lake, a hummer resort near Mason City. Revs D K Tindall, of Norfolk, E C Horn, t)f Wayne, afcd G F Mead, of Scuth Sioux City, were business visit ors with Rev E E Shafer on Monday. It was a committee meeting called for the purpose of considering a distriot paper, aud the district missionary work. Everett Ellis, who threatened the lives of Edith and Kate Hale, daugh ters of Mr and Mrs Geo Hale, of Hub bard precinct, on the night of July of i Fourth, at a dance in Homer, was ar ia-! rested Thursday by Sheriff Hansen and is now confined in the county tail Paul Kinkle left Tnesday for st " B Paul, where he goes to dispose of sev- n J Reasoner. formerly station , eral lots be owns in that city and fr a agent for the C B & Q at this place, Biiori visit wnu oiu menus, iurs xliq- name nn from Ashland. eb. Kie ami winrea, wiio uave uein visu ing there for the past month, will ao company him home. . Obituary. Died, at Sioux City, Iowa, on the 13th day of July, 1907, Mrs Nancy A Mal'herson, aped 78 years. Nancy A Deeie was born in Ken tucky on tna ?4th day of March, 1829, and early in life removed to the state of Indiana, where, on July 10, 1848, she wss joined in marriage to Joseph 8 McHiorson. In August, 1851, with her husband and children, she re moved to Richland, Iowa, and re moved from there to Dakota county, Nebraska, iu December, 18G8. Here the family resided until the fall of 1884, when they removed to Hitchcock county, Nebr, where the family home contiuuf d until it was broken up by the death o( the husband and father on Decembsr 31, 1893. Mrs McE'herson was the mother of eight children, two of whom have pre ceded her to the Oreat Beyond. Those surviving her are, Wesley McPherson, Mrs Hinah Ream, Mrs Lydia I Phill ips. Mrs America Duncan, Mrs Ruth J BJammond and Mrs Jessie M Little. She died at the Lome of toe last named daughter, with whom she had made her home of late years. In the dark days of 18G1, her bus band joined the Union army and faith fully served his country as a soldier for more than three years, during which time the devoted wife and mother no less faithfully served her country in toiling early and late for the support of herself and her six small children A kind hearted, patient woman was Mrs McPhereon, living her unpreten tious life in a thoroughly unselfish way. She tlrbugbt littlo ot herself, but always had the deepest solicitude for her friends and family. Her na ture was deeply sympathetic, and in ministering to others she never stopped to consider self. She was a faithful, loviug wife and a good mother. Lan guage cannot express more by way of eulogy. Mrs McPherson was stricken with illness last New Years, and ntiver re covered her strength, although she was able to be around at times until in May. Since then she rapidly failed nntil the end came on Saturday. July 13th, at about 10 o'clock in the morn ing. She was a great sufferer during the last days of her sickness, but was patient and uncomplaining through it all. The funeral services were held on Monday, July loth, at the hone ot her daughter, airs Little, at 00(1 Pearl street, Sioux City, Iowa, and were con ducted by Rev Joel A Smith, an old friend and former pastor. The Ladies Relief Corps, of Sioux City, was in attendance,. she having been a mem ber of that order. , The remains were taken to Trenton, Nebr, where she will be laid beaiJe the husband, at whose side she passed most of life's journey.. Colorado Lands Until further notice I can seen re low excursion rates any day of the week to Julesburg, Colo, to any one wishing to look over Sedgwick county, Colorado lands. Or if you desire to cont nne your trip to Denver and Col orado Springs, I can get you excur sion rates to said points for 919.50 with stopover at Julesburg. Tickets good for three months. For further information about East ern lioiorado lands, see or writ W T Babtlett, Jackson, Nebr. MACHINERY FOR SALE. One good binder. One good mower. One good plow. One good" hay sweep. Mrs Timothv Howard, Hubbard, Neb. A Wonderful Happening Port Byron, N Y, has witnessed one of the most remarkable cases of heal ing ever recorded. Amos F King, ot that place says: "Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured a sore on my leg with which I had suffered over 80 years am new 85." Guaranteed to cure all sores, by Leslie, the druggist. 25c. The Charming Woman 1 is not oecssarily one of perfect form and features. Many a plain woman who could never serve as an artists model, possesses those rare qualities that all the world admires : neatness, clear eyes, clean sniooih skin and that sprig utli net-s of step and action that aocompany good health. A physically weak wo man is never attractive, not even to herself. Eledrio Bitters restore weak women, give strong norves, bright eyes, smooth, velvety skid, beautiful com plexion. Guaranteed at Leslie's drug store. 50o Grand Land Opening! In the Texas Panhandle Country Commencing July 2nd and continuing on the first and iird Tuesdays during July and August, I will conduct lomcscekcrs Excursions to the Texas Fanhandle country there the famous & Spring Lake Ranch, an exception- allay fertile body of land comprising 200,000 acres in one tract n Castro and Lamb counties in the Texas ranhandle, will be mt on the market for sale for the first time. This tract of and is part of the Fanvell estate, the land having been received by the late John V. Fanvell of Chicago from the State of Texas in return for money advanced for the building of the Texas state capitol. This body of land has recently been bought by the Geo. G. Wright Co. of Kansas City, the largest and best known real estate dealers in the southwest, who now for the first time are putting it on the market to purchasers, in any quan tity, and on such jlow and easy terms as will insure its quick sale and an exceptionally profitable investment. rA Lorris R HiggiDS, who murdered Mr and Mrs Walter 11 Copple.near Rosalie, last spring, and who has since been ocnflned in the Douglas county jail for safe keeping, was brought to Pender Monday ot last week and given a hearing before Judge Downs. Tlie prisooer waived examination and wss held to the district court without bail. Immediately alter the hearing ha was driven to Beemer and was returned by train to Omaha to await trial. Speaking about roots, S A Combs. of Homer, brought a root with him when he came up to attend the me.-t iug of the executive committee of t'-e Pioneers and Old Settler association last Saturday, that is quite a curiosity by reason of the gnarled and crooked shape lu irliich It grew. . It is about ii u inch in diameter and rtsitnbles a snake in ar.pi arance, so much bo that we have cut out the "booze," along with a few cithern, ever since .tlie thing was left in ihe oflloe. The ex cntive committee of the Pio neers and Oil Settlcts' association met lust Saturday afternoon at tli place to arranee matters for the com ing tweijtv-sixth unnual renuion to be held at Clinton paik, Dakota City Aufrif-t 29, 1907. 8 A Combs was se lhcted to till the office of secretary made vacant by the resignation of John II Ream. The same commit tees that made the reunion a success last year were again chosen. Preparations for the coming picnio are well under way, even at this early date, aud all look forward with anticipation fur the day of all days in Dakota county Remember the date, Thursday, August 2'J, 1907. Wedns- dav to spend a few days with old friends. He has given up railroad life for the present on account of ill health, and has taken a claim in South Dakota, near Phillips, where he will reside the coming year. During the severe electric storm Thursday morning the lightining struck two cottonwood trees in the grove at Roland Orr's near Clinton park. Barney Uribbie, president oi the Pioneers and Old Settlers' associa tion, declared that if the lightning damaged any of the trees in the park where the association holds its meet ings there will be trouble. The Interstate Live Stock Fair, which is held every September at Woodbind Park, Sioux City, is grow ing better each succeeding year. This year the association which conducts the Fair is offering for purHcsViind premiums the almost unbelievable amount of f 00,000 fZO.OUU in purses and $35 000 in premiums. Only the state fairs of Minnesota and Wiscon sin are offering so large an amount of inotuy iu purses. $4.00 per acre down, balance ten years at 6. 14 Three new railroads are now in course of construction thro this tract of land and the new town of Spring Lake has just been started at the junction of two of these roads, which is des tined to be the metropolis of the Texas' Panhandle country. I have secured the agency for Northeast Nebraska for the sale of this tract of land am in on the ground, floor and in a osition to give my customers an inside deal. The company i in tends to sell every acre of this land within the next sixty days, and it is confidently expected that before the tract is sold en tirely out prices will have advanced to double what they started at the opening sale. ' Anyone desiring to investigate the special and grand oppor tunity for, profitable investment at this land opening can come with me on any of these dates at the special low rate of $25.40 for the round trip from Sioux City to Friona, Texas. he train leaves Sioux City at 6:55 Tuesday evening. Leaves Kansas City the following morning in the Wright Spe cial Pullman train, arriving at destination the following morning. Returning, leave Friona Saturday , evening, getting to Sioux City Monday morning. Homeseekers provided with sleeping berths and meais on train. Land shown in automobiles. This is positively the best proposition for land investment in the Stfuthwest today, rurcnasers now win sureiyj aouDie their investment before fall. Get in on the ground floor; come with me on this excursion, and if it looks well to you secure a piece of this land near the new town of Spring Lake, and you will have $50 per acre land before two years. V Land located in the shallow water district obtained in abundance, or from 15 to 50 feet. For further information call on or vtrite W T. ISartlott, eneral Agent. Jackson, Neb. Ccxttlc LfOCXflG f Give "The Bank that ALWAtS treats yom RIGHT" a chanc8 to make your cattle loan this year. Lowest interest possible, and your note will not come due nntil your oattle are sold.! It is such liberal tieatment as the above, that has brought this bank a steadily increas ing number of customers. Call on us, please, for anything in banking. Bank of Dakota County Jackson, Neb. P S We loan on all K"od security. Don't forget that. And always have money for our customers. Ed. T, K. I I I I Wxxv LOR.EPJZ, Proprietor of- Fresh and Salt Meats always on hand. Cat h paid for hides. Agent foi Beymout's White Laundry. Laundry basket goes Tuesdays and comes back Saturdays Long Live the King ! ii the popular cry throughout Eurepean conutrics; w hile in America, the cry of the pieseut day is "Long live Ur King s New Discovery, King of Ihroat anil Lung Remedies! of which Mrs Julia Ryder Paine, Truro, Muss, says: "It never fails to giVH immeiliate reiiei ami to quickly cure a cough er cold." Mrs Paine a opinion is shared ny a majority of the inhabitants of thia Country. New Disoovery cures weak lungs and sore throat after all other remedies have failod ; and for coughs and colds it's the only mre cure. Guaranteed by L M LesMe, druggWt. 60o and f I. Trial bottle free. SALEM. Lvdia Newell and Ruth 8hirleyof Omaha, spent the week at the Perry Learner home. Salem furnished her share of the big orowd at the show Tuesday. Harry Brown and son made a bust ness trip to Walthill Tuesday. Pearl Hileman is spending several weeks with her aunt, Mm Ed Stlby in Sioux City. Charles Wright and family, of Fort Robiueon. Neb, visited the first of the week with Mrs Alice Sides. Robert Hileman is making th rounds shelling corn between showers The roads are iu a bad comdition for marketing the corn. Vfta Armour and wife went toPonoa Tut sday for a few days visit with thei son uill and family. Madiotis Learner returned from sight seeing trip in and around Wake Held Again Madious returned home alouo. '" Wootls Hileman was iu fiom Jules burg, Col, on business ami shaking hands with Lis manv friends. ( Wednesday evening nbout twenty relutives acit friends gavo a sui iise on Mr ond Mrs Stephen Joyce, ut their home, it being their 31st wedding an niversary. A1 very pleasant evening was spent. Harvey Bonis returned to Lis home in Oregon last week. The Warblers of the Homer Free Press have ut list decidtd'to follow the plans of mother Songbird and her weaklings, such as the writer. I won der if the Warblers have forgotten the attempted bug house critioisms they mads upon their fellow writers some time ago in their column of news(?) items, if it wouldn't be a wiser plan for some to do a little less preacLug or praotioe what they preach. DAKOTA CITY' Do yotx want to sell yow farm? The quick, sure way is to put a want - ad in The Rates are One" insertion, per line 10 cents. Two or more conseelitive insertions, per line, 0 cents each insertion. Each insertion made on odd days, 10 cents per line. All advertising runs in both morning and and eveuing papers, without extra charge. i i Count Six Word to av Llrv Address Want-Ad Department, Omaha Bee, Omaha, Neb. Within everybody's reach reaches everybody NEBRASKA. FARM LOANS I S 1 II. We have pleuty of Money to Loan at a low rate ol interest on Dakota county Farms. W uho Sell and Buy Real Estate of all kinds srvwhei on earth. See or write us belore you. sorrow, jjuj or oen. List your property with ns to Bell. ".-. . .'.i,-. Real r UKM I AIM I IX riiiiii a.iuiisw V?:Ly.cNu:;".Warncr & Eimers